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Translated from Indonesian to English - www.onlinedoctranslator.


One day in the Rose Room of the Kandangserang Health Center, Sandi, as the
morning guard nurse, was on guard duty with Hendriyanto as the afternoon nurse. In the
Mawar Room there is one patient with Diarrhoea. This patient has been admitted to the
Inpatient Room for 1 day, received therapy from the duty doctor and there is a routine blood
check program.

S : "I will submit the morning watch report."

H: "Okay, how many patients?"

S : "There is only 1 patient in the Rose Room"

H : "Patients with what diagnosis?"

S : "The patient on behalf of Mr. X with a diagnosis of diarrhea"

H : "What are the complaints at this time?"

S : "Mr. X complained of stomach pain, until this afternoon he had diarrhea 3 times, blood
pressure 100/70 mmHg, pulse 84 X/minute, body temperature 37 ° c"

H : "Mr. X got any advice from the doctor?"

S : "Mr. X received drug therapy Attapulgit 3x2 tabs, Antacids 3x1 AC, Ranitidine 3x1,
Paracetamol 3x1"

H : "Okay, is there a laboratory check program?"

S : "Yes, he got the Routine Blood Check program"

H : "Okay, how about patient administration?"

S : "Mr. X uses the BPJS Card"

H : "Okay, is there anything else?"

S : "I think that's enough"

H : "Okay, I received the report"

S : "Okay, thank you."

H: "You're welcome"

The shift was over, Sandi as the morning nurse went home and Hendriyanto as the
afternoon nurse prepared medicine for the patient and prepared for the laboratory check

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