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UPDATED: The 5-Step Formula For

Creating Profitable Facebook &

Instagram Adverts

72 Hour IG - How to Create & Run Exceptional FB Adverts


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72 Hour IG - How to Create & Run Exceptional FB Adverts

This part of the 72IG training is designed to help you create Facebook adverts that
will perform very well.

By now, you ought to have created your business manager and your advert account.

You should also be able to create your Facebook page to run your adverts by now.

As you go ahead with this training, you need to have the 72IG funnel at the back
of your mind.

This means any of these 2:




If your presell/sampler content isn’t longer than 700 words, you can just run it
directly on Facebook as the advert (METHOD 1)

It probably won’t work on Instagram unless it is very short.

But if it is longer or if it includes several graphic illustrations, then you should

definitely put it on a webpage and send traffic to it (METHOD 2)

With that said…the most important thing you need to know about getting great
results from Facebook and Instagram advertising is that it is made up of 2 parts.

Once you are able to engineer these 2 parts well, the results you will get will be

The 2 parts I am talking about are:

(1) Creating Powerful Adverts

(2) Targeting the right People With the Advert

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Create powerful adverts + Target the right audience

I know that equation is probably not new to you.

But we are going to be talking about those 2 factors in the equation above from a
different perspective than you are used to.

For you to get the best results from FB advertising, it is very important for you to
understand 2 things:

(1) How FB advertising works

(2) How the audience you are targeting thinks

Let me give you a little breakdown of what I know about how FB adverts work.

The FB ad platform is a bidding marketplace where various advertisers come to buy

space to advertise.

They do this by bidding an amount to reach a group of people.

If the amount the advertiser bids is too low in comparison to what other advertisers
are bidding, his adverts won't be allowed to really show that much.

When an advertiser creates a new advert, FB quickly runs it through their

marketplace to gauge how people are going to respond to it.

If the response is very good, FB is happy and they will reduce the cost such
advertiser is paying.

If the response is bad, FB won't be happy and they will increase the cost of allowing
such an ad to run.

Before we move on, here is a list of terms you ought to understand:


- Impressions

- Frequency

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- Relevance Score

Here is what each of them means:

CPC: this means cost per click and this refers to the amount an advertiser is paying
each time his advert has been clicked on

Impressions: This refers to each time your advert has been shown. E.g. If 10
Facebook users see your advert for a total of 34 times, that is 34 impressions

Frequency: This refers to the number of time that your advert has been shown to a
unique user. E.g. If a user sees your advert 2 times per day, that is frequency of 2.

CPM: This means Cost per impressions. But in the digital marketing world, it is
usually measured as cost per 1000 impressions.

CTR: This means Click Through Rate. And it is determined by dividing how many
times your advert was clicked by how many times it was shown (No. of
impressions). E.g. If your advert was shown 100 times and it got 5 clicks, that
means the advert has a CTR of 5%

Relevance Score: Relevance is a score factor to measure how people are

responding to your advert based on the type of response you want.

It is measured on a scale of 1 - 10.

A score of 10 means excellent (which means the advertiser gets reward points.
E.g. paying less)

A relevance score of 1 means very poor (which means the advertiser gets
penalized. In this case, this might mean paying more for ads or less impressions)

As an advertiser, it should be your target to create ads that are very relevant so
they you get great results and pay cheaper cost.

Again, the main point to remember in this introductory section is this:

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FB rewards ads that have high CTRS &

relevance with low CPM and CPC rates

Basically, an ad campaign with a high relevance sore and CTR is going to be

paying far lower amounts than other campaigns.

This is our aim.

But how do we do that?

You do so by following a simple 5 step formula.

This is the 5-Step Formula For Creating

Profitable Facebook Adverts:
Here is a list of the 5 steps that I deploy in creating well targeted FB ads that bring
in great results.

ONE: Start by identifying the proper audience to Target.

