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Purchase Intentions and Purchase Behavior

Author(s): Donald G. Morrison

Source: Journal of Marketing, Vol. 43, No. 2 (Spring, 1979), pp. 65-74
Published by: American Marketing Association
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This paper provides a frameworkfor collecting, analyzing, and inter-

preting purchase intentions data.


ANY surveyscontainpurchaseintentionsques- (1965) presents a highly readableand interestingdis-

M tions on such items as new food products, fre- cussion on the use of purchaseintentionsin evaluating
quently purchased package goods, appliances, au- the effectiveness of automobile advertising. Silk and
tomobiles, and capitalequipment.The time framemay Urban(1978) have purchaseintentionsas one inputfor
range from one week to 24 monthsor more. Although a new productmodel. Bass, Pessemier, and Lehmann
these purchaseintentions data are used, there has not (1972) use purchaseintentionsin theirwell-known soft
been much work done on evaluating the accuracy of drinkstudy. Sewall (1978) uses purchaseintentionsto
these data-neither at the individual nor aggregate segment marketsfor proposednew (redesigned)prod-
levels. In particular,there has been little follow-up to ucts. In spite of this heavy use of purchaseintentions
see if individuals surveyed actually purchased the data, there has been little effort to constructa formal
productof interestover the specified time periods. One mathematicalmodel that establishes the intermediate
purpose of this paper is to stimulate such follow-up links between stated purchase intentions and actual
procedures. purchasebehavior.This paperis an attemptat building
Purchase intentions continue to be an important such a model which will make purchase intentions a
concept in marketing.The publishedliteraturecontains better understoodand more useful concept.
a very small fractionof the actual studies which have First, a general frameworkfor analyzing purchase
used purchaseintentions;nevertheless, the quantityof intentionsdata is presented. This model focuses atten-
literatureis quite large. Axelrod (1968) analyzes pur- tion on three very different phenomenathat often are
chase intentions along with other attitude measures implicitly and confusingly combined. Then within this
used for predicting actual purchase behavior. Smith overall frameworka specific, mathematicallytractable
and statistically testable model is developed. Some
DonaldMorrisonis Professorof Businessat ColumbiaUniver- actualdatafrom the well-known studyby Juster(1966)
sity, New York.The workreportedhere was supportedby the is analyzed.
Centerfor FoodPolicyStudies at the GraduateSchoolof Busi-
ness, ColumbiaUniversity. The data used are purchase intentions for au-
tomobiles and household appliances. The data fit the

Journal of Marketing
Vol. 43 (Spring 1979), 65-74. Purchase Intentionsand Purchase Behavior/ 65

