Unit 7

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7.1 Introduction
7.2 Outcomes of a Good Facility Layout
7.3 Muther’s Principles Of Layout
7.4. Factors Affecting Layout Decision
7.5 Need and Objectives of Layout
7.5.1 When Does Layout Decision Arise?
7.5.2 Objectives of Layout
7.6 Major functional areas of warehouse layout
7.6.1 Loading/Unloading Area
7.6.2 Reception Area
7.6.3 Storage Area
7.6.4 Order Picking Areas
7.6.5 Dispatch Areas
7.6.6 Service Areas
7.7 Layout Provisions for Docking
7.8 Flow Patterns
7.9 Types of Flow Lines
7.9.1 Horizontal Flow Lines
7.9.2 Unidirectional and Retraction in Horizontal Flow
7.9.3 Vertical Flow Lines
7.10 Summary
7.11 Keywords
7.12 Further Readings

Warehouse Layout decision is a one-time decision and is strategic. Its main
objective of any firm is to reduce the costs and improve the productivity. To
achieve these objectives, the decisions taken by the managers on the layout
become very significant. Obviously, a layout that yields less number of
movements between the machines and easing and time saving arrangement of
tools can definitely impress everyone and also improve the productivity and
reduce the cost. After arriving at the decision of plant location, the next important
decision is to arrange their machinery so that their operating costs can be reduced.
This decision is influenced by many factors.
After studying this unit, you should be able to
 Understand the outcomes of a good layout
 Explain the principles of layout
 Describe various factors influence layout decision
 Explain key areas in warehouse and their layout
In fact, facility layout decision is a multi-criteria problem involving numerous
factors with regard to the location of work centers, offices, computer centre,
accounting section, loading and unloading, storage space and many more of
warehouse. However the expected outcome of a facility layout decision can be
described through the following outputs:
1) Least material handling cost
2) Worker effectiveness
3) High productivity and effectiveness Figure 7.1: Shovel
1. Least material handling cost
For less material handling following approach is adopted:
 Place facilities as per sequence of part
movement or delivery date
 Proper location of store and packaging area
 Smooth and continuous flow of material
 Utilization of vertical space in material transport Figure 7.2: Forklift

2. Worker effectiveness
For better worker effectiveness following approach is adopted:
 Integration of similar facilities at same location. For example, all
delicate items may be placed at same locations
 Sufficient space for worker/labour movement
 Sufficient space for the movement of material between racks
 Safe working environment
3. High productivity and effectiveness
For high productivity and effectiveness following approaches are adopted:
 Flexibility to expand, re-routing, varied product mix etc.
 Scope to use multi-skilled worker
 Proper utilization of facilities and worker resources, etc.
 Removal of bottlenecks, roadblocks of any form, under-utilization (or
over-utilization) of resources, etc.


According to Muther, there are six basic principles of best layout. These are:
1. Principle of over-all integration: According to this principle, the best
layout is one which integrates the all the resources such as men, materials,
machinery, supporting activities etc., to result in the best compromise.
2. Principle of minimum distance: According to Muther, the best layout is
that in which men and materials have to travel the most minimum distance
between operations/ operating centres.
3. Principle of flow: Muther said that, other things being equal, the best layout
should ensure the arrangement of the work area for each operation or
process in the same order or sequence that forms, treats or assembles the
4. Principle of cubic space: According to this principle, the layout in which
all the available space both vertical and horizontal is most economically and
effectively used is the best.
5. Principle of satisfaction and safety: Other things being equal, the best
layout must ensure work satisfaction, pleasant and safe working conditions
to workers.
6. Principle of Flexibility: The best layout is one that can be adopted and
rearranged at a minimum cost and with least inconvenience.


