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Impact Assessment of Credible Contingency and

Cyber Attack on Australian 14-Generator

Interconnected Power System
B M Ruhul Amin M. S. Rahman M. J. Hossain
School of Engineering Dept of strategy and innovation School of Engineering
Macquarie University AEMO Macquarie University
Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia

Abstract—This paper analyses the impacts of credible contin- contingency event. All contingencies except credible events
gency and an event of cyber attack on the dynamic performance are referred to non-credible contingency events. Usually, non-
of a real large-scale interconnected power grid. Any credible credible contingencies such as cyber attacks cause unsatisfac-
contingency, for example, short circuit fault or unnatural be-
haviour of protective devices due to cyber intrusion could create tory state within the power system and result load shedding,
catastrophic consequences and even complete blackout to the cascading failure, tripping of motors and generators and mal-
power systems. In order to protect power systems against cyber operation of computers and electronic controls. Immediate
events, it is necessary to analyse the impacts of both faults and control actions are required to maintain the secure operation
cyber attacks on the dynamic behaviour of the power system of the power system.
to identify cyber events from credible contingencies. In this
paper, a simplified model of an Australian 14-generator intercon- The control actions of modern cyber-physical power sys-
nected system is considered as a testbed and MATLAB/Simulink tems (CPS) fully rely on distributed meter measurements and
Simpowersystems Toolbox is used for the analyses. A real-life digital device settings. During power system disturbances,
incident of faults has considered as case study and an event i.e. transmission line faults, the control devices utilize the
of a cyber attack on protection relay function is simulated to measurement data obtained from the Intelligent Electronic
explore the possible similar impacts on the same page. The
systematic analyses of different properties of the system will help Devices (IEDs) and provide action signals to the tripping
to design the detection and counter measure techniques to ensure devices by utilizing user defined control logics. The existing
the system is protected from cyber threats. protection systems are designed to react only with the predeter-
Index Terms—credible contingency, cyber attack, intercon- mined credible contingency events such as faults, but it is not
nected power grid. sufficient enough to defend the non-credible contingencies like
malicious cyber attacks in the grid. Sometimes, the attackers
I. I NTRODUCTION are clever enough to inject malicious switching commands to
A power system is one of the most imperative and complex the circuit breakers and cause simultaneous tripping to the
infrastructures human has ever built. Newer technologies are transmission line. To ensure protection against cyber attacks
being coalesced with the power system to ensure faster, in the power system, it is necessary to develop a robust
economic and reliable operation of the grid. Integration of cyber secured protection system by analyzing the dynamic
automated control devices, interconnected communication net- performance of a real large-scale interconnected power system
works, smart meterings, and advanced energy management during different credible events and cyber attacks.
systems (EMS) added wider monitoring and controlling of the A significant number of research projects have been per-
grid but as aftermath, they have introduced cyber vulnerabili- formed on the stealthiness and detection of False Data In-
ties to the power system. Reports of cyber attacks targeting to jection (FDI) attack in state estimation process of an EMS.
the energy sector are increasing every year and some of them More details of this type of attack constructions and detec-
led the system to complete shutdown, i.e. Ukraine blackout tions are available in [3]. But the detection of these type
2015 [1]. of attacks is limited to only the state estimation process of
The secure operating environment of the power system the power system and unable to ensure the overall security
might be violated by credible or non-credible contingency of the power system. Other type of cyber attacks like replay
events. According to the Australian Energy Market Commis- attack, DoS attack, data integrity attacks are also possible in
sion (AEMC), natural events such as single or double phase power systems. The data acquisition rate in present SCADA
faults in the transmission line, loss of single generator from system is also very slow. (once in every 2s to 10s). But, the
the grid are considered as credible contingencies [2]. In most invention of the Phasor Measurement (PMU) has solved the
cases, secure power systems are designed to withstand single low data rate (120 samples per second). Again, this PMU is