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model quite well, but this is not the importantpoint. sudden loss of income may make such a purchase
Rather the model highlights the differences between infeasible. The EEM allows for such changes in
intentions data for a majorpurchaseof an automobile circumstances-albeit in a very simple mannerin the
and a still substantial, but less major purchase of an specific model.
appliance. Step 3. The estimatedunadjustedpurchaseprobabil-
In the automobile study, only 53% of those who ity,Iu, is transformedinto the estimated purchase
said that they were certain to buy a new automobile probability, , by the Probability AdjustmentModel
actually did so. How can we assess this statistic? By (PAM). There is no reason to believe that the average
itself not muchcan be said;however, withinthe context statedpurchaseintentionwill equal the proportionthat
of our model the 53% statistic appears to be quite actually buy the productfor all productsand all time
"good." We will now proceed to develop the model frames. Hence, some transformationwill be needed to
that allows us to make this evaluation. adjustfor this bias. Thereare manypossible adjustment
formulas and, again in our specific model, we use an
extremely simple adjustment.
The General Model The general model can be summarizedby
The overall model uses a three-steptransformationto
transformstatedintention,Is, into a purchaseprobabil- Stated Intention
ity estimate, p.
Step 1. Stated intention, Is, is transformedinto an
estimate of the true intention, It, by the TrueIntention
Model (TIM). This procedurehas a long history in the True Intention
psychometricliteraturewherean observedscore on, for
example, a multiplechoice test is used to estimate the EEM
subject's true ability. The driving force for all of this
work is that the observed score may be written as UnadjustedPurchaseProbability
Observed Score = True Ability + Error (1) PAM
The obvious analog for intentions is
Purchase Probability
Stated Intention = True Intention + Error
This literatureis well summarizedin the book by The readermay have noticed the first letter of each of
Lord and Novick (1968) and articles by Lord (1959; the two intentionsand two probabilities.However, we
1965), Keats and Lord (1962), and Duncan (1974). A will resist the temptation to call this the Three Step
less mathematicallydemandingarticlewhich illustrates STUP Model.
the basic notion can be found in Morrison (1973). Each of the threetransformation models will now be
Briefly expressed, the TIM deflates the high stated given a well-defined and quite simple mathematical
intentions and inflates the low stated intentions in an structure.The resulting aggregate model will then be
effort to more accuratelyrepresenttrueintentionat the fitted to some of Juster's data. The research implica-
time of the survey. This type of adjustment,known as tions of this approach will be discussed in the final
"regression to the mean" is requiredin all situations section.
where the observedphenomenacan be expressedqual-
itatively by (1). This regressionto the mean effect will A Specific Model
be quantitativelydeveloped in (7) within the context of
a specific TIM. A Beta Binomial True Intentions Model
Step 2. The estimated true intention, It, is trans- Probablythe simplestmodel one could constructwould
formed into an unadjusted purchase probability esti- be a linear relation between stated intention, Is, and
mate, •p, by the Exogenous Events Model (EEM). An average true intention, It.
individual may not expect to buy a new appliance Namely,
duringthe next year andaccuratelystatethis fact on the
survey. However, six months later the dishwasher It =a+k Is. (2)
motormay burnout leaving the individualwith a buy or The regressionto the meannotion impliesa > 0, k > 0,
repairdecision. At this point in time he or she may elect anda + k <1. Graphically,this implies that(withIt on
to buy. Similarly, an individualmay trulyplan to buy a the vertical axis) equation (2) is a straightline with a
new car during the next year. However, a subsequent positive interceptand a slope of less than 1, or equiva-

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lently, the straightline makes an angle of less than 45 moments of the unobservabledistributiong (It) can be
degrees with the horizontalaxis. estimated from the first n moments of the observable
We could leave the model at this level of justifica- distributionon Is. (See Skellam 1948; Keats and Lord
tion (i.e., mere simplicity), but there is, in fact, good 1962.) An estimateof It fromIs can be obtainedfor this
reason for such a formulation.At the individuallevel, general mixturemodel. (See Lordand Stocking 1976.)
the stated intentionis a randomvariable-recall equa- However, for our purposes we will restrictg (It) to
tion (1)-with a meanat or nearthe trueintention.If the being a beta distribution
individual is respondingon an n +1 point scale which
we can label 0,1,2, . . . ,n, then the most natural =
g(It;a,/3) FF (a) F(8) (/3) It
(a+p) (5)
individualmodel will be thatIs is distributedaccording (1-/t)
0 < It < 1.
to the binomial distributionwith parametersn and It.
More formally, The beta is a flexible distributionthat takes on uni-
modal, U, J, andreverseJ shapes. Using (5), the mixed
= r; n, It) = (n) binomial (4) becomes the well-known beta binomial
I(1-It) n-r, (3) model
r = 0,1 .... .n.

An underlyingand untestablemodel thatgenerates(3) P(Is = r; n,a,p) = (n) B(a + r,f3+n-r) (6)

