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Facsimile Transmission

Tel No : (65) 6863 5391

Fax No : (65) 68634635
E-mail :
To : PV Drilling Investment Corporation Date : 30 April 2008
Attn: Mr. Nguyen Van Que – Managing Fax No : (84) 89142021
Mr. Graeme Arnold Fax No : (65) 62681431
/ Dr. Van Duc Tong
Our Ref : PVDI/PLAN/003 Fax Ref :
From : Nam Yau Chai
Subject: Contract No.PVDI-KFELS/01-2008. PV Drilling III Jack-up Rig
Monthly Project Progress Report No.3

Dear Sirs,

Please find enclosed the monthly project progress report for 30th April 2008, for your
information & review.

Feel free to revert back to us should you have any clarifications.


Nam Yau Chai

Assistant Project Manager

CC : PE&P – JGB Luna

Keppel FELS Limited - formerly known as Far East Levingston Shipbuilding Limited
50 Gul Road, Singapore 629351
Tel : (65) 863 7200 Fax : (65) 261 7719 or 265 1927

Võ Minh Hạnh



Võ Minh Hạnh
Plan Actual
™ Contract Awarded rd
03 Mar 2008 rd
03 Mar 2008
™ Strike Steel 2nd Jan 2008 2nd Jan 2008
™ Keel Laying 4th Aug 2008
™ Fleeting 31st Oct 2008
™ Undocking 28th Feb 2009
™ Delivery Ex-Yard 31st Dec 2009
™ Transport To Offshore Site 01st Jan 2010
™ Hand Over At Offshore Site 15th Jan 2010


2.1. Cumulative number of miss : 0

2.2. Cumulative number of reportable case : 0
2.3. Frequency rate (Reportable injuries / million man-hours) : 0
2.4. Severity rate (Man days lost / million man-hours) : 0
2.5. Cumulative man-hours worked :0
2.6. Cumulative Production man-hours since last LTI : 118,820


3.1. Plan : 8.78%

Actual : 7.23%
Variance : -1.55%

3.2. Key Notes,

• Overall S-curve is fixed from 3rd March 08 for future progress updating and reporting purposes.


4.1. Plan : 36.51%

Actual : 39.02%
Variance : +2.51%

4.2. Summary Of Progress:

Completed Task
• Basic Hull Scantling drawings has completed and issued to production as AFC.
• Load Analysis has been issued to ABS for review.
• Lightship WT&CG Calculation (Preliminary) has completed and issued to PVDI for information.
• Weight Control Report no. 1 has completed and issued to PVDI for information.
• Details Engineering in progress.
• PPS (Plan Progress Schedule) has completed as per contract requirement and issued to PVDI for
• GA (General Arrangement) drawings were issued.

In Progress Task
• Weight Control Report no. 2 will be issued to PVDI.
• Steel Outfit Drawings in progress.

4.3. Key Notes,

• Engineering S-curve is fixed from 3rd March 08 for future progress updating and reporting purposes.

B304 Monthly Report ending - 27Apr08 1

Võ Minh Hạnh
(include procurement and equipment deliveries)

5.1. Plan : 31.01%

Actual : 23.55%
Variance : -7.46%

• Till date 56% of procurement has been completed.

5.2. Summary of Progress:

• Procurement S-curve is fixed from 3rd March 08 for future progress updating and reporting purposes.
• 10 major long lead equipment & steel material are ordered, delivery in progress.

5.2.1 Summary Of Major Equipment Ordered:

• 10 long lead equipment:
¾ HP Mud pump
¾ Main diesel engine / generator
¾ Jacking system
¾ Derrick
¾ Drawworks
¾ Rotary support table
¾ Top drive
¾ Emergency generator / diesel engine
¾ Deck crane
¾ Anchor Winch
• Compressor
• Air winches
• Fixation system
• Rack & chord
• Skidding system
• Rig service pumps
• Sewage treatment system
• Water maker system
• Foam/deluge fixed fire extinguishing system
• Mud mixing system
• Drilling instrumentation
• Driller’s cabin
• Switchboards and VFD system
• Transformer
• Helideck
• Hot Water Heater
• Potable/Sanitary Pressure Set
• Diverter

5.2.2 Summary Of Equipment Delivered:

• None

B304 Monthly Report ending - 27Apr08 2

Võ Minh Hạnh

6.1 Plan : 4.21%

Actual : 2.53%
Variance : -1.68%

• The variance is mainly due to the fabrication and assembly of the hull block as well as jackcase.

6.2 Summary Of Progress:

• Construction Schedule & S-curve Rev.0 is issued. Construction S-curve is fixed from 3rd March 08 for
future progress updating and reporting purposes.
• Block 3DC (Pioneer Yard) – panel fabrication completed, assembly in progress. Piping fabrication and
installation in progress. Steel outfit fabrication and installation in progress.
• Block 4C (Thailand) – panel fabrication and assembly in progress.
• Block 7P & 7S (Thailand) – panel fabrication and block assembly in progress.
• Block 6DP & 6DS (Thailand) – panel fabrication and block assembly in progress.
• Block 1DC & 2DC (Pioneer Yard) - panel fabrication in progress.
• Block 5P & 5S (Pioneer Yard) – panel fabrication in progress. Piping and steel outfit fabrication in
• Jackcase (FWD, PORT & STBD) – fabrication and assembly in progress.
• Lower Guide (FWD) – fabrication started


7.1 Fabrication of block 2MC plan start.

7.2 Fabrication of block 3MAC & 3MFC plan start.
7.3 Assembly of block1DC/2DC plan start.
7.4 Assembly of block 4C, 3MAC & 3MFC plan start.
7.5 Fabrication of Lower Guides (PORT & STBD) plan start.
7.6 Fabrication of Steel Outfit for block 1DC/2DC, 6DS, 6DP, 7P, & 7S plan start.
7.7 Fabrication of Piping for block 6DP, 6DS, 7P & 7S plan start.
7.8 Painting of Block 3DC
7.9 Fabrication of E&I MCTs, penetrations and supports for block 7P & 7S plan start.
7.10 Fabrication of vent insert spools for block 7P & 7S plan start.
7.11 Material shortage issue has been looked into and in the progress of taking necessary action. Progress
delay will be monitored and verified continuously until progress is back to normal.

B304 Monthly Report ending - 27Apr08 3

Võ Minh Hạnh

¾ Block 3DC (Pioneer Yard): assembly in progress

¾ Block 1DC/2DC (Pioneer Yard): fabrication in progress

B304 Monthly Report ending - 27Apr08 4

Võ Minh Hạnh
¾ Block 5P & 5S (Pioneer Yard): fabrication in progress

¾ Fwd Jackcase (Pioneer Yard): assembly in progress.

B304 Monthly Report ending - 27Apr08 5

Võ Minh Hạnh
¾ Block 4C (Thailand): assembly in progress.

¾ Block 7P (Thailand): assembly in progress.

B304 Monthly Report ending - 27Apr08 6

Võ Minh Hạnh
¾ Block 7S (Thailand): fabrication in progress

¾ Block 6DP (Thailand): fabrication in progress

B304 Monthly Report ending - 27Apr08 7

Võ Minh Hạnh
¾ Block 6DS (Thailand): fabrication in progress.

9 Attachments:
a) Overall S-curve, Engineering S-curve, Procurement S-curve & Construction S-curve
b) Details Progress Breakdown
c) Details Production Schedule Rev.0
d) Vendor Contact List For Purchased Item – by packages (continuous updating, send by monthly)

B304 Monthly Report ending - 27Apr08 8

Võ Minh Hạnh
B304 PV Drilling III Overall S Curve (Engrg, Proc & Prod) Period Ending
Plan Actual
For Period Ending 27th April 2008
31-12-06 0.00% 0.02%
100.00% 28-01-07 0.00% 0.02%
25-02-07 0.04% 0.19%
25-03-07 0.04% 0.19%
90.00% 29-04-07 0.06% 0.22%
27-05-07 0.12% 0.23%
24-06-07 0.12% 0.23%
80.00% 29-07-07 0.14% 0.24%
26-08-07 0.14% 0.24%
30-09-07 0.30% 0.42%
70.00% 28-10-07 0.69% 0.72%
25-11-07 1.39% 1.24%
30-12-07 2.06% 1.93%
Progress Status, %

60.00% 27-01-08 2.74% 2.40%

24-02-08 3.88% 3.22%
30-03-08 5.87% 4.73%
50.00% 27-04-08 8.78% 7.23%
25-05-08 12.52%
29-06-08 18.17%
40.00% 27-07-08 23.31%
31-08-08 30.87%
28-09-08 38.44%
30.00% 26-10-08 47.46%
30-11-08 57.06%
28-12-08 63.25%
25-01-09 68.82%
22-02-09 74.09%
29-03-09 80.17%
26-04-09 83.74%
31-05-09 88.46%
28-06-09 91.94%
26-07-09 95.01%
0.00% 30-08-09 97.80%


















27-09-09 99.13%
25-10-09 99.60%
29-11-09 99.69%
End Of Month 27-12-09 99.98%
Cummulative Planned % Cummulative Actual % 31-12-09 100.00%

B304 Monthly Report ending - 27Apr08 9

Võ Minh Hạnh
B304 PV III Engineering S Curve (AFC & AFU) Period Ending
Plan Actual
For Period Ending 27th April 2008
26-08-07 0.00% 0.00%
100.00% 30-09-07 1.21% 1.21%
28-10-07 3.88% 3.88%
90.00% 25-11-07 7.93% 7.93%
30-12-07 12.38% 12.38%
27-01-08 15.56% 15.56%
24-02-08 20.00% 21.56%
30-03-08 28.04% 28.42%
70.00% 27-04-08 36.51% 39.02%
Progress Status, %

25-05-08 43.85%
60.00% 29-06-08 54.67%
27-07-08 62.57%
50.00% 31-08-08 71.01%
28-09-08 76.97%
26-10-08 80.72%
30-11-08 84.25%
28-12-08 86.35%
30.00% 25-01-09 88.70%
22-02-09 90.38%
20.00% 29-03-09 92.08%
26-04-09 93.78%
10.00% 31-05-09 96.07%
28-06-09 97.64%
26-07-09 98.30%
30-08-09 98.95%








27-09-09 99.45%
25-10-09 99.51%
End Of Month 29-11-09 99.61%
27-12-09 99.80%
Cummulative Planned % Cummulative Actual % 31-12-09 100.00%

B304 Monthly Report ending - 27Apr08 10

Võ Minh Hạnh
B304 PV Drilling III Procurement & Delivery S Curve Period Ending
Plan Actual
For Period Ending 27th April 2008 31-12-06 0.00% 0.33%
100.00% 28-01-07 0.00% 0.33%
25-02-07 0.74% 3.84%
25-03-07 0.74% 3.84%
90.00% 29-04-07 1.29% 4.39%
27-05-07 2.31% 4.67%
24-06-07 2.31% 4.67%
80.00% 29-07-07 2.86% 4.76%
26-08-07 2.86% 4.76%
30-09-07 3.58% 5.95%
70.00% 28-10-07 6.12% 6.74%
25-11-07 11.96% 8.89%
30-12-07 16.46% 13.90%
Progress Status, %

60.00% 27-01-08 20.83% 16.42%

24-02-08 24.25% 18.45%
30-03-08 27.22% 22.31%
50.00% 27-04-08 31.01% 23.55%
25-05-08 32.92%
29-06-08 33.91%
40.00% 27-07-08 36.89%
31-08-08 48.89%
28-09-08 54.24%
30.00% 26-10-08 55.65%
30-11-08 60.02%
28-12-08 63.67%
20.00% 25-01-09 72.19%
22-02-09 77.54%
29-03-09 86.85%
10.00% 26-04-09 89.63%
31-05-09 90.82%
28-06-09 93.29%
26-07-09 94.48%


















30-08-09 97.42%
27-09-09 99.21%
25-10-09 99.41%
End Of Month 29-11-09 99.60%
27-12-09 100.00%
Cummulative Planned % Cummulative Actual % 31-12-09 100.00%
B304 Monthly Report ending - 27Apr08 11

Võ Minh Hạnh
B304 PV Drilling III Construction S Curve Period Ending
Plan Actual
For Period ending 27th April 2008 30-12-07 0.00% 0.00%
27-01-08 0.17% 0.03%
24-02-08 0.79% 0.17%
30-03-08 2.01% 0.91%
27-04-08 4.21% 2.53%
25-05-08 7.63%
29-06-08 12.95%
27-07-08 17.89%
Progress Status, %

60.00% 31-08-08 25.09%

28-09-08 32.98%
50.00% 26-10-08 43.07%
30-11-08 53.69%
40.00% 28-12-08 60.51%
25-01-09 66.28%
30.00% 22-02-09 71.97%
29-03-09 78.38%
20.00% 26-04-09 82.21%
31-05-09 87.43%
10.00% 28-06-09 91.19%
26-07-09 94.65%
0.00% 30-08-09 97.69%
27-09-09 99.09%
















25-10-09 99.62%
End Of Month 29-11-09 99.70%
27-12-09 100.00%
Cummulative Planned % Cummulative Actual % 31-12-09 100.00%

B304 Monthly Report ending - 27Apr08 12

Võ Minh Hạnh



ENGINEERING 10 28.04 28.42 36.51 39.02 10.60 2.51

PROCUREMENT AND DELIVERY 5 27.22 22.31 31.01 23.55 1.24 -7.46
CONSTRUCTION 85 2.01 0.91 4.21 2.53 1.62 -1.68
TOTAL 100 5.87 4.73 8.78 7.23 2.50 -1.55



STEELWORKS 50 3.87 1.81 7.48 4.85 3.04 -2.63

PAINTING 10 0.00 0.00 0.86 0.00 0.00 -0.86
MECHANICAL 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
PIPING 15 0.48 0.06 2.58 0.72 0.66 -1.86
ELECTRICAL 12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
HVAC 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ARCHITECTURAL OUTFIT 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TESTING AND COMMS 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TOTAL 100 2.01 0.91 4.21 2.53 1.62 -1.68


