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What you already know What you will learn

• Spectroscopy • Paschen series

• Emission and absorption spectra • Brackett and Pfund series
• Energy level of an H-atom • Humphrey series
• The Rydberg formula • Number of spectral lines
• Spectral series in H-atom

Paschen Series

• The Paschen series is the third spectral series. It was found in the IR region by Paschen.
• When electrons transit to the third orbit from any other higher energy orbit, it is known as the
Paschen spectrum (n2 = 4, 5, 6… and n1 = 3).
• The wavenumber or wavelength of the emitted radiation in this transition can be calculated using
the following:
1 1 1 
= R H Z2  2 − 2 
λ 3 n2

RH = Rydberg’s constant
RH = 1.09678 × 107 m-1 ≅ 1.1 × 107 m-1
n1 = 3 (Final state)
n2 = 4, 5, 6… (Initial state, n2 > 3)
• The wavenumber corresponding to the transition of an electron from ∞ → 3 (series limit) of the
Paschen series can be calculated as shown.
For a hydrogen atom, atomic number (Z) = 1 and for series limit n2 = ∞ and n1 = 3. Using the
Rydberg formula,
1 1 1 
= ν = R H 12  2 - 2 
λ min 3 ∞ 

• The wavelength of the 𝜶 lines (first spectral line of the series) of the Paschen series can be
calculated as shown.
For a hydrogen atom, atomic number (Z) = 1, first spectral line of Paschen series is from n2 = 4 to
n1 = 3. Using the Rydberg formula,

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1 1 1
= R H 12  2 − 2  n=7
λ max 3 4 
1 7 RH n=5
λ max 144 n=4

λ max = n=3
7 RH Paschen series

Where, = 912 A 0

Fig. 1: Spectral lines of the Paschen series

Brackett Series

• The Brackett series is the fourth spectral series. It was found in the IR region by Brackett.
• When electrons transit to the fourth orbit from any other higher energy orbit, it is known as the
Brackett series. Hence, n2 can take values as 5, 6, 7… and n1 takes the value 4.
• The wavelength of the emitted radiation for an electron present in the H-atom in this transition
can be calculated as follows:
1 1 1 
= R H Z2  2 − 2 
λ 4 n2 

RH = Rydberg’s constant
RH = 1.09678 × 107 m-1 ≅ 1.1 × 107 m-1
n1 = 4 (Final state)
n2 = 5, 6, 7… (Initial state, n2 > 4)

Brackett series


Fig. 2: Spectral lines of the Brackett series

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Pfund Series

• The Pfund series is the fifth spectral series. It was found in the IR region by Pfund.
• When electrons transit to the fifth orbit from any other higher energy orbit, it is known as the
Pfund spectrum. Hence, n2 can take values as 6, 7, 8,… and the value of n1 is 5.
• The wavelength of the emitted radiation for an electron present in the H-atom in this transition
can be calculated as follows:
1 1 1 
= RH  2 − 2 
λ 5 n2 

RH = Rydberg’s constant
RH = 1.09678 × 107 m-1 ≅ 1.1 × 107 m-1
n1 = 5 (Final state)
n2 = 6, 7, 8… (Initial state, n2 > 5)
Pfund series


Fig. 3: Spectral series of the Pfund series

Humphrey Series

• The Humphrey series is the sixth spectral series. It was found in the IR region by Humphrey.
The study of the Humphrey series was very difficult because the series consists of very less
• When electrons transit to the sixth orbit from any other higher energy orbit, it is known as the
Humphrey spectrum. Hence, n2 can take values as 7, 8, 9,… and the value of n1 is 6.
• The wavelength of the emitted radiation for an electron present in the H-atom in this transition
can be calculated as follows:
1 1 1 
= RH  2 − 2 
λ 6 n2 

RH = Rydberg’s constant
RH = 1.09678 × 107 m-1 ≅ 1.1 × 107 m-1
n1 = 6 (Final state)
n2 = 7, 8, 9… (Initial state, n2 > 6)

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Humphrey series


Fig. 4: Spectral lines of the Humphrey series


Brackett Pfund Humphrey

series series series
n=3 Paschen


Lyman series
Fig. 5: Spectral series of the H-spectrum

In the given figure, all the spectral lines of the H-atoms are shown, in which the Lyman series comes
in the UV region, the first four spectra of the Balmer series come under the visible spectrum, and
the other comes in the UV region. Spectral lines of Paschen, Brackett, Pfund, and Humphrey series
come under the infrared region.

