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Cases and solutions

Bed sediment-associated trace

metals in an urban stream, Oahu,
R.A. Sutherland

Abstract Of the 117 stream and lake systems sam- Key words Lead 7 Bed sediments 7 Enrichment
pled nationwide, fish from Manoa Stream on Oahu, ratios 7 Modified index of geoaccumulation 7
Hawaii, have consistently shown the highest Pb Manoa Stream 7 Trace metals 7 Spatial variation 7
concentrations. Therefore a detailed study was con- Phase associations
ducted to examine total metal contents in bed sedi-
ments from a 5.8-km stretch of Manoa Stream. A
total of 123 samples (~63 mm) were examined for
18 elements and 14 samples for 21 elements. Se-
lected samples were also examined using different Introduction
leach solutions to examine metal phase associa-
tions. All trace metal data, computations of enrich- Anthropogenic metal pollution of aquatic environments
ment ratios and the modified index of geoaccumu- is a critical area of inquiry. Significant advances have
lation point to mineralogical control for Cr and Ni; been made over the last decade in detecting metal pollu-
minor anthropogenic contamination for Ba, Cd, Cu, tion sources, locating metal sinks and deciphering chron-
Hg and Zn; and a very strong contamination signal ologies of pollution inputs. In addition, significant strides
for Pb. Maximum Pb contents (up to 1080 mg kg –1) have been made in assessing bio-toxicity of a variety of
were associated with anthropogenic material dump- organic and inorganic compounds concentrated in the
ing in minor tributaries, storm sewer sediments environment as a result of human activities. Most recent
and sediments in the “lower” section of the basin. research has focused on aquatic sediments. Horowitz
Proportionally Pb had the highest non-residual (1991) stated that the strong association of numerous
component of elements examined; dominantly in trace elements with sediment (suspended plus bed sedi-
the reducible phase associated with Mn and amor- ments) indicates that the distribution, transportation and
phous Fe oxyhydroxides. The contamination signal availability of these can not be evaluated intelligently
was typically lowest in the “undisturbed” headwater solely through the sampling and analysis of the dissolved
reach of the basin (above 5.1 km) with significant phase. Feltz (1980) summarized the significance and use
increases throughout the “residential” and “com- of bed sediments as follows:
mercial-institutional” zones of the mid-basin. The 1. As an historical water quality integrator
spatial pattern of bed sediment contamination and 2. As a reconnaissance tool
evidence from storm sewer-outlet sediments strong- 3. In planning analytical schedules
ly indicates that Pb, and to a lesser degree some 4. In conducting short-lived studies
other metals, is still being transported to the 5. For deriving short- and long-term trends
stream and the primary agent is soil erosion and 6. For identification of problem areas
transport of metals sorbed to sediments. The pri- Additionally, bed sediments are not only a sink for trace
mary source of sediment-associated metals is con- metals, but also a source of resuspended sediment, and
sidered to be the automobile, though other minor under changing environmental conditions, sediment
sources can not be ruled out. bound pollutants may be chemically remobilized and ent-
er the water column or food chain (Dickinson and others
Another important medium that is used to diagnose pol-
lution signals in aquatic ecosystems is tissue analysis, in
the US this research has been conducted by the National
Received: 3 November 1998 7 Accepted: 26 January 1999 Contaminant Biomonitoring Program (NCBP) under the
R.A. Sutherland auspices of the US Fish and Wildlife Service (Schmitt and
University of Hawaii, Geomorphology Laboratory, Department Brumbaugh 1990). The focus of the NCBP has been on
of Geography, 2424 Maile Way, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, USA trace metals (and organic pollutants) in whole freshwater
e-mail: fish samples. The choice of sample media was based on

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Cases and solutions

the realization that trace species can be absorbed from Table 1

the water column or ingested through sediments. As Potential anthropogenic sources of selected trace elements in
Breault and Harris (1997) note, chemistry of streambed the environment
sediment influences the biotic quality of a stream as Trace Potential anthropogenic sources a
aquatic organisms ingest particulate matter (suspended element
sediment and bed sediments) and accumulate trace ele-
ments and organic compounds. It is now widely recog- Ba Rubber production, lubricating oil additives, fuel
nized that concentrations of trace metals in sediments synthesis, fuel combustion, phosphate fertilizers,
usually exceed those in the water column by three to five sewage sludges
orders of magnitude and that the bioavailability of even a Cd Lubricating oils, diesel oils, tires, phosphate
fertilizers, sewage sludge, insecticides, electroplating,
small fraction of this assumes considerable importance pigments, batteries, coal and oil combustion,
(Bryan and Langston 1992). Furthermore, these authors non-ferrous metal production, refuse incineration,
state that several trace metals, including Pb and Hg, may iron and steel manufacturing
be transformed in sediment to organo-metallic com- Cu Metal plating, bearing and brushing wear, moving
pounds having increased bioavailability and toxicity. engine parts, brake-lining wear, fungicides and
Once sediments are ingested by benthic animals, they can insecticides, anti-foulants, corrosion of Cu plumbing,
be expected to undergo a unique chemical environment algaecides, concrete and asphalt, rubber, phosphate
fertilizers, sewage sludges
controlled by the digestive chemistry of the organism Hg Insecticides, fungicides, electrical equipment, paint,
(Mayer and others 1996). In fact, solubilization of sedi- plastics, cosmetics, anti-fouling and mildew-proofing
ment sorbed Cu, and probably other transition metals, by paints, phosphate fertilizers, batteries, fireworks
complexation reactions in fish-gut fluids rich in proteins Ni Diesel fuel and vehicle exhaust, lubricating oil, metal
would account for enhanced metal bioavailability and plating, brushing wear, brake lining wear, asphalt
bioaccumulation (Chen and Mayer 1998). Additionally, paving, phosphate fertilizers, storage batteries
there is the possibility of food chain biomagnification of Pb Leaded gasoline, automobile exhaust, tire wear,
lubricating oil and grease, bearing wear, brake
some elements with increasing trophic level, e.g. Hg. linings, rubber, concrete, paint manufacturing, battery
Thus, in summary it is apparent that aquatic bed sedi- manufacturing, insecticides, phosphate fertilizers,
ments are a critical environmental media for assessing sewage sludges
anthropogenic trace metal signatures. Zn Vulcanization of rubber and tire wear, motor oil,
grease, batteries, galvanizing, plating, air-conditioning
ducts, pesticides, phosphate fertilizers, sewage
sludges, transmission fluid, under coating, brake
linings, asphalt, concrete, coal combustion, smelting
operations, incineration and wood combustion
Trace metals in the environment a
Sources: Lagerwerff and Specht (1970); Frank and others
of Oahu (1976); Wigington and others (1983); Moore and Ramamoorthy
(1984); Harned (1988); Kabata-Pendias and Pendias (1992); Lee
A summary of anthropogenic sources for selected trace and others (1994); Alloway (1995); Raine and others (1995);
metals in the environment are given in Table 1. Hawaii is Monaci and Bargagli (1997)
unusual in that it is far removed from any major indus-
trial point sources such as coal combustion, non-ferrous
metal production and iron and steel manufacturing. The
primary inputs of trace metals, above baseline levels, in- pollution remains on Oahu, but this is not the only
clude volcanic emissions, vehicle emissions (gaseous and source. In specific locations military activities are the ma-
fluid), vehicle-associated wear and agricultural inputs jor source of trace metals, including Pb (Char 1977; Ash-
(fertilizers and pesticides). wood and Olsen 1988; Ashwood and others 1989).
A limited number of trace metal studies have been con- Many of the trace metal studies cited above have focused
ducted on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. Studies by Jerni- on soil or sediment. The work of the NCBP has examined
gan and others (1971), Eshleman (1973), and Fu and oth- metals in whole-fish composite samples from two streams
ers (1989) have shown that automobile exhaust emissions in Hawaii both on Oahu, Waikele and Manoa. Consis-
have significantly accentuated Pb accumulations in the tently, since fish Pb-monitoring began in 1971 Manoa has
air and in soils. In fact, Jernigan and others (1971) con- ranked number one every year this stream was sampled
cluded that Honolulu (Oahu) had a very significant prob- out of 117 streams in the US. No statistically significant
lem with automobile air pollution. More recent studies change in Pb concentration was noted in fish between the
on coastal sediments (McMurtry and others 1995) and a 1976–1977 measurement period and 1984 (Schmitt and
chronological study of an artificial estuary in Honolulu Brumbaugh 1990). Mean Pb values in whole tilapia (Tila-
(Ala Wai Canal) by De Carlo and Spencer (1995 , 1997) pia mossambica) samples collected in 1997 from the Ala
and Spencer and others (1995) have confirmed that auto- Wai Canal (1.5 km downstream of the Manoa basin outlet
mobile emissions have contributed significant amounts of and a sink for sediment from Manoa Stream; Fig. 1) mea-
Pb to the environment. Thus, the legacy of automobile sured 3.0 mg kg –1 (maximum 3.7 mg kg –1) and 0.5 mg