is thatan individualwith trueintentionItresponds1 or 0
r =
in an independentfashion to each point on the scale 0,1,... n.
with probabilitiesIt and 1 - It, respectively. The stated where B
intentionthen is the sum of these 0,1 responses (i.e., a (a,p/) F (a) F ().
F (a+p)
binomial randomvariable). This process that yields a This beta binomialmodel has been used extensively
binomially distributed stated intention may sound a in branchswitchingmodels(e.g., KalwaniandMorrison
little strange, but it is in the same spiritof many of the 1977) and in advertisingreach and frequencymodels
mathematicalpsychology models of attitudeformation (e.g., Greene 1970). Furthermore,(6) is the unique
where subjectspick up cues in a probabilisticmanner. aggregatedistributionthat (assuminga binomiallydis-
In any event, we are not interestedin the detailedmicro tributedIs at the individual level) will yield a linear
process of forming the stated intentions. Rather, we relationshipbetween the expected value It andIs. This
only need (3) to be a reasonablyspecific representation is proved in Keats and Lord (1962) where they referto
of the generalmodel: StatedIntention= TrueIntention the beta binomial as the negative hypergeometricdis-
+ Error. tribution.
No direct evidence for or against (3) as a model of If we divide the statedintentionby n (so it now takes
stated purchaseintentionis in the literature,but Juster on values 0, 1/n, 2/n, ... ,1), the linear relation shown
(1966) does give some data that support the within in (2) becomes1
individual variabilitythat the binomial model yields.
He cross classifies individualsby their responses on a = a +(7)
10 point intention probability scale and a five point
"definitely will" to "definitely will not" scale (p. For the beta distribution(5) the parametersa, /3 >
677). The individualsshow sufficient inconsistencyto 0. Hence, when a+/3 approaches0, the slope of (7)
make our binomialmodel at least a good startingpoint. approaches1. That is, stated intentionis very close to
More will be said on this issue in the Discussion sec- true intention. This is intuitively appealing because
tion. when a+/3 -- 0 the beta distributionhas virtuallyall of
Whatever individual stated intentions model is its mass near 0 or 1. For most people the binomial
used, it is clear that true intention will vary across the
variancein (3) will be near 0. Hence, the stated inten-
tion is very close to the true intention.
population of respondents. Letting g (10 represent the
probability density function of It, then the aggregate At the other extreme, when a +/3 becomes large the
distribution of is well-known mixed binomial slope in (7) approaches 0. This implies that stated
Is intention has very little relationship to true intention.
= r; n, It)g(It)dl', (4)
P(Is - r)=fP(Is
'Originallywe have the statedpurchaseintentiontake on the n + 1 integer
values between 0 andn. This allows us to make the binomialassumptionat
r= 0,1,. . . ,n. the individual level. However, when we compare stated intentions with
actualpurchaseprobabilitiesit is naturalto transformthese statedintentions
There is a vast statistical and psychometric literature on into the interval0 and 1. Therefore,the transformedstatedintentionswhich
takeon values 0, 1in, 2/n, ...,. 1 arenot strictlybinomiallydistributedat the
this general mixed binomial model (4). The first n individuallevel since the range of this randomvariableis no longer 0, 1, 2,