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Maximum Number of Spectral Lines

When an electron de-excites to a lower energy level, photons of different energies get released
that results in different spectral lines.

Isolated atom

• When an electronic transition takes place from n = 2 to n = 1, one photon is released. When
electrons transit from shell 3 → 1, there are two ways possible. The first one is 3 → 2 and the
other is, 2 → 1. The second possible way is the electronic transition from 3 → 1. So, the maximum
number of photons that can be released is 2.
• Maximum number of photons emitted by an atom from the nth excited state is nH - nL , where nH
and nL are the energy state from and to which the electron is de-excited respectively.
• For transition from n2 = nhigher to n1 = nseries, n2 is the state from where the transition starts and n1
is the state where the transition ends.
In the Lyman series, the number of spectral lines = (nhigher > 1) = (nhigher - 1)
In the Balmer series, the number of spectral lines = (nhigher > 2) = (nhigher - 2)
In the Paschen series, the number of spectral lines = (nhigher > 3) = (nhigher - 3)

For a sample

When an electron transition takes place from 4 → 1, there will be a maximum of six spectral lines.
• The first possible way of transition is 4 → 3, 3 → 2, 2 → 1, which results in three spectral lines.
• The second possible way is 4 → 2, which results in one new spectral line.
• The third possible way is 4 → 1, which results in one new spectral line.
• The fourth possible way is 3 → 1 which results in one more spectral line.
• A total of six different photons are emitted in these transitions. So, the total spectral lines found
is six.
• Consider an electron transit from n2 to n1, where n2 is higher energy level and n1 is lower energy
level. The maximum number of spectral lines emitted for a sample with a large number of atom
is given by the following equation:

Spectral lines =
( n2 − n1 )( n2 − n1 + 1)
Considering ∆n = n2 − n1
( ∆n )( ∆n + 1)
Spectral lines =

Finding the spectral lines in the Lyman series

What is the maximum number of spectral lines in the Lyman series from the fourth shell?


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Number of spectral lines in the Lyman series of an isolated atom from the nth shell = nH - nL
Where nH is the higher energy level and nLis the lower energy level
For Lyman series, the final energy state to which the electron is de-excited is 1, i.e., nL = 1
Also, the higher energy level of the electron as given is 4, i.e., nH = 4
Maximum number of spectral lines = 4 - 1 = 3
Hence, the maximum number of spectral lines in the Lyman series from the fourth shell is 3.
The Spectral lines in the Lyman Series are, 4 → 1, 3 → 1 and 2 → 1.

Finding the wavenumber

The wavenumber of the first line in the Balmer series of hydrogen atoms is 15200 cm-1. Which of
the following is the wavenumber of the first line in the Balmer series of Be3+?
(a) 2.432 × 105 cm-1   (b) 15200 cm-1   (c) 4 × 15200 cm-1    (d) 2 × 15200 cm-1


Step 1: Finding the wavenumber for the H-atom

Wavenumber of first line of in the Balmer series (n1 = 2) of hydrogen atom (ν)H= 15200 cm-1
For the first spectral line in the Balmer series, the electron jumps from n2 = 3
According to the Rydberg formula,
1  1 1 
= νH = R H Z2  2 − 2 
λ  n1 n2 
1 1
νH = R H 12  2 − 2  ........... (i)
2 3 

