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Lecture 1
Every Information system is a software but every software isn’t a information system.
Information system 5 main points (components)
1. Professional
2. Softwares
3. Information/ infrastructure
4. Business process
5. Products and services
6. Customers/ End users
7. Rules and Regulations

Information system is an environment where the professionals make maximum use of

softwares as well as technological infrastructure or physical infrastructure to
perform/execute the business process(s) to deliver either products or services to
customers/end users while maintaining compliance of rules and regulations.

Business process: Standard operating procedure (SOP) to achieve certain objective(s)

Automation of business process: Information system
Business process is an organized or systematic combination of certain (logically linked)
activities which are performed in order to achieve certain goals/objectives.

Information system ensures you the automation of business process

Formulation of business process then automation of business process then information

If business process exist already then information system improve this process.
GIGO: Garbage in Garbage out

Case 1
No business process
Information system:
1. Formulation of business process
2. Automation of business process (partial/full)
Case 2
Business process exist
1. Business process reengineering (BPR)
(reforms/redesigning/ improvement/ optimization)
2. Automation of business process

Automation: Kisi kaam ko excessive technology k through perform krna.

Benefits of IS:
1. Automation
2. Productivity enhancement
3. Profitability
4. Expense reduction
5. Customer satisfaction
6. Investor’s trust
7. Reduction in processing delays
8. Just in time delivery (JIY)
9. Efficiency
10. Risk reduces
11. Utilization of resources
12. Cost reduction
13. Innovation (new ways)
14. Value addition (innovative aspect in existing product)
15. Sales grow
16. Market share grow
17. Competitive edge
18. Quality improvement
19. Best industry practices implementation
20. Regulatory compliance
21. Audit ranking
22. Market expansion
23. Good governance
24. Financial health
25. Good decision making
26. Planning
27. Monitoring
28. Management
29. Repute
30. Communication
31. Simplication of BP
32. Continuous improvement
33. Improved business reporting

Demerits of IS
1. loss of power
2. organizational inertia (resistance towards the change)
3. cost/expense investment
4. risk of implementation failure
5. integration of new IS with the existing system
6. requirement of skilled and trained workforce
7. Selection/development of IS
8. Security challenge
9. Technological resources required
10. To change IS is a challenge

in house development – time

outsourcing – time+cost
acquire the IS
Time + cost

Types of IS

1. Nature of work
2. Level management
Strategic /executives
a) MIS (Management info system)
b) EIS (Executive info system)
c) DSS (Decision support system)
d) Expert system
e) Transaction processing sytem (TPS)
f) Point of sale (POS)
g) Sales force automation (SFA) system
h) Accouting info system (AIS)
i) Financial reporting system (FRS)
j) Taxation info system
k) Inventory control/ management system (IMS/ICS)
l) Material requirement planning (MRP) info system
m) Production information system
n) Computer aided design (CAD)
o) Computer aided engineering (CAE)
p) Computer aided manufacturing (CAM)
q) Supply chain management (SCM)
r) Customer relationship management system (CRM)
s) Electronic data interchsnge (EDI)
t) ERP Enterprise resource planning
u) Quality management system
v) HRM
w) Health and safety management system
x) Customer support management IS
y) Product design info system
z) Business reporting management IS
aa) Communication IS
bb) Document management IS
Problems: (Multiple IS because of multiple departments)
1. Integration of multiple IS
2. Cost
3. Global picture of business info
4. Flow of information between the departments (inter departmental exchange of info)
5. Compatibility
6. Change management
One IS for all departments
ERP: Enterprise resource planning info system

What is ERP?
An ERP is a single integrated information system with multiple modules that fulfills the
requirements of all departments/ functional areas of the business.
For example: SAP, Microsoft dynamics, oracle ERP, people soft, open source software (OSS),
ODOO is open source software (no license fee)

An IS is a customized solution whereas ERP is a generalized and ideal solution.

