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Advanced Marketing Management Individual Assignment

HAMBISA WAKJIRA AMECHA……………………………..W/15/0848




APRIL, 2023
Table of contents

Contents Pages

1. Marketing is everywhere…………………………………………………………………..…..1
2. “Good marketing is not in accident, but a result of careful planning and exclusion”………………..
3. What does it mean by holistic marketing?...............................................................................................
4. What makes a marketing management the marketing leader? …………………………………….……
5. What is marketing information
6. Key ingredient of marketing management process are insightful, creative marketing
strategies and plan that can guide marketing activities. Explain with example ………………...
7. The relationship between product, production, selling, marketing and societal
marketing from the marketing management philosophy perspective…………….

8. What may you do to have an effective target marketing for your firms? ……………………

1. Marketing is everywhere. What does it mean? Clarify the implication taking practical

Marketing is a ubiquitous presence in our daily lives. It encompasses all the activities and
strategies that businesses use to promote their products or services and create a positive image of
their brand in the minds of consumers. From the moment we wake up in the morning to the time
we go to bed at night, we are exposed to marketing messages in various forms, including print
ads, billboards, radio and TV commercials, social media posts, and email campaigns.

The implication of marketing being everywhere is that it has become an integral part of our lives,
and we often don't even realize it. For instance, when we buy a product or service, we are not just
buying the physical item or service; we are also buying the marketing message that has been
associated with it.

Let's take a practical example of a brand like Apple. Apple is known for its high-quality,
premium products that are designed to enhance our daily lives. From the sleek design of its
products to its highly effective marketing campaigns, Apple has successfully created a powerful
brand image that resonates with consumers worldwide.

One of the most prominent examples of Apple's marketing success is its "Think Different"
campaign, which celebrated the creativity and innovation of people who dared to think
differently. The campaign featured iconic figures such as Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma
Gandhi, and Albert Einstein and emphasized Apple's commitment to creating products that
empower people to be creative and innovative.

The campaign was highly successful, not only in terms of boosting sales but also in creating a
brand identity that has become synonymous with creativity and innovation. The message was so
effective that it has continued to resonate with consumers years after the campaign ended, and it
has helped to cement Apple's position as one of the most innovative and successful brands in the

2. "Good marketing is not an accident, but a result of careful planning and execution."
Put your explanation to the statement taking yourself as a marketing manager of a
given organization.

As a marketing manager, I fully agree with this statement. Good marketing is not just about luck
or chance; it is a result of careful planning and execution. A marketing strategy is only as
effective as the effort put into it, and success is dependent on a clear and well-executed plan.

To create a successful marketing campaign, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the

target audience, the product or service being offered, and the goals of the campaign. This
requires careful planning and analysis to ensure that the campaign is tailored to meet the needs of
the target audience and effectively communicate the key messages.

As a marketing manager, my role would be to work with my team to develop a comprehensive

marketing plan that includes a clear understanding of the target audience, the messaging, and the
channels that will be used to reach them. This plan would be informed by market research,
competitive analysis, and a clear understanding of the goals of the campaign.

Once the plan is in place, the execution is equally important. The success of a campaign is not
just about the content but also about how it is delivered. This requires careful attention to detail
and a focus on the user experience, ensuring that the messaging is clear, concise, and easy to

As a marketing manager, I would be responsible for overseeing the execution of the plan,
ensuring that all elements of the campaign are executed to a high standard and that any issues are
addressed quickly and efficiently.

Good marketing is not an accident, but a result of careful planning and execution. As a marketing
manager, it is my responsibility to work with my team to develop a comprehensive plan that is
tailored to meet the needs of the target audience and ensure that the execution is flawless.

3. What does it mean by holistic marketing? Explain also the following marketing
concepts with examples: A. Integrated marketing B. Internal marketing C.
Performance marketing D. Relationship marketing

Holistic marketing is a marketing approach that takes into account all aspects of the business,
including the product or service, the customer experience, and the overall brand image. The goal
of holistic marketing is to create a comprehensive and cohesive marketing strategy that is
focused on delivering value to the customer while also building a strong and enduring brand.