Step 2: Finding the wavenumber Step 3: Finding the ratio of the wavenumber
for the Be3+ ion Dividing equations (i) and (ii),
For the Be3+ ion, atomic number (Z) = 4, 1 1
R H 12  2 − 2 
For the first spectral line in the Balmer series νH 2 3 
νBe3+ 1 1
(n1 = 2), the electron jumps from n2 = 3 R H 42  2 − 2 
2 3 
Considering the wavenumber of the
Be3+ ion = νBe3+  νH  1
  =
According to the Rydberg formula, ν
 Be  16

1  1 1  Hence, according to the given data,

= νBe3+ = R H Z2  2 − 2 
λ  n1 n2  νBe3+ = 16 × 15200
1 1 νBe3+ = 2.43 × 105 cm-1
νBe3+ = R H 42  2 − 2  ..........(ii)
2 3  Hence, Option (a) is the correct answer.

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Wavelength of spectral lines

What is the wavelength of a spectral line for an electronic transition inversely proportional to?
(a) the number of electrons undergoing transition
(b) the nuclear charge of the atom
(c) the velocity of an electron undergoing transition
(d) the difference in the energy involved in the transition

1  1 1 
(a) According to the Rydberg formula, = R H Z2  2 − 2  n and n are the shell numbers
λ  n1 n2  1 2
between which the transition takes place Substituting
and not thethe value of
number , we get that undergo
of nelectrons
transition. Hence, it is inversely proportional to the shell number, so option (a) is incorrect.
6  E 
(b) A v n = 2.18 × 10
 ccording to the previous formula, the wavelength is inversely  m /s
proportional to the square of
 0
the nuclear charge. So, option (b) is incorrect.
(c) When an electron jumps, the radius changes E = and so, the velocity will also change.
rn = 0.529 × Å  hc 
Z v n = 2.18 × 106   m/s
 λE0 
v n = 2.18 × 106   m/s Squaring on both the sides,
n 2
By the energy formula,   hc  
v n2 = ( 2.18 × 106 )  
 m /s
2 2
 λE 
En = E0     0
n  hc  2 2
Z En
v n2 = 4.7524 × 1012   m /s
⇒ =  λ E0 
n E0 1
v n2 ∝
Z λ
Substituting the value of , we get
n Hence, the wavelength of a spectral line for an
E electronic transition is inversely proportional to
v n = 2.18 × 106   m/s
 E0  velocity square. So, option (c) is incorrect.
(d) W
 hen an electron jumps from higher energy level to lower energy level the change in energy
6  hc 
v = 2.18 × 10   mequation:
isngiven by the following /s
 λE0 
From the given formula, it can be seen that the wavelength of a spectral line for an electronic
transition is inversely proportional to the difference in the energy involved in the transition.
So, option (d) is the correct answer.

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Spectrum of single electron species

Spectrum of Li2+ is similar to that of which of the following?

(a) H (b) Be (c) He (d) Ne


Spectrum explanation by Bohr’s theory is applicable to single electron species. In the given
options, only H-atom consists of one electron so the spectrum of Li2+ ion will be the same as the
Option (a) is the correct answer.

Finding the difference between the wave number

What is the difference between the wavenumber of the first line of the Balmer series and the last
line of the Paschen series for Li2+ ion?
(a) (b) (c) 4R H (d)
36 36 4


Step 1: Finding the wavenumber of first line of the Balmer series

Li2+ has one electron, so Bohr’s theory is applicable
For first line in the Balmer series is from n2 = 3 to n1 = 2
Considering the wavenumber in Balmer series corresponding to this transition = ν1
Using the Rydberg formula,
1  1 1 
= R H Z2  2 − 2 
λ  n1 n2 
Putting n2 = 3 and n1 = 2
1 1
ν1 = R H Z2  2 − 2  ...........(i)
2 3 
Where λ is the wavelength.