Total no. of
Cum. AFU issued Cum. AFC issued Cum. AFU issued Cum. AFC issued

ELECTRICAL 146 18 17 26 17 8 0
HULL 320 115 96 180 96 65 0
MECHANICAL 107 22 12 40 14 18 2
NAVAL ARCHITECTURE 49 8 5 16 5 8 0
OUTFIT & ACCOMODATION 58 19 18 19 18 0 0
PIPING 88 44 43 53 43 9 0

TOTAL 768 226 191 334 193 108 2

B304 Monthly Report ending - 27Apr08 13

Võ Minh Hạnh
Activity ID Activity Name Planned Baseline Baseline Actual Start Actual Finish Plan % Actual % 2007 2008 2009
Dur Start Finish
M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N
B304 PV Drilling
Drillin III Invest (Rev.0) 1037.... 28-May-07 15-Jan-10 28-May-07

KEY DATES 826.0d 28-May-07 15-Jan-10 02-Jan-08

A1010 Contract Awards 0.0d 28-May-07 03-Mar-08 100% 100% Contract Awards

A1020 Strike Steel 0.0d 02-Jan-08 02-Jan-08 100% 100% Strike Steel

A1030 Keel Laying 0.0d 04-Aug-08 0% 0% Keel Laying

A1040 Fleet 0.0d 31-Oct-08 0% 0% Fleet

A1050 Undock 0.0d 28-Feb-09 0% 0% Undock

A1060 Delivery Ex-Yard 0.0d 31-Dec-09 0% 0%

A8310 Transport To Offshore Site 12.0d 01-Jan-10 14-Jan-10 0% 0%
A8320 Hand Over At Offshore Site 0.0d 15-Jan-10 15-Jan-10 0% 0%

ENGINEERING 422.0d 28-May-07 07-Jul-09 28-May-07

A1070 Basic Design & Class Approvals/Confirm GA & One Line Diagram 56.0d 28-May-07 31-Jul-07 28-May-07 31-Jul-07 100% 100%
A1080 Detail Engineering Drawings 422.0d 11-Jun-07 07-Jul-09 11-Jun-07 36.51 39.02%
A1071 Equipment VCD From Vendors 78.0d 11-Jun-07 31-May-08 11-Jun-07 90.2% 90.2%

PROCUREME 630.0d 28-May-07 01-Aug-09 28-May-07

ORDER 330.0d 28-May-07 30-Jul-08 28-May-07

A1130 Order Drilling Equipment Package 56.0d 28-May-07 31-Jul-07 28-May-07 31-Jul-07 100% 100%
A1122 Order Main Generator 0.0d 28-May-07 28-May-07 100% 100% Order Main Generator

A1091 Procure BFE's Equipment 330.0d 12-Jul-07 30-Jul-08 12-Jul-07 75.45% 75.45%
A1090 Order Steel Material 0.0d 01-Aug-07 01-Aug-07 100% 100% Order Steel Material

A1150 Order Switchboards / Transformer 0.0d 11-Oct-07 11-Oct-07 100% 100% Order Switchboards / Transformer

DELIVERY 630.0d 28-May-07 01-Aug-09 28-May-07

A1190 Leg Bracing Material (Delivered) 0.0d 28-May-07 28-May-07 100% 100% Leg Bracing Material (Delivered)

A1180 Deliver Steel Materials 0.0d 05-Dec-07 05-Dec-07 100% 100% Deliver Steel Materials

A1210 Deliver Main Generator 0.0d 30-Jul-08 0% 0% Deliver Main Generator

A1220 Deliver Mud Pump 0.0d 31-Jul-08 0% 0% Deliver Mud Pump

A1201 Deliver Leg Jacking & Fixation System 0.0d 01-Aug-08 0% 0% Deliver Leg Jacking & Fixa

A1200 Deliver Leg Rack & Chord (1st To 4th Section Legs) 235.0d 30-Aug-08 30-May-09 0% 0%
A1250 Deliver Switchboards / Transformer 0.0d 31-Oct-08 0% 0% Deliver Switchboards / Transformer

A1260 Deliver Shale Shaker Equipment 0.0d 30-Dec-08 0% 0% Delive

A1280 Deliver Derrick 0.0d 31-Dec-08 0% 0% Delive

A1300 Deliver Drilling Equipment 60.0d 02-Feb-09 11-Apr-09 0% 0%

A1261 Deliver Drawworks / Rotary Table 0.0d 02-Feb-09 0% 0% D

A1310 Deliver BOP Stack 0.0d 01-Aug-09 01-Aug-09 0% 0% Deliver BOP S

CONSTRUCTI 845.0d 02-Jan-08 31-Dec-09 02-Jan-08

STRUCTURAL 775.0d 02-Jan-08 21-Sep-09 02-Jan-08

A1340 STRIKE STEEL 0.0d 02-Jan-08 02-Jan-08 100% 100% STRIKE STEEL

A1700 KEEL LAYING 0.0d 04-Aug-08 0% 0% KEEL LAYING

A1870 FLEETING 0.0d 31-Oct-08 0% 0% FLEETING

A1880 UNDOCKING 0.0d 28-Feb-09 0% 0%

HULL-STRUCT 331.0d 02-Jan-08 31-Oct-08 02-Jan-08

Primary Baseline Milestone Pages : 1 Of 13 Printed on : 30-Apr-08 (11:19)

Actual Work Summary

Võ As
Updated Minh Hạnh
Of: 24.02.08
Activity ID Activity Name Planned Baseline Baseline Actual Start Actual Finish Plan % Actual % 2007 2008 2009
Dur Start Finish
M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N
BLOC FABRICATION 181.0d 02-Jan-08 25-Jul-08 02-Jan-08
A1410 Fab Blk 3DC 50.0d 02-Jan-08 28-Feb-08 02-Jan-08 22-Mar-08 100% 100%
A1510 Fab Blk 7P 100.0d 15-Jan-08 09-May-08 02-Feb-08 89% 52.89%
A1520 Fab Blk 7S 100.0d 16-Jan-08 10-May-08 02-Feb-08 88% 47.46%
A1470 Fab Blk 6DP 109.0d 01-Feb-08 06-Jun-08 09-Mar-08 67.89% 77%
A1490 Fab Blk 6DS 110.0d 01-Feb-08 07-Jun-08 29-Feb-08 67.27% 75.71%
A1440 Fab Blk 4C 113.0d 07-Feb-08 17-Jun-08 30-Jan-08 61.06% 38.42%
A1390 Fab Blk 2DC 42.0d 07-Mar-08 24-Apr-08 24-Mar-08 100% 94%
A1370 Fab Blk 1DC 73.0d 12-Mar-08 04-Jun-08 24-Mar-08 54.79% 53.49%
A1450 Fab Blk 5P 85.0d 15-Mar-08 21-Jun-08 05-Apr-08 43.53% 22.55%
A1460 Fab Blk 5S 85.0d 20-Mar-08 26-Jun-08 07-Apr-08 38.82% 21.83%
A1420 Fab Blk 3MAC 45.0d 01-Apr-08 22-May-08 51.11% 0%
A1430 Fab Blk 3MFC 50.0d 07-Apr-08 03-Jun-08 36% 0%
A1400 Fab Blk 2MC 45.0d 09-May-08 30-Jun-08 0% 0%
A1380 Fab Blk 1MC 45.0d 02-Jun-08 23-Jul-08 0% 0%
A1480 Fab Blk 6MP 40.0d 07-Jun-08 23-Jul-08 0% 0%
A1500 Fab Blk 6MS 40.0d 10-Jun-08 25-Jul-08 0% 0%
BLOC ASSEMBLY 164.0d 06-Feb-08 08-Sep-08 01-Mar-08
A1580 Assm Blk 3DC 60.0d 06-Feb-08 15-Apr-08 01-Mar-08 100% 86.8%
A1680 Assm Blk 7P 141.0d 19-Feb-08 31-Jul-08 19-Mar-08 41.84% 25%
A1690 Assm Blk 7S 140.0d 20-Feb-08 31-Jul-08 25-Mar-08 41.43% 6.67%
A1660 Assm Blk 6DS 95.0d 08-Apr-08 26-Jul-08 02-Apr-08 17.89% 25%
A1560 Assm Blk 2DC 67.0d 11-Apr-08 27-Jun-08 22-Apr-08 20.9% 6.23%
A1540 Assm Blk 1DC 70.0d 14-Apr-08 03-Jul-08 24-Apr-08 17.14% 4.5%
A1640 Assm Blk 6DP 84.0d 16-Apr-08 22-Jul-08 31-Mar-08 11.9% 40.25%
A1620 Assm Blk 5P 79.0d 19-Apr-08 19-Jul-08 8.86% 0%
A1630 Assm Blk 5S 75.0d 24-Apr-08 19-Jul-08 4% 0%
A1610 Assm Blk 4C 75.0d 05-May-08 30-Jul-08 19-Mar-08 0% 3.16%
A1590 Assm Blk 3MAC 70.0d 17-May-08 06-Aug-08 0% 0%
A1600 Assm Blk 3MFC 75.0d 17-May-08 12-Aug-08 0% 0%
A1570 Assm Blk 2MC 60.0d 13-Jun-08 21-Aug-08 0% 0%
A1550 Assm Blk 1MC 35.0d 07-Jul-08 15-Aug-08 0% 0%
A1650 Assm Blk 6MP 38.0d 24-Jul-08 05-Sep-08 0% 0%
A1670 Assm Blk 6MS 38.0d 26-Jul-08 08-Sep-08 0% 0%
BLOC ERECTION 151.0d 04-Aug-08 31-Oct-08
A1750 Erect Blk 3DC 0.0d 04-Aug-08 04-Aug-08 0% 0%
A1720 Erect Blk 1DC/2DC 35.0d 06-Aug-08 15-Sep-08 0% 0%
A1780 Erect Blk 4C 30.0d 01-Sep-08 04-Oct-08 0% 0%
A1810 Erect Blk 6DP 40.0d 02-Sep-08 17-Oct-08 0% 0%
A1830 Erect Blk 6DS 40.0d 05-Sep-08 21-Oct-08 0% 0%
A1790 Erect Blk 5P 30.0d 08-Sep-08 11-Oct-08 0% 0%
A1800 Erect Blk 5S 30.0d 08-Sep-08 11-Oct-08 0% 0%
A1850 Erect Blk 7P 35.0d 11-Sep-08 21-Oct-08 0% 0%
A1860 Erect Blk 7S 35.0d 12-Sep-08 22-Oct-08 0% 0%
A1770 Erect Blk 3MC 40.0d 13-Sep-08 29-Oct-08 0% 0%
A1740 Erect Blk 2MC 40.0d 15-Sep-08 30-Oct-08 0% 0%
A1730 Erect Blk 1MC 40.0d 16-Sep-08 31-Oct-08 0% 0%
A1820 Erect Blk 6MP 21.0d 01-Oct-08 24-Oct-08 0% 0%

Primary Baseline Milestone Pages : 2 Of 13 Printed on : 30-Apr-08 (11:19)

Actual Work Summary

Võ As
Updated Minh Hạnh
Of: 24.02.08
Activity ID Activity Name Planned Baseline Baseline Actual Start Actual Finish Plan % Actual % 2007 2008 2009
Dur Start Finish
M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N
A1840 Erect Blk 6MS 24.0d 01-Oct-08 28-Oct-08 0% 0%
GU & JACKCASES 263.0d 06-Mar-08 03-Dec-08 24-Mar-08
AS JACKCASES 164.0d 06-Mar-08 22-Aug-08 24-Mar-08
A2010 Fab / Assm Jackcases - FWD 115.0d 06-Mar-08 17-Jul-08 24-Mar-08 39.13% 18.3%
A2020 Fab / Assm Jackcases - PORT 115.0d 02-Apr-08 13-Aug-08 16-May-08 19.13% 12.9%
A2030 Fab / Assm Jackcases - STBD 115.0d 11-Apr-08 22-Aug-08 16-Apr-08 12.17% 9.2%
AS LOWER GUIDES 111.0d 22-Apr-08 28-Aug-08 23-Apr-08
A2050 Fab / Assm Lower Guides - FWD 90.0d 22-Apr-08 04-Aug-08 23-Apr-08 5.56% 2%
A2060 Fab / Assm Lower Guides - PORT 90.0d 07-May-08 19-Aug-08 0% 0%
A2070 Fab / Assm Lower Guides - STBD 90.0d 16-May-08 28-Aug-08 0% 0%
LOW GUIDES & JACKCASES 58.0d 05-Aug-08 10-Oct-08
A2080 Join Lower Guide & Jackcase - FWD 28.0d 05-Aug-08 05-Sep-08 0% 0%
A2081 Join Lower Guide & Jackcase - PORT 28.0d 30-Aug-08 01-Oct-08 0% 0%
A2082 Join Lower Guide & Jackcase -STBD 28.0d 09-Sep-08 10-Oct-08 0% 0%
L GUIDE / JACKCASE 28.0d 13-Oct-08 03-Dec-08
A2180 Erect Jackcase+Lower Guide To Legwell - FWD 21.0d 13-Oct-08 05-Nov-08 0% 0%
A2190 Erect Jackcase+Lower Guide To Legwell - PORT 21.0d 07-Nov-08 01-Dec-08 0% 0%
A2200 Erect Jackcase+Lower Guide To Legwell - STBD 21.0d 10-Nov-08 03-Dec-08 0% 0%
DIAGONAL BRACING 279.0d 01-Oct-08 08-Jan-09
AS DIAGONAL BRACING 58.0d 01-Oct-08 06-Dec-08
A2090 Fab / Assm Jackcase Box Beam & Diagonal Bracing - FWD 54.0d 01-Oct-08 02-Dec-08 0% 0%
A2100 Fab / Assm Jackcase Box Beam & Diagonal Bracing - PORT 54.0d 04-Oct-08 05-Dec-08 0% 0%
A2110 Fab / Assm Jackcase Box Beam & Diagonal Bracing - STBD 54.0d 06-Oct-08 06-Dec-08 0% 0%
D BRACING 20.0d 15-Dec-08 08-Jan-09
A2220 Erect Jackcase Box Beam & Diagonal Bracing - FWD 18.0d 15-Dec-08 03-Jan-09 0% 0%
A2230 Erect Jackcase Box Beam & Diagonal Bracing - PORT 18.0d 18-Dec-08 07-Jan-09 0% 0%
A2240 Erect Jackcase Box Beam & Diagonal Bracing - STBD 18.0d 19-Dec-08 08-Jan-09 0% 0%
S 375.0d 22-Aug-08 13-Mar-09
A2530 Fab / Assm Quarter Sub-Block ( C ) 100.0d 22-Aug-08 16-Dec-08 0% 0%
A2540 Fab / Assm Quarter Sub-Block ( P ) 123.0d 30-Aug-08 20-Jan-09 0% 0%
A2550 Fab / Assm Quarter Sub-Block ( S ) 123.0d 30-Aug-08 20-Jan-09 0% 0%
A2560 Erect Quarter ( C ) 21.0d 20-Jan-09 12-Feb-09 0% 0%
A2570 Erect Quarter ( P ) 21.0d 18-Feb-09 13-Mar-09 0% 0%
A2580 Erect Quarter ( S ) 21.0d 18-Feb-09 13-Mar-09 0% 0%
SPUD CANS - STRUCTURAL 402.0d 02-Jun-08 06-Dec-08
FAB / ASSM SPUD CANS 141.0d 02-Jun-08 12-Nov-08
A1910 Fab / Assm Spud Can - FWD 140.0d 02-Jun-08 11-Nov-08 0% 0%
A1930 Fab / Assm Spud Can - STBD 140.0d 03-Jun-08 12-Nov-08 0% 0%
A1920 Fab / Assm Spud Can - PORT 140.0d 03-Jun-08 12-Nov-08 0% 0%
JOIN SPUD CANS WITH 1ST SECT. LEG 21.0d 13-Nov-08 06-Dec-08
A1950 Join Spud Cans With 1st Sect. Leg (1A) - FWD 21.0d 13-Nov-08 06-Dec-08 0% 0%
A1960 Join Spud Cans With 1st Sect. Leg (1A) - PORT 21.0d 13-Nov-08 06-Dec-08 0% 0%
A1970 Join Spud Cans With 1st Sect. Leg (1A) - STBD 21.0d 13-Nov-08 06-Dec-08 0% 0%
STRUC 313.0d 22-Sep-08 21-Sep-09
FAB / ASSM LEG SECTIONS 274.0d 22-Sep-08 06-Aug-09
A2270 Fab / Assm Leg Sect. 1 (1A&1B) - FWD 35.0d 22-Sep-08 31-Oct-08 0% 0%
A2280 Fab / Assm Leg Sect. 1 (1A&1B) - PORT 35.0d 22-Sep-08 31-Oct-08 0% 0%