612 Environmental Geology 39 (6) April 2000 7 Q Springer-Verlag

Cases and solutions

Fig. 1
Study area location map,
Manoa drainage basin, Oahu,
Hawaii. Note every tenth
sample site is indicated by 0;
this represents a distance of
approximately 500 m

kg –1 for fillets (Brooks and Ling 1998 unpublished Hawaii inary data on phase associations of selected metals in se-
Department of Health document). The whole-fish Pb data diments, i.e. organic bound, reducible, etc. It is assumed
compare favorably to the mean value of 4.0 mg kg –1 for that such a study will answer questions related to poten-
the 1984 sampling of Tilapia in Manoa Stream. Though it tial source areas of contamination and provide an expla-
is difficult to assess the relative health hazard from eating nation for the highest Pb concentrations in fish of any
fish from Manoa Stream (or the Ala Wai Canal), it is US stream or lake sampled by the NCBP.
clear that levels of Pb remain high within the drainage
basin particularly within soils and aquatic bed sediments.

Study area
Manoa drainage basin geomorphology and
The objective of this paper is to examine in detail the hydrology
geochemical signature and spatial distribution patterns of Manoa basin is located in southeast Oahu (Fig. 1) and is
selected trace metals in the ~63-mm fraction of bed sedi- drained by a third-order perennial stream; with a plani-
ment from an urban river system, Manoa Stream, Oahu, metric area of about 15 km 2. Two headwater sub-basins,
Hawaii. A secondary objective is to provide some prelim- here termed Waihi (west) and Waiakeakua (east), drain

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Cases and solutions

areas of 2.75 and 2.90 km 2, respectively. The Waihi sub- homes. In 1990 the population was 20834 with 6420
basin is the least disturbed, and closest to a “pristine” households (State of Hawaii 1996). Ikeno (1996) exam-
area in this part of Honolulu with about 98% of the area ined a series of aerial photos and noted that there had
covered by forest. been limited land use change in Manoa since 1953, with
A distinct rainfall gradient exists in the basin, and over a residential housing, parks and communities formed and
distance of less than 8 km the annual rainfall, based on set by this date. Chun and others (1972) found less than
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration an 8% change in urban development in Manoa between
(NOAA 1980–1996) data, increases from 97B24 cm (at 1960 and 1971, and commented that urbanization had al-
24 m above sea level, ASL), to 407B72 cm (at 152 m ASL) most reached its maximum capacity. Conservation and
in the Waihi sub-basin. Manoa Stream is designated In- undeveloped lands account for about 55–60% of the ba-
land Waters-Class 2 in the Hawaii Administration Rules, sin, commercial developments about 2–3%, education
Title 11, as waters that are to be protected for recreation- and parks about 10% and the remainder is residential
al purposes, propagation of fish, shellfish and aquatic life, area.
agricultural and industrial water supplies, shipping, and Based on land use, traffic intensity, anthropogenic activi-
navigation (Hawaii Department of Health 1990). ties, size and frequency of storm sewer outlets draining
Typically Manoa is a confined channel, either naturally directly into the stream, Manoa was divided into four
by steep valley side-walls or in some locations artificially separate stream zones. Moving downstream the first zone
by channelization, and thus has little associated flood- is termed “undisturbed” as it is the least impacted by hu-
plain. Above the US Geological Survey (USGS) gauging man activity and this encompasses 15 sample sites (num-
stations (Fig. 1) the channels have low sinuosity and are bers 102–116) in the headwaters of Waihi sub-basin, i.e.
best described as having a cascade-type channel morpho- 5.1–5.8 km from the basin outlet. The second zone is de-
logy (Montgomery and Buffington 1997) composed typi- signated residential and includes sites 54–101 (np49, in-
cally of gravel and boulders. Within the cascade portion cluding tributary and storm drain samples) between 2.7
of the stream, depositional locations of fines are asso- and 5.1 km above the basin outlet. This zone starts at the
ciated with large obstacles, but their spatial extent is lim- junction of Waihi and Waiakekua Streams and stops up-
ited. Below the USGS stations the channel is more sin- stream of a gasoline station in the valley and the major
uous and is typically composed of a heterogeneous mix commercial development in the basin (Manoa Market-
of sediment sizes with large basalt boulders spalled from place). This zone is characterized by increased residential
the surrounding valley walls. Depositional bars including land use, increased traffic and an increased number of
point bars and obstacle related mid-channel bars are fre- storm drains entering the stream banks or draining from
quent in the lower stream sections. bridges. The upper two zones are dominated almost ex-
clusively by the Koolau Basalts. The next zone is termed
Manoa soils and geology “commercial-institutional” (comm-inst) and includes 42
Manoa Valley is carved into the remnants of the Koolau samples (sites 16–53) from 0.8–2.7 km above the outlet.
Shield Volcano that forms the eastern spine of Oahu. This zone is characterized by increased traffic, the most
Koolau Volcano is composed primarily of shield-type significant commercial development in the basin, and a
tholeiite basalts (Koolau Basalt) with the subaerial part variety of educational institutes including the University
constructed between 1.8 and 2.7 Ma ago (Lanphere and of Hawaii. The final segment is termed the “lower” zone,
Dalrymple 1980; Frey and others 1994). The Honolulu and includes 17 samples (sites 0–15) and includes loca-
Volcanic Series represents ~1% of the Koolau Shield tions below Dole Street bridge and the main portion of
Volcano, and comprises the post-erosional volcanism on the University of Hawaii. Dole Street is a major traffic ar-
the shield, with the lavas and tuffs ~1 Ma (Clague and tery in the basin and the largest storm outlet that drains
Frey 1982). These more recent volcanics are characterized the highly-travelled western portion of the valley near the
by a nephelinitic suite of rocks (Clague and Frey 1982). university debouches just upstream of the bridge and in-
The Sugarloaf vent (37; ca. 67 ka) is the one that is most fluences the lower zone.
relevant to this study since lava flows spread out on the
floor of Manoa Valley to form a broad, nearly level sur-
face from the basin outlet to about 2.8 km upstream.
The soils that have developed in Manoa Valley have Materials and methods
formed on rocks of very different ages. Six soil orders
have been identified from maps of Manoa Valley pub- Sample collection and processing
lished in Foote and others (1972); the areal abundance of Systematic sampling was used to collect bed sediment at
soil orders in Manoa Valley follows: Entisol (45%) 1 In- 50-m intervals from the outlet of Manoa Stream during
ceptisol (28%) 1 Ultisol (20%) 1 Oxisol (5%) 1 Mollisol baseflow on three successive days. At six randomly se-
(1%) 1 Vertisol (~1%). lected sites pH was measured in the field using a digital
meter. A total of 117 sites were included in the bed-sedi-
Manoa land use and population ment sampling array for a total distance of 5.8 km. Sam-
The population of Manoa Valley in the 1930s was esti- ples from depositional zones in the main third-order
mated by Coulter and Serrao (1932) to be 5000 with 1000 channel and second-order segment of Waihi Stream were

