Children and Women in Sports

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Children and Women in Sports


Q. 1. Is it important for children and women to participate in games?

Ans. Yes, it is very important for children and women to participate in sports.

Q. 2. What is the most important thing that people can do to improve their health?

Ans. Regular physical activity is one of the most important things people can do to improve their health.

Q.3. When were the first set of guidelines for exercise issued by the World Health Organisation?

Ans. The World Health Organisation (WHO) first issued a set of guidelines for exercise 2010, which were
updated in 2020 In the year

Q. 4. State the common postural deformities.


Name any two postural deformities.

Ans. The common Postural Deformities are:

(a) Spinal Curvature (b) Knock Knee (c) Flat Foot (d) Round Shoulder € Bow Legs

Q. 5. What do you mean by Spinal Curvature deformities?

Ans. Spinal Curvature deformity is related to spine. When viewed from the back, the spine should run
straight down the middle of the back. When abnormalities of the spine occur, the natural curvatures of
The spine are misaligned or exaggerated in certain areas. There are three types of spinal deformities: (a)
Kyphosis (b) Lordosis (c) Scoliosis.

Q. 6. What do you mean by knock knee?

Ans. Knock Knee is a postural deformity in which the legs are bent inward and knees strike each other

While walking or running. In knock knees, the knees join together while there is wide gap between the

Ankle varying directly with the degree of deformity.

Q. 7. What do you understand by flat foot?

Ans. Flat foot is a postural deformity in which the arch of the foot is lower than normal. In this condition,
person gives complete print of his foot sole over the plane surface.

Q. 8. What do you mean by round shoulders ?

Ans. Round Shoulders is a postural deformity in which the shoulders become round and sometimes they
seem to be bent forward.

Q.9. Write down the causes of round shoulders.

Ans. The causes of round shoulders are: (1) Due to heredity. (i) By wearing very tight clothes. (iii) By
sitting on improper furniture. (iv) By walking, sitting in bent position. (v) Lack of proper exercise. (vi)
Poor Posture habits.

Q. 10. What do you mean by Lordosis ? Or What is Lordosis? Explain.

Ans. Lordosis is an abnormal curvature of spine at front. It is a postural deformity in which the lumbar
spine bends in front beyond the normal level. Thus, abdomen is ahead of body and shoulders come
outward and sideward, Lordosis tends to make the buttocks appear more prominent.

Q. II. Which type of deformity is “Kyphosis”

Ans. Kyphosis is rounding of upper back. Some rounding is normal but the term “Kyphosis” usually refers
to an exaggerated rounding, more than 50 degrees. This disformity is also known as Hunch Back of
round upper back

Q. 12. What do you mean by bow legs ?

Ans. It is a postural deformity. In this deformity knees are widely apart. There remains a wide gap

Between knees when a bow legged person keeps his feet together. It occurs during childhood.

Q. 13. What is Scoliosis?

Ans. Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine. Scoliosis causes one shoulder down and other is
raised up. Body weight is shifted to sideward and it causes lot of pressure on one side of the foot.

Q. 14. Explain the causes of Scoliosis.

Ans. The causes of scoliosis are: (f) Birth defects. (ii) Wear and tear in the spine. (ii) Difference in the
lengths of the legs. (iv) Lifting weight towards one side in routine. (v) Wrong standing or sitting posture.
(v) Unsuitable furniture. (vii) Weakening of spinal muscles on one side.

Q. 15. What is “an abnormal curvature of spine at front” termed as ?

Ans. Lordosis.
Q. 16. Suggest any two free hand exercises for correcting round shoulder. (All India, 2016)

Ans. The two free hand exercises for correcting round shoulder are as follows: (4) Sit on a chair. Rest the
back against it. Pull the shoulders backward and see upwards. (i) Keep your tips of fingers on your
shoulders and rotate the elbows in clockwise and anticlockwise direction for equal number of times.

Q. 17. Suggest two exercises for correcting flat foot. Ans. The two exercises for correcting flat foot are as

(1) Raise the body slowly on the heels. While standing, body balances on toes where as hands and
head are raised up. Come back in normal position. Repeat this exercise 10 times. (i) Walk bare
footed over the sand.

