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Effect of silica coating and silanization on flexural and composite-resin

bond strengths of zirconia posts: An in vitro study

Anuar Antonio Xible, DDS, MSc,a Rudys Rodolfo de Jesus Tavarez, MS,b
Carlos dos Reis Pereira de Araujo, PhD,c and Wellington Cardoso Bonachela, PhDd
Bauru Dental School, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Statement of problem. The bond strength of composite resin cores to the smooth surface of prefabricated
zirconia-based ceramic posts is problematic because it might not be sufficient to ensure stability of the post-
and-core system. It is also not clear whether any alteration of the post surface to provide additional mechanical
or chemical retention would compromise flexural strength of the posts.
Purpose. This study tested the effect of a tribochemical treatment on the bond strength (BS) between zirconia-
based ceramic posts and composite resin and on the flexural strength (FS) of the posts.
Material and methods. For the BS test, 2 groups of specimens (n=10) were prepared as follows: In the
experimental (E) group, zirconia-based ceramic posts (Cosmopost), 21 mm long and 1.7 mm in diameter,
were treated with a tribochemical silica coating and silanization system (Rocatec). For the control (C) group,
zirconia-based ceramic posts were used as supplied by the manufacturer. For the 2 groups, posts were centered
and vertically positioned in a metal mold, and composite resin (Tetric Ceram) was polymerized around the posts
to form rings (6 mm diameter 3 4 mm height). All specimens were positioned in a universal testing machine,
and a load was applied axially on the protruding heads of posts in a shear push-out mode test until bond failure
(MPa). Fracture mode was assessed as cohesive, cohesive/adhesive, or adhesive. Following this, the FS of the
posts was measured in MPa using a 3-point bending test. Data were recorded and statistically analyzed using
the Student t test for both tests (a=.01).
Results. Mean fracture load values 6 SDs for the BS test were 28.1 6 2.3 MPa and 8.9 6 3.97 MPa for the
E and C groups, respectively. The mean FS values were 1544.9 6 214.1 MPa and 844.8 6 50.8 MPa for the E
and C groups, respectively. The tribochemically treated posts exhibited significantly higher values for both bond
strength to composite resin and resistance to fracture when compared to posts in the control group (P,.001).
Fracture analysis showed 100% cohesive/adhesive fractures for group E specimens and 100% adhesive fractures
for group C specimens.
Conclusions. The use of a tribochemical silica coating process and silanization on zirconia-based ceramic posts
increased both the bond strength to composite resin as well as the fracture strength of posts. (J Prosthet Dent

A tribochemical treatment on the surface of the zirconia-based ceramic posts tested may be useful
for improving the bond strength with composite resin cores and enhancing post-and-core stability
without compromising the flexural strength of the posts.

D uring the last 2 decades, an increasing demand

for esthetic restorations led to the development of
make a metal-free ceramic crown appear gray and discol-
ored.2,4,6,7 To ensure a successful esthetic outcome, the
several new ceramic crown systems with characteristics post-and-core system would need to be tooth colored,
similar to natural teeth, such as translucency and reflecting and transmitting light in a manner similar to
fluorescence.1-5 However, their use in pulpless teeth a natural tooth.2,4,7,8
in conjunction with traditional post-and-core systems In recent years, nonmetal esthetic posts have become
may create esthetic problems. For example, light re- available, made of either reinforced resins or high-
flected from a metal post-and-core foundation may strength ceramics such as zirconia-based ceramics.2,4,6-9
Zirconia-based ceramics are composed of zirconium
dioxide, partially stabilized with yttrium oxide (ZrO2-
This study was supported by FAPESP, Sao Paulo, Brazil, grant number TZP; 3 mol% Y2O3), and exhibit a polymorphic struc-
01/10245-3. ture with monoclinic, tetragonal, and cubic crystalline
Graduate student, Department of Prosthodontics.
Graduate student, Department of Prosthodontics.
phases. The monoclinic is the predominant phase at
Professor, Department of Prosthodontics. room temperature and is stable up to 1170°C, when
Associate Professor, Department of Prosthodontics. it transforms into the tetragonal phase. Similar to



