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NTRO Aviator- The National inst of Elerois& Information Teehrlogy (NIELIT ints ONLINE appleatons, an beta ofthe National Tachial Research Organsaton(NTRO} em rain Nationa for dectecruten!t the post Aviator and Techical Assistant n NTRO, an Orgarisaton under the Goverment of aia 2. The deled descron ofthe poss, number of vacances, eibity itera Perrissbie age relaxation beyond io upoe’ age Imt and service concisons ae given bow (Aj. DESCRIPTION OF PosT: Name ofthe Post Classification [Pay Scale as per VIGPC [Aviator |General enval Gi Senicn, Level 10 ofthe Pay Matix [Group (Gazetted, Non Miristerah| Rs. 56,100 177,500) | Rechnieal General Corr! Givi Sovice, —_|Level7 ofthe Pay Matix lassistnt [Group 8 (Non Gaza, (es 4,900 142400) Noninst) ‘lowances & other benefits: Dearness Alewance, House Rent Alowanes, ‘Transport Alowance, Special Security Allowance, Chidren Ecucstonal Allowance Leave Travel Concession, Medica acti, Cental Government Employees [Group Insurance Scheme, eas aisle othe tral Government empayees (8) NUMBER OF VACANCIES: 1) Aviator (Level 10 ofthe Pay Matric: “including €3 vacencies reserved for PD (02-01, O1-HH) category +» Tnclging 03 vacancies reserved for PWD (01-OL, 02H) category, () ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA © of Aviator ubjecuFlld: For Aviation Technology Bachelors Degree in Engineering Technology fom a recognized ‘Unwersiy Insti i Elance / Conmunieaton/lecterics 8 CCommunication(Avericsetecarmuniaton apie Electrons & Instrumentation /Eectical &Elcroncs | Eleconice Microwave) Power Electonics Appld Eecvonice/ numeration & Cont ‘Computer Science / Camus Information Tecnology /Aero- navical Engnewing! craft Maineranee Engheerng / Mechanical Engineering / Mecarical Engineering and Aufomatiy ins ‘mentaton’ Apple Elecrones & inetumentaion / Mechtonis | ‘Combination of two or move of above fads! Pateed Secon A B ‘Examination conducted by te Insti of Engineer ins). Koka In any ofthe above branch of Engneerng: oR Masts Degree in Serco n Eectones & Communzaton leeteics Apples Etonic! Power Excronics! Mathematics / ‘Applied Matneatcs Matromatcs & Computing Informatio! Physi pled Physics fom a recognized Unversity nate Desirable | () National Cadet Cos (NCC) ceria of A Wing (i Qualfcaton inthe fil of Aviation Operations Aero-modeling! GIS ated subjetsiimlar or related areas. epemsianl ——— Passed Section-A & B Exarenation conducted by the Institute of ur | ews [sc [sr | one | To Engineers (India), Kolkata in any of the above branch of Engineering; [aviaton Technology rt [oe [os for fos fa on (i Tochnial Arena (Lovel 7 ofthe Pay Naty user's Daye in cong elxitnesNaboraes 7 or recognized Univer nt Subjocurins Vacancies to ue | ews | sc [st | onc | total | Master's Degree in Science in Electronics ! Electronics & Commu- || [Sompier Seince Binfommaton [oe | 08 | 2 [05 | 22 ‘eaten! Applied Secronc Power lecones! Materatis || eennology ‘oped Matwats Marais & Compuog! oma! [Eectonics & Communcaion [si | 08 |W [0s | a2 _[ 79 Networing Pry ppled Pryce fom a recognized Unies! [Grand Total 7 | 6 | 2 [1 | a | 160 Ld "The numberof vacancies ae provisional and sbjec to change.n case canddaies [AGO Limit | Not excosding 30 years, tro rt arabe for aneten of up the reseed egy vanes of Techical (Relate for Goverment servants upto yeas i accordance Asset a parsiar sects such vacancies eval be fed by candles win nates order byte Cental Governen) Belong sare reserved category in he oer subject, val [Payical |) No Color ison Gefen Government of India National Technical Research Organisation and Technical Assistant Examination-2022 Start date of Online Application/Registration: 31.12.2022 (10:00 AM) Closing date of Online Application/Registration: 21.01.2023 (05:00 PM) ‘Essential Qualcation| OR Master's Degee in Conputer Applicaton Staisics Maherais trom arecogized Unversty iste oR Maste’s Degree in Science in Computer Science /Sotware Eng neering! Sofware Systems iComper Technolgy PData Science! Big Data Anaiytcs | Aeifcial Ineligence / Machine Learning sr ‘maton Teexalogy/ Cyber Secuny/ Infomation Science / Das Sclerce & Spatial Anaiyics | Geoinformatics! Mathematics /Azpled Matrerats/ yb Law and