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Elevate Conversion Rates

with Targeted Agent

Coaching Strategy

Convin received the opportunity to partner with several businesses across the globe. Despite every business and industry being unique, we
noticed similarities in several processes and challenges. And our Data Labs Team ran into a few common call center challenges. One issue
particularly caught their attention.

In 90% of cases, call center leaders investing in coaching cannot

generate expected conversions.

What Prevents Call Centers From Generating Predictable

Call center coaching is performed by the Learning & Development(L&D) team and QA team.

1 The former is responsible for coaching and onboarding new

agents. The L&D team also intervenes when a new product
60-90 Days Ramp Up Time
feature or significant process change needs introduction in the
call center. L&D offers mass training instead of one-to-one
A new agent is trained and ramped up in

60-90 days.

QA teams are responsible for giving feedback and coaching
existing agents. They leverage manual auditing to evaluate and
give feedback. For instance, agents have a feedback cycle of
1-2 Weeks Feedback Cycle

1-2 weeks, and they receive feedback only on 5-10 calls out of An existing agent receives coaching

500-1000 calls completed. Those 5-10 calls are the average and feedback every two weeks.

calls. Not the calls where agents need attention and feedback.

The state of ramp-up time and feedback cycle indicates an How frequently should call center reps be

inefficient and time-consuming agent coaching process. evaluated for call quality?
And sadly, contact center leaders still perceive daily
evaluation and feedback as impossible. Daily 34%
A Linkedin survey conducted by Convin suggests that about
Twice a week 19%
65% don’t believe call center agents can be evaluated and
given daily feedback. See the survey on the right.
Weekly 27%
Despite investing heavily in the coaching process, call center
conversions are low and unpredictable. Once in 2 weeks 19%

LinkedIn survey conducted by Convin View Source

Our team carefully investigated the customer data and observed a significant gap in the agent performance evaluation and coaching process.
Here’s a detailed diagnosis of the problem:

01. Poor identification of conversion factors For example, One of our clients’ was initially pressing on “urgency”
Leaders and agents possess little to no visibility/knowledge in their call scripts. At a later stage, they discovered creating sales
about parameters impacting conversions. urgency was negatively impacting their business. Due to a lack of
data, they made a wrong assumption.

02. Wrong judgment of critical conversion factors For example, In edtech, discussion on study material and
Once sales-driving parameters are identified, it’s hard to resources is often given more weightage. But often, the
evaluate which parameters have higher weightage than discussion of discounts and free classes leads to more
others. admissions.

03. Poor tracking of agent performance For example, One client evaluated agents for conversions on
With traditional call center audit, agent performance cannot be the basis of 5-10 calls. Whereas agents were making more
evaluated against the sales-driving factors. than 200 calls per month.

04. Deviating from primary conversion goal For example,  Initially, businesses start evaluating agents on
Businesses often focus on compliance adherence rather than product offerings, USP discussion, discovery, etc. With time,
rooting for conversions due to poor clarity of conversion- basic etiquette, regulations, processes, company policies, and
driving factors. more start taking precedence over conversion-driving factors.

Upon understanding the gravity of the problem, our subject

matter experts devised an automation-driven action plan to
eliminate the inefficiency in the conversion engine. As a result, Increase in Weekly Order Booked
keeping the conversion as the north star metric, Convin
developed a short, proven, and simplified framework that 60
impacts the conversion rate. 44.9

Order/week per agent


A healthtech company saw a 24% 20

increase in appointments after
implementing the agent performance 0
framework. 17th Sept - 6th Oct 6th Oct - 3rd Nov

The healthtech company saw an increase of 8.7 Orders/Week

per agent between 17th September to 3rd November.

The Ultimate Agent Performance


Convin’s framework is a comprehensive and strategic

approach. It aims at improving agent performance to Identify Sales-
Track Sales-
Elevate Agent
Driving Driving
accelerate conversion rates. Using the step-by-step
Behavior Behavior Across
With Automated
framework, you can improve agent performance across all the Agents Coaching
sales-driving factors for your business.


Identity Sales-Impacting Behavior Some common examples of sales-impacting

behavior include-
Sales-impacting behavior refers to agents' strategies, actions,
behavior, and techniques during customer interactions. These
Probing done for more than 100 seconds
parameters can influence the likelihood of closing a sale. The
parameters vary depending on the industry, product/service, Discount offered in the last segment of the call
and target customer demographic.
Online Payment methods offered
Creating Urgency
Discussing product USP on the call

Businesses need to; The Solution

1 2 As a first step, businesses must extract conversion data from

customer intelligence analytics. The data-backed observations
generated by the reports indicate parameters that lead to
Identify which agent
Assign weightage to
higher conversions.
behavior and actions
each behavior and

lead to conversions action. Here’s a detailed analysis performed by Convin for an edtech
client. Using the analysis, we discovered their business's top
3 sales-driving factors.

Top 3 Sales-Driving Parameters for an Edtech Customer

Probing Performed Assurance Given Payment Method

Understanding Student Requirements Advocacy of Results Online payment method vs. Payment at

20 20 20

15 15 15

Conversion Rate
Conversion Rate

Conversion Rate

14.4% 9%
10 11.7% 10 11.9% 10

8.3% 7.1%
5 5

0 0 0
No Yes No Yes Online Payment Branch/Center
Understanding student needs resulted in an Sharing student achievement resulted
Offering payment at branch/center resulted

11.7% conversion rate. in a 14.4% conversion rate. in a 9% conversion rate.


