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María Fernanda Reyes Ayala

Jessica Mireya Unzueta Villegas

Shaden Guerrero Reyes

Bachelor's Degree in Administration and Business Management BIS

B.A.B.M. Samuel Canales

Durango, Dgo.

Introduction....................................................................................................................... 3

Justification of the investment project and its description..................................................5

Identification of the market segment and market size.......................................................6

The behavior of supply and demand...............................................................................10

Price fixing...................................................................................................................... 12

Distribution channels.......................................................................................................18

Location of the company and its georeferencing.............................................................20

The layout of the Stand...................................................................................................21

Result of the analysis and justification of the selected process.......................................23

Process diagrams of the selected product or service......................................................29

List of specifications of machinery, equipment, and materials for production in the project
....................................................................................................................................... 43

Plant distribution of the production area..........................................................................45

The legal framework of the company..............................................................................46

Analysis of the environmental impact..............................................................................53

Analysis of the social impact...........................................................................................58

Conclusions.................................................................................................................... 60

Annexes.......................................................................................................................... 63

References..................................................................................................................... 82

There is a growing demand for non-alcoholic beverage options, both for people

who are adopting a more responsible drinking approach, as well as for people looking

for healthier alternatives, and for those who do not drink alcohol by personal choice or

who wish to reduce their consumption.

On the other hand, non-alcoholic options in bars, restaurants or events are

limited and lack variety and quality, since most of the time, these types of

establishments tend to focus on the sale of alcohol; therefore, by focusing on the sale of

prepared nonalcoholic beverages, this work can satisfy the needs of an underserved

market segment and capture a customer base.

Likewise, it seeks to innovate in the market and differentiate itself from the

competition, because by offering unique flavor combinations, fresh ingredients and

attractive presentations, it can stand out and generate interest among consumers

seeking new beverage experiences.

However, it should not be forgotten that by promoting non-alcoholic options, you

can contribute to promoting a healthy lifestyle and the overall well-being of your

customers, thereby attracting people who want to enjoy a pleasurable drinking

experience without the negative effects associated with alcohol consumption.

In the next part of the project, the following key points will be addressed:

First, the optimal location for establishing the company will be identified,

considering factors such as accessibility, proximity to residential areas or events, and

availability of necessary infrastructure and services. Additionally, precise georeferencing

of the selected location will be provided.

The layout and structure of the company will be described, including production

areas, storage, offices, and customer service space. An efficient distribution that

optimizes workflow and facilitates interaction between different departments will be


Next, different processes for the production of alcohol-free cocktails will be

analyzed, and the most suitable one will be selected based on efficiency, product

quality, and available resources. The choice will be justified based on aspects such as

costs, production times, and adaptability to demand.

Detailed diagrams of the production process of alcohol-free cocktails will be

presented, showing the stages and activities involved, from ingredient acquisition to

bottling or serving. A comprehensive list of the machinery, equipment, and materials

necessary for production will also be provided.

Furthermore, legal aspects such as permits, licenses, sanitary regulations, and

food safety will be addressed to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and

regulations. The environmental impact of the project will be evaluated, proposing

measures to minimize and mitigate this impact, and the social impact will be analyzed,

considering aspects such as job creation and contribution to the local economy.

Justification of the investment project and its description

The sale of non-alcoholic cocktails seeks to address the issue of exclusion of

people who do not consume alcohol in cocktail experiences. By offering non-alcoholic

cocktails, an inclusive and diverse environment is created for customers, allowing them

to enjoy a satisfying cocktail experience tailored to their preferences. In addition, this

practice addresses the growing demand for non-alcoholic options, promotes social

responsibility and health by offering safe alternatives, and stimulates creativity and

innovation in mixology.

Non-alcoholic cocktails are an opportunity for creativity and innovation in the

world of mixology. Bartenders and mixologists can experiment with fresh ingredients,

homemade syrups, infusions, and innovative mixing techniques to create unique and

surprising non-alcoholic cocktails. This not only satisfies customers looking for

distinctive experiences but also attracts the attention of the dining community and

generates interest in the establishment.

In addition, selling non-alcoholic cocktails can set an establishment apart from

the competition. By offering a wide range of non-alcoholic options, you can appeal to a

customer segment that is often overlooked in the cocktail industry. This creates a

competitive advantage by broadening the scope of the business and appealing to a

more diverse audience. In short, selling non-alcoholic cocktails promotes inclusiveness,

satisfies customer preferences, encourages social responsibility, stimulates creativity,

and offers a competitive advantage by differentiating yourself from the competition.

Identification of the market segment and market size

Identifying the market for a non-alcoholic cocktail business involves

understanding the profile of potential customers, their needs and preferences, as well as

the competitive environment in which the company will operate. Therefore, the following

are aspects to consider when identifying the market for the business.

Target customer profile:

Health-conscious young adults: This group is concerned about living a healthy

lifestyle and avoiding alcohol consumption. They seek refreshing and tasty options that

allow them to enjoy an experience similar to that of alcoholic cocktails without the

negative effects.

People who do not consume alcohol for personal choice or cultural/religious

reasons: There are individuals who have decided not to consume alcohol for various

reasons, such as personal beliefs, religion or simply personal preference. This group

seeks attractive and creative alternatives that allow them to enjoy non-alcoholic social


Families and parents: Families and parents who want to spend quality time

together can look for non-alcoholic options to include all members. Non-alcoholic

cocktails can be an excellent alternative for family gatherings, children's parties or other

celebrations where children are also present.

Special event customers: Special events, such as weddings, corporate parties or

sporting events, often include people who do not drink alcohol or who prefer non-
alcoholic options. Offering a variety of non-alcoholic cocktails at these occasions can

appeal to those who want a festive option without the effects of alcohol.

