Online Detection of High-Resistance Connections With Negative-Sequence Regulators in Three-Phase Induction Motor Drives

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2, MARCH/APRIL 2015 1579

Online Detection of High-Resistance Connections

With Negative-Sequence Regulators in
Three-Phase Induction Motor Drives
Michele Mengoni, Member, IEEE, Luca Zarri, Senior Member, IEEE, Yasser Gritli, Angelo Tani,
Fiorenzo Filippetti, Member, IEEE, and Sang Bin Lee, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—High-resistance connections in electric drives can corrosion or contamination. The increase in the resistance due
cause localized overheating and motor supply voltage unbalance, to poor contacts can cause overheating to reach an unacceptable
which degrade the performance, efficiency, and reliability of the level, which can eventually cause open-circuit failures due to
system. An enhanced field-oriented control scheme for induction
machines that is capable of detecting resistive unbalance due to the melting of copper conductors, as shown in Fig. 1. Excessive
high-resistance connections, and regulating the negative-sequence overheating in the contact points can also deteriorate insulation
current is proposed as the main contribution of this paper. Re- and expose the copper conductor to serious damages such as
sistive unbalance is detected and located while maintaining the short-circuit failures between conductors or to the ground. Lo-
symmetric drive behavior both under transient and steady-state calized temperature rise or arching due to poor or loose contacts
operating conditions. The negative-sequence regulator adopted
in addition to the traditional current regulator for rotor field- can also initiate fire. In addition, the asymmetries of the stator
oriented control is used to compensate for the voltage unbalance voltage induced by poor contacts may cause negative-sequence
caused by the inherent asymmetries in the cable and stator wind- currents to circulate in the motor windings, thus reducing the
ing and by the poor contacts. A model that shows the relationship motor output power, efficiency, and reliability [1]–[3]. If the
between the resistive unbalance and negative-sequence current evolution of this type of electrical fault is not detected at an
components is derived from the analysis of the proposed scheme.
The theoretical analysis and the validity of the detection technique early stage, its propagation can lead to more serious unexpected
are confirmed with an experimental study on a 4-kW induction forced outages.
motor drive. The traditional approach for the detection of high-resistance
Index Terms—Fault detection, fault-tolerant drive, high- connections includes methods such as the offline resistive un-
resistance connections, induction motor drive. balance test, visual inspection, the voltage drop survey, and
IR thermography. To avoid specialized equipments, recently,
I. I NTRODUCTION sensorless online techniques based on the negative-sequence
current and zero-sequence voltage have been proposed for

H IGH-RESISTANCE connections can be caused by a

combination of poor workmanship, thermal cycling and
vibration, or damage of the contact surfaces due to pitting,
three-phase machines [4], [5]. The main concept behind the
detection of high-resistance connections is to monitor the asym-
metry of the system. Therefore, the techniques developed to de-
tect high-resistance connections are based on indicators similar
to the ones used to detect interturn faults or stator unbalances
[6]–[9]. It is worth noting that high-resistance contacts do not
Manuscript received May 14, 2014; revised July 26, 2014; accepted
usually require immediate shutdown of the drive, since the
September 3, 2014. Date of publication October 1, 2014; date of current version problem may evolve very slowly unlike interturn stator turn
March 17, 2015. Paper 2014-IDC-0289.R1, presented at the 2013 IEEE En- failures.
ergy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Denver, CO, USA, September 16–20,
and approved for publication in the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON I NDUSTRY
In this paper, an analytical model of a three-phase induction
A PPLICATIONS by the Industrial Drives Committee of the IEEE Industry motor with unbalanced phase resistance is developed in terms
Applications Society. This work was supported in part by the Italian Ministry of voltage and current space vectors under the assumption
of Education, University, and Research under Project PRIN 2009, “High-
reliability multiphase electric drives for more electric aircraft.”
that the control system is capable of compensating for the
M. Mengoni, L. Zarri, A. Tani, and F. Filippetti are with the Department effect of the three-phase unbalance. Resistive unbalance in
of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering “G. Marconi,” Univer- the three phases can be caused by inherent asymmetry in the
sity of Bologna, 40136 Bologna, Italy (e-mail:;;;
stator winding (e.g., concentric windings) or cable (e.g., poor
Y. Gritli is with the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Information En- workmanship or high-resistance contact). This analysis is in
gineering “G. Marconi,” University of Bologna, 40136 Bologna, Italy, and also agreement with existing publications that investigate the use of
with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Tunis El Manar,
1068 Tunis, Tunisia (e-mail:; the voltage and current negative-sequence components [10]–
S. B. Lee is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Korea University, [13]. However, the present paper differs from the previous
Seoul 136-713, Korea (e-mail: studies in the fact that the analysis of the fault model is used
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at to derive the design principles of a control scheme that is
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2014.2360963 capable of detecting the unbalance of all phases simultaneously