metal transformations, a tetragonal to monoclinic trans- strength of glass-ceramic materials to composite resin.
formation (t / m) is also likely to occur in zirconia crys- The acid etching partially removes the glassy matrix
tals and is called a martensitic-like transformation.10 and creates mechanical retentive areas where silane mol-
This martensitic-like transformation can be induced by ecules lodge and link inorganic molecules of the ceramic
externally applied stress and is associated with a volu- crystalline phase to organic molecules in the resinous
metric expansion (3% to 5%) of the crystalline struc- material.21-24 However, these techniques do not im-
ture.2,10 As a result, a propagating crack due to tensile prove the strength of the resin bond to high-strength ce-
stress in the ceramic material will develop a correspond- ramics, such as the alumina or zirconia-based materials,
ing compressive stress at the tip of the crack, thus pre- because they have little or no silica content.25-30
venting continued crack growth.10 The yttria–partially Some studies have shown that a tribochemical silica
stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystalline ceramics coating may increase the BS between composite resin
(Y-TZP) have an elastic modulus of approximately 200 and high-strength ceramics.26-30 Systems such as the
MPa, and a flexural strength (FS) of 820 MPa. These Rocatec system (3M ESPE; Seefeld, Germany) were in-
properties are far higher than those exhibited by other troduced primarily to improve the bond between metal
high-strength ceramics.11 External treatments such as and composite resin. The system consists of an airborne
grinding or airborne-particle abrasion can induce an particle–abrasion pretreatment with Rocatec Pre pow-
external t / m, which, in turn, is likely to increase the der (110 mm aluminum oxide) to clean the metal sur-
mean FS of zirconia-based ceramics.12 Severe grinding, face, then a silica coating with Rocatec Plus powder
on the other hand, may introduce deep surface flaws that (110 mm aluminum oxide, coated with silicon dioxide),
act as stress concentrators and may decrease the mean and finally, the application of silane. The silica coating
FS.11-13 Clinical indications for zirconia-based ceramics ‘‘energizes’’ the substrate surface, which allows the silica
include endodontic posts, implant abutments, complete to adhere to it.26,27 Silane improves the bond between
crowns, and fixed partial dentures.14 the silica adhered to the substrate and the resin matrix.
The zirconia-based ceramic posts are advocated for Some authors report that a Rocatec tribochemical silica
use with heat-pressed glass ceramic or composite resin coating provides durable resin bonds to glass-infiltrated
as core materials.2,4,6,8 However, some authors have aluminum oxide ceramics with Bis-GMA-based com-
suggested that the composite resin core and zirconia- posite resin cements.14,26,27 An advantage of this system
based ceramic post combination should be avoided is that silica-coating units are available for use in both the
due to the possibility of insufficient bond strength.15-17 dental laboratory and dental office. Other silica-coating
According to Yaman and Thorsteinsson,18 a stiffer and methods were either ineffective with alumina ceramics
more stable core material may diminish apical stress or technically complicated.14
and prevent the intrusion of a loaded post. Stability is The manufacturer of a zirconia-based ceramic post
partially achieved by a strong link between the post (Cosmopost; Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein)
and core.19 Al-Harbi and Nathanson15 and Cohen states that the post surfaces should not be altered in
et al16 compared bond strength between zirconia-based any manner.2,9 Nevertheless, the influence of a tribo-
ceramic posts and composite resin with titanium posts chemical treatment on the fracture strength or BS of
and composite resin and concluded that the first system the posts with composite resin requires further investi-
may not be clinically acceptable because of the low bond gation. Thus, the purpose of this study was to evaluate
strength values obtained. In another study, 5 types of the effect of a tribochemical treatment on the BS and
esthetic posts and composite resin core systems luted mode of failure between composite resin cores and
to root dentin were analyzed after being subjected to zirconia posts and on the FS of zirconia posts.
cyclic loading. The interfaces between the post-and-
core systems and root dentin were examined under scan-
ning electronic microscopy (SEM). The group with the
zirconia-based ceramic posts exhibited the highest gap This study consisted of 2 parts: testing the effect
index at the post/root dentin interface. The authors of a tribochemical treatment (Rocatec; 3M ESPE) on
suggested that the bond strength (BS) between this the BS and mode of failure between a composite resin
post and core might not be stable enough to resist mas- core material and zirconia-based ceramic posts, and
ticatory loading and might play a direct role in its lack of determining the FS of zirconia-based ceramic posts.
adhesion to dentin.17 Clinical reports have remarked on Thirty-four cylindrical zirconia posts with tapered ends
the importance of post/core stability when suggesting (Cosmopost), 21 mm long and 1.7 mm in diameter,
that it is one of the factors responsible for restoration were selected and allotted to each group for the 2 tests.
failures.3,5,20 For BS testing, 20 posts were divided into 2 groups of
Regarding the bonding mechanism between com- 10 each according to surface treatment. In the experi-
posite resin and ceramics, hydrofluoric acid etching mental (E) group, posts were treated with the Rocatec
and silanization can enhance the mechanical bond system. The first step of the tribochemical treatment is