614 Environmental Geology 39 (6) April 2000 7 Q Springer-Verlag

Cases and solutions

collected. Samples from three locations could not be col- overnight on a hot plate using trace metal grade nitric
lected due to concrete (box-type) channelization. In addi- (HNO3), perchloric (HClO4) and hydrofluoric (HF) acids.
tion to the main stream channel sites, samples from two The residue was solubilized with hydrochloric (HCl) acid
minor ephemeral tributaries were collected as they en- and diluted to volume. Trace metals (except Pb) were de-
tered the main channel, and samples from the mouth of termined by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission
seven storm drains entering the main channel. spectrometry (ICP-AES) and Pb by flame atomic-absorp-
A clear 10-cm internal diameter Plexiglas tube sampler tion spectrometry (FAAS). Cadmium and Se were deter-
was used to collect three separate 5-cm cores at each mined for 14 randomly selected stream samples using ul-
sampling site. Cores were composited, double-bagged and trasonic nebulization ICP after the extraction into a solu-
mixed thoroughly prior to transport to the laboratory. All tion of Aliquat 336 (a quaternary alkyl ammonium chlo-
samples were cold stored at about 5 7C prior to proc- ride) in MIKB (methyl isobutyl ketone). Mercury was de-
essing. Several splits were made using a Teflon spatula in termined for 14 samples following aqua regia digestion
Teflon pans from each sample, for particle size analysis, and measured with cold-vapor AAS (CVAAS).
organic and inorganic carbon (see Sutherland 1999) and Six bed sediment samples were selected from the lower
metal analyses. The split for element analyses was placed three stream zones and subjected to single leaches with
in acid-washed beakers and dried for 48 h at 40 7C. Sam- different reagents (Table 2) and elements were deter-
ples were lightly crumbled with latex gloves to break up mined by ICP-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The single
weak aggregates and dry-sieved through acid washed ny- leach philosophy was considered as a viable alternative to
lon sieves. Data for the ~63-mm fraction are reported sequential leaches and has been previously used by
here as this is the most common fraction analyzed for Young and others (1992), Tack and others (1996) and
trace metals in the literature (e.g. Shelton and Capel Tack and Verloo (1999). The “operationally defined”
1994). phases included: (1) soluble, exchangeable, adsorbed and
coprecipitated with carbonate (SAEC phase; cf. Hall and
Analytical techniques others 1996); (2) labile organic bound (organic phase);
Bed sediment samples ~63 mm (mass about 0.5 g) were (3) Mn and amorphous Fe oxyhydroxides (reducible
ground using a mixer-mill with tungsten carbide bowl phase) and this was estimated by subtracting the NaOAc-
and balls for 5 min. Hickson and Juras (1986) indicate extractable contents from the NH2OH0HCl-extractable
tungsten carbide surfaces can significantly contaminate contents (Tack and others 1996); and (4) the residual
analyses for cobalt (Co) and tungsten (W). Concentra- phase was estimated from the total digestion contents
tions of W in the analyzed samples were below detection minus SAEC phasecorganic phasecreducible phase.
limits (~10 mg kg –1) and are thus not reported. Data for Quality control procedures for elements in bed sediment
Co are not analyzed in detail due to potential for con- included analyses of two standard reference materials
tamination. Ground samples were digested to dryness (SRMs), National Institute of Standards and Technology

Table 2
Single leach extractions and derived phase associations

Reagent Experimental conditions Target phase(s) released

1 M sodium acetate (NaOAc) in 3% 1.0 g sample, 15 ml reagent solution, Soluble, exchangeable, adsorbed
acetic acid (CH3COOH) at pH 5 shake for 2 h, centrifuge (2800 rpm) coprecipitated with carbonates (SAEC)
5 min, add 100 ml of 5 mg kg –1 Rh as
internal standard, dilute supernatant to
volume (10 ml)
0.1 M sodium pyrophosphate (Na4P2O7) 1.0 g sample, 25 ml reagent solution, Labile organic component (organic)
shake for 1 h, remaining protocol as
0.25 M hydroxylamine hydrochloride 1.0 g sample, 20 ml of reagent solution, Mn and amorphous Fe oxyhydroxides
(NH2OH 0 HCl) in 0.25 M HCl 60 7C water bath for 2 h, remaining (reducible) a
protocol as above
Concentrated HNO3, HCl, HF and HClO4 1.0 g sample, 2 ml of HNO3 and heat at Total digestion (all phases) b
200 7C, cool, 2 ml of HCl, heat in water
bath 90 7C, cool, add 5 ml HF, 3 ml
HClO4 and 2 ml HNO3, evaporate at
70 7C, add 3 ml HNO3 and dilute to
20 ml
a b
Reducible phase calculated as the difference between the Residual phase was determined as the difference between the
hydroxylamine hydrochloride leach and the sodium acetate total digestion and the summation of SAECc organicc
leach reducible phases. Therefore the residual phase includes
crystalline and residual oxides, sulfides and silicates

Environmental Geology 39 (6) April 2000 7 Q Springer-Verlag 615

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Table 3
Elemental analyses, precision and accuracy for geochemical standard reference samples measured in this study

Element Units STSD-2 a STSD-2 STSD-2 STSD-2 SRM 2704 b SRM 2704 SRM 2704 SRM 2704
X̄ c X̄ d Precision e Accuracy f X̄ g X̄ h Precision e Accuracy f
This study Certified CV (%) (%) This study Certified CV (%) (%)

Al % 8.69 8.52 2.2 c 2.0 6.16 6.11 3.2 c 0.8

Ba mg kg –1 480 540 5.5 P10.7 380 414 7.1 P 8.0
Be mg kg –1 4.0 P 3.1 P 1.5 1.6 6.7 P 6.3
Ca % 2.90 2.86 3.0 c 1.4 2.48 2.60 3.4 P 4.6
Cd mg kg –1 P P P P 3.46 3.45 3.7 c 0.3
Co mg kg –1 16 19 5.6 P14.2 11 14.0 5.8 P22.1
Cr mg kg –1 107 116 4.7 P 7.8 127 135 5.4 P 5.9
Cu mg kg –1 49 47 5.1 c 3.2 96 98.6 4.1 P 2.5
Fe % 4.97 5.2 3.2 P 4.4 3.96 4.11 3.8 P 3.6
Hg mg kg –1 P P P P 1330 1470 7.5 P 9.5
K % 1.98 1.76 3.5 c12.5 2.12 2.00 4.7 c 6.0
Mg % 2.02 1.88 4.2 c 7.4 1.25 1.20 4.1 c 4.2
Mn mg kg –1 970 1060 3.1 P 8.9 530 555 4.0 P 4.7
Ni mg kg –1 60 53 4.2 c14.0 45 44.1 5.9 c 2.7
P mg kg –1 1330 1400 3.1 P 5.0 870 998 3.7 P13.0
Pb mg kg –1 63 66 3.7 P 5.3 149 161 4.8 P 7.5
Se mg kg –1 P P P P 1.2 1.12 4.3 c 7.1
Sr mg kg –1 499 400 6.0 c24.8 148 135 i 5.7 c 9.6
Ti % 0.45 0.49 4.1 P 7.6 0.41 0.457 4.9 P10.3
V mg kg –1 104 101 5.0 c 2.8 95 95 5.4 c 0.3
Zn mg kg –1 240 246 3.3 P 2.4 421 438 3.3 P 3.9
a f
STSD-2 is a geochemical stream sediment reference sample Accuracy (bias) is estimated using the equation of Yeh and
from the CCRMP others (1996) and Gill and Ramsey (1997):
SRM 2704 is a standard reference material (Buffalo River X̄this studyPX ¯ Certified
sediment) issued by the NIST
3 X̄Certified4 0 100
X̄ represents the arithmetic mean for 17 duplicates g
Based on 18 duplicates
Certified values as reported by Lynch (1990) h
Represents the arithmetic mean as tabulated by Epstein and
Precision is estimated by the coefficient of variation others (1989)
CVp[SD/X̄] 0 100 i
Arithmetic mean reported by Wilson and others (1994) using
ICP-AES for 18 samples

