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Unit: Teaching, Learning and Assessment in VET 2 Priscilla Madiona

Active Learning: “anything that involves students in doing things and thinking
about the things they are doing” (Bonwell & Eison, 1991). Active learning helps
students to ascend Bloom’s Taxonomy from remembering and understanding to
analyzing and creating (Yale, 2021). Comment on these statements regarding
'Active Learning', in particular the importance of Communication for effective
Active Learning.

Active learning is an educational approach that involves students in doing tasks and thinking critically
about the things they are doing. According to Bonwell and Eison (1991), it is "anything that involves
students in doing things and thinking about the things they are doing." The goal of active learning is
to help students move up Bloom's Taxonomy, from simply remembering and understanding
information to analyzing and creating new ideas.

One of the key elements of active learning is communication. Effective communication is essential for
successful active learning because it allows students to express their thoughts, ideas, and questions.
This creates a learning environment where students can engage in meaningful dialogue with their
peers and teachers, which can help them to better understand and retain information.

We also see this in Participative Leadership where, “Participative leadership is a leadership style
whereby leaders listen to their employees and involve them in the decision-making process. It requires
an inclusive mindset, good communication skills and the ability — and inclination — to share power”
(Ismail, 2021). This communication helps to build trust and foster a supportive learning community,
not only between leaders, but also with students. When students feel comfortable expressing their
ideas and asking questions, they are more likely to participate in class discussions and group activities.
This can lead to a deeper understanding of the course material and a greater sense of engagement
with the learning process.

In addition, effective communication can help to overcome language and cultural barriers that might
otherwise limit student participation and engagement. For example, in a multicultural classroom,
students may feel more comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas in their native language. This
can lead to a more inclusive and diverse learning environment where all students feel valued and
respected. This could be easily done with the use of technology, where a student can speak his/her
native language, and an online translator, translates what is being said for everyone to understand.

Interpersonal skills, also known as soft skills, have “the ability to inspire and engage others to do their
best work towards a shared goal” (Poulsen, 2012). Leaders use empowerment, motivation, and role-
modelling, hence having good communication skills with those around them that stimulate and
engage others. A teacher would need to have a multitude of interpersonal skills to succeed in class,
like, “enthusiasm, leadership, communication, empathy, self-evaluation, creativity, and emotional
intelligence” (Altus, 2022). Active learning often involves group projects and problem-solving tasks
that require students to work together to find solutions. Effective communication is necessary for
students to understand each other's perspectives and coordinate their efforts. This helps students to
develop important skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and leadership, which are valuable
in both their academic and professional lives.
Unit: Teaching, Learning and Assessment in VET 2 Priscilla Madiona

In conclusion, effective active learning requires efficient communication. Active learning can help
students better comprehend and retain information, build trust and foster a supportive learning
community, overcome language and cultural barriers, and develop crucial skills like problem-solving,
critical thinking, and leadership by giving them opportunities to express their ideas and engage in
meaningful dialogue.

Altus, 2022. The importance of people skills for teacher success. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 08 08 2022].

Bush, T. & Glover, D., 2003. School Leadership: Concepts and Evidence, s.l.: The University of

Ismail, K., 2021. What Is Participative Leadership?. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 06 08 2022].

Poulsen, S., 2012. Why Interpersonal Leadership Skills Matter & How to Improve. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 08 08 2022].

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