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1984 Notes

Book one

● Chapter 1
● The beginning of story suggests the setting
● ‘Bright Cold’ is an oxymoron that gives an ambiguous feeling. And April is usually between
autumn and spring and defines the situation Winston is in.
● He is starting to question everything about the government.
● The presence of the clock shows how things were before. This place doesn’t really need clocks
as they are so used to being told what to do.
● The clock is a symbol of the past.
● ‘Wild wind’ is a representation of INGSOC. He has to face the various issues of pain, hunger and
● All resources are the hand of the party or the government.
● He is told that he is not special and that everyone is equal.
● Victory Mansion is the main government place. Victory tells that by following INGSOC u r
someway also victorious and u r protecting yourself from the other parties.
● The most important tool of totalitarian government is the usage of how to manipulate the people
using language.
● By naming the mansion the victory mansion gives the people an impression that the government
has always been victorious and so are we.
● Juxtaposition of ‘victory mansion’ and ‘swirl of gritty dust’. Comparing something so wonderful
and disgusting shows that it may look posh but is actually disgusting.
● By using an olfactory image-‘old boiled cabbage’ shows the way the people loved and the
disgusting state of literary slums.
● Coloured posters are an act of propaganda and gives people a vision that their leaders and
god(big brother) is always looking at them.
● The appearance of big brother is quite similar to Stalin.
● Everything is broken down, there are no amities. In reality, even though the government says
everything is perfect, that is not true. Even electricity is controlled by the government.
● ‘Hate Week’ creates a sense of foreboding. The fact that it’s celebrated makes it ironically horrific.
● The failure of the system as it does not take care of its own people.
● He has no time to feel bad or suffer for himself.
● The fact that the poster is in every stair landing makes you feel claustrophobic, imprisoned and as
a slave to the party. It is used as a way to make them feel that big brother is all seeing, all present
all the time.
● Nobody goes against the government cause they are confident that they are going to die.
● U cannot shut off the tele screen gives a sense of manipulation of the party.
● Everyone wearing a uniform steals the idea of individuality.
● He is very pessimistic about how jury his world and life is.
● He is very dire, weak and frail.
● You cannot escape the thought police
● Instead of changing the present they change the past
● The idea of memory is very important
● He remembers a life before INGSOC. His desire for that ideal world of the past where INGSOC
did not exist is his act of rebellion. He desires to remember the past, but never being able to
accept if the past is real.
● Everything very shovelled shows the selfishness of the party.
● There is always their feeling of being at war and then only having more dependence on the
● The fact that the ministry of truth(minitrue) deals with anything but the truth creates irony.
● The visual appearance of the building, the fact that the colour of white defines naivety and
innocence but the people deal with creating a lie into the truth. This is ironically painted in white.
● Appearance vs reality
● The 3 slogans of the party is a classic example of doublethink.
● Doublethink: an act of propagandistic. The idea of individuality is being snatched away.
● By having one common truth and reality keeps the people united.
● War forces people to unite and go against a common enemy and hence peace in the company.
● Man being independent can lead to failure. Slavery frees from being an individual and allows to
be at home.
● Ignorance of the people to not go against the party is what keeps the party song.
● What goes on inside these buildings controls the lives of the people. U r always aware of there
● Inner party: knows whatever the party is doing. They control everything
● Outer party: the one who follows the inner party orders.
● The Ministry of love being the most frightening and it’s appearance is very ironic. They carried out
everything except for spreading love. Very tortuous and violent feeling.
● His writing the diary- he believes in the fact the party will kill him if they find the diary. He is doing
it because he feels safe.
● There is no law because u can only punish people who against the law. So now they can punish
whoever they want.
● He was not used to writing so he found it difficult. And he can speak what he wants and must
write. He had so many thought s and emotions to put down
● Big Brother is god. And going against him is going against god
● There is no time and awareness of time. Cause even time is controlled by the party.
● Since there is no way to figure the passage the time. Everyday of there is lives are being
controlled. The days are passings but u don’t feel the passing of time.
● Knowing that writing in his dairy shows his bravery and pessimism.
● There is an innate hope that things might change.
● The future will either change and then will be a purpose for him writing this writing or will remain
the same and him writing a diary will serve no purpose.
● The paper is symbolic of freedom but the tele screen is a symbolism for subjugation. This is
Winstons inner conflict.
● Because his own personal thought has been dictated, he forgot how to think and have emotions.
● Putting his thoughts into words is the difficult part.
● He has so many emotions that he has to put it out.
● The lack of proper punctuation tells us that he is putting his thoughts down as he is thinking and
not in a structured way.
● From his diary entry we can see that the people has no piece of the larger picture.
● By writing down all of these meaningless thoughts gives him a more clear mind. This gave him a
picture of the past that he missed.
● Two minute hate: reminding people to hate someone to make them love the party. Make it feel
like the government the saving them.
● When they come back to sane state they only feel love and loyalty for the party.
● He didn’t like the dark haired girl because she was young and the more devoted follower of the
party. She seemed more scarier and dangerous then others.
● He was attracted by her. But he did not know as he did not hoe to feel feelings.She gave him a
feeling of fear. He had a feeling of love.