TWO: Create or find a super Image or Video

THREE: Craft a compelling Headline or first line of your ad that is difficult to resist.

FOUR: Put together and arrange the Body Copy of the ad

FIVE: Make the right Call to Action

I am going to be explaining how these 5 steps work together by using various FB

Ad samples and the advert that led me to this formula.

Here is the advert:

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As you can see below, this little advert got 2,390 unique clicks for just $10.

That is like $0.004 per click.

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Up till this time, I never knew any ad could get that type of response and this is
what led me to brainstorming and trying out various things.

Finally, you need to understand that this guide is not just for Facebook alone.

The strategies you are getting in this guide can also be used when you are
advertising on Instagram or even Native ads.

Scroll down to get started with the main content of this training.

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It All Starts With Proper Audience Targeting
You may have heard it before or not.

The ability to target the right audience that is likely to respond to your adverts
is the most important factor when it comes to successful Facebook advertising.

If this goes wrong, every other factor will fall flat on their faces.

And the reason is simple.

If you are not interested in golf and I keep showing golf articles to you for
instance, would that get you excited or feel prompted to spend your time reading

The answer is obvious.

That is why we want show our message (ad) to the right audience.

And thanks to Facebook, we can do that using the data and tools that Facebook

So, how do you target the right audience on Facebook?

There are 3 ways to do so.

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3 Ways to Target the Right Audience on Facebook

Based on Your Market or Product

ONE - Target the followers of other people:

This one is simple and works effectively.

In some markets, there are some people who already have a large following or

All you have to do is to leverage their audience by targeting them when you are
setting up your Facebook advert.

Example: If you sell products on investing and financial freedom, you can target
people who like Robert Kiyosaki or his book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad

And that automatically gives you access to that audience.

The main way to figure this out is to ask yourself:

"Is there a celebrity, author, public figure, etc that your audience follows?"

If the answer is yes, then figure them out and target them when setting up your
Facebook adverts.

Here is another example.

If you sell beauty products and cosmetics, you can target people who like Kylie
Jenner, Kim Kardashian etc

TWO - Target People Based on Their Interests & Behaviours:

Another effective method is to start by targeting people based on interests or their


Again, this does not work for all markets but if it works for your market, then you
should use it.
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INTEREST: This works by figuring out certain keywords that people in your market
are interested in and using those keywords when setting up your FB ads.

These keywords can be:

- Topics (fitness, modeling, parenting, skin care, pets, advertising)

- Names of people (Authors, celebrities, musicians, religious leaders, sportsmen

etc) - Just like what I shared above when I talked about targeting people who
have massive followers

- Movies & TV Shows (Game of thrones, Lord of the rings, Harry potter etc)

- Books

- Brands (Apple, Ford, HP, Samsung etc)

- Schools

The good thing is that all you need to start targeting interests is a list of at least 3
interests to start with.

Facebook will begin to suggest other related interest keywords to you.

BEHAVIOURS: This is another great way to target people. Unlike interests,

behaviours suggest to what facebook has learned about a particular users's
browsing device, history, payments, travelling etc

THREE: Lookalike Audiences Generated From Custom Audiences

Now, with custom & lookalike audiences, you can get far better results than the
first 2 methods.

Generally, custom audiences are more targeted than the first 2 options and that is
because a custom audience usually comes from any of the following:

(a) An audience of people who have bought the product you are selling:

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You can build a custom of audience of people who have bought from you before
by uploading their email address or phone numbers and Facebook will help you
dig out who these people are exactly.

If the product isn’t yours, what you can do is to contact the vendor of the product
you want to sell and ask him for a hashed custom audience of his buyers.

A hashed custom audience is a file containing the email address of buyers but the
emails have been encrypted so that people can’t steal them.

The only place it is useful is when you are uploading them to Facebook.

Many product owners may not respond to you if you are a new affiliate for their
product because they are not sure if you are just a competitor who wants to
leverage on their list of buyers.