Information Secriy/ Geomatics! Goospati Inermaton Systm (GIS) Maheraties & Computing / Informatics! Physics Aled Prysice/ Remote Sensing/Statsics fom a recognized Univers iste ‘SubjecuField: Foc Electronics & Communication ‘Bachelors Degree in Engineering! Tecnology fm a recognized ‘Unversty inst In Eleonles/ Communication / Eeconis & ‘Commuricaon/Averics)Tlecomnunation | Apples Electronics ‘Linsiumeristonflecrerics & Compute Egcria & Elecroncs / Electonics Micronave)/ Power Evcroncs Applied Becronics/ EEctonics Instrument & Contl/Insvumertaton & Cont Mechs- ‘ronicsEecrcl Electrical and Conputr Engineering’ Eecvencs ‘and Instumeniaton/ Combination of wa or more of shove fds [Medieal |p hocical stander ofthe candidates woud be as pre Central ‘Standards | Government gutnes apsicanie to Group posts. (thor than ‘Pwo \ategon) Ne: Candidates _postessing Integrated postgraduation degree” in Eng noeinglTechnolegyScience from recognized Uriversiylsitue in the prescibed subjected can also ancy. They shuld choose such relevant subeceldaganst Essential Qualicaton dung ONLINE applcatontegisraton, (0) SERVICE CONDITIONS: The candaes epponted a8 Avatorll of Technical ‘Asian are liable to serve tvoughout he terry of ia, Further, he Teena! ‘Assistants sal be liable fo feld service, inclcing service on sea platiorm, respect ‘such work as may be spared by the organization in pbc terest. {) AGE RELAXATION: Unoer age lit is relaxable (or Scheduled Caste (SC), ‘Schedded Tribe (ST), Otter Backward Class (OB), Perea wth Diaby (PWD) and ‘ter special category candles a8 per the iniucions Issued by the Cental ‘Government inthis regard for appointment tothe post under Government of aia. The category wise age relaxation wil be 38 per Government resin fore, 26 amended {fom time otme-The age relation for reserved catagory oppcats is erisable only i the case of vacanois reseed for such categenes. Aeplearts shal check her ‘igi for seeing relaxation in upper age iit earful In ease of cining wrong age relacaion by the applicant aurng onine appleatenregieraton, age relaxation lowes a the appicatoneistaton stage shell be wihraun ana hie! aooleaion ‘wilbe rejected on accourt of not fling under the age it presrbed fr he parscular posteaiegory 3. The desious applicants are requesed to go trough the complete adverseement Nt exzseding 25 years. (Relarabe for Goverment servants upto 5year n accordance wth nsrucion or ardrs bythe Cental Government) ‘carefuly and eat thamseves abot the sutabity bef ling up the aplication form ONLINE. Candates fling eigbity creria f the pots are required to ply ‘ONLINE by vstng the webs hip:irerult nd nel govin (ink of whieh is also 1) Height: 155 cme (Male) 180 cms (Female) Wight: Proportonate wih height {i Eye sgn 6 2nd 68 without gleses; (i) No disorder of cogntive uncon (0 No orthapectecsabiy cf ower i, wrist and hand: and (No spina sity (No Calr Vision Define. ‘clence & information Technology Bachelors Degree in Engineering / Technology tema recognizes Universi Inst in omputer Scenes / Computer ifrmation ‘TectrclgyiDaia ScenceiAtifcal teligerce Mache Learning | Inkrmation SienoaBy Data Anayis/Sahware Erghesring (Geo Inkormaties Cyber Securty / Geomatics’ Geospatial nfernaton ‘System (GiSpvonation Sacuny' Mecnaneal ReroteSensrg) Deep Leaming Robotics Engineesing\Gomtination of wo or more of above fos / Passed Secon-A& Examination conducted by the Insite of Engioes (hla, Kolkata n any of te above branch of Engineering ee _valable at hips:nto govin wobste, The appleatons autmited thro ay oer ‘mode wi not be accoped Candidate of apieart shall be purely PROVISIONAL at al stages ofthe recrutment process, subject to hisher satisying the prescribed giity conten. fon verifeaton at any te before or ater examinatcnselecten, its found tat the candiste does not ful any ofthe eigiity criere, haher candidature forthe said examiration shall be canceledojcted at ary stage ofthe recutment process witout ary notice and lable for leminaton fom service, t apnointed ‘4 IMPORTANT DATES : Tho date(s) for stxt of Onine AppleatontRogstraion 31.12.2022 (10.00 AM) and te ink would be ectve vp to 24.01.2023 (05.00 PM). The {enlave date forthe Stage (Write Exarinaten) ¢ 06.03.2023 (Sunday) Any ‘change inthe