978-1-7281-1981-6/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: Macquarie University. Downloaded on November 10,2020 at 04:02:28 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
also vulnerable to cyber attacks [4]. A PMU based test-bed simultaneously tripped due to lightening strikes which was an
for cyber security study was developed by Adhikari et al. by unusual incident in the power system. As an aftermath, New
utilizing real-time simulator (RTDS) and a Hardware-in-the- South Wales (NSW), Victoria (VIC) and Tasmania (TAS) state
loop (HIL) based testbed [5]. They incorporate the protective regions experienced under-frequency load shedding for several
devices status log with the PMU measurements to detect those hours and caused separation of the South Australian (SA)
type of cyber attacks which replay the disturbance data into the region from rest of the National Electricity Market (NEM).
control center. Novel data mining based detection algorithms Almost hundred thousand (95,000) customers experienced
were proposed in [6], [7] by using the test-bed described in load shedding due to this phenomena for several hours [11].
[5]. Multi-agent based approach for the detection of cyber- This type of unusual contingency events could also be
attacks in substations were developed in [8], [9]. Recently, F. initiated by malicious cyber attackers in near future. In the
Taha et al. proposed dynamic state estimation based system to future power grid, the protective relays will be more dis-
combat the cyber attacks and unknown inputs in the grid [10]. tributed and their functionality will be more dependent on
The above discussed approaches are relevant to specific the computerized communication facilities. The attacker might
functionalities of power systems. Some papers focused on take the advantages of security flaws and weaknesses in the
the FDI in DC state estimator and ignored the upcoming communication networks, devices and softwares and initiate
almost real-time measurement capabilities of the PMUs. Some various known or unknown operating incidents in the grid. For
considered that PMUs’ dynamic and static data are vulnerable the power engineers, it is very important to analyze the system
to cyber attacks and the control center can experience replay dynamic behaviors subsequent to the faults and possible cyber
type attacks. Dynamic state estimation based cyber attack attacks and clearly distinguish them to take preventive and
mitigation techniques can not describe the attacks targeted to protective actions.
the protective devices like relays, CBs etc. All the approaches
are limited to their relevant fields of interest, but no work has A. Power System Description
thoroughly analyzed and searched for the distinctive behavior To analyze the dynamic performance of a large scale
dissimilarities of natural disturbances and attacks. interconnected power system, a simplified benchmark model
In this paper, the dynamic performance analyses of credible of SE Australian power system is considered. Unlike Europe
events and cyber attacks are performed in a simplified model or USA, the Australian grid is a linear, long interconnected
of South East (SE) Australian power grid which validate system. The schematic of the power system is depicted in
the practical aspect of this research. The research outcomes figure 1. For convenience, the complete model is divided into
clearly illustrate that, there are distinctive dissimilarities in 5 interconnected areas which represent the Australian Central
the dynamic behavior during faults and cyber attacks. The Territory (ACT)/Snowy Hydro(SH), New South Wales (NSW),
main contribution of this paper is, it analyses the dynamic Victoria (VIC), Queensland (QLD) and South Australia (SA)
performance of an interconnected power system during cred- regions.
ible contingencies and cyber attacks and opens horizon for There are 14 generators in the model. Actually, each gen-
developing new detection and mitigation techniques of cyber erator represents a large power station comprising 2 to 12
attacks in the power grid by utilizing distinctive dynamic generators. During peak hour total generation is 25430 MW
responses of the technical parameters. and total demand load is 24800 MW. Area 2 and 1 are more
The next section (section II) illustrates the problem for- closely coupled and maximum steady-state inter-area flow
mulation of the research work, description of the Australian from area 2 to area 1 is 1134 MW. Other inter-area power
grid model, impact of different types of credible events and flows are following: from area 4 to area 2 and from area
cyber attacks, and protective relay functionality. In the section 3 to area 5 is 500 MW and from area 1 to area 3 is 1000
III, we throughly discussed the outcomes of our simulation MW. The main interconnectors are Queensland and New South
results. Section IV presents the conclusion followed by future Wales Interconnectors(QNI), New South Wales and Australian
directions. Central Territory Interconnectors (NSI), Australian Central
Territory and Victoria Interconnectors (SVI) and Victoria ans
II. P ROBLEM F ORMULATION South Australia Interconnector (VSAI). The operating system
Secure operation is one of the fundamental objectives of frequency is 50 Hz and nominal device base is 100 MVA
power systems designing. Inappropriate or delayed operation [12]. Different power system contingency events like faults
of the protective devices cause power system instability. As and cyber-attacks targeted to the large-scale inter-connected
a consequence, the system might experience cascading failure grid are simulated in this benchmark SE Australian grid model
of loads, under frequency load-shedding (UFLS) and in severe and the significant changes of the inter-connector power flows,
cases, complete blackout. Recently, in 25 August, 2018, the line voltages and currents, generator transient behaviors etc.
Australian national grid experienced an improbable event in are observed and analyzed in the subsequent sections.
the Queensland (QLD) and New south Wales (NSW) iner-
connectors (QNI). According to the Australian Energy Market B. Impact of Credible Contingency and Cyber Attacks
Operator (AEMO) report, this operating incident occurred in The impact of credible contingencies and cyber attacks are
the QNI and two adjacent single circuit transmission lines briefly described below:

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5) Remote tripping command injection: This attack is also
an integrity attack especially targeted to the digital
protective devices (CBs) so that the CBs start operat-
ing from an outside source other than the relay trip
command. This type of attack can destroy the rotating
physical components of the grid.
6) False Data injection (FDI) attack: In the FDI attack, the
attacker compromises the valid system measurements
and digital relay configurations to obtain wrong system
states and completely disable the relay function in the
time of emergency.
7) Denial of Service (DoS) attack: This type of attack
overwhelms a system’s communication resources so that
the system becomes unresponsive to service requests. As
a result the control center loses the availability of the
monitored information and fails to decide proper control
C. Relay Functionality
In the modern power system protective functionality, the
PMU measurement data are collected and processed in the
Phasor Data Concentrator (PDC), then send it to the relay for
taking operational decisions. The transmission line currents
could vary from zero to a very high level depending on the
operational situations. In the normal operation period, currents
vary from zero to the rated value. At the initial stage of
the faults and overloading situations currents remain in the
warning zone. But, if the fault is not cleared in time, the
fault current grows and crosses the threshold limit. Different
Fig. 1: Simplified Model of SE Australian Power System
threshold limits for protective relay operation could be math-
ematically defined as:

IHigh ,
 I T H ≤ IR
1) Short circuit faults: Short circuit faults are common
IR = IW arning , IN ≤ IR < IT H
contingencies of power systems. Single line to ground 
IN ormal , 0 ≤ IR < IN

(SLG), double line to ground (DLG) and three phase
to ground (LLLG) faults are occurred when a short In this paper, a single-phase over-current relay is designed
circuit in the line appears due to natural disasters like which operates if the phase current exceeds the predetermined
lightening. Voltages and currents change abruptly during current threshold setting i.e. IT H . The threshold limit is taken
faults and unstabilize the system if not removed on time. 200% of the rated current which complied with the practical
2) Integrity attack: The false command injection attack is range of the relay setting (50% to 200%) [13]. If the current
a form of integrity attack where an attacker alter the IW arning stays longer than certain limit the relay will also
control logics of a digital relay or change the relay trip the CB.
settings so that the protective devices operate wrongly.
3) Man-in-the-middle attack: In this case, an attacker acts III. S IMULATION R ESULTS
as a middleman between two parties for example, the In order to analyze the system dynamic performance during
information log and the actuating devices. Then two credible events and cyber attacks, the simplified model of
parties believe that they are communicating each other SE Australian power system model is designed in MAT-
but in reality their communication is controlled by the LAB/Simulink by utilizing SimPowerSystems toolbox. First,
attacker. symmetrical and asymmetrical faults are applied in the QN
4) Replay attack: The attacker gains access to the commu- interconnectors and the system dynamic performances are
nication network and store the system parameters such evaluated. Secondly, a random switching attack which alters
as voltages, currents, sequence components etc. during the CBs’ tripping command frequently is applied in the QN
disturbances. While initiating an attack, the attacker interconnectors. The switching time period of the malicious
simply replays those previously occurred disturbance tripping injection is chosen as 1 s. Two types of switching
data to deceive the operator for initiating unnecessary attacks are illustrated. One attack is targeted to the single
control actions. phase circuit breaker and another attack is targeted to the three

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phase circuit breaker. Ideal relay operation is considered for
the tripping of the circuit breakers during abnormal behaviors
of the system dynamics.