The following are the factors that usually influence the facility Layout studies.
1. Type of industry: Warehouse for different types of industry require the
facilities in different ways. For this one needs to know different types of
industries and their classification. Industries are classified in many ways, of
these the most general one according to the nature or their process of
manufacture or the scale/volume.
According to nature the industries are broadly divided into three types
a) Process industry
b) Product industry
c) Service industry
Figure 7.3: Types of Industries
According to Process of manufacture industries can be classified into four types:
a) Synthetic Process Industry: It is the industry where two or more
materials are mixed or combined or assembled to get a product. The
process is known as synthetic process or synthesis. Example of such a
process is production of cement by mixing limestone and clay.
b) Analytical Process Industry: The opposite of synthetic process, i.e.
breaking up of a material into several parts is carried out in such
industries. Refining of petroleum is the best example of this case.
c) Conditioning Process Industry: In the conditioning process industry, the
form of raw materials is converted into desired product through some
transformation process like in jute industry, engineering industries such as
blade manufacturing, fan manufacturing etc.
d) Extractive Process Industry: In this type, by
applying heat, or any other engineering process
a desired product is extracted from the original
raw material e.g. manufacture of aluminum from
bauxite, manufacture of iron from
hematite/limonite/iron pyrites etc.
Exhibit 7.1: Warehouse
2. Type of product: Type of product i.e. whether the product is large or small,
heavy or light, liquid or solid or gas etc, will definitely matter while designing
the facilities and in plant layout.
3. Volume and Type of Production: Accordingly, while plant layout is being
done, volume or type of production is required to be considered.
According the scale (volume) of manufacture the industries are
a) Large-scale Industries.
b) Small-scale industry
Normally, the following are the types of productions. Any industry will adopt
the nearest suitable or the most appropriate one of following.
a) Mass production
b) Flow production
c) Batch production
d) Job production
Exhibit No. 7.2: Mass Vs Job Production
e) Project production
4. Material Handling: Last but not least factor to consider, is the material flow
line and the quantity and/or distance through which the materials are to be
handled or transported. Much care should be given to the material-handling
problem, position of store room and tool room etc.


Generally speaking, warehouse designers have to work with a space in which
certain factors limit the surface area available. This is why the layout has to be
carefully planned.
7.5.1 When Does Layout Decision Arise?
We already know that the layout decision is not a regular activity but a one-time
activity, and once it is laid out it lasts for a few years or decades. So it is needed to
design very carefully.
When deciding on the internal and external layout of a warehouse, there are three
possible scenarios that could necessitate a different assignment of space:
1. the installation of new warehouses,
2. the extension of existing facilities and
3. the reorganization of those currently operating
Reorganization is even though the last of these options does not involve
making extremely important decisions that will affect the development of the
business over the medium- to long-term.
7.5.2 Objectives of Layout
Despite the specific circumstances, the general layout of a facility must cover all
these objectives:
 Making the most of the space available
 Reducing the handling of goods to a minimum
 Providing easy access to the stored product
 Having the highest rotation ratio possible
 Offering maximum flexibility in the positioning of products
 Controlling the amounts stored
 Design for safety and security
To achieve these objectives, the first step is to create a warehouse layout, where
the design of the warehouse is represented in the form of a plan.
First and foremost, the created layout must respect the basic rules of good storage
mentioned above and avoid areas and points of congestion, facilitate maintenance
tasks and establish the resources required to obtain the greatest possible
workflows, with the associated reduction in runtimes.
a) Enumerate the expected outcomes of a good facility planning.
b) List out Muther’s Principles of layout.
c) What are the principles of good facility Layout?
d) Enumerate the factors affecting facility layout planning.
e) Discuss the role of Facility planning in
i) Easing Material Handling
ii) Enhancing Worker’s efficiency
iii) Improving Productivity
f) The facility planning has multi-dimensional outcomes. Explain.
List out various facilities that are required for establishing the following, and
prepare a report on each and compare the significance of each factor.
a. Cold storage
b. Warehouse for Food grain storage
c.Computer peripheral warehouse
d. Warehouse for a textile industry


Devising a warehouse's layout is the first step in designing an installation. While
this may seem like a simple issue, in practice it is difficult to figure out. We here
outline the main factors that need consideration in the design process. As well, it
shows an example of a warehouse layout distributed into six differentiated areas,
including AS/RS systems.
The following areas must be perfectly defined when designing a layout for
1. Loading/Unloading areas
2. Reception area
3. Storage area
4. Picking area
5. Dispatch area
6. Service area
An example of a layout that includes all of these areas is shown below:

