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Lic. en Negocios Internacionales

UA: Estrategias de compra venta

Docente: Carlos Alberto Mayorga Torres


Grupo: 3Fi
Equipo: 7 Matricula:

Alvarez Vazquez Jocelyn Yesenia 1974593

Estrada Garza Daniela Fernanda 2123248

Olivo Castillo Mariana Sofia 2123510

Palomares Ibarra Nayeli 1972599

Cerda Espinosa Fernando Azael 2000178

Chavez Padua Roberto Andres 1978856

Palacios Camacho Marcelo 1979504

Rodriguez Pizaña Juan Pablo 2003100

San Nicolás de los Garza,

Ciudad Universitaria, a 19 de noviembre de 2022

Idea, Product, and Market 2

Chapter 1. Analysis of purchasing behaviors 3

Segmentation 3
Target Market 3
Marketing Mix 4

Chapter 2. Sales Strategies 5

Mission 5
Vision 5
Values 5
Sales Strategies 5
Sales Policies 5

Chapter 3. Customer relationship management 6

Sales responsibilities and preparation 6
Motivation tools 7
Training tools. 7
Salesforce Performance Evaluation 8

Chapter 4. Sales force management 10

Qualitative 10
Quantitative 10

Executive Summary 11

Conclusions 12

References 13


Idea, Product, and Market

We are a French vegan bakery trying to introduce our

products into the Mexican market. Our idea surfaces
when we notice that many people like to eat bread and
there are many bakeries around the city. People go crazy
over a steam hot freshly baked bread, they like the smell
and the taste make them go wild.

But at the same time, healthiness is a main focus, having

a diet and not just buying daily bread; we came across
the idea of making a kind of bread they would eat,
without risking their health or diet.

That’s how L’ art du pain was born, when we thought about opening a bakery. Here
in L’art du pain, we worry about your body; that's why our products are 100% handmade and
vegan. What do we mean by this? How can you make bread without eggs, milk or animal

We have designed a special recipe that goes into all our products, adding the savour
of the bread without the cruelty of using animals to their making. It has been tested before
and is completely tasty and delicious. Our customers in France loved them.

We intend to release our products specifically to women in the age of 20 to 30 years

old who like to take care of their bodies, they are on a diet or just not wanting to gain weight
by eating regular bread. We have made this product specifically for you.


Chapter 1. Analysis of purchasing behaviors

Market Study
A market study is the proactive analysis of market demand for a product or
service. A market study looks at all of the factors involved in the market that
influence the demand for that product or service. This includes price, location,
competition, substitutes, and general economic activity.
For our specific company or brand what we found it is that the customers as
they live in a place where it is not normal to eat healthy and different food, so is not
going to be that easy for us to enter to the market, with all of the competitors like
Bimbo, or Gamesa that are already set up in the community, our brand needs to
focus in different important characteristics.
Like giving an actual lower price, looking for not common places where the
people can feel comfortable when they go there, and giving the best experience with
the people who are going to buy in our shop.

We are mainly focused on women around the age of 20-30 who are on diet or like to
take care of their bodies.

Target Market

There are three basic criteria used to define a target market: people's age,
gender, and economic status.

In this way, the variables to discover your target market can include the
following items:

● Sex;


● Geographical location;

France, towns.

● Age range

Up to 20 years.

● Socioeconomic status;

Middle class citizens.


● Educational level;

All Of them.

● Consumption habits

Healthy people.

Fit habits.

People that care about their bodies.

Marketing Mix
We are a French bakery trying to get ourselves known into the world, by having an
idea that can give you a healthy, yet tasty savour of bread.


Chapter 2. Sales Strategies

Mission Vision

Fournir le meilleur service de pain

Être une boulangerie reconnue pour notre
végétalien à nos clients pour un mode de
saveur et notre goût, affirmer notre idée
vie meilleur et plus sain, sans perdre de
d'un pain délicieux mais nutritif.

Provide the best vegan bread service to our Being a bakery recognized for our flavor
customers for a better and healthier and taste, asserting our idea of a delicious
lifestyle, without losing taste. but nutritious bread.

- Accountability: we acknowledge and accept responsibility for our products and
- Commitment: we are committed to provide opportunities for our employes to their
personal, professional and spiritual grow, while constantly providing products of the
best quality
- Community: We support our community by donating in times they need it or
donating our product as well.
- Integrity: We value honesty, it’s a substantial part of the requirements, time
communication and services that shows respect, kindness and happiness to the
- Safety: we ensure the health and wellbeing of our staff, by training our employees
and having medical care specified in case of accidents.
- Teamwork: building a spirit of cooperative effort among individuals and departments.