IS: Automation of business process

ERP history MRP

Material requirement planning

ERP challenges
Implementation proper planning
Poor management
Will of top management
Organizational inertia
Time planning
Integration of old system with new system

E-business and Ecommerce

Lecture 4
Major difference b/w ERP and IS
IS doesn’t fulfill all department needs for ed procurement department
IS isn’t global. Scope only to 1 department
IS provides departmental pic but not organizational pic.
IS can’t be helpful between departments. No integrity b/w departments.
ERP gives whole organization view to upper level.
ERP supports integrity b/w departments.
ERP for real time reflection.

IS for automation
MRP relevant to material.

E- business and E – commerce

E-commerce: electronic trading (buy/sell) of goods/services using technology (internet,
software, computer)
Electronic trading of goods/services through the extensive use of internet and allied
technologies. Eg:- Alibaba, amazon, daraz, aliexpress, olx, ebay

Emerging technology in E-business

Chapter 1

E-Business: Driving business through electronic.

Technical infrastructure
1. Hardware components
2. Softwares
3. Database/data centers
4. Communication
5. Security
A server is a machine that fulfills the request of a user.
Webserver is a machine that hosts a website or who process the request for a website and
provides a website.
A user/machine who makes a request is known as client.
(DNS) Domain name server/system is the phonebook of internet
Website is hosted by a webserver
Address of a website is caleed URL
Address of a webserver is called IP addfress
DNS is a machine which provide the information about the ip address of the webserver
hosting the desired website (known by URL).
User make a web request by writing a URL.
The URL goes to DNS.
DNS resolves the IP address of the webserver hosting the website.
Then webserver is accesses.
Webserver process the request and sends the website.
Clinet/user > browser>DNS>webserver>client/user
IP stands for internet protocol (rules/laws)
IP is a set of rules for the governance of data communication over the internet.
Every machine has 2 addresses:
1. Logical address=IP Address 32 bits/4 bytes
IP V6 (latest version 128 bits)
2. Physical=MAC (Media Accesss control)
Address 48 bits/6 byte
Secure version of IP v6 is called IP sec
Routing static or dynamic
Router is a networking device.
Upstream: towards suppliers
Downstream: Towards customers
Lecture 9
EDI (Electronic Data Interchange 3 layers): Standardize both companies IS. Eg:- EDI ANSI
X12 (American National Institute of Standardization) Solution for documents through laws
that it follows ODI. To reduce delay In information processing.
Layers of EDI:
Application layer (To talk to user, provides communication/interaction)
Transport layer (exchange of info between EDIs)
Translation layer (translate info to ansi or from ansi to IS)
E-business: All departments except sales function through automation with extensive use of
OSI model (open system interconnection): it’s a framework for data communication over
the internet. It is composed of 7 layers.
Lecture 10
Physical layer direct relation with devices
And application layer direct relation with user
Presentation layer 6:
American standard code for information interchange (ASCII)
 Encoding: English (ASCII) to binary (0 or 1) conversion
 Encryption (TX)/Decryption (RX)-Data security e.g. password
Converting the plain text into cipher text (which isn’t understandable to human)
 Compression/decompression: Reduce the file size without losing the
Session layer: session yani rabta
Establishment of session, managing the session, termination of the session, authentication
(verifying the identity)
Transport layer 4: control the flow of information, error control, retransmission, end to end
Segmentation: to break file into pieces
Assembly: to join pieces into file
Network (3): assignment of IP address to packet, routing (finding the best path), packet
Data link layer (DLL) – intermediate connections
Error control, error detection+ error rectification
Flow control
Physical layer (is responsible for the actual transmission of bits