(NIST) SRM 2704 collected from Buffalo River, New York Baseline element concentrations, min–max
(Epstein and others 1989) and the Canadian Certified standardization, and modified index of
Reference Materials Project (CCRMP) STSD-2 collected geoaccumulation
from Hirok Stream, British Columbia. Accuracy and pre- For each sample site up to 21 elements were analyzed.
cision for all elements are shown in Table 3, and these Only a select number of these will be discussed in detail
are based on 18 duplicate samples of SRM 2704 and 17 in this study since many are not anthropogenically en-
duplicates of STSD-2, with the exception of Cd, Hg and hanced in the Manoa system. Concentration statistics
Se where only four duplicates of SRM 2704 were in- (dry mass basis) will be presented for comparison to oth-
cluded. Additionally, 24 field duplicate samples (about er studies, and for comparisons to estimated baseline
5% of the total sample sites) were interspersed randomly data. Selected element concentrations were standardized
within sample batches. Samples were analyzed in a ran- using minimum and maximum values for a particular
dom order, and not in sequence from outlet to headwat- element, such that several elements with widely differing
ers to reduce any possibility of instrument drift. concentrations could be compared on the same scale with
Precision for all elements from the SRM samples was ex- a range between 0 and 1. The following equation was
cellent with median coefficients of variation of 3.9% for used to constrain elemental data:
STSD-2 (maximum 6.0% for Sr) and 4.7% for SRM 2704
(maximum 7.5% for Hg). The maximum coefficient of CnPCn Minimum
variation (CV) for field duplicates was 6.0% (Sr) for
MMSn p 3C
n MaximumPCn Minimum
4 (1)
STSD-2, and 7.8% (Ti) for SRM 2704. Instrumental accu-
racy was also very good for most elements with a median where MMSn represents the min–max standardized value
value of –3.4% for STSD-2 (range –14.2% Co to c24.8% of element n in the ~63 mm bed sediment fraction, Cn is
for Sr); and –3.9% for SRM 2704 (range from –22.1% for the concentration of element n, Cn Minimum is the mini-
Co to c9.6% for Sr). mum concentration of element n, and Cn Maximum is

616 Environmental Geology 39 (6) April 2000 7 Q Springer-Verlag

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Table 4 3–4pstrongly polluted; 4–5pstrong to very strongly pol-

Best estimates of baseline metal concentrations (mg kg –1, luted; and 1 5pvery strongly polluted.
except Alp%) for the Koolau Basalts and the Honolulu
Volcanics (Sugarloaf flow) in Manoa drainage basin
Trace metal normalization and enrichment ratios
Element Koolau Honolulu a
References Loring (1990) states that grain size and provenance are
Basalts Volcanics two of the most significant parameters controlling the se-
dimentary variability of trace metals which must be com-
Al 7.72 5.83 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 pensated for by any normalization procedure. Grain size
Ba 100 250 (?) b 1, 3, 7, 8 is controlled in this study since all data reported are
Cd 0.22 0.32 6, 8, 9
Cu 100 100 7, 10, 11, 12 ~63 mm. Geochemical normalization of trace metal data
Hg 0.05 0.05 13, 14 to a variety of “conservative” elements is common. These
Ni 190 240 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 12 elements are assumed to have had a uniform flux from
Pb 6 7 7, 8, 11, 12, 15, 16 crustal-rock sources, from the time sediment particles
Zn 110 180 1, 3, 4, 7, 12, 15 were eroded until the time sediment particles were de-
posited, over a long period of time; consequently, com-
1 Roden and others (1984); 2 Leeman and others (1980); 3 pensation for changes in levels of various diluents can be
Frey and others (1994); 4 Clague and Frey (1982); 5 Macdonald
(1968); 6 Macdonald and others (1973); 7 Taylor (1964); 8 Li made (Horowitz 1991). Previously used conservative ele-
(1996); 9 Turekian and Wedepohl (1961); 10 De Carlo and ments include Al (Trefry and others 1985; Schropp and
Spencer (1995); 11 Ashwood and others (1989); 12 Wilkinson others 1990); Cr (McMurtry and others 1995); Fe (White
and Stolz (1983); 13 Adriano (1986); 14 Raine and others (1995); and Tittlebaum 1985); Li (Loring 1990); Mn (Loska and
15 Heinrichs and others (1980); 16 Spencer and others (1995) others 1997); Sc (Lee and others 1994); and Ti (Horowitz
Literature values for Ba concentrations for the Honolulu and others 1988). Horowitz (1991) states that normaliza-
Volcanics are unreliable and represent potential contamination
tions of this type entail the determination of a simple ra-
by felsic, pegmatoidal segragations in mililitite (Wilkinson and
Stolz 1983); thus, a value reported by Taylor (1964) is tio in bed sediment:
Concenration of trace metal
Concentration of conservative element
Aluminum was used as a conservative element in this
the maximum concentration of element n. A wide array study since it was the most accurately and the most pre-
of literature was reviewed to establish best estimates of cisely measured major element, and also it has been the
baseline concentrations for selected elements for Koolau most commonly used normalizing element in the geo-
Basalt and Honolulu Volcanics (Sugarloaf flow) are pre- chemical literature.
sented in Table 4. Eq. 3 was adapted to form an enrichment ratio (ERn) for
The index of geoaccumulation, a quantitative measure of a given element n following the work of Lee and others
the degree of pollution in aquatic sediments, was devel- (1994) and Lee and others (1997) and is defined as:
oped in the late 1970s and has been widely used in Euro-
pean trace metal studies (cf. Förstner and others 1990). A Cn Sample
modified index of geoaccumulation (MIgeo) is presented
ERn p
Al Sample
4 (4)
in this study: BEn Background
Cn 3
BEAl Background 4
MIgeoplog2 3 1.5 0 BE 4
where Cn is as before; CAl is the aluminum concentration
where Cn is as defined previously; BEn is the best esti- in the ~63 mm bed sediment fraction; BEn Background is
mate of element n in the Koolau Basalts or the area in- as before and is based on values shown in Table 4; and
fluenced by the Sugarloaf flow. The BEn values for the BEAl Background is the best estimate of the concentration
Koolau Basalts in Table 4 were applied to bed sediment of Al in the Koolau Basalts or Honolulu Volcanics. As
sample sites 56–116 (from 2.8 to 5.8 km upstream of the with the MIgeo computation, sites downstream of 56 rep-
basin outlet), below this the Sugarloaf flow outcropped. resent a potential mix of Koolau Basalts and Sugarloaf
Therefore for sites 0–55 (0–2.8 km) the BEn values were flow, thus the Al background for these sites was the
weighted according to an assumed 50% contribution of weighted average of both rock types (i.e. 6.78%).
Koolau Basalts and 50% Honolulu Volcanics. The factor There is no accepted pollution ranking system or catego-
1.5 in Eq. 2 is used because of the possible variations of rization of degree of pollution based on the enrichment
the baseline (BEn) data due to lithogenic effects (cf. Salo- ratio methodology so a preliminary five-category system
mons and Förstner 1984). The following descriptive clas- is proposed:
sification is given for the index of geoaccumulation by 1. ER~2 Depletion to minimal enrichment suggestive of
Förstner and others (1990): ~0ppractically unpolluted; no or minimal pollution
0–1punpolluted to moderately polluted; 1–2pmoderate- 2. ER 2 – 5 Moderate enrichment, suggestive of moderate
ly polluted; 2–3pmoderately to strongly polluted; pollution