above schedulo willbe notified to candidates ony through the above mentioned website. NOTE: The Schedule of Stage (rteniew) forthe shorted candtes will be ‘oti in due couse, 55 How to Apply: (0) Before apiyng,cancdates are advised to go though is advisement carafuly In deta fr determining thereby as per nd dow entra er the pos. (yn case of apiving fr tne pos of Tectrical Asst,» candidate can poly only Conseued on pape 4 (ONE subjected ic. ether “Computer Science & Information Technology” or “Electronics & Communication” i) The scission at al the stages cf he examination willbe purely provsional subject to satstying he preserbed elgiity conditions iv) Candiates can apply ONLINE by visting https srecrut-n nil goxin website (ine of which ie also avaiable at wedste), No other ‘mears/mede af application willbe accepted, Cancsdatos ae required fo frien Vic “e-mail ID" and acive able number during the ONLINE applceton! ‘egisraon. The proceduelsteps fe fling up cf apscationsonine is avaiable at hipesreecult dl relt. gov. (The apotcaion shal be tested complete ery # al the mandotry steps ae completed successuly In case carcidate isnot abl to submit fe by closing date and bre, oF the applicabon is eerie incomplole,hishher carciature wil ‘summariy be rejected (1) Appcan can view te Appleaton det om the View/Print Applcton mens ‘opton avaiable thei logn. Applicant fs requlred to make sure that his/her ‘ONLINE application form is. submitted successfully otherwise hishher ‘pplication form wil be tested 25 Incomplate and summarily rejected, (6) Date ot beh, win elder candicate tobe placed higher. (6) Aiphabetcal order in which the names of re candates appear (uit) Appropriate method ef normalization, if required, shall be edopted for ‘maintenance of common mert Ist amongst he selected candidates fo the pot of Technica Assistant (be In case of non-avalaby of sution numberof cancidats for selection oi up the reserved vacancies of Tecnica! Assistant a paiodar subjecteld such ‘vacancies salle fled by candidates belonging fo some reserved calegay ithe other subject i avalabe (0) Mero eaecton wil not enite the cancdate for appointment unless he/she i declared mecicl FIT to jon the post, 8 CENTRE OF EXAMINATION: Tre Siage4 (Whiten Examinaten) is tertately Scheduled to be conducted athe folowing etek. The candidate has to chocee any two diferent cites in order of hsher preference. Eflors though wil be mage ' ‘accommodate tne candidate's choice of proferoce,rowover the NELIT reserves the fight to addldeeteichange ary of the fling cies depending vpon the numero spplcans, avatabity of tho examination contest a cil and acminisratve| requirement etc. No request for change of ly e examinaton cente of date of en tal be entrained: (sinApplcation Fees (Non-refundable): The appicants shal pay th applosons fee T Eas son Gly (Suna SU Wo-] Examination Gly Seay {or each post as Incleated below trough onine payment mode via applications Examination City (State) ‘Examination Cty (State) ohare ery (Gonahat (Assam) Bangaore (Kamae) Saag Patra (hay) ‘Bhopal Madhya Paes) SCT WDIWomen Candldanes | General and ai ober ‘Ghanaigah Puri) ‘Mumbai (shrashra) Re. Nl per application Te. BOO per sordoatio’ Raipur (Crhatiegar) 18. | Bhubaneswar (Ocsha) |The processing charges towards reriiace of Aplcaton Fee and sevice tax. ay, ew Doi (Oa) 16, | Sabu Rasen) witnave to be bore by ne candidat, Fee tecugh any oher moce ike Demand Dra, ‘Annedabad (Gusta) F__| Gangtok (Sick) 6 Sohne OF XAMNATION Tne sre’ of candles wi be mae Souter Meee) _— fie. | Samal am Ne : The essesement ofthe cansdas wi be made on the basis of perfomance In wo siages. Fist Sage is Whiten Examination (OMR Shela (Himachal Pradeen)___[¥8._| Hyderabad (Telangana) Based)onsising of ObjctveMutiple Choice Guesions and Second Stage ts ‘Jer (ornmu And Kashi) _[20, | Welnow (Utar Pradesh) Irtrviow a pr the details gon Docu - ‘Snagar (Jaw And Kesh) [21. | Dehradun (Utarabrand) ‘STAGE: : Written Examination (OWR Based) Ranen (Uhathand) 22. | Kokata (West Berga) Wo of Questions / Maximum [ Duration 7 Nature of Paper Marks | Shit 700 Questions | 700 | Two anda (@0 Questions. Computer Science & | hows of Electonics & Communication’ (150 minutos) 20 Questions - Mensa Abiy 