A: Loading/Unloading areas; B: Reception area;

C: Storage area; D: Picking area; E: Dispatch area
Figure 7.4: General Layout of a Warehouse with Major Areas
7.6.1. Loading/Unloading Area
Loading and unloading areas are normally located outside the warehouse or
incorporated into it, are those that trucks and vehicles transporting and distributing
goods have direct access to.
In a well-organized warehouse, it is useful to separate these activities from the rest
of the installation, allowing sufficient space for loading and unloading. This area
can be integrated into the warehouse or be independent.
Loading and unloading areas integrated into the warehouse
If loading and unloading areas are built directly into the sides of the warehouse so
that goods are deposited and collected without the need for any detours, it is said
that they are integrated into the facility. The main advantage of this is the greater
load handling speed, which means it is preferable to non-integrated options if
there is sufficient space for it.

Exhibit 7.3: Dock with

attached platform. Exhibit 7.4: Dock with intermediate
platform in a cold storage installation

Independent loading and unloading areas

Located away from the warehouse, but within the surrounding area, they operate
completely independently of the warehouse itself. They normally consist of a large
flat area that the trucks have direct access to, with the trucks positioned so that
they can be loaded or unloaded using forklift trucks.
This option is best used in warehouses where only one of the two functions is
carried out, i.e. where goods are loaded or unloaded. This option can achieve the
necessary handling speed, as there is no need for the trucks to back up to the
building. So, the time spent positioning them is reduced. In addition, with this
option the process of loading and unloading goods is totally independent of the
work cycle of the warehouse.
In these areas, goods in the trucks can be handled through the side or the rear of
the vehicle. If using the side of the vehicle, forklift trucks are used to handle the
goods, as shown in the image below.
Exhibit 7.5: Forklift Exhibit 7.6: Ramp access

If, however, the operation is carried out using the rear of the truck as shown above,
there are two different options. The first is to access the truck using forklift trucks
and ramps, which are normally made from metal and connected to the truck either
manually or mechanically. While there is a wide choice of such products available
on the market, at the moment two are most commonly used: modular ramps and
those connected to the unloading docks.
Modular ramps are metal structures with a non-slip surface which can either be
fixed (when the trucks used are all of the same height) or mobile (when using
vehicles of different heights).
Ramps connected to the unloading docks are made with a brick or concrete
structure, which can also be fixed or variable in height. If variable, their
construction is similar to that of the integrated loading and unloading docks
described previously.
The second option for the loading or unloading trucks by the rear is to use roller
conveyors. With this system there is no need for the forklift to enter the trailer to
carry out the operations. Instead, rails are installed which allow goods to slide
along the inside of the truck. Movement is generated by pushing a few loads
against other ones.

Exhibit 7.7 Automated loading (with sliding elements)

The loading process starts by placing one or more units at the entrance to the
vehicle, which are then pushed in by a second group that takes the place
previously occupied by the first group. In this way the loads accumulate, one after
another, until the trailer of the truck has been filled.
7.6.2. Reception area
The reception area must be located as independently as possible from the rest of
the warehouse, so that it can be used not just for receiving goods, but also for
quality-control and sorting.

Exhibit 7.8 Reception

Once it has been ensured that the characteristics and quality of the delivery
received matches those of the products ordered, the next stage is to determine
where to position the load within the warehouse.
Depending on the type of warehouse, it may or may not be necessary to transform
the units received. If this is necessary, a suitable area must be established for this
function. For example, it may be necessary to split the pallets that have arrived
into smaller units, remove parts that are strapped together, etc.
Given the impact that accurate checking and, above all, correct positioning, can
have on the future performance of the warehouse, this area must be as large and as
separate as possible.
Currently, almost all products handled in a warehouse come with barcodes that
can be read using a scanner. Therefore, once the warehouse’s central computer has
identified the units, it can in turn immediately generate the position label for the
goods. This label can subsequently be read by a forklift operator or by the
scanners of the warehouse’s automated system so that, in both of these cases, they
can be positioned in the correct location.