Hospitality establishments: Bars, restaurants and cafes that want to expand their

menu to include non-alcoholic options may become regular customers for your

company. These establishments are looking for attractive, quality alternatives to meet

the demand of customers who prefer non-alcoholic beverages.

Market trends and demand:

Healthy lifestyle: More and more people are adopting a healthy lifestyle, which

includes reducing alcohol consumption. Consumers are looking for healthier alternatives

to alcoholic beverages, and non-alcoholic cocktails offer an attractive option.

Awareness of sober driving: Road safety campaigns and awareness of the

dangers of drunk driving have led to an increase in demand for non-alcoholic beverages

at bars, restaurants, and events. Designated drivers and those who choose not to drink

alcohol can enjoy non-alcoholic cocktails without compromising their safety.

A trend toward gastronomic experiences: Non-alcoholic cocktailing has become a

form of culinary expression. Bartenders and mixologists are creating creative

combinations using fresh ingredients, herbs, spices, and homemade syrups to make

sophisticated and flavorful drinks. Consumers are seeking sensory experiences and are

attracted to the variety and quality of non-alcoholic options.

Diversity and customization: Non-alcoholic cocktails offer a wide range of options

to suit different customer tastes and preferences. They can include fruity, herbal, citrus

or spicy flavors, and can be tailored to specific dietary needs or dietary restrictions.
Influence of social media and sharing culture: The culture of sharing photos of

food and drinks on social media has influenced the popularity of non-alcoholic cocktails.

Vibrant colors, creative presentations, and eye-catching garnishes make these drinks

visually appealing, making them popular for sharing on platforms such as Instagram.


In the city of Durango, Mexico, competition in the market for the sale of

nonalcoholic cocktails can vary. Below, I will mention some possible competitors

that could exist in this location:

Bars and restaurants: Bars and restaurants that offer non-alcoholic cocktail

options can be direct competitors. Local establishments that specialize in drinks and

cocktails may include a selection of non-alcoholic options on their menu to meet the

demand of consumers who prefer non-alcoholic drinks.

Coffee shops and tea houses: Coffee shops and tea houses can also be

competitors in the non-alcoholic cocktail market. These establishments often offer

creative, customized non-alcoholic beverages such as iced teas, smoothies, specialty

coffees and mocktails.

Specialty health food stores: Specialty health food and natural products stores

that offer non-alcoholic beverage options, including fresh and organic ingredients.

These stores may be an option for consumers seeking high quality products specific to

their healthy lifestyle needs.

Catering companies: Catering companies that cater events and celebrations can

be competitors, as they often offer non-alcoholic cocktail services as part of their

offerings. These companies can provide a variety of customized options for special

events, which can attract customers looking for unique and exclusive experiences.

Home delivery companies: With the growth of e-commerce and home delivery

platforms, there may be companies dedicated to delivering non-alcoholic cocktails

directly to consumers' homes in Durango. These companies can offer a wide selection

of nonalcoholic beverages and provide comfort and convenience to customers who

prefer to enjoy cocktails in the comfort of their own homes.

The behavior of supply and demand

Table 1

Figure 1

Supply refers to the amount of a good or service that producers are willing to sell

in the market at different price levels. On the other hand, demand refers to the quantity

of the same good or service that consumers are willing to buy at different prices.
That is why the common point between supply and demand is found in the

market equilibrium, where the quantity supplied is equal to the quantity demanded. At

this point, a market price is established that satisfies both producers and consumers.

That is why here you can see our common point between supply and demand

that lies in the balance of our market, where a price and quantity are established that

satisfy both producers and consumers. Both concepts are interdependent and mutually

influence the process of price determination and resource allocation in a market

Price fixing
Distribution channels

Channels of distribution enable a company to reach a broader customer base. By

strategically selecting and utilizing various channels, such as retailers, wholesalers,

ecommerce platforms, and direct sales, the company can tap into different market

segments and geographical areas. For non-alcoholic cocktails, it is a product that is

often sought after by individuals looking for refreshing and flavorful alternatives. By

establishing channels like retail stores, supermarkets, and convenience stores, the

company ensures that its products are readily available to consumers, enhancing

accessibility and convenience.

Distribution channels allow the company to adapt to changing market dynamics

and consumer behaviors. As trends and customer preferences evolve, the company can

adjust its distribution strategy accordingly. Channels of distribution foster relationships

with intermediaries, such as retailers and distributors. These partnerships are crucial for

maintaining a consistent supply chain, managing inventory, and gaining insights into

market trends. Building strong relationships with intermediaries can lead to better

visibility, shelf space, and support from partners.

For us, it is better to use distribution channels that allow us to have a closer

relationship with our target market and maintain them engaged. The distribution

channels are the following:

1. E-commerce Platforms: Utilizing online marketplaces, company websites,

and mobile apps to enable direct-to-consumer sales and reach customers

who prefer online treatment.

2. Subscription Services: Offering subscription-based services where

customers can receive regular deliveries of non-alcoholic cocktail mixes or

ready-to-drink options.

3. Events and Trade Shows: Participating in food and beverage trade shows,

exhibitions, and events to showcase products directly to potential

customers and industry professionals.

4. Distributors and Wholesalers: Partnering with distributors and wholesalers

who have an established network and expertise in the beverage industry,

allowing the company to reach a wide range of retailers efficiently.

