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ENG 1102

Trường Đại Học Kinh Tế - Đại Học Quốc Gia Hà Nội

A report :

Describing the spending habit among classmates

Prepared by: BUI MY ANH

A student from K19B
Prepared for: ENG 1102 IVAC

May 15, 2023

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ENG 1102

1. Purpose:......................................................4
2. Scope:.........................................................4
3. Sources:......................................................4
I. Data collection:...........................................5
1, Questionnaire (compulsory).....................5
II. Data analysis.............................................6
Questionnaire (compulsory).........................6
Appendix 1....................................................16
Appendix 2....................................................18

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This report is to find out about the income level of students in your class
today and where the income comes from as well as your spending habits.
The investigation was done by using a questionnaire.
The main findings were that the students in the class have a fairly high
income from many different sources.
It was concluded that most people are very careful about their monthly
Therefore, the recommendations are that everyone must pay attention
and set aside revenue and expenditure books to spend more reasonably
and wisely.

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1. Purpose:
The purpose of this report is to analyze spending habits and to find out the
source of income, and the factors that influence their spending habits and then provide
suggestions to improve their financial management.

2. Scope:
The scope of the report is 55 students in UEB-VNU.

3. Sources:
The information for this report was gathered from
. Questionnaire

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I. Data collection:
1, Questionnaire (compulsory)
In order to find out the student’s evaluation of spending habits among students in the
school, the questionnaire was used as an instrument to collect information for the
research related to income, and the factors that influence spending habits.
Questionnaires were delivered to 55 participants on April 13, 2023. Right after that,
55 questionnaires were collected by the researcher.

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II. Data analysis

Question 1: What is your gender?




Male Female

This pie chart shows the gender of the participants who have completed this
survey. It can be seen that the number of male participants participating in the survey
is more and accounts for about 35% and the remaining number of females is only
about 25%.

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Question 2: What are your sources of income?

Source of personal income

Other 0%

Scholarship 2%

Gifts 1%

Part-time/Full-time job 20%

Parents 100%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120%

Source of personal income

The chart above clearly shows that a student's income can come from many
different sources. But the most is still the account from parents with 100% of the
collected data. On the other hand, full-time and part-time jobs are also a good source
of income with about 20%. In addition, items such as scholarships and gifts account for
very small percentages of 2% and 1.2% respectively. To sum up, the income from
family, work, scholarships, and gifts are the major revenue of students and no one
chooses other options.

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Question 3: On average how much money do you earn monthly?


From 4More than 6 millions VND

millions Less than 2 mil-
VND to less than 10% lions VND
6 millions VND 25%

From 2 millions VND to less than 4

millions VND

This pie chart shows the total monthly income of the students. It can be said
that the number of students with income from 2 million VND to less than 4 million VND
accounts for the highest total according to the collected data with 56%. Next is earning
less than 2 million VND, accounting for 25%. On the other hand, students who earn
from 4 million VND to less than 6 million VND and more than 6 million VND are quite a
few, 9% and 10% respectively.

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Question 4: What kind of product or service do you often spend on?

Spending Categories

Personal hobbies



Renting house

Purchasing stuff (cloth, food, drink,...)

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%

The pie chart below shows the monthly expenses that students can spend. It
can be seen that spending on purchasing stuff and entertainment accounts for the most
with about 35% and 49%. In addition, some students also spend money to pay the
rent. The remaining 2% and 3% are for personal hobbies and donating respectively.

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Question 5: On average how much money do you spend monthly?

Monthy Expenditure
Under 1 millions VND From 1 millions VND to less than 3 millions VND
From 3 millions VND to less than 5 millions VND More than 5 million



The chart above shows a student's total monthly spending. Most people
usually spend from about 1 million VND to less than 3 million VND accounting for a total
of 47%. On the other hand, other students usually spend from 3 million VND to less
than 5 million VND at about 29%. Following is 16% of more than 5 million. And finally a
negligible 8% of spending under 1 million VND.

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Question 6: Do you think it is important to save a percentage of your

monthly income?

Personal respective toward saving a percentage of money



With 100% agreeing obtained from the data obtained and 0% disagreeing
shown in the table above. It can be concluded that all students think that it is very
necessary to save a small amount from their monthly income.

Question 7: How satisfied are you with your saving abilities?

Chart Title

Very dissatisfied


Neither satisfied nor dissastified


Very satisfied

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%


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The chart above shows each student's perspective on how they feel about
saving money. Most people are quite dissatisfied with their savings at 35% of the total.
On the other hand, 29% of people feel neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. The number of
people who feel very dissatisfied and quite satisfied accounted for 11% and 10%
respectively. And only 3% are very satisfied with their savings. In conclusion, most
people need to work harder to have a smart and reasonable savings plan.

Question 8: What factors can affect your spending?







0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7


The chart above is based on reference data on factors that can affect
students' monthly spending habits. The results show that relationship is the most
influential factor in everyone's habits with a percentage of half of the total factors. Next
are three factors that are also quite important in affecting the spending decision, which
are emotion, promotion, and health with 45%, 60%, and 52% respectively.