Integrated marketing is a marketing concept that involves using multiple channels and tactics
to deliver a consistent message to the target audience. This can include advertising, public
relations, direct marketing, and digital marketing, among others. The goal of integrated
marketing is to create a seamless experience for the customer, regardless of the channel or
touchpoint they use to engage with the brand.

For example, Coca-Cola uses integrated marketing to promote its products. The company uses a
combination of TV commercials, billboards, social media, and in-store promotions to create a
consistent message about the brand and its products.

Internal marketing is a marketing concept that involves promoting the brand and its values to
the employees of the organization. The goal of internal marketing is to ensure that employees are
aligned with the brand's mission and values, and that they are motivated to deliver a positive
customer experience.

For example, Starbucks uses internal marketing to promote its brand and values to its employees.
The company provides training to its baristas on how to create a positive customer experience,
and it also offers benefits and incentives to encourage employees to stay engaged and motivated.

Performance marketing is a marketing concept that involves using data and analytics to
measure the performance of marketing campaigns and optimize them for better results. This can
include using tools such as A/B testing, conversion rate optimization, and ROI analysis to
identify areas of improvement and refine the marketing strategy.

For example, Amazon uses performance marketing to optimize its online advertising campaigns.
The company uses data and analytics to track the performance of its ads and optimize them for
better click-through rates and conversions.

Relationship marketing is a marketing concept that involves building long-term relationships

with customers through personalized communication and targeted marketing. The goal of
relationship marketing is to create loyal customers who will continue to do business with the
brand over time.

For example, Sephora uses relationship marketing to build relationships with its customers. The
company offers personalized recommendations based on a customer's purchase history, and it
also offers a loyalty program that rewards customers for their continued business.

In conclusion, holistic marketing is a comprehensive approach to marketing that takes into

account all aspects of the business, including the product or service, the customer experience,
and the overall brand image. Integrated marketing, internal marketing, performance marketing,
and relationship marketing are all important concepts within holistic marketing that can help
businesses create a cohesive and effective marketing strategy.

4. What makes a marketing management the marketing leader? Justify with practical

A marketing manager can be considered a marketing leader when they possess certain qualities
and demonstrate specific skills that enable them to guide their team and organization to success
in the marketplace. These qualities and skills include:

A. Strategic thinking: A marketing leader has the ability to think strategically and develop
a long-term vision for the company's marketing efforts. They are able to anticipate
changes in the marketplace and adapt their strategies accordingly.

B. Creativity: A marketing leader is able to think outside of the box and develop innovative
marketing campaigns that capture the attention of customers and differentiate the
company from competitors.

C. Analytical skills: A marketing leader has strong analytical skills and is able to use data
and metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and make data-driven

D. Communication skills: A marketing leader is an effective communicator who is able to

articulate their vision and ideas to their team and other stakeholders within the

E. Leadership skills: A marketing leader is able to inspire and motivate their team to
achieve their goals and work collaboratively towards the company's overall objectives.

For example, Steve Jobs, the late co-founder and CEO of Apple, can be considered a marketing
leader. Jobs was known for his ability to think strategically and develop long-term visions for
Apple's marketing efforts. He was also incredibly creative and developed innovative marketing
campaigns that captured the attention of customers and helped differentiate Apple from its
competitors. Jobs was known for his strong analytical skills and used data to make data-driven
decisions about Apple's marketing efforts. He was an effective communicator and was able to
inspire and motivate his team to achieve their goals.

5. What is a marketing information system? What is involved in a marketing intelligence

system? Discuss also the importance of marketing intelligence taking examples.

A Marketing Information System (MIS) is a set of procedures and processes that companies
use to collect, analyze, and disseminate information about their products, customers, competitors,
and the overall marketplace. The main goal of an MIS is to provide decision-makers with the
information they need to make informed and effective decisions about their marketing strategies.

A Marketing Intelligence System (MIS) is a component of a Marketing Information System

(MIS) that involves the gathering and analysis of information about the external environment of
a company. This includes information about competitors, customers, suppliers, and other
external factors that may affect the company's marketing efforts.

