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1) How can technology benefit children?

(Benefits for children involved

in ER activities).
Hello, everyone. My name is Eder, I am a PhD student in my second year here at the MHSOE
and I am working with educational robotics. Robotics can be seen as a concept used to designate
the learning involving the building and manipulation of robots where the student can develop
skills such as logical thinking, creativity, work in group and other knowledge from other
different areas (Maliuk, 2009). Usually, the activities involving robotics are organised in three
There are several studies indicating that ER can have a positive impact on children. In one recent
systematic review about the potential of ER as a learning tool in the context of Primary and
Secondary School education, Benitti (2012) was able to analyse 10 academic articles with
quantitative evaluation. The results showed that the most common outcome of this studies is the
use of robotics to aid understanding of concepts related to STEM areas. Two experiments
indicated that robotics is feasible for teaching or developing skills in areas not closely related to
the field of robotics per se.
Another important work which address the potential and benefits of ER as a learning tool is Dr.
Alimisis work from 2013 called “Educational robotics: Open questions and new challenges”. In
this article, Alimisis highlights that beyond technology itself, the robots should be seen as just
another tool in learning. He also points out to the need to put the emphasis on the curriculum and
the partnership with learning theories such as constructionism and constructivism in order to
transcend the use of ER as tool in learning from a very specific group of students (those who are
talented in technology and science) to a broader community such as the whole class. According
to the same author, another benefit of the use of ER as a learning tool is the possibility of a shift
on the education paradigm in which children can learn as “makers” rather than just “consumers”
of a pre-stablished technology.
However, because it would be interesting to relate the question with my PhD study as well, I
have to add that the literature regarding ER and development of career interest, despite being
very limited to date, seems to be also very promising. One of these studies was written by
Nugent et al. (2014). Their organisation (Gear Teach 21) developed a 40-hour educational
robotics curriculum for afterschool clubs and camps (for competitions, their model of curriculum
is FLL adapted). Five thousand young students participated in the research (one of the most
extensive studies regarding the impact of robotics in STEM interest and knowledge in this
sampling group). The data analysis of their findings indicated that, considering career interest,
the camp data is more positive for engineering career. In two of three years of competition, data
also showed an increase in youth interest in engineering careers, but not in mathematics, science
and technology. Club data did not show any increase in youth interest in pursuing STEM careers.
However, the researchers evaluated an extensive sampling group rather than following up career
interest in STEM stemming from the participation in clubs, camps and competitions. Therefore,
only an initial interest in engineering is partially supported in this study.
Another relevant work on ER related to the development of career interest intended to
‘understand how robotics programs influenced young women’s career decisions and the
program’s effect on engineering, physics, and computer science career interests’ (Craig, 2014, p.
3). The findings supported that the participation in a FRC (First Robotics Competition, a Lego
competition for the age group from 14-18 years old) team helped young female students who had
already been interested in STEM careers before high school to strength the decision of
continuing in this vocational pathway. Young female students who had not chosen a career
related to STEM before high school and who participated in the FRC revealed that the
preparation for the competition and the role models (coaches, family and heroes) helped to shape
career interest and, ultimately, helped them to become who they are. Therefore, this study
indicated the potential of ER as impacting on interest for technology careers.
The studies to date present evidence that ER has the potential to develop career interest in
engineering (Nugent, 2014), and physics and computer science (Craig, 2014). Career interest in
engineering has been supported by studies developed in educational settings using goal-based
approach (competitions) and project-based approaches (robotics camps and clubs).

2) What factors influence the benefits of technology for children? (in my

case, there are several studies indicating that the factors which influence
the benefits of ER activities are: THIS, THAT, THIS, THAT.).
As I was mentioning previously, researchers (and especially philosophers) in the ER field such
as Alimisis (2013) and Eguchi (2014) suggest that as any other technological tool in learning, ER
is not an answer or a factor that will benefit children per se.
Therefore, in the field of ER, the factors influencing the benefits of technology for children seem
to be related to the type of approach each robotics teacher or the educational setting manager
decides to develop. In ER, there are, according to Eguchi (2013) three approaches: 1) Goal-
oriented: in which there is a competition/challenge with time to prepare and culminating with the
presentation of the results the team achieved; 2) Theme based curriculum: in which robotics is
embedded in curriculum and is used to develop projects as a learning tool; and 3) Project-based
learning: in which students develop answers to real-world problems, share their findings and also
create presentations.
Studies relating ER and development of career interest have indicated some factors influencing
the benefits of technology for children. Craig (2014) in her thesis about the impact of FRC in 10
female professionals from the areas of physics, engineering and technology indicated that the
role of the “heroes” (or the female role models) who helped in the period of preparation for the
robotics competition was essential in the decision of her participants to decide for a career in the
STEM field.
Learning activities – peer relationship.
Learning Opportunities – in contact with.
Send tomorrow evening to Andrew the three slides for the Panel presentation (question 1 – my
name, question 2 – my name, question 3 – my name).
There are many factors… but in my particular context the most important factors are…
However, complications can be seen in this, that and this (barriers and supports).

3) Will technology improve or worsen the attainment gap? (evidences in

studies indicating that ER activities were capable of enhance attainment
Taking into account the context where my research has been made, public schools in an
underprivileged area of the capital of the Rio Grande do Sul State in Brazil, there are indications
that ER has helped students providing opportunities to overcome their socio-economical context.
On both of my case studies, development of useful technology skills and a broader view of the
labour market seem to be part of the outcomes of participation of young learners in robotics
The fact that ER is part of the integral education curriculum of their schools in this context
means also that at least additional 3 hours of study will be included in their school shifts,
providing more opportunities of development and an extra school shift dedicated to teacher
support. ER is included as one of the curriculum disciplines of the integral education curriculum
and providing mainly technology skills and learning activities related to the robotics field, such
as participation in projects, competitions, basic robotics concepts, etc.
In this same educational context, integral education curriculum has been provided through
Federal funding since 2007. However, private initiatives and some public educational systems
also have provided integral education in which robotics is part of the curriculum in Brazil since
the beginning of 2000’s.

The ER educational settings I am studying inserted ER as par t of their curriculum, and in this
sense, ER is part of an integral education curriculum (bring facts about technology, trying always
to make it obvious what my point is – in this sense, ER workshops inside integral education in
public schools in Brazil improve the attainment gap regarding the access to technology providing
opportunities of participation, career interest and development of useful skills).

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