MARCH 2006 225


Fig. 2. Prepared specimen. (A) Zirconia dowel; (B) composite

resin ring.

without any surface treatment. To ensure complete

Fig. 1. Metal mold with zirconia dowel in place. (A) Zirconia cleanliness of the post surfaces, the surfaces were cleaned
dowel; (B) primary mold; (C) secondary split mold; (D) trans- with 32% phosphoric acid solution (Uni-Etch with BAC
verse pin. (benzalkonium chloride); Bisco, Schaumburg, Ill) for
15 seconds. Next, they were rinsed thoroughly and
commonly carried out with Rocatec-Pre (3M ESPE) to completely dried using strong air pressure for at least 5
clean the material surfaces. This step was omitted since seconds with a clean, dry-air syringe. Posts were
the post manufacturer had already performed a similar positioned in the same mold, and composite resin rings
procedure with 50-mm aluminum oxide airborne-particle were formed and polymerized following the same steps
abrasion. In the second step, Rocatec Plus (3M ESPE) used for group E. Specimens were removed from the
airborne-particle abrasion was performed at 2.8-bar metal mold (Fig. 2), and additional light polymeriza-
pressure with the instrument tip held perpendicular to tion was provided for 40 seconds on each side of the
the posts at a distance of 1 cm. Posts were rotated during composite resin rings with the same light-polymeriza-
this procedure so that the abrasive was directed to the tion unit. All specimens were stored in distilled water
entire post surface for 13 seconds on each side. The treat- at 37°C for 48 hours.
ment was confined to a 10-mm band around each post, 2 To test BS, the primary mold was used as a holding
to 12 mm from the coronal end. Next, silane (Rocatec device. Specimens were positioned in the mold, which
ESPE-Sil; 3M ESPE) was applied and allowed to air was locked in place in a universal testing machine
dry for 5 minutes. A metal mold was used to form com- (Kratos P-2000; Kratos, Sao Paulo, Brazil). At this
posite resin rings around each post (Tetric Ceram; Ivo- time, the transverse mold pin was removed to allow free
clar Vivadent). For this procedure, a primary custom vertical movement of posts in the primary mold. A load
metal mold was fabricated with a hole, 1.9 mm in diam- was applied along the long axis of the specimens with
eter in the center of the mold along its long axis, to a flat-headed metal cylinder positioned on top of post
accommodate the posts vertically. A secondary split heads protruding beyond the composite resin rings. The
mold was made to fit on top of the base mold. Placed push-out force, applied at a crosshead speed of 0.5
together, the 2 molds created a space 6 mm in diameter mm/min, continued until bond failure occurred and
and 4 mm high for forming resin rings around the coro- the cores separated from the posts (Fig. 3). The BS
nal portion of the post specimens (Fig. 1). A transverse values were recorded in MPa.
pin through the center of the primary mold, 13 mm Tests for FS were next accomplished using a new set
from the top surface, stabilized post positions while of posts, divided into 2 groups of 7 each according to
composite resin rings were formed. In this way, all spec- surface treatment. Because previous pilot studies and
imens had 4 mm of post extending coronally to the published data13 have shown small standard deviations
molded composite resin rings (Fig. 2). The composite in this test using Cosmopost posts, 7 post specimens
resin was inserted, following the incremental technique per group were considered sufficient for FS testing.
described by Rueggeberg and Jordan,31 in 2 layers of Thus, in the E group, the Rocatec system was again
2 mm each, using a spatula (No. 9; Thompson Dental, used to provide the tribochemical surface treatment as
Missoula, Mont). The rings surrounded the posts in described previously. The C group did not receive any
the area of tribochemical treatment. Each layer was light surface treatment. For the 3-point bending test, posts
polymerized for 40 seconds with a light unit (Visilux; 3M were placed in a device with supports spaced 12 mm
ESPE) delivering 450 mW/mm2. The tip of the light apart, with the cylindrical segment centered and the
unit was positioned vertically on top of the posts, at tapered portions positioned away from the supports so
the same distance from the composite resin for all speci- that only the cylindrical portion of the posts was loaded.
mens. In the control (C) group, the posts were tested Thus, for the posts in the E group, load was delivered in