Purchase Intentionsand Purchase Behavior/ 67

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Again this is intuitivelyappealingsince the beta distri- no change occurs) and a/(a +/3), the expected value of
bution becomes a "spike" at its mean a/(a+p) when It, if a change does occur. This results in
a + /3-?o. Hence, all individualshavevirtuallythe same
true intention. The variationin stated intention is all . p
(-1-)c + (8)
"noise"-i.e., the "Error" component in (1)-and Pu - a + a+p+ a1 +,+1
accordinglythe true intentionestimateis not influenced = p E(It) + (1 - p)lt.
by the observed stated intention.
A detaileddiscussionof these two special cases and Note thatthe slope in (7) is reducedby a factorof I -p.
situations in between can be found in Sabavala and Whenp = 0, thereis no changeand(8) reducesto (7) as
Morrison(1977). In most purchaseintention settings, it should. Whenp = 1, everyone changes so that stated
the case of a small value of a +/3 will prevail. This will intentionat the time of the surveyhas no effect on actual
lead to a steep slope for a graph of true purchase purchaseprobability.
intentionversus statedpurchaseintention.Notice in (7) Since the probabilityof change p is independentof
when a+p3 = 1/2the slope of the graphis 1/ (/2 + 1) =
Is, thepopulationaverageforpawill equalthepopula-
2/3. Equivalently, this straightline makes a 34 degree tion averageoflt which is in turnthe populationaverage
angle with the horizontal axis. The Juster data yield of Is (rescaled to take on values 0,1/n ,2/n, . .. ,1).
values of a+P3 in the neighborhoodof ?2. This average is, of course, the average of the beta
However, when the graph uses actual purchase distribution(5)-namely, al/(a+p).
probabilities on the vertical axis instead of the esti- If there does exist some systematicbias in It (i.e..
mated It, a much flatter curve usually results. (See on average it over or understatesp, the average actual
Figures 1-4 which will be discussed when Juster'sdata purchaseprobability),then some form of adjustmentto
are analyzed.) If It is really a good estimate of the true (8) is required. This brings us to Step 3.
intention, why is there this apparentdiscrepancy be-
tween true intentionand actualbehavior?This leads us A Constant Bias Adjustment Model
to Step 2. The overall bias in (8) will be
A New Draw Exogenous Events Model b = Is - p (9)
As mentionedin the introduction,manythingscan hap- where Is is the average stated intention and p is the
pen to change an individual's purchaseintentionsdur- proportionthat actually purchase.
ing the time frameof interest. These exogenous events Again, there are numerous ways to adjust (8).
could be modeledin a varietyof ways. In particular,we However, with simplicity in mind, we merely subtract
could segment the individualsby theirstatedintentions b fromeach estimatePuyielding a purchaseprobability
and model each class separately. However, it seems estimate for each individual of
much more appropriateto begin with a simple model.
The spiritof this model will be to obtaina graphof
Pu, the unadjustedpurchaseprobability,versusIs where p =Pu - b,
this graphhas a smallerslope thanItversusIs. If we also
can retain a linear relation, so much the better. or
A model that accomplishes this reduced slope,
linear relationshipis as follows:
+ (I;
pc Is - b? (10)
* With probability 1-p the individual has no
a+p p)Oa +(lP
a+P+1 , 1--p
a+)3+1 ),
change in true intentionand this true intentionis
in fact the unadjustedpurchaseprobability. While (8) producesestimatesthatare constrainedto lie
in the acceptable range of 0 to 1, (10) can yield values of
* With probability p the individual has a change in
a outside of this range. However, this will only happen
true intention. When this change occurs a new when ca, /3, and p are small (i.e., initial true intentions
value for It is drawn from the original beta distri- are concentrated near either 0 or 1 and few changes take
bution (5). This new value It then becomes the
place) and/or b, the bias, is very large. This disadvan-
unadjusted purchase probability. tage of (10) is balanced by the retained linearity be-
Basically, all this model is saying is that when a tween p and Is.
change occurs it is as if the individual is being replaced
by a randomly chosen, new individual from a popula-
tion withIt distributed according to (5). This model will Some Empirical Examples
yield apu which is a simple weighted average of (7) (It if The Juster (1966) paper is one of the few published

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works where both purchase intention and actual pur- Probably (7 in 10) 7
chase behaviorhave been obtainedon the same sample Good possibility (6 in 10) 6
of individuals. For both automobiles and household Fairly good possibility (5 in 10) 5
appliances, individuals responded to the following Fair possibility (4 in 10) 4
question: Some possibility (3 in 10) 3
Takingeverythinginto account,whataretheprospects Slight possibility (2 in 10) 2
thatsomememberof yourfamilywill buya- sometime Very slight possibility (1 in 10) 1
during the next - months; between now and --? No chance, almost no chance (1 in 100) 0
The time frames were six, 12, and 24 months for both
automobiles and appliances. The respondentchose a Juster then calculates the actual purchaseprobability
numberon a flash card which containedthe following for each intentions class. However, because of rela-
statements. tively small samplesizes he only presentsthe resultsfor
the following five aggregateintention groups:
Certain, practicallycertain (99 in 100) 10
Almost sure (9 in 10) 10, {9, 8, 7}, {6, 5, 4}, {3, 2, 1}, 0.
Very probably(8 in 10) 8 Juster's actual purchases were in a six month