● Chapter 2
● In the beginning of the chapter, Winston realises that he had left his diary open while opening the
door knob. If he went back to close the diary, the telescreen May find this act suspicious and read
winstons diary
● He was happy when he got to know that the person my the door was Mrs Parsons. If it had been
one of the die hard party followers, Winston would have been caught
● The description of the flats in the victory mansion further suggests the care and treatment (living
condition) the government provides its people with.
● The fact that the flat smelled of boiled cabbages
● Man eaters / baby cubs
● Meet where is no darkness suggest that darkness is so common over there that areas with light
has become uncommon
● When a child eavesdropped someone misspeaking about the government and complained, they
were called ‘child heroes’
● The children and at Mrs. parson house gave him a bad impression of how the children are gonna
be in the future
● On a happy occasion the chocolate rations will reduce- this is irony because chocolate is
something that is consumed during a happy occasion and it’s production will increase
● The ministry of truth is being referred to as a fortress
● Sacred principle of INGSOC - Newspeak , doublethink , mutability of the past
● The picture of big brother was there Everywhere, in posters ; coins ; stair cases; stamps;
books;banners and more
● He mentions that even if u have done thought crime once u r as good as dead.
● “We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness”- creates hope in Winston’s mind. This is
Winston’s self-destructive false hope.
● Victory gin- propaganda to keep the people in the state of intoxication. So they believe in anything
● In the hierarchy of emotions- people can’t feel love, sacrifice, etc. (higher levels of emotions) .
Animals cannot feel pain. By allowing people to feel only primary emotions, the party tries to treat
them like animals. Julia’s unorthodox behavior – taking her clothes off- becomes a medium of
asserting freedom. He is brought back to the harsh reality by the ear splitting sound of the
teelscreen. The telescreen is a symbol of reality.
● This is a world in which you believe blindly in two contradictory ideas. you have to believe a new
idea while not disbelieving in an contradictory idea that was imposed prior to it. You have to forget
while also forgetting the process of forgetting.

● Chapter 3
● Winstons motivation fo his dislike towards the party.
● Connect to his past (fragmented memories)(mother&sister)
● Manipulation of the past. (Power of INGSOC seems omnipowerful)
● The fact that he is dreaming about his mother is pivotal.
● Feeling of love, care, worries and empathy.
● People had lived private lives. But now it is discouraged as having a family means loving one
another. Everyone was only suppose to love big brother.
● Illegal to have more devotion towards family then big brother. Pure emotions were discouraged.
● He missed of a place full of love and care. ‘Golden country ’ means his imagination of an Utopia.
● Very pastoral image is what he think is better
● He finds a women who strips herself. A women who is being idealistic.
● He attracted to the sexuality of the women. He finds it a very sexual and splendid women.
● Even though he is attracted to her figure, but he feels no desire and he knows it will lead him to
● Your life has no value as u r gonna die anyway.
● Fatalism of Winston is reflection of the social conditioning of INGSOC.
● He used to first care that he is gonna die but as the book progresses he does not care anymore.
● He wants INGSOC to know that people will rebel.
● If u double think u r a good and nice person . And u r recognised as a proud member of the party
and a good citizen.
● The fact that he an injury and was given no treatment, but was expected to do the exercises as
well as the other comrades.
● His family drowning- a metaphoric for the past that now seems to be dissipating away from his
● This vagueness of his past life puts forth the party’s power of manipulation.
● The “golden country” – the word golden brings out hope and utopia. The country that is free,
limitless and innocent is what Winston dreams of. This woman wants to do what she wants, is
what he desires. A part of him is also repulsive towards this woman as it will only bring him death.
● Winston’s fatalistic nature reflects upon the dark nature of the party. His pessimism reflects on the
society. The guilt felt by him overwhelms him.
● Winston’s recollections make him realize that there was a world before the urban decay in the
present. The urban decay around him is a motif for the
● His inability to doublethink makes him feel that he is ill.
● The annihilation of the past is far more terrifying than any punishment or form of oblivion the party
can inflict on you.
● The truth has no value. Everybody possesses the same false belief. This lie becomes a belief and
therefore, the truth.
● Memory is obliterated.
● It’s not about intelligence, it’s about manipulation.
● The party can control what you should think and what you shouldn’t.
● There is no belief of the past apart from your own memory.