Q. 18. Name the deformity for which horse riding can be used as a corrective measure.

Ans. Knock Knee.

Q. 19. What is Menopause?

Ans. Menopause is a natural physiological change in women of age between 45-55 years, where there is
a permanent cessation of menstruation cycle/primary functions of the ovaries due to hormonal changes.

Q. 20. Explain the term ‘Menarche”.

Ans. Menarche is the first menstruation and the commencement of cyclic menstrual function in feMale.
Menarche typically occurs after the peak of adolescent growth. It follows the appearance of pubic hair,
breast development and fat deposition. Menarche normally occurs at the age of 13.

Q. 21. Write the factors that may affect Menarche.

Ans. The factors that may affect Menarche are genetically, environmental, biological and nutritional

Q. 22. What is the duration of normal menstrual cycle ?

Ans. The normal menstrual cycle is 28 days although normal cycles may vary between 21 and 35 days 23

Q.23 What is meant by menstrual dysfunction ?

Ans. Females can experience disruptions of their normal menstrual cycle. These disruptions are re-
Ferred to as menstrual dysfunction

Q. 24. By whom female athlete triad was described ?

Ans. The “Female Athlete Triad” was described in 1992 by the American College of Sports Medicine.

Q. 25. Who is at risk of being affected by female athlete triad?

Ans. Women and girls participating in activities which emphasize leanness are at high risk of being
affected by female athlete triad.
Q. 26. Describe the meaning of “Amenorrhea”. Or Among females, what type of Menstrual Dysfunction
is called Amenorrhea?

Or What is ‘Amenorrhea’ in female Athlete triad?

Ans. Amenorrhea is the absence of a menstrual period in a woman of reproductive age. In other words,
it is a menstrual disorder or illness in females in which females of 18 years and above either never began
menstruating or there is an absence of menstruation for three months or more than that is females with
a history of normal menstrual cycle.

Q. 27. Write the factors that can lead to osteoporosis?

Ans. Low estrogen levels and poor nutrition, especially low calcium intake, can lead to osteoporosis.

Q. 28. What is Osteoporosis?

Ans. Osteoporosis is a weakening of the bones due to the loss of bone density and improper bone
Formation. This condition can ruin a female athlete’s career because it may lead to stress fractures and
Other injuries.

Q. 29. What is Female Athlete Triad ?

Ans. The Female Athlete Triad is a health concern for women and girls in sports which involves three

(a) Osteoporosis (low bone mass which leads to weak bones and risk of fracture) and Distinct and
interrelated conditions:

(b) Amenorrhea (irregular or absent menstrual periods)

(c) Eating disorder

Q.30. What do you mean by Eating Disorders? Or Explain the term “Eating Disorders”

Ans. Eating disorders are conditions defined by abnormal eating habits that may involve either
insufficient or excessive food intake which can harm or damage an individual’s physical and mental

Q.31. What is Bulimia?

Ans. Bulimia is an eating disorder in which a person binges and purges. The person may eat a lot of food
at once and then try to get rid of it by vomiting, using laxatives, or sometimes over-exercising.

Q.32. What do you mean by “Anorexia Nervosa”?

Ans. Anorexia nervosa is a type of eating disorder. It is a serious and potentially life threatening mental
illness. The eating disorder is characterized by self starvation and excessive weight loss.

Q.33. Design a free hand four exercises programme for curing Round Shoulders.

Ans. 1. Doing chest stretches, T stretch, wall stretch, Handclasp stretch and planks, pull ups, reverse
shoulder over-exercising

2. Keep your tips of fingers on your shoulders and encircle your elbows clockwise and anticlockwise
Direction for same number of times.
3. Hold the horizontal bar for some time. 4. Perform Chakrasana and Dhanurasana regularly.