8 question, | (daring Shit) Reascring) ‘Aviator | 100 Questions 20 [Two and hail (@0 Questions -Aviaten Tecmelogy & | (2marks_| nous 20 auestons- Merial Abity & foreach | (150 Minutes) Reaserina) ___| eueston)_|faternoon Sn Note-{: There wil be nepaive marking 005 mark foreach wrong answer and 0 (zr) rar rhe quston not tence Now {Wien Exaintor fb the pots wi be conducted on | came day ae per shit enone above Note: road topes forthe wren examination & avatabe at htpifrecrut-nd ai.govinwaoate (nk of whch also vaiabe thts. govin webet). ‘STAGE: ntrview Tatra ars [ Technica Assistant 60 Marka Nott Te cana who a shatsied on he bass of thr performance [Sage selon be aed for Saget. The nerve wil be conducted at New [Det ony | [Note 2: Werte wil be gen othe canis postesingreltedrlevent expen. 7. SELECTION PROCEDURES: {Mim ating mars Sage (Water Exaintor) shall be 40% for UR $6 for OBCIEWS and 30% for ae aegis. (i) The cates, wo ae ortsted on te ass of he mei poston n Sage {iiten Exaninaton) and resnvaton poy, sel eny be ale for Sage {trou} nth rate of 3 (Ne. of vacancet: Ne. of candidates). (ip Out ofan 50 mart er Saget (tern), rane ashing marks will be 40% mars or uneseredalogory and 30% mat fo rsered categoy conan («Fra selcion ote post shallbe subjects atten of on specie eaurent {pny macal edeatonl standard et such post Caan shou ste hat or the purpose of Nedeal Fines, “Geer Vion Detocnoy is Coneiered ae oe of fe eaton for Belg ‘UNFIT fer appinment oar of these peas. Besides he cates may aso ote thatthe pos of Avior has Specie equrement of Physics Moses! Sarr. Hence wre apg fhe posto Astor cancdats mus ensre al hey fl alte requrerents fhe Sid post Funes mesburemart of physical slandaés and medal toes of he ‘andGatelslenearla or selecton oe pot of Avior shale cared oun onset of ements reaured Sucrose examination corfors ight of appointment unless Governments tafe ater such enaiyeriicaon. as maybe concerted necessary at he anda a stable na respect fe apparent oe servetos. (+9 Tom nernaten fortes by te candses ausing rire appeabonreitaion vibe veried uth reerence to hor aga documents scbsequonty Dung sich {eteaton of dasanet any fomatonfurished byte cans a re ee nine appleatenragstaon und wronlsuppressod, her candatre Si be cancnidreecedfartwth, No appeal epesetaion eps such “ancoloiontejcion of canddaure il be eneraines The cansoates must Groure at they have timated ‘corect information ing the onine teolcaonedisiaton. (vite carats wt Be arangedin order teri in each catego, based on rate e, her corined promance in Sago! (ition Bamnaton) ard in ‘Saget itrvew) fr te respective ponin the evert ef en fll marks of creates, the ere of fer met wil be deoes by apply flowing cis, Ge ater ancer te gen oer, ie de rescived (a) arn Sage o ‘9. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS/ INFORMATION: (0) The requisite infraton relating to this exarsnation wil be avaiable on the ‘bovermentoned websses) om ime to te. The candidates are advised to vist the sad webste(s) Fequertly fr the latest ivornaioupdates, any, about this ‘eerutment process, Candidates ae also adviees tof thelr covet and ave "e- ‘mal O" ard “able number during the onine appicatonegisation ‘The crucial date for determing the age iit essential qalication, cetcates! testimonials, case, category, et, shal be be dosing date of enine appleatons ‘egtatin for is examnaton,nhich wil erain unchanged even nthe case of ‘ersion of he closing date of onine appicatonegisraton (a) The date of th as wel as the nave ofthe apaicant wl variably be taken fom the Watiodaon/O cera ated by a recognse bars. No cnr pret of Cate of bith shal be accepted (i) Coricates in eppect of qualileations, caste etc must have Boon obsinod on or| before cesing date (1 Essenial Quafetion obtained trcugh Open UniversiiesDitance ecucaton rode tit ara approved by DEC and wherever necessary. by AICTE, ae| recognized fo the purpose of enpleyment under Catal Goverment vie Minis | ‘ot Human Resource Developmant Notation No. dated 0103 1835 published inthe Gazette of India dated 0 08 195 forthe relevant period when the candidate sequred te relevant essental quacaion (vi Canciates must ensure before applying fo the post hat else isle fr te post interns of