Environmental Geology 39 (6) April 2000 7 Q Springer-Verlag 617

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3. ER 5 – 20 Significant enrichment, suggestive of a sig-

nificant pollution signal
4. ER 20 – 40 Very highly enriched, indicating a very
strong pollution signal
5. ER 1 40 Extremely enriched, indicating an extreme pol-
lution signal

Quantitative analyses
A variety of descriptive statistics will be presented to de-
scribe concentration data and ratio data (i.e. MMSn, MI-
geo and ERn). This will allow comparisons to be made be-
tween data in this study, those previously published, and
those to be conducted in the future. Spearman’s non-pa-
rametric rank order correlation coefficient (rs) was used
to describe the degree of bivariate monotonic association,
since distributions of a number of metals was non-nor-
mal. Fig. 2
Spatial patterns in selected trace metal data were Minor element geometric mean concentrations (B one
smoothed using robust locally weighted regression esti- standard deviation) for bed sediment (~63 mm) samples from
mates, lowess (Cleveland and Devlin 1988). Lowess is typ- Manoa Stream. The four zones are: L Lower; C-I
Commercial-Institutional; R Residential, and U Undisturbed.
ical of smoothers that emphasize large scale patterns in For a given element bars with the same letter are not
data by reducing the ‘noise’ associated with individual significantly different at ap0.05
sampling points. This was considered to be a useful ap-
proach for examining trends in trace metal bed sediment
data for the four zones defined for Manoa Stream.
One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test
for differences in metal concentrations or pollution in- icantly lower values in the undisturbed headwater section
dices on log10 transformed data for the four zones. If a and highest in the lower zone near the basin outlet
significant F-ratio (Prob ^ ap0.05) was found, post-hoc (Fig. 2 and Table 5). Such a pattern may reflect increased
multiple comparison testing was performed using Fisher’s vehicle traffic, and increased road runoff of vehicle-asso-
protected least significant difference (PLSD) test. ciated metals as we proceed from the undisturbed head-
water area to the highly impacted lower stream reach.
Though other sources can not be totally disregarded it is
likely their importance would be localized and could not
account for the general trends identified.
Results and discussion Several studies have found strong associations between
bed sediment metal concentrations (Pb and Zn) and fish
During the three-day measurement period baseflow was metal concentrations with vehicle traffic density (e.g.,
alkaline with pH values between 7.5 and 7.9, with a me- Van Hassel and others 1980; Heiny and Tate 1997). Addi-
dian of 7.6. These values are similar to others previously tionally, studies establishing links between Pb and Zn
reported for Manoa Stream by Ching (1972) and Ikeno from automobiles are multitudinous. McMurtry and oth-
(1996). In aquatic environments with alkaline geochemis- ers (1995) estimated that motor vehicle sources account
try it is common to find low dissolved trace metal con- for at least 97% of the Pb burden of Oahu coastal sedi-
centrations, and this is supported by the data available ments with the remaining sources (volcanic emissions
for Manoa Stream (Yim and Dugan 1975; DOH 1980; and exogenic atmospheric transport) at most contribut-
Hasan 1991). ing 3%. Previous contributions of Pb to the environment
from automobiles is not debatable, and numerous sup-
Concentration data and min–max standardized porting data exist (cf. Jernigan and others 1971; Pierson
values (MMSn) and Brachaczek 1983; Lowenthal and others 1994; Cadle
A detailed statistical summary for selected trace metals and others 1997; Lee and others 1997).
and Al for Manoa bed sediments are given in Table 5. A The median Pb concentration found in the undisturbed
plot of geometric mean concentrations by zone (Fig. 2) zone was 10 mg kg –1, or about 10 times less than that
indicates that Ni is the only trace element that exhibits found in the lower zone (Table 5). Concentrations in the
the highest concentration in the undisturbed section of mid-portion of the basin were intermediate between the
Manoa. This may suggest that Ni concentrations in Ma- upper and lower reaches. Lead data from the bed sedi-
noa bed sediments are primarily controlled by mineralo- ments in the undisturbed zone were only slightly greater
gy; and this would support De Carlo and Spencer’s (1995) than the baseline value adopted for the Koolau Basalts at
contention for a similar control for nearby Ala Wai Canal 6 mg kg –1 (Table 4). This minor increase, and also that
sediments. Barium, Pb and Zn exhibit a pattern of signif- displayed by Zn, may be accounted for by one or more of

618 Environmental Geology 39 (6) April 2000 7 Q Springer-Verlag

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Table 5
Descriptive statistics for selected metal concentrations in Manoa Commercial-Institutional 42; Residential 49; and Undisturbed
Stream bed sediments for four zones (all concentrations are 15. The number of samples analysed per zone for Cd and Hg
mg/kg, except Hgpmg/kg, and Alp%) The number of samples are: Lower 2; Commercial-Institutional 7; Residential 3; and
analysed per zone for Al, Ba, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn are: Lower 17; Undisturbed 2

Metal / Zone MeanBSD Geometric Median 25% 75% Minimum Maximum


Lower 8.94B0.35 8.93 8.98 8.82 9.10 8.05 9.47
Comm-Inst 9.24B0.57 9.22 9.16 8.74 9.67 8.26 10.65
Residential 9.48B0.54 9.47 9.44 9.24 9.76 8.05 10.90
Undisturbed 9.60B0.44 9.59 9.56 9.42 9.86 8.72 10.65
Lower 277B52 273 265 240 309 221 430
Comm-Inst 226B71 220 210 199 221 177 541
Residential 202B35 200 199 188 210 154 408
Undisturbed 184B41 180 188 146 229 121 243
Lower 0.97B0.01 0.97 0.97 0.96 0.97 0.96 0.97
Comm-Inst 0.73B0.22 0.69 0.78 0.68 0.81 0.30 1.01
Residential 0.86B0.29 0.82 1.01 0.65 1.03 0.53 1.04
Undisturbed 0.40B0.17 0.38 0.40 0.28 0.52 0.28 0.52
Lower 188B29 186 181 177 198 133 258
Comm-Inst 193B20 192 191 183 199 170 300
Residential 206B22 205 199 189 220 172 267
Undisturbed 174B17 174 173 162 187 150 212
Lower 176B6 176 176 172 180 172 180
Comm-Inst 103B31 98 113 76 125 56 138
Residential 117B41 111 137 87 142 70 144
Undisturbed 51B32 45 51 28 73 28 73
Lower 317B44 314 307 292 315 278 439
Comm-Inst 316B29 314 315 303 329 216 408
Residential 324B15 324 323 317 331 289 360
Undisturbed 341B24 340 341 320 360 302 379
Lower 97B31 93 95 72 104 59 175
Comm-Inst 53B24 49 50 45 59 10 175
Residential 84B153 56 52 40 71 17 1078
Undisturbed 13B7 11 10 10 14 5 28
Lower 274B42 271 276 242 286 210 368
Comm-Inst 246B40 243 242 226 248 180 444
Residential 262B48 258 252 240 267 208 510
Undisturbed 202B29 200 196 181 223 162 268

the following sources: atmospheric deposition of locally bance, i.e. Waiakekua sub-basin (Pbp68 mg kg –1;
derived (anthropogenic) exhaust emissions, natural depo- Znp182 mg kg –1) and Waahila Ridge State Recreation
sition from volcanic emanations, or from deposition of Area (Pbp38 mg kg –1; Znp185 mg kg –1; see Fig. 1). High
anthropogenically derived exogenic aerosols transported concentrations of Pb (838 mg kg –1) and Zn (972 mg kg –1)
from distant locations to the Hawaiian islands. Regardless were reported for surface soils associated with significant
of source, Pb contributions to the undisturbed portion of automobile traffic in the middle of Manoa Valley. Lead
the basin were minimal and inconsequential when com- and Zn bed-sediment concentration data have been re-
pared to the concentrations in sediments in the more ported for only three sample sites in Manoa Stream by
heavily impacted downstream zones of Manoa Valley. De Carlo and Spencer (1997); however, they support the
Limited Pb and Zn data are available for soils in Manoa more detailed trends identified in this study. Lead data
Valley. Data in Li (1996; 0–10 cm depth) indicate that the from the State of Hawaii DOH (Eugene Akazawa, person-
lowest concentrations for these metals occurred in areas al communication 1991) indicated 10 bed sediment sam-
associated with somewhat limited anthropogenic distur- ples (grain size fraction not specified) collected in 1991

