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The real challenge is to grow the business continuously and at a reasonable speed to start

seeing profits as soon as possible. And, as intimidating as it sounds, is a demanding and

complex task. Every major retailer has a lot of ups and downs, most customer only visit us
when we do an advertising campaign because our discounts, but there are very few who visit
us for our environment, for the experience and for recommendations. One reason for this
might be the fact that the lower communication with customers through social media, since
we are living in a technological age, most customers come through social media like Instagram,
TikTok, Facebook, etc. thanks to social media is that businesses growns up. Second, business
are not attentive to the changing needs of the market, with new innovations of products with
today’s trends. Third, there is no difference with competition, customers do not only buy the
product, they also buy a relationship with the supplier.

All above factors cause downs in a major retailer. To prevent this we propose some

1. As a company, we need to use marketing media close to the business like posters, local
press, sponsorship of local events, etc.

2. We could also use low-cost advertising offered on the internet to promote.

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