Primary Baseline Milestone Pages : 3 Of 13 Printed on : 30-Apr-08 (11:19)

Actual Work Summary

Võ As
Updated Minh Hạnh
Of: 24.02.08
Activity ID Activity Name Planned Baseline Baseline Actual Start Actual Finish Plan % Actual % 2007 2008 2009
Dur Start Finish
M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N
A2290 Fab / Assm Leg Sect. 1 (1A&1B) - STBD 35.0d 22-Sep-08 31-Oct-08 0% 0%
A2310 Fab / Assm Leg Sect. 2 - PORT 45.0d 23-Feb-09 15-Apr-09 0% 0%
A2320 Fab / Assm Leg Sect. 2 - STBD 45.0d 23-Feb-09 15-Apr-09 0% 0%
A2300 Fab / Assm Leg Sect. 2 - FWD 45.0d 23-Feb-09 15-Apr-09 0% 0%
A2330 Fab / Assm Leg Sect. 3 - FWD 45.0d 20-May-09 10-Jul-09 0% 0%
A2340 Fab / Assm Leg Sect. 3 - PORT 45.0d 20-May-09 10-Jul-09 0% 0%
A2350 Fab / Assm Leg Sect. 3 - STBD 45.0d 20-May-09 10-Jul-09 0% 0%
A2360 Fab / Assm Leg Sect. 4 - FWD 45.0d 16-Jun-09 06-Aug-09 0% 0%
A2370 Fab / Assm Leg Sect. 4 - PORT 45.0d 16-Jun-09 06-Aug-09 0% 0%
A2380 Fab / Assm Leg Sect. 4 - STBD 45.0d 16-Jun-09 06-Aug-09 0% 0%
ERECT LEG SECTION 242.0d 13-Dec-08 21-Sep-09
A2400 Erect 1st Sect Leg (1A) With Spudcan To Leg Well - FWD 0.0d 13-Dec-08 13-Dec-08 0% 0%
A2410 Erect 1st Sect Leg (1A) With Spudcan To Leg Well - PORT 0.0d 13-Dec-08 13-Dec-08 0% 0%
A2420 Erect 1st Sect Leg (1A) With Spudcan To LegWell - STBD 0.0d 13-Dec-08 13-Dec-08 0% 0%
A7880 Erect 1st Sect Leg 1B To 1A - FWD 0.0d 30-Dec-08 30-Dec-08 0% 0%
A7890 Erect 1st Sect Leg 1B To 1A - PORT 0.0d 30-Dec-08 30-Dec-08 0% 0%
A7900 Erect 1st Sect Leg 1B To 1A - STBD 0.0d 30-Dec-08 30-Dec-08 0% 0%
A2440 Erect 2nd Sect Leg - PORT 21.0d 07-May-09 30-May-09 0% 0%
A2450 Erect 2nd Sect Leg - STBD 21.0d 07-May-09 30-May-09 0% 0%
A2430 Erect 2nd Sect Leg - FWD 21.0d 07-May-09 30-May-09 0% 0%
A2460 Erect 3rd Sect Leg - FWD 21.0d 01-Aug-09 25-Aug-09 0% 0%
A2470 Erect 3rd Sect Leg - PORT 21.0d 01-Aug-09 25-Aug-09 0% 0%
A2480 Erect 3rd Sect Leg - STBD 21.0d 01-Aug-09 25-Aug-09 0% 0%
A2490 Erect 4th Sect Leg - FWD 21.0d 28-Aug-09 21-Sep-09 0% 0%
A2500 Erect 4th Sect Leg - PORT 21.0d 28-Aug-09 21-Sep-09 0% 0%
A2510 Erect 4th Sect Leg - STBD 21.0d 28-Aug-09 21-Sep-09 0% 0%
SHAKE HOUSE - STRUCTURAL 414.0d 11-Aug-08 28-Feb-09
A2950 Fab / Asmm Shale shaker House - Structural 105.0d 11-Aug-08 10-Dec-08 0% 0%
A2960 Erect Shale Shaker House - Structural 26.0d 30-Jan-09 28-Feb-09 0% 0%
CANTILEVER - STRUCTURAL 215.0d 07-Jul-08 13-Mar-09
CATILEVER (BEAM + SUB-STRUCTURE) 215.0d 07-Jul-08 13-Mar-09
A7930 Fab & Assm Cantilever Main Beam -1 92.0d 07-Jul-08 21-Oct-08 0% 0%
A7940 Fab & Assm Cantilever Main Beam -2 92.0d 12-Jul-08 27-Oct-08 0% 0%
A7950 Fab & Assm Cantilever Main Beam -3 100.0d 18-Jul-08 11-Nov-08 0% 0%
A2730 Fab & Assm Sub-Structure / Sub-Base 90.0d 19-Aug-08 01-Dec-08 0% 0%
A2670 Fab & Assm Cantilever Pipe Rack Deck 70.0d 11-Sep-08 01-Dec-08 0% 0%
A7970 Grand Assm Cantilever (Beams + Sub Structure) 50.0d 03-Nov-08 30-Dec-08 0% 0%
A7990 Install Cantilever Pipe Rack Deck 45.0d 02-Dec-08 22-Jan-09 0% 0%
A8000 Erect Cantilever 6.0d 07-Mar-09 13-Mar-09 0% 0%
CANTILEVE 150.0d 30-Aug-08 03-Feb-09
A8050 Fab / Assm Cantilever Claw 110.0d 30-Aug-08 05-Jan-09 0% 0%
A8060 Install Cantilever Claw 55.0d 02-Dec-08 03-Feb-09 0% 0%
DRILLFLOOR - STRUCTURAL 183.0d 16-Aug-08 17-Mar-09
A2890 Fab / Assm Drill Floor Structural 137.0d 16-Aug-08 22-Jan-09 0% 0%
A2900 Erect Drill Floor Structure 6.0d 11-Mar-09 17-Mar-09 0% 0%
ASS - STRUCTURAL 66.0d 02-Jan-09 31-Mar-09
A2920 Assem Derrick 52.0d 02-Jan-09 03-Mar-09 0% 0%
A2930 Erect Derrick 14.0d 16-Mar-09 31-Mar-09 0% 0%

Primary Baseline Milestone Pages : 4 Of 13 Printed on : 30-Apr-08 (11:19)

Actual Work Summary

Võ As
Updated Minh Hạnh
Of: 24.02.08
Activity ID Activity Name Planned Baseline Baseline Actual Start Actual Finish Plan % Actual % 2007 2008 2009
Dur Start Finish
M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N
S 124.0d 05-Mar-09 27-Jul-09
A2600 Fab / Assm Helideck Truss 80.0d 05-Mar-09 05-Jun-09 0% 0%
A7780 Assm Aluminium Helideck Pancake 52.0d 21-May-09 20-Jul-09 0% 0%
A2610 Erect Helideck Truss 14.0d 06-Jul-09 21-Jul-09 0% 0%
A7790 Erect Aluminium Helideck Pancake 5.0d 22-Jul-09 27-Jul-09 0% 0%
PEDES - STRUCTURAL 189.0d 02-Jun-08 07-Jan-09
A3430 Fab / Assm Crane Pedestal (Above Main Deck) 135.0d 02-Jun-08 05-Nov-08 0% 0%
A4140 Install Crane Pedestal (Above Main Deck) 30.0d 04-Dec-08 07-Jan-09 0% 0%
STEEL OUTFIT - STRUCTURAL 371.0d 31-Jan-08 05-Jun-09 10-Mar-08
INSTA STEEL OUTFIT 371.0d 31-Jan-08 05-Jun-09 10-Mar-08
A3300 Fab / Install Steel Outfit - BLK 3DC 65.0d 31-Jan-08 15-Apr-08 10-Mar-08 100% 90%
A3400 Fab / Install Steel Outfit - BLK 7P 100.0d 07-Apr-08 31-Jul-08 18% 0%
A3410 Fab / Install Steel Outfit - BLK 7S 100.0d 07-Apr-08 31-Jul-08 18% 0%
A3260 Fab / Install Steel Outfit - BLK 1DC/2DC 75.0d 08-Apr-08 03-Jul-08 14-Apr-08 22.67% 15%
A3340 Fab / Install Steel Outfit - BLK 5P 80.0d 18-Apr-08 19-Jul-08 16-Apr-08 10% 6%
A3350 Fab / Install Steel Outfit - BLK 5S 80.0d 18-Apr-08 19-Jul-08 16-Apr-08 10% 6%
A3380 Fab / Install Steel Outfit - BLK 6DS 80.0d 25-Apr-08 26-Jul-08 2.5% 0%
A3330 Fab / Install Steel Outfit - BLK 4C 80.0d 29-Apr-08 30-Jul-08 0% 0%
A3360 Fab / Install Steel Outfit - BLK 6DP 65.0d 08-May-08 22-Jul-08 0% 0%
A3310 Fab / Install Steel Outfit - BLK 3MAC 75.0d 12-May-08 06-Aug-08 0% 0%
A3320 Fab / Install Steel Outfit - BLK 3MFC 80.0d 12-May-08 12-Aug-08 0% 0%
A3290 Fab / Install Steel Outfit - BLK 2MC 65.0d 07-Jun-08 21-Aug-08 0% 0%
A3270 Fab / Install Steel Outfit - BLK 1MC 42.0d 28-Jun-08 15-Aug-08 0% 0%
A3370 Fab / Install Steel Outfit - BLK 6MP 42.0d 19-Jul-08 05-Sep-08 0% 0%
A3390 Fab / Install Steel Outfit - BLK 6MS 42.0d 22-Jul-08 08-Sep-08 0% 0%
A3440 Fab / Install Steel Oufit - Cantilever 104.0d 02-Aug-08 01-Dec-08 0% 0%
A3490 Fab / Install Steel Oufit - Jackcase Platforms (Fwd) 25.0d 11-Aug-08 08-Sep-08 0% 0%
A3420 Fab / Install Steel Oufit - Quarters 130.0d 22-Aug-08 20-Jan-09 0% 0%
A3470 Fab / Install Steel Oufit - Shale Shaker Hse 85.0d 03-Sep-08 10-Dec-08 0% 0%
A3450 Fab / Install Steel Oufit - Drillfloor 120.0d 05-Sep-08 22-Jan-09 0% 0%
A8040 Fab / Install Steel Oufit - Jackcase Platforms (Stbd) 25.0d 09-Sep-08 07-Oct-08 0% 0%
A8030 Fab / Install Steel Oufit - Jackcase Platforms (Port) 25.0d 11-Sep-08 09-Oct-08 0% 0%
A3460 Fab / Install Steel Oufit - Helideck 85.0d 27-Feb-09 05-Jun-09 0% 0%
PAINTING 598.0d 16-Apr-08 21-Sep-09
A4020 Final Touch-Up Painting 318.0d 16-Sep-08 21-Sep-09 0% 0%
A3860 Paint Crane Pedestal (Above Main Deck) 24.0d 06-Nov-08 03-Dec-08 0% 0%
A3780 Paint Shale Shaker House 15.0d 11-Dec-08 27-Dec-08 0% 0%
A3720 Paint Cantilever 21.0d 23-Jan-09 16-Feb-09 0% 0%
A3760 Paint Drillfloor 14.0d 23-Jan-09 07-Feb-09 0% 0%
A3770 Paint Helideck Truss Structure 18.0d 06-Jun-09 26-Jun-09 0% 0%
PAINTING OF HULL 112.0d 16-Apr-08 29-Sep-08
A3560 Paint BLK 3DC 22.0d 16-Apr-08 10-May-08 45.45% 0%
A3530 Paint BLK 1DC/2DC 18.0d 04-Jul-08 24-Jul-08 0% 0%
A3610 Paint BLK 5S 25.0d 21-Jul-08 18-Aug-08 0% 0%
A3600 Paint BLK 5P 25.0d 21-Jul-08 18-Aug-08 0% 0%
A3620 Paint BLK 6DP 20.0d 23-Jul-08 14-Aug-08 0% 0%
A3640 Paint BLK 6DS 20.0d 28-Jul-08 19-Aug-08 0% 0%
A3590 Paint BLK 4C 21.0d 31-Jul-08 23-Aug-08 0% 0%