Q. 1. What is the meaning of physical activity?

Ans. According to WHO, Physical activity is any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that
requires energy expenditure. Physical activity refers to all movement including during leisure time, for
transport to get to and from places, or as part of a person’s work. Both moderate- and vigorous-
intensity physical activity improve health Popular ways to be active include walking, cycling, wheeling,
sports, active recreation and play, and can be done at any level of skill and for enjoyment by everybody.

Q. 2. Name some common postural deformities. Ans. Some common postural deformities are:

1. Spinal Curvature: This type of deformity is related to spine. This deformity is caused by carrying
excessive weight beyond capacity. In another way, we can say that weak muscles cause the
formation of spinal curvature. There are three types of spinal deformities: (a) Kyphosis (b)
Lordosis (c) Scoliosis
2. Knock Knee: Knock Knee is a postural deformity in which the legs are bent inward and knees
strike each other while walking or running. In knock knees, the knees join together while there is
wide gap between the ankle varying directly with the degree of deformity.
3. Flat foot: Flat foot is a postural deformity in which the inner curve of foot has bulge more than
normal. In this default of feet person gives complete print of his foot sole over the plane surface.
4. Round Shoulders: Round Shoulders is a postural deformity in which the shoulders become round
And sometimes they seem to be bent forward.
5. Bow Legs: It is a postural deformity. It is opposite to knock-knees. In this deformity knees are
widely apart. There remains a wide gap between knees when a bow legged person keeps his
feet together. It occurs during childhood.

Q. 3. What is the difference between kyphosis and lordosis.

Ans. Kyphosis: Kyphosis is a forward rounding of upper back. Some rounding is normal but the term
“Kyphosis” usually refers to an exaggerated rounding, more than 50 degrees. This disformity is also
known as Hunch back or round upper back.

Lordosis: Lordosis is a postural deformity in which the lumbar spine bends in front beyond the normal
level. Thus, abdomen is ahead of body and shoulders come outward and sideward.

Q. 4. Explain the physical activities that can be undertaken to correct flat foot deformity.

Ans. () Raise the body slowly on the heels. While standing, body balances on toes whereas hands And
head are raised up. Come back in normal position. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

(ii) Walk bare footed over the sand. (ii) Run bare footed over clean surface. (iv) Jumping on toes
regularly. (v) Perform rope skipping regularly. (vi) Walk on the toes
Q.What do you mean by round shoulders ? Suggest any four physical activities for correcting and

Ans. The term rounded shoulders is used to describe a resting shoulder position that has moved for-
ward from the body’s ideal alignment. It is a postural deformity in which the shoulders become round
and sometimes they seem to be bent forward. Any activity that causes the body to look down and
forward for I periods of time can contribute to rounded shoulders.

The four physical activities for correcting round shoulders are :

(1)Sit on a chair. Rest the back against it. Pull the shoulders backward and see upwards.

(2) Keep your tips of fingers on your shoulders and rotate the elbows in clockwise and anticlockwise
direction for equal number of times

(3) Hold the horizontal bar for some time.

(4) Keep your chin upward, head straight and chest forward while standing, walking and sitting

0.6. Write about the deformities of spinal curvature.

ANS . The deformities of spinal curvature are as follows:

(A)Kyphosis: Kyphosis is rounding of upper back. Some rounding is normal but the term “Kyphosis” lly
refers to an exaggerated rounding, more than 50 degrees. This disformity is also known as Hunch badkar
round upper back

(B) Lordosis: Lordosis is an abnormal curvature of spine at front. It is a postural deformity in which the
lumbar spine bends infront beyond the normal level. Thus, abdomen is ahead of body and shoulders
came outward and sideward

(c) Scoliosis: Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine. Scoliosis causes one shoulder down and

Other is raised up. Body weight is shifted to sideward and it causes lot of pressure on one side of the

0.7. Enlist the spinal postural deformities? Explain the cause of Kyphosis and precautions to Sample
Paper, Avoid it.

Ans. The spine, or backbone, is made up of small bones (vertebrae) stacked along with dises, one on top
of another A healthy spine when viewed from the side has gentle curves to it. The curves help the spine
absorb stress from body movement and gravity. When viewed from the back, the spine should run tight
down the middle of the back. When abnormalities of the spine occur, the natural curvatures of the Spa
are misaligned or exaggerated in certain areas. There are three types of spinal deformities: (a) Kyphosis
(b) Lordosis (C) Scoliosis.

