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Treating DENTAL Related Issues

with Electro-Acupuncture Medicine

Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner, DAOM, MSc

(c) Copyright 2020 Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner, DAOM, MSc 1

How to Treat Dental Issues with Electro-Acupuncture Medicine

1. Diagnose the tooth problem from an acupuncture channel viewpoint based upon symptoms.
2. Reduce the pathogenic load in the blood using the blood electrification treatment.
3. Treat any allergy associated with dental materials.
4. Insert electrons into the problem tooth and channel.
5. Correct any organ imbalance associated with the tooth/channel.
6. Refer out to a holistic dentist to permanently fix the tooth.

More information found in “Foundations 2, Dental Primer Online”

(c) Copyright 2020 Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner, DAOM, MSc 2

1. Diagnose the tooth problem from an acupuncture channel viewpoint based upon symptoms.

• Acupuncture channels feed specific teeth with free electrons (Qi) for function and for
cellular regeneration.
• When there is an electron drain in a channel this puts a strain on the tooth and it starts to
• When there is an infection in a tooth, this puts a strain on the channel and symptoms can
show up anywhere on that channel.

More information found in “Foundations 2, Dental Primer Online”

(c) Copyright 2020 Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner, DAOM, MSc 3

1. Diagnose the tooth problem from an acupuncture channel viewpoint based upon symptoms.

• The top 3 most common dental issues are:

• Cavitations
• Root Canals
• Toxic Materials

Note: This presentation uses a cavitation in the wisdom tooth area as an example because it is
estimated that around 75% of wisdom tooth extractions become silent infections called cavitation.

More information found in “Foundations 2, Dental Primer Online”

(c) Copyright 2020 Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner, DAOM, MSc 4

1. Diagnose the tooth problem from an acupuncture channel viewpoint based upon symptoms.

• Identify the problem tooth using channel related symptoms and the acupuncture tooth

More information found in “Foundations 2, Dental Primer Online”

(c) Copyright 2020 Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner, DAOM, MSc 5

(c) Copyright 2020 Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner, DAOM, MSc 6
• Here we have identified Tooth #1 as the
tooth/area/channel that is infected from a
failed extraction which is called a

• Tooth #1 is the Wisdom Tooth with the

following channels flowing through and
feeding this tooth.

1. Ht
2. Si
3. Te
4. Pc

• The Te channel is related to the

sympathetic nervous system.

• The Pc channel is related to the

parasympathetic nervous system.

(c) Copyright 2020 Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner, DAOM, MSc 7

• A common scenario is that wisdom teeth
are typically extracted when a patient is in
their 20’s or 30’s

• It is estimated that 75% of wisdom tooth

extractions are not done correctly and end
up turning into a silent infection called a

• This sets up a patient for a lifelong pattern

of suffering with no doctor being able to
diagnose and treat the source of the

• The infection constantly dumps bacteria

and viruses into the blood stream, which
then puts a constant strain on the patient’s
immune system.

(c) Copyright 2020 Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner, DAOM, MSc 8

• Since the wisdom tooth is associated with
the Ht channel we know the patient can
begin to have heart organ issues.

• It is also well known that bacteria from the

mouth has an affinity for heart valves and
can cause heart valve defects.

• Since the wisdom tooth is associated with

the Si channel, this can lead to
malabsorption symptoms such as allergies
to food and even autoimmune diseases.

(c) Copyright 2020 Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner, DAOM, MSc 9

• Since the wisdom tooth is associated with
the Te and PC channels this can lead to
Autonomic Nervous System imbalances,
which we will focus on in this short

• A cavitation in the wisdom tooth drives the

adrenal glands nonstop around the clock in
sympathetic- fight or flight mode.

• When a patient is stuck in sympathetic

mode they cannot properly digest their
foods, and cannot recover from their daily
tasks or workouts.

• They start to have the pattern of insomnia.

• They develop nutritional deficiencies.

• Even bowel habits become worsened with

too much sympathetic activity and not
enough parasympathetic activity.
(c) Copyright 2020 Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner, DAOM, MSc 10
• After a many years of being stuck in
sympathetic mode with the adrenals
constantly being stimulated, the adrenals
can no longer keep up with this workload
and stimulation, they weaken and
eventually fail.

• The patient then can be considered

adrenal insufficient.

• The adrenals are responsible for


1. Aldosterone
2. Glucocorticosteroids
3. Androgens
4. Epinephrine/Adrenaline

(c) Copyright 2020 Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner, DAOM, MSc 11

How to Treat Dental Issues with Electro-Acupuncture Medicine

2. Reduce the pathogenic load in the blood using the blood electrification treatment.

More information found in “Foundations 2, Dental Primer Online, Electroimmunology and Antiinflammatory Pain Conditions”

(c) Copyright 2020 Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner, DAOM, MSc 12

How to Treat Dental Issues with Electro-Acupuncture Medicine

2. Reduce the pathogenic load in the blood using the blood electrification treatment.

(c) Copyright 2020 Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner, DAOM, MSc 13

Blood Electrification

• Needle close to arteries

• Insert electrons directly into the blood
• 10Hz or faster
How to Treat Dental Issues with Electro-Acupuncture
• Light power Medicine
• More treatment is better
2. Reduce the pathogenic load in the blood using the blood electrification treatment.