Primary Baseline Milestone Pages : 5 Of 13 Printed on : 30-Apr-08 (11:19)

Actual Work Summary

Võ As
Updated Minh Hạnh
Of: 24.02.08
Activity ID Activity Name Planned Baseline Baseline Actual Start Actual Finish Plan % Actual % 2007 2008 2009
Dur Start Finish
M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N
A3660 Paint BLK 7P 21.0d 01-Aug-08 25-Aug-08 0% 0%
A3670 Paint BLK 7S 21.0d 01-Aug-08 25-Aug-08 0% 0%
A3570 Paint BLK 3MAC 18.0d 07-Aug-08 27-Aug-08 0% 0%
A3580 Paint BLK 3MFC 18.0d 13-Aug-08 02-Sep-08 0% 0%
A3540 Paint BLK 1MC 14.0d 16-Aug-08 01-Sep-08 0% 0%
A3550 Paint BLK 2MC 15.0d 22-Aug-08 08-Sep-08 0% 0%
A3630 Paint BLK 6MP 18.0d 06-Sep-08 26-Sep-08 0% 0%
A3650 Paint BLK 6MS 18.0d 09-Sep-08 29-Sep-08 0% 0%
A3830 Paint Lower Guide & Jackcase - FWD 14.0d 09-Sep-08 24-Sep-08 0% 0%
A3840 Paint Lower Guide & Jackcase - PORT 14.0d 10-Oct-08 25-Oct-08 0% 0%
A3850 Paint Lower Guide & Jackcase - STBD 14.0d 11-Oct-08 27-Oct-08 0% 0%
A3800 Paint Jackcase Box Beam & Diagonal Bracing - FWD 10.0d 03-Dec-08 13-Dec-08 0% 0%
A3810 Paint Jackcase Box Beam & Diagonal Bracing - PORT 10.0d 06-Dec-08 17-Dec-08 0% 0%
A3820 Paint Jackcase Box Beam & Diagonal Bracing - STBD 10.0d 08-Dec-08 18-Dec-08 0% 0%
SE 257.0d 01-Nov-08 27-Aug-09
A3891 Paint Leg - Sect 1 PORT (1B) 10.0d 01-Nov-08 12-Nov-08 0% 0%
A3901 Paint Leg - Sect 1 STBD (1B) 10.0d 01-Nov-08 12-Nov-08 0% 0%
A3881 Paint Leg - Sect 1 FWD (1B) 10.0d 01-Nov-08 12-Nov-08 0% 0%
A3880 Paint Leg - Sect 1 FWD (1A) 10.0d 01-Nov-08 12-Nov-08 0% 0%
A3890 Paint Leg - Sect 1 PORT (1A) 10.0d 01-Nov-08 12-Nov-08 0% 0%
A3900 Paint Leg - Sect 1 STBD (1A) 10.0d 01-Nov-08 12-Nov-08 0% 0%
A3930 Paint Leg - Sect 2 STBD 18.0d 16-Apr-09 06-May-09 0% 0%
A3910 Paint Leg - Sect 2 FWD 18.0d 16-Apr-09 06-May-09 0% 0%
A3920 Paint Leg - Sect 2 PORT 18.0d 16-Apr-09 06-May-09 0% 0%
A3940 Paint Leg - Sect 3 FWD 18.0d 11-Jul-09 31-Jul-09 0% 0%
A3950 Paint Leg - Sect 3 PORT 18.0d 11-Jul-09 31-Jul-09 0% 0%
A3960 Paint Leg - Sect 3 STBD 18.0d 11-Jul-09 31-Jul-09 0% 0%
A3970 Paint Leg - Sect 4 FWD 18.0d 07-Aug-09 27-Aug-09 0% 0%
A3980 Paint Leg - Sect 4 PORT 18.0d 07-Aug-09 27-Aug-09 0% 0%
A3990 Paint Leg - Sect 4 STBD 18.0d 07-Aug-09 27-Aug-09 0% 0%
QUART 54.0d 17-Dec-08 17-Feb-09
A3690 Paint Quarters Structure ( C ) 24.0d 17-Dec-08 13-Jan-09 0% 0%
A3700 Paint Quarters Structure ( P ) 24.0d 21-Jan-09 17-Feb-09 0% 0%
A3710 Paint Quarters Structure ( S ) 24.0d 21-Jan-09 17-Feb-09 0% 0%
MECHANICAL & EQUIPMENT 448.0d 18-Jul-08 29-Oct-09
PRE-POSITION 123.0d 21-Aug-08 01-Dec-08
A4060 Prepositioning Equip - BLK 3DC / 3MC 88.0d 21-Aug-08 01-Dec-08 0% 0%
A4050 Prepositioning Equip - BLK 1DC/2DC 25.0d 23-Aug-08 20-Sep-08 0% 0%
A4080 Prepositioning Equip - BLK 6DS 25.0d 15-Sep-08 13-Oct-08 0% 0%
A4090 Prepositioning Equip - BLK 7P 14.0d 17-Sep-08 02-Oct-08 0% 0%
A4100 Prepositioning Equip - BLK 7S 14.0d 18-Sep-08 03-Oct-08 0% 0%
A4070 Prepositioning Equip - BLK 6DP 25.0d 18-Sep-08 16-Oct-08 0% 0%
PRE-POSITION 307.0d 07-Nov-08 29-Oct-09
A4120 Prepositioning P-Tanks 6.0d 07-Nov-08 13-Nov-08 0% 0%
A4150 Prepositioning Main Deck Equip 103.0d 29-Nov-08 28-Mar-09 0% 0%
A4170 Prepositioning Shale Shaker Hse Equip 27.0d 30-Dec-08 29-Jan-09 0% 0%
A4160 Prepositioning Quarters Equip 90.0d 26-Jan-09 09-May-09 0% 0%

Primary Baseline Milestone Pages : 6 Of 13 Printed on : 30-Apr-08 (11:19)

Actual Work Summary

Võ As
Updated Minh Hạnh
Of: 24.02.08
Activity ID Activity Name Planned Baseline Baseline Actual Start Actual Finish Plan % Actual % 2007 2008 2009
Dur Start Finish
M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N
A4210 Prepositioning Cantilever Equip (Before Erection) 14.0d 17-Feb-09 04-Mar-09 0% 0%
A4190 Prepositioning Drillfloor Equip Before Erection 15.0d 19-Feb-09 07-Mar-09 0% 0%
A4200 Prepositioning Drillfloor Equip After Erection 29.9d 14-Mar-09 17-Apr-09 0% 0%
A4211 Prepositioning Cantilever Equip (After Erection) 30.0d 19-Mar-09 22-Apr-09 0% 0%
A4180 Prepositioning Helideck Equip 26.0d 22-Jul-09 20-Aug-09 0% 0%
A4230 Prepositioning Life Boat / Rescue Boat 12.0d 16-Oct-09 29-Oct-09 0% 0%
CRANE 24.0d 10-Dec-08 06-Jan-09
A8070 Assm Crane 15.0d 10-Dec-08 26-Dec-08 0% 0%
A8080 Install Crane 14.0d 22-Dec-08 06-Jan-09 0% 0%
SYS 278.0d 18-Jul-08 11-Dec-08
J 45.0d 18-Jul-08 08-Sep-08
A4260 Machine Jackcase - FWD 14.0d 18-Jul-08 02-Aug-08 0% 0%
A4320 Machine Jackcase - PORT 14.0d 14-Aug-08 29-Aug-08 0% 0%
A4380 Machine Jackcase - STBD 14.0d 23-Aug-08 08-Sep-08 0% 0%
A4270 Assm Fixation Units - FWD 14.0d 05-Sep-08 20-Sep-08 0% 0%
A4280 Install Fixation System - FWD 10.0d 25-Sep-08 06-Oct-08 0% 0%
A4330 Assm Fixation Units - PORT 14.0d 30-Sep-08 15-Oct-08 0% 0%
A4390 Assm Fixation Units - STBD 14.0d 09-Oct-08 24-Oct-08 0% 0%
A4340 Install Fixation System - PORT 10.0d 27-Oct-08 06-Nov-08 0% 0%
A4400 Install Fixation System - STBD 10.0d 28-Oct-08 07-Nov-08 0% 0%
A4290 Assm Jacking Motor / Gear Box - FWD 12.0d 01-Oct-08 14-Oct-08 0% 0%
A4350 Assm Jacking Motor / Gear Box - PORT 12.0d 16-Oct-08 29-Oct-08 0% 0%
A4410 Assm Jacking Motor / Gear Box - STBD 12.0d 25-Oct-08 07-Nov-08 0% 0%
A4300 Install Jacking Motor / Gear Box - FWD 7.0d 06-Nov-08 13-Nov-08 0% 0%
A4360 Install Jacking Motor / Gear Box - PORT 7.0d 02-Dec-08 09-Dec-08 0% 0%
A4420 Install Jacking Motor / Gear Box - STBD 7.0d 04-Dec-08 11-Dec-08 0% 0%
PIPING 647.0d 31-Jan-08 30-Oct-09 10-Mar-08
FAB / INSTALL PIPING (PRE BLK PAINTING) 530.0d 31-Jan-08 05-Jun-09 10-Mar-08
A4690 Fab / Install Piping - BLK 3DC 65.0d 31-Jan-08 15-Apr-08 10-Mar-08 100% 80%
A4660 Fab / Install Piping - BLK 1DC/2DC 75.0d 08-Apr-08 03-Jul-08 14-Apr-08 22.67% 10%
A4790 Fab / Install Piping - BLK 7P 95.0d 12-Apr-08 31-Jul-08 13.68% 0%
A4800 Fab / Install Piping - BLK 7S 95.0d 12-Apr-08 31-Jul-08 13.68% 0%
A4730 Fab / Install Piping - BLK 5P 80.0d 18-Apr-08 19-Jul-08 16-Apr-08 10% 5%
A4740 Fab / Install Piping - BLK 5S 80.0d 18-Apr-08 19-Jul-08 16-Apr-08 10% 5%
A4720 Fab / Install Piping - BLK 4C 80.0d 29-Apr-08 30-Jul-08 0% 0%
A4700 Fab / Install Piping - BLK 3MAC 75.0d 12-May-08 06-Aug-08 0% 0%
A4710 Fab / Install Piping - BLK 3MFC 80.0d 12-May-08 12-Aug-08 0% 0%
A4750 Fab / Install Piping - BLK 6DP 60.0d 14-May-08 22-Jul-08 0% 0%
A4770 Fab / Install Piping - BLK 6DS 60.0d 19-May-08 26-Jul-08 0% 0%
A4680 Fab / Install Piping - BLK 2MC 65.0d 07-Jun-08 21-Aug-08 0% 0%
A4860 Fab / Install Piping - Spudcan Jetting Line On Spudcan 25.0d 26-Jun-08 24-Jul-08 0% 0%
A4670 Fab / Install Piping - BLK 1MC 42.0d 28-Jun-08 15-Aug-08 0% 0%
A4760 Fab / Install Piping - BLK 6MP 42.0d 19-Jul-08 05-Sep-08 0% 0%
A4780 Fab / Install Piping - BLK 6MS 42.0d 22-Jul-08 08-Sep-08 0% 0%
A4870 Fab / Install Piping - Hp Cementing System 28.0d 25-Jul-08 26-Aug-08 0% 0%
A4820 Fab / Install Piping - Cantilever 100.0d 07-Aug-08 01-Dec-08 0% 0%

Primary Baseline Milestone Pages : 7 Of 13 Printed on : 30-Apr-08 (11:19)

