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ISSN 09655441, Petroleum Chemistry, 2013, Vol. 53, No. 8, pp. 567–571. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2013.

Original Russian Text © E.P. Ageev, N.N. Matushkina, N.L. Strusovskaya, 2013, published in Membrany i Membrannye Tekhnologii, 2013, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 231–236.

Concentration History of Pervaporation

E. P. Ageev, N. N. Matushkina, and N. L. Strusovskaya
Faculty of Chemistry, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119991 Russia
Received December 5, 2012

Abstract—The permeability and selectivity of the separation of aqueous organic solutions by pervaporation
have been studied on semicrystalline poly(ethylene terephthalate) membranes and asymmetric amorphous
polyvinyltrimethylsilane membranes in the presence of structural rearrangements initiated by the develop
ment of relaxation processes. Attention was focused on the concentration history, which lies in the fact that
the permeability and the permeate composition depend on the concentration of the previous solution passed
through the membrane at a fixed composition of the feed solution. It has been shown that micropores are
formed in both membranes under certain pervaporation conditions and mass transfer occurrs through two
competing transport channels. As a result, the oscillatory kinetics of pervaporation and the inversion of sep
aration selectivity in a steady state are observed experimentally.

Keywords: separation processes, selective flux, target component, transport channels

DOI: 10.1134/S0965544113080021

INTRODUCTION appear and the films lose mechanical strength and

undergo degradation.
A method for actively controlling mass transfer
through a polymer membrane consists in changing the These experimental observations gave us the idea to
properties of the membrane as a result of its structural regulate the number and size of defects in semicrystal
rearrangements. These processes include the crystalli line polymer films by varying active component con
zation of semicrystalline polymers under the action of centration.
liquids whose solubility parameters are close to the The formation of a defect structure can be inter
solubility parameter of the polymer. It was repeatedly preted as a local microfracture of the material. In this
noted in the literature [1, 2] that an increase in the case, the ratios between the rates of crystallization and
degree of crystallinity decreases the permeability of other relaxation processes, internal tensile stresses,
membranes, thereby suggesting that this line of and the presence of surfactants that stabilize the dis
research does not hold much promise. Indeed, the persed polymer structure play an important role. For
crystalline phase is denser than the amorphous one; the purity of the experiment, the concentration of an
therefore, an increase in crystallinity decreases the active constituent should be varied in a solution with
fractional free volume and, correspondingly, trans an inactive component, which is not sorbed by the
membrane mass transfer coefficients. polymer and does not crystallize it.
However, a directly opposite situation—a sharp The aim of this work was to study the permeability
increase in the permeability of crystallized mem and selectivity of pervaporation separation in the pres
branes—cannot be excluded. The fact is that a local ence of structural rearrangements initiated by the
increase of polymer density, which decreases the development of relaxation processes in membranes.
transmembrane flow, is only one side of the process. Attention was focused on the concentration history of
The other side consists in a change in the properties of pervaporation. The concentration history lies in the
amorphous regions. It is likely that a local density fact that at a fixed composition of the initial solution,
increase due to the appearance of a crystalline phase the permeability and permeate composition depend
can occur only upon the local loosening (a decrease of on the concentration of the previous solution passed
density) of amorphous regions in a number of cases, through the membrane.
for example, in the separation of liquid media; this
leads to the formation of the microheterogeneous EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
defect structure of the polymer. The crystallization of
amorphous poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) films Let us consider the pervaporation properties of the
on contact with solvents that crystallize the polymer is PET–acetone–water system. PET is taken as films
an extreme manifestation of the occurrence of such with a thickness of 40 µm and a density of 1.34–1.35.
processes. In this case, a great number of defects This polymer is characterized by low crystallinity

568 AGEEV et al.

5 100 3 100
2 c' 1 c'

4 80 80

G, kg (10 µm) m ⎯2 h⎯1

G, kg (10 µm) m ⎯2 h⎯1

3 60 60

2 40 40

1 20 2 20
0 0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100

Fig. 1. Pervaporation in the PET−acetone−water system at Fig. 2. Pervaporation in the PET−acetone−water system at
293 K. The concentration dependence of the (1) flux and 293 K. The concentration dependence of the (1) flux and
(2) permeate composition. Each point in a curve corre (2) permeate composition. Successive increase in acetone
sponds to a new membrane. concentration on the same membrane.