Types of networks:
Network is a group of two or more networks together
Internet: network of the networks
Intranet: privately owned physical network by an organization that is used to facilitate the
employees of the organization. It’s not connected to the public nor accessible by them. it
has all the services which are available over the internet. The services may include email,
downloading, uploading, virtual meeting etc. not connected to internet therefore secure.
However, its expensive.
Extranet: privately owned dedicated network by an organization that is used to facilitate the
stakeholders of the organization. The stakeholders can be supplier, producers, distributor,
banks, customers etc. Not connected to internet therefore secure. However, its expensive.
LAN: Local area network (Ethernet technology)
Less cost, faster speed, less error, low maintenance cost
WAN: wide area network: network beyond cities/provinces/state/countries/continents
Very high cost/slow speed/high error
MAN: metropolitan area network
Network within a city: coverage geographical area
Ethernet: a way of connection computer/ technology together in a local area network. (A
network within a building or an area of few kilometers) e.g. within a building, floor campus
VPN: virtual private network: it’s a privately owned dedicated virtual network to facilitate
the employees and stakeholders of the organization. Its less expensive as compare to
intranet and extranet. it provides all those services available on the internet or intranet and
extranet. Moreover, the communication is encrypted over VPN. Furthermore, it dedicates a
virtual channel for the organization.
Lecture 11
Components of E-business

SRM (supply chain management): Activities related to production, inventory, distribution,
2 types of SCM
Upstream SCM: The upstream portion of supply chain includes the organization’s suppliers
and the processes for managing relationships with them.
Downstream SCM: The downstream portion cosmist of the organization and processes for
distributing and delivering products to the final customers.
EFT (electronic fund transfer) Digital payment
TT (telegraphy transfer) from one bank to other in between other banks also
Computer aided manufacturing
Upselling e.g. honda city models basic, ultimate.
Cross selling: ek product k elawa dosri product le lo. Related product. E.g.: - buying mobile
with cover, earphones.
EIA (Enterprise integration application): do different technologies ko milana
Middleware: Bridge between IS.
Lecture 12
M-Commerce: Transaction through Mobile
Multimedia architecture:
Cloud computing: cost of expansion reduced. Liability decreased; productivity increased.
On demand availability of technical resources including computing power, storage,
bandwidth connectivity, security, operational technical management. Pay as u go.
Infrastructure as a service. Online access/remote access. Microsoft: Azure and Amazon:
AWS amazon web service EC^2
Elastic compute cloud EC^2
Global visibility
If expansion then computing, internet bandwidth, security, skilled HR, physical space,
hardware, software, licenses, storage, expenses, operational cost, operating systems. all
these requirement increases.
http: hypertext transfer protocol:
protocol to access website
https: secure http
Domain name:
Company name, geographic location, nature of business
Types of clouds computing
 Public: cloud services purchasing from 3rd party company. Own and operate by 3rd
party n u use it. E.g.: - google drive. Management responsibility of the provider of
cloud. Cost effective. Control not in your hand.
 Private: resources to not to be used by other companies. Infrastructure only for 1
company. Either operated by yourself or by 3rd party. Dedicated to only 1
organization. Fast and customizable. But management responsibility is yours.
 Hybrid: kuch services public kuch private. Minimize cost.
Types of cloud services:
 Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
Machine le li or sirf us k paysy de rhy. Servers, operating system, IS.
 Platform as a service (PaaS)
Development environment, development tools, utilities, libraries, technology.
Software khud banaon ga.
 software as a service (SaaS)
On rent databases or information system. Banay banaye softwares.
Lecture 13
Software is a set of instructions: code writing tool; English; binary (machine language/low
level language) programming language (high level language/user-friendly)
The language of computer is binary or called as a machine language.
Hugh level language instruction must be translated into machine language.
For translation we need language translators i.e., compiler or interpreter.
interpreter: instruction by instruction, execution line by line
compiler: first translate all instruction then execute.
Integrated development environment (IDE)
Lecture 14
Oracle e-business suite: oracle financials, HRM, CRM(Siebel), procurement
Peoplesoft, JD Edward, Siebel
Chapter 3
Information and Database
Difference b/w database and DBMS (Database management system)
Database: Is the electronic storage of data. Is the electronic organization of logically related
data. Nadra `db, Bank DB, FBR DB
Electronic storage
Logical relationship
Highly organized
Someone’s interest is included
DBMS is a software used to design, create, insert, update, edit, process, reporting, backup,
recovery, enhance security, access to legitimate users, sync data in multiple locations,
handle multiple transactions and manage a database.
(To insert, edit, delete, process, taking backup, resolving a query, update the data in the
database, recovery, performance improvement, search, removal duplicate data, transaction
record keeping, transaction log, reporting, integration, access of data)
DBMS examples: Mysql, pl/sql, MS Acess, IBM DB/2, Sage, Oracle R(relational)DMBS
Sql (structured query language)
SAN (storage area network): Network of DB server (machine that host a database)
Data center
Lecture 15
Requirements of info security
Ensure CIA of digital assets
C: Confidentiality
I: Integrity
A: Availability
2 types of software
Application software and system software

