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Idle Hands Make the Devil’s Work

You are a Bureaucratic Devil in service to

the Infinite Hells. After an eternity of
clerical work, you are bored. Now you slack
off as much as you can without The Boss
The Boss will NOT be happy if they catch you.

Playing a Turn: Each player takes one Scheme: After a player rolls their skill
turn per round.The first four rounds check any other player with an available
happen before Lunch. The fifth and later Scheme Die may declare a Scheme. Up to
rounds are after Lunch. two players may Scheme on a single player
• GM describes any events occurring in
the office such as birthday parties, a • The Scheming player decides to either
possessed copier, or Bring Your Imp Assist or Hinder the active player’s
to Work day. plan.

Office Supplies: Three or more players Game Manager: Each round the role of • Players roll 3d6. Highest roll takes the • The Scheming player proposes their
will each need 1d4, 4d6, and a place to the Game Manager (GM) passes clockwise first turn. plan to the GM. The GM then grants the
track their stats from one player to the next. Scheming player a modifier of -1, 0, or
• On their turn the player describes how +1 on their roll.
Hellish Statistics: To create your Devil While in the GM role, the player’s Devil is they will try to avoid their duties. The
choose a standard stat array below. Assign on break and does not participate in the action should align with one of the • The Scheming player rolls their Scheme
one value to each of the following skills: round. three Skills. Die. If Assisting, add the scheme roll to
Wander, Distract, and Interact the skill check. If Hindering, subtract
• The GM will determine the relevant the scheme from the skill check.
The first player to be removed from the
(+1,-2, +2) or (+3, 0,-2) game takes on the GM role permanently Skill Check and any contextual
until another player is removed. bonuses. The default target value to • All Scheme Dice used in the Scheme are
succeed on a Skill Check is 10. set aside until a new round begins.
Business Casual: There is a strict
business casual dress code. Name one Boss Behavior Randomizer (d4):
discrete way your Devil breaks it. The GM can roll a d4 at the start of each • Player rolls 3d6 trying to reach the Clocking Out: The game has two possible
round to help them determine how The target value, adding modifiers from end conditions, Before Lunch or After
Boss is spending their time in the office. their Skills. Lunch.
Number of the Beast:
Skill Check rolls of (6,6,6) automatically
pass and cannot be modified. The player 1. Watchful: The same Skill can not be • Pass: The player Devil goes unnoticed • Before Lunch: If any Devil is caught
immediately upgrades their Scheme Die to used in consecutive Skill Checks this by The Boss and play continues. slacking twice before Lunch (and thus
a d6 if it is currently a d4. round. Reprimanded) the Boss flies into a rage.
• Fail: the player Devil is Scolded. The entire staff plunges to damnation.
The game ends and all players lose.
Scheme Dice: Each player starts the 2. Delegating: The GM assigns a Skill that
game with one d4 as a Scheme Die. This must be used in all Skill Checks this • Fail after Scolded: The player Devil is
die is used on other player’s turns to round. Reprimanded and banished to a • After Lunch: Devils are Reprimanded
Scheme. personal hell of endless paper cuts. individually after Lunch.The final Devil
They are out of the game. is promoted for their diligence in the
3. Timesheet Discrepancies: All players workplace and wins the game.
When a player is Scolded, their d4 Scheme roll a d4, they subtract the result from
die is replaced with a d6 for the remainder their next Skill Check. Sell Out: The first Devil to be
of the game. Reprimanded may Sell Out their cohorts. Note: The players may need to cooperate if
they want to survive until Lunch. This early
4. Performance Evaluation: This turn portion is intended to ease players into the
A player may remove their Scheme die Schemes can only target the Devil The Reprimanded Devil picks up-to two game before it transitions into a backstab
from the remainder of the game to closest in initiative order. Devils who have not been Scolded yet. The battle royale!
automatically pass a Skill Check. chosen Devils are immediately Scolded.

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