Environmental Geology 39 (6) April 2000 7 Q Springer-Verlag 619

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from Manoa Stream had a geometric mean of 41B3 mg

kg –1, with a range of values from 4 –198 mg kg –1. Con-
centrations for Pb and Zn in road-related runoff sedi-
ment samples have been reported by the Hawaii DOH
(1980). Sediment collected in roadside runoff boxes from
an Oahu freeway had Pb and Zn concentrations of 4250
and 338 mg kg –1, respectively. These can be compared to
those reported for a residential area in Manoa Valley,
Pbp1730 mg kg –1 and Znp159 mg kg –1.
All available data supports a strong anthropogenic signal
for Pb and to a lesser degree Zn. The spatial patterns are
strongly suggestive of vehicle contributions even though
Pb in gasoline has recently been phased out in the US. It
is clear that the Pb and Zn levels present in Manoa
Stream sediment reflect physical remobilization through
erosion of polluted soils and sediments from basin slopes
and transport via surface runoff to the stream channel.
Once sediments enter Manoa Stream the sediment sorbed
metals undergo a circuitous path downstream as material
is deposited, reworked and transported to eventually be
deposited in the Ala Wai Canal.
Lead data for the residential section showed a rather
large discrepancy between the arithmetic mean of 84 mg
kg –1 and the median of 52 mg kg –1 (Table 5). The differ-
ence resulted from the inclusion of a very high value for Fig. 3
sediment associated with a small tributary near site 100 Spatial variation in min-max standardized (MMSn) bed
(5.0 km upstream of the basin outlet). This “outlier” rep- sediment concentration values for (a) Cr, Ni and Ba; and (b)
resents a real value since two subsequent analyses on the Cu, Pb and Zn
remaining sample split agreed to within B7% of the val-
ue used in this study (i.e. 1078 mg kg –1). This large value ever, detailed Cu data reported in this study indicates a
greatly influenced the arithmetic mean since it is not ro- more complicated pattern, and argues against using such
bust to large (or small values); thus a clearer picture of small sample sizes in deciphering potential metal trends
central tendency of Pb in the four zones is gained from in streambed sediments.
examining the medians or geometric means. Field notes Copper data indicate some degree of anthropogenic en-
indicated that the extremely high Pb concentration for hancement in Manoa basin, but on their own they do not
the tributary site was associated with corroding pipes, appear to represent a major environmental concern.
probably Pb-based, dumped into the tributary. Another However, synergistic relationships of Cu with Ba, Pb and
potential source of the high Pb may be the leaking un- Zn may be worthy of further study.
derground storage tank located in Paradise Park (Facility Despite the limited number of analyses conducted to
IDp9–101887, Leak IDp860001) that is just upstream of characterize Cd and Hg concentrations, there appeared to
the tributary. be higher Hg concentrations in the lower zone of Manoa
Copper exhibited an unusual concentration pattern Stream (176 mg kg –1) compared to the 51 mg kg –1 in the
(Fig. 3, Table 5) with its lowest values in the undisturbed undisturbed zone (Table 5). It is interesting to note that
and lower zones, while its highest concentrations oc- the concentration of Hg in the undisturbed sediments is
curred in the residential and commercial-institutional almost identical to the baseline value for basalts extracted
zones. Such a pattern may reflect previous use of Cu- from the literature (cf. Table 4). McMurtry and others
based insecticides, fungicides and corrosion of Cu plumb- (1995) state that Hg in Oahu coastal sediments is pre-
ing in the residential area of Manoa Valley. These sources dominantly of volcanic origin, however maximum Hg
are in addition to those contributed by automobiles, contributions of motor vehicles to the total Hg burden is
since Cu concentrations in brake linings can reach 3%, about 43% for urban areas. These Hg data indicate that
tire rubberp247 mg kg –1 (Wigington and others 1983), even if the Hg concentrations reported in this study are
and Cu is also used as an anti-oxidant in gasoline. De associated with anthropogenic sources, their contribution
Carlo and Spencer (1997) argued that roughly half of the is minimal, and localized in the lower section of the ba-
Cu in the sediments of the Ala Wai Canal can be attri- sin.
buted to anthropogenic sources. They also suggested, Median Cd concentrations were higher downstream of
based on only three Manoa Stream bed sediment sam- the undisturbed zone by up to 2.5 times (Table 5). Con-
ples, that there was a trend of increasing Cu from the up- centrations in the three downstream zones (medians
per basin (146 mg kg –1), through the middle portion 0.78–1.01 mg kg –1) were similar in magnitude to the Cd
(186 mg kg –1), to the lower reaches (298 mg kg –1). How- concentrations in the upper 20 cm of sediment from two

620 Environmental Geology 39 (6) April 2000 7 Q Springer-Verlag

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cores in the Ala Wai Canal, i.e. range of Cd from