0093-9994 © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
Authorized licensed use limited to: CENTROSee
more information.
at 00:44:32 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Fig. 1. Pictures of a laboratory prototype of an induction motor drive for experimental tests on high-resistance connections. (a) and (b) Induction motor and the
detail of its terminal box. (c) and (d) Corresponding infrared (IR) thermal images that reveal the presence of a hot spot artificially created. While the temperature
of the motor case reaches 60 ◦ C at most, the temperature of the hot spot is much higher.

and identify the faulty phase(s), while keeping the drive op- As a consequence of (2), it is worth noting that the sum of
eration unchanged. The key idea of this control scheme is to the resistance deviations ΔRk (k = 1, 2, 3) must be zero
adopt multireference frame controllers to cancel the negative-
sequence components of the stator currents. At the same time, 
ΔRk = 0, k = 1, 2, 3. (3)
the information generated by these regulators is used to detect
the unbalance condition and identify the affected phase.
The use of resonant controllers to cancel the negative- Equation (1), combined with (2), can be rewritten in the
sequence current or the use of controller implemented in stator reference frame in terms of space vectors, which are very
counter-rotating reference frames is well known for applica- useful for the field-oriented control of electric drives. It can be
tions with regard to the control of grid-connected converters and shown that the final result can be derived as
active filters [14]–[16]. However, this methodology is adopted  3 
here to tackle a totally different problem, i.e., the online fault dϕ̄S 1
diagnosis of induction machines. v̄S = RS īS + + ΔRk ᾱk ī∗S

dt 3
The validity of the theoretical analysis and the feasibility of
the control scheme are confirmed by experimental tests. where

ᾱk = ej 3 (k−1) , k = 1, 2, 3 (5)
S TATOR R ESISTANCES and the symbol “∗” denotes the complex conjugate operator.
Equation (4) is very similar to that of a balanced induction
Let us consider a three-phase induction machine, where
machine, except for the additional terms that are propor-
the resistances of the stator phases are not assumed equal to
tional to the resistance deviations ΔRk (k = 1, 2, 3) and to the
each other. The voltage equation of the kth phase can be ex-
current ī∗S .
pressed as
To analyze (4) further, it is necessary to consider the behavior
dϕSk of the rotor currents. The stator flux vector in (4) can be
vSk = RSk iSk + , k = 1, 2, 3 (1) expressed as a function of the stator current and rotor flux
vectors as
where vSk is the voltage applied to the kth stator phase, RSk is
its resistance, and ϕSk is the stator flux linkage. The resistances ϕ̄S = σLS īS + ϕ̄R (6)
can be expressed as the sum of two terms, i.e., the mean value
RS and the deviation ΔRk from the mean value RS where σLS , M , and LR are the total leakage inductance, the
mutual inductance, and the rotor self-inductance, respectively.
RSk = RS + ΔRk , k = 1, 2, 3. (2) Finally, ϕ̄R is the space vector of the rotor flux. It is well known
Authorized licensed use limited to: CENTRO FED DE EDUCACAO TECNOLOGICA DE MINAS GERAIS. Downloaded on June 29,2023 at 00:44:32 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Similarly, the stator flux can be found by substituting (10)