● Chapter 4
● Workers do not have knowledge of their work and they cannot see the larger picture. Winston
finds joy in altering the past He finds enjoyment in making the party look immaculate. Language is
rudimentary and it doesn’t allow the people to convey their thoughts hence, their thoughts start
dying away.
● “Rectify” as if something is wrong and has to be corrected. However, they erase incorrect
predictions made in the past. All memory of the past is erased. The process of rectifying is
basically introducing lies into the past and removing any knowledge of what actually happened
from the present.
● Asyndeton- multiple commas, things are being listed out.
● Lists the sources that give knowledge of the happenings of the society creates a sense of
● Big brother isn’t wrong the person who wrote the article is wrong.
● One piece of nonsense is replaced with another piece of nonsense.
● Doublethink is a psychological tool of the party. Winston doesn’t feel guilt in altering, fabricating
the past. People who fabricate the past also belief the fabricated present. This reveals the extent
of manipulation.
● Proletariat is so focused on surviving that they fail to care about anything. There are no
telescreens in the proletariat section of the society. They live hand to mouth. The party considers
them to be insignificant and provides them with sources of entertain instead of providing them
with something that is worthwhile.
● Everyone in the party knew intrinsically what to do. It was inculcated in them from their childhood.
They ensure that the party always looks victorious.
● All that is cared for is the party. The systematic dehumanization of the people by the party. They
do not care when someone they know is vaporized.
● Obliteration of people’s identities. Their sin is erased. They can create new personalities. They
create ideal and model party member that other party members long to be.
● Syme was initially a devoted member of the party however; he gets caught later on committing
thought crime. If you can think or rationalize, you are dangerous.
● Syme mocks Winston while not having sadistic joy on seeing the execution. Winston feels that
anyone around him can be a member with the thought police. People in some ways have lost
their humanity because of their treatment. Being able to see and enjoy hate and violence is
considered to be a sign of loyalty to the party. Hate and Violence carry positive connotations in
● What matters to the party is making people feel dumb. The reality of their life is ugliness,
rancidness but all they here around them is the abundance of commodities provided by the
government. This suggests the party’s manipulation. The gin becomes a motif: so that people
always stay in a subconscious state.
● People under INGSOC are treated like animals. The gin is drug to prevent rebellion. It allows
● Words are being destroyed every day. Ungood- word with the greatest level of offence. People
cannot express anything that the party’s vocabulary doesn’t support.
● Proles are not considered human beings. They idea of crime and punishment will not exist.
Newspeak represents present thought. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness. “Unconscious animals not
knowing anything”- erases all literal wealth. All intellectual thought reasoning is erased.
● “Parsons eyes are like two blank discs”- he is a mechanical person. Parrots out what the party’s
doctrines are. He repeats what he has heard and his speech doesn’t involve his own thoughts.
● Syme hates what he is told to hate but with independent thoughts. Despite being intellectual, he
is a blind party member, a trait that makes him intimidating.
● Situational irony- when one person knows something that somebody else doesn’t know about or
two contradictory situations.
● Propaganda of plenty and reality of scarcity. Highlights the dangers of poverty.
● Chapter 7
● Starting the chapter with writing the dairy shows his conviction. He is at a point where has to
express his thoughts
● People of the lower or oppressed classes generally rise up against the people in power. Human
history suggest that the workers or the proletarian have started a revolution (proles) (bourgeoise -
upper class people) . Hence Winston mentions that hope lies in the proles
● You need a massive number for a revolution - exist mostly in the lower class of Oceania.
● ‘Swarming disregarded masses’ they are not given any type of attention or worthless(makes
people wanna retaliate). Swarming is used for insects (metaphor) and not humans- signifies how
the inner party makes them insignificant and de humanist. They feel so primitive that they don’t
deserve the tele screens or attention
● They don’t even bother to manipulate to them so that they are not important to the party.
● But at the same time this behaviour had given the proles the power to retaliate
● The proles lead the same lifestyle as it was before the revolution which could be a source to help
and retaliate against the party.
● They are too uneducated to realise they are powerless and what is happening to them. They
don’t think about anything other than their own survival
● ‘The party could not be overthrown from within’ - they were always being controlled, always under
surveillance, they have already been brain washed, afraid of being punished if caught, only way
of life they have ever known, double thinking is natural as they have been taught that since they
were kids.
● Since there is no form of private or honest conversation u can never rly know what the other
person is thinking.
● Even if u have personal thought u don’t know what the other person is thinking.
● The proles had freedom but they were so busy about survival they had to time to think about
rebellion. They don’t know anything and hence have no idea that they were treated unequally.
● The proles are not monitored by the party.
● The piece of evidence that Winston received gave him hope of the existence of the brotherhood
● The fact that there could be people with similar ideas and intentions gives him a feeling of sanity.
● The fact that he could have kept the photograph, would have given him the chance to rebel
against the party. The photograph resembles how things are fabricated again and again.
● The photograph is a tangible evidence to prove his point. It also proves that he is right and
security to his sanity.
● When he says he was a lunatic, he felt he was going crazy and possibly wrong. But the
photograph proved his point.
● Their crimes and what they confess too, has become a part of real history. This is an act of
informing/ warning the entire population of Oceania, that if u even attempt the tiniest crime, u will
meet the same fate. This discourages rebellion. Highlights the terror evokes by big brother.
● The significance of describing the old state of the man- reflection of the reality- everything is
breaking apart or dying away. Everything is going back to dehumanised or primitive creatures .
● “ I understand how: I don’t understand why?” He understands how they do everything in the party,
be it manipulating, torturing people. But he doesn’t realise why do they do all of it. He wonders
why. The how and why are capatilised to signify the question.
● When u have a question, ideology which is different then the majority, you are lunatic.
● Now to tell the past is Intolerable is insanity.but the fact that the past is alterable is scary
● The horror was that his conflict and belief was wrong. He is not okay with him doubting
himself. It did not matter what others thought.
● The children history book front page is big brother- from a young age people are made to believe
that big brother is everything, everywhere and knows everything. The child’s mind is moulded to
suit the party’s purpose and control.
● They are negating their external own reality. Reality is created using our own minds and beliefs.
If everyone’s belief matches- it becomes real.
● Heresy: going against a certain religion or belief.
● You negate your own common sense and blindly believe the party
● The biggest heresy is believing in ur common sense
● It’s ironical that he was writing the diary to O’Brien, but he is his enemy in the end. This is also to
make sure he is not crazy, and doesn’t doubt himself. O’Brien is like his anchor.
● The protagonist purpose being lost is known an tragedy.
● Truisms are true- true facts.
● The last two lines symbolises that when people are able to believe and follow their own sense
that’s when it is freedom. The freedom to express anything that you believe. The ability to
express your feelings, that is true freedom according to Winston.