0.83–1.39 mg kg –1, medianp1.09 mg kg –1 for 9 samples;
De Carlo and Spencer (1997). These Cd data indicate only
minor enrichment above baseline values (Table 4), and
may reflect, at least, an automobile source.
Smoothed min-max standardized (MMSn) values (see
Eq. 1) indicate some interesting spatial patterns (Fig. 3a,
b). The pattern for MMSNi was unique and supports mi-
neralogical control, with possible dilution in the lower
section of the basin. Chromium is displayed since its pat-
tern is also unique among the trace metals, and it was
also mineralogically controlled with no apparent dilution
downstream. Barium, Pb and Zn display very similar
large scale patterns, with low values in the upper zone,
significant increases in the upstream portion of the resi-
dential zone and a general leveling out throughout the
commercial-institutional zone. The highest MMSn values
were located within the “lower” zone for Ba, Pb, and Zn.
These patterns and data in Fig. 2 and Table 5 seem to Fig. 4
suggest a common association for these three elements Scatterplot of element Spearman correlation coefficients with
and possibly a common source, i.e. the automobile (Ta- Mn and organic C. Elements that fall within the horizontally
ble 1). Barium is usually not discussed in the pollution stippled area are not significantly correlated with Mn at
literature, the focus is typically on Pb and Zn. This may ap0.05. Elements that fall within the vertically line-stippled
stem from the lower toxicity of Ba in vertebrata com- area are not significantly correlated with organic C at ap0.05.
pared to Pb and Zn but, as Nieboer and Richardson Cadmium and Hg are bracketed because they are based on a
sample size of only 14 (all other elements np123), and neither
(1980) note, Ba is considered to be slightly more toxic to is significantly correlated at ap0.05 with Mn or organic C
mammalia than Zn. No soil or sediment Ba concentration
data have been reported for sediments in Manoa Valley
or the Ala Wai Canal. Thus, despite the complications ar-
ising from the problems in constraining the Ba content of that are statistically significant (ap0.05). It is interesting
the Sugarloaf flow, Ba appears to have a minor anthro- to note that all elements suggested to have a minimal an-
pogenic signal. thropogenic signal are positively associated with Pb, in-
cluding in order of significance (i.e. the lower the proba-
Correlation analyses for bed sediment elements bility value (Prob) the stronger the evidence against the
Correlation analysis was used to explore strength of asso- null hypothesis, and thus a stronger monotonic (bivar-
ciation between a variety of elements and two important iate) statistical association): Zn (Prob~0.0001) 1 Ba (Prob
sedimentary trace element collectors Mn oxides (actually ~0.0001) 1 Cu (Probp0.0006) 1 Cd (Probp0.0047) 1 Hg
elemental Mn in this study) and organic matter (actually (Probp0.0106).
organic C in this study). Two hachured zones are de-
picted in Fig. 4 and all elements within the vertical zone Modified index of geoaccumulation (MIgeo)
are not significantly (ap0.05) correlated with organic C Eq 2 was used to estimate MIgeo for seven metals and it is
content (Cr, Cu, and Zn); all elements within the hori- clear from Table 7 that the Pb MIgeo values were the most
zontal band are not significantly correlated with Mn (i.e. distinct. About 55% of the sample sites were classified as
Cr, Fe, K, Mg, Ni, P, Sr, Ti, and V). Additionally, Cd and moderately or strongly polluted (i.e. MIgeo 2–3). Four of
Hg, though they fall outside the vertical and horizontal the five samples classified as strong to very strongly pol-
bands, are not significantly correlated with either organic luted (MIgeo 4–5, and 1 5) were associated with storm
C or Mn (they are based on small sample sizes thus crit- drain outlets and a tributary outlet influenced by metal
ical bands are much larger for these elements). Trace ele- pipes dumped within the stream net. These Pb MIgeo data
ments so far suggested as having at least a minimal an- support previously presented concentration and MMSn
thropogenic signal (i.e. Ba, Cu, Pb and Zn) are positively values and are suggestive of a continued flux of Pb
associated with Mn; Ba and Pb are negatively associated sorbed to sediments entering Manoa Stream from urban
with organic C. Despite significant correlations between runoff.
elements and Mn and organic C the coefficients of deter- The smoothed Pb MIgeo pattern is shown in Fig. 5, with
mination (r 2s) are all below 30%, possibly suggesting in- storm drain outlet and tributary samples identified sepa-
fluences from other components not measured such as rately with arrows. Median Pb MIgeo values for each of
amorphous Fe oxides, reactive Fe, extractable Fe, surface the four zones were 3.3 (lower) 1 2.5 (residential)p2.4
area, and clay mineralogy (Horowitz 1991). (commercial-institutional) 1 0.1 (“undisturbed”), with
Inter-element nonparametric correlation coefficients are ANOVA indicating no statistically significant differences
shown in Table 6 only for those bivariate associations between the two mid-basin zones.

Environmental Geology 39 (6) April 2000 7 Q Springer-Verlag 621

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Table 6
Spearman correlation coefficient matrix for concentrations of correlations ~–0.30 or 1 c0.30 are statistically significant at
selected elements for Manoa bed sediment ~63 mm. Only ap0.001. For Cd and Hg correlations ~–0.70 or 1 c0.70 are
correlations that where significant at a^0.05 are shown. For all statistically significant at ap0.01; and those with correlations
elements, except Cd and Hg, with correlations ~–0.23 or ~–0.82 or 1 c0.82 are statistically significant at ap0.001,
1 c0.23 are statistically significant at ap0.01; and those with since only 14 samples were analysed

Ba –0.23
Ca –0.58 0.31
Cu 0.25 NS NS NS
Fe 0.40 NS –0.47 NS NS
K –0.41 0.48 0.68 NS NS –0.50 0.59
Mn 0.18 0.25 0.18 NS 0.41 NS NS NS
Ni 0.62 –0.20 –0.42 NS NS 0.30 –0.74 –0.42 NS
Pb –0.46 0.43 0.47 0.78 0.32 –0.19 0.71 0.58 0.21 –0.44
Ti 0.49 –0.21 –0.58 NS NS 0.86 NS –0.63 NS 0.43 –0.42
Zn NS 0.48 0.32 0.64 0.52 0.22 0.76 0.38 0.46 –0.27 0.60 NS
Org C 0.40 –0.25 –0.51 NS NS 0.35 NS –0.47 NS 0.28 –0.38 0.49 NS
Al Ba Ca Cd Cu Fe Hg K Mn Ni Pb Ti Zn
Spearman correlation coefficients are not significant at ap0.05

Table 7
Modified index of geoaccumulation percentages in each practically unpolluted; 0–1 unpolluted to moderately polluted;
pollution category for trace metals in Manoa Stream bed 1–2 moderately polluted; 2–3 moderately or strongly polluted;
sediments (~63 mm). Modified Index of Geoaccumulation 3–4 strongly polluted; 4–5 strong to very strongly polluted; 5
(MIgeo) values were determined using Eq. (2), with values ~0 very strongly polluted (Förstner and others 1990)

Element ~0 0–1 1–2 2–3 3–4 4–5 15 Median a Minimum Maximum

Ba 43.1 (53) b 55.3 (68) 1.6 (2) – – – – 0.15 –0.57 1.44

Cd 14.2 (2) 42.9 (6) 42.9 (6) – – – – 0.97 –0.43 1.66
Cu 1.6 (2) 97.6 (120) 0.8 (1) – – – – 0.35 –0.17 1.00
Hg 35.7 (5) 50.0 (7) 14.3 (2) – – – – 0.65 –1.42 1.26
Ni 32.5 (40) 67.5 (83) – – – – – 0.11 –0.58 0.44
Pb 3.3(4) 9.7 (12) 12.2 (15) 55.3 (68) 15.4 (19) 3.3 (4) 0.8 (1) 2.42 –0.94 6.90
Zn 5.7 (7) 90.2 (111) 4.1 (5) – – – – 0.38 –0.27 1.63
a b
Median, minimum and maximum represent actual MIgeo Values in parentheses represent the actual number of samples,
values and not percentages with a total of 123 for Ba, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn; and 14 for Cd
and Hg

Enrichment ratios (ERn) butaries. Analysis of variance indicated that ERPb values
Enrichment ratios for seven metals were calculated using for each of the four zones where statistically different at
Eq. 4 and the data are summarized in Table 8. It is again ap0.05, with the following median values: 11.4 (low-
apparent that Pb contamination of bed sediments in Ma- er) 1 6.7 (residential) 1 5.8 (commercial-institutional) 1 1.3
noa Stream is the most pronounced amongst the trace (“undisturbed”). As with all other data presented there is
metals investigated. Approximately 67% of the sites sam- strong support for Pb enrichment, and the anthropogenic
pled were classified as having a significant degree of Pb signal is considered to be related with urban runoff pri-
pollution (ERPb 5–20), and three sites were extremely pol- marily carrying automobile associated pollutants. Howev-
luted (ERPb 1 40). The median ERPb value for all bed se- er, other potential sources can not be ruled out, though
diments from Manoa stream was 6.2. These sediment they are considered to be much less important.
data, when considered with literature data indicating low
concentrations of Pb in Manoa Stream water, suggest that Phase associations
the occurrence of high levels of Pb in fish from this sys- Several reviews have been published on the “speciation”
tem (cf. Schmitt and Brumbaugh 1990) can be attributed or more accurately “operationally” defined phase associa-
to the sediment that acts as an effective pollutant sink. tions of metals in soils and sediments (e.g. Chao 1984;
The spatial variation in bed sediment ERPb values is Pickering 1986; Kersten and Forstner 1995; Hall and oth-
shown in Fig. 6, with arrows identifying sediments asso- ers 1996; Kennedy and others 1997). Many agree that
ciated with storm drain outlets and small ephemeral tri- meaningful comparisons of results from separate studies