Actual Work Summary

Võ As
Updated Minh Hạnh
Of: 24.02.08
Activity ID Activity Name Planned Baseline Baseline Actual Start Actual Finish Plan % Actual % 2007 2008 2009
Dur Start Finish
M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N
A4840 Fab / Install Piping - Quarters 130.0d 22-Aug-08 20-Jan-09 0% 0%
A4831 Fab / Install Piping - Drillfloor 120.0d 05-Sep-08 22-Jan-09 0% 0%
A4810 Fab / Install Piping - Shale Shaker Hse 65.0d 26-Sep-08 10-Dec-08 0% 0%
A4830 Fab / Install Piping - Derrick 50.0d 05-Jan-09 03-Mar-09 0% 0%
A4850 Fab / Install Piping - Helideck 71.0d 16-Mar-09 05-Jun-09 0% 0%
FAB / INSTALL PIPING (AFTER BLK PAINTING) 504.0d 09-Aug-08 02-Oct-09
A4920 Fab // Install Piping - BLK 3DC 80.0d 09-Aug-08 10-Nov-08 0% 0%
A4890 Fab // Install Piping - BLK 1DC/2DC 110.0d 27-Aug-08 01-Jan-09 0% 0%
A5100 Fab // Install Piping - HP Cementing System 77.0d 27-Aug-08 24-Nov-08 0% 0%
A5090 Fab // Install Piping - Spudcan jetting line On Spudcan 60.0d 04-Sep-08 12-Nov-08 0% 0%
A4950 Fab // Install Piping - BLK 4C 60.0d 22-Sep-08 29-Nov-08 0% 0%
A4980 Fab // Install Piping - BLK 6DP 100.0d 22-Sep-08 15-Jan-09 0% 0%
A5000 Fab // Install Piping - BLK 6DS 100.0d 26-Sep-08 20-Jan-09 0% 0%
A4960 Fab // Install Piping - BLK 5P 50.0d 29-Sep-08 25-Nov-08 0% 0%
A4970 Fab // Install Piping - BLK 5S 50.0d 29-Sep-08 25-Nov-08 0% 0%
A5020 Fab // Install Piping - BLK 7P 110.0d 02-Oct-08 06-Feb-09 0% 0%
A5030 Fab // Install Piping - BLK 7S 110.0d 03-Oct-08 07-Feb-09 0% 0%
A4930 Fab // Install Piping - BLK 3MC 75.0d 04-Oct-08 30-Dec-08 0% 0%
A4910 Fab // Install Piping - BLK 2MC 70.0d 06-Oct-08 25-Dec-08 0% 0%
A4900 Fab // Install Piping - BLK 1MC 70.0d 07-Oct-08 26-Dec-08 0% 0%
A4990 Fab // Install Piping - BLK 6MP 110.0d 22-Oct-08 26-Feb-09 0% 0%
A5010 Fab // Install Piping - BLK 6MS 110.0d 22-Oct-08 26-Feb-09 0% 0%
A5070 Fab // Install Piping - Shale Shaker Hse 100.0d 07-Feb-09 03-Jun-09 0% 0%
A5050 Fab // Install Piping - Cantilever 85.0d 16-Mar-09 22-Jun-09 0% 0%
A5060 Fab // Install Piping - Drillfloor 80.0d 19-Mar-09 19-Jun-09 0% 0%
A5061 Fab // Install Piping - Derrick 80.0d 24-Mar-09 24-Jun-09 0% 0%
A5080 Fab // Install Piping - Helideck 70.0d 14-Jul-09 02-Oct-09 0% 0%
HYDROTESTIN 414.0d 27-Dec-08 30-Oct-09
A5292 Piping Insulation - Exhaust Sys 21.0d 27-Dec-08 20-Jan-09 0% 0%
A5220 Hydrotest - Lube Oil & Dirty Oil Sys 35.0d 08-Jan-09 17-Feb-09 0% 0%
A5140 Hydrotest - Spudcan Leg Jetting Sys 45.0d 13-Jan-09 05-Mar-09 0% 0%
A5210 Hydrotest - Fuel Oil Sys 45.0d 14-Jan-09 06-Mar-09 0% 0%
A5130 Hydrotest - Bilge & Preload Tank Stripping Sys 35.0d 15-Jan-09 24-Feb-09 0% 0%
A8230 Hydrotest - Tank / Draft Gauging System 25.0d 19-Jan-09 16-Feb-09 0% 0%
A8250 Hydrotest - Chilled Water Sys 25.0d 21-Jan-09 18-Feb-09 0% 0%
A5190 Hydrotest - Engine Fresh Water Cooling System 20.0d 23-Jan-09 14-Feb-09 0% 0%
A5380 Hydrotest - Base Oil Sys 36.0d 23-Jan-09 05-Mar-09 0% 0%
A5240 Hydrotest - Compressed Air Sys 25.0d 26-Jan-09 23-Feb-09 0% 0%
A8270 Hydrotest - Pneumatic Control For Fire Damper 13.0d 09-Feb-09 23-Feb-09 0% 0%
A5310 Hydrotest - Vent & Sounding Sys 24.0d 11-Feb-09 10-Mar-09 0% 0%
A5120 Hydrotest - Preload Tank Dumping Sys 45.0d 26-Feb-09 18-Apr-09 0% 0%
A5180 Hydrotest - Portable Water Sys 70.0d 27-Feb-09 19-May-09 0% 0%
A5250 Hydrotest - Bulk Mud & Cement Sys 85.0d 07-Mar-09 13-Jun-09 0% 0%
A5150 Hydrotest - Raw / Salt Water Sys 25.0d 09-Mar-09 06-Apr-09 0% 0%
A5170 Hydrotest - Drill Water Sys 40.0d 11-Mar-09 25-Apr-09 0% 0%
A5430 Hydrotest - Hydraulic For Fixation Sys 30.0d 12-Mar-09 15-Apr-09 0% 0%
A5270 Hydrotest - Mud Process Sys 55.0d 03-Apr-09 05-Jun-09 0% 0%
A5260 Hydrotest - LP Mud Mix & Charge Sys 95.0d 23-Apr-09 11-Aug-09 0% 0%

Primary Baseline Milestone Pages : 8 Of 13 Printed on : 30-Apr-08 (11:19)

Actual Work Summary

Võ As
Updated Minh Hạnh
Of: 24.02.08
Activity ID Activity Name Planned Baseline Baseline Actual Start Actual Finish Plan % Actual % 2007 2008 2009
Dur Start Finish
M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N
A5290 Hydrotest - Rig Floor Hydraulic Sys 10.0d 23-Apr-09 04-May-09 0% 0%
A5370 Hydrotest - Brine Sys 38.0d 23-Apr-09 05-Jun-09 0% 0%
A5230 Hydrotest - Deck Drainage Sys 70.0d 09-May-09 29-Jul-09 0% 0%
A5440 Hydrotest - CO2 Sys (Engine Rm & SCR Rm) 24.0d 20-May-09 16-Jun-09 0% 0%
A5460 Hydrotest - CO2 Sys (Gallery) 10.0d 21-May-09 01-Jun-09 0% 0%
A5470 Hydrotest - CO2 Sys (Paint Locker) 21.0d 23-May-09 16-Jun-09 0% 0%
A5450 Hydrotest - CO2 Sys (E Gen Rm) 10.0d 26-May-09 05-Jun-09 0% 0%
A5431 Hydrotest - Fuel Oil Hydraulic Quick Closing Valve Sys 25.0d 27-May-09 24-Jun-09 0% 0%
A5280 Hydrotest - HP Mud, Cement, Choke & Kill Sys 45.0d 11-Jun-09 01-Aug-09 0% 0%
A5410 Hydrotest - BOP & Diverter Control Hydraulic Sys 10.0d 17-Jun-09 27-Jun-09 0% 0%
A8240 Hydrotest - Drawworks Brake Cooling Sys 20.0d 20-Jun-09 13-Jul-09 0% 0%
A5420 Hydrotest - Hydraulic For Cantilever & Drill Floor Skidding Sys 15.0d 23-Jun-09 09-Jul-09 0% 0%
A5381 Hydrotest - Sanitary Water Supply System 35.0d 27-Jun-09 06-Aug-09 0% 0%
A5320 Hydrotest - Sanitary Drainage Sys 24.0d 03-Jul-09 30-Jul-09 0% 0%
A5160 Hydrotest - Fire Water Sys 48.0d 09-Jul-09 02-Sep-09 0% 0%
A5300 Hydrotest - Helideck Foam Sys 36.0d 19-Sep-09 30-Oct-09 0% 0%
A5291 Hydrotest - Deluge Sys 21.0d 03-Oct-09 27-Oct-09 0% 0%
A8260 Hydrotest - Helicopter Refueling Sys 20.0d 03-Oct-09 26-Oct-09 0% 0%
ELECTRICAL & INSTRUMENTS 611.0d 12-May-08 29-Oct-09
INSTAL E&I PENETRATION / MCTs / SUPPTS IN BLKS 172.0d 12-May-08 22-Jan-09
A5580 E&I MCTs / Penetrations / Suppt - BLK 7P 70.0d 12-May-08 31-Jul-08 0% 0%
A5590 E&I MCTs / Penetrations / Suppt - BLK 7S 70.0d 12-May-08 31-Jul-08 0% 0%
A5520 E&I MCTs / Penetrations / Suppt - BLK 3MAC 50.0d 10-Jun-08 06-Aug-08 0% 0%
A5530 E&I MCTs / Penetrations / Suppt - BLK 3MFC 55.0d 10-Jun-08 12-Aug-08 0% 0%
A5510 E&I MCTs / Penetrations / Suppt - BLK 2MC 40.0d 07-Jul-08 21-Aug-08 0% 0%
A5500 E&I MCTs / Penetrations / Suppt - BLK 1MC 30.0d 12-Jul-08 15-Aug-08 0% 0%
A5570 E&I MCTs / Penetrations / Suppt - BLK 6MS 45.0d 18-Jul-08 08-Sep-08 0% 0%
A5560 E&I MCTs / Penetrations / Suppt - BLK 6MP 42.0d 19-Jul-08 05-Sep-08 0% 0%
A5630 Fab & Install E&I MCTs / Penetrations / Suppt - Quarters 105.0d 20-Sep-08 20-Jan-09 0% 0%
A5620 E&I MCTs / Penetrations / Suppt - Drillfloor 71.0d 01-Nov-08 22-Jan-09 0% 0%
A5610 E&I MCTs / Penetrations / Suppt - Cantilever 24.0d 04-Nov-08 01-Dec-08 0% 0%
A5600 E&I MCTs / Penetrations / Suppt - Shale Shaker Hse 15.0d 24-Nov-08 10-Dec-08 0% 0%
CABLE TRAYS 384.0d 27-Sep-08 24-Aug-09
A5710 Install E&I Cable Trays - BLK 7P 40.0d 27-Sep-08 12-Nov-08 0% 0%
A5720 Install E&I Cable Trays - BLK 7S 40.0d 29-Sep-08 13-Nov-08 0% 0%
A5650 Install E&I Cable Trays - BLK 01/ 02 60.0d 01-Oct-08 09-Dec-08 0% 0%
A5660 Install E&I Cable Trays - BLK3 24.0d 01-Oct-08 28-Oct-08 0% 0%
A5690 Install E&I Cable Trays - BLK 6MP 85.0d 17-Oct-08 23-Jan-09 0% 0%
A5700 Install E&I Cable Trays - BLK 6MS 110.0d 17-Oct-08 21-Feb-09 0% 0%
A5780 Install E&I Cable Trays - Jackcases (FWD) 8.0d 24-Dec-08 01-Jan-09 0% 0%
A5790 Install E&I Cable Trays - Jackcases (PORT) 8.0d 31-Dec-08 08-Jan-09 0% 0%
A5800 Install E&I Cable Trays - Jackcases (STBD) 8.0d 02-Jan-09 10-Jan-09 0% 0%
A5760 Install E&I Cable Trays - Quarters (Fwd, Port, Stbd) 75.0d 05-Feb-09 02-May-09 0% 0%
A5730 Install E&I Cable Trays - Shale Shaker Hse 16.0d 16-Feb-09 05-Mar-09 0% 0%
A5740 Install E&I Cable Trays - Cantilever 36.0d 24-Mar-09 04-May-09 0% 0%
A5750 Install E&I Cable Trays - Drillfloor 24.0d 26-Mar-09 22-Apr-09 0% 0%
A5770 Install E&I Cable Trays - Helideck 24.0d 28-Jul-09 24-Aug-09 0% 0%

Primary Baseline Milestone Pages : 9 Of 13 Printed on : 30-Apr-08 (11:19)

