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File Handling

Mr Benabderrezak

• In C, you can create, open, read, and write to files by:

1. Declaring a pointer of type FILE

2. Use the fopen() function

Create File

• To create a file, you can use the w mode inside the fopen() function

• The w mode is used to write to a file. However, if the file does not exist, it will
create one
Write To File
Write To File

• As a result, when we open the file on our computer, it looks like this:
Append Content
Append Content

• As a result, when we open the file on our computer, it looks like this:
Read File

• To read from a file, you can use the r mode:

Read File
Read File

• The fgets() function only reads the first line of the file.
• If you remember, there were two lines of text in filename.txt
• To read every line of the file, we use a while loop
Read File
Read File

Hello World!
Hi everybody!

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