ICT TroubleShooting

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This module includes information and activities to develop desirable values, skills and
understanding through step-by-step procedures and helpful techniques that will guide you on how
to install and configure computer systems. Furthermore, applications to real life situations are also
included for lifelong learning.

What to Learn in this Module?

At the end of the lesson, you’re expected to:

1. Assemble computer hardware.

2. Prepare installer.
3. Install operating system and driver for peripherals/devices.
4. Install application software.
5. Conduct test and documentation.

Pre-Test What I


1. What does BIOS stand for?

a. Basic input output system

b. Basic induct online system
c. Basic industry online standards
d. Basic insulator open source

2. CPU is the of the computer.

a. mother
b. system
c. brain
d. process

3. What cable is used to connect PC to switch hub and router?

a. UTP cable
b. straight thru cable
c. cross over cable
d. copper cable

4. Is the hardware in a computing device where the operating system (OS), application
programs and data in current use are kept so they can be quickly reached by the device's

a. RAM
b. Operating system
c. CPU
d. HDD

5. What RAM stands for?

a. Random Access Memory

b. Random Autonomous Memory
c. Read Action Memory
d. Rare Ally Memory

6. Identify the malwares.
a. trojan
b. virus
c. spyware
d. all of the choices

7. An example of super computer is :

a. MP3 players
b. Desktop
c. Cell phones
d. Mainframe computers

8. ROM is
a. random access memory - temporary
b. random access memory - permanent
c. read only memory - temporary
d. read only memory – permanent

9. An example of a software :
a. USB
b. Printer
c. Excel
d. Keyboard

10. USB stands for

a. Universal Serial Bus
b. University Serial Bus
c. Universal Serial Body
d. Universal Series Bus

11. What is this?

a. Mouse
b. Speakers
c. Keyboard
d. Monitor
12. What is this?
a. CPU
b. Modem
c. Internet
d. Cable Commons.wikimedia.or

13. What is this?
a. Malware
b. Software
c. Hardware
d. People

14. OS stands for Commons.wikimedia.org

a. Onsite Software
b. Operating System
c. Only Read Software
d. On-demand System

15. What is this?

a. CPU
b. Processor
c. System Unit
d, PC


Definition of Terms

CPU-Central processing unit; the brain of the computer; controls the other elements of the

Disk Drive-A peripheral device that reads and/or writes information on a disk

Hard Drive-A device (usually within the computer case) that reads and writes information,
including the operating system, program files, and data files

Keyboard-A peripheral used to input data by pressing keys

Modem-A peripheral device used to connect one computer to another over a phone line
Monitor-A device used to display information visually

Mouse-A peripheral device used to point to items on a monitor

Printer-A peripheral device that converts output from a computer into a printed image

Browser-A program used to view World Wide Web pages, such as Netscape Navigator or
Internet Explorer

Driver-Software program that controls a piece of hardware or a peripheral

Icon-A small picture used to represent a file or program in a GUI interface

Internet-A network of computer networks encompassing the World Wide Web, FTP, telnet,
and many other protocols

URL-Uniform resource locator; the address of a site on the World Wide Web; a standard
way of locating objects on the Internet

Virus-A deliberately harmful computer program designed to create annoying glitches or destroy data

Window-A screen in a software program that permits the user to view several programs at one

What I Need To Know?

Read Information Sheet No 1.1-1 and find out how much you can
remember. Do Self-Check 1.1-1 to know how much you have learned.

Lesson Information 1.1-1


Learning Objectives:
After reading of this Information Sheet, you should be able to:
1. Identify the basic precautions and procedures in planning, preparing, installing and testing
of computer hardware and software.
2. Determine the effects of computers to the people, health risk, and to the environment.

During installation and initial test, careful planning and preparation are to be done. To avoid
personal injury and damages to wiring due to sharp pins on connectors and printed circuit
assemblies, rough chassis edges and corners, and hot components.

