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Criterion 1: - Curricular Aspects

1. Number of courses offered by the Institution across all programs during the last five
yearsAnnexure 1
2. Number of Add on or value added courses /Certificate programs offered during the
last five years
3. Write a description of initiatives for effective curriculum delivery through a well
planned and documented process in not more than 500 words
4. The institution adheres to the academic calendar including for the conduct of
Continuous Internal Evaluation (Write description in maximum of 500 words to that
5. Documents and details regarding the following:
a) Academic council/BoS of Affiliating university
b) Setting of question papers for UG/PG programs
c) Design and Development of Curriculum for Add on/ certificate/ Diploma
d) Assessment /evaluation process of the affiliating University
6. Syllabus of all the courses (should be published on the college website of college)
7. Details regarding the percentage of Programmes in which Choice Based Credit
System (CBCS)/ elective course system has been implemented (See page 51 of
Annexure 2)
8. Average percentage of students enrolled in Add on or value-added courses
/Certificate programs as against the total number of students during the last five
years (See page 51 of Annexure 2)
9. Institution integrates crosscutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender,
Constitutional and Human Values, Environment and Sustainability. into the
Curriculum (description in a maximum of 500 words)( See page 52 of Annexure 2)
10. courses, Court visits, Arbitration/Mediation/Client Counseling Exercises, Para legal
volunteering/ legal aid training, advocate chamber and internship in law
firms/NGOs/Judicial Clerkships etc.,( year wise during last five years) ( See page
52 to 53 of Annexure 2)
11. The institution obtains feedback on the syllabus and its transaction at the institution
from the following stakeholders (a. Students b.Teachers c. Law-firms/Judges/Sr.
Counsels and employers d. Alumni )

12. Feedback from the following:
a) Feedback collected, analysed and consolidated action taken on
feedback for last five years available on website
b) Feedback collected, analysed and action has been taken
c) Feedback collected and analysed
d) Feedback collected
e) Feedback not collected
13. Lesson Plan
14. Preparation of feedback form from faculty and students on the courses offered,
syllabus, implementation of lesson plan

Criterion 2: - Teaching-Learning and Evaluation

1. Number of students year-wise during the last five years (with name, student
enrolment number, date of enrolment), course enrolled) Annexure 1, See also page 55
of Annexure 2
2. Catering to Student Diversity (Number of Students belonging to different reserved
categories) See Annexure 1, See also page 56 of Annexure 2
3. Data on the qualification of faculties (to be published on the college website)
4. Details of investment in technologies to aid in the learning process to be published on
the college website (See pages 56 to 57 of Annexure 2)
5. Details regarding different evaluation methods adopted to evaluate the students, the
shortcoming of the evaluation methods, steps taken to overcome such shortcomings
over the five years (See pages 57 to 58 of Annexure 2)
6. Feedback collection of Student Satisfaction over the five years with regard to the
courses offered, the structure of syllabus, teaching methods, infrastructure facility etc
(See page number 27 to 29 and 60 of Annexure 2)
7. Pass Percentage of Students during the last five years ( See Annexure 1, See also
Annexure 2 page no: 59 to 60)

Criterion 3: - Research, Innovations and Extension

1. Grants received from Government and non-governmental agencies for research

projects/endowments in the institution during the last five years (INR in Lakhs) (See
pages 60 to 61 Annexure 2)
2. Conducting seminars and workshops on legal practice, lawyering including drafting,
convincing, emerging areas of opportunity for law students etc and their details over
the past five years
3. Number of papers published per teacher in the Journals notified on UGC website
during the last five years
4. Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers
published in national/ international conference proceedings per teacher during last
five years (See pages 62 to 63 Annexure 2)
5. Extension activities carried out in the neighborhood community, sensitizing students
to social issues, for their holistic development, and impact thereof during the last five
years along with description of its impact (See pages 63 to 64 Annexure 2)
6. Number of awards / recognitions /letters of appreciations/commendation for research,
legal aid and legal extension activities by the institution/teachers/research
scholars/students during the last five years (See pages 64 to 65 Annexure 2)
7. Number of extension and outreach programs conducted by the institution through
NSS/ NCC/Government and non-government bodies other clubs during the last five
years (See pages 64 to 65 Annexuer 2)
8. Average percentage of students participating in extension activities over the five years
9. Number of linkages for faculty exchange, student exchange, internship, field trip, on-
the- job training, research etc year wise during the last five years
10. Number of functional MoUs with Institutions of national, international importance,
other universities, industries, corporate houses etc. year wise during the last five years
(e-Copies of the MoUs with institution./ industry/ corporate houses )