in (6)
(p) M 2 /LR (p)
ϕ̄S = ϕ̄S = σLS + ī . (11)
1 + j(ω − ωm )τR S,ref

Once it is clear that the stator flux has no negative compo-

nent, it is straightforward to decouple the positive and negative
(p) (n)
components v̄S and v̄S in (9) and to find their explicit
Fig. 2. Schematic circuit of the induction motor with unbalanced resistances
in terms of space vectors.
(p) (p) (p)
v̄S = RS īS,ref + jω ϕ̄S (12)
that the rotor flux ϕ̄R can be related to the stator current vector
īS by the following first-order differential equation: 1 
ΔRk ᾱk∗ īS,ref .
(n) (p)∗
v̄S = (13)
dϕ̄R 3
τR + (1 − jωm τR )ϕ̄R = M īS (7) k=1
By analyzing (12) and (13), one comes to the conclusion
where j represents the imaginary unit, ωm is the rotor speed in that the effect of the stator unbalance can be cancelled if the
electrical radians per second, and τR is the rotor time constant control system feeds the motor by adding a negative-sequence
defined as the ratio between the rotor self-inductance LR and component (13) that balances the terms in (4) due to the resis-
the rotor resistance RR . tance asymmetry. This result is particularly interesting because
Equations (4)–(7) fully describe the behavior of the induction it correlates the asymmetry of the stator resistances with the
motor with unequal stator resistances. The schematic circuit behavior of the control system and can be used for the detection
of the induction motor, in terms of space vectors, is shown of stator unbalances.
in Fig. 2.


R ESISTANCE U NBALANCE The most common control scheme for three-phase induction
motor drives is the rotor field-oriented control, which uses two
Let us suppose that the electric drive is in steady-state PI regulators, which are implemented in a reference frame
operating conditions and that the control system is able to feed synchronized to the rotor flux vector, to track the current
the machine in such a way that īS perfectly tracks the reference references.
current vector īS,ref , rotating at constant angular frequency ω It would be desirable that the machine operation were not
with constant magnitude influenced by the stator unbalance due to high-resistance con-
nections. At the same time, this kind of operating condition
īS = īS,ref . (8) should be detected as soon as possible.
A control scheme for three-phase induction motor drives with
All the electrical quantities in (4)–(7) can be rewritten as these capabilities is shown in Fig. 3. The currents isync sync
Sd and iSq
linear combinations of vectors rotating in counterclockwise are controlled by the PI regulators (a) and (b) implemented
direction, with angular frequency ω, or in clockwise direction, in the rotor-flux-oriented d−q reference frame, identified by
with angular frequency −ω. The counterclockwise direction the superscript “sync.” The behavior of the current control is
is usually referred to as “positive,” whereas the clockwise improved by the compensation of the stator back electromotive
direction as “negative.” Hence, to distinguish between these forces. Angle θ is the phase angle of the rotor flux vector in
two directions, the letters “p” and “n” will be used hereafter. the stationary reference frame, and it can be determined by a
The stator voltage becomes suitable observer. For the sake of completeness, the current-
(p) (n)
speed observer is recalled in Section IV-D. The reference value
v̄S = v̄S + v̄S . (9) of isync
Sd in Fig. 3 is equal to the rated magnetizing current of the
machine, whereas the reference value of isyncSq is calculated by
Since the only nonzero stator current vector is īS,ref , the the PI regulator (c) on the basis of the speed error.
rotor flux vector ϕ̄R can be calculated by substituting (8) in (7).
Since the rotor flux depends only on the stator current vector,
it turns out that it is not affected by an unbalance in the stator A. Fault Tolerance
resistances as long as the control system is able to perfectly When the motor resistances are balanced, the negative com-
track the reference currents. As a consequence, the rotor flux (n)
ponent īS is theoretically zero. However, when a resistance
does not present any negative-sequence component unbalance arises, the current vector contains not only a positive
(p) but also a negative component. Simple PI regulators imple-
(p) M īS,ref mented in the stationary reference frame are insufficient to
ϕ̄R = ϕ̄R = . (10)
1 + j(ω − ωm )τR ensure zero error at steady state, and the same is true for
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Fig. 3. Block diagram of the proposed control scheme, with the capability to detect and compensate for the phase unbalance.