Fig. 4. Photomicrograph of tribochemical-treated zirconia

dowel confirming cohesive/adhesive fracture mode observed
(original magnification 333). Composite resin can be
Fig. 3. Specimen in position for testing. (A) Specimen;
observed on only small percentage of visible area. (A) Non-
(B) primary mold locked in the testing machine; (C) metal
treated ceramic surface area; (B) tribochemically treated
cylinder of testing machine on top of dowel.
ceramic surface area; (C) composite resin adhered to tribo-
chemically treated ceramic surface area.
the area where the tribochemical treatment was per-
formed. Specimens were tested to fracture using a uni-
versal testing machine (Kratos P-2000; Kratos) at a MPa for the E and C groups, respectively. A significant
crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. The data for the BS difference (P,.001) was found between the 2 groups,
and FS tests were recorded and statistically analyzed demonstrating a strengthening effect on the zirconia
(SPSS 11 for Macintosh; SPSS Inc, Chicago, Ill) using posts by the tribochemical treatment and silane
the Student t test. The P value was set at .01 to lower application.
the probability of Type I error for both tests. Stereomicroscopy confirmed by SEM analysis re-
An initial screening of the entire rounded post surface vealed a significant amount of composite resin remain-
was done using a stereomicroscope (SM98-90HF; Swift ing on the surfaces of the post specimens treated with
Optics, San Jose, Calif) at 340 magnification. One non- the tribochemical treatment and silanization, demon-
blinded operator assessed the fracture mode for the BS strating a 100% cohesive/adhesive fracture mode for
test as 1 of 3 types: (1) cohesive – composite resin sur- the core material. The total amount of residual compos-
rounding the entire post bond area; (2) cohesive/ ite resin was estimated to be between 20% and 30% of
adhesive – evidence of composite resin adhering to any the area of each post (Fig. 4). Conversely, there was an
part of the post bond surface; or (3) adhesive – no trace absence of composite resin material on the surfaces of
of composite resin found on the post surface. Because the nontreated C group; thus, the mode of failure was
no specimen was assessed as the type 1 mode of failure, determined to be 100% adhesive (Fig. 5). No completely
3 specimens assessed either as type 2 or 3 were arbitrarily cohesive fracture was found. The EDX analysis showed
selected for SEM and energy dispersive spectroscopy a change of the surface post. The nontreated speci-
(EDX) (XL 20; Phillips Electronics, Eindhoven, mens demonstrated a surface composed primarily of Zr
Netherlands) analysis. One surface was selected from (56.02%w), O (27.24%w), and Y (5.45%w). Some traces
each specimen and analyzed by 1 blinded operator to of Al (0.76%w) were also found. In comparison, post
confirm the assessment performed under stereomicro- surfaces treated with the tribochemical treatment and
scopy investigations. silanization had less Zr (41.25%w) and Y (4.43%w),
but more Al (2.93%w) and O (38.55%w). A trace of
Si (0.78%w) was also present.
Composite resin to zirconia post BS values 6 SD ver-
sus surface treatment were 28.1 6 2.3 MPa and 8.9 6
3.9 MPa for the E and C groups, respectively. There It has been shown that the design of the coronal por-
was a significant difference (P,.001) between groups, tion of a post plays an important role in the retention of
with post surfaces treated with the tribochemical silica core material.9,19 The reported low BS values between
coating and silanization treatment exhibiting a signifi- zirconia-based ceramic posts and composite resin may
cantly higher value. The FS values versus surface treat- be attributed to the smooth surface of the posts.15,16
ment were 1544.9 6 214.1 MPa and 844.8 6 50.8 Therefore, surface treatments might be tested to

