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Dependent prepositions video
Collocations with take, make, do & have
Place prepositions video
From nouns & verbs to adjectives
Spelling rules

We don’t normally add or take away letters, we simply add the suffix to the end of the word. However, there are some exceptions:

We double the final consonant in words that have a short stressed vowel before the final consonant.
sun → sunny

A -y at the end of a word changes to to -i.
bounty → bountiful

An -e at the end of a word is dropped when the suffix begins with a vowel, but -ee, -oe, -ye remain unchanged.
fortune → fortunate
agree → agreeable

An -l is dropped before adding the suffix -ful to words that end in –ll.
skill → skilful
To get (something) off your chest

To face the music

Like father like son / To be a chip off the old

Phrasal verbs

Sort out = figure out = resolve

Point out (something)

Burn off

Keep up
FCE Speaking part 1

• Talk about your family.

• Talk about the kind of music you like
and dislike.
• Say who you think has had the most
influence on your life and why.
• Briefly describe your best friend.
Linkers for contrast

Although & Even though> Always part of a subordinate clause if the subordinate clause
comes in first position it’s separated from the main clause by a comma. Never use a comma
after although or even though. Aunque
We can use 'although& even though' at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence. It is used in
front of a clause (a clause has at least a subject and a verb that agrees with the subject).
Although the weather is bad, I love London./Even though the weather is bad, I love London
I love London although the weather is bad./ I love London even though the weather is bad.

Despite / in spite of > Always followed by a noun, the fact that or -ing form.Despite is slightly
more formal. Apesar de /pese a
We use 'despite' or 'in spite of' before a noun or a gerund. It can also go in the middle or at the
beginning of a sentence. 'Despite' and 'in spite of' mean exactly the same thing. You can choose
whichever one you like! If you want to use 'despite' or 'in spite of' to connect a clause, you need to
add 'the fact that'.
I love London despite the bad weather. /I love London in spite of the bad weather.
Despite loving London, I can’t stand the bad weather. / In spite of loving London, I can’t stand the
bad weather.
I love London despite the fact that the weather is bad. /I love London in spite of the fact that the
weather is bad.
Linkers for contrast
However > Always Followed by a comma if it’s not at the end of
the sentence. Sin embargo
We use 'although' and 'despite / in spite of' to connect two clauses in
the same sentence. On the other hand, 'however' isn't used to
connect two clauses. Instead, we usually put the two ideas in two
separate sentences. We put 'however' in the second sentence, and
we can put it at the beginning, at the end, or after the subject.

I love London. However, the weather is bad.

I love London. The weather, however, is bad.

I love London. The weather is bad, however.(though)
Linkers for contrast

On the one hand ...on the other hand por un lado...por otro lado
Expression used to introduce opposite points in a discussion. Used in a
different sentences or paragraphs.
On the one hand, If I take the job in Milan, I’ll be able to go to de opera. On
the other hand, If I take the job in Barcelona, I’ll be able to go to the beach.

While & Whereas mientras que
They are used to compare two things and show how they are different. It can
be used at the beginning or middle of a sentence.
She likes chocolate whereas I prefer strawberry.
Whereas you like chocolate, I like strawberry.
Watch out! While (aunque) can also be used with the same meaning as
although. While computers are important, we shouldn’t let then rule our lives.

Make ends meet
“The widow and her four children found it
difficult to make ends meet.”

Achilles heel
“The speaking part has always been my
Achilles heel.”
Phrasal verbs
Make up >
1.To be part of something
2. Invent
3. Become friends again

Pick out >

1. Select
2. Distinguish

Put away>
1. Save or store
2. Save money

-ed adjectives (ESTAR)
Adjectives that end in -ed generally describe emotions – they tell us
how people feel.
“The teacher is bored.” > La profesora está aburrida.(Se siente

-ing adjectives (SER)
Adjectives that end in -ing describe a thing or a person.
“The teacher is boring.” > La profesora es aburrida. (Es de esa

“The teacher is so boring that I’m bored”


To be born with a silver spoon in your mouth
“She never had to work as she was born with a
silver spoon in her mouth”

A bad apple
“I’m not going to put up with any bad apples in
the team”
Phrasal verbs

Let down > “I am sorry I let you down. I told
you I woud help you and I did not”

Figure out > “Review the answer key and
figure out why your answers were wrong”.