regulators implemented in the synchronous reference frame B. Unbalance Detection and Localization
with the rotor flux.
As long as the regulators perform correctly, i.e., the negative
The solution adopted to control these current components
sequence of the current is cancelled, the output signals of
in the scheme of Fig. 3 is to implement another pair of PI
the negative-sequence PI regulators can be used to detect the
regulators (d) in a reference frame rotating in the opposite
resistance unbalance and identify the faulty phases.
direction of the field-oriented reference frame. This reference
The voltage in the negative-sequence reference frame
frame is synchronous with the negative components of the
stator currents at steady state and is identified by the superscript 1 

(n),neg ∗
“neg.” The current error, which is expressed in the reference v̄S,ref = ΔRk ᾱk īsync
S,ref (17)
frame that is synchronous to the rotor flux vector, has the k=1
following expression:
can be found by multiplying both sides of (13) by ejθ . Voltage
v̄S,ref contains information with regard to the unbalance of the
= īS,ref − īS e−jθ .
S (14) three phases. It is possible to calculate the resistance deviations
ΔRk by solving (3) and (17), which form a set of three linear
Similarly, the expression of the current error in the negative- and independent equations
sequence reference frame is as follows: (n),neg
  ΔRk = 2
∗ · ᾱk∗ , k = 1, 2, 3. (18)
(p) sync
S = īS,ref − īS e .

(15) īS,ref

where · is the dot operator defined as the product between the

By combining (14) and (15), it results that the calculation first operand and the complex conjugate or the second operand.
of the current error in the negative-sequence reference frame (n),neg
It is worth noting that the quantities īsync
S,ref and v̄S,ref be-
is very simple if the expression of the current error is already
come constant in steady-state operating conditions. According
known in the positive-sequence reference frame
to (18), it is possible to detect the deviation of all the stator
resistances, but it is not possible to determine the mean value
Δīneg sync 2jθ
S = ΔīS e . (16) RS . In practical applications, this is actually an advantage. In
fact, variations of the stator resistances are normally caused
Equation (16) has been used in Fig. 3 for the calculation of by changes in the winding temperatures. As long as the tem-
the current error in the negative-sequence reference frame, at perature distribution is uniform in the three stator phases, and
the input of the PI regulator (d). the resulting variations of the resistances can be assumed to be
Finally, to understand the behavior of the control system, it is symmetric, the developed algorithm does not detect appreciable
sufficient to note that the regulators in the positive field-oriented deviations of the stator resistances and deems the machine
reference frame drive the positive components of the current behavior as healthy.
error to zero, whereas the regulators in the negative reference Equations (13) or (17) show that the voltage at the output of
frame cancel the negative components. PI (d) does not depend only on the resistance unbalance but also
Since the reference output voltage vector is obtained by on the current reference. In the rated operating conditions, the
summing the outputs of all regulators, according to the super- voltage drop on the stator resistances is typically a few percent
position principle, it can drive the total current tracking error to of the nominal voltage (independently of the machine size), and
zero, thus keeping the stator currents perfectly sinusoidal even it exhibits less variability (in proportion of the nominal voltage)
in case of resistance unbalance. than the other variables alone. Consequently, although the stator
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resistances may be very small in the high-power machine, the TABLE I

resistance unbalance can be detected if the stator current is
sufficiently high.
As regards the gains of PI (d), different tunings may affect
the behavior of the estimation technique, but not the final value
of the estimated unbalance resistances. In fact, the resistance
variations are calculated from the steady-state output voltage
(17) of the regulator, which is independent of the regulator static
gain, since the PI controller always cancels the dc-component
of the input error. 1
ΔR2 = R2 − Ravr = − r (24)
The parameters of the controller can affect the bandwidth 3
of the negative-sequence current loop, and therefore, they can 1
change the settling time of the transient. However, this aspect ΔR3 = R3 − Ravr = − r. (25)
does not seem particularly relevant, since the evolution of
the resistances of the connections is hopefully slow varying. Substituting (23)–(25) in (19) leads to the following result:
The bandwidth of the current loop may be important for the
(n) |r| (p)
rejection of the noise on the measurement of the stator currents. v̄S = īS,ref . (26)
However, this analysis is rather complex, since it involves the 3
values of the switching frequency, the quantization effect, the Equation (26) shows that the inverse voltage depends on the
bandwidth of the current sensors, and it has been omitted in product between the resistance variation r and the magnitude of
this paper. the stator current.