Kyphosis: Kyphosis is rounding of upper back. Some rounding is normal but the term “Kyphosis” ly refers
to an exaggerated rounding, more than 50 degrees. This disformity is also known as Hunch or round
upper back. Depression of chest is common in kyphosis. It can occur at any age but is most in older
women. Age-related kyphosis is often due to weakness in the spinal bones that causes to compress or
crack. Other types of kyphosis can appear in infants or teens due to malformation of pine or wedging of
the spinal bones over time.

Causes: 1) Malnutrition. (n) Carrying heavy loads (u) improper furniture. (v) Weak muscles. Tending
while walking (w) Wearing shapeless and tight clothes, (vi) Due to heredity. (viff) due to age

Weakness in the spinal bones

Precautions: (/) Adopt good (correct) posture (0) Wear loose clothes (u) Use suitable furniture ading
position. () Perform swimming

Remedies: (1) Always keep a pillow under your back while sleeping (4) Bend your head backward in
standing position 5 performe swimming (h) Perform Dhanurasana, Chakrasana and Bhujangasana For

Q. 8. Participation in physical activities can be utilised as corrective measures Postural deformities

among children. Justify.

Ans. Correcting the posture is a major task. Appropriate remedial actions should be started in case of
any problem. Bad posture exerts unusual stress on muscles, tissues and ligaments of the body segments
Physical activities play an important role as corrective measures for different deformities. Physical activi
ties not only help to correct the deformities, they also help the person to prevent from the different
deformities. Physical activities make the body muscles and bones strong and healthy. Physical activities
also make other systems of the body healthy which help to cure and prevent the various deformities.
Some of the physical activities are explained below:

1. Strengthening Exercises: These exercises are used to provide strength to the muscles.
Depending on the postural defect, specific strengthening exercises can be planned. 2. Back
Exercises: Weakness of back muscles is the main reason of many postural deformities. To
strengthen these muscles, some workout in the form of back exercises must be done. Lat pulls
down can Improve the back.
2. Specific Exercises: Some specific exercises are essential as corrective measures for common
postural deformities.

Q. 9. What is puberty?

Ans. The period during which adolescents reach sexual maturity and become capable of reproduction.
Puberty occurs between the ages of about 11 and 14 in girls and 13 and 16 in boys. It causes physical
changes and affects boys and girls differently.

Q. 10. Write a note on Menstrual Cycle.

Ans. The normal menstrual cycle is 28 days although normal cycles may vary between 21 and 35 days.
Some women have noticeably no change in their performance ability during menstrual cycle while
others may face considerable difficulty in this period. In women, the premenstrual stage may be
accompanied by the symptoms like mood changes, fluid retention, breast tenderness, abdominal pain,
headaches and fatigue. There may also be a reduction in both aerobic capacity and strength during this

Q. 11. What do you understand by female athlete triad? Give suggestions to prevent osteoporosis. Ans.
According to American College of Sports Medicine (2007) “Female Athletes Triad is described as a
medical condition identified by the complex interaction between energy availability (with or without
eating disorders), menstrual function and bone health.”

Suggestions to prevent osteoporosis: The risk of developing osteoporosis or incurring a fracture can be
lowered by preventive lifestyle measures and drug treatments that protect against bone loss and
encourage healthy bone mineralization. Lifestyle measures that help to maintain a healthy bone mineral
density And prevent fractures include:

(f) Ensuring adequate calcium intake. Calcium is available in the diet or through supplements. (ii)
Ensuring adequate vitamin D. (iii) Weight bearing exercises including simple walking, promotes healthy
bone and strengthens support from muscles. Exercises such as yoga also promote posture and balance
and so reduce the risk of falls and fractures.

Q. 12. Write in brief about osteoporosis. What are the causes of osteoporosis in women?


What is Osteoporosis? Explain factors, those lead to Osteoporosis in women.