Exhibit 7.9 RF device reads coded info

7.6.3. Storage area

A storage area is, strictly speaking, an area used only to store goods.
Goods can be stored in a number of different ways: directly on the ground;
directly on the ground but stacked or in blocks; or on racking units. The
choice of one or the other will depend above all on the type of product to be stored,
whether it can be stacked, and on the storage quantity and time.
Storage in stacks involves placing unit loads on top of each other without anything
in between them, other than the pallets that support them. This method has the
advantage of making better use of space, given that it does not generate unused
positions. However, not all materials can be stored like this and it must be
remembered that even goods that can be stacked have their limits in terms of
strength and, therefore, have a maximum stacking height. The main disadvantage
of this system is that it does not allow for access to the loads, and a load can only
be accessed by first removing all the loads on top of it.
The use of stacking is mainly limited to two types of load: those with great
internal strength, and those in rigid packaging. Goods with great internal strength,
such as ceramic bricks, concrete blocks, etc., can be stored directly, at times even
without the need for pallets or other support systems. Other goods, such as feed,
cements, and aggregates in general, which are stored in sacks, can also be stored in
this way thanks to their resistance to compression, although pallets or other
support systems are required for their proper handling.
Rigid packaging, such as cardboard, wooden or plastic boxes, can be stacked in
this way without problems, although the rigidity and resistance of these packages
will determine the number of units that can be stacked, and therefore the height of
the stack.
Racking units must be used when unit loads are not strong enough to be stacked to
the required height, or when there is a greater need to access the product.
Goods are stored on racking units by placing them on metal structures, which are
basically made up of suitable braced frames and beams. These elements create a
multi-cellular structure that generates slots into which unit loads can be placed. As
seen in "Storage systems" article, the configuration and layout of these spaces (or
compartments) can vary to suit different operations and different needs in terms of
the accessibility and accumulation of the load.

Exhibit 7.10 Warehouse of a distribution company

7.6.4. Order picking areas

These areas are not required in all warehouses, only when outgoing goods must
have a configuration or composition that is different to the one they entered with,
or when they require any type of modification.
Areas for preparing orders can be integrated into storage areas, as is the case when
picking from rack units. They can also be separate from storage areas, creating
specific picking areas, generally with automated or semi-automated systems.
The image shows an order picking area in a warehouse for faucets and bathroom
7.6.5. Dispatch areas
These areas are used for packing orders prepared in the previously described areas.
Even if this packing operation is unnecessary, this area also can be used for goods
that have to be dispatched and loaded into the delivery or distribution vehicles.
To ensure the correct speed of movement within the warehouse, these spaces must
be designed in a specific location and differentiated from the rest of the
If separate reception and dispatch areas have been created, these must also have
separate loading and unloading areas. If, however, the reception and dispatch are
close to each other, a single loading and unloading space can be created. However,
this option makes it more difficult to control the flow of goods and the movement
of vehicles.

Exhibit 7.11 Warehouse Despatching Goods

7.6.6. Service areas

Part of the warehouse must be assigned to support activities at the facility, such as
general and management offices, changing rooms, bathrooms, and the area for
recharging the batteries of handling devices.
The ideal solution is for the management office to be located in the reception and
dispatch area and, if possible, between these two areas. This provides greater
operability and efficiency in the work of the personnel in this department.
Changing rooms, bathrooms, and general offices can be located anywhere in the
warehouse, although it is more logical to locate these close to the control offices.
A good solution for bringing together these resources is to construct a mezzanine
over the reception and dispatch area, and to locate these functions there.
Lastly, the space for recharging the batteries used by handling devices must be
isolated and well ventilated, to improve health and safety and avoid any incidents
involving operations taking place in this area.
a) What are the areas need to be considered while designing a layout?
b) Explain the significance of Loading/Unloading Area in warehouse layout.
c) Explain where to locate reception area.
d) Discuss the importance of storage area in warehouse layout.
e) Describe the function of order picking areas in warehouse layout.
f) When do dispatch areas come into picture in warehouse layout? What is
its importance?
g) How are Service areas useful in warehouse layout?

Observe any warehouse layout and identify the six differentiated areas whether
they are incorporated in the layout or not. Summarize your observations.


