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Feminist movement?

What is the history of feminist movement?

The women's struggle began to have precise goals after

the French Revolution, linked to the egalitarian and
rationalist ideology of the Enlightenment, and to the new
working conditions that emerged from the Industrial
Revolution. Olimpia de Gouges, in her "Declaration of the
Rights of Women and the Citizen" (1791), affirms that the
"natural rights of women are limited by the tyranny of
Aura Llerena Trujillo men, a situation that must be reformed according to the
laws of nature and the reason”.

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Accounting of commercial and financial
operations. What does the feminism logo
Olga Lucia Sepulveda

What is the feminist movement?

The feminist movement is a diverse set of positions and
models of political, economic, cultural and social thought,
which seeks to achieve equal living conditions between
women and men, questioning the roles traditionally
The symbol of Venus, joining the
thumb and index fingers of both
hands, represents the uterus of
women, as a symbol of the
freedom of the female gender to
decide on their own body. That is Mission and Vision.
to say, with this gesture the right
Feminism does not
to free and free abortion is

fight to have more; it Our mission is to promote change in social, economic

and cultural structures to achieve gender equality and
fights for equality. equity between women and men through feminist
advocacy and empowerment, based on freedom,
diversity, sisterhood, participation activity,
interculturality and leadership.

Our vision is a society in which both women and men
actively participate in social, political and economic
life with equal rights and opportunities, without the
existence of a patriarchal culture as a system of social
organization and androcentrism as a global

Bibliographic references.
representation of society. humanity.

Mainly feminism seeks to end: el-feminismo/
 Femicide: murder of women simply for being somos/mision-vision-valores/
female. 

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