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Light-Dividing Prism

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1945 J. Sci. Instrum. 22 156


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surfaces, the instrument may be stood or rested upon the article produced as the light enters are more or less compensated by
undcr examination. During machining processes the analyser may opposite errors on emergence. T h e prisms also serve to protect the
be used for taking periodic checks until thc rcquired surfacc is transparent metal film, which is much more fragile than an opaque
obtained, when a photograph may be taken fqr record purposes, film. The commonest form of beam splitter is formed by cementing
or as a guarantee that the part is to specification. The instrument two right angle prisms together by their hypotenuses, one of which
will also just as readily deal with smaller components, which can carries the metallic film; the whole thus forms a cube.
be laid upon an anvil or vec block, beneath the reference lens. In many cases, however, it is desired that one beam should be
of less intensity than the other and there are several ways of ac-
complishing this. (a)T h e thickness of the metallic layer can be
reduced. T o this there are certain drawbacks. In the first place it
is difficult to control the uniformity of a very thin metallic layer
whether produced chemically, by cathodic sputtering or evapora.
tion in vaczro; such a layer is very fragile and will hardly stand up
to the process of cementing; the lowcr limit to the amount of light
reflected is about 16 per cent; finally with these very thin films
there is considerable loss of light by absorption amounting to as
much as 50 per cent of the total. ( b ) Surface reflexion from a trans-
parent material such as glass is used. Hcre the lower limit to the
reflected intensity is ~ o p e rcent; to avoid double image due to
reflection from the two sides of the glass a very thin plate must be
used, in which case it is fragile and cannot be made optically flat.
A thin stretched collodion pellicle can he made flatter, but is very
fragile. ( c ) The two prisms of case (a) may be employed, un-
silvered and separated by a very thin air space. T h e two contiguous
surfaces must also be maintained exactly parallel and dust must be
excluded. Mounting thercfore presents some difficulty.

Fig. I. Optical surface-finish mcter with photographic attachment

This instrument may be used for the checking of surface finish
of convex, concave and flat surfaces by means of the various special Fig. I. Light-dividing prism Fig, 2. Light-dividing prism
reference lenses provided. T h e spacing between the fringes is given giving lateral inversion with no lateral inversion
‘for practical purposes’ as 0~000,012 in. A typical photograph
taken with the instrument is reproduced in Fig. 2. Apart from the objections appertaining to all these methods it
is not possible to reduce the proportion of light reflected to less
than IO per cent, whereas in many cases, e.g., where an image is to
be photographed and simultaneously observed, for focussing,
framing. exposure, timing, or for controlling the ohject, the illu-
mination for photography is so great, in order to permit of short
exposures, that a fraction of the order of I per cent is sufficient
for visual observation-indeed, a greater amount would cause dis-
comfort. T h e observing system transmitting only I per cent is
practically opaque as far as admitting external light to the photo-
graphic system is concerned and no external shutter to prevent
fogging is necessary when the eye is removed. This simplifies the
T h e Scophony Light-Splitting Prism (patent applied for) (Fig. I )
provides this low reflectance, utilizing method (c) above, but re-
placing the air gap by a cementing medium of different refractive
index from that of the prisms. There are several suitable media,
such as copal varnish, Canada balsam, and thermo-setting plastics,
of different refractive indices and a wide choice of glass, so that it
is possible to obtain almost any desired difference of refractive
index. The percentage of light reflected from thc separating surface
between two media of refractive indices nl and nz is
Fig. 2. Typical photograph, showing a scratch 0~000,030in. deep IO0 {(na- n M n z + ndP.
across a lapped surface (horizontal magnification x 5 5 0 , vertical
across lowest band x IOO,OOO in original photograph) If we take nl= 1’54,which is approximately the value for Canada
balsam, and np= 1.70using extra dense flint or one of the new dense
Light-DividingPrism. Scophony Ltd.,Town Hall Buildings, barium crowns, the percentage reflexion is about 0.25 per cent.
As there are two reflecting surfaces the total light reflected is
Wells; Somerset. 0.5 per cent, and there is practically no absorption, so that the
Ordinarily a beam-splitting prism is designed to divide a beam of diminution in intensity of the beam transmitted is inappreciable.
light into two beams of more or less equal intensity in different By using other glasses o r cementing materials, greater or less
directions-usually at right angles-and this is effected by a thin reflection can be obtained as desired.
semi-transparent reflecting layer of metal, usually silver. Such a T h e cementing material not only serves to control exactly the
beam splitter takes the form of a double prism the two halves being amount of light reflected but also to hold the two prisms in fixed
cemented together along a common surface provided with the thin relationship to one another, thus facilitating mounting. The layer
reflecting layer so that part of the light is reflected and part trans- of medium can be pressed out thin to prevent doubling without
mitted, the two beams emerging from the prism in different impairment of the optical qualities of the image which can therefore
directions. T h e prisms are designed so that refraction aberrations be viewed under high degree of magnification-a matter of some

