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NQ^ :4S9,{'N7"/Il,J` i G`A6/2S 18

D{i{€` 32,``04.'`2S: 3

Th}# Itndersj&ffi€d
._,,*3Q..yu .. is uiiGLmu
b,y ortlgr
order (*
Of }he&*
}h&* G¢¥err"r {{j Sa.t t!liti il`ia eiltpl ).t`!.gs c}f zil!.1
Pari§frad5* Si!igaeF` Mshckum@ Parishad. Panciiaya{ S&!iijt!s ;ij3d C;i#rii Pa!it:i}!i}#is H clHd"g Gram
ili€ fa{€ ¢t` Rs, #`8#0,'rfRwpetss fe`i{` {!iLtLi`SAiid eig!t! i"idft`dj on}!` pc^r h€@al, Hig tt!,p" eljgibilityt
€£iiin& of R.t{, 37.00Sf`-per month a`€ {in 3 i 03`2$3: tt„ be. appii¢isbic. irrospectit€ t`f ^>hetiter the

2 Tbe benefit h/`"I be edmissibie §#bjSCHo the fo"ow'mg terms and conditia7t*

0 The adibce bontis &dmissjble imder tfii5 L}rd¢r ftyill b# h<t!ckgd oi!i {ica the bfls!s tit eiBt:fiim€n!s &s
a(!missjble tin jL03.2022. For ttre emplfr}g@S dr&`"tg p#} &r`Ld al!`iwant¢c.T5 ii` l¢rm< tif the W'es!
ly{atri.i i# the r€`¢ised pa.v St"c{ttre, deafl]€ss aoot¥ance and jni``& tt±e {ii?n-prftS[icir}§ #liow'ancet if
anrb bust t`ti(I not jl}Sltld¢ any other pa}' a#d Q{h€r &{lo\+afii'e sij¢h ffis hot!s€ rL'!t{ aHQtryarce. medical
a} lot+'iq!tce. t`ompe!igS{or}' a I iatt'att€e et#.

the term "€mi!!um€nts" jn this iird€r ``ii! iTiean &rid jnciud€ ha5ic` pay(p&}' ifl the Pa`} Ba `G pltts Grade
P{t}).pfrsGnal pah fpecial pa}' (ad¢Ji{Ioli&I remLmsra{I'Sn* dearne.Ss pah {ig€imess 80owanc£.
depttraiior± {dttrty`} ailowaii€£ and S{gno 5#Dw<ance but w"I nat ift¢litde fpeci8lisl pfl} and #}her
#lk}fty`an€e§ St!#h #s fa®os8 re{il &l!o\+arlc€, med!g&l S!lotSaftgt:1 €#mp€ns#{€}xp ill lciwarice` e!: Ftir {iii!£€
who are drawing r¢mu{i¥raetiun `1il con{ra€i basis, {ii€ tsrn` tevisLad €m€i!iimiAni' ti {!t ntgan l}ie
*onsS{itisfed SoiitraL`t pay dravI'n b} ti}€m<

iij T}}e empki!tite5 wtio§e fevisfd €molHmeiils on 3 L03L2023 gx€eeded Rs, 37.0#¢,j`- p<rrt, F`i€ d{ir{ng [fte

}€ar 2$31~2fr22 their em¢lumettts at least for Six months %^eft> i€`sb^ lhEtn KS` 37.#SCi/~ p.rr3.. i,e. the said

?mci!timgn(s excegdgd the €[igibility` ct^jli!3g QJ` Rs. 3?.OOu`,'-pHn a/I {i¢eewnl o!~ pr()m¢{io" draw`ai of
illL.r€*me{ll¢ imp{¢meffi{atiQn of f^,AT Sch€m€< t8nh&n{.cn3€n{ t!r dt!ttm€£S £`i!!ti\i`€!itL`e €"d Fo Siun i)!L pa`t

€t€, afS€r rgr"ining less lh{in Rs+ 3?`Sfla,,a`T a.m` fc{r t# I#:{Sl 5j,` mom!is. t*il! t}e c+n{!ti¢d tu *€!-}ioc be!iii5
esf Rs, 4,800,i'- per t}€ad tirtcier this order.

iji} The emplo.tees tt<il# h{Sr€ in §el`tiS# on 31+03.20£2 &rtd reiidsrgd {q{ leat§t Si` mtinths ¢on{i lti#Ifs st*nJ<i€£'
{!tirirng {}}g } G&F 2Q3 I -2¢32 \+ill b€ £Iigibi€ rclr p8rmen} of &d-bi3c bot"S under !feis {trd`T.