So, it is better if you have been getting sales for a particular Vendor before you
ask them for a list of buyers that you can use on Facebook as a custom audience
to generate a lookalike audience.

More on this later.

(b) People who have signed up to your list

You can build a custom audience by uploading the email list or phone numbers of
people who opted into your list to Facebook. Facebook can then go into their
database and link those emails and phone number with people who fit.

The only problem with this is that – If majority of the people opting into your email
list are low quality subscribers, then you will simply end up with more low quality

So, you have to be sure that the people in your list are high quality before you use
them as a custom audience to generate lookalikes on facebook.

(c) People who have visited certain pages on your website.

It gets better here.

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Let's say you have a website about fitness and you have a page on that website
that is about lifting weights that gets traffic from all sort of places.

With the help of a simple Facebook pixel, you can build a custom audience of all
the people who have ever landed on the page (which shows they are interested in
body building)

Or let's say you have an optin/registration page that gives away a lead magnet on
how to relocate to Canada.

You can put a pixel on this page and build a custom audience of everyone who
lands on that page so that you can target them later on.

Apart from just building custom audiences using these 3 methods, there is
something better.

And it is called the lookalike audience.

This is what I mean:

Now, Let’s Talk About The Lookalike Audience:

Once you have a custom audience of at least 700 people ( I actually prefer 1000),
you can now create what is called a lookalike audience so that Facebook can help
you find more of the types of people that are in your custom audience.

Facebook is able to do this because they have unlimited data about everyone
who uses their platforms (Whatsapp, Instagram, facebook)

So, once Facebook sorts through the data that you used in creating the custom
audience you uploaded they will sort it out to get the similarities among each user
on this list.

For instance, let's say you uploaded an email list of 3600 people as custom

First, Facebook will look through their database to identify how many of these
3600 emails are linked to certain users.

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So, let's say there are 3500 emails that link with 3500 facebook users, FB will put
them in your custom audience.

NEXT: If you now tell FB to create a lookalike audience like these 3500 people,
what Facebook will do is to figure out the similarities that these 3500 people

E.g. So, they could find out that these 3500 people are similar in the ways below:

- They are women

- They are between ages 25 - 38

- They like Telemundo

- They are educated

- They are married

- They like beauty and the beast

- They like cosmetics

With this, Facebook can look through their database to find other users that look
like these ones and profile them for you because they believe they are similar.

This is how a lookalike audience is created and it is the next best method for
targeting your audience on Facebook

In Order to Get Great Results From Lookalikes Audiences:

(1) Start with a seed custom audience that is at least 1000 contacts.

(2) Start with 1% similarity – Then move to 2% etc

don’t lump them together. E.g. 1-4% similarity.

NOTE: Apart from the 3 methods I have listed here, it is also important that you
check out if you have to filter down the audience you are targeting based on
things like age, gender, relationship status, location etc.

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For instance, if I am promoting a beauty shop that is based in Lagos, I will filter
down my targeting to target only women who are based in Lagos.

I can now target them as well using interests keywords like beauty, cosmetics,
skin care etc

There is a full video course by Mike Leo that is included in this training on how you
can target the right audience on Facebook.

Make sure you go through it once you are done with this PDF

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Create or Find a Super Image or Video
Once you have been able to identify the right audience to target with your advert,
now the advert creation process starts.

Now, a FB advert is usually made up of the following 4 elements:

- Image or Video

- Headline

- Body copy

- Call to action

In order to create very powerful FB adverts that get high CTR and low costs, you
should have the formula I am about to mention at the back of your mind and follow

The formula is AIDA

The first A stands for ATTENTION - This is the most important part of the AIDA
formula. Getting action is very key. With FB adverts, this is the work of the image
and the headline.

The next I stands for INTEREST - This is about capturing the attention you have
gotten by stating what is in it for the reader if they stay to read the remaining
content of your advert.