C. Effect of the Unbalance on the Electric Drive D. Flux Observer

The algorithm proposed is based on the capability of the con- The machine is controlled according to the principle of
trol system to cancel the negative-sequence currents. However, rotor field-oriented vector control, i.e., the control system is
this goal can be reached only if the dc-link voltage is sufficient implemented in a reference frame that is aligned with the rotor
to compensate the back electromotive force produced by the flux vector. This vector can be estimated by integrating the rotor
resistance unbalance. equation (current-speed flux observer). The equation of the flux
This assumption is usually acceptable if the resistance varia- estimator is as follows:
tion is limited and a voltage margin is present. If the resistance  
dϕ̄ 1 M
variation is large, the dc-link voltage may not be sufficient, + − jωm ϕ̄ ˜R = īS (27)
depending on the speed of the machine and the entity of the dt τR τR
back electromotive forces. If this happens, the output voltage of
where ϕ̄˜ R is the estimated rotor flux vector, which is expressed
the PI controllers saturates and the fault-tolerant control is not
possible. in the stator reference frame; and the motor speed is supposed to
The magnitude of the negative component of the stator be measured by an encoder. Finally, angle θ is the phase angle
˜ R.
of vector ϕ̄
voltage can be calculated starting from (13)
v̄S = ΔRk īS,ref .
2 (19)
6 A complete drive system has been built and an experimental
study has been carried out to verify the theoretical analysis.
If the nominal stator resistance is Rnom , and the resistance The experimental setup consists of a 4-kW four-pole squirrel
of phase 1 increases by a small quantity r, then the stator cage induction machine fed by a three-phase IGBT inverter. The
resistances of the phases can be written as follows: parameters of the electric drive are shown in Table I.
During the experimental tests, two external resistors have
R1 = Rnom + r (20) been added in series with the stator phases to reproduce an
R2 = R3 = Rnom . (21) unbalance or a fault condition. The nominal value of the stator
resistance at room temperature is 0.45 Ω. The resistances can
The average resistance is be inserted or removed from the circuit by acting on suitable
potentiometers. Therefore, the insertion of the resistances is not
1 r instantaneous and the estimated resistance variations exhibit a
Ravr = (R1 + R2 + R3 ) = Rnom + (22)
3 3 brief transient before reaching the steady-state condition, but
and the resistance variations become the control system is fast enough to keep the stator currents
unchanged. It is worth noting that the evolution of resistance
2 in motor connections is usually quite slow, and consequently,
ΔR1 = R1 − Ravr = r (23)
3 the duration of the insertion transients should not be a problem.
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Fig. 4. Behavior of the electric drive when the resistance of phase 1 is Fig. 6. Behavior of the electric drive when the resistance of phase 1 is
(n),neg increased by 0.1 Ω, and then the resistance of phase 2 is increased by 0.18 Ω.
increased by 0.1 Ω. From top to bottom: waveforms of the voltage vd
(n),neg From top to bottom: waveforms of the resistance deviations ΔRk (0.1 Ω/div)
(40 mV/div), waveform of the voltage vq (40 mV/div), resistance devia- and phase current (10 A/div).
tion ΔR1 (40 mΩ/div), and phase current (10 A/div).