Location of the company and its georeferencing


3m X 2.5 m


23.998441, -104.604689


Río Santiago St #164, Div. Villas del Manantial


Between Boulevard Rio Grande, purple and gray office on the corner
The layout of the Stand
Result of the analysis and justification of the selected process
We have 3 processes for the preparation of our non-alcoholic cocktails which can

be divided into a process with a blender, a process with a shaker and the third one is
only poured into the glass, since it does not require any other extra procedure like the



Here it begins with receiving the order which several drinks of this same process


Next, the utensils are prepared, which we are going to use for the drink that is

requested of us, as well as the ingredients, are taken, this with the aim of having a

better organization within the work area.

Then the ingredients to be used are added by means of ounces, grams and

tablespoons. This is to be able to have a better control in the supply, within the amounts

for each drink, since they are ingredients that have to be taken care of if they cannot

change the flavor and thus have a more exact result, when making them.

The blender is used to be able to mix the ingredients properly and in order to

ensure that everything is mixed and that no lumps or solid parts of the drink remain,

which could affect the expected result.

Then it will be served in the glass, after having achieved the expected result,

together with the mixture, to have it in a container that can be contained, to be able to

deliver it.

Finally, when you already have the drink in the glass, it will have to be decorated

after these steps, since the image of the drinks is important, so that it is attractive to the

customers, since the image plays an important part within about the sales.
Below you can see an example of our processes with a blender:

This is the one that doesn't need a blender or a shaker:

It begins with receiving the order, since there are several drinks that do not need

the procedures mentioned above. Once you know which drink is required, you start.
It begins with preparing the utensils that will be needed to make the drink and the

ingredients, depending on the drink required. It is prepared to have a better optimization

of time and this speed up the delivery of the drink.

Afterwards, the ingredients required to make the drinks are added, depending on

the drink required, since there is a wide variety of ingredients that we have, each

ingredient is added to achieve what is expected.

Finally, the result obtained from the procedure is decorated to have a better

presentation to our customers.

To continue an example about this process:

This is the third process that we have, which uses a shaker.

It begins to have the order to be able to know the drink that we want to have,

since it is important to know if the shaker is required to be able to prepare it.

As in the other drinks, the utensils that we will use are also prepared here, since

it makes the process faster for consumers to be happy, since speed is important in this

type of service.

Then the agitator is used, making the ingredients have a good consistency in

order to achieve the expected result.

In this part, the ingredients will be added by advancing the procedure, in order to

have all the required ingredients and give them an exceptional flavor.

Again, the mixture is made to be able to have the ingredients at their point, they

become more liquid and they are all scrambled to achieve what is expected.

For the penultimate step, it is taken to a glass, having all the ingredients in it, and

once the mixture is finished, it is placed here.

Going to the final point of the preparation, it ends with the decoration of the drink,

in order to make it attractive and considering that customers need what they consume

to like and be interested in, making them want it.

To continue an example about this process:

Process diagrams of the selected product or service
List of specifications of machinery, equipment, and materials for
production in the project


Material: High-quality glass or crystal.

Capacity: Variable depending on the needs of the company.

Design: Ergonomic shape to facilitate pouring without spills.

Additional features: May have a tight-fitting stopper or closure system to maintain

freshness and prevent spills.

Cocktail Glasses:

Material: High-quality glass or crystal.

Design: Elegant and slender shape, typically with a stem and a wide variety of

shapes and sizes depending on the type of cocktail.

Capacity: Variable depending on the type of cocktail being served.

Additional features: May have decorative detailing, such as embossed or textured



Material: High-quality glass or crystal, alternatively, can be made of sturdy

Design: Various designs available, from tall glasses for drinks with ice to low

glasses for more concentrated cocktails.

Capacity: Variable depending on the type of beverage being served.

Additional features: Can have a custom design or company logo.

Vibrating Sieve:

Material: Stainless steel or other food-grade resistant material.

Size and capacity: Dependent on the required production and the size of the

particles being sieved.

Additional features: Vibration adjustments and speed control to accommodate

different sieving needs.

Mixing Spoon:

Material: Stainless steel or other food-grade resistant material.

Design: Long handle for easy mixing in glasses or shakers.

Additional features: Can have a spoon or spiral-shaped head to facilitate

ingredient mixing.

Stainless Steel Tubes:

Material: Food-grade stainless steel.

Size and diameter: Variable depending on the intended use, such as stirrers or

Additional features: Can be reusable and washable, reducing single-use plastic


Plant distribution of the production area

The legal framework of the company

The present company is established as a limited liability company since, being a

small company formed by three women, it allows each one to limit their personal liability

in relation to the debts and obligations of the company.

When establishing a limited liability company, the general steps to follow are as


Partnership Agreement: The partners must draft and sign a partnership

agreement that establishes the terms and conditions of the association, such as each

partner's participation, responsibilities, key decisions, and profit distribution.

Company Name: It is important to verify the availability of the name in the Public

Registry of Mexico, which was previously done, and "The Perfect Mix" is available for


Share Capital: Establish the initial share capital of the company and have an

agreement on the amount of capital contributions that each partner will make. This can

be in cash, assets, or other resources necessary for the company.

Drafting of the Articles of Association: This is the legal document that establishes

the operation and rules of the company and must be registered with the Public Registry

of Commerce.

Obtaining the Federal Taxpayer Registry (RFC): Every company must obtain the

RFC from the Tax Administration Service (SAT) to comply with its tax obligations.
Licenses and Permits: It is necessary to ensure obtaining the licenses and

permits required to operate the mobile cart for selling non-alcoholic cocktails at parties.

This includes municipal licenses, health licenses, and permits for the sale of food and


Licenses and Permits:

In the city of Durango, Mexico, to operate a mobile cart and sell non-alcoholic

cocktails at parties, certain specific licenses and permits must be obtained. The

following are the requirements:

Registration with the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP).