Types of database organizations (data kis tarah se organize hoga) (database k andr data
kaisy rkha jata hai)
1. hierarchical database
2. network database
3. relational database
data used to be stored in tree like structure. Now data is stored in table form. Table is called
in relation. Tabular structure is called relational database. RDBMS (relational database
management system). Tree like structure are hierarchical and network.
Root note has no parents. Leaf note has no child. Many to many relations in network.
Lecture 16
ERD is a name of standard diagram that is to represent the database design. (Entity
relationship diagram)
Database modeling: designing and representation of the design.
ERD requirements:
1st ask for requirements then
Design sketch and then ERD then show to user.
ERD transform to relational database or table
Design requirements, ERD and table (3 steps)
To create ERD what things u must know
1. entity or entities
object about which an organization desires to collect the data
2. Attributes
Characteristics of an entity in which an organization is interested.
3. Types of attributes
 Single value attributes
 Multi value attributes
 Unique attributes

4. Relationship
The association b/w 2 entities. E.g., teachers teach and students are taught in
ICMAP, doctor examines the patient. Relationship verb and entity is noun.
5. Types of relationship
 One to one E.g., Passport and passport holder, ICMAP student
registration ID.
 One to many: one person can have multiple degrees but for every
degree there will be only 1 holder. One person can have many cars
but cars has only 1 owner.
 Many to many: customer can buy multiple products and a product can
be purchased by multiple customers.

6. Degrees of relationship:
In one relationship, how many entities are involved.
Binary relation 1 relation between b/w 2 entities.
Trinary relation
Lecture 17
Database languages
1. Data manipulation language/DQL: grant and revoke. It is used to perform following
operations over the data:
 Adding (insert)
 Modifying (update)
 Delete
e.g., SQL (structured query language)
2. Data control language: programming lang which is used to control access the data in
the database. (Authorization and authentication (shanakht ko verify krna)
3. Data definition language/ data description language: programming language which is
used to create or modify database objects. Database objects (tables, users and

Set of instructions is called program and collection of programs is called software and
writing the software instructions is called programming and the language that is used in
programming is called programming language. Low level language is machine language and
high level is user friendly.
Database organization
Database is composed of files and files are composed of tables. The table is composed of
intersection of rows and columns. One row of table is called record or tuple but table
column represents attributes. Column is also called of fields. Characters by bytes and bytes
from bits. This can also be known as database schema(design)
2 database views
Physical and logical views
Physical view: how does computer treats database. How does a machine treat database.
Form in bits
Logical view: how does a user handles the data. In table form.
Data dictionary/meta data repository: data about data. Meta data collection is called data
dictionary. Data dictionary is the repository of meta data and meta data is the data about
Reader redundancy: unnecessary repetition. Waste storage capacity, processing time delay,
storage cost increase. Redundancy can’t be eliminated but can be minimized
Normalization: which minimizes database redundancy.
Normalization types
 1stNF (normal form)
 2ndNF
 3rdNF
 4thNF
 5thNF
Schema (database design)
Lecture 18

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