Actual Work Summary

Võ As
Updated Minh Hạnh
Of: 24.02.08
Activity ID Activity Name Planned Baseline Baseline Actual Start Actual Finish Plan % Actual % 2007 2008 2009
Dur Start Finish
M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N
A6100 Cable Pulling - Main Generator Control 28.0d 01-Nov-08 03-Dec-08 0% 0%
A5870 Cable Pulling - 600V AC Main SWBD 32.0d 04-Dec-08 09-Jan-09 0% 0%
A5910 Cable Pulling - 480V AC Main SWBD 80.0d 27-Dec-08 30-Mar-09 0% 0%
A5880 Cable Pulling - 230V AC Main SWBD 47.0d 31-Dec-08 23-Feb-09 0% 0%
A6130 Cable Pulling - Jacking Sys 30.0d 02-Jan-09 05-Feb-09 0% 0%
A6250 Cable Pulling - Tank Gauging 33.0d 05-Jan-09 11-Feb-09 0% 0%
A6180 Cable Pulling - Workshop Power Panel 40.0d 08-Jan-09 23-Feb-09 0% 0%
A6200 Cable Pulling - Crane 30.0d 08-Jan-09 11-Feb-09 0% 0%
A6210 Cable Pulling - DC Welding Outlets 65.0d 08-Jan-09 24-Mar-09 0% 0%
A8120 Cable Pulling - 230V AC Normal & Emergency Mach. Space Power P... 30.0d 19-Jan-09 21-Feb-09 0% 0%
A6260 Cable Pulling - Vessel Instrumentation Sys 40.0d 22-Jan-09 09-Mar-09 0% 0%
A5950 Cable Pulling - 480V AC Ventilation MCC 30.0d 03-Feb-09 09-Mar-09 0% 0%
A6140 Cable Pulling - Fixation Sys 30.0d 06-Feb-09 12-Mar-09 0% 0%
A8160 Cable Pulling - Anti-Fouling System 30.0d 23-Feb-09 28-Mar-09 0% 0%
A8110 Cable Pulling - VFD Power & Control 20.0d 23-Feb-09 17-Mar-09 0% 0%
A6280 Cable Pulling - Emergency Shut Down System 65.0d 23-Feb-09 08-May-09 0% 0%
A8140 Cable Pulling - Service Air Compressor Control 20.0d 27-Feb-09 21-Mar-09 0% 0%
A8130 Cable Pulling - Toilet Heater Power Panel 30.0d 06-Mar-09 09-Apr-09 0% 0%
A8170 Cable Pulling - Watertight Door Monitoring 30.0d 06-Mar-09 09-Apr-09 0% 0%
A8190 Cable Pulling - Window Wiper Control 20.0d 06-Mar-09 28-Mar-09 0% 0%
A6040 Cable Pulling - 230V AC Normal Power Distribution Panel 21.0d 13-Mar-09 06-Apr-09 0% 0%
A5990 Cable Pulling - 24V DC Distribution Panel 45.0d 18-Mar-09 08-May-09 0% 0%
A6000 Cable Pulling - 480V AC Emergency SWBD 45.0d 21-Mar-09 12-May-09 0% 0%
A6220 Cable Pulling - HVAC 60.0d 24-Mar-09 01-Jun-09 0% 0%
A6030 Cable Pulling - 230V AC Emergency Power Distribution Panel 30.0d 28-Mar-09 01-May-09 0% 0%
A8200 Cable Pulling - Refrigeration & Cold Room Alarm 20.0d 30-Mar-09 21-Apr-09 0% 0%
A8210 Cable Pulling - CCTV 25.0d 04-Apr-09 02-May-09 0% 0%
A6300 Cable Pulling - Combustible Gas / H2S Detection System 54.0d 06-Apr-09 06-Jun-09 0% 0%
A6050 Cable Pulling - 230V AC Clean Power Distribution Panel 30.0d 07-Apr-09 11-May-09 0% 0%
A5840 Cable Pulling - Drillfloor Lighting 30.0d 07-Apr-09 11-May-09 0% 0%
A6410 Cable Pulling - Drilling Instrumentation 55.0d 09-Apr-09 11-Jun-09 0% 0%
A6420 Cable Pulling - Iron Roughneck System 45.0d 09-Apr-09 30-May-09 0% 0%
A6430 Cable Pulling - Top Drive System 30.0d 09-Apr-09 13-May-09 0% 0%
A6440 Cable Pulling - Drawworks Control 50.0d 09-Apr-09 05-Jun-09 0% 0%
A6460 Cable Pulling - Drilling Communication System 50.0d 09-Apr-09 05-Jun-09 0% 0%
A6110 Cable Pulling - Emergency Generator Control 30.0d 11-Apr-09 15-May-09 0% 0%
A6010 Cable Pulling - 230V AC Emergency SWBD 45.0d 14-Apr-09 04-Jun-09 0% 0%
A8100 Cable Pulling - Cantilever Lighting 20.0d 17-Apr-09 09-May-09 0% 0%
A6310 Cable Pulling - Fire Detection Sys 85.0d 17-Apr-09 24-Jul-09 0% 0%
A6320 Cable Pulling - Monitoring Alarm System 90.0d 17-Apr-09 30-Jul-09 0% 0%
A6400 Cable Pulling - BOP Control System 60.0d 18-Apr-09 26-Jun-09 0% 0%
A6020 Cable Pulling - 230V AC Emergency Clean Power Distribution Panel 36.0d 21-Apr-09 01-Jun-09 0% 0%
A6150 Cable Pulling - Skidding Sys 46.0d 23-Apr-09 15-Jun-09 0% 0%
A6290 Cable Pulling - CO2 System 49.0d 24-Apr-09 19-Jun-09 0% 0%
A5830 Cable Pulling - Quarters Lighting 80.0d 04-May-09 04-Aug-09 0% 0%
A8280 Cable Pulling - 230V UPS Sys 80.0d 04-May-09 04-Aug-09 0% 0%
A8150 Cable Pulling - Anchor Winch Control 20.0d 05-May-09 27-May-09 0% 0%
A6390 Cable Pulling - Hospital Call Alarm 45.0d 08-May-09 29-Jun-09 0% 0%

Primary Baseline Milestone Pages : 10 Of 13 Printed on : 30-Apr-08 (11:19)

Actual Work Summary

Võ As
Updated Minh Hạnh
Of: 24.02.08
Activity ID Activity Name Planned Baseline Baseline Actual Start Actual Finish Plan % Actual % 2007 2008 2009
Dur Start Finish
M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N
A6360 Cable Pulling - Public Address System & Telephone System 65.0d 14-May-09 28-Jul-09 0% 0%
A6170 Cable Pulling - Laundry Power 30.0d 18-May-09 20-Jun-09 0% 0%
A6370 Cable Pulling - Entertainment System 50.0d 23-May-09 20-Jul-09 0% 0%
A6380 Cable Pulling - LAN System 60.0d 23-May-09 31-Jul-09 0% 0%
A6160 Cable Pulling - Galley Power 45.0d 23-May-09 14-Jul-09 0% 0%
A6330 Cable Pulling - Navigation Light 60.0d 27-May-09 04-Aug-09 0% 0%
A6480 Cable Pulling - Bulk Mud & Cement System 35.0d 28-May-09 07-Jul-09 0% 0%
A6230 Cable Pulling - Lifeboat Davit Winch Control 30.0d 28-May-09 01-Jul-09 0% 0%
A6340 Cable Pulling - Radio Communication System 53.0d 08-Jun-09 07-Aug-09 0% 0%
A5860 Cable Pulling - Helideck Lighting 50.0d 21-Aug-09 17-Oct-09 0% 0%
TERMI (BY SYSTEM) 457.0d 06-Dec-08 29-Oct-09
A6590 Termination - 600V AC Main SWBD 40.0d 06-Dec-08 21-Jan-09 0% 0%
A6840 Termination -Main Generator Control 26.0d 12-Dec-08 10-Jan-09 0% 0%
A6850 Termination - Jacking Sys 28.0d 05-Jan-09 05-Feb-09 0% 0%
A6920 Termination - Crane 30.0d 08-Jan-09 11-Feb-09 0% 0%
A6970 Termination - Tank Gauging 45.0d 20-Jan-09 12-Mar-09 0% 0%
A6600 Termination - 230V AC Main SWBD 45.0d 02-Feb-09 25-Mar-09 0% 0%
A6670 Termination - 480V AC Ventilation MCC 65.0d 02-Feb-09 17-Apr-09 0% 0%
A6980 Termination - Vessel Instrumentation Sys 40.0d 14-Feb-09 01-Apr-09 0% 0%
A6900 Termination - Workshop Power Panel 47.0d 17-Feb-09 11-Apr-09 0% 0%
A8290 Termination - 230V AC Normal & Emergency Mach. Space Power Pane 65.0d 23-Feb-09 08-May-09 0% 0%
A6930 Termination - DC Welding Outlets 46.0d 24-Feb-09 17-Apr-09 0% 0%
A6630 Termination - 480V AC Main SWBD 52.0d 25-Feb-09 25-Apr-09 0% 0%
A6860 Termination - Fixation System 30.0d 02-Mar-09 04-Apr-09 0% 0%
A6830 Termination - Emergency Generator Control 95.0d 13-Mar-09 01-Jul-09 0% 0%
A6760 Termination - 230V AC Normal Power Distribution Panel 36.0d 30-Mar-09 09-May-09 0% 0%
A7000 Termination - Emergency Shut Down System 49.0d 04-Apr-09 30-May-09 0% 0%
A6560 Termination - Drillfloor Lighting 30.0d 10-Apr-09 14-May-09 0% 0%
A7130 Termination - Drill Instrumentation 60.0d 18-Apr-09 26-Jun-09 0% 0%
A7140 Termination - Iron Roughneck System 45.0d 18-Apr-09 09-Jun-09 0% 0%
A6710 Termination - 24V DC Distribution Panel 40.0d 21-Apr-09 05-Jun-09 0% 0%
A7150 Termination - Top Drive System 45.0d 23-Apr-09 13-Jun-09 0% 0%
A6750 Termination - 230V AC Emergency Power Distribution Panel 36.0d 23-Apr-09 03-Jun-09 0% 0%
A6770 Termination - 230V AC Clean Power Distribution Panel 36.0d 23-Apr-09 03-Jun-09 0% 0%
A6940 Termination - HVAC 60.0d 28-Apr-09 06-Jul-09 0% 0%
A7160 Termination - Drawworks Control 60.0d 30-Apr-09 08-Jul-09 0% 0%
A7180 Termination - Drilling Communication System 50.0d 30-Apr-09 26-Jun-09 0% 0%
A6720 Termination - 480V AC Emergency SWBD 36.0d 01-May-09 11-Jun-09 0% 0%
A7020 Termination - Combustible Gas / H2S Detection System 51.0d 08-May-09 06-Jul-09 0% 0%
A6740 Termination - 230V AC Emergency Clean Power Distribution Panel 42.0d 12-May-09 29-Jun-09 0% 0%
A6730 Termination - 230V AC Emergency SWBD 36.0d 19-May-09 29-Jun-09 0% 0%
A6870 Termination - Skidding Sys 24.0d 29-May-09 25-Jun-09 0% 0%
A7010 Termination - CO2 System 36.0d 03-Jun-09 14-Jul-09 0% 0%
A6890 Termination - Laundry Power 61.0d 10-Jun-09 19-Aug-09 0% 0%
A7060 Termination - Radio Communication System 75.0d 11-Jun-09 05-Sep-09 0% 0%
A7110 Termination - Hospital Call Alarm 45.0d 12-Jun-09 03-Aug-09 0% 0%
A6950 Termination - Lifeboat Davit Winch Control 30.0d 13-Jun-09 17-Jul-09 0% 0%
A7120 Termination - BOP Control System 70.0d 16-Jun-09 04-Sep-09 0% 0%

Primary Baseline Milestone Pages : 11 Of 13 Printed on : 30-Apr-08 (11:19)

Actual Work Summary

Võ As
Updated Minh Hạnh
Of: 24.02.08
Activity ID Activity Name Planned Baseline Baseline Actual Start Actual Finish Plan % Actual % 2007 2008 2009
Dur Start Finish
M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N
A7030 Termination - Fire Detection Sys 67.0d 19-Jun-09 04-Sep-09 0% 0%
A7100 Termination - LAN System 56.0d 26-Jun-09 29-Aug-09 0% 0%
A7040 Termination - Monitoring Alarm System 60.0d 02-Jul-09 09-Sep-09 0% 0%
A7090 Termination - Entertainment System 36.0d 03-Jul-09 13-Aug-09 0% 0%
A7080 Termination - Public Address System & Telephone System 60.0d 06-Jul-09 12-Sep-09 0% 0%
A6550 Termination - Quarters Lighting 75.0d 07-Jul-09 01-Oct-09 0% 0%
A6880 Termination - Galley Power 75.0d 07-Jul-09 01-Oct-09 0% 0%
A7200 Termination - Bulk Mud & Cement System 50.0d 08-Jul-09 03-Sep-09 0% 0%
A7050 Termination - Navigation Light 49.0d 18-Jul-09 12-Sep-09 0% 0%
A8300 Termination - 230V UPS Sys 30.0d 05-Aug-09 08-Sep-09 0% 0%
A6580 Termination - Helideck Lighting 34.0d 21-Sep-09 29-Oct-09 0% 0%
DUCTIN 574.0d 12-May-08 25-Aug-09
VENTILA 250.0d 12-May-08 10-Feb-09
INSTA VENT INSERT SPOOL 76.0d 12-May-08 08-Sep-08
A7340 Fab / Install Vent Insert Spool - BLK 7P 70.0d 12-May-08 31-Jul-08 0% 0%
A7350 Fab / Install Vent Insert Spool - BLK 7S 70.0d 12-May-08 31-Jul-08 0% 0%
A7310 Fab / Install Vent Insert Spool - BLK 3MFC 45.0d 21-Jun-08 12-Aug-08 0% 0%
A7280 Fab / Install Vent Insert Spool - BLK 1MC 30.0d 12-Jul-08 15-Aug-08 0% 0%
A7290 Fab / Install Vent Insert Spool - BLK 2MC 35.0d 12-Jul-08 21-Aug-08 0% 0%
A7330 Fab / Install Vent Insert Spool - BLK 6MS 45.0d 18-Jul-08 08-Sep-08 0% 0%
A7320 Fab / Install Vent Insert Spool - BLK 6MP 42.0d 19-Jul-08 05-Sep-08 0% 0%
INSTA VENT DUCTING 159.0d 29-Sep-08 10-Feb-09
A7430 Fab / Install Vent Ducting - BLK 7P 60.0d 29-Sep-08 06-Dec-08 0% 0%
A7440 Fab / Install Vent Ducting - BLK 7S 60.0d 30-Sep-08 08-Dec-08 0% 0%
A7400 Fab / Install Vent Ducting - BLK 3MFC 35.0d 30-Sep-08 08-Nov-08 0% 0%
A7370 Fab / Install Vent Ducting - BLK 1MC 75.0d 02-Oct-08 27-Dec-08 0% 0%
A7380 Fab / Install Vent Ducting - BLK 2MC 75.0d 02-Oct-08 27-Dec-08 0% 0%
A7420 Fab / Install Vent Ducting - BLK 6MS 100.0d 17-Oct-08 10-Feb-09 0% 0%
A7410 Fab / Install Vent Ducting - BLK 6MP 80.0d 17-Oct-08 17-Jan-09 0% 0%
DUCT 519.0d 05-Sep-08 25-Aug-09
DU - HULL 152.0d 05-Sep-08 28-Feb-09
A7460 Fab / Install Aircon Insert Spool - Hull 45.0d 05-Sep-08 27-Oct-08 0% 0%
A7470 Fab / Install Aircon Ducting - Hull 105.0d 30-Oct-08 28-Feb-09 0% 0%
DU - QUARTERS 519.0d 15-Sep-08 25-Aug-09
A7490 Fab / Install Aircon Insert Spool - Quarters 110.0d 15-Sep-08 20-Jan-09 0% 0%
A7910 Fab / Install Aircon Ducting - Quarters 172.0d 06-Feb-09 25-Aug-09 0% 0%
ARCHITECTURA 553.0d 02-Sep-08 17-Oct-09
ARCHIT OUTFIT 132.0d 02-Sep-08 02-Feb-09
A7530 Install Insulation - Compartments 132.0d 02-Sep-08 02-Feb-09 0% 0%
A OUTFIT 202.0d 25-Feb-09 17-Oct-09
A7550 Install Quarters Insulation 75.0d 25-Feb-09 22-May-09 0% 0%
A7590 Install Panelling 75.0d 01-Apr-09 26-Jun-09 0% 0%
A7560 Install Steel Door Frame / Doors 78.0d 04-Apr-09 03-Jul-09 0% 0%
A7570 Install Archi. Doors 46.0d 13-Apr-09 04-Jun-09 0% 0%
A7580 Install Window 52.0d 22-Apr-09 20-Jun-09 0% 0%
A7610 Install Deck Flooring 47.0d 10-Jun-09 03-Aug-09 0% 0%
A7620 Install Ceiling 75.0d 06-Jul-09 30-Sep-09 0% 0%
A7660 Install Cold Room 12.0d 11-Jul-09 24-Jul-09 0% 0%