because the calculated density of fully crystalline PET table), the acetone content of the permeate decreased
is 1.45–1.48 [3]. The sorption of acetone by the poly by a factor of 2! Then, as the concentration of the
mer is accompanied by its crystallization, whose active constituent was increased and the polymer crys
intensity can be regulated using an acetone solution in tallization was complete, the structural rearrange
water, as water not only does not crystallize PET but ments of the polymeric matrix, which accompanied
also is not sorbed by it. In this case, the concentration relaxation processes, led to a decrease in the perme
dependence of permeability and selectivity in the per ability and a weakening of the partial flow of water.
vaporation process can be studied in three versions: The crystallization of PET and the relaxation of a
first, a new membrane is used for each concentration formed new polymer structure occurred differently in
of the feed solution; second, one membrane is used the first and second versions of the concentration his
and the active component concentration is succes tory. In the first version, the active constituent in any
sively increased; the third version differs from the sec concentration crystallized and modified the initial
ond in that the concentration of the inactive compo PET structure, whereas the above processes occur
nent is successively increased. In these versions of the stepwise in small doses in the second version. As a
concentration history of the process, the conditions of result, in the first version, we obtained a more non
polymer crystallization and, hence, its structure relax equilibrium defect structure, which exhibited
ation are varied. increased permeability, as compared with that in the
Pervaporation was carried out at 293 K by evapo second version.
rating the test solution through a membrane into a For revealing the reasons for the inversion of selec
vacuum. The flux was normalized to a membrane with tivity in the first version of the concentration prehis
a thickness of 10 µm. tory of the pervaporation process, we additionally
Figures 1 and 2 show the transmembrane flux and determined the concentration dependences, the equi
the concentration of acetone in the permeate in the librium degrees of swelling, porosimetry data, changes
first and second process versions, respectively. On the in the relative rotational mobility of a spin (paramag
membranes that contacted with the separated solution netic) probe, and a relative change in the crystallinity
of only one concentration (in Fig. 1, each experimen of the polymer.
tal data point was obtained on a new membrane) at an The presence or absence of porosity in PET sam
initial acetone concentration to 40 vol %, it increased ples after the pervaporation of solutions with different
to 90 vol % in the permeate. As the active constituent concentrations was determined by a hydrodynamic
content was further increased, polymer crystallization method [4]. The method consists in that a pressure on
came into play, and it was accompanied by an increase the surface of a penetrating liquid can be specified and
in the permeability and the inversion of selectivity. increased at a chosen rate with the aid of a special
Water began to predominantly pass through the hydro device. The liquid penetrates through pores of a cer
phobic membrane! In the initial equivolumetric solu tain diameter depending on pressure. The flow passed
tion passed through the membrane (see Fig. 1 and the through a liquid film was measured with a highly sen



Properties of PET films treated with aqueous acetone solutions at 293 K

4 kg (10 μm) Number of pores

c0, vol % c, vol % G × 10 , 
 α∞ Pore radius r × 1010, m τ/τ0 ϕ
m /h
2 N × 10–14, m–2

0 0 0.8 0 Pores were not detected 1.0 1.0

30 84 0.9 1.0 1.3 1.0
50 25 3.8 4.6 8.5 1.3 × 1017 2.2 2.0
60 31 3.9 8.0 Pores were not detected 5.0 2.2
70 56 1.9 8.6 4.3