The Marketing Intelligence System typically involves the following steps:

1. Gathering information: This involves collecting information about the external

environment of the company. This information can be gathered through various sources,
including surveys, interviews, focus groups, and social media.

2. Analyzing information: This involves analyzing the information that has been gathered
to identify patterns and trends in the marketplace. This can help companies understand
their customers' needs and preferences, as well as identify opportunities and threats in the

3. Disseminating information: This involves sharing the information that has been
gathered and analyzed with decision-makers within the company. This can help them
make informed and effective decisions about their marketing strategies.

Marketing intelligence is important for companies because it enables them to make informed and
effective decisions about their marketing strategies. By understanding the external environment
of the company, companies can identify opportunities and threats in the marketplace, as well as
develop strategies to address these challenges. For example, a company may use marketing
intelligence to identify a new market segment that is underserved by competitors and develop a
new product or service to target this segment.

One example of the importance of marketing intelligence is the success of Netflix. Netflix uses
data analytics and market research to gain insights into customer preferences and behavior. By
using this information, Netflix is able to create customized recommendations for its users and
develop new original content that is tailored to their interests. This has helped Netflix to
differentiate itself from its competitors and achieve significant growth in the streaming video

6. Key ingredients of marketing management process are insightful, creative marketing

strategies and plans that can guide marketing activities. Explain with an example.

The marketing management process is a series of steps that companies follow to develop and
implement their marketing strategies. The key ingredients of this process include developing
insightful and creative marketing strategies and plans that can guide marketing activities. These
strategies and plans should be based on a deep understanding of the target market and the
company's unique value proposition.

For example, Apple's marketing strategy for the iPhone is a good illustration of the key
ingredients of the marketing management process. Apple's strategy was to create a product that
would appeal to a wide range of consumers, from tech enthusiasts to casual users. To achieve
this, Apple developed a series of insightful and creative marketing strategies and plans that
included the following:

1. Product design: Apple invested heavily in the design of the iPhone, creating a sleek and
intuitive interface that made it easy for users to navigate and use the device.

2. Branding: Apple established the iPhone as a premium brand, with a distinctive logo and a
marketing campaign that emphasized the device's high quality and innovative features.

3. Advertising: Apple used a variety of advertising channels to promote the iPhone, including
television commercials, print ads, and online campaigns. These ads emphasized the
device's features and benefits, such as its large screen, fast processor, and user-friendly

4. Distribution: Apple worked closely with its retail partners to ensure that the iPhone was
widely available to consumers. This included opening its own stores and working with
mobile carriers to offer the device at subsidized prices.

By developing insightful and creative marketing strategies and plans, Apple was able to
successfully launch the iPhone and establish it as one of the most popular and successful
consumer electronics products of all time.

7. Briefly explain the relationship between product, production, selling, marketing, and
societal marketing from the marketing management philosophy perspective. In
addition, assuming yourself as a marketing manager, would you recommend companies
when to use these philosophies of marketing to be effective and efficient in their
business success?

From a marketing management philosophy perspective, product, production, selling, marketing,

and societal marketing are all interconnected and interdependent concepts.

Product: Product is the foundation of any business, as it is the core offering that the company
provides to its customers. A product can be defined as a physical item, a service, or an idea that
satisfies customer needs or wants.

Production: Production refers to the process of manufacturing, assembling, or creating a

product. It involves transforming raw materials into finished products that can be sold to

Selling: Selling refers to the process of persuading customers to purchase a product or service. It
involves promoting the product or service to potential customers and convincing them to buy it.

Marketing: Marketing is the process of creating, communicating, and delivering value to

customers. It involves identifying customer needs and wants, developing products that meet
those needs and wants, and promoting those products to potential customers.

Societal Marketing: Societal marketing refers to the concept of marketing that is based on the
idea of delivering value to customers while also addressing societal issues and concerns. It
involves creating products and marketing campaigns that promote social responsibility and
address issues such as environmental sustainability and social justice.