Book two

● Chapter 1
● Julias is some kind of way becomes Winstons muse.
● She gives hims a sense of loyalty and relationship, something which they did not have from the
party. His first wife was like he shredder with the party bu didn’t feel the same way
● When she hurt herself to catch his attention, gives him a desire to meet her and feel the pain.
Brings out his humanity- even if he is scared his first instinct is to help. He feels that the both of
them share the same goal- freedom
● No matter what you do to the people- there will be some humanity present that gives a sense to
help, love and feel.
● The part instills fear in its people to every one they see. Thats why Julia was pale when she was
going to meet him, cause she thought he is a loyal member of the party. She took the risks nd put
her life on the line to confess her love for Winston.
● When you do the same thing time and time again- overtime the habit turns into an instinct
● HE IS NOT ABLE TO CARRY ON WITH HIS WORK. He keeps the note away cause he is scared
● The burning feel in him is that the fact that someone out there thinks the same way of freedom,
wanting companion ship and wanting love. He is desperate for love not Julia
● This obstacle to this being fulfilled is the party. Not just seems impossible it seems improbable
● The repetition of the ‘every’ shows his agony and insecurity
● He feels that she has changed her feelings about it. Increases his desperation to meet her. Its the
party that stops her from meeting him
● Winston Is so scared of approaching her, everything seems like an obstacle
● The party want people to isolate him
● Julia has done this before. She is almost flawless when doing this
● While Winston remains scared, wonders. Julia executes her plans emotionally
● The number of affairs he has, is her rebellion against the party
● The sad mournfulness picture is created when he can’t meet her
● They are trying to see each other lovingly is very forbidding as he knows he will end up there
● Chapter 3
● The theory is not always result in actually happen. Theoretically, the party does not want anyone
to have human feelings. However there are two characters namely Julia and Winston we know
that have been brainwashed but still have humanity
● All the bombing, fighting has kind of made everybody immune to feelings or human nature.
● We can see Julia who has been educated by big brother but however she accepts the fact that
INGSOC inevitable. So she finds a way to co exists without the rules of big brother but at the
same time not sacrificing who she was.
● The alert and business like thing of Julia makes her look experienced and in a way of not getting
● Unlike Winston, Julia wants to live the way she wants to live her life but doesn’t want to die. She
is very practical.
● Even though she is very cunning, mysterious, practical; she has a way of living
● Pretend to act loyal so that in private when you want to do
● The usage of mortgage tells that Winston is giving up his time so that what he can get in return is
private time with Julia.
● The manipulation is brought when they cant even look at each other, speak for long. The
conversation they have is broken into bits and pieces because of their surroundings
● Their romance is not private. The find a way around it by meeting up near churches, past nuclear
● Beam of a light house symbolises hope. When it flickers shows that the hope is also flickering.
But the fact that there is some light is shows that even in a world of darkness and suffering, there
is hope.
● The reason why INGSOC discourages romantic relationships because they can team up and fight
for their love.
● The reason why the churches wasn’t built again is to show that big brother had saved the from all
this trouble.
● Julia is full of survival instinct
● The difference between Julia and Winston is that Julia believes that this is how the party has
always been. However Winston finds it awkward and different.
● Hate- is an emotion when accept that the way of life. Criticism- Is when u find fault in it.
● Julia hates but doesn’t criticise the party. Winston criticises it.
● The younger generation who is against the party doesn’t revolt but finds a way around it
● Sexualise: to being pure
● Having sex is a way of showing your loyalty to the party.
● When u had companionship with someone else in the party, its very dangerous. This is because it
makes you happy and wouldn’t require the party after that
● The party wants the parents to be loyal to children to be loyal to big brother. But the children
shouldn’t be loyal to their parents and denounce them when they should.
● Having sexual relationship meant having children only.
● Julia has more hope then Winston