Criterion 4 - Infrastructure and Learning Resources

1. Describe the adequacy of infrastructure and physical facilities for teaching –learning
as per the minimum specified requirement by statutory bodies within a maximum 500
2. Percentage of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT- enabled facilities such as smart
class, LMS, etc. (Annexure 1)
3. Average percentage of expenditure, excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation
during last five years(INR in Lakhs) . (Annexure 1)
4. Expenditure for infrastructure augmentation, excluding salary year wise during last
five years (INR in lakhs)
5. Average percentage of expenditure incurred on maintenance of infrastructure
(physical and academic support facilities) excluding salary component during the last
five years(INR in Lakhs)
6. Expenditure incurred on maintenance of infrastructure (physical facilities and
academic support facilities) excluding salary component year wise during the last
five years (INR in lakhs)
7. Whether the institution has a subscription for the following e-resources
a. e-journals
b. e-ShodhSindhu
c. Shodhganga Membership
d. e-books
e. Databases
f. Remote access to e-resources
8. Average annual expenditure for purchase of books/e-books and subscription to
journals/e- journals and legal databases during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)
9. Annual expenditure of purchase of books/e-books and subscription to journals/e-
journals year wise during last five years (INR in Lakhs)
10. Percentage per day usage of library by teachers and students ( foot falls and login data
for online access)
11. The Institution has adequate infrastructure and physical facilities for teaching-
learning. viz., classrooms, laboratories, computing equipment etc.

12. Student – Computer/ laptop ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year)
Describe the adequacy of facilities for sports, games and cultural activities which
include specification about area/size, year of establishment and user rate within a
maximum of 500 words
13. Library is automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS)
14. Describe IT facilities including Wi-Fi with date and nature of updation within a
maximum of 500 words
15. Student – compute/ laptop ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year)
16. The bandwidth of Internet connection in the Institution ≥ 50 MBPS
17. There are established systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical,
academic and support facilities - laboratory, library, sports complex, computers,
classrooms etc (Describe policy details of systems and procedures for maintaining and
utilizing physical, academic and support facilities on the website within a maximum of
1000 words)

Criterion 5- Student Support and Progression

1. The average percentage of students who benefited from scholarship/freeship

by the institution, Government and non-government bodies, industries,
individuals, and philanthropists during the last five years (See Anneuer 2 page
2. Capacity building and skills enhancement initiatives taken by the institution
a. soft skills
b. Language, communication and advocacy skills
c. Life skills (Yoga, physical fitness, health and hygiene)
d. Awareness about the use of technology in the legal process

3. The average percentage of students benefitted from guidance for competitive

examinations and career counselling offered by the Institution during the last
five years (See Annexure 2 page 72)
4. The Institution has a transparent mechanism for the timely redressal of student
grievances, including sexual harassment and ragging cases.
a) Implementation of guidelines of statutory/regulatory bodies

b) Organisation-wide awareness and undertaking on policies with zero
c) Mechanisms for submission of online/offline students’ grievances
d) Timely redressal of the grievances through appropriate committees
5. The average percentage of placement of outgoing students during the last five
years (See Annexure 2, page 73)
6. Percentage of Students enrolled with State Bar Council (See Annexure 2, page
7. The average percentage of students progressing to higher education during the
last five years (See Annexure 2, page 74)
8. The average percentage of students qualifying in the state/national/ international
level examinations during the last five years
(eg:JAM/CLAT/GATEGMAT/CAT/GRE/ TOEFL/ Civil Services/ Judicial
Services/Public Prosecution services/All India Bar Exams/State government
examinations) (See Annexure 2, page 74 to 75)
9. Number of awards/medals won by students for outstanding performance in
sports/literary/cultural activities/Moot court/arbitration competition/ Client
counseling competition/Trail advocacy/Mediation and negotiation competition/
Judgment writing competitions/Legislative drafting Competition (See
Annexure 2, page 76)
10. Describe the students’ representation and engagement in various administrative,
co-curricular and extracurricular activities within a maximum of 500 words
11. Average number of sports and cultural events/competitions youth parliaments
organised by the institution in which students of the Institution participated
during last five years (See Annexure 2, page 76 to 77)
12. Describe contribution of alumni association to the institution within a maximum
of 500 words
13. Alumni contribution during the last five years (INR in Lakhs) (See Annexure 2,
page 77).

