Sweet But Baleful

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Does sugar really makes kids hyper or it's a myth?

Effects of sugar on child's development.
Yes, we do love sugar and no one can live without those delicious sweet treats. But have you ever
imagined that how much sugar is consumed by an individual everyday? Why are we so
reluctant to forgo sugary items and opt for other healthy alternatives?

In recent times there have been changes in sugar consumption patterns where Canadian children
and adults consume up to 25% of their total daily energy intakes from total sugars. It is quite
common in our lives when a child feels low or tired they just grab a piece of sweet or an energy
drink to boost the glucose level but that is absolutely wrong, a parent should always understand
body’s need and reasons for such tiredness in a child. There are 7 reasons you’re tired and you
should know that lack of sugar is not one of them!

Canadian children and adults consume up to 25% of their total daily energy intakes from total
Link 1: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/82-003-x/2019001/article/00002-eng.htm

7 reasons you’re tired

Link 2: https://globalnews.ca/news/4304728/reasons-youre-always-tired/

A child’s behavior is highly affected by his/her eating habits. Children often get cranky or frustrated
because they’re not getting the desired amount of nutrients in a day and instead they are just
snacking and becoming picky eaters.

While they are consuming sugar every now and then, high amount of sugar can result in
trespassing neurotransmitters that are responsible for keeping moods stable which is the principal
reason to develop depression and anxiety in children. Moreover, it causes inflammation of
cells in an area of the brain known as hippocampus, which disturbs the cerebral functions.


A child is like a canvas, it is up to parents how they sketch their healthy life. No child is born with
such eating habits or aggressiveness towards food or people. Their poor personas are the
repercussions of our incorrect overseeing.

High sugar levels in a child can cause:

- Depression and anxiety

- Memory loss with time and age
- Uncontrollable behavior
- Unable to make decisions
- Indigestion

Furthermore, it depends on what kind of sugar is consumed by a child. It can be a drink, a snack, a
product with high sugar level ingredient or so on. Each product contains ingredients that might be
harmful to your child’s brain development specially if taken excessively.


- Poor sleep patterns
- Low protein intake
- Avoiding carbohydrates
- Using artificial sweeteners

Apart from the above, there are other health issues related to these addictions and must be
consulted with a specialist on urgent basis to stabilize the health and life of a child.

Link 3: https://meiracare.com/services/special-referrals


- Sort your pantry, move out sugary confectionaries
- Opt for low level sugar products
- Always read the ingredients to avoid eating excess amount of sugar
- Ensure healthy breakfast habits
- Set up a schedule for sweets intake

Sugar is not a poison for your child or something that should be totally taken away, but a good
amount of sugar and healthy kind of sugar is recommended.

If you’re encountering any of the above issues with your child, please speak to our online doctors
available from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm throughout the week. Book an appointment with our
specialists on www.meiracare.com

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