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What Is the Weather, and What are the Different Types of it?

Standard - Uses appropriate vocabulary to discuss climate and changes in the weather.

CD-SC2.4D - The child will demonstrate knowledge related to the dynamic properties of earth

and sky.

ISTE Standard – 1.1c Empowered Learner

1.1.c - Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to

demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.

For this lesson students will be exploring and gaining knowledge on what weather is, and

what different types of weather they may experience. The padlet I created is an introductory

activity for students to get a visual representation of the four common types of weather they

might experience daily. Students will get to look at the images of the different types of weather,

then have the opportunity to watch a video that explains the weather and how to create a weather

journal. After all students have reviewed the padlet and watched the video we will go into other

classroom activities to explore the cause of weather and how to tell what weather we experience.

At the end of the day, we will go over again how we are going to create our own weather journal

in class every day. Then end the lesson with a fun and simple Kahoot! To see if they are able to

identify each different type of weather.

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