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eb Er ee of ae : lees of Humanities aU Social Sciences : Asa wee t ae = Pie Pet Bs ss CL ve ¥ NSS oe f i le Rede ce z * 330 Ratt tae ‘ ee roles ea na it, Bi tae ad Eien 5 Pe pie Eee Le ‘7272, 210 PM CChist Univesity Mal - Important Instructions for Steep Workshop 20 Aor 2022 * GHRIsT ILIKA GUHA MAJUMDAR Department of Paychology NCR ikesmajumdar@ebristuniversityin> Important Instructions for Sleep Workshop 20 April 2022 ILIKA GUHA MAJUMOAR Department of Psychology NCR ~ifka majumdar@enrstniversty n> Tue, Apr 19,2022 at 14 PAA To. sul jin@peong.chnetuniworstyin, AISHWARYA SRIVASTAVA 21213605 «aishwarya stvastava@lpsong crstniversiy n> anraddhimanang@peong chisonversty in, yavniks ravatfapseng chvisiunversiy.n, adhks das@boa vistunversiyin Sani ladhanag@boa crvistnivareyn, manan,chackragioba chrstuniversty.n, Smt eupagbba crnsunwersyn,yamya_ain@arts cistniersy in ‘ryt kumooai@ion cnritunversy in oslony@bea chrisluniverstyin, 2¥anoadDe cnristunvosiyin, sumghnagpak@psyhcristunversiy ‘shia sharmapsyh chretuniverstyn soumes! royeps eslnversiyn.pratysh Bona Shona shankargbscence ehrstuniversty n, narman kaur@aseng chrslunwosiyn, ce science chrstunvery ‘rush knurenatapsy exrstuniverstyn noha r@gscenea enitunversty in. alhinran o@sclonce cvistanwersily fiasina motwag@stioce chrstunworsiyn. CHESTA DEV 20714073 Shuunam trardwaj@science crsisntersiy , VAISAKH VINGD KUMAR 202 14089 svassae vnod@scionce chvishanvrsiy i>, “SiwyanlaljotEasence chraturwersiyie, PARIDMI RASTOO| 2024038 , DONA MATHEW 20214033 na metewi@eionoe chratunwersty n> siksha naxciyalpsy chesturwersiyin, MIMANSA MUDGIL 21220078 Sininansa mudgit@psychistuniversty n>, narra jeved@psyehrsuniversty.n, amvata son@psy.chestniversiyin, PRIVA PRAKASH 21223008 “priya prokasn@psycriuniveray.i>, pial, TANUVIKA 21223138 etanuvikaBpoy chiluniorsiy n>, ayish hisgesy cmstunwersyin, amr sabl@peyedvatuniworatyn, KRISHNA CHANDNG 21220084 ckrshna-chandak@pey chnstunverty n> Ulshy aogarwal@osy ehrtureversiy sum. shveyaedpey hrsuniersiyin, SWAT RANA 21223131 ‘ncchwan shka@osy cstuniverety > arisha ney chistunwesiyin, nea sarma@pay vtuniversiyin, muskaan garge@prychrsiurwersiyn $nouthka.naipey chritunivorsty in. harsh soy ehrstunworly in annasha dastapsy cvnstunversy in ayus mohapaire@psychrstunversty.m gagi manral@psy crstunersiy., jnsa sarapsy errsiuniversy i deepal dua@psy chistunivesiy i Sobol ain@psy enrsunvversty nna sngh@pry chrstunwversyin, pkavyagdars eriiurwersiy ny arjl kunar@ans enistunwersiy, Shubnang\ oranda cnrstaniversyn oD ia SHUKL A PSYCHOL OGY NCR -tlarima shukia@ehrstunversty n>, Suosha Chukkall Department of Psychology NCR. suroktachukral(Denrsionvesiy n= Doar Paticpants "i mat isin refarence Io the Workshop "AM | SLEEPING WELL? GET IT, KEEP I, FIT being organizes by the Department of Psychology, Ltestyie and Wellness Club 07 20 Apri 2022, ‘re wenve fortne workshap is Disevssion Room, 2nd Floor, Block A, The linings che workshop ave 8:30 am 10 12:30 pm. Kindly adhere to the following instwstions 1 Please be present 10 mins before tne to the venue 2 Ploase sgn'ireallondance sheet Mako 2 queue and wa for your tr. 53 FEEDBACK Inna ond of ho soeson ploase vse tho Ink il feedback form ‘tos mal google com/mallO/2ic-$9S3b? 76248 vow=ptSsoaren alipermmagid-meg-a%3Ar-6ED¢858900574 194487 Bsimplomsg-o%3N-6B54,. Tt Department of Psychology, School of Humanities and Social Sciences CHRIST (Deemed-to-be University), Delhi NCR FIX IT AM I SLEEPING WELL? GET IT, KEEP IT, 20 April 2022 Profile of Resource People \ | Dr PADMAKUMARI P- Associate Professor at CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore M.Phil and PhD from University of Kerala Research publications in the areas of clinical psychology and applied psychology Research interests- positive psychology. applications of positive psychology in different facets of life: exploratory research; forgiveness-measuring and its impact on healthy functioning. factors contributing to the virtue of forgiving. Dr, Jayasankara Reddy. K © Professor in Dept. of Psychology, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore campus, Coordinator for Centre for Research at CHRIST (Deemed to be University). Bangalore campus M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Psychology from Sti Venkateshwara University- specialization