Municipal License to operate the mobile cart in the city of Durango.

Health License to ensure compliance with hygiene and food safety. There must

be communication with the State Health Protection against Sanitary Risks.

Operating License.

Food and Beverage Sales Permit.

Compliance with Sanitary Regulations

It is necessary to comply with the sanitary regulations established for the sale of

food and beverages, even for a company operating a mobile cart and selling non-

alcoholic cocktails at parties. The following are the important sanitary regulations to

Health Registration: A health registration must be obtained for the sale of food

and beverages. This requires communication with COESPRIS in Durango. Obtaining

this registration certifies compliance with hygiene and food safety standards.

Food Handling: By following good food handling practices, the safety and

wholesomeness of the non-alcoholic cocktails offered are ensured. This includes

personal hygiene practices, such as wearing clean uniforms and frequent hand

washing. Additionally, it is important to ensure that food is stored, prepared, and

displayed safely and appropriately to prevent contamination.

Cold Chain Control: Adequate refrigeration equipment should be in place to

maintain ingredients and beverages at safe temperatures. Regular monitoring of the

temperature of refrigerated products should be conducted to ensure they remain within

recommended ranges. Procedures for the transportation of cocktails should be

established to ensure they are kept cold during distribution.

Hygiene of the Mobile Cart: Regular cleaning and disinfection of all surfaces in

contact with food, such as countertops, utensils, and equipment, should be carried out.

Proper waste and wastewater management should be maintained, including the use of

appropriate containers and adherence to established waste disposal regulations.

Allergen Control: If the cocktails contain ingredients that can cause food allergies,

it is important to provide clear and accurate information about allergens present in the

products offered. This includes proper labeling of ingredients and effective

communication with customers regarding potential allergens present in the cocktails.

Intellectual Property Protection

When you have a trade name, logo, or distinctive design for your company, it is

important to consider registering them with the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property

(IMPI) to protect your intellectual property and avoid potential infringements.

Mexican Official Standards (NOMs)

NOM-251-SSA1-2009: Hygiene Practices for the Processing of Food, Non-

Alcoholic, and Alcoholic Beverages. This standard establishes the basic hygiene

requirements that should be followed in all stages of food and beverage processing,

including the preparation and handling of non-alcoholic cocktails.

NOM-120-SSA1-1994: Goods and Services. Hygiene and Sanitation Practices

for the Processing of Packaged Food, Non-Alcoholic, and Alcoholic Beverages. This

standard sets specific hygiene and sanitation requirements for packaged food and

beverages, which may apply to the ingredients used in non-alcoholic cocktails.

NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010: General Specifications for Labeling of Prepackaged

Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages. This standard establishes labeling requirements for

packaged food products, including mandatory information that should be displayed on

labels of non-alcoholic cocktails.

NOM-110-SCFI-2016: Alcoholic Beverages. Physicochemical Specifications and

Test Methods. This standard sets physicochemical requirements and test methods for

alcoholic beverages. Although your business focuses on the sale of non-alcoholic

cocktails, it is important to be aware of this standard to ensure that the ingredients and

beverages used meet the corresponding requirements.

NOM-142-SSA1-1995: Products and Services. Test Methods for Germicidal

Efficacy of Sanitizing Products for Use in the Food Industry, Processing Establishments,

and Food Service. This standard establishes test methods to evaluate the efficacy of

sanitizing products used in the food industry. It is relevant to ensure hygiene and safety

of utensils and work surfaces used in the preparation of non-alcoholic cocktails.

NOM-159-SSA1-1996: Products and Services. Environmental Health. Criteria to

Evaluate Air Quality in Indoor Spaces and Establishments Providing Services to the

Population. This standard sets criteria and parameters to evaluate air quality in indoor

spaces, which can be relevant to ensure a healthy and contaminant-free environment in

the mobile cart.

NOM-201-SSA1-2015: Products and Services. Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic

Foods and Beverages with Modifications in their Composition. Nutritional and Labeling

Specifications. This standard establishes nutritional and labeling specifications for non-

alcoholic foods and beverages with modifications in their composition. If you offer

cocktails with modified or substitute ingredients, compliance with appropriate nutritional

information and labeling requirements is necessary.

NOM-189-SSA1/SCFI-2002: Products and Services. Sanitary and Nutritional

Specifications for Non-Alcoholic Foods and Beverages with Health Purposes. This

standard establishes sanitary and nutritional specifications for non-alcoholic foods and

beverages with health purposes, such as those promoted as "low-calorie" or "sugar-

NOM-187-SSA1/SCFI-2002: Alcoholic Beverages. Vodka. Specifications.

Although your business focuses on non-alcoholic cocktails, it is important to be aware of

this standard if you offer options that include vodka as a base ingredient in your non-

alcoholic cocktails to ensure their quality and authenticity.

NOM-241-SSA1-2012: Good Manufacturing Practices for Establishments

Dedicated to Food and Beverage Services. This standard establishes general hygiene

guidelines and good manufacturing practices to be followed in establishments dedicated

to food and beverage services. Compliance with these practices is important to ensure

food safety in the preparation and handling of non-alcoholic cocktails.

NOM-230-SSA1-2002: Products and Services. Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic

Beverages. Test Methods to Determine Identity and Net Content. This standard

establishes test methods to determine the identity and net content of alcoholic and non-

alcoholic beverages. Although your business focuses on non-alcoholic cocktails, it is

important to consider this standard to guarantee the authenticity and quality of the

products you offer.