Step 2: Finding the wavenumber of the last line of the Paschen series
For the last line of the Paschen series, n1 = 3 and n2 = ∞
Considering the wavenumber corresponding to this transition in the Paschen series = ν 2
Using the Rydberg formula,
1  1 1 
= R H Z2  2 − 2 
λ  n1 n2 
1 1 
ν2 = R H Z2  2 − 2  .........(ii)
3 ∞ 

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Step 3: Finding the difference between the wavenumbers

Subtracting equation (ii) from equation (i),
1 2
1 1 1 1 
( ν )1 − ( ν )2 = R H Z2  2 − 2 −  2 − 2   ( ν )1 − ( ν )2 = R H 32  2 − 2 
∞  2 3 
2 3 3
1 2
( ν )1 − ( ν )2 = R H Z2  2 − 2  ( ν )1 − ( ν )2 = R H  − 2 
2 3  4 
For Li2+ ion, atomic number (Z) is 3. ( ν )1 − ( ν )2 = H
Hence, the difference between the first line of the Balmer series and last line of the Paschen
series is
Option (d) is the correct answer.

Finding the shortest wavelength

What is the shortest wavelength line in the Paschen series of the Li2+?
RH 9 1
(a ) (b ) (c ) (d) None of the a bove


For the shortest wavelength, the energy difference should be the maximum, so that the electron
transits from n2 = ∞ to n1 = 3
For Li2+, atomic number (Z) is 3
Using the Rydberg formula,
1 2 1 1 
= RH Z  2 − 2 
λ  n1 n2 
For Z = 3, n2 = ∞ and n1 = 3
1 1 1 
= R H 32  2 − 2 
λ min 3 ∞ 
= RH
λ min
λ min =
Hence, the shortest wavelength of the line in the Paschen series is
Option (c) is the correct answer.

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Finding series that consists of the visible region

Which of the following series is found in the visible region?

(a) Lyman (b) Balmer (c) Paschen (d) Pfund


The first four spectral lines of the Balmer series lie in visible region, for which n2 = 3, 4, 5, 6 and
n1 = 2
Option (b) is the correct answer.

Finding the maximum frequency line

In which transition will the photon of the maximum frequency be emitted?

(a) In the second line of the Balmer series
(b) In the second line of the Paschen series
(c) In the fifth line of the Humphrey series
(d) In the first line of the Lyman series


We know that frequency is directly proportional to energy difference. So, the frequency of the
emitted photon is maximum when the difference between the two energy states is the maximum.
ν max ∝ ∆ Emax
According to the formula of energy gap,
 1 1 
∆ E E0 Z 2  2 − 2 
 n2 n1 
Where n2 is the higher energy level, n1 is the lower energy level, and Z is the atomic number.
 1 1 
∆ E = − 13.6 Z2  2 − 2  For a H - atom, Z = 1
 2 n 1 
 1 1 
 1 1  ∆ E = 13.6 × 12  2 − 2 
∆ E = 13.6 Z2  2 − 2   n1 n2 
 1 n 2 

(a) For the second line of the Balmer series, (b) F

 or the second line of the Paschen series,
the electron transits from n2 = 4 to n1 = 2 the electron transits from n2 = 5 to n1 = 3
1 1 1 1
∆ E = 13.6 × 12  2 − 2  ∆ E = 13.6 × 12  2 − 2 
2 4  3 5 
∆ E = 13.6 × 0.1875 ∆ E = 13.6 × 0.0711
∆ E = 2.55 eV ∆ E = 0.967 eV

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(c) For the fifth line of the Humphrey (d) F

 or the first line of the Lyman series, the
series, the electron transits from n2 = 11 electron transits from n2 = 2 to n1 = 1
to n1 = 6 1 1
∆ E = 13.6 × 12  2 − 2 
1 1  1 2 
∆ E = 13.6 × 12  2 − 
6 112  ∆ E = 10.2 eV
∆ E = 0.265 eV
As the energy difference is the maximum for the first line of the Lyman series, the frequency of
the photon will also be the maximum as frequency is directly proportional to energy.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

Alternative method
The first line of the Lyman series lies in the UV spectrum that consists of the lowest wavelength,
higher energy, and highest frequency. We can say that any transition of the Lyman series has
higher energy than that of any other spectrum.
Hence, option (d) is the correct answer.