Automobiles: 6 and 12 Month Intentions vs. 6 Month Purchases

IntentionScale No. with 6 Month IntentionGroup Purchase

Intention PurchaseProbability Probability
Sample Size
0.0 345 (347) .10 300
0.1 29 (27)-
0.2 16 (15) .30 53
0.3 14 (11)J
0.4 3
0.5 (9)]
10 (7) .65 17
0.6 6 (7)J
0.7 6 (6)
0.8 6 (6) .36 14
0.9 5 (6)J
1.0 11 (9) .55 11
Total:451 Mean:.17 395

a = .074, = .67, / = .099, p = .37, b = -.071

IntentionScale No. with 12 Month IntentionGroup Purchase

Intention PurchaseProbability Probability
Sample Size
0.0 293 (288) .07 256
0.1 26 (35)
0.2 21 (20) .19 57
0.3 21 (15)J
0.4 10 (13)
0.5 9 (11) .41 32
0.6 12 (11)J
0.7 13 (10)
0.8 11 (11) .48 31
0.9 10 (12)J
1.0 21 (20) .53 19
Total:447 Mean: .17 395

a=.12, 1,
= .56 /,=.17 p =.22, b= 0

Purchase Intentionsand Purchase Behavior/ 69

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Appliances: 12 and 24 Month Intentions vs. 6 Month Purchases
IntentionScale No. with 12 Month IntentionGroup Purchase
Intention PurchaseProbability Probability
Sample Size
0.0 2377 (2386) .017 2111
0.1 87 (84)1
0.2 57 (45) .053 150
0.3 29 (32)J
0.4 23 (25)
0.5 22 (21) .111 63
0.6 21 (19)
0.7 14 (18)]
0.8 11 (17) .184 38
0.9 17 (18)J
1.0 30 (24) .105 19
Total:2688 Mean:.026 2381
e= .034, = .69,
Is =
.047, p = .79, b = .021

IntentionScale No. with 24 Month IntentionGroup Purchase

Intention PurchaseProbability Probability
Sample Size
0.0 2174 (2177) .015 1429
0.1 95 (115)]
0.2 99 (64) .034 206
0.3 41 (46)J
0.4 38 (38)
0.5 28 (34) .045 206
0.6 30 (31)J
0.7 29 (31)]
0.8 36 (32) .084 83
0.9 24 (39)J
1.0 80 (69) .215 65
Total: 2674 Mean:.026 1989
a=0.05, /3= .51, IS= 0.90, p = .74, b = .064

period-December 1964 to June 1965. Yet, he used matedby a simple regressionof intentionversus actual
these same purchasedata for assessing six, 12, and 24 purchaseprobabilityfor the intentiongroup.2When the
monthintentions.Whenthe 12 and24 monthintentions S1, 2, and 3} groupwas used, the middlevalueof 2 was
are compared to six month purchases we seem to be the value used in the regression,and similarlyfor {4, 5,
comparing apples to oranges. However, as the au- and 6} and {7, 8, and 9}. The bias is, of course, the
tomobile data will show there is some advantage to difference between the mean intention and the total
doing these differing time frame comparisons. sample purchaseproportion.Finally, some of the pur-
Table 1 gives the results for automobiles. The chase data were not collected so that the two sample
sample histogramfor both six and 12 month intentions sizes differ somewhat. Justerdoesn't explain why he
arepresented.The numbersin parenthesesarethe fitted kept some of the intentiondatathathad no correspond-
beta binomial expected values (roundedto the nearest ing purchase data. In any event we had no way of
integer). The beta binomial parametersa and /3 are correcting this difference.
estimated by the method of moments while p is esti- Table 2 contains analogous results for six house-
hold appliances (air conditioners, refrigerators,wash-
2Scalingthe statedintentions0, 1 10 the samplemean,X, andsample
variance.S2, of these intentionsare....
calculated. We then solve for the values ing machines, clothes dryers, television sets, and dish-
a and /3 that make the theoreticalmean 10l/(a+/P)=X and the theoretical washers). Juster does not present data for the indi-
variance lOaJp(a+p+ 1O)/(a+)2(a+p+ 1)=S2. The theoreticalslope of vidual appliances. That is, each individualrepresents
actual purchase probability versus stated intentions is (l-p)/(a+P3+1).
Since we previously calculated a and 8 we now find p which makes the six datapoints-an intention, purchasepair for each of
observedslope equal (l-p)/(a++3 1). the six appliances. In addition, only 12 and 24 month

