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√Teaching and Learning Activity-Solution

Module: Human Resource Management 2 (HHRM230-1)

Week number (Date): 13 (25 May 2023)
Unit covered: 9 (Chapters 18, 19 & 20)

Please see below the suggested solutions for the week 13 T&L activity:

Question 1:

Read the excerpt below and answer the question to follow:

Trade unions are key stakeholders and role players in South Africa. The SA labour movement or
‘organised labour’ (trade unions and their federations) played a key role in the transformation of the
country from an apartheid society to a democracy. Today, the labour movement remains a very strong
force, and trade unions, their federations and their leadership cadres are major stakeholders and role
players in the governance of the country.

1.1 Using your own words, provide a detailed explanation of what a trade union is. (3 marks)

Solution: Chapter 18, page 556

The Labour Relations Act (LRA) views trade unions as ‘an association of employees whose principal
purpose is to regulate relations between employees and employers, including employers’
organisations’. √ Trade unions represent the interest of their members via the collective bargaining
process and in SA, √ they also take part in political processes such as policy formulation in the National
Economic Development and Labour Council (Nedlac). √

• Erasmus, B; Schenk, H; Mulaudzi, M and Grobler, A. 2019. South African Human Resource
Management Theory and Practice. 6th edition. Cape Town: Juta.

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Listen to the following YouTube video and answer the question that follows:

Source: SABC News. The role of trade unions in SA's democracy

[Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from: [Accessed on
15 May 2023].

1.2 As evidenced in the video above, trade unions exist to serve the interest of their members.
Elaborate on this statement. (6 marks)

Solution: Chapter 18, page 558

Trade unions serve the interest of the workers that join unions, thus serving the interests of the ‘working
class’ of society. √They are also supposed to serve the interests of the unemployed people among the
working classes of society. √Trade union movements have their roots in the capitalist system which
differentiates between social classes such as the bourgeoisie (those who own the means of production),
and the much larger proletariat – or working class. √Trade unions exist to serve the interests of the
working class. √

Workers join trade unions due to dissatisfaction with the ‘deal’ they get out of their employment
relationship and due to a lack of need satisfaction in their employment situation and resulting social
status. √

The main purpose of trade unions is to restore and maintain some sort of balance or equity in the
relations between employer parties and the workers they represent. √

• Erasmus, B; Schenk, H; Mulaudzi, M and Grobler, A. 2019. South African Human Resource
Management Theory and Practice. 6th edition. Cape Town: Juta.

Question 2:

You are an HR manager requested to proceed with disciplinary action against a worker who has
violated rules in the workplace. (10 marks)

2 HHRM230-1-Jan-June2023-T&L-Solution-Week13-ATR-V2-16052023
Source: Bizcommunity [Image]. Retrieved from [Accessed on 15 May 2023].

Required: List the fundamental rights of employees regarding procedural fairness in the disciplinary

Solution: Chapter 19, page 596

• The right to be told the nature of the offence or misconduct with relevant particulars of the
charge. √
• The right to a timeous hearing as part of the inquiry√
• The right to be given adequate notice prior to the inquiry. √
• The right to some form of representation√
• The right to call a witness. √
• The right to an interpreter√
• The right to a finding (if found guilty, the employee has the right to be told the full reasons) √
• The right to have previous service considered, as well as other possible mitigating factors√.
• The right to be advised of the sanction imposed (e.g. verbal warning, written warning,
termination of employment) √.
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• The right of appeal- for example, to a higher level of management. This is provided for in some
organisations, but it is not a requirement of the LRA or any relevant code in terms of the LRA.

• Erasmus, B; Schenk, H; Mulaudzi, M and Grobler, A. 2019. South African Human Resource
Management Theory and Practice. 6th edition. Cape Town: Juta.

Question 3:

Read the fictitious scenario below and answer the question to follow:

You are the HR manager at a large multinational organisation and part of your role is to process
employee resignations and terminations of employment contracts.

Identify and briefly highlight four (4) ways in which an employment relationship can be terminated.

(8 marks)

Solution: Chapter 20, pages 619-621

1. By death or insolvency: √The employment contract will be terminated due to the inability of
performance. Insolvency of the employer automatically suspends the contracts of employment
of all its employers. √
2. By the effluxion of time: √ In the event of fixed-term employment contracts – the employment
relationship will automatically terminate when the agreed time period of the contract has lapsed.
If a fixed-term contract is renewed for a third time, such contracts are assumed to be indefinite-
period contracts. Another type of fixed-term contract is employment for a specific task, such as
builders, plumbers etc. - when the task is finished, the contract is finished. Termination of
contract on reaching retirement age is not considered a dismissal. √
3. By mutual agreement and giving notice: √ Employees can terminate their employment by
giving necessary notice. √
4. By dismissal: √As a result of misconduct on the part of the employee, because of incapacity
(poor work performance, ill health or injury) or for operational reasons). √

4 HHRM230-1-Jan-June2023-T&L-Solution-Week13-ATR-V2-16052023
• Erasmus, B; Schenk, H; Mulaudzi, M and Grobler, A. 2019. South African Human Resource
Management Theory and Practice. 6th edition. Cape Town: Juta.
Total 27 Marks

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