Pro-ra{H pa}m#n{ *€i!l b€ &c!mis§ible irt Suc{i cases f{) {!`in t:!igib!t` t`mpl`.t}¢€.i f{}r |iGiiit{!s „ e{Ifttil"¢ijs
Ser`ic€ dtjriiig lhc. }`€#F ranging froiii s!x lmt{`th`q to fi}I! ,\£&r. {ite gligibj"€} pcri¢d b¥ing I iL#n in terms
at` ti{{mber Qr months ®f sertc6ce {roui}d€`d ¢}t` t# the n£&re5! i`[Imber Sf m#nthsj. A f!.a¢{i{}r, Qj+ } 5 da,y's
or mSrt. shGurd be cQ%ntest fig ¢ne montit.

i\`} 1 tie €imciui}! {!r fad.h¢t' bonus on pro-r8l<q pa} mtirt{ 8ci admissib!¢~ Liri€tibf pi!ra :i i!i ) ab{.t i`` tt §! I ha*e !t} b.a
c&lcu!ated ag¢¢fdi}eg t¢ tl}e follah.ii}g formitlft:.

[':mol%mgn{S a5 tin 31,03,2023 * g{j&ihiiihi2sejed ill zii%}ib€r t}f``m`}t3{hs

t} The casual t`<Qrkef8 c!r a"!& Pafi§had` Siiigufi twi<qhskfi{ma Parisiiadt P&!i¢!"}`&t SSHili33 GF@{tt
PanGh#gat§ and the empio}<#es Sf {h€ DRDC {}r Zpf+SA#P;``S'rA ``frt}ti hra¥tl ptlt in i+`+*fk {it 13ft5{ for 12&
dflys ai}d Sh€ emplo}'ees on cSnso!idfltgd pr*` in the }tgcar 302]`2#3£ tt'ill alst2 t}g €n itl€d {o ad-h¢c
bof!"§ under this esrd€r aceerding tS the fo!ls%ing i.Srmu !a:`

= 1.ii¢ stint+tm{ of ad-hi3¢ beHusT suhj€ct tci m#ximum 8mDttii! uf l`s. 4*80¢J-#nf.`

T¢1e 8Rlar}' ;'` t*8g€s €n {hes€ ca§€s shot!ld have tbe same m€:`nin& as 're`f isgd em¢!#me{t!s' 83 dgfiri9d in

p#ra 2{i} 8t!ovg,

3} 11}€ disbur3em€fit ofAd-Itc¥c Bunus san€tiun€d heroin {i{!ii`€+ 5fe{3ta!d t}¢. ii}?itl€ ill ci}§# t3i` ivli2s!im st81e

6ot`emmgiit Empl¢`y€es berbre {h¢ r`cstit'&l t3r` Id-u!~r'`itre .9nd in Case ¢f. cithar Sta!}; £`otermii@m
€mplo?'€es {o{hef lllan Muslim S[&te Gc}\femmsn( €mplo};€e§j §ucli cii5tritrsem&»nt fh jtllt] lre made
biiftw'e¢fl I 9.$9,2S%2 lo 23.09.2t!2:.
In c&§e Qf fai!ur£, {h€ disSursem€n{ should &e "ftdc as 9arli &s pc`ssih!¥ tSefQr§ thtx r€sM\;€!l Sf Dunga

4} A!{ p#!m€!t{§ {mder {!iis Order `lyiil b€ rsuitded Sff.t£> {jie {igaft`st rupe€*.

5} \£i} The #hpei}dii}Ir€+ f£*{' pfi}'m€n} Grad-hQ€ beiius !o the Zi*13 Pari§!iad emplii}`£t;a \t ii} b<S !ttgt i`rom the
. pfQ\'ision under fhxp {`edid Ad"inistrati\'€ EitpendiSure "2315®Othfr Rural I)€\t'elopm€iit Prf grai"ne£»>`~
{}ij-I {}1 -PB»cbap'ati Raj-Ou-0} 3.grants-iiiTilidff(-,`c%i{ribusLioii§ ic {1`€ Zi!r&\ Ejiiri3}tiids-l`oi"iir¢§i{>n tQvp`ar#S
s&i&rig3 Sf t}ie emp}¢}`ges of Zil{ff Parishads[PNj-V-56 .f.rani5-in-Sid-SnieerjSS`{}{j" j!i {ii{: ci{rf€i}t }`Sfir`g

