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MARY: Hello, Luis how are you?

LUIS: Hi! I’m fine and you?
MARY: Me too, and what do you do now?
LUIS: I’m studying at the ICPNA, and you?
MARY: I’m chef, i working in my restaurant
LUIS: Oh that’s cool , what’s that like?
MARY: It’s hard, but fun and interesting
LUIS: Great! And what are you doing here?
MARY: I'm going to buy some clothes
LUIS: Really? Me too I'm looking for a gift for my sister
MARY: I recommend Zara, they have beautiful clothes
LUIS: ok! Let's go

FABRIZZIO: Welcome to Zara, can i help you?
MARY: Yes, we are searching clothes for Luis’s sister
LUIS: I want to buy a coat, do you have any?
FABRIZZIO: Do you like this coat?
MARY: It’s beautiful, i like it
LUIS: How much is it?
FABRIZZIO: 200 (two hundred) soles
MARY: 200 (two hundred) soles??? Really?!
LUIS: It's much, i'll think about it
FABRIZZIO: You can buy this t-shirt for 75 (seventy five) soles
LUIS: It’s perfect, I’ll take it.
MARY: I wanna a dress
FABIZZIO: Here you have different dresses options
MARY: I like this!!!
LUIS: It’s nice
FABRIZZIO: Ok, it’s 125 (one hundred twenty five) soles
MARY: It’s great, I’ll take it
FABRIZZIO: So, It’s all?
MARY Y LUIS: Yes, thank you
FABRIZZIO: Thank for buy ZARA.

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