Trucks are connected to the warehouse via the docks and these docks can be:
 Docks separated by an intermediate platform: They are appropriate
when this separation is advisable as determined by the nature of the goods
or the need to maintain the internal warehouse environment or when there
are safety issues relating to the material stored. A typical example of
applying this type of separated dock is for cold chambers, where cold loss
could occur if a flush dock is used with an access door and where this must
be avoided at all costs. Yet there are many other circumstances in which this
design is preferable, particularly when the safety of the warehouse could be
 Flush docks: They allow trucks to back right up to the warehouse wall. To
avoid affecting the internal environment of the facility, access doors must
have, as a minimum, a hermetically sealed system. This seal can be metal or
created through the use of a dock shelter.

Exhibit 7.12: Docks with direct access to inside of warehouse

company company
Access points with metal seals have a manual or automated system that operates a
flat barrier that can be fixed, folding, or rolling (as shown below). It opens when
the truck backs up to the building, and closes when the vehicle has finished the
operation. The internal environment can be more effectively preserved if the
closing system is automated.
In addition to a metal seal, doors with inflatable shelters have a tunnel that
encircles the truck when it is connected to the entrance, so that the internal
environment is less compromised by conditions outside.
Exhibit 7.13: Door with an inflatable shelter
company company

Exhibit 7.14: Sectional door Exhibit 7.15: Roll-up door

Sectional door
When this type of loading area is created, it is advisable for the warehouse floor to
be above the level of where the trucks drive. Loading and unloading areas can also
be designed in which trucks are driven into a pit. However, movement and
operations are faster if the warehouse is at a higher level instead.
The necessary height difference can be achieved in several ways; therefore, it is
not vital for the warehouse floor to be above ground level. Instead, for example,
the area where trucks drive can be at a lower level, creating a gradual descent that
avoids the steep ramps which, ultimately, make manoeuvres more difficult and
slow down movement.

Exhibit 7.16: View of a dock in a pit

Sectional door
Two different scenarios need to be considered when determining how to achieve
this height difference. The first is when trucks accessing the loading and
unloading areas are owned by the company. The second is when the trucks used
are owned by third parties.
If only the company’s own trucks are going to use the loading and unloading areas,
and the height of the trailer is exactly the same in each case, the difference in level
can be established precisely and no further considerations are required.
However, if the trucks that are going to access these areas are owned by third
parties and come from different sources, they will have different trailer heights. So,
a system must be created that allows the difference in height to be adjusted.

Exhibit 7.17: Pallet truck

Sectional door
In general, an adjustable levelling system is essential because even when the
company uses its own fleet, which in theory means there is no variation in the
height difference between the vehicles and the dock. In practice, this difference is
always present.
One of the reasons for this is the suspension in the trucks give way over time,
either because different loads cause the height of the truck to vary or, more
commonly, because eventually the company is obliged to purchase or lease other
types of transport. Ultimately, a difference in trailer heights is practically
Mechanical or hydraulic devices can be used to deal with these height differences.
Mechanical devices are based on the use of (usually metal) bridges or walkways
fitted manually between the dock and the truck. These elements are used so that
forklifts, stacker cranes, and any other mechanical devices used to load and unload
trucks can enter and exit the vehicle.
Another option is to use the second system mentioned above, which consists of a
metal platform with one or more hydraulic cylinders. This platform facilitates
access by acting as a ramp, when integrated into the dock itself, or by raising and
lowering the truck. The image illustrates the second option, with the platform
integrated into the dock.

Exhibit 7.18: Single platform Exhibit: 7.19 Integrated platform

a) Why Docks are separated by an intermediate platform? Explain.
b) Explain the functions of flush ducks.
c) Discuss the following
i) Sectional door,
ii) Roll-up door,
iii) Pallet truck,
iv) Single platform and
v) Integrated platform
Design a flow line for the warehousing for the following cases: (Assume data
a) Personal Computer assembly unit
b) A pharmaceutical company