NOM-176-SSA1-1998: Determination of Total and Fecal Coliform Bacteria in

Food, Water, and Dairy Products. This standard establishes test methods for the

determination of total and fecal coliform bacteria in food, water, and dairy products. It is

important to carry out periodic testing to ensure the microbiological quality of the

ingredients and products used in your non-alcoholic cocktails.

NOM-001-STPS-2008: Safety and Hygiene Conditions in the Workplace. This

standard establishes the minimum safety and hygiene requirements that workplaces in
Mexico must comply with. Relevant points for the company's office include adequate

lighting, ventilation, sanitary facilities, and electrical safety.

NOM-006-STPS-2014: Handling and Storage of Materials. This standard

establishes safety requirements for the handling and storage of materials in workplaces.

If the mobile cart needs to store and handle hazardous materials, such as cleaning

products or flammable liquids, this standard applies to ensure safety in the handling and

proper storage of such materials.

NOM-019-STPS-2011: Constitution, Organization, and Operation of Safety and

Hygiene Committees. This standard establishes requirements for the constitution,

organization, and operation of safety and hygiene committees in workplaces. If the

company has a team that includes several employees, this standard is relevant to

establish a safety and hygiene committee that promotes and supervises safe practices

and hygiene in the workplace.

Analysis of the environmental impact

Approximate Environmental Impact Analysis for a company in Mexico with a

mobile cart for selling non-alcoholic cocktails at parties, considering the provided data:

Cart transportation:

Transporting the cart from the office to Club Campestre, with a distance of 9.4

kilometers (one way), will generate greenhouse gas emissions. The emissions will

depend on the type of vehicle used and its energy efficiency. It is recommended to use

vehicles with lower fuel consumption and consider more sustainable options such as

electric vehicles or sharing transportation with other companies.

Electricity consumption:

Blender: A typical blender consumes around 300 to 500 watts of power. Let's

assume the blender operates for 1 minute to prepare each cocktail. If there are 100

cocktails, this would be a total of 100 minutes of blending time. Assuming an average

value of 400 watts, the blender would consume approximately 40,000 watt-hours or 40

kilowatt-hours (kWh).

Ice machine: An ice machine consumes around 100 to 200 watts of power, and

its operating time depends on the amount of ice needed for the cocktails. Let's assume

the ice machine operates for a total of 2 hours to produce enough ice for the 100

cocktails. Assuming an average value of 150 watts, the ice machine would consume

approximately 300 watt-hours or 0.3 kilowatt-hours (kWh).

Small refrigerator: A small refrigerator consumes around 100 to 200 watts of

power and operates constantly to keep the ingredients and beverages cold. Assuming
the refrigerator operates for 8 hours overnight, it would consume approximately 800 to

1,600 watt-hours or 0.8 to 1.6 kilowatt-hours (kWh).

In total, summing up the energy consumption estimates of the appliances used,

an approximate range of electricity consumption is obtained as follows:

 Blender: 40 kWh

 Ice machine: 0.3 kWh

 Small refrigerator: 0.8 kWh - 1.6 kWh

Therefore, the total electricity used by the mobile cart to prepare 100 non-

alcoholic cocktails in one night would be approximately in the range of 41.1 kWh to 42.9

kWh. It should be noted that these values are only approximate estimates and may vary

depending on the specific appliances used and their energy efficiency.

Waste management:

It is important to implement an appropriate waste management system that

includes the separation of different types of waste generated. Unused fresh ingredients

can be donated or composted if facilities are available. Packaging should be promoted

as recyclable, and recycling containers should be provided to facilitate proper waste

separation. Disposable utensils should be biodegradable or compostable, and general

waste should be efficiently managed to minimize environmental impact.

Unused ingredients and food:

If some ingredients or food are not fully used, they may generate organic waste.

This waste could be composted if composting facilities are available. If composting is

not possible, organic waste would be considered as waste and disposed of in regular



Depending on the ingredients and beverages used, packaging waste such as

plastic bottles, aluminum cans, juice cartons, straws, disposable cups, among others,

may be generated. It is important to promote proper separation and recycling of these

materials. If nearby recycling facilities exist and waste separation is encouraged, these

materials could be recycled instead of being discarded.

Disposable utensils:

If the cart uses disposable utensils such as cups, straws, and stirrers, it is

essential to encourage the use of biodegradable or compostable options. These utensils

could be composted if facilities are available, or otherwise, they should be disposed of

in the appropriate trash.

General waste:

Other general waste may be generated during cocktail preparation, such as

kitchen paper used for cleaning spills or napkins used by customers. This waste would

be considered regular waste and should be disposed of in the appropriate trash.

Ingredient sustainability:

Evaluate the origin and sustainability of the ingredients used in the non-alcoholic

cocktails. Prioritize the use of local and seasonal ingredients to reduce the carbon

footprint associated with transportation. Seek suppliers offering organic and fair-trade
products, avoiding ingredients that contribute to deforestation or are obtained


Environmental awareness:

It is crucial to educate employees and customers about the importance of

adopting sustainable practices. Promote the use of reusable containers, encourage the

reduction of single-use plastics, and provide information about the environmental

actions implemented by the company. Encouraging customers to make more

sustainable choices can contribute to a lower environmental impact.

Next, an estimate of the carbon footprint for producing 100 cocktails in one night

will be presented.
Analysis of the social impact
Collaboration with charitable organizations: The company can establish partnerships

with local charities and allocate a portion of its profits to support social causes. This

demonstrates a commitment to social responsibility and contributes to the development

of projects and programs for the benefit of the community.