Therefore the next 2 - 3 sentences in your advert has to be powerful enough to

capture their interest.

The D stands for DESIRE - This is usually where you talk about the other benefits
of the advert or product.

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And the last A stands for the ACTION - Which is where you simply tell the reader
what to do next. E.g. Sign Up, Learn More etc

Out of all the 4 elements of a FB ad listed above, the most powerful and most
important element is the image (or video).

I won't be talking about videos in this lesson anyway.

I will be focusing only on images.

If I had 50 minutes to create a FB advert, I could spend 35 minutes out of those 50

minutes to look for images.

And that is because the perfect image(s) makes all the difference

It is usually the difference between an advert that is getting clicks at $0.05 and an
advert that is getting clicks for $0.01

But the main problem is this:

What exactly do you look out for when selecting images that can work like
gangbusters for your FB advert?

Here is a list of factors that you should be looking for.

The Secret to Selecting Highly Profitable Images

1. The Law of Incongruity:
Incongruity means something that is inappropriate.

Something that is unusual and different.

This one law is actually something that is found in all the other factors listed

Something different tells us to stop and check it out.

That doesn't mean you have to use very odd and disturbing images.

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Truth is regardless of the theme of your advert, there are various ways to come up
with an image that is different if you search very well.

I will be showing you how to search for images later on in this report.

Here is an example of an incongruent image for instance:

OR THIS ONE BELOW: (Which is incongruent because it is unusual to see a white

woman making amala or whatever she is preparing)

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2. Open Loop Images (especially Hand Drawn and Illustrations)

This is pretty straightforward.

Illustrative images that create “open loops” in the minds of the prospect work
like crazy.

By default, when there is an open loop, the human brain always wants to complete

Images that have the element of an open loop work like crazy and they also have
that element of incongruity built into them.

So, if you can create a proper hand drawn or illustrated image for your ad, do so.
Or you can pay someone to create it for you, then it should serve you well.

Here are some examples of illustrations:

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3. Photos of Odd and Unrecognizable Objects:

Again, the law of incongruity is at work.

When you come across an image that is odd, you tend to stop for a minute and
figure out what this is all about.

This usually get the reader to read the rest of the ad because they want to figure
out what the image is for.

E.g. Here are images that I used sometimes ago for an advert that was promoting
a health product and it really worked because it got people to stop to figure out
what it was all about:

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4. Images That Are News Worthy

Some images shout new when you see them and people like news a lot.

Such images work incredibly well.

Below is a news worthy image that I used for a Facebook advert on “getting jobs
and unemployment” back in 2014.

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5. Images that Start a Story

Some images suggest an interesting story once you see them and people usually
want to hear what the story is all about.

With this type of image, you have to write the advert so that it fits the silent story in
the image.

Something like this:

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6. Images That are Sexy But Not Sexual:

Images that are sexual in nature will always get attention but you have to be
careful with it.

First, you need to be sure that the image rhymes with the theme of the ad or else
the reader will feel deceived and annoyed.

Secondly, Facebook frowns on ads that are too sexual in nature.

So, you want to use images that are not too sexual if you have to use images that
are sexual in nature.

E.g. I once used the image below for over 6 months on facebook without any

However, This image below might not pass because it might be considered as
too sexual:

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But then, you should also have it in mind that what makes an image too sexual or
not is the person looking at the image.

So, you should be careful when using this option mostly because of Facebook

7. Science Images:
This means images that are scientific in nature.

Like this image for back pain:

Or this one for a torch light:

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Any of the above factors can help you pick winning images to use in your
facebook campaigns.

Now, you that you know what to look for, the next thing is to figure out how to find
the images.

This is an area that I used to struggle with before until I sat down to create a
formula around it.

