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DISPOSABLES Robo residents


Where impossible spires once met the sky, they rust, and fall to bits. Ageless alloys stand intact for eons.
Ricemetal shells are the beds for new green. Disposables save precious
energy in with constant slumber. Centuries pass in moments. Awoken by
watchers, they dance odd rituals for starving gods. 1D10 explosion
when destroyed.

Strange creatures trace invisible patterns in narrow passages of metal. Candlelit and ominous, chanting
bellows from old factories. Mechanical thrulls coat themselves in wax and pace like living cathedrals.
They believe great work was accomplished here once and the delusions of great work persist. This is the
last place where the ancient one’s deeds are exalted. The final cull of the hangers-on. Great booms mark SERVITOR Bumbling business bots
the night’s passage. Traces of light cast their spell and dart lines through the cloud cover. Supersonic
booms make for a strange bell tower, only now welcoming attention to a city exiled. INSTINCT: 18 ARMOR: 1 WOUNDS: 1 HEAT RAY: 1D10 (FAR AWAY)
A hundred tiny legs parade through open streets. Carrying what now?
1D10 ENCOUNTER (x1 entering hex) A relic? Flag or corpse? What are we, but are our most basic impluses?
1D10 ATTITUDE Servitors are compelled to serve, but struggle to comprehend directions.
0 Squelching sucking noises 0-1 Friendly
1 Echoing metallic thunks from above your head 3-4 Trapped
2 Haunting singing in an unknown language 5-6 Injured
3 The sound of leaves 7 Hostile
4 1D5 Farmerling exiles (Roll attitude) 8 Wary CRABRAT Freaky Farmerling delicacy
5 1D5 Disposables (Roll attitude) 9 Ambushing
6 2D10 Servitors (Roll attitude) INSTINCT: 35 ARMOR: 0 WOUNDS: 3 HEAT RAY: 1D10 (FAR
Perhaps evolution’s startling final answer. A new genesis of survivability.
7 1D5 Treasure hunters (Roll attitude) Crabrats always wait for the upper hand. Hunger is not a menace to a
8-9 1D100 Ratroaches (Roll attitude) species that eats it’s own. When a swarm appears the end is near.

07 A plaza filled with lit candles. Clanking bodies writhe in the shadow. Dozens
of Disposables with hollow eyes cover themselves in boiling wax.
00 The dissolving face of a factory head making hollow screaming, taunting,
disjointed insanities from an inhumanly loud voice
08 Rows of dead proxies leaning against a building as if sleeping, each has a
collapsed cavity where the head would be.
01 A narrow bridge over a black and haunting chasm; turrets watch bridge
crossers, but only click empty when they fire. VANNI sits in the rows of the dead chuckling to himself. At times he’ll even
R drift into a half-sleep. VANNI sits for hours quietly relaying his problems to
dead-kin. If you are spotted, VANNI jumps like a frog into a open window
three heads above and watches from the shadows.
02 A passageway, like a submarine there is a metal storm door every twenty
feet, leading into blackness, the heavy doors are thick and swing slowly
09 A muddy beach overlooking a dozen soggy tide-breaker levies, their
coverings were long stripped away by the acid lake.
03 In the middle of a street – a thousand dangling wires dance in the wind, some
crackle with electricity. A sorry train of (milk) leaking servitors follow an
invisible path of twists and turns down the street.
10 Dozens of thick tree trunks extruding from the broken windows of overgrown
living quarters. Disposable hunters drag half-butchered animals through the
04 A giant signal tower, its highest point is lost in the clouds somewhere above,
R street.
R the only true indication of its height is the red impressions from a strobing light

SPRING 11 Coiling tubes cover a plaza, like the legs of an octopus, each a human-sized
opening, leading up above to a great machine. 4 ruined plastisteel
Lugus sits with her head in her hands. Two assistants stand nearby whispering R companions (cats, dogs) nest in the openings.
to themselves, kicking at the rubble. No Ceramite.
The Giants never had a presence here. Lugus’ theories are in shambles.