● Chapter 4
● Julia is more optimistic about life but Winston is quiet fatalistic cause he is aware of the fact that
one day he will die
● Julia selfishness, idealistic and pragmatic nature is what makes her optimistic
● The Charrington room above the shop symbolises privacy. A place which Winston can call his
own. He can express himself without being monitored or controlled .
● The house in which he finds himself in reminds him of a time of how things used to be before the
● The ‘vintage’ shop conveys the small fragments that was left from the past. Humans are
inherently prescient. The room becomes symbolic of love, warmth and care
● The smell of all the things Julia got symbolises the world before. They are simple but luxurious to
● The sensuous pleasure reminds them of the past.
● The reason why the coffee was tied tightly is because it has a very strong smell. In INGSOC, the
food don’t have strong taste or smell and hence carrying such an item with heaven aroma would
have seemed suspicious.
● When she was able to openly open the food in the room it shows that place was sort of a refugee
● Mr. Charrington was like his friend/ ally. Not once did Winston doubt his loyalty.
● The irony is that there is a tele screen behind the waiting and the place was not as safe as
Winston and Julia assumed it to be.
● When Julia sang the song which the machines usually sing, it was harmonious because when a
human sings they put their emotion and soul into it. Listening to this Winston feels at home and
away from the world
● When the rat entered the room it was a representation of big brother. He can never escape the
wrath of big brother.
● Singers do not exists because when one sings they express and evoke feelings in other people.
feelings are thoughts
● When the folly, folly, folly come again he thinks that he cant juggle between love, hatred, rebellion
and more.
● The inner party get all the luxurious which are not deemed as worthy to the outer party. This
highlights the capitalism and division of class
● INGSOC wants everybody to communal and not private
● When wiston visualises him and Julia inside glass paper weight, he feels calm and happy cause
he cant see anybody in the outside world and he assumes nobody can see him. The irony is that
everybody can see what he does. The everybody is the party

● Chapter 6
● Julia and Winston find companionship with each other and rebel in the rightest form
● Marriages, having children become a product, tool to be loyal to the party
● Using the vintage shop to be inside their own world is the ultimate rebel against the party.
● o’brien reaches out to Winston and praises him.
● Winston’s positive opinion of O’Brien makes him think that he is a part of the rebelion
● Not once does Obrien mention that he is part of the brotherhood. This reveals that he his
desperate to find someone else who feels the same way as him
● o’brien uses this to endure himself towards Winston.
● Winston in a way tricked himself into O’Brien trap.
● When Winston was able to remember to Syme’s name and o’ Brian couldn’t, it was a simple
indication that he can doublethink and definitely not a part of the brotherhood. Winston is blinded
by his positive bias of O’Brien that he couldn’t see this evidence
● The word ‘accomplice’ indicates companionship or working together. He uses this as in the eyes
of big brother what the two of them are doing is a crime but in Winston’s eyes it was smth like
● When O’Brien is so confidently flaunting the rules it give Winston confidence.
● The difference in the bias between o’ Brian and Julia is that he and Julia share a rather physical,
emotional and romantic relationship. Whereas his relationship with o’brien is about idealism and
sharing a common role.
● He is reaching out to doom when he believed he was reaching out to freedom
● He knows he is gonna be tortured and killed but doing it knowing that brings out his idealism. He
believes that he will leave a mark in this world sooner or later.
● Brotherhood is exactly a mirror image of INGSOC expect their goals are different. This brings out

● Chapter 7
● he gets a flashback which was commonly spoken in the book. He holds on to this memory
because he has hope that things could go back to how they used to be.
● Surrealism: beyond reality
● He find the prism paper weight the most comfortable. Where he cant see anyone and believes no
one else can see him.
● He dreaming of this memory and starts to tear up cause there is no one there to see what he
dreaming to watch him emotion which always him to dream freely.
● He admires his mother because no one else could alter her emotions, she was private and all in
all was human. He thinks ppl have become more robotic cause emotions have become difficult to
● He says the proles remain human but are seen as lunatics to the ppl who are under big brother
● Big brother controls the way you feel. He force them consciously feel what they want to feel.
● The essence of the dream was him being himself. Not being controlled be anyone. Be normal and
● Even the children are manipulated to feel things the way the party wants.
● There is no emotional connection between families anymore where the children spy on the
parents and inform on them. To do whatever it takes to aspire.
● Winston wishes to feel that way again
● The contrast in Julia and Winston’s character is that he is fatal and realistic while Julia is far more
optimistic. We are seeing a development in their relationship from when they started to now. It
became from physical to a rather emotional relationship. In a way Winston is moving closer to the
past he was trying to go back all this time. As this relationship progresses, we see him
understand how things used to be before the party then trying to converse with a man who was a
part of the past, writing the dairy, etc.
● Having to feel feelings he is able to grasp how things were before the party came to be.
● At this point instead of being angry of afraid of himself, he is afraid for her. This is what the party
is against of. Having those feelings Julia and winston are rebelling against the party.
● your words are determined by the party, when they are torturing you, they are controlling
everything. It is inescapable, you are going to confess. What is not okay if they can make them
stop loving each other, thats the real betrayal.
● The absolute act of rebellion is finding someone to love and being loved in return.
● To stop loving Julia is the real betrayal.
● The continuous ‘we’ is a rebellion as he is only referring to himself and Julia while its suppose to

● Chapter 8
● When he comes to meet o’brien and have a conversation of the brotherhood, he becomes fanatic
(the same type of fanatics that is instilled in the INGSOC way)
● The reason why Winston got seduced by o’brien is because he uses a language that makes
Winston want to believe that he is a part of the brotherhood.
● The absolute antithesis of how o’brien lives compared to the outer party members brings out the
social hierarchy and the pleasure he get as being close to big brother.
● When Winston tasted the wine and didn’t like it, it conveys how big brother made them into
animals and not even be able to enjoy the pleasure when being offered to them.
● When o’brien turned off the tele screen is suggest the trust big brother has in the inner party and
broadens the trust Winston has in him.
● All the various aspects that o’brien talks about the brotherhood speaks to Winston because they
feel real and true. Doing that, Winston will be able to accept that he is a part of the brotherhood.