Promotion of healthy lifestyles: By offering non-alcoholic cocktails, the company

can promote healthier beverage options and encourage customers to adopt healthier

lifestyles. This can be especially relevant for events targeting families and young


Promotion of local culture: The company can seize the opportunity to highlight

local culture by incorporating traditional ingredients and recipes into their non-alcoholic

cocktails. This helps preserve and disseminate the cultural identity of the region.

Support for community events: The company's participation in community events

not only provides entertainment but can also collaborate in the organization and

logistical support of local celebrations. This strengthens the bond between the company

and the community, generating a positive impact on the social fabric.

Environmental responsibility: The implementation of sustainable and

environmentally friendly practices, such as the use of recyclable packaging, food waste

reduction, and proper waste management, demonstrates the company's commitment to

environmental responsibility and can influence customers and the community to adopt

more sustainable behaviors.

Social inclusion: The company can promote social inclusion by offering

employment opportunities to people in vulnerable situations, such as at-risk youth,

people with disabilities, or older adults. This contributes to equity and diversity in the

workplace and provides personal and professional development opportunities for those

facing barriers to employment.

The analysis of social impact involves assessing the effects and contributions of

the company to society. The following is an approximate analysis of the social impact:

Job creation: The company can contribute to job creation by hiring staff for the

preparation and sale of non-alcoholic cocktails. This can be beneficial for the local

community by providing employment opportunities and improving the local economy.

Promotion of the local economy: By using local and seasonal ingredients in

cocktail preparation, the company can support local farmers and suppliers. This

strengthens the local supply chain and promotes economic sustainability in the


Participation in community events: The company's presence at community

parties and events can contribute to liveliness and enjoyment in such celebrations. This

helps create a sense of community and promotes social interaction among attendees.

Awareness of responsible consumption: The company can leverage its platform

to promote responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages and foster a culture of

sober driving. This contributes to road safety and the overall well-being of the


Developing a project to market non-alcoholic beverages is a strategic and

lucrative opportunity in the current market. Through a solid investment justification,

precise market identification, understanding of supply and demand, appropriate pricing

strategy, and effective distribution channels, the chances of success for this developing

company can be maximized.

The investment justification for this project is based on several compelling

reasons. Firstly, the growing interest in healthy eating and wellness has led to an

increased demand for non-alcoholic beverage options. With the current trend towards a

healthier lifestyle, there is a market eager for beverages that provide flavor and variety

without the effects of alcohol. This presents a unique opportunity to develop a profitable

and sustainable business.

By accurately identifying the target market, it is possible to tailor the marketing

and sales strategy to meet the specific needs of consumers. This involves thoroughly

researching and understanding the preferences, consumption habits, and market

behaviors of the target audience. For example, identifying the most popular typical

nonalcoholic beverages in certain cultures or regions and adapting the offering

accordingly can help gain quick acceptance and recognition.

Thoroughly analyzing supply and demand is essential for establishing a

competitive advantage in the market. This includes evaluating current and future

competition, as well as identifying existing market gaps that can be capitalized on. By
developing unique typical non-alcoholic beverages, differentiated by their authenticity,

quality, and taste, a market niche can be created, gaining a significant competitive edge.

Pricing is a critical factor that affects both profit margins and consumer

perception of value. It is important to establish a competitive and profitable price that

reflects the quality of the product and is appealing to the target market. Additionally,

differentiated pricing strategies based on distribution channels or geographic location

can be considered, adapting to the specific characteristics of the market and demand.

Selecting the right distribution channels is essential for efficiently reaching and

satisfying consumers. This may include distribution through retailers, supermarkets,

specialty stores, bars, and restaurants, as well as e-commerce and subscription

services. The combination of distribution channels should be based on the purchasing

preferences of the target market and the accessibility of consumers to non-alcoholic

beverages. Choosing effective channels will ensure broad coverage and timely

distribution, thus maximizing sales opportunities and business reach.

In conclusion, developing a project to market non-alcoholic beverages requires a

strategic and careful approach. By justifying the investment, identifying the target

market, understanding supply and demand, establishing appropriate pricing, and

selecting effective distribution channels, the developing company can position itself to

seize the opportunities and challenges of the market. With solid planning and successful

execution, this company has the potential to thrive and become a prominent player in

the nonalcoholic beverage industry.

In conclusion, this project to establish a non-alcoholic cocktail vending company

for parties has comprehensively and solidly addressed all the necessary aspects for its

success. From the location and layout of the company, through the process analysis,

plant distribution, legal framework, to the environmental and social impact assessments,

a committed approach to quality, efficiency, and responsibility has been demonstrated.

With these foundations established, the company has great potential to stand out in the

non-alcoholic cocktail market, contribute to the events sector, and provide tangible

benefits to the community at large.


1. Have you ever tried non-alcoholic cocktails before?



2. Would you consume non-alcoholic cocktails?



3. Are you interested in trying new non-alcoholic cocktail options?




4. Do you prefer non-alcoholic options due to health reasons?



5. Do you seek non-alcoholic cocktail options for social events?



6. Do you consider it important that non-alcoholic cocktails have an attractive



7. What is the price you would be willing to pay for non-alcoholic cocktails?




8. Would you like the company to offer customized options or special

nonalcoholic cocktail creations?



9. Do you prefer natural and fresh ingredients in your non-alcoholic



10. What is your main motivation for choosing non-alcoholic cocktails over

those with alcohol?




11. What kind of non-alcoholic cocktails would you like to find on a menu?







12. What factor do you consider most important when choosing a beverage in

an establishment?






The study was based on a large sample of people who consume non-alcoholic

cocktails. The collected data revealed that there are significant differences in

preferences and consumption patterns according to the age of the individuals.