12 A dusting of yellow flowers and thick downgrass clinging to the concrete skin
of a perfectly flat platform on the top of a building
05 Moss-covered defense cannons on an abandoned perimeter, the arm’s wide
barrels filled with mud and bird nests A thousand-fold plastisteel massacre. Crumpled heaps of robos piled high
R like a Farmerling’s reaping night, green brush encroaches over the tops of

A human-sized tunnel melted through arm after arm of a giant

13 their heads and faces, turning the openings into planters. One corpse at the
bottom clings to a traveling case closed with a tiny rusted padlock. Inside the
06 plastisteel door. Eight arms through the door lies a skeleton
coated in gloopy plastisteel with the Fissure Fist fused
R to the bone.

As the world’s psychic cocoon ballooned, devices were made to
VOLCANO FINGERS: 3D10 (CLOSE) track the growing simulacra. Most Omnicronometers immediately
Requires 3 sticks of chalk per 20 minutes of use failed when the cocoon burst. When activated, the relic’s antennae
spin at increasing intensity the closer it gets to slips in time, chalk
Once part of a torturer’s twisted artistry and the gauntlet of a sources, curses, and other worldly entities.
mighty carapace, now a dangerous light drawing moths to the
flame. An artifact used for etching and encoding ceramite. Makes a loud clapping noise while functioning.

Melts pretty much anything if given enough time and chalk.


Nests of little openings in melted structures once built for humankind. The
14 shelters are dank and wet. They collapse one atop another easily.
Underneath a sponge mattress half eaten by acid rain
R is the Helm of Emoticon.

15 A donkey kong maze of ladder work crisscrossing like an apartment fire

escape. Gaps in every segment are filled with dead ivy on its way up to an
exquisite view of the city.

16 Six broken drawbridge loaders frozen in five upright positions, lean over a
tall wall at the border of the industrial maze.

17 Flat plastisteel rail lines fading into sandy oblivion. Two snake movers cars
rest a hundred arms off, practically flattened and absorbed by the grass.

18 Balconies, alleys, service ways, and platforms compress into an

indistinguishable maze of dense rusted human habitation now defunct.

19 Some brave towers still stand. They whistle, creak, groan, and moan in the
wind. Underneath, disposables slop animal carcasses into boiling pots and
R turn separated fat into buckets of wax.

Vanni inspects the disposables work. He dips his hand in the boiling wax. The
workers do not work for Vanni. The workers cannot verbally communicate
with Vanni and Vanni has little idea improve their efforts. Vanni’s only relief
from helplessness is to shove the disposables in his way. 21 A blackened awning launching booming arrows every six hours. Their flame
and heat pump black smoke throughout the surrounding alleyways.

20 Unsealed storage rectangles twelve arms high, their uniform engraved doors
missing, blasted, or pried apart. They contain 10 jumpsuits, 2 lamps, 3 loose
A hidden village of Farmerling exiles tucked in the plastisteel confines of an
R gold rings, and carved fingerbones
22 ancient vault. These people no longer move with the seasons.
R Ancient people lined the walls and corners are lined with jewelry. It holds
little value to the people inside.

23 A living building, slow-moving, covered in squabbling squirrel-crows
When listening and speaking failed to one another failed, R
the Helm of the Emoticon became both a triumph and
disaster. The helmet generates a nearly perfect transmission
and reception of the emotional state of a single nearby
entitity. Some triangulation required for increased
24 Traveling in a frozen waste tunnel, your heat fills the passage with a foul smell
the longer you stay.
accuracy. The reception of such intense emotions can R
cause rapid changes in opinion, personal relationships, AUTUMN
and one’s belief system. The fear of these side-effects Genmo crouches near a small fire. The heat causes the smells to increase
rendered the device little more than a novelty. tenfold. The odor causes even Genmo to gag. He fishes hanfuls of cut cabling
and cracked circuit boards out of a sack. Genmo’s sure they’re priceless, but
doesn’t know who would buy them.

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