Ans. Osteoporosis is a weakening of the bones due to decrease in bone density and improper bone

Formation. This condition can ruin a female athlete’s carcer because it may lead to stress fractures and

Other injuries Causes of Osteoporosis:

Age: The biggest risk factor for osteoporosis is age. As people grow older, the body goes through the
process of breaking down old bone and growing new bone in its place. Around the age of 30, however,
the body starts losing bone faster than it’s able to replace it.

() Menopause: Menopause can cause a woman’s body to lose bone even more quickly. (i) Genetics: Risk
is higher if there is osteoporosis in the family, especially if a parent or sibling has The disease,
particularly if a parent has incurred a hip fracture. A low-level injury,

(iv) Fracture history: Risk is higher in people with a previous fracture during especially if this occurred
after the age of 50.

(1) Low calcium intake: A lifelong lack of calcium plays a role in the development of osteoporosis.
Les calcium intake contributes to diminished bone density, early bone loss and an increased risk
of fractures

() Eating disorders: Severely restricting food intake and being underweight weakens bone in both

Men and women.

Q.13. What are the symptoms of female athlete triad? Ans. Signs and Symptoms of Female Athlete

1. General weakness, fatigue and disordered eating.

2. Cold intolerance, dry skin, dehydration. 3. Noticeable weight loss, cessation of menstrual cycle.
3. Increased incidence of stress fractures and extended healing time from injuries. 5. Affected
females may also struggle with low self-esteem, withdrawal and possibly depression.

Q.14. How can female athlete triad be prevented?

Ans. Awareness and education are the keys to preventing Female Athlete Triad. Educating females, a
mites, parents and coaches about what The Triad is, signs and symptoms and steps to prevent it are
essential Some ways to prevent female athlete triad are as follows:

1. Focus on health and a positive body image, not body weight.

3. Eat a nutrient-rich, well-balanced diet.

4. Avoid restrictive eating practices or cutting out specific foods/food groups

4 Eat regular meals and snacks to fuel you for training-don’t skip meals or snacks, especially pre & Post
workout snacks.

5. Exercise in moderate amounts.

6. Get plenty of rest. 7. Find ways to reduce stress.

& Monitor your menstrual cycle by using a diary or calendar.

9. Consult your doctor if you have irregular/missed periods or recurrent injuries Fractures. And stress

10. Sack the help of a Dietician to design a healthy diet specific to your sport and to your body’s energy

Q. 15. Write briefly about the prevention and management of Anorexia”.

Ans. Prevention of Anorexia Nervosa

(0) Encourage a healthy view of the self and others and refraining from commenting on the body

Sizes and shapes of other children.

() Make children aware about their genetics, body shape and size. (0) Make them to eat healthy,
nutritious food and be physically active. (iv) Stay away from the people, places and activities which
induce anorexia. (v) If there are any early indicators of anorexia. Primary care physicians (pediatricians,
family physicians and internists) should be immediately contacted to prevent the development of full-
blown illness Treatment The most successful treatment is a combination of psychotherapy, family
therapy, and medication A combination of treatments can give the person the medical, psychological, &
practical support they need. Following things can help in treating anorexia nervosa:

1. Lifestyle change: Treating anorexia nervosa involves major lifestyle changes: (1) Establishing
regular eating habits and a healthy diet and sticking with your treatment and meal plans.
(i) Developing a support system for help with stress and emotional issues. (i) Ignoring
the urge to weigh yourself or check your appearance constantly.

(iv) Cutting back on exercise if obsessive exercise has been part of the disease. 2. Medications: There are
no medications specifically approved to treat anorexia. However, antidepressants are often prescribed
to treat depression that may accompany anorexia

2. Nutrition and Dietary Supplements: Getting enough vitamins and minerals in your diet or
through supplements can correct the problems. Use quality protein sources and avoid refined
sugars, such as candy and soft drinks. A daily multivitamin, Omega-3 fatty acids, Creatine,
Probiotic etc can be helpful.
3. Individual Psychotherapy: Individual psychotherapy is helpful for the person affected from
anorexia as it helps in achieving healthier self-esteem and helps in dealing with the behavior and
thoughts that leads to anorexia. Through this, the affected person can learn positive ways to
cope up with distress.