c) Beverage bottling


Study of Flow pattern is another significant area of facility planning as it
facilitates the assembly/manufacturing lines and has considerable impact on the
production. Flow pattern is the system or path to be adopted for the movement of
raw materials from the starting point of manufacturing process to the end of the
process where it comes out as the finished or semi-finished or some desired output.
The overall objective of the flow pattern study is to plan for the economic and
effective movement of raw materials within the plant.
Advantages by a good Flow pattern
The following are the advantages of having a good flow pattern system in an
a) Length of total production time could be reduced which in turn curtails
the production cost.
b) Inventory levels particularly work in process can be reduced and
controlled effectively.
c) Capital and space tied up due to piled up work in process can be easily
identified and thence reduced.
d) Material handling will be cost effective, safe and quick.
e) Helps in achieving high rate of performance
f) Provides good co ordination among operations.
g) Amount of physical and mental strain on operators could be drastically
h) Supervision and control mechanisms are made easy.
Factors Governing Flow Pattern
In fact a plant layout design starts with the flow system around which services and
other facilities are added and accordingly buildings are designed and/or modified.
In some occasions the flow may be adopted to existing buildings. However, this
flow pattern design depends on the following factors:
1. Number of products to be handled
2. Number of operations on each product
3. Number of units to processed
4. Number of sub-assemblies made up of assembly line.
5. Necessary flow between work areas.
6. Size and shape of available land
7. External transport facility


The flow system can be classified into horizontal and vertical. The horizontal flow
system is adopted on a shop floor while vertical flow is adopted where material
has to move in a multi-storey building.
7.9.1 Horizontal flow lines STRAIGHT FLOW

There are five basic types of horizontal flow lines

1. I-Flow or Line Flow or Straight Flow
2. L-Flow L - FLOW

3. U-Flow
4. S-Flow or Serpentine Flow
5. O-Flow or Circular Flow
1. I-Flow or Line Flow or Straight Flow: It is the
simplest form of flow. In this, materials are fed
at one end, output comes out at the other end. S – FLOW or
This type is economical in space and convenient FLOW
in I-shaped buildings. Linear flow is preferred
for building watch assembly, automobile
industries etc.
2. L-Flow: It is similar to the I-flow and is
designed where I- line cannot be accommodated O-FLOW or

in the available space.
3. U-Flow: In this, both feeding and output take place at the same end i.e. both
receiving and dispatching of goods are done at one side. In comparison to I
or L-flow, this method is easier for supervision. This type of flow can be
adopted in the manufacture of Electric Motor Industry.
4. S-Flow or Serpentine Flow: If the production line is so long that
zigzagging on the plant floor is necessary, then S-flow is adopted. This type
provides efficient utilization of space and is compact enough to allow
effective supervision.
5. O-Flow or Circular Flow: This type is employed where operations are
performed on a rotary table or a rotary handling system. The components
are moved from one working station to Figure 7.5: Horizontal Flow
the other along O-shaped line. O-flow lines
can be adopted by industries manufacturing electric bulbs.
These above mentioned five basic flow lines are mostly used by warehouses
in various combinations. Examples of combinations of basic horizontal flow
systems are shown below.
7.9.2 Unidirectional and Retraction in Horizontal Flow
Unidirectional flow: The flow is said to be unidirectional when the material is
passed from one to another without passing along the same path. The flow
methods explained above are unidirectional flow type.
Retraction flow: This flow is also known as “Repeated flow”. Here, the flow is
repeated, i.e. two or more non-consecutive operations are performed on the same
machine. This aspect of flow allows to full utilization of available machine time
but schedules have to allow for repeated machine setting due to the intermittent
localized halts in the production line i.e. each time a machine is switched over
from one operation to another.

I+L- S + L - FLOW

Figure 7.6: Combination of Horizontal Flow Patterns

7.9.3 Vertical flow lines

This type of flow is suitable for multi-storey buildings, so that the materials
handling systems and control mechanism to operate effectively. The following six
basic aspects are to be considered while designing vertical flow lines.