The age segment from 15 to 25 years shows a percentage of 11.9% in the

consumption of non-alcoholic cocktails. This could be attributed to the fact that youth in

this age group tend to be more interested in non-alcoholic beverage options due to a

variety of factors. Some possible explanations include a preference for a healthy

lifestyle, compliance with alcohol consumption laws, and the search for refreshing and

tasty alternatives.
The age range from 26 to 35 years presents a percentage of 20.7% in the

consumption of non-alcoholic cocktails. This could be related to the transition towards a

greater awareness of personal well-being and health. Many people in this demographic

may be concerned about the negative effects of excessive alcohol consumption on their

general health and well-being. Therefore, they choose to enjoy non-alcoholic cocktails

as a healthier and more balanced alternative.

In the age range of 36 to 45 years, the percentage rises to 42.2% in the

consumption of non-alcoholic cocktails. This can be the result of a combination of

factors. As people age, they may become more aware of the negative effects of alcohol

on their health and well-being. Additionally, this stage of life often coincides with family

and professional responsibilities that may require a higher level of sobriety and


The age segment from 46 to 55 years represents 25.2% of the consumption of

non-alcoholic cocktails. This group may be comprised of individuals seeking to reduce

their alcohol consumption due to lifestyle changes, age-related health concerns, or

personal preferences. Also, some of them may have experienced the negative effects of

excessive alcohol consumption over the years and opt for healthier and more refreshing


In general, the graph shows a trend towards greater consumption of non-

alcoholic cocktails with increasing age. This may be due to changes in health priorities,

lifestyle, and personal responsibilities over time. The collected data provide an

interesting insight into non-alcoholic cocktail consumption preferences in different age

groups and could serve as a basis for strategy development.

The graph showing that 85.2% have tried non-alcoholic cocktails and 14.8% have not

might be highlighting the growing demand and popularity of non-alcoholic beverage

options in today's society. This may reflect increased health awareness, moderation in

alcohol consumption, and a search for more varied and sophisticated beverage

alternatives. The graph may indicate a paradigm shift in consumer preferences, which

has important implications for the hospitality industry and consumer trends in general.
The graph shows that 80.7% are interested in trying non-alcoholic cocktails and

19.3% are not, it could be highlighting the growing demand and acceptance of non-

alcoholic beverage options in today's society. This may reflect a greater awareness of

the importance of health and well-being, as well as a trend towards more balanced

lifestyles and more inclusive options for those who do not consume alcohol. The graph

could indicate widespread consumer acceptance and curiosity towards non-alcoholic

alternatives, which can drive innovation and variety in the beverage market, as well as

create more inclusive bar and restaurant experiences.

The graph in which 80% prefer non-alcoholic cocktails for health reasons and

20% do not could be reflecting a growing awareness of wellness and concern for

adopting a healthier lifestyle. The fact that 80% of people choose non-alcoholic cocktails

suggests that there is significant demand for healthier options in the beverage industry.

This trend may be driven by factors such as concerns about the negative effects of

excessive alcohol consumption, the adoption of balanced diets and the general trend

towards a more conscious lifestyle. In addition, the graph can serve as a signal to soft

drinks that there is a growing and profitable market for non-alcoholic cocktails, giving
them an opportunity to diversify their offerings and meet the needs of an increasingly

healthy and conscious public. your well being.

The graph that shows that 72.6% are interested in contracting the non-alcoholic

cocktail service and 27.4% are not, could be evidence of the growing demand for non-

alcoholic options at events and celebrations. This trend reflects a greater awareness of

inclusiveness and diversity of beverage preferences, and a willingness to accommodate

the needs of those who do not consume alcohol. The graph could indicate a business

opportunity for cocktail and event services, by demonstrating the significant interest of a

large segment of the population in enjoying quality non-alcoholic beverages during their

celebrations. In addition, the inclusion of non-alcoholic options at events can provide a

more inclusive and attractive environment for a wider audience, adapting to people's

preferences and lifestyles.

The graph that shows that 87.4% are interested in something having a visual

appeal and 12.6% could not be highlighting the importance of the visual aspect in

today's society. The graph indicates that the vast majority of people value the aesthetics

and visual appeal of objects, products or experiences. This reflects a growing trend

towards appreciation of beauty and design in various areas of life, such as fashion,

decoration, advertising and entertainment. In addition, the graph may indicate that the

visual aspect influences purchasing decisions, the perception of quality and the

attraction to certain products or services.

The graph that shows that 33.6% of people are willing to pay 30 to 40 pesos,

44% are willing to pay 41 to 50 pesos and 22.4% are willing to pay 51 to 60 pesos for

non-alcoholic cocktails for parties could be to reflect the market's willingness to invest in

experiences of high quality and perceived value.

The graph shows a distribution of price preferences, where the largest segment,

44%, is willing to pay between 41 and 50 pesos. This suggests that there is a significant

market willing to spend average price for quality mocktails at parties.

The fact that 33.6% are willing to pay 30 to 40 pesos indicates that there is a

group interested in cheaper options, but they still value non-alcoholic cocktails at


On the other hand, the 22.4% willing to pay between 51 and 60 pesos represents

a segment willing to invest more money to obtain higher quality and more sophisticated

non-alcoholic cocktails.

Overall, the graph reflects the diversity of pricing preferences for non-alcoholic

party cocktails, and provides valuable information for business decision-making.

The graph showing that 76.1% are interested in custom options or specialty

mocktail creations and 23.9% could not be underscoring the importance of individuality

and seeking unique experiences in drinking.

The chart indicates that the vast majority of people value the ability to customize

their mocktails, allowing them to tailor drinks to their individual tastes and preferences.