Fig. 7. Behavior of the electric drive during a speed transient from 40% to
Fig. 5. Behavior of the electric drive when the resistance of phase 1 is 90% of the base speed, when the resistance of phase 1 is increased by 0.1 Ω.
increased by 0.1 Ω. From top to bottom: waveforms of the resistance deviations From top to bottom: waveforms of the rotor speed (500 r/min/div), motor torque
ΔRk (40 mΩ/div), phase current (10 A/div). (10 N · m/div), resistance deviation ΔR1 (40 mΩ/div), and phase current
(10 A/div).

A. Steady-State and Transient Operation The behavior of all the resistance deviations is shown in
detail in Fig. 5. As can be noted, ΔR1 , ΔR2 , and ΔR3 become
Fig. 4 shows the behavior of the control system when the equal to the expected values and their sum is always zero.
additional resistor of the first phase is increased from zero to Fig. 6 shows the behavior of the machine when two phases
0.1 Ω. Initially, the resistance deviation ΔR1 and the voltages are unbalanced. Initially, the resistance of phase 1 is increased
generated by the negative-sequence regulator are zero. As soon by 0.1 Ω. Then, the resistance of phase 2 is increased by 0.18 Ω.
(n),neg (n),neg
as the unbalance takes place, vd and vq change At the end of the test, the mean value of the phase resistances is
to avoid that the stator is affected by the phase asymmetry. (0.55 + 0.63 + 0.45)/3 ∼ = 0.543 Ω; and the expected values of
As can be seen, the waveform of the stator current does not ΔR1 , ΔR2 , and ΔR3 are nearly 0.007, 0.087, and −0.093 Ω,
show any particular variation. At the same time, the estima- respectively, which are in good agreement with the experimen-
tion of the resistance deviation ΔR1 change from 0 to about tal results.
0.08 Ω. This result is in good agreement with the theoretical Finally, Fig. 7 shows the behavior of the electric drive during
analysis. In fact, the mean value of the phase resistances be- a speed transient from 40% to 90% of the base speed after the
comes (0.55 + 0.45 + 045)/3 ∼ = 0.48 Ω. The theoretical value resistance of the first phase has been increased by 0.1 Ω. The
of ΔR1 is 0.55 − 0.48 ∼ = 0.07 Ω, whereas ΔR2 and ΔR3 are aim of the test is to verify the robustness of the estimation
0.45 − 0.48 = −0.03 Ω, respectively. technique in case of transient operating conditions. As can
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can be used to detect high-resistance connections in industrial

applications, or in civil applications, such as home appliances.
Its main advantages are as follows:
1) scarce dependence on temperature variations that may
affect the phase resistances during the normal operation
of the machine, since they do not cause notable stator
2) capability of detecting the unbalance of all phases
Experimental tests have been performed to verify the effec-
tiveness of the proposed technique, both in steady-state and
transient operating conditions. It was shown that the proposed
method is capable of detecting resistance deviations as low as
5% of the stator resistance.

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Michele Mengoni (M’13) was born in Forlì, Italy, Fiorenzo Filippetti (M’00) was born in Fano, Italy,
in 1981. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in in 1945. He received the M.S. degree in electrical en-
electrical engineering (with honors) from the Univer- gineering from the University of Bologna, Bologna,
sity of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, in 2006 and 2010, Italy, in 1970.
respectively. In 1976, he became an Assistant Professor with
He is currently an Assistant Professor with the the Department of Electrical Engineering, University
Department of Electric, Electronic and Information of Bologna, where he is currently a Full Professor
Engineering “G. Marconi,” University of Bologna. of electrical drives. In 1998, he held a position with
His research interests include design, analysis, and the University Claude Bernard, Lyon, France as a
control of three-phase electric machines, multiphase member of the Scientific Council of the Centre de
drives, and ac/ac matrix converters. Génie Electrique de Lyon (CEGELY). From 1993 to
2002, he was an Adjunct Professor of electrotechnics and electrical drives with
the University of Parma, Parma, Italy. He was a Visiting Professor with the
Luca Zarri (M’05–SM’12) was born in Bologna, University Claude Bernard, CEGELY, University Claude Bernard, Lyon, and
Italy, in 1972. He received the M.S. degree in electri- the University of Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France. He is a Lecturer for
cal engineering (with honors) and the Ph.D. degree the European Master in Advanced Power Electrical Engineering program rec-
from the University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, in ognized by the European Commission in 2004. He has authored or coauthored
1998 and 2007, respectively. more than 200 scientific papers published in scientific journals and conference
From 1989 to 1992, he worked as a freelance Soft- proceedings, and one textbook. He is the holder of one industrial patent. His
ware Programmer and from 1998 to 2002, as a Plant main research interests include the simulation and modeling of electric circuits
Designer with an engineering company. In 2003, he and systems, and the study and application of condition-monitoring and fault-
became a Laboratory Engineer with the Department detection techniques for ac electrical machines.
of Electrical Engineering, University of Bologna. He was the recipient of the Best Paper Award at the conferences IEEE IAS
Since 2005, he has been an Assistant Professor with 2000, IEEE SDEMPED 2011 and 2013, and the recipient of the IEEE PELS
the same department. He is the author or coauthor of more than 100 scientific Diagnostic Achievement Award 2013.
papers. His research activity concerns the modulation strategies of innovative
converters and the robust control of electric drives.
Dr. Zarri is a member of the IEEE Industry Applications, IEEE Power
Electronics, and IEEE Industrial Electronics Societies.