Hold back :
1. “He held back important information to close
the deal.”
2.”She held back her tears”
Advantages & disadvantages

Advantages: ●
A benefit Drawback
A positive aspect An objection
A good point A negative effect
An argument in favour A downside
The pros of A frequent critism
The cons of
Giving advice
You should...
You ought to...
You’d better...
Make sure you…
Don’t ignore…
If I were you, I would…
It’s generally best to…
In this kind of situation I would…
You have no choice but …
Why don’t you

Hi Gisela, ●
Speak to you soon,

Hello ●
Take care,

Hello there! ●
I’m looking forward to your reply.

Dear Gisela, ●
I can’t wait to read your reply.

What’s up? ●
Your friend,
¿Qué pasa? ●
With love,

What’s new? ●
¿Que hay de nuevo? ●
See you soon,

What’s going on? ●
¿Qué tal?

Modals verbs:
Might, may or could (when we want to express that something is possible but we are
not sure) “He might/could/may be the president”
He might be the president. (present) He might have been the president (past)
modal+ bare infinitive modal + have + past participle

Other ways of expressing speculation:
It’s possible that...
I guess that...
I’m not sure but maybe…
I suppose that...
My guess is that...
I imagine that...

Modals verbs:
Might, may or could (when we want to express that something is possible but we are
not sure) “He might/could/may be the president”
He might be the president. (present) He might have been the president (past)
modal+ bare infinitive modal + have + past participle

Other ways of expressing speculation:
It’s possible that...
I guess that...
I’m not sure but maybe…
I suppose that...
My guess is that...
I imagine that...
Hardly any
An enormous amount
Passive uses
1. Cuando estamos más interesados en la persona o cosa que
recibe la acción que en la persona o cosa que realiza la acción.
“ Romeo & Juliet was written by William Shakespeare”
2. Cuando el “agente” es obvio o no tiene importancia.
“He was arrested last night.”
3. Cuando estamos describiendo procesos y queremos
mantener el carácter impersonal de la descripción.
“Chocolate eggs are made with milk and cocoa.”
4.Para evitar responsabilidades.
“Your flight has been cancelled”
Why have the people chosen to travel around the city
in these ways?
What are the people enjoying about doing these activities
in the different weather conditions?
1. I'm sure Nick bought too many things, his bag seems full.
Nick ....

2. Maybe Joana is lying in bed now, she didn't feel well before.

3. It's possible Alex was driving too fast when the officer stopped him.
Alex ...

4. I'm certain Carol didn't eat your meat pie, she hates chicken.
Carol ...

5. Perhaps Maria broke up with you because of your debts.

María ...

6. Maybe he is working from home now.

He ...

7. I' m sure they don't have a happy life after their divorce.
They ...
Speaking Practice
What is your idea of a paradise on earth?
Think about the landscape, the people and the
way of life.
Record your 1 minute answer on
and upload it to the platform.
Giving your opinion, agreeing & disagreeing
Giving your opinion: Disagree:
I + adverb + differ/disagree
I + (adverb)+ believe/think/feel that I’m afraid I disagree…
I’m convinced That’s not the way I see it

It seems to me We don’t feel the same way about…

We don’t see eye to eye
From my point of view
I take your point but…
As far as I’m concerned(+formal) I tend to disagree with you there

From my perspective That’s not always the case

My impression is that
I+ adverb+ concur/coincide/agree
After much thought, Absolutely!
In my humble opinion, You took the words out of my mouth.
I couldn’t agree more
Without a shred of doubt,
You have a point there
I’m pretty confident that... I’m with you a 100% on this one
Advantages and disadvantages

A benefit Drawback
A positive aspect An objection
A good point A negative effect
An argument in favour A downside
The pros of A frequent criticism
The upsides of An argument against
The positives of The cons of
Adjectives for a work interview

Determined ●

Eloquent ●

Dynamic ●

Energetic ●

Enthusiastic ●
A team player

Aggressive ●

Consistent ●

Organized ●

Professional ●

Methodical ●

Skillful ●
50 Positive Character Traits for the Workplace

Check out this link:
Phase 2: Decide which of the jobs would be the least appealing
Speaking Test Order

Khadija & Daril

Kirsa & Jose

Ariadna M.& Elías

Jennifer & Sheila

Ariadna G.& Jose Luis

Diana & Pilar

Natacha & Raquel
In your English class you have been talking about the environment.
Now your English teacher has asked
you to write an essay.
Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons
for your points of view. Write your
essay in 140–190 words in an appropriate style.
There are lots of things governments could do to help deal with
environmental problems. Do you agree?
Write about:
1. pollution
2. cost
3. .......................... (your own idea)

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