● Chapter 9
● Winston returns from long hours of work and is about to go to the secret room to be with Julia.
● Its hate week and everyone is protesting about the war.
● Winston is sick of this
● Winston has gained a new understanding of INGSOC from receiving love for the first time and
gives him more confidence to rebel against the party.
● Once Winston’s work is complete he goes to the secret room to Julia where he feels free, relaxed
and no one and is watching him. Him mind feels free from oppression and obligation
● Winston is wrongly convinced that he is safe. “Irrationally convinced…..” Shows that he has been
reckless ever since he met O’brien.
● Right after he finishes his first chapter he takes a minute to cherish the fact that he is isolated and
away from the outside world. It gives him enough privacy to love Julia and find a way to rebel
against the party
● If everyone had enough there wouldn’t be

● Chapter 10
● On a deep level if we analyse its not rly Winston being caught by big brother is not the symbolism
for his loss. When he stops loving Julia, thats when he really loses. That is the real climax of
● It is a climatic moment as it explains that the illusion of protection when the recorder of the
painting behind the room reflect whatever they were saying.
● The recorder reflected or his emotions, feelings and the illusion that he thought he was safe and
had warmth an protection.
● When the glass paper weight breaks it shows the breakdown of his hope.
● When Julia was being choked it affected him as Julia was a symbol of love, companionship and
warmth. When she is chocked, all of those emotions were also being shocked.
● When the glass paper weight breaks it shows the breakdown of his hope. It happening
simultaneously heightens the hope shattering
● This shows that you cannot survive even where the poles are
● The emotion echoing heightens the feeling of claustrophobic and prison like feeling.
● The chapter started with a feeling of hope and renewal finding the fat women beautiful]but it ends
with him getting captures
● “We are the dead”

Book three

● Chapter 1
● The last book ended with the cliffhanger of Julia and Winston getting caught by the party and
realising that the room above charring tons shop is not safe anymore and was never safe
● The proles have a sense of freedom tha the outer party didn’t have. So Winston and Julia and
enjoy this freedom in the room
● They have a sense of financial security compared to the proles, but in return have to obey the
● The proles life and that pf Julia and Winston was actually similar
● Manipulated by those they trusted in their own people. They deluded themselves into believing
these people
● Freedom is a hopeless dream
● The moment that he felt when he was free he is being caught
● The last part creates a sense of mystery pf the secret service
● We get to know about the reality of big brother through winstons view
● The mechanisms of how big brother work and how life’s lived is shown to Winston and therefore
through the leaders
● “He did not know where he was….” The big brother aura was created. Even in custody u don’t
know where u are or what will happen to u. People under big brother have no idea what’s going
on and hence blindly follow INGSOC.
● When he is in the ministry of love, the lack of knowledge is important.
● A sense of claustrophobia is brought out when he describes the place. But he also uses words
like “glittery” and “white” which suggests purity and is ironic to the atmosphere[jail and torture]
● Enigma heightens fear because when u don’t know u just assume the worst possible thing and
scares u even more
● From all perspective one is being watched and u cannot do anything to hide that u are against the
● Winston gets anxious [stomach ache- hunger]
● He doesn’t even know the passage of time.
● He knows that this is where e is going to be, from now onwards the passage of time is going to be
forever. His life has ended as time plays a very important role in living your life.
● The way he sits also suggests his fear
● If u made any movement they will scream at u from the tele screen
● The way that he has to control his hunger shows the control the party has over him
● First they use physical, then mental and then they tell u about big brothers way and tell u the
personality they want u to have.
● For Winston the torture starts on hunger.
● The party dehumanise u [ keeping u in conditions that is not meant for humans]
● They know their way to survive in this world
● The lack of conversation between the party prisoners and common prisoners. Room 101 was
rumoured a lot.
● They don’t know what’s going to happen to him and heightens the fear
● A lot of the people were fatalist like Winston and they know what’s going to happen tp him and
hence donnt feel scared
● He further describes everyone he meets in the jail.
● The first person he meets is a poet. Poets are people who write down feelings, can express
emotions and hence will be considered a political prisoner
● There is a ministry that creates art that is in favour tot he party ways.
● The description of the man shows the fear, trauma and dread
● Every political prisoner is treated the same way
● When Winston is made hungry for so long unconsciously he has no feelings of love as it is
centred to his hunger and fear. He doesn’t even think about what happens to Julia
● At this point he hopes that someone will take him and will give him the razor blade to kill him self.
He still has faith, trust in the brotherhood that he can still continue to love Julia.
● The power of belief he has in Obrien
● He thinks ample forth will give him the razor blade to kill himself
● They alrdy met each other.
● He put”god” for rhyme sake but still got caught. He didn’t have enough words to make. Rhyme
using newspeak
● Restrictions of words will restrict thought.
● Evokes a question of how cruel is the room. The guy was ready to go to the ends of the earth
then go to room 101. Thats exactly what the party wants. They start to hate themselves, love the
party and love the party.
● The guy was so dehumanised and was so desperate to not suffer.
● You have reached point when there is no human left in u.he nothing of those left. He has no
strength to survive
● Even when the guy in jail, he was still having faith in the party by truly admitting he is guilty. Even
though he dint rly commit thoughtcrime he believes that if the party put him in jail, he deserves
● The parsons is proud that his daughter ratted on him as if she saved her. They are devoted
● Creates a sense of forbidding
● The lack of privacy enhances the dehumanising process
● “Mysteriously” heightens enigma and makes it more scary.
● The last part goes back to the concept of hunger
● His hunger is os bad that no other emotion is important
● In reality he would not be able to sacrifice himself to save Julia
● When o’brien came in and said “they got me along time ago” maybe even he was a traitor and
was brainwashed to such a point he can do the same to others
● Winston always knew Obrien was not a part of the brotherhood but deluded himself to believe it
● Once u have pain u cant think of so much
● The guard is laughing at this pain[ the power he holds]
● When u are being constantly reminded that u have no power u feel hopeless and dehumanise
● The psychological pain is worse than the physical pain that he feels.