in Cognitive Neuropsychology Postgraduate program in Clinical Neurophysiology from Faculty of Medicine, Dept. of Neurosciences, Sri Venkateshwara University Research interests- neuropsychology, health and forensic psychology, co: academic stress, stress and immune system interaction, tive ss induced neuroscience; fertility Over 100 publications in peer-reviewed journals neurodevelopmental disorders whey. otherg, | yomithssay [Og] reomneer|ceoelnlu ] 6 Amr TIN AMATENN fatty oe woriworfrroe/i/0 |g Frowpeongy “Oras [emia [PP [on vase [etee| Nap | NI LSID | yoNHATdh | Clee ezomzor| t-no-tt| 9 Oy MEY HASdaH honey ceenieez| z2-no-ul g “ove seHainUn > HRSsah | HMMNA| ccomzoz | rz-ho-01] 4 yan Y wasaah | ay 209] 90hi zoe] | Halu] wy SRT yy WAWT ed Leoeeeie| ater z Reo LVHL DB -¥AIG unsadh Bly og] Pe0beor | Who] | + feu ae eavaming EEO | as aag |e | cS pur aaysourag Gs Ausaaatug 2q: ABojoyaisg Jo wuounsedog tl LaF 412Wt esp eeigetlt) tt{h] i] % as qe TT ore gra \oiswy \Hania Mors | scorer celeoy et Lats Favney, Trentanng [nceasssth AY | hvan Ha eS=mreer “ety | 7 ¥ enn] SN, | hcosdsh SV inass va ogenizor| 2z\h\y ] tr ES) hay surat d | bvasddh a hyvasd 4s | 7% threo S za|m\u or oe si ee t vg -f PPS yr [PMS |ococeeiz] 7e/ n/n f mG pag | y Tanz Fae jacoveny| € s er0anz ABomDAS useyeie ehud ov epi zozioeD WONHASdAy OLE SonUEWINH jo }OOUES mower evog sy9y2t zeozIozy ‘B1OaWNZ Ng “sonUeWH jo }0ous ug eayeRy ve'GH et ZZOzOZ” youne ABojoUDAG SS hues 01 S21 Zee!” ONaSday Borsa Jo waLILEdG soumy inves gppwzt Zz0Z0Z7 ‘vay euew ssauisng yo oouss reuaUny wikis pep zs zzazsMzr NASaiey DUE SONIUEWNH 10 OMS er ehuea ces eeozsner HASdBY inh 20 wouDg ABoIONDAS, BI UON seippizi zeozmNeIe LWONHASHBE PUR SoAUEWIN} Jo 004s euveus evys! azivv'2i zzoRiaele B7oaWZ MAAS ABeIaUDAS Fe bie9 ueewsnw zzvpz! zoel nase ve ABoiwosse —— myer BuBuuNUS LZ:PwzL zzozIOZIP ASB Indo joouDs ‘A oIOUDAS feu neha ei:vr:2i zzozoe7 BONHASCEY SojoyoAsa jowusunedsg §—_IOOLSVe INGINvd Eh ¥¥:z! zeozOZIY erowe, ABoousise esveww 90 rb! 22020219 wiouwiz Sojovoksg jo wawuecag uc usasy 20 9b'2h 2zoeee Yerodwe Yeunks'so0v00g e005 eHedeuO fey BEEP! ezozIOZI” pcg 295 oes pue sowewns poner een e¢-€v:21 zz02/0zI7 wrogine, ABooyekse sen exusnouy gsev2) zzozzly pce ABayoyakse eu emg sgep2i zzoziozi> ero aIN2 1 e908 fue sonteUNH easy woawne #9UIg) ABoUDKSe ISA Wrdaine 2008 AESjOYDASY (eID enduiz ouredop ABojous45q seri zzozey oseviet eevee erevias zzozo27 reeves ceo LMONONSSUar PUR SqueWry Jo eONss Koay eres YWNONTORWZ ABsoUOKed jeu 25:4 pueinuy USMY 14 widainz Bue soauewn Jo (00425 lenueSBy use 54.60.24 ec0zOz? wrdaiz SojouaAed jo wauvedog yeoveug euusuy 0} €p:21 zz0z/0z/> erOeIN2 MBjouakee UI 2510 vos BIeLEN gL ep! 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Get it, keep it, fix it aay Name i xponeee Diya J Tha} “Tanya Kumar Gargi Marval Fythim kambhot ‘Shubhangr Jonar Prva vk vai Sen ssn Sy 7 Department and Schoo! 0 coy it hate eal eee minal sae Soe fu Class (0 covy 2/8 65.2(55%) denen unis amawrananae ‘alana angel alnunan 2MPCLA —2NPCLA—2MPCLA2MPCLNC._49BAR _4BPSYHNCR TehsvwNOR DUPCLSMECKS agen anPSENG. BAPSENG hntpsfdors google comonnsa/ASW@RZ/DUSQGEDADAZANWY TeeVV-atsTYOBIGMNSOIviowanalycs 12722, 218 PM Feodback Foum- Sleep Workshep: Am I sleoping wall? Get keep i i Registration Number F si retponces 20214032 20214260 : 21223050 20212044 20214257 21223099 aiaeseae 21220087 2223082 Email ID diya y@selence christun versity i tanjul kumer@arts christuniverstyin gatgimancal@psy ehvistuniversityin ‘ythim kumbhat@bba chuistuniversty in shubnangijohari@eris christuniversityn Pryal hurana@psy christunverstyin kita ingh@ psy christuniversityin rnamrata sen@psy.christunversity.n smuskaan.garg@ipsy.christuniversity in itp taocs google comvtormsi AJWgRzIUSQGEDabWeAWWY TeoVv-dtiTybBI6MNSOIviewanaytics sy21a2, 2.18 PM Feedaack Form Sloop Workshop. Am I sleeping wel? Get, kaep i fhe ; How useful do you think the sessions were today? Dh cay con 128%) Rate onthe organization and management ofthe workshop for today? Lory a6 responnes aos oes aes 3 3 5 fate to what extent your expectations from the workshop were met De today ows om fe 2 3 4 5 hips does google convforms/a/AsWaReipIAGEDabW/2A.WY TeeV-atTYBIMNSOIMoWanalyics 272,218 PM Feecaack Farm: Sleep Workshop: Am I sleeping wall? Get, xen i fe Rote the content of the speaker. o i | i ‘Comprehensive