Convin identified these data points through various

analyses such as: These reports help in understanding industry-wise trends that
work and don’t work. Additionally, these reports give an overall
1 Conversation reasons 2 Objections picture of which conversion-driving parameter has a higher
chance of conversion than others. 
3 Product Features 4 Competition
Alternatively, conversion rates can be compared with the
average business conversion rate to determine how
parameters influence the baseline.

Here’s an example to give you a glimpse of how win-loss

analysis is performed on customer conversation data.
When you compare both reports, you can infer that for one edtech customer, the discussion on study material
leads to more conversions than advocacy of results.
Conversion Rate


Track Sales-Driving Behavior

Across Agents

Once you freeze conversion parameters, the next step is to

track agent performance against the parameters. This is

where call center audit comes into the picture.

An average-sized call center collectively goes through

11,000-13,000 calls per week. As per traditional manual call

180 / 12000
audit, around 180 out of 12000 calls are audited. calls are audited in an
average contact center.
The manual call auditing process creates a significant gap in

determining whether agents follow conversion-driving


The Solution Create a repeatable process

With call center QA automation, 100% of agent-customer

Call scripts and process documents must be tweaked once the
conversations are audited. Additionally, managers can realign action plan is live. This helps agents follow best practices.

call scripts and goals that result in higher business.

Periodic evaluation

Moreover, a few points must be considered Apart from creating a repeatable process that agents can replicate,
while assessing agent performance. agents need to be evaluated on consistent adherence to the sales-
driving parameters.

Automated auditing conducted over a while can help understand if agents are developing and learning new skills around sales-driving parameters.

If parameter scores in the call scores start showing improvement, the chances of conversion are higher.

For the same edtech customer discussed above, we saw the following

uptick in agent parameter scores.

Probing Student Requirement

“Probing Student Requirement” Score Assurance


“Advocacy of Results” Score Payment method


81.09% 90%


“Online vs. Payment at Center/Branch” Score
71.32% 85%

70% 90%

80% 76.05%

65% 85%

2nd week
3rd week
4th week
1st week

(Oct) (Oct) (Oct) (Nov) 70% 81.67%





2nd week
3rd week
4th week
1st week

(Oct) (Oct) (Oct) (Nov) 70%



2nd week
3rd week
4th week
1st week

(Oct) (Oct) (Oct) (Nov)



Assign Personalized
Coaching Sessions
The Solution
With the completion of step one and step two, contact center
managers can determine which agent performance actions and Automated coaching helps immensely with the final step by
behavior demand improvement. Managers can assign auto-assigning personalized coaching sessions to agents.
personalized coaching sessions to encourage performance Call recordings of best-performing agents are provided to

agents lacking expertise in different areas.

Coaching completion has a direct impact on call score.
For instance, price negotiations can’t be taught through a script.
Hearing a peer negotiate on a real client call helps better. This targeted coaching style saves time and reduces
human dependency while motivating agents.

Convin client saw an uptick in AI score by

16% in two months.

One of Convin’s healthtech customers invested in call auditing and automated coaching for almost two months. They witnessed an increment in
agent call scores by 16%.

The graph shows changes in the call score of the healthtech

customer when agents consistently complete coaching

Once the last stage is completed, the agent performance Does Coaching completion affect call quality score?
journey doesn't end. With consistent agent coaching, 84.00% 83.60%
82.70% 90%
managers can continuously iterate the first and the second
steps. 81.41% 80%

This continuous process refines the conversion

Coaching Completion Rate

framework. 78.00%

AI Score

74.90% 50%

74.00% 73.80%
Do agents need manual coaching? 73.60% 40%
While AI takes care of 95% of the coaching process, a minute
knowledge gap may occur in some call centers and impact 3rd week
4th week
1st week
2nd week
3rd week
4th week
1st week
(Dec) (Dec) (Jan) (Jan) (Jan) (Jan) (Feb)
agent performance. There might be instances where the
agents need more training to brush up their skills or learn a
completely new concept.

For example, an agent may need to be acquainted with the In such cases, manual coaching performed by managers can help agents.
latest product features and roadmap for next year. With this Managers assign knowledge resources and training videos to individual agents
knowledge, the agents are relaxed and more confident. or all agents. And agents need to complete the coaching sessions in the same
manner as automated coaching sessions.

A Brief Introduction to

Automated Coaching Salient Features Of

Automated Coaching
The concept of call center coaching isn’t new. But automation
has revolutionized how businesses coach their agents. In
addition to efficiency, there’s been a dramatic increase in
coaching quality.

What is Automated Coaching?

Automated coaching in contact centers provides a coaching
personalized improvement platform for each agent. It uses AI 
to provide intuitive daily feedback and guidance to customer
service agents.
Minimal Human

Dependency Coaching Daily feedback


Research performed by Clear Company Scalable Sessions

reveals that 68% of employees consider
coaching and development a critical
workplace policy. Targeted

Automated Coaching Dashboard

Conversion Rate

Some automated coaching systems may use gamification Agents with zero markdowns or zero fatal calls
techniques to incentivize agents to improve performance. Agents with the highest call quality score
For instance, agents are awarded points or badges for Agents with the highest customer satisfaction (CSAT) in a
achieving certain goals and milestones. Some examples week.
include - Agents with the highest first call resolution (FCR).

The Way Forward

Businesses can hire many managers, supervisors, agents, and QA staff yet see no conversions. It’s because the conversion engine is unorganized,
dependent on manual processes, and often deviates from the initial objective. 

Along with call center staff, investing in automated call center software is imperative. The agent performance framework comprising automated
analytics, auditing, and coaching, can break the vicious cycle, enhance agent performance, and generate a predictable conversion engine.

Want to explore the agent performance

framework for free?

Created by
Convin Data Labs and Marketing

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