● Chapter 2
● Chapter one ends with knowing that pain is such a powerful emotion that it can suppress any
other emotion or pain that person suffers
● Pain overpowers everything else
● The pain he experienced in chapter one is preliminary. It had nothing to do with the degree of
crime he committed. The party is so powerful that no one else is worthy enough to be a human
● Ethicality of their action are no smth that they worry about. These outer party member are
unthinking robots. The are completely de humanised
● Committing treason will experience far more torture than anyone else
● The parsons are happy that they are taken away so that their “disease” can be cured
● Because he is in contact pain he cannot know for sure what’s happening as it is fragmented
● “Something” he didn’t rly know his surrounding and instills fear
● He doesn’t experience anything. They are beating him to a point so that he becomes numb to any
sort of feelings. It all depends on nothing else but survival. The only thought left is to give up
anything to survive. This is dehumanising.
● He confessed to everything which even wasn’t true for the should reason to survive. multiple
usage of “he confessed”. He was like an animal trying to survive
● He comes to a point when he realises the party is god
● It is in the individuals hand to choose their fate
● If he does not feel pain, o’brien becomes his saviour
● O’brien keeps reminding him that he powerless
● He describes o’brien as some sort of protecter who wants to save Winston, protect him and if he
lies he is compel to torture you.
● Memory has no value in this world
● Truth and lie does not have a defined meaning in this world
● The confession had no value- it was just smth he did
● The beating was a part of the larger process. Even is he confessed, the beating kept happening
● The way they hit him like he is a “sack of potatoes” which shows how cold they are.
● The role o’brien plays in Winston life is a form of manipulation
● By scaring Winston, he is teaching him to be loyal to big brother
● The party controls so much part of the history that is malleable and can be changed
● If u can control someone thinking, u are omnipotent
● Perspective is defines by our memories
● Memories are created from our past, if u can change the past, u can control ones memories and
hence ones thoughts.
● Collective memory is used and hence the party foolproof the people
● The crime is that he did not let the party control his memory
● Going against the part- you will be a subject to fear and pain
● We fear god because he will punish us if we do smth wrong. But we look at him as a father cause
he will save us when we are in trouble. Obrien is trying to create that image of big brother in
winstons image
● He calls Winston a stain
● The difference between pretending to believe, or being a martyr of your belief is that it will cause
a revolution some day or the other. However if u correct them, they will forget about this and
hence love the party and will not strike the thought of the rebellion