Q. 16. Explain briefly about eating disorder “BULIMIA”,

Ans. See Textbook Page No. 62 (Bulimia Nervosa)

Q. 17. What do you understand by Round shoulders deformity? Suggest any four corrective

Measures for round shoulders.

Ans. The term rounded shoulders is used to describe a resting shoulder position that has moved forward
from the body’s ideal alignment. It is a postural deformity in which the shoulders become round and
sometimes they seem to be bent forward. Any activity that causes the body to look down and forward
for long periods of time can contribute to rounded shoulders.

Following are the four corrective measures for round shoulders

(1) Sit on a chair. Rest the back against it. Pull the shoulders backward and see upwards. (ii) Keep
your tips of fingers on your shoulders and rotate the elbows in clockwise and anticlockwise
direction for equal number of times.
(i) Hold the horizontal bar for some time. (iv) Keep your chin upward, head straight and
chest forward while standing, walking and sitting.

Q. 1. Explain any five postural deformities.

Ans. (For explanation see Topic 2.2 Common Postural Deformities-Knock Knee, Bow Legs, Flat Foot,
Round Shoulders, Lordosis, Kyphosis & Scoliosis and their Corrective Mea-Sures)

Q. 2. Suggest five exercises as corrective measures for Round shoulders and Kyphosis.

Ans. Corrective measures for Round Shoulders: (i) Sit on a chair. Rest the back against it. Pull The
shoulders backward and see upwards.

(i) Keep your tips of fingers on your shoulders and rotate the elbows in clockwise and

Direction for equal number of times. (i) Hold the horizontal bar for some time.

(iv) Keep your chin upward, head straight and chest forward while standing, walking and sitting. ®
Chakrasana: It is a back bending posture and it offers a deep stretch for the chest and shoulder


(w) Dhanurasana: From lying position, the upper and lower body is raised up with the support of hands.
Body balances on the abdomen.

(vii) Bhujangasana: From prone lying position the upper part of the body is raised up while looking Up.

(viii) Ushtrasana: From the position of Vajrasana body is bent backward while chest raised up. Hands
hold the ankle while looking back.

Corrective Measures for Kyphosis

(2) Always keep a thin pillow under your back while sleeping.
(ii) Bend your head backward in standing position.
(i) Perform swimming.
(iii) Perform Dhanurasana, Chakrasana and Bhujangasana regularly.
(iv) Foam rolling exercise: Place the roller under the hips. Keep the abs tight as if you were doing
a crunch. Using the legs, rock back and forth. The roller should start at the low back and stop
just short of the shoulder blades. Repeat for 10 repetitions or 30 seconds.

Q.3. What are the causes of ‘Flat-Foot’ and ‘Knock-Knees ? Suggest physical Activities as cor- rective
measures for these deformities.

Ans. Corrective measures for flat foot: (1) Raise the body slowly on the heels. While standing. Body
balances on toes where as hands and head are raised up. Come back in normal position. Repeat this

Exercise 10 times.

(i) Walk bare footed over the sand.

(ii) (f) Run bare footed over clean surface.
(v) Jumping on toes regularly. (v) Perform rope skipping regularly.
(vi) Walk on the toes.

Corrective Measures for Knock Knee

(i) Horse riding.

(ii) Walking callipers may also be used.
(iii) Padmasana: It is sitting with crossed legs in such a way that feet should touch the opposite
hip While hands are on the knees and back is straight.
(iv) Perform Gomukhasana.
(v) Outward Walking: In this person tries to walk over the outer edges of foot while the inner
part of sole is raised up.
(vi) Keep a pillow between the knees and stand erect for some time. (vir) Walking along a
straight line with knees facing outwards.