As a marketing manager, I would recommend companies to use a combination of these

marketing philosophies, depending on their goals and target audience. For example, if the
company is launching a new product, it may need to focus on production and selling initially to
establish its presence in the market. However, once the product is established, the company
should focus on marketing to create a strong brand and build customer loyalty.

Societal marketing can also be an important strategy for companies, especially those in industries
that are under scrutiny for their impact on the environment or social issues. By promoting social
responsibility and sustainability, companies can differentiate themselves from competitors and
build a strong reputation among customers.

In conclusion, all of these marketing philosophies are important for the success of a business.
Marketing managers should consider each philosophy in relation to their goals and target
audience and use a combination of these philosophies to create a comprehensive marketing
strategy that delivers value to customers and promotes business growth.

8. To compete more effectively, many companies are now embracing target marketing.
Instead of scattering their marketing efforts, they are focusing on those consumers they
have a greatest chance of satisfying. Assume that you have been working as a marketing
manager of a given firm and you may planned to have an effective target marketing. In
this regard, what may you do to have an effective target marketing for your firms?
Justify with real life examples.

Target marketing is an effective marketing strategy that allows companies to focus their
marketing efforts on a specific group of consumers that they have the greatest chance of
satisfying. This approach differs from mass marketing, which involves marketing to a wide range
of consumers without any particular target in mind. With target marketing, companies can tailor
their marketing messages and products to a specific group of consumers, which can result in
greater success and a better return on investment.

As a marketing manager of a given firm, there are several steps that can be taken to ensure an
effective target marketing strategy:

1. Conduct Market Research: The first step in any effective target marketing strategy is to
conduct market research. This involves gathering information about the target market, such
as demographics, psychographics, behaviors, and preferences. This information can be
gathered through surveys, focus groups, and other market research methods.

For example, if the firm is selling a new line of cosmetics targeted towards women in their 20s,
market research may reveal that this target market is interested in natural and organic products, is
active on social media platforms like Instagram, and values environmentally sustainable

2. Define the Target Market: After conducting market research, it's important to define the
target market. This involves identifying the specific group of consumers that the firm wants
to target with its marketing efforts. The target market should be defined based on the
research conducted, taking into account demographics, psychographics, behaviors, and

For example, if the firm is targeting women in their 20s who are interested in natural and organic
products, the target market may be defined as "health-conscious women aged 20-29 who are
environmentally conscious and active on social media."

3. Tailor Marketing Messages: Once the target market has been defined, it's important to
tailor marketing messages to this group of consumers. This involves creating marketing
messages that resonate with the target market and speak to their specific needs and
desires. Marketing messages can be tailored in a variety of ways, such as through the use
of specific language, imagery, and advertising channels.

For example, the firm may create marketing messages that emphasize the natural and organic
ingredients in its cosmetics, highlight the environmentally sustainable packaging, and use
imagery of women in their 20s using the products in a natural setting.

4. Develop Products to Meet Target Market Needs: In addition to tailoring marketing

messages, it's important to develop products that meet the needs of the target market.
This involves creating products that are tailored to the specific preferences and desires of
the target market. Product development can be guided by market research, feedback from
consumers, and insights from industry experts.

For example, the firm may develop cosmetics that use natural and organic ingredients, are
packaged in environmentally sustainable packaging, and have a range of colors and shades that
appeal to women in their 20s.

5. Select Appropriate Marketing Channels: Finally, it's important to select appropriate

marketing channels to reach the target market. This involves choosing marketing
channels that are popular with the target market and that are likely to reach them
effectively. Marketing channels can include social media platforms, influencer marketing,
email marketing, and traditional advertising channels like television and print.

For example, the firm may choose to use Instagram and YouTube to reach its target market of
women in their 20s who are active on social media, and may partner with popular influencers in
the beauty and wellness space to promote its products.

Overall, an effective target marketing strategy requires careful planning, research, and execution.
By tailoring marketing messages and products to a specific group of consumers, companies can
increase the effectiveness of their marketing efforts and improve their return on investment.


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