Finding the maximum frequency line

In the hydrogen atomic spectrum, a series limit is found at 12186.3 cm-1 . Which of the following
series does it belong to?
(a) Balmer Series (b) Paschen Series (c) Brackett Series (d) Lyman Series


For the series limit, an electron is excited from n2 = ∞

Considering the final state to which electron is de-excited is n1
According to the given data, the wavenumber corresponding to the series limit = 12186.3 cm-1
For the H-atom, atomic number (Z) = 1
According to the Rydberg formula,
1  1 1 
= RH Z 2  2 − 2 
λ  n1 n2 

Using the given conditions,

1  1 1  1.1 × 105 cm-1
= R H 12  2 − 2  n12 =
λ  n1 ∞  12186.3 cm-1
1 1 1 n12 = 9
× =
λ R H n 12 n1 = 3
n1= R H × λ
1.1 × 107 m−1
n1 2 =
12186.3 cm−1
Hence, the electron jumps from n = ∞ to n = 3. So, it belongs to the Paschen series.
Option (b) is the correct answer.

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Finding the transition in an H-atom

In Bohr’s series of lines of the hydrogen spectrum, the third line from the red end corresponds to
which of the following inter-orbit jumps of the electron for Bohr’s orbits in an atom of hydrogen?
(a) 5 → 2 (b) 4 → 1 (c) 2 → 5 (d) 3 → 2


The red colour lies in the visible spectrum. So, it will lie in the Balmer series, i.e., n2 = 2
Red colour consists of the minimum frequency or the longest wavelength in the visible spectrum.
So, the red end is 3 → 2
Thus, the third line from the red end will be 5 → 2
Option (a) is the correct answer.


It will not be 2 to 5 because it is an emission spectra, so the electrons will be de-excited from
higher energy levels to lower energy levels.

Finding the number of spectral lines

When the electron of a hydrogen atom jumps from the n = 4 to the n = 1 state, ow many spectral
lines are emitted?
(a) 15 (b) 6 (c) 3 (d) 4


Step 1: Finding the difference in shells Step 2: Finding the maximum number of spectral
According to the given data, lines
∆n ( ∆n + 1)
Higher level (nH) = 4 and lower level (nL) = 1 Maximum number of spectral lines =
So, the value of ∆n = nH − nL       
3 ( 3 + 1)
∆n = 4 − 1 =
∆n = 3 =6

Hence, the maximum number of spectral lines when an electron of a hydrogen atom jumps from
n = 4 to n = 1 is found to be six.
Option (b) is the correct answer.

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Finding the number of visible lines

How many visible lines are observed when an electron returns from the fifth orbit to the ground
state in a hydrogen atom?
(a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 10


The first four lines of the Balmer series lie in the visible range.
So, the electron will be de-excited to n1 = 2
According to the given question, the electron returns from the fifth energy state.
So, n2 = 5
Possible visible transitions are as follows:
5 → 4 and 4 → 2
5 → 3 and 3 → 2
5 → 4, 4 → 3 and 3 → 2
Three visible spectral lines (3 → 2, 4 → 2, 5 → 2) are obtained when an electron returns from the
fifth orbit upto the ground state in the H-spectrum.
Option (c) is the correct answer.

Finding the number of spectral lines

How many spectral lines are possible in the Brackett series in the hydrogen spectrum when the
electrons present in the ninth excited state returns to the ground state?
(a) 36 (b) 45 (c) 5 (d) 6

Step 1: Finding the transition
For the Brackett series, the electron is de-excited to n1 = 4
The electron is de-excited from ninth excited state, i.e., n2 = 10
So, the transition is taking place from 10 to 4

Step 2: Finding the spectral lines in a particular series

Possible number of Spectral lines in Brackett series = (n2 – n1)
= (10 – 4)
Hence, the possible number of spectral lines in the Brackett series is 6.
Option (d) is the correct answer.