Primary Baseline Milestone Pages : 12 Of 13 Printed on : 30-Apr-08 (11:19)

Actual Work Summary

Võ As
Updated Minh Hạnh
Of: 24.02.08
Activity ID Activity Name Planned Baseline Baseline Actual Start Actual Finish Plan % Actual % 2007 2008 2009
Dur Start Finish
M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N D J F M A M J Jul A S O N
A7630 Install Galley Equipment 80.0d 17-Jul-09 17-Oct-09 0% 0%
A7640 Install Fixed Furniture 33.0d 23-Jul-09 29-Aug-09 0% 0%
A7650 Install Loose Furniture / Fixture 40.0d 13-Aug-09 28-Sep-09 0% 0%
A7670 Install Miscl. Fire Fighting Equipment 45.0d 25-Aug-09 15-Oct-09 0% 0%
COM 485.0d 28-Jan-09 24-Dec-09
A7690 Start Main Generator 24.0d 28-Jan-09 24-Feb-09 0% 0%
A7700 Pre-Com Jacking System (Before Undocking) 15.0d 09-Feb-09 25-Feb-09 0% 0%
A7710 Testing & Commissioning - Marine Systems 170.0d 01-Apr-09 15-Oct-09 0% 0%
A7720 Testing & Commissioning - Drilling Systems 160.0d 11-May-09 12-Nov-09 0% 0%
A7730 Cantilever Load Test 2.0d 07-Dec-09 08-Dec-09 0% 0%
A7740 Jacking Trial 2.0d 15-Dec-09 16-Dec-09 0% 0%
A7750 Inclination test 2.0d 23-Dec-09 24-Dec-09 0% 0%
DELIVERY 0.0d 31-Dec-09 31-Dec-09
A7770 Delivery Ex-Yard 0.0d 31-Dec-09 31-Dec-09 0% 0%

Primary Baseline Milestone Pages : 13 Of 13 Printed on : 30-Apr-08 (11:19)

Actual Work Summary

Võ As
Updated Minh Hạnh
Of: 24.02.08

Equipment PO No Supplier Supplier Contact Person Supplier Tel No Supplier Fax No Supplier Email

Main Generator (CAT 3516C HD with Kato Generators) M176001 TSL Power Jeremy 94502877 62616072
Exhaust Silencer M176001 TSL Power Jeremy 94502877 62616072
Radiators for Main Engine M176001 TSL Power Jeremy 94502877 62616072
Fuel Oil Coolers M176001 TSL Power Jeremy 94502877 62616072
Emergency Generator (CAT 3508B with Kato Generator) M176001 TSL Power Jeremy 94502877 62616072
Diesel Oil Purifier JU304006 Alfa Laval Singapore Pte Ltd Steven Koh 6559 2844 6862 3567
Driller's Cabin Air-Cond (Package Unit) NOV
Service Air Compressor JU304020 MECOMB Singapore Kelvin Koo 6469-8833 6467-1905
Air Reducing Station - 125 psi to 60 psi JU304020 MECOMB Singapore Kelvin Koo 6469-8833 6467-1905
Service Air Dryer JU304020 MECOMB Singapore Kelvin Koo 6469-8833 6467-1905
Main Deck Utility Winch - SWL 5 Ton JU304013 CFE ENGINEERING Jason Tan 9769-5505 6863-6106
Drill Floor Utility Air Winch - SWL 5 Ton JU304013 CFE ENGINEERING Jason Tan 9769-5505 6863-6106
Drill Floor Man Rider Winch - SWL 150 kg JU304013 CFE ENGINEERING Jason Tan 9769-5505 6863-6106
Derrick man Utility Winch - SWL 0.5 Ton JU304013 CFE ENGINEERING Jason Tan 9769-5505 6863-6106
Cellar Deck 4 part Utility Winch (Texas Deck) JU304013 CFE ENGINEERING Jason Tan 9769-5505 6863-6106
Cellar Deck Utility Winch - SWL 5 Ton JU304013 CFE ENGINEERING Jason Tan 9769-5505 6863-6106
Cantilever Utility Winch - SWL 2.5 Ton (Pipe Rack Deck) JU304013 CFE ENGINEERING Jason Tan 9769-5505 6863-6106
Cantilever Utility Winch - SWL 2.5 Ton (HP Hose Handling) JU304013 CFE ENGINEERING Jason Tan 9769-5505 6863-6106
Air filter, lubricator and wireline for air tuggers JU304013 CFE ENGINEERING Jason Tan 9769-5505 6863-6106
BOP Handling System (2 x 65T air hoist) JU304024 CFE ENGINEERS Edmund Chan 6863 5680 6863 4881
Aft/Port c/w crane pedestal 50s/ton @ 40ft radius, 120ft boom, Diesel-
JU304003 FAVELLE FAVCO CRANES Henry Teo 6366 3508 6366 3503
Hydraulic Driven
Fwd/Port c/w crane pedestal 50s/ton @ 40ft radius, 120ft boom, Diesel-
JU304003 FAVELLE FAVCO CRANES Henry Teo 6366 3508 6366 3503
Hydraulic Driven
Fwd/Stbd c/w crane pedestal 50s/ton @ 40ft radius, 120ft boom, Diesel
JU304003 FAVELLE FAVCO CRANES Henry Teo 6366 3508 6366 3503
Hydraulic Driven
Crane Adaptors & Crane Pedestals JU304003 FAVELLE FAVCO CRANES Henry Teo 6366 3508 6366 3503
Jacking Units including Main Pinion Shaft, Reduction Gearbox and
M176003 OTD Tristan Koh 68637427 68623465
Drive Motor with Brake)
Jacking MCC / Switchboards M176003 OTD Tristan Koh 68637427 68623465
Jacking Central Control Console M176003 OTD Tristan Koh 68637427 68623465
Local Consolette M176003 OTD Tristan Koh 68637427 68623465
Chord Set (including Clamping Unit, Rack Chock C/W Positioning
Assembly, Hydraulic Cylinders, Rack Chock Locking Device, Hydraulic M176004 OTD Tristan Koh 68637427 68623465
Hydraulic Power Unit M176004 OTD Tristan Koh 68637427 68623465
Rack &Chord (Leg Section 1) JU304002 Regency Steel Motoyoshi nakamura 81-93-8613103 81-93-861-3114
Rack &Chord (Leg Section 2) JU304002 Regency Steel Motoyoshi nakamura 81-93-8613103 81-93-861-3114
Rack &Chord (Leg Section 3) JU304002 Regency Steel Motoyoshi nakamura 81-93-8613103 81-93-861-3114
Rack &Chord (Leg Section 4) JU304002 Regency Steel Motoyoshi nakamura 81-93-8613103 81-93-861-3114
Bracing K011001 Thyssenkrupp Chin Hoe Fah 6890 6576 66657600
Bearing Material for Pinion Shaft JU304001 Sterom 2 SRL Giapiero Castelli 39(31) 951616
65 68610800
Wear Plates for Jackcase Structure (Upper) JU304004 SSAB Swedish Steel Pte Ltd Stanley Ong 6863 1622 6863 0622
Wear Plate for Jackcase Structure ( Below Jackcase) JU304004 SSAB Swedish Steel Pte Ltd Stanley Ong 6863 1622
Cantilever Skidding System - HPU JU304023 PH Hydraulics & Engrg Pte Ltd Willie Ng 6861 2000 6861 5000
Cantilever Skidding System - Hydraulic Cylinders (400 Tons) JU304023 PH Hydraulics & Engrg Pte Ltd Willie Ng 6861 2000 6861 5000
Cantilever Skidding System - Control Console JU304023 PH Hydraulics & Engrg Pte Ltd Willie Ng 6861 2000 6861 5000
Drillfloor Skidding System - Hydraulic Cylinders JU304023 PH Hydraulics & Engrg Pte Ltd Willie Ng 6861 2000 6861 5000
Drillfloor Skidding System - Control Console JU304023 PH Hydraulics & Engrg Pte Ltd Willie Ng 6861 2000 6861 5000
Bilge Pump - Electric driven JU304017 Mectron Engineering Pte Ltd Raymond Fong 6863-3033 6863-3900
Bilge Pump - Air driven JU304017 Mectron Engineering Pte Ltd Raymond Fong 6863-3033 6863-3900
Saltwater / Fire Pump JU304017 Mectron Engineering Pte Ltd Raymond Fong 6863-3033 6863-3900
Fire Service Pump JU304017 Mectron Engineering Pte Ltd Raymond Fong 6863-3033 6863-3900
Seawater Booster Pump JU304017 Mectron Engineering Pte Ltd Raymond Fong 6863 3033 6863 3900
Drill Water Pump JU304017 Mectron Engineering Pte Ltd Raymond Fong 6863-3033 6863-3900
Foam Pump JU304017 Mectron Engineering Pte Ltd Raymond Fong 6863-3033 6863-3900
Dirty Oil Pump JU304017 Mectron Engineering Pte Ltd Raymond Fong 6863-3033 6863-3900
Fuel Oil Transfer Pump JU304017 Mectron Engineering Pte Ltd Raymond Fong 6863-3033 6863-3900
Fuel Oil Service Pump (Electric) JU304017 Mectron Engineering Pte Ltd Raymond Fong 6863-3033 6863-3900
Fuel Oil Service Pump (Hand) JU304017 Mectron Engineering Pte Ltd Raymond Fong 6863-3033 6863-3900
Base Oil Transfer Pump JU304017 Mectron Engineering Pte Ltd Raymond Fong 6863-3033 6863-3900
Hot Water Circ. Pump JU304017 Mectron Engineering Pte Ltd Raymond Fong 6863-3033 6863-3900
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Equipment PO No Supplier Supplier Contact Person Supplier Tel No Supplier Fax No Supplier Email
Trip Tank Pump JU304017 Mectron Engineering Pte Ltd Raymond Fong 6863-3033 6863-3900
Diaphragm type drainage pump (air driven) cantilever JU304017 Mectron Engineering Pte Ltd Raymond Fong 6863-3033 6863-3900
Diaphragm type drainage pump (air driven) mud pump rm JU304017 Mectron Engineering Pte Ltd Raymond Fong 6863-3033 6863-3900
Raw Water Tower Pumps JU304028 S & N Pump S.E. Asia Singapore Pte Ltd Miko C. Gipson 62565 7846 6265 7847
Mud Charging Pump JU304017 Mectron Engineering Pte Ltd Raymond Fong 6863 3033 6863 3900
Mud Mixing Pumps JU304017 Mectron Engineering Pte Ltd Raymond Fong 6863 3033 6863 3900
Mud Mixing/Brine pump JU304017 Mectron Engineering Pte Ltd Raymond Fong 6863 3033 6863 3900
Degasser Pump JU304017 Mectron Engineering Pte Ltd Raymond Fong 6863 3033 6863 3900
Sewage Treatment Plant JU304008 HAMWORTHY PTE LTD Laurence Tan 6663 5519 6261 6011
Trash Compactor - 30 ft3 28004099/OD Haaribol Pte Ltd BK Lee 6555 2654 6555 3932
Water Maker 12,000 gal/day waste heat type JU304007 ALFA LAVAL SINGAPORE PTE LTD Steven Koh 6559 2844 6862 3567
Jacket Water Circulating Pumps JU304007 ALFA LAVAL SINGAPORE PTE LTD Steven Koh 6559 2844 6862 3567
Mixing Tank JU304007 ALFA LAVAL SINGAPORE PTE LTD Steven Koh 6559 2844 6862 3567
Hot Water Heater 28006021/OD Finessco Systems Pte Ltd Philip Tan 6862 0900 6862 3368
Potable / Sanitary Pressure Set JU304017 Mectron Engineering Pte Ltd Raymond Fong 6863-3033 6863-3900
Oily Water Separator 15ppm 27032497/OD Aquanautic Agencies Pte Ltd Alex Goh 6316 3393 6316 3116
Welding Machine (Portable) 27032757/OD SSH Corporation Ltd Joseph Goh 6661 5566 6261 3798
Reciprocating Sawing Machine 27032759/OD Techpro Machine Tools Pte Ltd Andrew Yew 6567 6677 6566 2778
Tool Grinder 27032759/OD Techpro Machine Tools Pte Ltd Andrew Yew 6567 6677 6566 2778
Drill Press 27033729/OD Assurich Industries Pte Ltd Adrian Lim 6459 1069 6457 1053
Hydraulic Press 27033729/OD Assurich Industries Pte Ltd Adrian Lim 6459 1069 6457 1053
Pipe Threading Machine 27033729/OD Assurich Industries Pte Ltd Adrian Lim 6459 1069 6457 1053
Lathe Machine 27033729/OD Assurich Industries Pte Ltd Adrian Lim 6459 1069 6457 1053
Hose crimping machine 27033729/OD Assurich Industries Pte Ltd Adrian Lim 6459 1069 6457 1053
Pedestal grinder 27032759/OD Techpro Machine Tools Pte Ltd Andrew Yew 6567 6677 6566 2778
Gas Cutters 27032757/OD SSH Corporation Ltd Joseph Goh 6661 5566 6261 3798
Forklift 27033716/OD CEL Tractors Pte Ltd Alvin Lim 6366 2266 6368 0026
Battery Charger (Floor standing Type) 27033716/OD CEL Tractors Pte Ltd Alvin Lim 6366 2266 6368 0026
Eductor 27031258/OD Kenson Enterprise Pte Ltd Terence Lim 6749 0708 6749 3301
Fuel Tank on Jettison Skids JU304011 WILMAX ENGINEERING PTE LTD Chai KC 6546 7997 6546 2717
Pump Tranfer Unit JU304011 WILMAX ENGINEERING PTE LTD Chai KC 6546 7997 6546 2717
Dispensing Unit JU304011 WILMAX ENGINEERING PTE LTD Chai KC 6546 7997 65462717
Water Spray System (burner boom heat) JU304018 Unitor Ships Service (S) Pte Ltd Darren Gouk 63954545 6778 3611 NA
Flow Meter 27032315/OD Oval Asia Pacific Pte Ltd Edwin Lim 6266 1178 6266 1163
Hull Ventilation Fan 28002565/OD Airtrade Systems Pte Ltd Peter Chan 6262 1672 6262 1673
Engine Rm Turbulence Fans 27034962/OD Airtrade Systems Pte Ltd Peter Chan 6262 1672 6262 1673
Mud Pump Turbulence Fans 27034962/OD Airtrade Systems Pte Ltd Peter Chan 6262 1672 6262 1673
Drill Floor Turbulence Fans 27034962/OD Airtrade Systems Pte Ltd Peter Chan 6262 1672 6262 1673
CO2 Fixed Fire Extinguishing System JU304018 Unitor Ships Service (S) Pte Ltd Darren Gouk 6262 1672 6778 3611 NA
Foam/Deluge Fixed Fire Extinguishing System JU304018 Unitor Ships Service (S) Pte Ltd Darren Gouk 6262 1672 6778 3611 NA
Trolley, Engine Room (0.5 metric tons) 28012522/OD Franklin Offshore International Pte Ltd Stephen Wong
Chain Hoist, Engine Room (0.5 metric tons) 28012522/OD Franklin Offshore International Pte Ltd Stephen Wong 6863 1110 6863 6106
Trolley & Chain Hoist, Engine Room (10 metric tons) 28012522/OD Franklin Offshore International Pte Ltd Stephen Wong 6863 1110 6863 6106
Trolleys & Chain Hoists, Mud Pump Room (8 metric tons) 28012522/OD Franklin Offshore International Pte Ltd Stephen Wong 6863 1110 6863 6106
Trolley & Chain Hoist, Heavy Tool Store (8 metric tons) 28012522/OD Franklin Offshore International Pte Ltd Stephen Wong 6863 1110 6863 6106
Trolley & Chain Hoist, Raw Water Tower lifting (3 metric tons) 28012522/OD Franklin Offshore International Pte Ltd Stephen Wong 6863 1110 6863 6106
Trolley & Chain Hoist, Cantilever (BOP elements) (20 metric tons) 28012522/OD Franklin Offshore International Pte Ltd Stephen Wong 6863 1110 6863 6106
Trolley & Chain Hoist, Drawworks (4 metric tons) 28012522/OD Franklin Offshore International Pte Ltd Stephen Wong 6863 1110 6863 6106
Trolley (HP Hose Handling) 28012522/OD Franklin Offshore International Pte Ltd Stephen Wong 6863 1110 6863 6106
Shut-off Dampers for Engine Rm Supply/Exhaust Fans 27034704/OD Wozair Asia Pte Ltd Joseph Goh 6890 6506 6890 6508