MARCH 2006 227


recommendation and raises concerns regarding the ef-

fect such a treatment may have on zirconia posts sub-
jected to masticatory loads. Fischer et al13 suggested
that the presence of flaws on post surfaces is responsible
for their tendency to fracture when stressed. As with
other ceramic materials, airborne-particle abrasion may
also cause flaws that result in strength reduction. The
FS of prefabricated zirconia-based ceramic posts has
been reported to be approximately 820 MPa. Kosmac
et al12 used a biaxial flexural test to verify the effect of
aluminum oxide airborne-particle abrasion on zirconia
discs and found an improvement in FS (1239.0 MPa)
when compared to specimens not airborne-particle
abraded (1021.0 MPa). The authors noted that the
Fig. 5. Photomicrograph of nontribochemically treated aluminum oxide airborne-particle–abrasion process is
zirconia dowel surface showing adhesive mode of fracture enough to remove a considerable amount of material
(original magnification 325). from zirconia surfaces. Furthermore, even low stresses
developed during this process may cause a transforma-
tion of surface crystals from a tetragonal (t) to a mono-
improve the BS. Unlike with silica-based ceramics, hydro- clinic (m) phase, with consequent volume expansion.
fluoric acid etching followed by a silane application on Superficial grains could readily transform and expand
a zirconia-based ceramic surface does not enhance the under the stress caused by the impact of alumina parti-
BS between them.2,6,14 Although the manufacturer of cles. However, a grain within the material is constrained,
Cosmopost does not recommend altering post sur- surrounded on all sides by other grains that act uni-
faces,2,9 in this study it was found that the alteration formly from all directions, in a similar fashion to hydro-
caused by tribochemical treatment followed by silaniza- static pressure when a material is submerged in a liquid.
tion improved BS with composite resin. This may be This hydrostatic constraint tends to inhibit phase
attributed to 2 different mechanisms. First, microscopic changes within the bulk of the material. In the present
irregularities created by the 110-mm aluminum oxide study, the tribochemical treatment may have caused
silica-coated airborne-particle abrasion (Rocatec Plus; the t / m transformation in the experimental posts
3M ESPE) may provide mechanical retention. Madani and might explain the significant improvement in FS
et al25 and Awliya et al28 showed that treatment with found in the E group. This is in agreement with Oblak
airborne-particle abrasion was more effective in producing et al,9 who found an increase in FS of zirconia posts sub-
a high BS between composite resin and a high-strength jected to airborne-particle abrasion with 110-mm alumi-
ceramic substrate when compared with hydrofluoric num oxide particles.
acid, grinding with a diamond rotary cutting instru- In spite of the initial improvements in BS between
ment, or polishing treatments. The second mechanism composite resin and zirconia posts found in this study,
relies on a special coating generated by the adhesive layer in a previous study, Wegner and Kern30 reported that
of silica followed by the silane application. More than 150 days of water storage can lower the tensile strength
airborne-particle abrasion, Rocatec Plus powder (3M of bonds between composite resin and Rocatec-treated
ESPE) consists of regularly shaped Al2O3 particles coated zirconia surfaces by almost one third of the initial
with silicon dioxide (SiO2). By this mechanism, the SiO2 is strength. The present study did not assess the role of
tribochemically transformed and is consequently able to water storage in the BS test since the interface between
bond to metal alloys and high-density ceramics.26,27,30 the composite resin core and zirconia post is not con-
Silane bonds chemically to the silica layer and to the sub- sidered to be exposed to water under normal clinical
sequently applied composite resin.26,27,30 In the present conditions.20 On the other hand, in a recent study,
study, composite resin adhered to treated post surfaces Hooshmand et al24 analyzed the role of a heat treatment
(Fig. 4) increased the amount of incorporated Al following the application of silane on the BS between
(2.93%w) and O (38.55%w) seen in the EDX analysis. composite resin and feldspathic ceramics. The authors
This suggests the effectiveness of the silica layer provided found that the composite-resin bond to a ceramic sur-
by the silica-coated aluminum oxide airborne-particle face, in the group that received a heat treatment after
abrasion (Rocatec Plus); it seemingly increases the BS silane application, was as good as the bond to ceramic
values between composite resin and zirconia. groups in which surface treatments included microme-
Although in this study the strength of the resin bond chanical retention provided by airborne-particle abra-
to zirconia posts was enhanced with a tribochemical sion or hydrofluoric acid etching. They also found that
treatment, it is contrary to the manufacturer’s storage in water did not weaken BS. The authors



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