age, aulfeatn, physioimedial standards etc. asi down | thes adverisement Ifthe infomation fuished by the candle atthe time of| fspphing forthe post found to be corect a & itor date, the candidate Fimsotherse willbe sol response and hishercandkstueiser/ce lable | be terminated a any stage ding hisher service. (vip Gandiates may up tht respacve category inthe applicaion form careful Is made cea that category once mentioned inthe frm shal NOT be changed in| ‘any eeumstanoes The candidat wil Pave to produce the cerfctes issued by the Competent Auhosty mn support of she clam atthe time of veriation of document (vii) The candidates are advised to keep the st copy ofthe flowing documents teacy (confirming win siz of dg fle mertones against each) before staring ONLINE. appleatonragetaton since these ae fequred to be uploaced f| suceessuly complete thor repsratin without sn hassle: - (a) Recent patepor sie colour Photograph (ler 9! jpeg le wih sizeof minima '50KB sh macum 180KB) (@) Scanned signature (ear & lege Jp! Jpeg fe wi sizeof minimum 20KB an ‘maximum 80KB), (6) Matieuaton/10m Ceca (clear & legible pe wit) sizeof minirum 120K ‘and rium SOOKE), (4) Orginal Cenfeate of Essent Qualester(in caso the Origral Cerate is yet toa ss00 by the Unverstyrstzue, the Provisional Pass Cerificate of Essent ‘Guelfton) (lear & logible pal fie with size f minimum 120 KB 8 maximum 1000 KB) SCISTIORC Certficat(clear& legible pdf le with size of minimum 120 KB 8| ‘maximum 300 KB), # aploatie, The specmen formats are avalable inte above mentioned webstes Income & Assessment Cesfcate to be produces by Economical Weaker Sections (EW/S) (clear & legible pf with Size of mismur 120 KB & maximum | 300KB) ¥ appleabe The specimen formals re availabe inthe above mentone| websites. Cerira! Government Cian Employees -Crifiate & Declarationby the appcart| (Glar& lege pa le of bath together shoud be miriam 120 KB & mace | '300KB},#appleabe The epecmen formats are avaiable in he above entoned vwobstes. Dosey Coniate (clear & lege pa fle wih size of minimum 120 KB & ‘maximum 300KB), if appcabe The specimen formals ere avaliable i the above| rnentoned websites. (i) Gon asued Photo Wert Card \e-Aashar Cardi PAN card) Passport Driving Cominued on page #5 “ ) o o o ‘Contd rom pepe 54 Llcensl Veto 1D (lar & lege pat le wah 828 of minim 120 KB & macenum 300 KB) Gx) Aer subriting tte ONLINE appicaon form, the cand shoud tale prrtow of appicaton frm having. spoon ruber and other dais. Ths opleaton number shoud be ‘eferes in ure corespondence Jo) No request for change In partculare furnished in the ‘ONLINE application rgietratin frm shall be entertained! permited and the particulars provided by the applicant {uring the online appictionregistration wil be taken 8 final fo) Condes csiming Bonet of OBC Catagory should ensure thal they belong to OBC Category as pe he noiteaten of he Central Government mart for appointment tothe posts under ‘he Government of ina and nt as per the reteaten of he ‘State Govemment) and ico they DO NOT belong tthe creamy layer. The caresdate wit have to produce the OBC create the proforma avalate In the stove mentioned webaies, The cereaten any ther protrme wil nat be acsapted (x Canaistesareagy n Goverment sorvce or working wih PSUsiAutonomeus Bases shoud inom thee Empoyer ot tain necessary permission, ae the cata may be, belts ‘socyng for he sai post Ne Objecion Ceete (NOC) fom the Employer requ tobe umahod ate be fr, Jo) Consequent open final selection, nly the Roll, Numeregstraton Nuréer of the elected candatos wil be made veiabe ne said webste(s) However o other dealt tthe selection procas wilbe aval fr genera nfomatn, ‘The candidates, who are empaneled for appentmert afer selector, wit be inimated trough e-mad / Speed Post for processing pre-appoiniment formaliies vz Meds! Examination, Carat & Antecedents Veriaton, et (0) No TADA shal be paid othe cane for appearng inthe Jo) For any technical problem related 10 orline submission of sppicaion frm download of ast car, he candidates fe advises to contact the helpsupsat opton avalabie In ther ‘ec 10. CANVASSING: Canvassing in any form wil dlequaty the spphcant Jeac Satan ttoozsraz23 ew 3093

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