Practcty Engaging eset Rate the delivery of content of the speaker in sessions o- ws mmm a Piet I ] I Pace Enq Fw How satisfied are you with the handling of questions by the speakers in IE) « the session? or 010% oom tps doce google comiormela/AsWeRzIp USAGE DabW2AWY Toot TyBBI6NsGviowanaly tics a6 5272, 218 PM Feodoack Foe. Sloop Workshop Am I sloping well? Get it Ko9p Ht eit : fate the content of the speaker Gl cer er ee | | a 2 Fee Conretersve Pacaly prey Rate the delivery of content of the speakers in sessions 1D cov mu omm2 3 ome ams Pace Frquene Pow a How satisfied are you with the handing of questions by the speakersin ID) Sony the session? 6 response corey 60%) ou) rns oces google comtormsia!AJWoR APUSAGEDabWZAWYTeeVV-dtiTyOBIBMNSOIviewaraltics 36 22, 218 PM Feedback For Sleep Worksop: Am I slooping wel? Get, Koop it Please write a few lines describing your overall experience of the conference respi session Un 4 very placecat pr “The session was good and provided solutions to many queries and myths about sleep and the eyele of sleep, Understood how to manage sleep pattern, shat all should be kept in mind and how one should intially apply their knowledge on oneself to help others in the society. Self evaluation help me understand the areas that need to be taken care to improve my sleeping pattern Good experience Wie could have practiced come sleep techiques was an enriching experience. Looking forward to more such sessions ‘The session was very informative thus contents ete rested rorancersedy Goole Report Abuse. Terms Sl Google F tips socs google comormsid/t ASWgRefeUSAGEDADWZA.WTeeV-dsTyBBIE)NNsOWviewaralytics 6 Department of Psychology, School of Humanities and Social Sciences CHRIST (Deemed-to-be University), Delhi NCR AM ISLE ING:WELL? GET IT, KE 20 April 2022 2P IT, FIX IT 36 attendees filled the feedback form. Following is the analysis of the feedback: 2NPCLB * eae 2BPSENG 4BBAA 2 4 8 10 12 Count of Class This graph depicts the number of responses received in the feedback form. 12 responses were given by 2MPCL B students, 12 responses from 2MPCL. A students, 4 responses from ABPSYII students. 3 responses from 4PSENG students, 2 responses from 2BPSYH students, and | response cach from 2MPCO. 2BPSENG and 4BBA-A was received. A total of 36 responses was received. How useful do you think the sessions were today? ‘3 esponses YSLTH) “The graph gives a pictorial representation of the usefulness of the sessions as rated by the students on a 5-point scale, ranging from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree. A majority of the students, i.c 20 students (55.6%) rated the usefulness of the session as 5, indicating that they strongly agreed that it was highly useful to them, 15 students (41.7%) rated the usefulness of the session as 4, agrecing that the session was useful. 1 person felt neutral about the usefulness of the session (2.8%) Rate the content of the speaker. 7 — The graph gives a pictorial representation of the content of the sessions as rated by the students on a 5-point scale, ranging from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree. The parameters on which the students assessed the content of the speaker were relevance, comprehensiveness, practicality, engaging and insightful. A majority of the students, Le 16-18 students rated the sessions to be highly relevant, comprehensive, practical. engaging and insightful, 7-11 students rated the sessions to be relevant, comprehensive, practical, engaging and insightful. 9-11 students were neutral about relevance, comprehensivencs practicality, engagement and insightfalness of the se low on relevance, comprehensiveness, practicality, en; ion, 1 student rated the session to be igement and insightfulnes Rate the delivery of content of the speakers in sessions ms mee sams mms Pace Etiquette Flow aph wives a pictorial representation of the delivery of content of the sessions as rated students on a 5-point scale, ranging from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree. The parameters on which the students assessed the delivery of content of the speaker were pace, ctiquette and flow. A majority of the students, i.e, 15-17 students were highly satisfied with the pace, etiquette and flow of the sessions. 13-17 students were satisfied with the pace, ctiquetic and flow of the sessions. 