sitive (to 10–5 mL/s) flow meter. The readings of the of the third component in the triplet EPR spectrum
flow meter pressure gage were converted into an elec characteristic of the radical probe.
trical signal and arrived at a data processing and con Acetone is a surfactant with respect to PET. Upon
1 sorption, it decreases the surface energy to facilitate
trol unit and then at a digital printer . local polymer degradation by internal stress tensile
The paramagnetic probe used was the stable radical forces with the formation of a microheterogeneous
2,2,6,6tetramethylpiperidine1oxyl, which was defect structure and, in some cases, a microporous
introduced into the polymer films from the vapor polymer structure. Furthermore, the amphiphilic ace
phase at a temperature of 318–333 K. The concentra tone molecule sorbed on PET via its hydrophobic
tion of the radical in the polymer was 10–3 mol/L. The moiety (methyl groups) hydrolyzes the surface
EPR spectra were measured on an EPR8 spectrome formed. As a result, a new mass transfer channel—
ter at 293 K. The rotational mobility of the probe hydrophilic pores—appears in the hydrophobic poly
(τ/τ0) was calculated from these spectra. The degree of mer. Thus, on the pervaporation of aqueous acetone
crystallinity of PET (ϕ) was calculated from a change solutions through a PET membrane, polymer crystal
in the density of film samples, which was determined lization occurs, and a channel of transfer through
by a flotation method in an aqueous solution of cal pores is added to the channel of mass transfer through
cium nitrate with an accuracy of ±0.05%. The table a continuous structure; the transport properties of this
summarizes the rotational mobility of the probe and additional channel are different to cause the inversion
the degrees of crystallinity normalized to their initial of selectivity.
values. The first row in the table corresponds to zero It was of interest to study the kinetics of mass trans
concentration of acetone in the solution, that is, to fer complicated by structural changes in the polymer
pure water. PET does not sorb water (α∞ = 0); there membrane. The PET–acetone–inactive component
fore, all of the properties of the initial polymer are systems are unsuitable for this purpose because of
retained. The solution containing 30% acetone does small transmembrane flows under the nonsteady
not crystallize PET, but it slightly modifies the poly state conditions of membrane operation.
mer, as follows from an increase in the spin probe rota
tional mobility. As expected, the permeate was We used commercial asymmetric membranes
enriched in the active component. As a result of the made from polyvinyltrimethylsilane (PVTMS) of the
contact of the polymer with equivolumetric solutions, PA160. They consisted of an active nonporous diffu
the degree of crystallinity in PET increases and sion layer ~0.2 µm in thickness and a macroporous
micropores appear. In this case, the selectivity inver substrate 200 µm in thickness, which possessed low
sion take place, which is manifested in that water masstransfer resistance. The porous substrate con
began to predominantly penetrate through the hydro sisted of open pores with sizes from fractions of a
phobic polymer. At higher concentrations of the active micron to several microns.
component, the presence of pores was not detected, The average molecular weight of PVTMS was 1.5 ×
but the selectivity inversion was retained and the struc 106 D; its density, glasstransition temperature, and
ture continued to remain defective, as follows from not solubility parameter were 0.84–0.89, 443 K, and
only an increase in the rotational mobility of the radi 8.2 (cal/cm3)1/2, respectively. The capability of
cal probe, but also a change in the pattern of the EPR PVTMS for crystallization is very weakly pronounced;
spectrum. In the EPR spectra of the films treated by this is most likely due to branching in its macromole
solutions with acetone concentrations to 50 vol %, the cules.
radical had two rotational degrees of freedom or three The asymmetric membranes were formed from
degrees of freedom at higher concentrations of the PVTMS by solvent evaporation from a solution of the
active component; this manifested itself in a loosening polymer and its subsequent precipitation with a mod
ifying solution, which forms micropores. A field of
1 The porosimetric measurements were performed by N.S. Orlov.
internal stresses appears in the active layer of the asym


570 AGEEV et al.

сsurfactant, vol % сsurfactant, vol %

сsurfactant, vol % 60
5' 40
95 6' I, kg m ⎯2 h ⎯1
3', 4'
90 2'
20 40 t, min
0 100 200 t, min

Fig. 4. (1) Kinetics of pervaporation of an equivolumetric

aqueous solution of isopropanol through an asymmetric
80 PVTMS membrane and (2) changes in the alcohol con
centration in the permeate. The membrane contacted with
I, kg m ⎯2 h ⎯1 the liquid on the macroporous substrate at 303 K.