Sang Bin Lee (S’95–M’01–SM’07) received the

Yasser Gritli was born in Tunis, Tunisia, in 1975. B.S. and M.S. degrees from Korea University, Seoul,
Korea, in 1995 and 1997, respectively, and the
He received the M.S. degree in electrical engineer-
Ph.D. degree from Georgia Institute of Technol-
ing from the National Engineering School of Tunis,
ogy, Atlanta, GA, USA, in 2001, all in electrical
Tunis, in 2006. He received the Ph.D. degree in in-
dustrial informatics from the National Institute of
From 2001 to 2004, he was with the General Elec-
Applied Sciences and Technologies, Tunis, and the
tric Global Research Center (GE GRC), Schenectady,
Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the Uni-
versity of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, in 2011 and 2014, NY, USA. At GE GRC, he developed an interlaminar
core fault detector for generator stator cores and
worked on insulation quality assessment for electric
He is currently with the Department of Electrical
machines. From 2010 to 2011, he was a Research Scientist with the Austrian
Engineering, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunis,
and also with the Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information En- Institute of Technology, Vienna, Austria, where he worked on condition moni-
toring of permanent-magnet synchronous machines. Since 2004, he has been a
gineering “Guglielmo Marconi,” University of Bologna. His current activities
Professor of electrical engineering with Korea University. His current research
include electric drive design and diagnostics for wind generators, automotive,
interests include protection, monitoring, diagnostics, and analysis of electric
and traction systems.
Dr. Gritli was the recipient of the Best Paper Award at the IEEE International machines and drives.
Dr. Lee was the recipient of ten Prize Paper Awards from the IEEE Power
Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics and
Engineering Society, the Electric Machines Committee of the IEEE Industry
Drives in 2011 and 2013.
Applications Society (IAS), the Technical Committee on Diagnostics of the
IEEE Power Electronics Society, and the Pulp and Paper Industry Committee of
the IEEE IAS. He serves as a 2014–2015 Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE
Angelo Tani was born in Faenza, Italy, in 1963. IAS and an Associate Editor for the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON I NDUSTRY
He received the M.S. degree in electrical engineer- A PPLICATIONS for the IEEE IAS Electric Machines Committee.
ing (with honors) from the University of Bologna,
Bologna, Italy, in 1988.
He joined the Department of Electrical Engineer-
ing, University of Bologna, in 1990, where he is
currently an Associate Professor. His scientific work
is related to electrical machines, motor drives, and
power electronics. He has authored more than 100
papers published in technical journals and confer-
ence proceedings. His current activities include mul-
tiphase motor drives, ac/ac matrix converters, and field-weakening strategies
for induction motor drives.

Authorized licensed use limited to: CENTRO FED DE EDUCACAO TECNOLOGICA DE MINAS GERAIS. Downloaded on June 29,2023 at 00:44:32 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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