Criterion 6- Governance, Leadership and Management

1. Describe the vision and mission statement of the institution on the nature of
governance, perspective plans and participation of the teachers in the decision
making bodies of the institution within a maximum of 500 words
2. Describe a case study showing decentralization and participative management
in the institution in practice within a maximum of 500 words
3. Describe one activity successfully implemented based on the strategic plan
within a maximum of 500 words
4. Describe the organisational structure of the institution within a maximum of 500
words (other details in the college website)
5. Implementation of e-governance in areas of operation (Administration, Finance
and Accounts, Student Admission and Support, Examination ) (See Annexure
2, Page.79)
6. Provide the list of existing welfare measures for teaching and non-teaching staff
within a maximum of 500 words
7. Average percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend
conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies
publication and other academic incentives during the last five years (See
Annexure 2, Page.80)
8. Average number of professional development /administrative training programs
organized by the institution for teaching and non teaching staff during the last
five years (See Annexure 2, Page.80)
9. Average percentage of teachers undergoing online/face-to-face Faculty
development Programmes (FDP) during the last five years (Professional
Development Programmes, Orientation / Induction Programmes, Refresher
Course, Short Term Course etc.) (See Annexure 2, Page.81)
10. Describe the functioning status of the Performance Appraisal System for
teaching and non-teaching staff within a maximum of 500 words
11. Enumerate the various internal and external financial audits carried out during
the last five years with the mechanism for settling audit objections within a
maximum of 500 words
12. Funds / Grants received from non-government bodies, individuals,
philanthropers during the last five years (not covered in Criterion III)

13. Describe the resource mobilisation policy and procedures of the Institution
within a maximum of 500 words
14. Describe two practices institutionalized as a result of IQAC initiatives within a
maximum of 500 words
15. Regular meeting of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC); Feedback
collected, analysed and used for improvements
16. Details of Collaborative quality intitiatives with other institution(s)
17. Details of Participation in NIRF
18. Details of Academic and Administrative Audit
19. Details of Disability/gender/diversity audit
20. Details of any other quality audit recognized by state, national or international
agencies (ISO Certification, NBA)

Criterion 7- Institutional Values and Best Practices

1. Describe gender equity & sensitization in curricular and co-curricular activities,
facilities for women on campus etc., within 500 words (deatails of the same should
be published in website of the institution)
2. Facilities for alternate sources of energy and energy conservation measures
(geotagged photographs) (See Annexure 2, Page.84)
3. Describe the facilities in the Institution for the management of the following types
of degradable and non-degradable waste (within 500 words) (See Annexure 2,
4. Water conservation facilities available in the Institution (with geo-tagged photos)
The institutional initiatives for greening the campus which includes the following:
a) Restricted entry of automobiles
b) Battery-powered vehicles
c) Pedestrian-friendly pathways
d) Ban on the use of Plastics
e) 5.Landscaping with trees and plant
5. Details of the institutional environment and energy initiatives (geo-tagged photos)
which includes the following :

a) Green Audit
b) Energy Audit

c) Environmental Audit
d) Clean and Green Campus Awards/Recognition
e) Beyond the campus environmental promotion activities
6. Details of disabled-friendly, barrier-free environment (geo-tagged photos) (See
Annexure 2, Page.86)
7. Describe the Institutional efforts/initiatives in providing an inclusive environment
i.e., tolerance and harmony towards cultural, regional, linguistic, communal
socioeconomic and other diversities (within 500 words). (See Annexure 2, Page.87)

8. Describe the various activities in the Institution for inculcating values for being responsible
citizens as reflected in the Constitution of India within 500 words

9. Code of conduct for students, teachers, administrators and other staff and conducts periodic
programmes in this regard.
a) The Code of Conduct is displayed on the website
b) There is a committee to monitor adherence to the Code of Conduct
c) Institution organizes professional ethics programmes for students, teachers,
administrators and other staff
d) Annual awareness programmes on Code of Conduct are organized
10. Describe the efforts of the Institution in celebrating /organizing national and international
commemorative days, events and festivals during the last five years within 500 words.
11. Describe the efforts of the Institution in celebrating /organizing national and international
commemorative days, events and festivals during the last five years within 500 word
12. Annual report of the celebrations and commemorative events for the last five years along
with geo-tagged photos of such event.
13. Describe two best practices successfully implemented by the Institution as per NAAC
format provided in the Manual (disclose it in the website of the institution)

• Annexure 1
• Annexure 2

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