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Finding the number of spectral lines

In a sample of an H-atom, the electrons make transitions from the fifth excited state to the ground
state producing all possible types of photons. The number of lines in the infrared region is:
(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 3


Step 1: Finding the transition

The electron will transit from the fifth excited state to the ground state and hence, n2 = 6
The infrared region starts when the final state is n1 = 3
Difference in the shell number where we can get the IR spectrum, Δn = n2 – n1
= 6–3
= 3
Step 2: Finding the number of lines in the infrared region
∆n ( ∆n + 1)
Maximum number of spectral lines =
3 (3 + 1)
= 6
Hence, the number of spectral lines in the IR region when the electron transits from the fifth
excited state to the ground state is 6.
Option (c) is the correct answer.

Finding spectral lines in the Balmer series

If the Paschen series of hydrogen spectrum has 4 lines, then the number of lines in the Balmer
series is:
(a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 2


Step 1: Finding the transition Step 2: Finding the number of lines

For the four lines in the Paschen series, For the Balmer series, the lowest energy level,
the transition should be nL = 2
4→3 Number of lines in the Balmer series = nH – nL
5→3 = (7 – 2)
6→3 =5
So, the highest value of the shell number,
nH = 7

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Hence, the number of lines in the Balmer series is 5.

Option (b) is the correct answer.

Finding the ratio of wavelengths

What is the ratio of the longest to the shortest wavelengths in the Brackett series of the hydrogen
(a) 25 : 9 (b) 17 : 6 (c) 9 : 5 (d) 4 : 3


Step 1: Finding the shortest wavelength According to the Rydberg formula,

For the hydrogen atom, atomic number 1  1 1 
= R H Z2  2 − 2 
(Z) = 1 λ min  n1 n2 
For minimum wavelength, the energy 1  1 1 
= R H 12  2 − 2 
difference should be maximum and hence, λ min 4 ∞ 
the electron will transit from 1 R
= H
n2 = ∞ to n1 = 4 λ min 16
Considering the shortest wavelength 16
λ min = .........(i)
emitted during the transition = λ min

Step 2: Finding the longest wavelength Step 3: Finding the ratio of the wavelengths
For the hydrogen atom, atomic number (Z) = 1 Dividing equations (ii) and (i),
For maximum wavelength, the energy 400
difference should be minimum and hence, the λ max 9R H
electron will transit from n2 = 5 and n1 = 4 λ min 16
Considering the longest wavelength emitted
during the transition = λ max λ max 400
According to the Rydberg formula, λ min 16 × 9
1  1 1  λ max 25
= R H Z2  2 − 2  =
λ max  n1 n2  λ min 9
1 1 1
= R H 12  2 − 2 
λ max 4 5 
1 9R H
λ max 400
λ max = .........(ii)
9R H

Hence, the ratio of the longest to the shortest wavelengths in the Brackett series of the hydrogen
spectra is 25 : 9
Option (a) is the correct answer.

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Finding the atomic number

The shortest wavelength of the Brackett series of a hydrogen-like atom (atomic number = Z) is the
same as the shortest wavelength of the Balmer series of a hydrogen atom. What is the value of Z?
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5


Step 1: Finding the shortest wavelength of the Balmer series for the H-atom
For hydrogen atom, atomic number (Z) = 1
For minimum wavelength, the energy difference should be maximum and hence, the electron will
transit from n2 = ∞ and n1 = 2
Considering the shortest wavelength emitted during the transition = λ1
According to the Rydberg formula,
1  1 1 
= R H Z2  2 − 2 
λ1  n1 n2 
1 1 1 
= R H 12  2 − 2 
λ1 2 ∞ 
1 RH
λ1 4
λ1 = .........(i)