These days, I now have 4 methods for getting powerful images that I use in my FB

4 Ways to Find/Create Powerful Images to Use for

Your FB Adverts

(1) Start with Google:

(Please see the video training titled how to search for images on from
Day 8)

(2) Search Pinterest: Also see the additional video training from Day 8)

(3) Stock images – Don’t do fine pictures (Give examples)

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I personally don't like to use stock images because they usually don't follow the
law of incongruity that I talked about earlier.

As a result, they don't always get excellent results.

But there are some cases where you might find very great stock images to use for
your campaign.

How do you find stock images to use?

(a) You can search for royalty free stock images to use on sites like:,

(b) Use Free Shutterstock images on FB: You can also use the free stock images
that is provided by within when you are creating
your adverts.

TIP: You can search for images you want first on, then get the ID
of the image and use it on Facebook when you are setting up your advert.

(c) Buy the Image: If you want to spend money on buying images, then you can
buy some really good images from stock image websites like:,,,

(d) Combine Images - This is where you combine 2 or more images using an
image/graphic editor like Photoshop.

These type of images often work well from my experience. But then, it requires
that you know how to use tools like Photoshop to create the image.

Here is an example of some images that I combined and used in a FB advert to

drive traffic to a blogpost below:

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From what I now know, It works better when the images are not properly arranged
as they are in this image.

(e) Take Your Own Pictures - I don't know why people usually shy away from this
option but atimes, the best way to quickly come up with a great image to use for
your Facebook ads is to simply get your camera and take your own pictures.

These days, most phones have a good enough camera attached to them and you
don't need to take a professional photo.

You don't even need to wait until you have an ad to run before you take pictures.

Whenever you see something attractive or weird etc - Just bring out your camera
and take the picture.

It could be useful someday.

(f) Always Save Pictures that Get Your Attention - Finally, you should always
save any image that get your attention whenever you are online.

I do this a lot.

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Whenever I come across awesome images while browsing blogs, Facebook,

Instagram etc - I quickly save them into a special folder.

Even when I see great images that other marketers use on their ads, I quickly save
them because I might have need to use them one day in my ad or use them as an
inspiration to get other images.

With these methods that I have shared with you here, you shouldn't have to
struggle anymore to get compelling images to use in your Facebook adverts.

One of the top affiliate marketers in the world, Greg Davis created a video training
on how he finds awesome images to use for his adverts.

I had to personally request for this video training from him and the video is
included in Day 8.

It will give you more insights into how to find attention grabbing images for your
Facebook and Instagram adverts.

Some of the images that Greg uses as examples in the video might not be
acceptable on facebook but what you need to understand is the process so that
you can use those same process to find your images.

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Craft a Compelling Headline or First Line of Your
Ad That is Difficult to Resist.
Let's move on.

When I was showing you how to create presell/sampler contents in this program, I
already took time to explain how to come up with several angles to use for your
facebook advert.

Like I said before, there are 2 ways to get people to read your presell.

You can run the presell directly on Facebook as an advert - (72IG Funnel

Or you can simply put it on a webpage and send traffic to it - (72IG Funnel

In either case, the headline is important because that is what they will see that will
make them read the presell on FB or click on the advert to go and read the presell
on your webpage.

The headline or the first opening sentence/question in the advert is important

because this is what sucks people in.

For instance, look at this advert below: It starts with a question:

Do you want to know the secret to becoming a master marketing strategist?

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The formula for this question based headline is:

“Do you want to know the secret

to (insert what your audience wants here)”

You can use this too once you know the desires or frustrations of your audience.

If your audience is struggling with running profitable Facebook adverts, we can

swipe the above question to say:

“Do you want to know the secret to running profitable Facebook adverts?

Or let’s say they want to know how to import cars from the US at cheaper cost. We
can say:

“Do you want to know the secret to buying cars from the US at 40% Discount?”

You can also use any of the presell angles I gave you in Day 3 to come up with
wonderful headline to start your advert.

E.g. One of the formulas I gave you was – The truth about DASH formula.

So, we could say – The TRUTH about buying cars from the US at 40% Discount

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Refer back to Day 3 training for more information about this.