{b}"€ expg!`diture for pca.ymSTlt a(`Sd-htic bonus {o the P.qntth&}<set Samiti emptS}'.*es *~``ill bf m€»t ¢i}{ ff}.
provisiSri HndeF the he&d Admirtis{rat}ve Expgnd;[ulng `.35 i S~(jth®tr !€ufTxp! D€`^`el{jpm€n{ Pr"gg&mf[ies-
¢0+!Ol-Pan€!1ae¥'ati Ri}j -08~Slo-Granisin-£iid{<€`¢"!ribi!{ioEis t{i r2{ii{Ll}€i.v<€!i S#milis.t`!i!iiribu{isn
{tjwards salaries {}f the` gmplo}'€es ¢f Pane!ia}a! S#Ini{ics|Pit I-V.36~ (:r&n{s-iii„ai€1-S{i!!}r a.£10#. . in iliti
•`urr€!}t ¥ear's budget."

|i`}Titg €xpgiidigure for pep.mgnt or ad~hSc bSnHs {o (h¢ £}ri]rm !jar{€lta};.it L>!flpl€tyee§ / C3r,!m Pan€titqytit
itdrm€€:i \t`ill be met Qw{ ¢f pfo\jigiofi under the ii€Hd LAdniini§{rii[!\;e Exp€»diture "25 I `;-€Jtt}er Kllral
Dt``<`t+iQpmettt Pr¢gr@mm€s-00~ 10} -P#ngh@}j&ti Rsj-00,004~Cc!n!ributio[i {{i\+€,if[3s s€ilari€¢5 il` =mp!il~t`€es
`,1t` {jr{im P#rtL`b&} ass { PN !~\''-3# uGrants-in~aid-SS!ii!.iL>`,#(}" in !}it` .'urrc!i{ ,i h*#!.{* b€!{tgtTi

{d)Tlig gxpendituri' t*©r peyme[it Qf 3d-!ioc bot"s to {hg cmpltj}{€€£ t3t` the i}RD Cells of Z iil!{ Pari§h8ds
i' M,qlifikum8 P&ri5tit@dsf^ GTA ".ill b€ met from tl`e pro\fisitiiis foi` salafiss of` the s8 a empleyees
!'es£€i\ed in She desig"tet! t]aiik 8c¢oums t}y the resprsetit`e fiilas f£&iwi§liach£` MSiiakiima P{£ristrad {'' GTA
r`rQm tto€ Stale Got.emmei`1 &5 \`>`ell as the G{i\efflm€n{ of lrialia it? 1ht¢ citrri*i}{ fm<incj8§ .try¢tir

6j rJmp!c}A}`€es Rppoirit¢d ®n fontra€tual basis urider p¢`ii*hi`.vat Raj B{3{liti5 €St;]hlistmi€m are gl gitsle for
Ad~l`{ng Btilius {`Sr lh€ i+ear 20: I-2022 st;bj€ct tii fulfi!m€iii tii` c{jf`¢£itio#s tis !Sid do"n in p&f& L 2. 3

?!` Ttiis ord€'r issug§ ill a.`cordaiTc€ w`iili the Finani`t! {AL!dit} I)£p€i!t€tiL"! \,1.-iti`i *t`> i 5?0~F€! `} D&ii:*


C~6,` ` a i ~ .

{3a,g: 2Z ,#j ,r3#33


2j 'rF}€ Prin€!pa{ A#€our}t8%i Csenefaj (A["„" tavrfu<`+ n^ -,., { qu
+ _`'`7`""g` I`tJ'r`Sl#-/UU 'ttJ
i T, I
~i) Tti€'Acc€}t!mani£€nerqltLaSa!BediesAud!{),k'gs{Bcligaj3{a(Jfctmplthk{S(}BLiil{!{ig`#FB!{)t`Lt
SQ!? Lake. Koiha{a `?0#$64+
4) TfreBxamif!erofLc!calAScot!r}t5,W€s{Beng&l,C{jaCi!mp!t*lyls(JB{"l&jiog,f)rvRB!t!ikS.i!tl.akcT`

`<,, Th¢{ir!afl¢`eDeper{mgtts{CigrSup~Njor{{ii+€CJ`S\€"m€#3{.
¢) TITeFirl#fiseDapar{meitt{Gmup-R}¢ft[}is#o*Smmgjt{^

8) rfeeD;re€t®rSrTr#&suries&A¢€oun{s.Wegt8€figajyb2etS{ridi`iAsst{rafice89i!djng+0..`ttnsK€mg*.,
_ . .t.yw! ,,.. iyGai Dgfigajy ,h
fry-Slkata -?S# So I

S} The B!{ick D€vclopme!t¢ C}mc€r,

Piiiij=ZEE- `\\ :;i),:j,

Dis' -_-----ny~,,,.._

`rtt¢ `freftsur} OmSer,

_-,'.."-"-,." ,.,. ~`,-A -.,--.,,, ` --.. ' .-.,, I ,,--,,,-, + -

8} Gu!ird file ofc€Il-
i i i I i i '< \<,

9,i !`fead Assistant ¢f


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