Step 2: Finding shortest wavelength of the

Step 3: Finding the atomic number
Brackett series for H like atom.
According to the given data, the
Considering a hydrogen-like atom with atomic wavelengths are equal.
number Z. λ1 = λ 2
For minimum wavelength, the energy difference Using equations (i) and (ii),
should be maximum and hence, the electron will 4 16
transit from n2 = ∞ to n1 = 4 =
Considering the shortest wavelength emitted
during the transition = λ 2 Z2 = 4
According to the Rydberg formula, Z = 2
Hence, the atomic number of the H-like
1  1 1 
= R H Z2  2 − 2  atom is 2, i.e., He+ ion.
λ2  n1 n2  Option (a) is the correct answer.
1 1 1 
= R H Z2  2 − 2 
λ2 4 ∞ 
1 R H Z2
λ2 16
λ2 = .........(ii)
R H Z2

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Finding the Transition type

The energy levels of the hydrogen spectrum is shown in the figure. There are some transitions,
namely A, B, C, D, and.
n=∞ -0.00 eV
n=6 -0.37 eV
n=5 -0.544 eV
n=4 -0.85 eV
n=3 -1.51 eV

n=2 -3.4 eV

n=1 -13.6 eV

The transitions A, B, and C respectively represent the following:

(a)  The first member of the Lyman series, the third spectral line of Balmer series, and the second
spectral line of the Paschen series.
(b)  Ionisation potential of hydrogen, second spectral line of the Balmer series, and the third
spectral line of the Paschen series.
(c)  The series limit of the Lyman series, the third spectral line of the Balmer series, and the second
spectral line of the Paschen series.
(d)  The series limit of the Lyman series, the second spectral line of the Balmer series, and the third
spectral line of the Paschen series.


For Transition A, n2 = ∞ and n1 = 1. So, it is the series limit of the Lyman series.
For Transition B, n2 = 5 and n1 = 2. So, it is the third spectral line of the Balmer series.
For Transition C, n2 = 5 and n1 = 3. So, it is the second spectral line of the Paschen series.
Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

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Ratio of the wavelength

Find the ratio of the wavelengths for the n = 2 to n = 1 transition in Li2+, He+, and H.
(a) 1 : 2 : 3 (b) 1 : 4 : 9 (c) 4 : 9 : 36 (d) 3 : 2 : 1


According to the Rydberg formula,

1  1 1 
= R H Z2  2 − 2 
λ  n1 n2 
If all the transition is from n2 = 2 to n1 = 1, then the value of n1 and n2 are the same.
λ∝ 2
1 1 1
λ Li2+ : λ He+ : λ H = 2 : 2 : 2
3 2 1
1 1 1
= : :
9 4 1
To get the simple ratio, multiplying by 36, we get
λ Li 2+ : λ He+ : λ H =4 : 9 : 36
Option (c) is correct.

Summary sheet

Paschen Series: When electrons transit to the third orbit from any other higher energy orbit, it
is known as the Paschen spectrum. The Paschen series is the third spectral series. It was found
in the IR region by Paschen. (n2 = 4, 5, 6… and n1 = 3).
Brackett Series: When electrons transit to the fourth orbit from any other higher energy orbit,
it is known as the Brackett spectrum. The Brackett series is the fourth spectral series. It was
found in the IR region by Brackett. (n2 = 5, 6, 7… and n1 = 4).
Pfund Series: When electrons transit to the fifth orbit from any other higher energy orbit, it is
known as the Pfund spectrum. The Pfund series is the fifth spectral series. It was found in the
IR region by Pfund. (n2 = 6, 7, 8… and n1 = 5).
Humphrey Series: When electrons transit to the sixth orbit from any other higher energy orbit,
it is known as the Humphrey spectrum. The Humphrey series is the sixth spectral series. It was
found in the IR region by Humphrey. (n2 = 7, 8, 9… and n1 = 6).
Maximum number of photons emitted or maximum number of spectral lines from the excited
nth state is nhigher - nlower by an atom.
Consider an electron transit from n2 to n1, where n2 is higher energy level and n1 is lower
energy level. The maximum number of spectral lines emitted for a sample with large number of
atom is given by the following:
Spectral lines =
( n2 − n1 )( n2 − n1 + 1 )

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