Adhere to warnings and limitations regarding accessibility into areas designated only for
authorized technical personnel.


o Before starting the installation, read carefully the documentation and procedures on any
hardware and software settings that may be required.
o Failure to do the proper jumper setting may cause damage to your CPU.
o Without an effective cooling fan, the CPU can overheat and cause damage to both CPU
and the motherboard.
o Each bank must have the same size and type of memory installed in pairs.
o Before adding and removing any other system components, make sure that you unplug
your power supply. Failure to do so may cause damage to your motherboard and in the
system component.

o Test the computer, ensuring that it meets the necessary system requirements before
booting up.
o If the computer does not pass any of the power on self-test (POST), the computer will
receive an irregular power on self-test. An irregular POST is a beep code which is different
from the standard beep which can either be no beeps at all or a combination of different


Some effects of computers relating to the violation of privacy, the impact on the labor
force, health risks, and the impact on the environment.

1. Violation of Privacy

Nearly every life event is stored in a computer somewhere--in medical records, credit
reports, tax records, etc. It is crucial that personal and confidential records be protected
properly. In many instances, where these records were not properly protected, individuals
have found their privacy violated and identities stolen.

2. Impact on Labor Force

Although computers have improved productivity in many ways and created an entire
industry with hundreds of thousands of new jobs, the skills of millions of workers and managers
have been replaced by computers. Thus, it is crucial that workers keep their education up-to-date.
A separate impact on the labor force is that some companies are outsourcing jobs to foreign
countries instead of keeping their homeland labor force employed.

3. Health Risks

Prolonged or improper computer use can lead to injuries or disorders of the hands, wrists,
elbows, eyes, necks, and back. Computer users can protect themselves from these health risks
through proper workplace design, good posture while at the computer,

and appropriately spaced work breaks. Another health risk, called computer addiction, occurs
when someone becomes obsessed with using the computer. Once recognized, computer
addiction is a treatable disorder.

4. Public Safety

Adults, teen, and children around the world are using computers to share publicly their
photos, videos, journals, music, and other personal information. Some of these unsuspecting,
innocent computer users have fallen victim to crimes committed by dangerous strangers. Protect
yourself and your dependents from these criminals by being cautious. For example, do not share
information that would allow others to identify or locate you.

5. Impact on Environment

Computer manufacturing processes and computer waste are depleting natural resources
and polluting the environment. The amount of resources required to manufacture a personal
computer equals that of a mid-sized car. When computers are discarded in landfills, they release
toxic materials and potentially dangerous levels of lead, mercury, and flame retardants.
Strategies that can help protect the environment include recycling, regulating manufacturing
processes, extending the life of computers, and immediately donating replaced computers.


Direction: Identify the Precautions and Procedures write TRUE if the statement is
correct and FALSE if the statement is wrong.

1. Failure to do the proper jumper setting may cause damage to your CPU.
2. After adding and removing any other system components, make sure that you
unplug your power supply.
3. Test the computer, ensuring that it meets the necessary system
requirements before booting up.
4. With an effective cooling fan, the CPU can overheat and cause damage to both
CPU and the motherboard.
5. After starting the installation, read carefully the documentation and procedures on
any hardware and software settings that may be required.


Direction: Select your answer on the choices below that will correspond on the statement. Write
the letter of your answer on the space provided.

A. Violation of Privacy
B. Impact on the Environment
C. Public Safety
D. Health Risk
E. Impact on Labor Force

1. Computer manufacturing processes and computer waste are depleting natural

resources and polluting the environment.
2. Although computers have improved productivity in many ways and created an
entire industry with hundreds of thousands of new jobs, the skills of millions of
workers and managers have been replaced by computers.
3. It is crucial that personal and confidential records be protected properly.
4. Adults, teen, and children around the world are using computers to share publicly
their photos, videos, journals, music, and other personal information.
5. Prolonged or improper computer use can lead to injuries or disorders of the
hands, wrists, elbows, eyes, necks, and back.