This reflects a growing trend toward personalization and exclusivity in the beverage

industry, where consumers seek unique experiences that are different from traditional


The fact that 76.1% are interested in personalized options or special creations

indicates that there is significant demand for bespoke beverages designed to meet the

specific tastes and needs of consumers. This can include special ingredients, unique

flavor combinations, and attractive presentations.

The graph also suggests that the remaining 23.9% may prefer more standard or

predefined options, giving beverages the opportunity to offer a variety of options to

satisfy different market segments.

In summary, the chart shows that most people are interested in custom options

or specialty mocktail creations, highlighting the importance of individuality and

exclusivity in beverage consumption.

The graph that shows that 67.7% prefer natural and fresh ingredients in their

non-alcoholic cocktails and 32.3% could not highlight the growing concern for the quality

and origin of ingredients in today's society.

The graph indicates that most people value the use of natural and fresh

ingredients in their mocktails. This reflects a greater awareness of the importance of a

healthy, sustainable diet free of artificial additives. In addition, it shows a preference for

authentic and genuine flavors, as well as a greater appreciation for the freshness and

quality of ingredients.

The fact that 67.7% prefer natural and fresh ingredients indicates that there is a

significant demand for non-alcoholic cocktails made with products of natural and
unprocessed origin. This can include fresh fruits, aromatic herbs, natural juices and

other organic ingredients. This trend may be driven by concern for health, well-being

and care for the environment.

On the other hand, the 32.3% who do not have a preference for natural and fresh

ingredients may prefer more processed options or those with artificial ingredients. This

indicates the existence of different consumer segments with diverse preferences and


In summary, the graph shows the preference of most people for natural and fresh

ingredients in their non-alcoholic cocktails, reflecting the growing importance of quality,

health and sustainability in beverage consumption.

The graph showing the top motivations for choosing non-alcoholic cocktails over

alcoholic ones could be to highlight the growing awareness of the effects of alcohol on

personal health and well-being.

The graph shows that 33.6% of people choose non-alcoholic cocktails because

they do not like the taste or the effect of alcohol. This indicates an individual preference

based on taste preferences and personal experience with alcohol consumption. Some

people may simply not enjoy the taste of alcohol or may find the effects it has on their

body unpleasant.

51.5% of people choose non-alcoholic cocktails because they don't like the

effects alcohol has on their body. This reflects increased awareness of the negative

impacts of alcohol on health and well-being. These people may be concerned about the

harmful effects of alcohol on their bodies, such as dehydration, liver problems, cognitive

decline, and risk of dependency.

14.9% of people choose non-alcoholic cocktails because they want to kick their

alcohol addiction. This motivation suggests a desire to maintain an alcohol-free lifestyle

and overcome possible dependency. These individuals may be committed to their

health and well-being, and view mocktails as a safe and healthy alternative to avoiding

relapse and staying sober.

Overall, the graph reflects the diversity of reasons why people choose mocktails,

providing valuable information.

The graph showing cocktail flavor preferences could be to highlight the diversity

of consumer tastes and preferences in the beverage industry.

The graph reveals a variety of cocktail flavor preferences. 16.3% of people show

a preference for fruit flavors, indicating an interest in refreshing and fruity cocktails.

These flavors can include fruits like strawberries, pineapples, mangoes, and citrus like

lemons and oranges.

23% of people prefer herbaceous flavors, suggesting a penchant for cocktails

with fresh herbs like mint, basil, or rosemary. These flavors can add complexity and a

fresh edge to drinks.

25.6% of people show a preference for sour flavors, indicating a taste for

cocktails with an acid or citric profile. These flavors can include lemon, lime, or

grapefruit juices, as well as ingredients like balsamic vinegar or bitters.

21.5% of people prefer tonic flavors, which may imply a preference for cocktails

with bitter notes and more subtle flavors. This may include the use of tonics, bitters, or

liqueurs such as Campari.

13.3% of people show a preference for creamy flavors, indicating a preference

for cocktails with smoother textures and indulgent flavors. These flavors may be

associated with creamy liqueurs, such as coffee liqueur or Baileys.

In general, the graph reflects the diversity of preferences regarding the flavors of

the cocktails. This information is valuable for beverages, since it allows the cocktail offer

to be adapted to the tastes and preferences of consumers. Furthermore, the graph

shows that there is room for innovation and creativity when combining different flavors

and creating unique cocktail experiences.

The graph that shows the factor considered most important when

choosing a drink could be to highlight the diversity of priorities and preferences of

consumers when making decisions about which drinks to consume.

The graph reveals different factors that influence the choice of a drink. 16.3% of

people consider taste as the most important factor. This indicates that for this group of

people, the taste experience and the enjoyment of the flavor are decisive when
choosing a drink. These people value the quality and sensory satisfaction that a drink

gives them in terms of taste.

17.8% of people consider presentation as the most important factor. This

suggests that for this group, the appearance and visual aesthetics of the drink are

crucial when making a decision. These people may be looking for drinks that are

visually appealing, well presented, and that create a complete sensory experience.

50.4% of people value the variety of options as the most important factor. This

indicates that the availability of different options and the possibility to choose from a

wide range of drinks are essential for this group. These people seek to have options to

meet their individual tastes, preferences, and needs.

15.6% of people consider healthy ingredients as the most important factor. This

reflects a concern for personal well-being and health when choosing a drink. These

people value the quality of the ingredients used in the drink and look for options that are

nutritious, natural and free of artificial additives.

Taken together, the graph demonstrates that consumers have different priorities

and criteria when choosing a beverage. This highlights the importance of offering a wide

variety of options that meet the diverse preferences and needs of the market.

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