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Producer: Verá Belmont, Linda Gutenberg

Director:Gérard Corbiau
Protagonists:Carlo Broschi (Farinelli), Riccardo Broschi, Alexandra Harris, George
Frideric Handel, Margareth Hunter (the countess),Benedict (the child of the
countess) Nicola Porpora (professor of farinelli), Broshi, Piero, Prince of Gales,
Felipe V of Spain and the young admirer.
Sceernwriter :Marcel Beaulieu, Andrée Corbiau and Gérard Corbiau
Author(s) of the music:Cristophe Rousset
Release year: In 1994


Farinelli is an Italian film from the baroque era that deals with the Broschi brothers,
one of whom, specifically Carlo, is castrated at the death of his father to preserve
his melodious voice becoming one of the most famous castratos of the time


Farinelli (Carlo Broshi): Castrated Italian singer who, like the other Italian boys, was
castrated to preserve his melodic voice.
His brother Riccardo Broschi: He was an Italian composer of baroque music and
the brother of the opera singer Carlo Broschi, known as Farinelli.
German composer Georg Friedrich Haendel: English composer recognized in the
history of music, especially baroque, who only composed an opera after Farinelli
stole it
The lover of the brothers Alejandra: A very beautiful and kind woman was
Benedict's doctor and was the lover of the broschi brothers and stole the opera for
Italian composer Nicola Porpora: He was one of the greatest Baroque musicians.
Especially in the field of opera, where he came to rival Haendel by playing his


1. Why did the protagonist manage to be a famous singer and loved by the public?
The protagonist managed to be a famous singer and loved by the public because
everyone liked his voice angelic and wonderful
2. Did Farinelli consider music as an art or as a business? Why? Farinelli
considered music an art. Because what he wanted was to move the public with his
voice not that they applauded him
3. What is Farinelli's illusion throughout his artistic career? Make people emotional
and cry (in a good way) by his voice

4. What did Farinelli think of his brother at the beginning of his career?
Farinelli at the beginning of his career think that he and his brother were the perfect
duo and that his brother, Riccardo was a very good and admirable composer and
that if they wanted to hire him they should also hire his brother

5. How and why did you change your mind? Why or in what moment did his brother
Ricardo defraud Farinelli? He changes when listening/reading Handel's opera, the
only one he ever composed. He was defrauded with hir brother when he found out
that it was not actually the horse that had castrated him, it was his brother after the
death of his father when Carlo was drugged with opium

6. What do Farinelli find in Handel's music that he find so different from that of his
brother? Farinelli finds in Haendel's music a beautiful sentimental music that does
not seek to draw the public's attention or make them applaud, he wanted them to
be moved and enjoy it, something that he didn't find in his brother's music

7. Why at a certain stage of his life did Farinelli consider himself a failed artist?

It may be that he felt like a failed artist twice in his life. When he gave up the
opportunity to sing for handel in london for his brother or also when he found out
that his brother was the one who castrated him. That in both cases it was when he
found out what riccardo did to him (castrate him)

8. What did his brother think of him?

His brother thinks that he was nothing more than a simple castratil that he created
him and that without him he would have been nothing.

9. What did Handel admire and what did Handel hate about Farinelli?

Haendel admired Farinelli's voice and hated the fact that he was a castratil and did
not want to work alone without his brother, he even told him that he was not a man
because they removed his testicles
10. Ricardo spends years composing an opera for his brother. What is the title?
What is the Greek myth on which it is based about?
The opera is called Orfeo's and it is about Orfeo's myth (a character from greek
motilogy). One of the myths says that he fell in love with a girl and running after her
as she did not know him, she got scared and ran away from him and seeing her a
god turned her into a cane to protect her, then Orfeo's saddened for not finding his
beloved, cuts a cane and makes a flute with it
11. Search for which Spanish king Farinelli comes to work at the court of Madrid,
how many years was he in Spain, what kind of performances did he have.
Farinelli spent more than twenty years working in Spain at the service of Felipe V
and Fernando VI between 1737 and 1759. His performances consisted of spending
every night, from dinner until dawn, in the royal rooms for Felipe V so that he could
sleep and Fernando VI sang to him to avoid attacks of violent madness. The
performances he had were to calm the two depressed kings

12. Do you think this recreation of the life of the great Farinelli is believable? make
one overall rating of the film.
His life does seem credible to me because at that time the castratos were well
known and Ferinelli was one of them, moreover, he was the most famous. Besides,
things happen in their lives that are very similar to what history and the scientists
who studied the castratos tell us today, but I do not deny the fact that there are
things about them that they do not tell us and the overall ratingin terms of age I
would put 13 years and in my note of how much I liked it from 1 to 10 I would put an
8 because I liked the story
13. Why was castration practiced? Research and write what its advantages were
and why those musical roles were not sung by women.
Castration was practiced because during the 16th century in Rome, when the pope
forbade women to sing in churches and on stage, this form emerged to prevent
children from losing the quality of their voices at puberty and to develop a special
tone of voice. Some advantages that castration has is that if a woman cheated on
her husband with a castratil she did not get pregnant, they could lift his poor family
out of poverty, they were loved by the public and kept their sweet and angelic voice
as a child. Because the Pope forbade women to sing in churches and on stage

14. In what year was castration prohibited? Who was the last castrato? search and
Put a link to a video about it.
In 1878, Pope Leo XIII prohibited the hiring of new castrati by the church, except in
the Sistine Chapel and a few other papal basilicas in Rome, where castrati were
allowed to remain. The last Sistine castrato was Alessandro Moreschi, who
remained in the Vatican choir as a soloist until 1898. In 1878, Pope Leo XIII
prohibited the hiring of new castrati by the church. The last Sistine castrato was
Alessandro Moreschi, who remained in the Vatican choir as a soloist until 1898 The
video: https://youtu.be/lmI_C-S0Abg

15. By what kind of voice are currently composed roles performed for castrated?
They are composed with soprano and countertenor voices

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