What I Need To Know?
F Info tion Sh o . f t c
G. r. l h . t c .
Lesson Information 1.1-2

After reading this Information Sheet, you should be able to:

1. Prepare the required documents or forms before you do a well-planned installation

2. Identify the qualifications to be a certified hardware professional so that you could be

allowed and authorized to do a well-planned installation


A. Job Order- (sometimes job ticket or work ticket, as it often has some type of ticket attached)
is an order received by an organization from a customer or client, or an order created internally
within the organization. A work order may be for products or services.

o the quantity of the product to be manufactured, built or fabricated

o the amount of raw material to be used, its price and amount
o the types of labor required, rate (per hour or per unit) and amount
o the machine utilization for each machine during the routing process, its rate and

Sample Job Order Form

Computer Repair Job Order Form

Teacher Client’s Name School Alubijid NCHS

Date July 27, 2020 Computer # 001
Service Tag# 001 Model Intel i3
Serial # 4737Z
Computer Problem: (Brief Description of the Problem)

***Blue Screen Error***

For Technical Department Used Only Fax

No. (02)922-5566
Computer Fixed By: Alexis V. Larosa
Date Sent Back to School: ________________
Memory Transcend 2 GHz Processor Pentium Dual-Core 2 GHz
Hard Drive Space Hitachi Sata 80 Gig Windows Windows 7 Ultimate

B. Request Form and Report Sheet

Computer Hardware Servicing maintenance, which includes planned installation, main
objective is to keep and improve production facilities, to keep and improve production facilities
stable and efficient at the lowest life cycle cost with the active participation of all members in
the company. A Request Form is used to put this objective into action. And the Report Sheet
and Request Form bring to life this maintenance’s purposes which are:

o To increase productivity through maximum utilization and improvement of all

o To develop maintenance system to reduce life cycle cost of machinery and
equipment through the involvement of everybody in the organization
o To develop the operator’s capability to be competent in maintenance activities
through education, training and motivation.
o To enhance capability for advanced and sophisticated technology that would
reinforce competitive power.

Sample Request Form

Description: Acer Aspire 4736Z Laptop Computer

UNIT NO. 5-2


***Corrupted Operating System*** Date Reported:

January 1, 2020

Reported by:

Alexis V. Larosa

Activity: Reformat Laptop

Date Completed: July 27, 2020


Sample Report Sheet

Repair Report Sheet

Area/Section: ANCHS Computer Laboratory

Facility Type Nature of Breakdown Recommendation

Laptop No Operating Viral Corruption Refer to the Technical

System Error Department for
Reformatting of the
Operating System

Reported by: Marybel A. Guinitaran

Date: March 27, 2020


What Qualifications Do You Need to Become a PC Repair Technician? Education

Employers prefer applicants who have completed and pass the National
Certification Exam II (NC II) from any DepEd School, vocational training institute or similar setting. Some
employers require at least a high school diploma.


Trainees can take the TESDA NC II Computer System Servicing assessment to

demonstrate their competency for entry-level jobs to employers. The Technical Education and
Skills Development Authority or TESDA offers a variety of certification programs. In addition,
technicians can achieve certifications even for trainer ship.

Physical and Personal Traits

PC technicians must be able to squat, bend and reach to access the computer equipment
requiring repair. They should be physically able to lift computer components. Employers want
technicians who think analytically, are organized and pay attention to detail. They should feel
comfortable working under tight deadlines, and companies may expect them to work overtime or
on weekends.

Knowledge and Skills

Applicants should know how to use a variety of standard office software, and some jobs also
require knowledge of networking. Companies prefer candidates with previous PC repair
experience (Immersion), and they may look for candidates with experience repairing specific
brands of computers. Technicians need strong oral communication skills and should be able to
explain their findings to customers using common terms.



Direction: Precautions and Procedures. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and
FALSE if the statement is wrong.

1. Anyone can perform a planned installation as long as he knows it.

2. The Department of Education facilitates the

competency assessment for computer technicians.

_3. Computer Technicians are given the TESDA NC II Computer Systems

Servicing by TESDA after successfully taking the Assessment.

4. Computer Technicians need not to have strong oral communication skills for
they only repair computers.

_5. Companies prefer candidates with previous PC repair experience and they may
look for candidates with experience repairing specific brands of computers.

What I Need To Know?

Read Information Sheet No 1.1-3 and find out how much you can
remember. Do Self-Check 1.1-3 to know how much you have learned.


After reading this Information Sheet, you should be able to:

1. Identify fundamentals of Operating Systems

2. Determine the different types of operating systems


An Operating System (OS) is a set of programs that manage computer hardware

resources and provide common services for application software. The operating system is a vital
component of the system software in a computer system. Application programs require an
operating system which are usually separate programs but can be combined in simple systems.
Operating systems are found on almost any device that contains a computer from cellular phones
and video game consoles to supercomputers and web servers.


