Gashagr Orc Ranger

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Ranger 3 (Beast Master) 963

Orc Outlander


CLASS Alignment: Neutral. I will help others, but
(AC) INITIATIVE avoid serious personal risks or loyalties
12 that don't benefit me.
14 +3 30 ft.
Outlander Background [PHB p. 136]
Armor Worn: leather armor
+3 Strength Saves * • Feature: Wanderer.
DEX +5 Dexterity Saves * • Traits: Your kin keep clear of inter-tribal
HIT POINTS HIT DICE feuds. Sociable nature.
+3 +2 Constitution Saves 
+0 Intelligence Saves 
28 3d10
• Ideal: Recognize that everything has a
17 +2 Wisdom Saves  spirit.
-1 Charisma Saves  • Bond: Gives aid to those in need.
DEATH SAVES:   Success  O O O   Fail  O O O • Flaw: Ignorant of civil history.
* Prof. bonus added
Orc Traits [MotM p. 28]
• Creature Type: Humanoid
+2 +3  Acrobatics (Dex) Basic Attack. One target per Attack action. • Age: 18 years old
14 +4  Animal Handling (Wis) * • Medium Size (6' 2", 235 lbs.)
+0  Arcana (Int) Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to • Adrenaline Rush (Dash as bonus action 2
hit, reach 5 ft. Hit: 1d6+3 piercing times betw. long rests, gain 2 temp. h.p.)
+3  Athletics (Str) *
damage. • Darkvision (60 feet)
-1  Deception (Cha)
INT • Powerful Build (carry, push, drag, lift as if
+0  History (Int) large size)
+0 +2  Insight (Wis)
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
5 ft. Hit: 1d6+3 slashing damage. • Reckless Endurance (0 h.p. to 1 h.p.)
10 -1  Intimidation (Cha)
+0  Investigation (Int) Hand Crossbow Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to Ranger Class Features [PHB p. 90]
+2  Medicine (Wis) hit. Hit: 1d6+3 piercing damage. (Normal • Favored Enemy: Gnolls and Orcs (adv. on
range to 30 ft.; disadvantage long range 31 to Survival checks to track, Intelligence to
+0  Nature (Int) 120 ft. Reloading limits to only one attack per
WIS recall lore)
+4  Perception (Wis) * round regardless of extra attacks.) • Natural Explorer: Forests (double
+2 -1  Performance (Cha)
proficiency bonus on Wisdom and
14 -1  Persuasion (Cha) Intelligence on favored terrain)
+0  Religion (Int) Fighting Style: Two-Weapon Fighting. Add • Primeval Awareness (spell slots to sense
+3  Sleight of Hand (Dex) ability modifier to damage of second creatures in 1 mile, or 6 miles in favored
weapon's hits. terrain)
+5  Stealth (Dex) * • Ranger's Companion (beast sidekick)
+4  Survival (Wis) * EQUIPMENT & TREASURE
-1 Carried Gear [PHB, p. 143]: leather armor (AC
Spellcasting [PHB p. 201]
8 * Prof. bonus added
11), shortsword, two (2) shortswords, hand
crossbow and 20 bolts, longbow and 20 arrows, Spell Attack Modifier +4
(PERCEPTION) belt pouch, set of traveler's clothes, hunting trap, Spell Save DC 12
a staff, trophy from a slain animal. (This load is
about 60 lbs.; add 1 lb. per 50 coins carried.)
PROFICIENCIES & LANGUAGES Cantrips Known: No Ranger cantrips
Armor: light armor, medium armor, shields Coins & Gems: 13 gold pieces (gp); 51 silver
pieces (sp); 39 copper pieces (cp); 2 gems (worth Prepared Spells
Weapons: simple weapons, martial weapons 10 gp each) 1st Level (3 slots): Cure Wounds, Hunter's
Tools: musical instrument (flute) Mark, Animal Friendship
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
Skills: Animal Handling, Athletics,
Perception, Stealth, Survival
Languages: Common, Goblin, Orc

Lifting & Carrying: 360 lbs. max. carrying
capacity; 720 lbs. pushing or dragging (speed
-5 ft.); 720 lbs. max. lift.
PLAYING THE GAME ACTIONS (1 per turn) MOVEMENTS (limited by Speed)
• The Dungeon Master (DM) describes a • Attack: Roll to hit, melee or ranged. Some • Move: Distance equal to Speed.
scene and players take turns describing classes and creatures make extra attacks at • Crawl, Climb, Swim, Squeeze, Move
their characters' responses. higher levels with this action. Across Difficult Terrain or Move While
• For ability checks, saving throws, and • Cast Spell: If casting time 1 action. Grappling: "Half speed," uses up 10 ft.
attack rolls, roll 1d20 + one ability • Dash: Double Speed this turn. of Speed per 5 ft. distance.
modifier + proficiency bonus (if proficient • Disengage: Avoiding all opportunity attacks • Drop Prone: No cost to Speed.
in task). The higher the total, the better while moving; "defensive retreat." • Stand Up: From Prone position/condition,
the effort. The DM tracks minimum totals • Dodge: Give attackers disadvantage. costs half Speed that turn.
needed for successful results. • Escape: Try to break free from grapple. • Take Cover: At end of move, half cover
• For initiative rolls, roll 1d20 + Initiative • Grapple: Special melee attack. gives +2 to Armor Class and Dexterity
(Dex) modifier. Higher totals act before • Help: Give an ally advantage on one ability saving throws; three-quarter cover gives
lower totals in the same 6-second round. check or attack roll. +5 AC and Dex saves.
• During a turn, a character or creature may • Hide: Stealth allowed only if unobserved.
do 1 movement, 1 action and up to 1 • Ready: Plan to take action as reaction when REACTIONS (1 between turns)
bonus action. Between turns, do up to 1 trigger occurs. • Cast Spell: If casting time 1 reaction.
reaction. • Search: Perception or Investigation check. • Opportunity Attack: May make one attack
• Advantage: Roll two d20s and use the • Shove: Special melee attack. if enemy moves out of reach.
higher result. Disadvantage: Roll two • Stabilze: DC 10 Medicine check to aid 0 • Readied Action: After trigger occurs, else
d20s and use the lower result. h.p. dying creature; automatic success if action wasted.
• On attack rolls only, a "natural 20" is using healer's kit.
always a critical hit, while a "natural 1" is • Use Object: Pick a lock, activate magical
• Concentration (Maintain A Spell): Ends if
always a miss. item, cover a hooded lantern, etc.
• Saving throws are rolled as needed at any • Use Potion: Drink or administer. caster starts another concentration spell,
time due to attacks, spells, or hazzards. • Use Shield: Equip or drop a shield. or the caster is incapacitated, stunned,
unconscious, or killed. If caster takes
• A character may die if failing three death
BONUS ACTIONS (up to 1 per turn) damage, a Constitution saving throw is
saves while at 0 hit points, gaining 6
• Offhand Attack: If doing Attack as action, needed to avoid immediately ending spell.
levels of exhaustion, or suffering certain
deadly spells and hazzards. may make one attack this turn if light DC is equal to 10 or half damage taken,
• Specific traits, features, spells, and magic weapon in other hand. whichever is greater. Each hit needs a
• Cast Spell: If casting time 1 bonus action. separate saving throw check.
items may create exceptions to any rules.
• Interacting With An Object: Generally
part of another Movement or Action.
Examples: Draw one weapon, drop a held
object, or open an unlocked door.

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