● Chapter 3
● This is the first time Obrien tells the truth to Winston as he knows he is going to die either ways
and what he says will not matter
● O’brien is extremely proud of the fact that his party does not follow the the autocratic regime
which aimed at instilling fear
● It is ironic that ppl going to be oppressed will not feel like they are going to be oppressed
● “Boot stamping on a human face for ever” is a haunting idea and wraps up the whole function of
the party in one face
● The face will always be there because there will always be someone who will be or made into an
enemy who they will use as a way to show they re victorious.
● Once the enemy is humiliated and defeated, the party can remind the people that they are trying
to save them form the world outside.
● The concept of big brother as god is brought back
● It is a reminder on how important to be loyal to the party- heretic
● The asyndeton’s [absents of conduction of a part of sentence] shows the number of things that
they party will use forever to continue to have their boot on the faces of the ppl
● Winston felt that being a part of brotherhood that he could rebel so that some where in the future
there will be a change
● First they torture him to break his body to an extent his mind cant handle it anymore
● Not giving Winston that freedom to die was a form of torture to break his body to a point so that
his mind does not think else wise
● They dont want to for namesake say that you believe in the party they want you to BELIEVE in
the party
● The are happy if the people have a shorter life span as they can educate the new generation is
more of the party ways
● Anything that he tries to says he is contradicted by the idea that the party controls it all
● He still has that hope that life or smth will defeat it
● Men are malleable and hence the party controls human nature
● He is known as a disease he still has a hold on to the past which is not the sane way
● There is no one like Winston who actually has a hold of the past and future [the nostalgic feeling]
● He is stripped to strip away his pride and dignity
● Winston could not believe himself in the mirror and hence refers to himself as distant
● He keeps calling that image of himself int he mirror as “creature” shows how much he has been
● The entire face has become hollow and he looks dead and seems to have grown old
● We don’t know how much time has passed as he finds that the least important thing at the
● The moment that Winston believes that he would never going to win the party
● Skeleton description speaks to the power of the party. It gives a very dead like image
● The repetition of “look” is to make Winston realise that he is right. Even if they look old within a
matter f days they made Winston he same way
● Winston is being made to undress himself, just to let him see himself and make him feel less of a
man, to make he feel as if he has lost his pride and dignity and is not a human anymore, he’s no
more that symbol of humanity that he once thought could defeat the party, there was no hope left
for him because he was not human at all, that was the final breakdown of his spirit.
● He till this point had the courage to retaliate against O’Brien, there was always a part of him that
wanted to contradict O’Brien feeble, but now when he looks at himself in the mirror, he starts to
understand and agree with him. The fact that Winston begins his sentence with ‘it’ instead of ‘he’
brings out two things, firstly, there’s a distancing happening, he can’t believe that’s him, he feels
as if it is someone else coming towards him, it’s also dehumanizing because he’s not using the
pronoun most commonly connoting to humans, he used the word ‘it’, something that’s used more
commonly for animals. It shows how ever he tries to fight, he will always end up powerless in
comparison to O’Brien and the party.
● He calls the image of himself a “creature”, it allows him to see himself objectively further bringing
about a sense of dehumanization. His entire fae seems to have disintegrated, he looks dead, he
seems to have grown old, in the amount of time he has stayed in there. He doesn’t know how
long it had been, he didn’t see day changing to nights, he’s practically non-existential. His body
had been battered by the regime, he has no impact on the world.
● Winston’s body had become that of a skeleton, although he had not been given physical death,
his legs had shrunk, it speaks to the power of the party, that they can do anything they want to
him and he is helpless.
● Showing him the way he looks forces him to accept the fact that he is helpless, there is nothing
he can do about his condition.
● His face is a reflection of the party, metaphorically depicting how his face is the one that is going
to be stepped on forever. The intention of the party is to have more power, and O’Brien is in a
way showing to Winston the amount of power they already have, and just the sheer way in which
it will steadily grow.
● The visual image of O’Brien effortlessly pulling the toot out of the gum again portrays the extent of
power that he has over Winston and that Winston is just a piece of body that has no significance
or value. He is decaying.

● Chapter 5
● He betrayed his belief in love
● Its unconscious that he traces 2+2=5

● Chapter 6
● He seems to have almost instinctively gotten used to the parties ways
● Despite not liking the drink, he doesn’t stop drinking it. That disconnect between his sensory and
habitual behaviour tells us how instinctively he follows the rules.
● Something about everything surrounding him is the impact he felt in room 101. The overwhelming
horror still stays with him. The fear is so deeply engraved that it becomes a part of him.
● Winston is symbolic of the power of the party, how they managed to transform from the person he
was before. It shows how the party cannot be defeated
● This chapter rly powerful shows the magnitude of power this party has. We see why they have
managed to survive- have power over the minds of people
● ‘Unconsciously traced’ its so much engraved in him that it’s inextricable.
● They change you in such a way that you don't even notice it
● Killing is different as they die with their ideology. But when you don't kill but completely change
someone, that's the true horror. It's a rather psychological death.
● When he meets Julia, it really highlights how much he has changed. He has changed so
fundamentally as a person, the party need not fear him anymore. The fact that they don't care
reminds us of the problems. They know that Winston wont fight back.
● The comparison to a corpse shows that they both are dead.
● The acceptance of it without guilt conveys the power of the party.
● “I sold you, and you sold me” when they came down to it, they couldn’t stand up for each other.
Their fear of survival, made them give up on each other.
● ‘They dead’ ~ sonia maam, 23rd august, 9:59 am [ they are living in a void between life and death
● The power of memory irrespective of what you do can resurface. We can see this in his mothers
memory. But he immediately pushes us. We actively see doublethink
● In this moment when he hears that the party won, is when Winston has finally given in and
without questioning reacts with joy.
● He rly believes he has committed a sin, felony and has been forgiven for that crime.
● He is in love with big brother. He knows he is dying, believes he is and knows he did smth wrong.
He finally believes that big brother is always right. He was confessing because he really wants to
● He felt like dying is salvation
● He is literally calling upon an apologising to big brother like he is god

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