Q. 4. Suggest any five physical exercises as corrective measures for kyphosis and lordosis.

Ans. Corrective Measures for Kyphosis

(1) Always keep a thin pillow under your back while sleeping.
(iii) Bend your head backward in standing position.
(iv) Perform swimming.
(v) Perform Dhanurasana, Chakrasana and Bhujangasana regularly.
(vi) Foam rolling exercise: Place the roller under the hips. Keep the abs tight as if you were doing
a crunch. Using the legs, rock back and forth. The roller should start at the low back and stop
just short of the shoulder blades. Repeat for 10 repetitions or 30 seconds.

Corrective Measures for Lordosis

(1) Perform toe-touching at least 10 times.

(i) Perform sit-ups regularly.
(ii) Stand straight and touch your feet with hands.
(iii) Perform Dhanurasana and Halasana regularly.

Q. 5. Define Female Athlete Triad. Write its causes. Explain its factors and symptoms in detail.

Or Discuss in detail about Female athlete triad.

(Ans. [For explanation see Topic 2.5 Female Athletes Triad (Osteoporosis

Amenorrhea and Eating Disorders)]

Q. 6. Explain the causes and corrective measures for knock-knee and scoliosis

Ans. [For explanation see (Causes and Corrective Measures of Knock knee and Scoliosis)].

Q. 7. Define spinal curvature deformities and list their causes and precautions.

Ans. [For explanation see (Spinal Curvature Deformities)]

] Q. 9. Explain in detail the various benefits of Women participation in Sports

Ans. (For explanation see (Women’s Participation In Sports- Physical, Psychological and Social Benefits)

1. Physical Benefits

1. Lifestyle Diseases: Women who engage in sports are less likely to develop
lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. Regular
physical activity helps to keep blood pressure and blood sugar levels under

2. Bone Density: Participation in sports can help improve bone density, which is
particularly important for women who are at a higher risk of osteoporosis.
Physical activity helps to strengthen bones, making them less likely to

3. Toned Muscles: Regular exercise can lead to toned muscles which helps them
to stay strong.

4. Cardiovascular System: Women who participate in sports can improve their

cardiovascular health by increasing their heart rate and improving blood flow.
This can lead to a reduced risk of heart Disease and stroke.
5. Obesity: Physical activity helps to burn calories, making it an effective way to
manage weight Women who engage in sports are less likely to be overweight
or obese. 6. Menstrual Health: Participation in sports can help regulate
menstrual cycles, reducing the risk of
Irregularities, painful cramps and other menstrual disorders.

2. Psychological Benefits

1. Stress Management: Regular participation in sports can help women manage

stress effectively. Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural mood
boosters that can help alleviate stress and Anxiety.
2. Control over Emotions: Sports can help women develop emotional regulation
skills, allowing them to better manage their emotions in difficult situations.
The discipline and focus required in sports can translate to other areas of life,
including work and relationships.
3. Confidence: Engaging in sports can help women build self-confidence by
setting and achieving Goals, overcoming obstacles and pushing beyond their
limits. This newfound confidence can carry over into other areas of life,
improving relationships, career prospects and personal growth. 4. Self-
Esteem: Women who participate in sports often experience an increase in
self-esteem and positive body image. This is because sports can help women
focus on their strengths and abilities Rather than their appearance, allowing
them to feel confident and comfortable in their own skin.
4. Sense of Belonging: Participating in sports can help women develop a sense of
belonging. Being Part of a team can provide a sense of community and social
support, which can be especially Important for women who may feel isolated
or disconnected.
3. Social Benefits

1. Coordination: Sports require Teamwork and coordination, which can help women improve their
coordination skills. This can translate to improved coordination in other areas of life, such as
work or home activities.

2. Communication: Sports provide Women with opportunities to practice communication skills,

such as giving and receiving feedback listening actively and expressing ideas clearly. These skills
can be valuable in personal and professional settings. 3. Inter-relationships: Participating in
sports can help women build positive relationships with their teammates and coaches. Women
participants learn to maintain their relationships and respect each other whether it is on the
field or off the field.
3. Cooperation: Sports require cooperation and collaboration, which can help women develop
teamwork and leadership skills. These skills can be useful in many areas of life, such as work,
community involvement and personal relationships

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