3-6 students were neutral about the pace, etiquette and flow of the sessions. 1 student was not satislied with the pace of the event, by thi How satisfied are you with the handling of questions by the speakers in the session? CCT bios vom ows 1 2 4 4 5 The graph gives a pictorial representation of the satisfaction in the way questions were handled as rated by the students on 5-point scale, ranging from Highly Satisfied to Not At All Satisfied. A majority of the students, i.e. 25 students (69.4%) rated the satisfaction as 5, indicating that they were highly satisfied with the way questions were handled in the session, 11 students (30.6%) rated the satisfaction as 4 indicating that they were satisfied with the way questions were handled in the session. Rate to what extent your expectations from the workshop were met today 36 respons ‘The graph gives a pictorial representation of the satisfaction in the way their expectations. were met as rated by the students on a 5-point scale, ranging from Highly Satisfied to Not At All Satisfied. A majority of the students, i.e, 21 students (58.3%) rated the satisfaction as 5, indicating that they were highly satisfied with the way their expectations were met in the sion. 9 students (25%) rated the satisfaction as 4 indicating that they were satisfied with the way their expectations were met in the session, 6 students (16.7%) were neutral about the way their expectations were met in the session The feedback shared by the students indicates that the sessions were very useful, insightful, and engaging for them, The content of the sessions encouraged them to incorporate the in their personal and professional life and their understanding of the techniques and concepts increased. The students also found the session informative and helpful for further professional growth. wwehnique Following are excerpts from the qualitative feedback shared: The session was very insightful and the constant motivation to introspect on our own experiences were eye opening, The resource people delivered the content really well, Afier introspecting, | will apply the learnings and make changes in my lifestyle to ensure good quality sleep. Helpfill session on a very practical topic The session was good and provided solutions to many queries and myths about sleep and the cycle of sleep Understood how to manage sleep pattern, what all should be kept in mind and how one should initially apply their knowledge on oneself to help others iy. Self evaluation help me understand the areas that need to be taken care to imprf It was an enriching experience. Looking forward to more such sessions The session was very informative {i was insightful and taught me [need to work on myself first, then [ will be able to help people in the future. It taught me where to work on and how to manage my sleep. It was a great session and I was quite engaged the whole time, It exceeded my expectations and I hope there are more such sessions in the future: It was an insightful experience It was enlightening I got good practical insights from the workshop. I got a food for thought when sir told about building a career in sleep medicine. Overall experience was really nice and insightful. Tam definitely going to think about my sleep cycle and work on it The delivery of the workshop was really good and engaging. Although having learnt about ‘most of these, I was expecting a little more of new information Enlightening insights, practicality of the concepts was clear, usefull for all fields not just psychology. It was an insightful experience as I got to know about my sleep patterns and how ean | improve the same Interactive and insightful workshop In ived great insights that could help my personal and professional growth It was very interactive, and quite easy to understand It was highly useful It was really engaging and insightful really usefial It was very informative session I was an enriching experienee Overall, the participants had an enriching leaming experience and were able to expand their body of knowledge that would enhance their personal and professional growth. It also had a great impact on the knowledge about sleep patterns and hygiene among Non-psychology students who participated in the workshop and found the sessions very useful

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