Now, let's move on to the remaining 2 steps of creating FB ads that get great

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Put Together and Arrange the Body
Copy of the Ad
If you are running an advert that points to a presell on your webpage, there isn’t a
lot to do here. (72IG Funnel Method 2)

Just make a call to action as to why people should go and read the article.

If the headline is strong, people are going to click on your advert in droves.

But if you are going to be posting the presell on Facebook, then you should make
sure you follow the presell formula I taught you in Day 3 to create your Facebook
presell post.

Here is the Presell Template Again:

(1) COMPELLING HEADLINE (should bypass their critical factor)


(3) CONTEXT (frame through which you want the reader to perceive the
content - authority, etc)



That presell formula actually follows the AIDA formula

The first A stands for ATTENTION and getting attention is what we have been
able to do with the image and headline that we crafted.

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In some cases, the headline could have also done the work of arousing interest
(apart from just getting attention)

When you are creating your advert either short or long, the rule is that:

Remember, this is social media.

If you are not writing something interesting that can capture people's attention,
then you should start over again.

That is because people have plenty options of what they can do to engage

That is why I personally like to use stories in my body copy when I am using a long

Stories are powerful and they get people to stick to it until they have finished
reading it.

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Make the Right Call to Action
This is the last A of the AIDA formula and this is where you make the call to action.

This is another subtle area where a lot of advertisers make serious mistakes.

They assume that the body part of their advert is enough to move people to take

They also assume that their audience already know what to do.

The real truth is that most people still won't know what to do after reading your

Which is why you need to give them vivid details of what to do next.

There is no need to be timid about this.

This is where you simply tell them what to do next.

What page do they want them to go to next? Put the link there and tell them to
click the link.

You also need to repeat the call to action at least 2-3 times depending on the
length of the ad.

If it is a short advert, I usually put 1 or 2 call to actions

But if it is a longer advert, I repeat the call to action 3 times - and I do this because
I know that many people won't read the entire advert.

So, I want to make sure that they do not miss any of the instructions on what they
need to do next.

Also, FB gives advertisers some call to action buttons to use when running your

Their buttons have call to action phrases like:

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I use the LEARN MORE button most of the time when I am sending people to an
article or video

If I am sending them to a sign up page for a webinar, seminar or free report, I

usually use the SIGN UP button

And atimes, when I am selling a product directly (mostly physical products), I

mostly use the SHOP NOW button

The main message here is - don't forget to ask for the call to action.

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72 Hour IG - How to Create & Run Exceptional FB Adverts

Like I said in the introductory part, this creating profitable breakthrough adverts is
about “Awesome Ads and Excellent Targeting”

These same strategies can also be used when you are running ads on other PPC
networks like Instagram and Native ads.

That is because all of these networks all reward an ad that has a higher CTR

Everything I have said here can also be applied when you are running your
adverts in Instagram

The only 2 differences is that:

(1) Instagram can’t take long posts. So, if you have a presell that is about 1500
words on facebook, it might not be able to run on Instagram.

(2) Instagram’s image dimensions is different from that of Facebook. Image

dimensions on Instagram is 1080x1080px

IMPORTANT: The most important part of all these is testing.

You need to keep trying new headline ideas, new images etc to see one that
works best.

Also, you have to realize that the lifespan of most adverts on facebook is short.

What I mean is that an advert that is getting you $0.04 today might get tired by
next week and the CTR might begin to drop which will cause the cost per
click/impressions to go up.

I think the reason for this is usually because most people would have seen your
advert over and over during that time period and it begins to lose its power.

So, when that happens, you need to have other ready ideas to activate. Also, you
might not get my type of results immediately you begin to use these strategies.

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Don't feel down, just move on because using these strategies is guaranteed to
help you get far better results and cheaper ads than other advertisers.

I believe this guide has helped you greatly.

I wish you success in engineering your Income generators.


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