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Question 9: Do you have any money saved? If yes, please say how much
you have saved.

Saved money



Under 1 million VND From 1 million VND to less than 3 million VND
From 3 million VND to less than 5 million VND More than 5 million

According to the data collected from questionnaires, the majority of survey
respondents have some savings. At least less than 1 million VND accounted for the
majority with 58% of votes. Besides, from 1 million VND to less than 3 million VND is
also the amount that 25% of survey respondents save. From 3 million VND to less than
5 million VND accounts for about 10% and the remaining 9% of those who save more
than 5 million VND.

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Question 10: Do you have any suggestions to be able to spend money

wisely and avoid excess expenses?

Have a plan vision for your budget money

Avoid unnecessary spending


Make a spending list

Open a saving accounts

0 5 10 15 20 25


The above bar chart has shown different opinions and aspects of each
person's perspective on how to spend wisely and avoid unreasonable spending. The
data showed that most people think that unnecessary spending should be avoided by
20 votes. Next, survey respondents also gave two important opinions: have a plan
vision for your budget money and open saving accounts with 20 votes and 19 votes
each. Finally, there are 5 votes that you should recycle your objects. To sum up, almost
all students participating in the survey are very conscious about protecting and saving
their monthly money as well as avoiding unnecessary expenses.

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If any conclusions may be drawn from this report, they are, perhaps, as follows:
Most of the students at UEB participating in this survey are quite aware of how they
use their money as well as how to earn a monthly income. Most of all, they are all
conscious of saving some money from their monthly income.
From these conclusions, it is therefore recommended that saving money is important
and some ways to break negative spending habits. “A person’s ability to manage his
money is essential to being successful in life. Effective financial management strategies
are important for all members of society, including college students.” Have a plan
vision on your budget money to spend wisely and avoid spending on unnecessary
expenses. Above all, through this survey, there is a lot of information provided about
the importance of saving as well as ways to spend money for students.

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Appendix 1
1. What is your gender?
□ Female
□ Male

2. What are your sources of income?

□ Parents
□ Part-time/Full-time job
□ Gifts
□ Scholarship
□ Other

3. On average how much money do you earn monthly?

□ Less than 2 million VND
□ From 2 million VND to less than 4 million VND
□ From 4 million VND to less than 6 million VND
□ More than 6 million VND

4. What kind of product or service do you often spend money on?

□ Personal hobbies
□ Donating
□ Entertainment
□ Renting house
□ Purchasing stuff (clothe, food, drink,…)

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5. On average how much money do you spend monthly?

□ Under 1 million
□ From 1 million VND to less than 3 million VND
□ From 3 million VND to less than 5 million VND
□ More than 5 million VND

6. Do you think is it important to save a percentage of your

monthly income?
□ Yes
□ No

7. How satisfied are you with your saving abilities?

□ Very satisfied
□ Satisfied
□ Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
□ Dissatisfied
□ Very dissatisfied

8. What factors can affect your spending?

□ Emotion
□ Weather
□ Relationship
□ Promotion
□ Health

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9. Do you have any money saved? If yes, please say how much
you have saved.
□ Under 1 million VND
□ From 1 million VND to less than 3 million VND
□ From 3 million VND to less than 5 million VND
□ More than 5 million VND

10. Do you have any suggestions to be able to spend money

wisely and avoid excess expenses?

Your participation is highly appreciated, thank you!

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Appendix 2
Figure 1:




Male Female

Figure 2:

Source of personal income

Other 0%

Scholarship 2%

Gifts 1%

Part-time/Full-time job 20%

Parents 100%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120%

Source of personal income

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Figure 3:


From 4 mil-
lions VND to
less than 6 Less than 2
than 6 millions VND millions
9% 25%

From 2 millions VND to

less than 4 millions VND

Figure 4:

Spending Categories

Personal hobbies



Renting house

Purchasing stuff (cloth, food, drink,...)

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%

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Figure 5:

Monthy Expenditure
Under 1 millions VND From 1 millions VND to less than 3 millions VND
From 3 millions VND to less than 5 millions VND More than 5 million



Figure 6:

Personal respective toward saving a percentage of money



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Figure 7:
Chart Title

Very dissatisfied


Neither satisfied nor dissastified


Very satisfied

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%


Figure 8:







0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7


Figure 9:

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Saved money



Under 1 million VND From 1 million VND to less than 3 million VND
From 3 million VND to less than 5 million VND More than 5 million

Figure 10:

Have a plan vision for your budget money

Avoid unnecessary spending


Make a spending list

Open a saving accounts

0 5 10 15 20 25


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1. Havard Referencing System.

2. Cummins, Melissa McElprang; Haskell, Janaan H; Jenkins, Susan J.
“Financial attitudes and spending habits of university freshman”.
International Conference. Academy for Economics and Economics
Education. Proceedings; Arden Vol.8, Iss 1, (2005): 3-6.

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