A. System Response for Credible Contingency Events

1) Single Line to Ground Fault: In this case study, a
(a) (b)
single phase to ground fault is applied in phase A in the
QN interconnectors at 10.0 s. Current in the faulty phase
increases immediately and the relay trips to clear the fault.
As a consequence, phase currents of phase B and C increased
upto 50% of the rated current as shown in Figure 2a. The mean
frequency is also decreased by 0.1% (Figure 2b). Power flow in
the QNI abruptly falls for a short period of time but recovered (c) (d)
soon. The steady state power flow in the interconnector is 500
MW. From the figure 2d, it is clear that, the impact of SLG Fig. 3: System Response: (a) Different phase currents in relay,
fault in the VSAI is not severe and the power flow between (b) Overall system frequency, (c) Active power flow in QNI,
Victoria (VIC) and South Australia remains in steady-state and (d) Active power flow in VSAI during three phase fault
condition after few seconds of the fault clearing. in QNI.

malicious tripping command to the CBs and can isolate the

circuit breaker from the relay.

(a) (b)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 2: System Response: (a) Different phase currents in relay,
(b) Overall system frequency, (c) Active power flow in QNI,
and (d) Active power flow in VSAI during single phase fault (c) (d)
in phase A of QNI.

2) Three Phase to Ground Fault: In this case, a three phase

to ground fault is applied to the QN interconnectors. As three
phase fault is a symmetrical fault, all the phase currents will
depict same responses in faults. The fault is applied at 10.0
s of the simulation and from the figure 3a, 3b and 3c, it is
obvious that the QN interconnector is totally out of operation Fig. 4: System Response: (a) Different phase currents in
and Queensland become isolated from the grid. As no power relay, (b) Overall system frequency, (c) Active power flow
is flowing from the Queensland (QLD) area, the power flow in QNI, (d) Active power flow in VSAI, and (e) Random
at VSAI decreased from 500 MW to 440 MW (Figure 3d). As switching attack signals generated by the attacker during
a consequence, the generators in South Australis (SA) region random switching attack in phase A in QN Interconnectors.
need to supply extra power to meet the demand or should
perform load shedding to minimize the fault effects. 1) Random Switching Attack in Single Phase Circuit
Beaker: In this case, the attacker injects malicious injection
B. System Response for Cyber events in phase A of the QN interconnector at 10 s and continue
Switching attack which is one of integrity attacks are sending the tripping commands. The system switching signal
applied to the QN interconnectors in order to observe the phase is depicted in the figure 4e. From the figure 4a, it is observed
voltage and current responses and power flows in the inter- that, the breakers at phase B and phase C detect the abnormal
connectors. It is assumed that, the attacker is able to inject behavior at 34 s and 37 s respectively. From 10 s to 38 s

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the phase currents fluctuated at intolerable oscillation rate. events. Relay currents, overall system frequency and power
The overall system frequency oscillates more than 0.2% and flows in the interconnectors are considered as key parameters
decreases gradually (figure 4b). The power flow in the VSA to analyze the dynamic performance of the system. Ideal
Interconnectors changes from 300 MW to 720 MW (figure over-current relays are considered as protective devices. The
4d), whereas the steady state power flow limit is 500 MW. As research outcomes demonstrate the severity of cyber attacks in
random switching signals are injected to the circuit breakers, the power grid than the credible contingencies. The dynamic
the system will experience abnormal harmonics in the system. behavior of the system parameters also show distinct patterns
for credible events and cyber attacks.
2) Random Switching Attack in Three Phase Breaker: In Though only one type of cyber attacks is considered in this
this section, it is considered that the attacker is able to inject paper, there are unbounded number of possible cyber attacks
malicious tripping signals to the three phase circuit breaker. in the power system. The future scope will extend the work to
From the figure 5a to 5d, it is clear that the situation is worst analyze the harmonics of the fault current as a parameter to
among all the situations described in the earlier sections. The detect the event of cyber attack and distinguish it from credible
phase currents are fluctuating from zero to 4000 ampere, the contingency events, and to some extent determine the possible
system frequency lost its synchronism and the power flows are counter measures.
very inconsistent in the interconnectors. Immediate detection
and mitigation actions are required for these type of system
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tor system is simulated and analyzed for credible contingency
events and cyber attacks on a simplified model of Australian
14-Generator Interconnected Power System. Two physical
events, single phase to ground faults and three phase faults
are considered as credible contingency events and random
malicious tripping command injection in single phase and
three phase circuit breaker are considered as cyber attack

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