A real-time operating system is a multitasking operating system that aims at executing
real-time applications. The main objective of real-time operating systems is their quick and
predictable response to events. They have an event-driven or time-sharing design and often
aspects of both.

A multi-user operating system allows multiple users to access a computer system
concurrently. Single-user operating systems, as opposed to a multi-user operating system, are
usable by a single user at a time. Being able to use multiple accounts on a Windows operating
system does not make it a multi-user system. Rather, only the network administrator is the real

Multi-tasking vs. Single-tasking

When only a single program is allowed to run at a time, the system is grouped under a
single-tasking system. However, when the operating system allows the execution of multiple tasks
at one time, it is classified as a multi-tasking operating system.

A distributed operating system manages a group of independent computers and makes
them appear to be a single computer. The development of networked computers that could be
linked and communicate with each other gave rise to distributed computing. Distributed
computations are carried out on more than one machine. When computers in a group work in
cooperation, they make a distributed system.

Embedded operating systems are designed to be used in embedded computer systems.
They are designed to operate on small machines like PDAs with less autonomy. They are able to
operate with a limited number of resources. They are very compact and extremely efficient by



DOS (Disk Operating System) was the first widely-

installed operating system for personal computers. It is
a master control program that is automatically run when
you start your PC. DOS stays in the computer all the time
letting you run a program and manage files. It is a single-
user operating system
from Microsoft for the PC. It was the first OS for the PC and is the underlying control
g program for
Windows 3.1, 95, 98 and ME. Windows NT, 2000 and XP emulate DOS in order to support existing
DOS applications.

UNIX operating systems are used in widely-

sold workstation products from Sun
Microsystems, Silicon Graphics, IBM, and a
number of other companies. The UNIX
environment and the client/server program
model were important elements in the
development of the Internet and the
reshaping of Commons.wikimedia.or
computing as centered in networks rather than in individual computers. Linux, a UNIX derivative
available in both "free software" and commercial versions, is increasing in popularity as an
alternative to proprietary operating systems.

Mac OS X
The Macintosh (often called "the Mac"), introduced
in 1984 byApple Computer, was the first widely-sold
personal computer with a graphical user interface
(GUI). The Mac was designed to provide users with a
natural, intuitively understandable, and, in general,
"user- friendly" computer interface. This includes the
mouse, the use of icons or small visual images to
represent objects or actions, the point-and-click and
click-and-drag actions, and a number of window
operation ideas. Microsoft was
successful in adapting user interface concepts first made popular by the Mac in its first Windows

operating system. The primary disadvantage of the Mac is that there are fewer Mac applications
on the market than for Windows. However, all the fundamental

applications are available, and the Macintosh is a perfectly useful machine for almost everybody.
Data compatibility between Windows and Mac is an issue, although it is often overblown and
readily solved.


Linux (or GNU/Linux) is a Unix-like operating

system that was developed without any actual Unix
code, unlike BSD and its variants. Linux can be
used on a wide range of devices from
supercomputers to wristwatches. The Linux kernel
is released under an open source license, so
anyone can read and modify its code. It has been
modified to run on a large Commons.wikimedia.or
variety of electronics. Although estimates suggest that Linux is used on 1.82% gof all personal
computers, it has been widely adopted for use in servers and embedded systems (such as cell
phones). Linux has superseded Unix in most places, and is used on the 10 most powerful
supercomputers in the world. The Linux kernel is used in some popular distributions, such
as Red Hat, Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint and Google's Android.

Microsoft Windows
Windows is a personal computer operating system from Microsoft that, together with some
commonly used business applications such as Microsoft Word and Excel, has become a de facto
"standard" for individual users in most corporations as well as in most homes. Windows contains
built-in networking, which allows users to share files and applications with each other if their PCs
are connected to a network. In large enterprises, Windows clients are often connected to a network
of UNIX and NetWare servers. The server versions of Windows NT and 2000> are gaining market
share, providing a Windows-only solution for both the client and server. Windows is supported by
Microsoft, the largest software company in the world, as well as the Windows industry at large, which
includes tens of thousands of software developers.


Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is wrong.

1) An operating system is a set of programs that manage computer hardware

resources and provide common services for application software.