Figure 7.7: Vertical Flow lines

1. Downwards or Upwards Flows: In downwards processing, the materials are

fed at the top floor and the finished product is received at the bottom floor. In
upward processing, the materials are fed from the bottom floor while the
finished product is received at the top floor.
Downward processing is most suitable in many gravity handling systems such
as roller lines, Bunkers, chutes, pipes, buckets, hand operated lifts etc. can be
used. There are economical in installation, operation and maintenance etc. the
upward system is quite suitable for processing gaseous or vapour type products.
2. Centralized or Decentralized Elevation: All the material handling devices
are installed at one common or central place of the buildings in a centralized
elevation. Therefore, this system is economical in supervision and
maintenance. It sometimes reduces installation costs also. This method is
usefully employed when the flow on each floor is a U-flow
A decentralized elevation method is more costly in installation. Maintenance
and space, but by this method, handling on each floor can be greatly reduced
and more flexibility in design of the flow lines is possible.



Figure 7.8: Vertical flow line patterns

3. Unidirectional or Retraction Vertical flow: In unidirectional flow the

material is moved from one place to the other without passing while in
retraction flow, material has to come back on the floor, which it had already
passed previously. This may be done purposely to achieve better utilization
of available space and machines.
4. Vertical or Inclined flow: The vertical flow is suitable for bulk solid
materials processing such as coal processing, extraction of metals in blast
furnaces etc. The inclined type of flow is more economical and is carried on
with materials handling devices such as elevators, chutes, and buckets etc.
Inclined flow may also be carried out by conveyor belts used in coal
handling plants and chain system is used to move boiler grates etc.
5. Single or multi-flow: In a single flow, there is only one-flow line of
materials while in multi-flow, there will be several flow lines and all others
feed one assembly line.
6. Flow between Buildings: When one production is executed in several
adjacent buildings the flow of goods achieved may be either on elevated
flow or on ground flow. Ground flow is cheaper but requires more handling
than that in an elevated flow. Elevated flow allows the ground for traffic and
storage purposes.
The problem of arranging facilities for an industrial process has been in
existence as early as the industrial revolutions. Facility design (i.e. facility
layout and location planning) has been the crux of the problem for centuries,
but as scientific management taken the shape of the industrial engineering,
facility design grew along with activities such as time and motion study,
ergonomic study, cost accounting and production control. Today we observe
that there exists a strong interdisciplinary interest in facility layout and
location planning. Economists, operations researchers, urban planners,
management scientists, architects, designers and engineers from all
disciplines have realized a common interest in their concern for design of
facilities. Facility designing picks up information from many areas, each of
which tends to bring to the subject of a different interpretation of the
problem and different approaches i.e. qualitative or analytical for its
solution. In analytical/quantitative approach mathematical optimization
models are developed to obtain solutions, where as the traditional qualitative
approaches rely heavily upon intuition, logical conclusions and some
engineering analysis. No doubt, the judgment by the analysis serve as an aid
in decision making, but in some cases, it is impractical since it may not be
possible to include all factors in making models due to complications
involved. Therefore, analytical approach yields a solution to the model, but
not necessarily the problem and these models should be used as design tools
only. Factors not included in the analysis should be considered along with
the qualitative approach. Hence, it may be concluded that one may not be
developed at the cost of the other. One should not overlook the value of
qualitative aspects of the facility design, nor ignore the quantitative
approach in favour of a completely qualitative approach.
1. List out the merits of an assembly line with good flow patterns.
2. What are the factors that influence the flow patterns while designing an
assembly line?
3. With neat sketches explain various flow lines used for material flow in a
4. Explain various horizontal flow lines employed in a warehouse, with the
help of sketches.
5. With the help of neat sketches, describe vertical flow lines used in an
assembly unit.
What type of flow did you observe in the organization where you are working or
studying? (both horizontal and vertical if exist). Enumerate the disadvantages or
limitations of the flow lines. What modifications do you suggest?

Facility planning can be described as an overall design of an enterprise. It covers
the determination of location, production process, equipment, physical
arrangements, provisions for personnel and all functions that are necessary to the
completion of the goods. It is greatly swayed by the type of the industry that they
support particularly, in the decisions such as product design, plant layout,
buildings and grounds, location planning, size of the facility, expansion,
diversification, organization development etc. these are discussed in this unit
extensively under three major heads, namely,
1. Facility location study,
2. Facility layout, and
3. Flow patterns of materials.
Facility location planning involves a decision on selection of region as well as a
specific site within the region. It also covers the criteria of location by which
various location alternatives can be evaluated both qualitatively and quantitatively.
Layout planning is making available facility to its fullest utility. Flow is
subordinate to the overall design of facility and is another important phase of
facility design. All these are thoroughly discussed in this unit. Study of Flow
pattern is another significant area of facility planning as it facilitates the
assembly/manufacturing lines and has considerable impact on the production.
Flow pattern is the system or path to be adopted for the movement of raw
materials from the starting point of manufacturing process to the end of the
process where it comes out as the finished or semi-finished or some desired output.
The overall objective of the flow pattern study is to plan for the economic and
effective movement of raw materials within the plant.