tration of the active component, its concentration in

the permeate was 90 vol %. At higher concentrations
2 of acetone in the feed solution, its concentration in the
permeate increased to 95 vol % or higher. For the solu
tion containing 80 vol % acetone, antibatic regular
I, kg m ⎯2 h ⎯1 fluctuations of permeability and selectivity were
7 observed and the steady state of pervaporation was
6 reached in more than 200 min. In this case, the con
1 0.3 5 centration history of the process consists in the occur
4 rence of a critical surfactant concentration, at which
3 membrane operation conditions dramatically
0.1 2 changed.
20 40 t, min Figure 4 shows the results of pervaporation in the
PVTMS–isopropanol–water system with an equivo
lumetric concentration of solution. The periodic
100 200 t, min inversion of selectivity can be observed in this system;
that is, the solution enriched in either the alcohol or
water passed through the membrane at regular inter
Fig. 3. Flux during the pervaporation of aqueous acetone vals of about 30 min. The oscillatory regime of mem
solution through an asymmetric PVTMS membrane and
concentration changes in the permeate (vol %, acetone):
brane operation can be explained as follows: The
(1) 0; (2, 2 ') 20; (3, 3 ') 30; (4, 4 ') 40; (5, 5 ') 50; (6, 6 ') 60; hydrophilization of the surface of micropores facili
(7, 7 ') 70; (8, 8 ') 80. The membrane contacted with the tates the predominant transfer of small and more polar
liquid on the active layer at 293 K. water molecules and an increase in the transmem
brane flow as a whole. An increased concentration of
water in pores caused surfactant desorption and
metric membrane due to the formation conditions. As increased the surface stress and, hence, cohesion
in the crystallized PET, this circumstance allows ten forces. These forces tend to decrease the surface area,
sile stresses in the presence of a surfactant to locally and the structure is converted again into the continu
destroy the PVTMS membrane material and to form a ous one, but, possibly, with surface defects because a
microheterogeneous defect structure of the active constant surfactant concentration in the solution does
layer. not make it possible to completely heal a microscopic
Figure 3 shows the concentration dependence of crack. The collapse of micropores increases tensile
the kinetics of permeability and pervaporation selec stresses, and the mechanism of mass transfer changes
tivity in the PVTMS–acetone–water system. At ace to an activation mechanism, which leads to the pre
tone concentrations to 80 vol %, we have smooth ferred surfactant penetration, and the process is
kinetic curves for the flux and the acetone concentra repeated once again. Thus, the oscillations of flow,
tion in the flow. The process reached a steady state in concentration, and surface philicity are accompanied
approximately 20 min. For an initial 20 vol % concen by the oscillations of internal stresses. The oscillatory



сsurfactant, vol % conditions (see Fig. 4) was much longer than that in
the PVTMS–acetone–water system. This is related to
60 an additional face of the concentration history of per
vaporation, namely: the orientation of an asymmetric
membrane relative to the surface of the feed solution.
If the active layer of the membrane directly contacts
with the feed solution, the sorption and, correspond
ingly, relaxation processes occur more intensely to
2 facilitate the achievement of a steady state. If the
membrane is overturned and the macroporous sub
strate contacts with the solution, whereas the evacu
I, kg m ⎯2 h ⎯1 ated chamber contacts with the active layer, the con
1 centration of the penetrating solution in the active
3 layer is relatively small and all of the relaxation pro
cesses occur more slowly. For this reason, the time
taken to reach a steady state was longer than 300 min
2 in the PVTMS–isopropanol–water system in which
the solution contacted with the macroporous sub
strate, whereas the process reached steadystate con
1 ditions in 200 min in the PVTMS–acetone–water sys
tem in which the membrane was overturned. In order
to be convinced of the validity of the above judgments,
we carried out an experiment with the opposite orien
100 200 t, min tation of the membrane relative to the solution in the
pervaporation system. Ass can be seen in Fig. 5, the
Fig. 5. (1) Kinetics of pervaporation of an equivolumetric time taken to reach a steady state in the PVTMS–iso
aqueous solution of isopropanol through an asymmetric propanol–water system shortened to 200 min, as com
PVTMS membrane and (2) changes in the alcohol con
centration in the permeate. The membrane contacted with pared with the data (Fig. 4) obtained with the opposite
the liquid on the active layer at 303 K. orientation of the membrane.

period is related to structural transitions, which are REFERENCES

controlled by the kinetics of surfactant absorption and 1. Yu. I. Dytnerskii, Membrane Processes for Separation of
desorption. Liquid Mixtures (Nauka, Moscow, 1975) [in Russian].
The proposed physical picture of the process is the 2. S. A. Reitlinger, Permeability of Polymer Materials
reversible manifestation of the Rehbinder effect in (Khimiya, Moscow, 1974) [in Russian].
polymer systems. In this case, reversible (in a kinetic 3. Encyclopedia of Polymers, Ed. by V. A. Kabanov,
sense) structural transitions play the role of a feedback M. S. Akutin, N. F. Bakeev, et al. (Sovetskaya Entsiklo
relay, which gives commands for turning on and off the pediya, Moscow, 1977), Vol. 3 [in Russian].
stages of flow through pores; thereby leading to the 4. N. S. Orlov and S. M. Shebanov, in Proceedings of
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time taken to reach steadystate membrane operating Translated by V. Makhlyarchuk


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