(c) Copyright 2020 Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner, DAOM, MSc 14

How to Treat Dental Issues with Electro-Acupuncture Medicine

3. Treat any allergy associated with the dental materials.

More information found in “Foundations 1 and 2, Dental Primer Online, Electroimmunology and Antiinflammatory Pain Conditions”

(c) Copyright 2020 Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner, DAOM, MSc 15

How to Treat Dental Issues with Electro-Acupuncture Medicine

3. Treat any allergy associated with the dental materials.

(c) Copyright 2020 Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner, DAOM, MSc 16

How to Treat Dental Issues with Electro-Acupuncture Medicine

4. Insert electrons into the problem tooth and channel.

• Tooth #1 example
• Ht
• Si
• Te
• Pc

More information found in “Foundations 2, Dental Primer Online”

(c) Copyright 2020 Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner, DAOM, MSc 17

How to Treat Dental Issues with Electro-Acupuncture Medicine

4. Insert electrons into the problem tooth and channel.

• 10Hz or faster
• Low power
• Longer treatment time is better

More information found in “Foundations 2, Dental Primer Online”

(c) Copyright 2020 Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner, DAOM, MSc 18

• Channel Flow is Unidirectional

• Choose Points that come

before the tooth, not after the

• Te 16 is before the tooth and

sends electrons on the channel
into tooth #1

• Si 3 is before the tooth and

sends electrons on the channel
into tooth #1

• Te 23 is after the tooth and is

an example of what point not
to choose.

More information found in “Foundations 2”

(c) Copyright 2020 Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner, DAOM, MSc 19

How to Treat Dental Issues with Electro-Acupuncture Medicine

5. Correct any organ imbalance associated with the tooth/channel.

• In this example we need to correct the imbalance with the autonomic nervous
system and the adrenal glands

More information found in “Foundations 1 and 2, Advanced 1 and 2, MasterClass”

(c) Copyright 2020 Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner, DAOM, MSc 20

How to Treat Dental Issues with Electro-Acupuncture Medicine

5. Correct any organ imbalance associated with the tooth/channel.

• ANS Correction
• Si16
• 1-10Hz
• Low Power
• 20 Mins

More information found in “Foundations 2, Advanced 1 and 2, MasterClass, Electroimmunology and Antiinflamatory Pain Conditions”

(c) Copyright 2020 Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner, DAOM, MSc 21

How to Treat Dental Issues with Electro-Acupuncture Medicine

5. Correct any organ imbalance associated with the tooth/channel.

• ANS Correction
• Si16
• 1-10Hz
• Low Power
• 20 Mins

(c) Copyright 2020 Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner, DAOM, MSc 22

How to Treat Dental Issues with Electro-Acupuncture Medicine

5. Correct any organ imbalance associated with the tooth/channel.

• ANS Correction
• Si16
• 1-10Hz
• Low Power
• 20 Mins

(c) Copyright 2020 Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner, DAOM, MSc 23

How to Treat Dental Issues with Electro-Acupuncture Medicine

5. Correct any organ imbalance associated with the tooth/channel.

• ANS Correction
• Si16
• 1-10Hz
• Low Power
• 20 Mins

(c) Copyright 2020 Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner, DAOM, MSc 24

How to Treat Dental Issues with Electro-Acupuncture Medicine

5. Correct any organ imbalance associated with the tooth/channel.

• ANS Correction
• Si16
• 1-10Hz
• Low Power
• 20 Mins

(c) Copyright 2020 Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner, DAOM, MSc 25

How to Treat Dental Issues with Electro-Acupuncture Medicine

5. Correct any organ imbalance associated with the tooth/channel.

• Adrenal Gland Correction
• T12-L1 Huato Jiaji Points
• 80Hz
• Low Power
• 20-60 Mins

More information found in “Foundations 2, Advanced 1 and 2, Electroimmunology and Antiinflamatory Pain Conditions”

(c) Copyright 2020 Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner, DAOM, MSc 26

How to Treat Dental Issues with Electro-Acupuncture Medicine

6. Refer out to a holistic dentist to permanently fix the tooth.

• If the patient is skeptical recommend a Cone Beam CT scan.
• The dentist needs to be familiar with the proper protocol to fix a cavitation.
• All Root Canals are a problem. This is dead tissue left inside the mouth.
• Metal inside the mouth can be toxic and can short circuit channels.

More information found in “Foundations 2, Dental Primer Online”

(c) Copyright 2020 Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner, DAOM, MSc 27

Currently Available Online Courses:

• Foundations
• Advanced
• Master Class
• Grand Rounds
• Headaches and Migraines
• Dental Primer
• Devices, Tips and Tricks
• Electro-Immunology and Inflammatory Pain Conditions
Facebook Group: “Electro-Acupuncture Medicine”

(c) Copyright 2020 Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner, DAOM, MSc 28

2020 Upcoming Online Courses:

• EAM- Ear Disorders and Tinnitus

• EAM- Eye Disorders
• EAM- Reproductive and Women’s Issues

(c) Copyright 2020 Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner, DAOM, MSc 29

2020 Upcoming LIVE CLASSES!

FOUNDATIONS 2.0 August 8th and 9th 2020

Space is limited! Sign up now at

(c) Copyright 2020 Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner, DAOM, MSc 30

2020 Upcoming LIVE CLASSES!

Advanced 2.0 October 17th and 18th 2020

Space is limited! Sign up now at

(c) Copyright 2020 Dr. Jeremy B. Steiner, DAOM, MSc 31

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