Sales Strategies Sales Policies

- Offer a demonstration of the product - Answer to sells issues

- Close deals with confidence - Consistency of actions
- Provide a personalized, clear end - Easy Delegation
result - Profitable Sell
- Increase online sales by social - Affect success of others
- Setting realistic sales goals


Chapter 3. Customer relationship management

Sales responsibilities and preparation

Concluding a successful sale is the main responsibility of a seller. In order to conclude with
this task, the seller will have to know how to identify the needs of the client, as well as the
demonstration, presentation, negotiation, handling of objections and closing the sale. For the
salesperson to reach the goal of generating sales successfully, he must perform a series of
secondary functions which are vital for the long-term success of sales.

These are the responsibilities of a seller of our company:


We will search for and call customers who do not yet know or have not purchased from our

- Database and knowledge management

As a company, it is important that we record both customer and sales data. It is also
important for sellers to obtain information that is relevant to the marketing of the company's

- Self-management

Our seller will have to organize his own sales plan so that in the best way the sale is

- Claims management

Our seller will always try to guarantee customer satisfaction, when this does not happen and
complaints arrive, the seller must know how to handle this with empathy and respect for the

- Provision of services

We as a company through our seller, will offer customer services, offering solutions to your
problems as advice.

- Relationship management

Another key responsibility of sellers is relationship management, but not only with
customers, our salespeople will establish relationships with other people in the company to
ensure a smooth sales process and effective delivery and service of the product.



The ability to think on one’s feet is of great benefit to salespeople, since they will be required
to modify their sales presentation to suit the needs and problems of their various customers
and to respond quickly to unusual objections and awkward questions. However, there is
much to be gained by careful preparation of the selling task. Some customers will have
similar problems; some questions and objections will be raised repeatedly. A salesperson
can therefore usefully spend time considering how best to respond to these recurring
situations. Within this section, attention will be given to preparation not only for the selling
task, in which there is little or no scope for the salesperson to bargain with the buyer, but
also for where selling may involve a degree of negotiation between buyer and seller. In many
selling situations, buyers and sellers may negotiate price, timing of delivery, product extras,
payment and credit terms, and trade-in values. These will be termed sales negotiations.

Motivation tools

1. Build trust with your sellers.

We will take care that it is more than an employee, employer relationship, since this allows
us to find the best solutions together and how it can be used without affecting the team.

2. Set daily, weekly, and monthly goals.

This is to make the team aware of what is expected of them, and not to demand
exaggerated amounts but achieve the expected goals.

3. It offers original rewards.

It could be financial support, or support with schedules and encourage more effort on your

4. Verify that the tools they use are really useful to them.

This would be the basis of the relationship that would have to them since supporting in this
area we make sure that they can do their job correctly without having any external problems.

5. Design a relevant and ongoing training plan.

And from the beginning prepare the employee very well so that he does not have problems
and does not know how to react to them, always be very attentive to his doubts and

Training tools.

1. Remote leadership.

Focused on the leaders of the organization in support of the new competencies and skills
required in the new work context. Train our employees into being able to take leadership
when a situation is needed and take a step forward to guide their co-workers into being a
single team all focused in one synergy, to satisfy the customer needs.


2. Bakery courses.

This cause would take place in the same bakery, hours before the opening, for our
employees to get the service needed in the day, they will learn the most basic being bread
theory, to the most difficult part, decorating and creating new desserts to suit our company.
These courses will be mandatory with no exceptions whatsoever, our main purpose is to
mold excellent bakers/confectioners to attend every need of the customer.

3. Customer service

Train our employees to treat their customers with respect, making them feel good, also being
able to attend to their every need, question and suggest they may have, applying the code of
ethics our company has. Also maintaining a good presentation in dressing and speaking

4. Equipment

Teach our staff how to operate our machinery and tools, trusting they will maintain a correct
posture into taking care of the lent equipment. Not very related to the sales force, but still
important in the training course of the company.

5. What to do in case of an emergency

Having a highly capable course into mandatory assistant to to train our employees and staff
into being able to act in case of an emergency.

Salesforce Performance Evaluation

Outcome-Based Measures

Sales Results
An effective way to know a salesperson's performance is to see how many sales he or she
produces. If a salesperson meets the goals set by the company and makes a large number
of sales, his or her performance level will show.

Profitability Indices
By checking the effectiveness rates of sales people we can see if they are really performing
well in terms of the sales they have achieved.

Sales Efforts
Some behaviors that come into play here is to see how much attention you give to
customers, i.e., closing a sale. The more customers you have and the more contact you
have with them, the more we can see your level of effort to make a sale.