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intentions were collected. Of course, they are both * Both appliancefigures show a much flatterrela-
being comparedto the six month purchasedata. tionship between actualpurchasesand stated in-
Since we are grouping all six appliancestogether, tentions. This implies a higherp value (see Table
the resultingparametervalues arean approximateaver- 3) which in turn implies a greaterinfluence of
age across all six appliances. We could makethe rather unexpected exogenous effects.
heroic assumption of common parameters for each
* The quantity 1/(1+ca+) is an index that varies
appliance, but that would be stretchinga little too far.
between 1 (when ac + 83-40 and all of the true
Therefore,we will use the averageparameterinterpre-
tation. The next section will show that the behaviorof intentionsare concentratedat the extreme values
the purchase intentions for this "average appliance" of 0 and 1) and 0 (when a~+ -/34 and all of the
differs considerably from the behavior of the au- true intentions are the same). Hence,
tomobile purchase intentions. 1/(1+a+ f) can be called a polarizationindex of
true intentions.In all four cases, the polarization
Figures 1-4 plot the stated purchase intentions
versus the intentiongroup purchaseprobabilities.The is about the same. See Sabavala and Morrison
straightline in each graph representsequation (10). (1977) for a more detailed description of this
* The parameterestimates for a and f are quite
Summary of Empirical Findings
good since large sample sizes are involved. The
A number of points emerge from Tables 1 and 2,
estimate of p is somewhat more suspect since
Figures 1-4, and the summaryresults in Table 3. only five points(albeiteach pointis an averageof
* The beta binomial fits the stated intentions his- a large numberof other datapoints) are used. In
togram quite well in all four cases. This only addition, both variables are subject to error so
implies that the composite hypothesis of indi- that the usual least squareassumptionsdon't ap-
vidual binomial responses and beta distributed ply. Nevertheless, the slopes for the automobile
true intentions is a good approximation. curves are clearly much greaterthanthose of the
Nevertheless, these results are encouraging for appliancecurves.
the beta binomial true intentionsmodel.
* The six monthautomobileintentionsdataare not Discussion
very good. They exhibit a large downwardbias
and they are not at all monotonicallyrelated to The three-stepmodel presentedhere focuses attention
actual purchaseprobabilities. on a numberof importantissues that tend to be over-
looked when statedpurchaseintentionsarecomparedto
* The 12 month automobile intentions fit the six actual purchase behavior. Our model forces the re-
monthpurchasedata very well. There is no bias searcherto explicitly consider:
and the intentionsare linearlyrelatedto purchase
* The numberof scale points
* The numericalvalue of each point on the scale
* Both 12 and 24 month applianceintentionshave * The adjectives associated with each point on the
the positive bias that is expected. The purchases scale
only cover a six monthperiod-leaving six or 18 * Whether a direct probability response scale
months in which to fulfill the intentionby actu- should be used
ally buying. * The reliability of stated intentions

Category Time a 1 p b
Frame 1+a+P
Automobile 6 months .074 .67
Automobile 12 months .120 .56 .60 0
Appliances 12 months .034 .58 .021
Appliances 24 months .050 .51 .64 .79 1 .064