Principle of over-all : Integrating the all the resources such as men,
integration materials, machinery, supporting activities
etc., to result in the best compromise.
Principle of minimum : Layout that in which men and materials have
distance to travel the most minimum distance
between operations/ operating centres.
Principle of flow : Other things being equal, the layout should
ensure the arrangement of the work area for
each operation or process in the same order
or sequence that forms, treats or assembles
the materials.
Principle of cubic space : All the available space both vertical and
horizontal is most economically and
effectively used.
Principle of satisfaction : Other things being equal, the layout must
and safety ensure work satisfaction, pleasant and safe
working conditions to workers.
Principle of Flexibility : The best layout is one that can be adopted
and rearranged at a minimum cost and with
least inconvenience.
Loading/Unloading Area : Loading and unloading areas are normally
located outside the warehouse or
incorporated into it, to have direct access.
Reception area : The reception area located as independently
from the rest of the warehouse, for receiving
goods, quality-control and sorting.
Storage area : An area used only to store goods.
Order picking areas : The area when outgoing goods when they
require any type of modification.
Dispatch areas : The areas for packing orders and have to be
dispatched and loaded into the delivery or
distribution vehicles.
Service areas : Part of the warehouse to support activities
such as general and management offices,
changing rooms, bathrooms, and the area for
recharging the batteries of handling devices.
Plant Layout : The arrangement of the certain machinery or
equipment or any other facility in such a way
that the arrangement provides ease or
comfort or high productivity or economy.
Flow Patterns : Flow pattern study is a facility planning
activity, which facilitates the assembly/
manufacturing lines to provide ease or speed
or comfort in material movement.
Horizontal Flow Lines : The path of movement of materials in the
same level or floor of a building, commonly
found in shapes of I, L, U, S, O or their
Vertical Flow Line : The mechanism of flow line in a multi storey
buildings, where the material is moved
upward or downward (in vertical direction).
Unidirectional Flow : The material is passed from one to another
without passing along the same path.
Retraction Flow : Repeated flow, i.e. two or more non-
consecutive operations are performed on the
same machine.
Downward Flow : Materials are fed at the top floor and the
finished product is received at the bottom
Upward Flow : Materials are fed from the bottom floor
while the finished product is received at the
top floor.
Centralized Elevation Flow : All the material handling devices are
installed at one common or central place.
Decentralized Elevation Flow: The handling devices are installed at
different floors individually.
Vertical Flow : The flow in which material moves in exactly
vertical i.e. at right angles to horizontal axis.
Inclined Flow : Flow of material in certain vertical angle


1. Adam Jr. E.E. and R.J.Ebert. Production and Operations Management,
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2. N.V.S.Raju (2018), Operations Research, Theory and Practice, BS
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3. N.V.S.Raju (2013), Industrial Engineering and Management, Cengage
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4. Banwet, D.K. 1981. Some Studies in Facilities Location Planning, Unpub.
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5. Buffa, E.S., 1976.,Operations Management: the management of productive
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6. Francis, R.L. and J.A. White., 1974. Facility Layout and Location. An
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7. N.V.S.Raju (2013), Plant Maintenance and Reliability Engineering, Cengage
Learning India Pt. Ltd, New Delhi.
8. Menipaz, E. 1984. Essentials of Production and Operations Management,
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9. Monks, J.G. 1977. Operations management: Theory and Problems, McGraw-
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10. Reed, R. 1965 Plant Location, Layout and Maintenance, Richard D. Irwin Inc.:
11. Tompkins, J.A. and J.A. White., 1984 Facilities Planning, John Wiley: New

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