Professional Development Measures

Professional Selling Skills

Some examples of this can be having good time management, initiative, critical thinking,
empathy, verbal communication skills, among others.


Professional knowledge
Having knowledge in sales is essential, because it allows the person to close sales in a
faster way and to keep and make frequent customers.

Personal Characteristics
If the salesperson shows a bad character and behavior when interacting with customers, his
chances of closing a sale drop considerably, causing losses to the company. Therefore, a
sales person should always show a good attitude and have good personal characteristics, as
this will be reflected in the work environment.

Behavior-Based Measures

Sales-Related Activities
This evaluation focuses on how often employees exhibit the desired behaviors. Checking
how well salespersons handle all activities related to their position shows their ability and


Chapter 4. Sales force management

Salesforce Organizational chart

The qualitative elements that will be used for the marketing of our product are directly related
to the presentation of the product itself. We want to present our product to our customers
with an impeccable presentation since that is exactly what we deliver to them, a quality
product. We came to the conclusion that our customers prefer this type of marketing based
on all the data we gathered from our most loyal consumers, and casual ones too.
The way we gathered this information was by directly establishing contact with each
customer at the moment they purchase the bread we provide, by letting them answer
different surveys that helped us get a clearer idea of the expectations they have on the
bread products they purchase everyday.

These metrics are the ones you probably pay the most attention to because they are clear
indicators of growth that are presented as numerical (and thus understandable) figures.
Although quantitative metrics stand out, relying solely on them can leave gaps that could
lead you to give up on a project too soon. If you had also considered qualitative value, you
might not have.


Executive Summary

During the showcase of all the proposals stated in this project, our company, which is
dedicated to the making of vegan bread, got to present to the public and investors all the
operational elements that make the day to day activities of our enterprise possible, while
also exploring some very important points that want to be further developed in the future.

Our main objective as a company is to provide the highest quality products to the
demographic that is interested in purchasing them, while also promoting and introducing a
healthier lifestyle for all the individuals that get to try our bread products. To achieve this, we
make sure to gather important information on the behavior of our customers at the moment
of purchasing said products, which is a topic that also was explored in this project and is vital
in order to fully understand what the consumers really want and expect from us as a

Another very important aspect discussed in this project were three indispensable
tools to fully connect with our customers on a level that allows us to get them interested in
buying our products and establish a healthy customer-provider relationship, which increases
the trust they have on us by checking the expectations they set for the product they request.

By setting up and checking all the steps taken during the sales cycle, it is of utmost
importance for our company to fulfill this steps in order to ensure customer satisfaction and
production quality, as it not only directly affects our image and the perception our customers
have on us, but putting an emphasis on the correct fulfillment of this cycle also helps
improve production efficiency and internal processes that help for the betterment of the ideal
work environment for our workers.

As stated before, setting up a functional sales cycle is not the only important aspect
nor the unique aspect to help improve the relationship with our customers. The constant
improvement of our internal processes to ensure the satisfaction and capacitation of our
workers also plays a very important role to guarantee the success of our operations. All the
motivation, capacitation and evaluation tools used for said processes have been explored
during this essay to give a better understanding of what we do in order to increase the
success rates and efficiency of our company internally among our workers.



In the end, we can presume and conclude that even when we didn’t think our product
was gonna be a hit, we always had hope that would be the case. By looking closely and
carefully at different marketing, selling and buying strategies, we saw how our product was a
success in the market, as we came across various customers in real life who were greatly
surprised to hear our idea.

By looking at different sales strategies, marketing tools or segmentation programs,

building a company is not easy, specially if this company is mainly focus to a certain public,
but we consider ourselves lucky to create something the people would want and need
without having much of a loss in our profit, or letting this aspect be a death cause.

As this is just an example of what we can build, we hope that one day, some of us or
someone else takes this company to reality to experience gratitude and happiness by giving
the people what they want but also what they need.

Link video related to the Power Point:



¿Qué es evaluación de desempeño? (s. f.). Sydle. Recuperado 19 de

noviembre de 2022, de







Behavior-Based Measures in Employee Evaluations | Bizfluent. (2017).



Cole, A. (2019, September 25). Sales Force Performance Evaluations |

Anthony Cole Training. Anthony Cole Training.

Douglas da Silva. (1970). ¿Qué es la fuerza de ventas? Aprende todo sobre el

tema. Zendesk MX; Zendesk.




Outcome based metrics. (2018, October 4). Inside Product.



Price, T. (2017, August 26). Sales Force Performance Evaluation.

Silva, D. da. (2021, 2 abril). 5 métricas para evaluación de la fuerza de ventas.

Zendesk MX.

Tyre, D. (2022, 1 julio). Motivación de la fuerza de ventas: 11 estrategias a



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