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DUE – Extra exercises

1) Complete the sentences with a suitable expression or phrase with ‘due’.

a. What time is the next train _________________?

b. We are so happy because our boss said we are ___________________ a promotion soon.
c. An announcement on his replacement will be made __________________.
d. I’ve ___________________________ for the last 25 years, and now I’m ready for a comfortable
e. The game has been canceled ___________________________adverse weather conditions.
f. ___________________________, Sir, I cannot agree with your last statement.
g. The present chairman is ________________________ retire next month.
h. Don’t forget that the bills are ____________________ on November 30th.

2) Match the sentences from exercise 1 with their meanings.

( ) because of

( ) expected to arrive at a particular time

( ) to earn the right to have something because you worked hard

( ) at the right time and not before

( ) to show you’re going to disagree with someone

( ) expected to happen at a particular time

( ) to expect to receive it because you deserve it

( ) should be paid

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