Masaki and The Lonely Wolf

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Masaki and The Lonely Wolf.

Once upon a time, there was a young boy named Masaki. He lives in the woods with his mother. One day his
mother send him to go to the market at the village nearby. So, Masaki took his favorite green backpack and
walks away to the woods. As he walks through the woods he met his parrot friend, Toshi. "Hi, Masaki! Where
are you going?" Asked Toshi. "Hi, Toshi! I'm going to the market at the village. Wanna come?" Asked Masaki
back. "My pleasure!" And so then they both walk together while chit-chatting but not so far away from there
behind the trees and bushes the Wolf is hiding and spying Masaki with anger and envy in him. "You better
watch out, Masaki.... or I will eat you!" Growl the Wolf. "Maaa-Saaa-Kiii~" Apparently that someone is
Masaki's cat friend, Nino. "Hey, Nino! Where are you going?" Asked Toshi. "I want to eat some fish at the
market!" Nino answered the question with a dreamy face thinking all those tasty fishes at the market. "What a
coincidence! We're going to the market too. Wanna join us?" Asked Masaki and Nino answered him with a
happy meow as a yes. And then they all walk together happily to go to the market but then the Wolf
approached them. "Hohohoho a parrot, a cat, and a boy, I'm going to had a feast today!" Said the Wolf with
loud voice scaring them. But Masaki is a brave boy and doesn't get scared at all by the Wolf. "Don't be so
mean to us! We didn't hurt you!" Said Masaki with louder voice to scare the Wolf away. "You think I will
scared of you by your loud voice?!" The Wolf got so mad and about to attack Masaki. But before he could
attack Masaki he got hit by the hunter, Sho. "Thank you for helping us, Mr. Sho! But can you please don't hurt
Mr. Wolfie?" Plead Masaki to Mr. Sho. "But he was about to attack you! You can't help him!" Before Mr. Sho
could continue his lecture then they heard muffled sobs from the Wolf. "Hey, Mr. Wolfie..." Masaki
approaching the Wolf and his voice got softer than before. "Go away! I hate you for having many friends and
being so kind to everyone!" The Wolf snapped at him. "I'm sorry Mr. Wolfie... If you're lonely you can
become my friend too.." Said Masaki with soft voice. "Really?" Doubt the Wolf. "Of course you can!" Masaki
then grinned happily showing his teeth. "Thank you, Masaki.... You can call me Jun..." The Wolf smiles and
blushed while saying it. "Hi, Jun! You're our friends now! This is Nino and Toshi." Masaki dragged Jun to met
his other friends. "Hi, Nino... Hi, Toshi.. I'm Jun..." Jun lowering his head due his shyness and afraid of their
reaction. "You're so mean at us! But nevermind we forgive you... Let's become friends from now!" Nino
hugged Jun welcoming him and Toshi singing happily. "Now, let's go to the market! You don't want your mom
to wait for too long right, Masaki?" Mr. Sho reminds them for their errands. "Oh yeah! I almost forgot about
the market!" Masaki scratch his not itchy head that made all of them laughed at him. And then they walk
together to the market with Mr. Sho guarding them. Since then Masaki, Jun, Nino, and Toshi became best
friends and lives happily ever after.

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