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Theme: Corruption Law

-Badril Riza (Audience)

-Muhammad Al Ghiffary (Audience)
-Rayhan Rizky Fitrianto (Audience)
-Hafiyyan Daffa Muhammad (Audience)
-Tamara Shabrina Addini (MC)
-Natasya Azzahra (Speaker)
-I Nyoman Vedanta Widy Putra (Speaker)
-Azizah Permata Sari (Speaker)
-Ahmad Rayhan Thoha Ridlo (Moderator)

Tamara (MC): Good morning ladies and gentleman, my name is Tamara Shabrina Addini. It
is a wonderful and precious chance for me, to be your Master of Ceremony in this beautiful
morning at this Online Conference.
First of all, let’s say Thanks to Allah SWT, who has been giving us guidance, happiness,
healthy, and mercy, so we can attend and participate in this event without any obstacles.
Praise and salutation upon our prophet Muhammad saw, the best figure of this universe. The
person who was able to save us from Jahiliyah era.
In this beautiful moment, I would like to welcome Ahmad Rahyan Thoha Ridlo, who will be
the Moderator at our Online Conference.
Thoha (Moderator): Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Good morning, everyone. First, Let's thank God the Almighty who has been giving us His
mercy and blessings until we can attend this meeting without any troubles and obstacles in
this happy place and time. I’m Ahmad Rayhan Thoha R the moderator of today’s seminar.
I’m very pleased to see you here and welcome all of you to this seminar. Today’s seminar is
about Corruption law.
Thoha (Moderator): Ladies and gentlemen, today we have 3 amazing speakers they will
deliver material about corruption and issues related to corruption
Thoha (Moderator): First speaker today is Tasya. She is a lawyer who often deals with
corruption cases in Indonesia and of course she has extraordinary experience and knowledge
regarding our topic today.
Thoha (Moderator): Second speaker today is Azizah, a lecturer at the Faculty of Law,
University of Brawijaya. She just finished her Doctoral Studies at the University of Chicago,
of course his knowledge is amazing.
Thoha (Moderator): And the third speaker today is mr nyoman He is one of the most
politicians in Indonesia he is still young, but his work in the world of politics is extraordinary.
Thoha (Moderator): Before the presentation begins, let me inform how the presentation will
be going on. First, all speakers will be invited to present the material. After that, there’ll be
question and answer session and followed by conclusion
Thoha (Moderator): Now allow me to welcome the speaker, Mrs tasya, to deliver his
the screen is yours.
Tasya (Speaker 1): Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Good morning, everyone. My name is Tasya, and I will be presenting the material about
corruption law. Corruption law is ….
Thoha (Moderator): Okay, thank you for your amazing lectures regarding corruption law.
Now allow me to welcome the second speaker, Mrs Azizah, to deliver his presentation.
the screen is yours.
Azizah (Speaker 2): Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Good morning, everyone. My name is Azizah, and I will be presenting the material about
corruption law. Corruption law is ….
Thoha (Moderator): Okay, thank you for your amazing lectures about corruption law Mrs.
Azizah. Now allow me to welcome the second speaker, Mr. Nyoman, to deliver his
the screen is yours.
Nyoman (Speaker 3): Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Good morning, everyone. My name is Nyoman, and I will be presenting the material about
corruption law. Corruption law is ….
Thoha (Moderator): Thank you very much to all the speakers for giving us such informative
and interesting presentation.
Thoha (Moderator): Ladies and gentlemen, now we have arrived to the question and answer
session. I’d like to have 3 questions from the participants. For the audiences, you can ask the
speakers through raise hand features on zoom or via chat.
Ghiffary (Audience): Excuse me, may i ask?first of all, let me introduce myself my name is
Ghiffary and thank you for this oppurtunity that i got a chance to ask the speaker. my
question is i would like to know how the goverment handle corruption cases in Indonesia and
did the goverment succeed to do that?
Rayhan Rizky (Audience): Let me ask you one question for all speakers, my name is Rayhan
Rizky and my question is what kind of improvement should be made by KPK to improve the
eradication of corruption?
The next question….
Then, the speaker will answer the questions asked by the audiences.
Thoha (Moderator): Okay, that will be all. Once again, thank you to all the speakers for
giving us such an insightful and informative lectures in this seminar. With that being set. This
will conclude our seminar today, I’m Ahmad Rahyan Thoha Ridlo, giving back this seminar
to the mc.
The MC will close the seminar with closing statement.


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