Shut-off Dampers for Emerg. Rm Supply/Exhaust Fans 27034704/OD Wozair Asia Pte Ltd Joseph Goh 6890 6506 6890 6508
Storm Louvers 28014345/OD Finessco Systems Pte Ltd Philip Tan 6862 0900 6862 3368
Anchor Winch 25 tons and JU304029 Macgregor Plimsoll P L
Derrick - 160ft x 32ft x 35ft (1,500,000lbs hook load) M176005 Woolslayer Dewayne G.Vogt 1 (918) 760 3224 1 (918) 523 0854
Crown block 750 s/ton M176005 Woolslayer Dewayne G.Vogt 1 (918) 760 3224 1 (918) 523 0854
Finger Board M176005 Woolslayer Dewayne G.Vogt 1 (918) 760 3224 1 (918) 523 0854
Casing Stabbing Basket (NOV) M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
Drawworks 3000hp AC Drive (ADS10-DT or equal) M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
Travelling block 750 s/ton M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
Brake Cooling Unit M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
Air Receiver/Intensifier M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
Dead Line Anchor M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
Rotary Table 49-1/2" Hydraulic Driven M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
Võ Minh Hạnh

Equipment PO No Supplier Supplier Contact Person Supplier Tel No Supplier Fax No Supplier Email
Top Drive 750 s/ton torque 63,000 ft-lbs AC Drive M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
Pipe Handler part of Top Drive M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
IBOP 15,000 psi NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
High Pressure Mud Pump 2200hp AC Drive 7500psi include 6-1/2" liner
M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
and pulsation dampener
AC Drilling Motors M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
AC Motor Blowers M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
Mud Gun M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
Mud agitators M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
Low Pressure Mud Hopper / Shear Hopper M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 719-9375600 713-9375095
Dust Collectors (@Sack Storage Rm) 27031622/OD Intair Asia Pte Ltd Norman Lim 6862 2862 6862 2066
High Rate Mixers M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 719-9375600 713-9375095
Dust Extractor 28004451/OD Technics Offshore Engineering Pte Ltd Thomas Tan 6545 9968 6545 0668
Scalping Type / Conventional Shaker (Gumbo) 1400gpm M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
VSM300 Shakers M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
VSM300 Inverter Cabinet M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
Degasser 1000gpm M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
Driller's display Panel M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
Data Acquisition Unit M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
Analogue meter display panel M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
Safe area workstation M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
Associated Field sensors M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
Multi Tool Control Cabinet M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
Amphion power control cabinet M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
Driller's Console M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
Driller Chair M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
Drill Line Spooler 28005382/OD Franklin Offshore International Pte Ltd Stephen Wong 6863 5680 6863 6106
Wire line Unit M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
Hydraulic Cathead (for make up or break up) M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
Hydraulic Cathead Interface Panel M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
Iron Roughneck ST80 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
Drill Floor HPU M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
Mud Bucket M176002 NOV Alan Sherrard 713-9375600 713-9375095
Mud Gas Separator 28008590/OD Technics Offshore Engrg Pte Ltd Thomas Tan 6545 9968 6545 0668
600V Main Switchboards (Generator Ctrl and Distribution) JU304019 Keppel Norway Hans Petter Heggebo
VFD JU304019 Keppel Norway Hans Petter Heggebo
Phase Shift Transformers - 5000 kVA JU304019 Keppel Norway Hans Petter Heggebo
Braking Resistor Skid JU304019 Keppel Norway Hans Petter Heggebo
480Vac MCC Distribution System (Main MCC #1, #2, Ventilation MCC) JU304025A CMR (FE) Pte Ltd Yeh JT 6268 8311
480Vac Emergency Swithboard & Generator Control JU304025A CMR (FE) Pte Ltd Yeh JT 6268 8311
480Vac Emergency MCC & Distribution JU304025A CMR (FE) Pte Ltd Yeh JT 6268 8311
480Vac Drilling MCC JU304025A CMR (FE) Pte Ltd Yeh JT 6268 8311
230Vac Emergency Lighting Swbd JU304025A CMR (FE) Pte Ltd Yeh JT 6268 8311
230Vac Normal Lighting Switchboard A & B JU304025A CMR (FE) Pte Ltd Yeh JT 6268 8311
LV Distribution/Lighting Panels 28008627/OD CMR (FE) Pte Ltd Yeh JT 6268 8311 6265 7443
Electrician Test Panel 27035392/OD Marshal Technology Mktg & Eng Pte Ltd Pay CS 6546 3026 6546 3027
600/480Vac Transformer 2000kVA JU304019 Keppel Norway Hans Petter Heggebo
480/230Vac Main Lighting Xmer 225kVA JU304019 Keppel Norway Hans Petter Heggebo
Marine UPS 28002657/OD Eng Hoe Pte Ltd Adrian Tan 6285 9928 6285 9952
Drill Floor UPS 28002657/OD Eng Hoe Pte Ltd Adrian Tan 6285 9928 6285 9952
Navigation Lights, Signal & Equipment 28008626/OD Keppel Sea Scan Pte Ltd WuLin 6262 6127 6262 1231
WindSock 28002644/OD Keppel Seascan Pte Ltd Wu Ling 6262 6130 6262 1231
Meteorological & Oceanographic System 28000687/OD Rico Pte Ltd Jason Lee 6745 8472 6747 1151
PA/telephone System JU304015 Marshal Tech. Mktg & Engrg Pte Ltd Jeffrey Tay 6546 3026 6546 3027
Socket Outlet for LAN System (LAN sys. is OFE) 28002659/OD Marshal Tech. Mktg & Engrg Pte Ltd Yeong Han Hui 9323 6196 6546 3027 Not Available
Driller's Talk Back System JU304015 Marshal Tech. Mktg & Engrg Pte Ltd Jeffrey Tay 6546 3026 6546 3027
Emergency Shutdown System 27035401/OD Marshal Tech. Mktg & Engrg Pte Ltd Pay CS 6546 3026 6546 3027
Hospital Call Alarm 28008631/OD Terasaki Electric Co (FE) Pte Ltd Adrian Yeo 6561 1165 6561 2166
Monitoring Alarm System (inclu Watertight Door Monitoring & Field
28002652/OD Flotech Controls Pte Ltd Janice Loh 6553 0366 6553 0828
Fire/Smoke Detection system w/central alarm for LQ & Mach Space JU304014 Marshal Tech. Mktg & Engrg Pte Ltd Jeffrey Tay 6546 3026 6546 3027
Gas Detection System (Combustible and Sour Gas) JU304014 Marshal Tech. Mktg & Engrg Pte Ltd Jeffrey Tay 6546 3026 6546 3027
Võ Minh Hạnh

Equipment PO No Supplier Supplier Contact Person Supplier Tel No Supplier Fax No Supplier Email
Engine, Jacking Cables 28007707/OD Keppel Sea Scan Pte Ltd Chan KH 6262 6127 6262 1231
Hull and LQ Cables 28007707/OD Keppel Sea Scan Pte Ltd Chan KH 6262 6127 6262 1231
Drilling System Cables 28007707/OD Keppel Sea Scan Pte Ltd Chan KH 6262 6127 6262 1231
Cantilever electrical Drag Chain JU304021 Marshal Tech. Mktg & Engrg Pte Ltd) Jeffrey Tay 6546 3026 6546 3027
Cantilever Hose Drag Chain JU304021 Marshal Tech. Mktg & Engrg Pte Ltd) Jeffrey Tay 6546 3026 6546 3027
Drill Floor Electrical Drag Chain JU304021 Marshal Tech. Mktg & Engrg Pte Ltd) Jeffrey Tay 6546 3026 6546 3027
Cable Drums for Raw Water Tower 28002650/OH Lyckad Marine Pte Ltd Benny Fong 6264 8136 6264 8135
Anti-fouling Sys 28000690/OD WCP Engineering & Trading Pte Ltd David Lim 6897 7577 6897 8858
Tank Gauging Sys JU304009 Marshal Tech. Mktg & Engrg Pte Ltd Jeffrey Tay 6546 3026 6546 3027
MCT 28007658/OP Finessco Engineering Pte Ltd Milton Yeo 6862 3200 6862 3368
Preload Fill & Dump Valve System JU304016 ALTON INTERNATIONAL (S) PTE LTD Albert Teo 6861 8586 6861 9708
10" Simplex Strainers (Seawtr System) 28006508/OP Kenson Enterprise Pte Ltd Terence Lim 6749 0708 6749 3301
Sacrificial Anode (Sea chest) 27035168/OD Cathodic Protection Technology Pte Ltd Frankie Ang 6896 6548 6896 6540
Sacrificial Anode (spud can & Leg) 27035168/OD Cathodic Protection Technology Pte Ltd Frankie Ang 6896 6548 6896 6540
Paints Jotun (Singapore) Pte Ltd Shashi Kumar 6663 4239 6268 3696
Day Signals 28010499/OD Noah Agencies N Marine Svs Pte Ltd CK Tan 6266 0788 6266 1042
International Code Flags 28010499/OD Noah Agencies N Marine Svs Pte Ltd CK Tan 6266 0788 6266 1042
Portable Aldis Lamp (Baterry Operated) 28010499/OD Noah Agencies N Marine Svs Pte Ltd CK Tan 6266 0788 6266 1042
Ship's Bell (Fogbell) 28010499/OD Noah Agencies N Marine Svs Pte Ltd CK Tan 6266 0788 6266 1042
Inclinometer 28010499/OD Noah Agencies N Marine Svs Pte Ltd CK Tan 6266 0788 6266 1042
Barometer 28010499/OD Noah Agencies N Marine Svs Pte Ltd CK Tan 6266 0788 6266 1042
Thermometer 28010499/OD Noah Agencies N Marine Svs Pte Ltd CK Tan 6266 0788 6266 1042
Wall Mounted Clocks (Baterry Operated) 28010499/OD Noah Agencies N Marine Svs Pte Ltd CK Tan 6266 0788 6266 1042
Wall Mounted Navigation Clock for Operator's use 28010499/OD Noah Agencies N Marine Svs Pte Ltd CK Tan 6266 0788 6266 1042
Megaphone 28010499/OD Noah Agencies N Marine Svs Pte Ltd CK Tan 6266 0788 6266 1042
Fog Horn 28010513/OD Springer EMS Pte Ltd Mike Ng 6745 3300 6746 6374
Washer Extractor (combination unit, 35 lbs capacity) 28012436/OD Goltens (S) Pte Ltd Adwin Low 6868 3245 6861 1037
Dryer (50lbs capacity) Milnor Model 37CE 28012436/OD Goltens (S) Pte Ltd Adwin Low 6868 3245 6861 1037
Gym Equipment 28013399/OD Good Health Distributors Pte Ltd Danny Chua 6747 0636 6749 9846
Helideck pancake JU304010 ALUMINIUM OFFSHORE PTE LTD Neelesh Uppal 6316-1282 6316-1232
Helicopter Landing Net JU304010 ALUMINIUM OFFSHORE PTE LTD Neelesh Uppal 6316-1282 6316-1232
Windows Wuxi Dongzhou Marine Fittings Co Ltd Mr LiuGao 86-510-83777298 86-510-83771228

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