622 Environmental Geology 39 (6) April 2000 7 Q Springer-Verlag

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Table 8
Enrichment ratio percentages in each pollution category for pollution; 2–5 represents sites moderately polluted; 5–20
trace metals in Manoa Stream bed sediments (~63 mm). represents sites with significant pollution; 20–40 represents sites
Enrichment ratio (ERn) values were determined using Eq. (4), with very strong pollution; and 1 40 represents those sites that
with ER values ~2 representing sites with no or minimal are extremely polluted

Element ER~2 ER 2–5 ER 5–20 ER 20–40 ER 1 40 Median a Minimum Maximum

Ba 95.1 (117) b 4.9 (6) – – – 1.32 0.74 3.68

Cd 42.9 (6) 57.1 (8) – – – 2.13 0.75 3.87
Cu 92.7 (114) 7.3 (9) – – – 1.45 1.06 2.46
Hg 64.3 (9) 35.7 (5) – – – 1.69 0.46 2.61
Ni 100.0 (123) – – – – 1.29 0.81 1.62
Pb 10.6 (13) 19.5 (24) 66.7 (82) 0.8 (1) 2.4 (3) 6.23 0.63 163.8
Zn 87.8 (108) 12.2 (15) – – – 1.48 0.81 4.18
a b
Median, minimum and maximum represent actual ER values Values in parentheses represent the actual number of samples,
and not percentages with a total of 123 for Ba, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn; and 14 for Cd
and Hg

Fig. 5
Spatial variation in the lead modified index of geoaccumulation
(MIgeo) for 123 Manoa Stream bed sediment samples. The major Fig. 6
line through the data represents a lowess smoothed trace. Spatial variation in the lead enrichment ratio (ERPb) for 123
Arrows identify either storm drain outlet or minor tributary Manoa Stream bed sediment samples. The major line through
outlet samples the data represents a lowess smoothed trace. Arrows identify
either storm drain outlet or minor tributary outlet samples

is questionable because experimental conditions are

usually very different, such as reagents used, sequencing (Ba, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) their ordering in each phase was
of reagent application and preparation techniques (espe- as follows,
cially drying and storage protocols). But most would 1. soluble, adsorbed, exchangeable and carbonate phase
agree that single or sequential leach studies provide valu- (SAEC): Ba 1 Zn 1 Pb 1 Cu 1 Ni;
able information on potential availability of metals to 2. labile organic phase: Cu 1 Zn 1 Ba 1 Pb 1 Ni;
biota, and also they are useful in deciphering the anthro- 3. reducible phase: Pb 1 Zn 1 Ba 1 Cu 1 Ni; and
pogenic “overprint” in a given area. 4. residual phase: Ni 1 Cu 1 Zn 1 Ba 1 Pb
Figure 7 displays the median percentages for each of the These data are informative because they add further sup-
four phases examined for Manoa bed sediments ranked port to the ERn, MIgeo data and to the Pb data in whole
from highest percent in the residual phase to the lowest. fish samples collected by NCBP in Manoa Stream. Pro-
The mean Pb concentration for the six samples was portionally Ni was the least available of the five elements,
45 mg kg –1, with a mean ERPb of about 7 times (range of supporting the interpretation that it is mineralogically
3–11 times). As expected the four elements commonly controlled. Lead of all the elements examined had the
used in normalization procedures (Ti, Cr, Al and Fe) had lowest percentage in the residual phase, confirming a
high residual phase values ( 1 91%), with Ti about 99.5%. dominant anthropogenic signal. The non-residual phase
For the trace elements discussed in detail in this paper in the sediments would be potentially bioavailable when

Environmental Geology 39 (6) April 2000 7 Q Springer-Verlag 623

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trace elements. Concentration data, min-max standar-

dized data, the modified index of geoaccumulation, en-
richment ratios and single leach data all point to Manoa
bed sediments being primarily contaminated by Pb. Sedi-
ments with the highest Pb concentrations were located in
the lower zone of the basin (0–0.8 km upstream of the
basin outlet) and also associated with storm drain outlets
and minor tributaries. The lowest Pb concentrations, near
background levels, were measured in bed sediments of
the undisturbed zone in the Waihi sub-basin, 5.1–5.8 km
upstream of the basin outlet. Data for other trace metals
(Ba, Cd, Cu, Hg and Zn) indicate some degree of anthro-
pogenic enhancement for samples sites between 0 and
5.1 km upstream of the basin outlet, but none show the
magnitude of enhancement exhibited by Pb.
The primary source of Ba, Cd, Pb and Zn contamination
in Manoa Stream is considered to be the automobile, and
includes vehicle wear, tire wear, fluid output, and exhaust
emissions. Many of these sources exist today in Manoa
Valley, but the contemporaneous contribution of Pb from
Fig. 7 vehicle emissions is negligible. However, the high Pb ve-
Metal phase partitioning for 14 elements in the ~63 mm bed hicle fluxes associated with emissions in the 1960–1980s
sediment samples from the lower three zones of Manoa Stream.
SAEC represents the soluble, exchangeable, adsorbed have been stored in soils and sediments of the basin and
coprecipitated with carbonates phase are now being remobilized by surface erosion processes
and contributed to the stream channel network. The ma-
jor sink for Pb in Manoa sediments is the reducible
phase which is dominated by Mn and amorphous Fe oxy-
hydroxides. The time frame for continued input of sedi-
processed through the acidic gut fluids of benthic feeders; ment sorbed Pb (and other metals) to the stream is un-
since Pb had the highest percentage in the non-residual known, but will depend on the residence time in the soil
phase 87% (SAECp3%, organicp1%, reduciblep83%) it zone, which in turn is a function of depth distribution
would be proportionally the most significant contributor and surface erosion rates. Nevertheless, it is clear that the
to the anthropogenic pollution signal in Manoa Stream. high Pb concentrations (highest recorded in 117 rivers
The data from the leach experiment can also be used as and lakes sampled nationwide in the US) found in whole
an independent check on the best estimates for baseline fish samples collected from Manoa Stream as part of the
values compiled from the literature for Manoa drainage NCBP reflect ingestion of Pb-associated with bed sedi-
basin (Table 4). The median residual concentrations from ment. The non-residual phase of sediment ingested by
the leach experiment were Bap60, Cup105, Nip280, benthic feeders will undergo desorption and result in
Pbp6 and Znp110 mg kg –1. Values for Cu, Pb and Zn trace metal bioaccumulation, especially for Pb. There is
were extremely close to those listed in Table 4 for the potential for anthropogenic sources other than the auto-
Koolau Basalts and the Honolulu Volcanics. The leach mobile to contribute trace metals to Manoa Stream (i.e.
value for Ni was slightly higher than the best estimates erosion of soil containing Pb-based paint, fertilizers, gal-
compiled in Table 4 (i.e. 190–240 mg kg –1). The compari- vanized metal associated with buildings, etc.) but their
son is weakest for Ba since the leach value was signifi- contributions are considered to be spatially limited.
cantly below the best estimates of 100–250(?) mg kg –1,
but is closest to the Koolau Basalt and within the range Acknowledgements I would like to thank Mr. D. Ko and Dr. C-
of values reported by Frey and others (1994), 34–149 mg T. Lee for providing invaluable assistance during the field-col-
kg . lection phase of this project. The data supplied by Mr. E. Aka-
zawa and Dr. B. Brooks were greatly appreciated. Without the
facilitation of chemical analyses by Mr. J. Gravel, Mr. M. LeGeyt
and Mr. G. Marshall this project would not have been possible.
Constructive comments from anonymous reviewers have signifi-
Conclusion cantly improved this manuscript, and their efforts are greatly
appreciated. Financial support for this work was provided by
Stream bed sediments provide an important archive for the Department of Geography, University of Hawaii, and from
examining trace metals and identifying anthropogenic University of Hawaii Research Council Grant 3–89947.
pollution signals when detailed spatial investigations are
conducted. Bed sediment data (~63 mm) from Manoa
drainage basin, an urbanized system, in southeastern
Oahu, Hawaii, were analyzed for a variety of major and

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