Purchase Intentions and Purchase Behavior / 71

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Table 1 shows that 12 month intentions are better
Automobiles:6 Month Intentions (both in terms of bias and monotonicity)in predicting
1.0 six month automobile purchases than are the corre-
spondingsix monthintentions.This may be an isolated
case, but it is a concept worthstudyingfurther.Perhaps
betterestimates of actualpurchasesover x monthscan
be obtainedby having statedintentionsover y months.
Clearly, automobileintentionsaremore stableover
time than applianceintentions. This would lead one to
conjecture that purchase intentions for low cost, low
involvement items are even less stable-yielding an
even smaller slope in the purchaseprobabilityversus
purchase intentions graphs. However, since the time
0r1 framefor these low cost productintentionsdatais often
two weeks, the slopes are not comparableunless some
adjustmentis made for the differing time scales.
The model also directs attention to the "yea
sayer"-"nea sayer" issue. Clearly, the absolutepur-
chase probabilityfor the "certain to purchase" group
0 tells us nothing. Figure3 shows thatthis groupactually
0 1.0
Is purchases less than the .8 intention group. This non-
monotonicity implies a "yea sayer" effect, but the
otherthreegraphsdo not indicatesuch an effect. Recall
Automobiles:12 MonthIntentions
that in the introduction we posed the question of
whether a 53% purchaseprobabilityfor a "definitely
will buy" group was a "good" value. We really can't
say for sure, but by looking at Figure 2 we do see that
this 53% value is "consistent" with the model. Hence,
it is a "good" value.
Ourmodel suggests some naturalways of segment-
ing intentions data into meaningful categories. When
sufficient data have been gathered, we could separate
o productsalong the following dimensions.
* Reliability of stated intentions
* Slope of ~vs. Is (i.e.., the stabilityof true inten-
* Linearityof p vs. I
* Differencebetweenp and Is (i.e., the bias in the
stated intentions)
* The most appropriatetime frames
0 rs 1.0
Otherdimensionscome to mind, but again this list will
* The transformationfrom statedintentionsto true
We need to make some comments on empirically
* The distribution of true intentions across the assessing the model. Most data sets will contain only
stated intentionsand actual purchasebehavior.3There-
populationof consumers
* The appropriatetime frame for the intentions
* The effect of "unexpected" events over the time 3At the individual level, we could test the model by correlatingthe esti-
mated purchaseprobabilityp with the actual binary purchasevariable(the
frame individual did or did not purchase) across all individuals in the sample.
* Systematicdiscrepenciesbetween averageinten- However, the resulting empiricalcorrelationwould need to be interpreted
tions and average purchaseprobabilities carefully.A "low" value of r (or r2)may not be quite so low. (see Morrison
1972.) Alternatively,we might wish to classify the individualsas buyersor
This list could go on, but the 10 items mentioned will nonbuyersbased on stated intentions. Again the resulting2 x 2 classifica-
tion table would need to be interpretedwith care. (See Beckwith and
suffice. Morrison 1977.)

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fore, the three steps of the model are not tested individ- FIGURE3
ually. (Studies aimed at determiningthe reliabilityand Appliances: 12 MonthIntentions
stability of purchaseintentionswill help determinethe 1.0
validity of the first two steps in the model.) Any Juster
type data where purchaseprobabilitiesare linearly re-
lated to stated purchaseintentions are consistent with
our model if the statedpurchaseintentionshave a beta
binomial distribution. The advantage of the formal
three-step model is that the resulting parametersde-
compose the empirical slope of this linear relationship
into the componentdue to the heterogeneityof the true o

purchase intentions (determinedby a and 3) and that ,,,

due to the propensityof individualpurchaseintentions -r-
to change (determinedby p).

Finally, we must discuss the key issue of parameter

stationarityover time. The beta distributionparameters
a and / are estimated from the histogram of stated
intentionsso they pose no stationarityproblem.Thatis, a
0 Is
they are estimated at the currentpoint in time. How- 1.0

ever, in projectingthese intentionsinto actualpurchas-

ing behavior, p, the stability of the individual true FIGURE4

intentions,and b, the bias, are obviously crucial. For a Appliances:24 MonthIntentions

new productthe problemis even more severe. Namely, 1.0
we have to first ascertainthe appropriateproductcate-
gory and/oridentifypast new productsthatwere similar
to the proposed new product. Then, the parameters
estimated for these appropriatepast productsmust be
assumedvalid for the currentnew productso thatequa-
tion (10) type forecasts can be made. >r-

At the moment there is not an adequateset of pur-

chase intentions with follow up purchase behavior
studies in the literatureto make the above type of
forecast. Hopefully, this paper will supply a unifying
frameworkfor the design of such studies and that the
researchersinvolved will be motivatedto publish their
findings. If this is done the probabilityis very high that
empirical regularitieswill emerge that will make pur-
chase intentionsdata much more useful to the market- a0
0 Is 1.0
ing community.

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