[ 156 1
importance if the object is, for example, a finely divided scale. T h e by the height of the work, and this amount is observed in the micro-
production of an accurately parallel layer of medium presents no scope and measured by means of an optical micrometer towo0001 in.
difficultyas, by observation under a mercury vapour lamp or other The precision of the instrument, therefore, depends primarily on
Source of approximately monochromatic light, Newton's rings give the 4 in. glass scale, and secondly on the adjustment of the optical
an accurate indication of parallelism to one hundred thousandth micrometer subdividing the main scale divisions.
part of an inch if necessary. The hardened and lapped work table 34 in. diameter is mounted
A further advantage of the Scophony Light-Dividing Prism is on a sturdy base which also supports the main vertical column. T o
that in the form of a cube (Fig. z ) , if one surface is silvered, from allow for zero setting the work table can be adjusted for height and
which the reflected beam of low intensity can be reflected normally then clamped. The measuring head is clamped to the vertical
to pass through the separating medium (by which the amount of column of the machine, and carries the microscope and the hous-
light lost is negligibly small), it acts exactly as a pentagonal prism ings for the ball-bearing rollers which guide the measuring plunger
with its advantages of being insensitive to tilt in mounting and of and provide free movement in a truly vertical plane without
freedom from lateral inversion of the image. rotation about the vertical axis. The head may be raised by 4 in.
The need for splitting a beam of light into two parts having an on the vertical column, thus increasing the range of reading from
intensity ratio of the order of 50 to IOO to I arises in photography, 4 in. to 8 in. by using an additional 4 in. gauge block for the zero
especially kinematography and kine-micrography, where as much setting. The measuring head casting also carries the 4 V illumina-
light as possible is required in the photographic beam. Hitherto ting lamp, the housing of which is specially designed to avoid the
in such cases the beam has been equally divided and the visual effects of heat, also the switch and two-pin socket for the trans-
beam passed through a dense filter to reduce its intensity and thus former leads.
useful light is wasted. T h e Scophony beam splitter diverts such an The glass scale is ruled on a stabilised block of glass, and is pro-
inappreciable amount of light from the photographic image that tected from damage and dirt by a cemented cover glass. The
it should prove useful in all cases where the light is sufficiently length of the scale is 4 in., each inch divided into twenty sub-
intense to effect adequate exposure in a period of the order l $ d sec. divisions of 0 0 s in., every division being numbered. The glass
or less so that I per cent or so is sufficient for visual needs. One block is spring mounted with geometric location in the measuring
such application is in the Kine Theodolite. plunger, which, as has already been described, is free to move in
In some cases the light diverted for visual observation has so the measuring head, and is supported by the thin flexible wire
seriously reduced that for photography that the beam splitter has passing over a pulley. The end of the wire is attached to a counter-
been avoided and a system employed which can be inserted or with- weight inside the main vertical column, which is filled with oil as
drawn at will. Visual observation thus interrupts photography. a damping medium. The difference in the masses of the measuring
Besides this there is the difficulty of constructing a movable plunger and the counterpoise is adjusted to give a pressure between
optical system. T h e employment of the Scophony light splitter the measuring tip and the work table of IZ oz. To avoid contact
obviates this trouble, providing the advantages of constant visual with the fingers, the measuring plunger is raised for the insertion
inspection, continuous photography and a rigid mount. of the workpiece by means of a lever geared to the pulley axle and
carrying a chain and knob. The oil damping controls the descent
Precision Vertical Measuring Machine. E. R. Watts and of the plunger, which may further be controlled by means of the
Son, Ltd., 123 Camberwell Road, London, S E . 5 chain, thus permitting the very slightest impact of the contact tip
which makes for long wear.
The measuring machine illustrated in Fig. I has been designed for A reading is made by rotating the milled head of the optical
quickly and accurately checking gauges and piece parts from micrometer until a main scale line is set between a pair of the double
0-4 in. direct to 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 5in. and by estimation to O*OOOOIin. lines of the 0.01in. graticule scale. The main scale reading must be
The instrument consists fundamentally of a precision glass scale, added to that of the graticule division and the result gives a reading
the position of which is observed by a microscope. The scale is to the first two places of decimals. The third, fourth and fifth
supported in the measuring plunger, which carries the contact tip, places are read off on the micrometer scale. In practice this is quite
and is suspended by means of a thin flexible wire vertically over the simple and as an example the reading for Fig. z is:
centre of the work table. T h e zero position of the scale is when the
measuring tip is in contact with the work table. The insertion of Main scale 3.50
the work piece between the contact tip and the table raises the scale Graticule scale 0.03
Micrometer 0.00458
The accuracy of the reading depends
upon the precision glass scale and not
upon moving parts and this means that
the instrument is not affected by wear.

Fig. 2. Method of reading-3.53458 in.

To obtain optimum accuracy of the in-
strument room temperature should be
controlled to within 2°F. of the standard
68" F. A calibration chart for the main
scale. and corrections for this and for
temperature are given on the certificate
Fig. I. Precision vertical measuring maehine supplied with the instrument.

VOL. 22, AUGUST 1945 I I57 1

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