2) Operating system is not a vital component of the system software in a computer

system. Application programs require an operating system which are usually
separate programs, but can be combined in simple systems.

3) Time-sharing operating systems schedule time for efficient use of the system
and may also include accounting for cost allocation of processor time, mass
storage, printing, and other resources.

4) For software functions such as input and output and memory allocation, the
operating system acts as an intermediary between application programs and
the computer hardware.

5) Operating systems are found on almost any device that contains a

computer—from cellular phones and video game consoles to
supercomputers and web servers

What I Need To Know?

Read Information Sheet No 1.1-4 and find out how much you can
remember. Do Task Sheet 1.1-4 to know how much you have learned.

After reading this Information Sheet, you should be able to:

1. Classify of the hardware and software components of a computer with its

corresponding functions.
2. Determine the various computer components and peripherals
Basic Hardware Components of Computer System
A computer is an electronic machine, operating under the control of instructions stored in
its own memory, that can be programmed to accept data (input), process it into useful information
(output), and store it away in a secondary storage device (store) for safekeeping or later reuse.
The processing of input into output is directed by the software but performed by the hardware.
Figure below shows some common computer hardware components.

Common Computer Hardware Components


Computer system hardware components include devices that perform the functions of
input, processing, data storage; output and communication. The devices responsible for these
five areas are as follows:

Input devices. Input devices allow you to enter data or commands in a form that the computer
can use; they send the data or commands to the processing unit. Commonly- used input devices
include keyboard, mouse, microphone, scanner, digital camera, and PC camera.
Output devices. Output devices show people the processed data--information --in
understandable and useful form. Four commonly used output devices are a printer, a monitor,
speakers, and a portable media player. Input/output devices are playing an increasingly significant
role in our lives. The number and variety of input/output devices are expanding.
Processing devices. Processing devices are the computer electronic circuitry housed in the
system unit. The processor, formally known as the central processing unit (CPU), has electronic
circuitry that manipulates input data into the information people want. Computer instructions are
actually are executed in the central processing unit. Memory is a series of electronic elements that
temporarily holds data and program instructions while they are being processed by the CPU. Both
the processor and memory consist of chips. A chip is an electronic device that contains many
microscopic pathways designed to carry electrical current.
Storage devices. Storage usually means secondary storage that can store data and programs
outside the computer itself. Storage devices hold data, information, and programs permanently.
Common storage devices include a hard disk, USB flash drives, CDs, DVDs, and memory cards.
Communications devices. Communications devices provide connections between the computer
and communications networks, and enable computer users to communicate and to exchange
data, information, and programs with other computers. Communications devices transmit these
items over transmission media such as cables, telephone lines, satellites, and cellular radio. A
widely used communications device is a modem.
In summary, we communicate with computers through input/output devices. Input devices
translate our data and communications into a form that the computer can understand. The
computer then processes these data, and an output device translates them back into a form we
can understand. The central processing unit manipulates data and controls the other parts of the
computer system. Memory (primary storage) temporarily stores data and program instructions
during processing, while secondary storage feeds data and instructions into the central processor
and stores data for future use.

The System Unit

The system unit is a box-like case that houses the processor, memory and
other electronic components of the computer that are used to process data.
All other computer system devices, such as the monitor, keyboard, and
mouse, are linked either directly or indirectly into the system unit.

The central processing unit (CPU), also called processor, interprets
and carries out the basic instructions that operate a computer. The
CPU significantly impacts overall computing power and manages
most of a computer's operations . The processor is the device that
executes program instructions.

The memory device is a package that holds temporarily data and

program instructions during processing.
An expansion card is a circuit board that adds devices or capabilities
to the computer. Finally, devices outside the system unit, such as a
keyboard, mouse, monitor, printer, or microphone, are attached by a
cable to a port or connector on the system unit.

g The motherboard, a single circuit board, provides the path
through which the processor communicates with memory
components, other components, and peripheral devices.


Memory and storage sizes

While performing a processing operation, a processor needs a place to temporarily store

instructions to be executed and the data to be used with those instructions. Memory is also known
as primary storage or internal storage. This role of memory to store both data and programs is
known as the stored program concept. The size of memory is measured by the number of bytes
available for use. A kilobyte of memory is equal to exactly 1,024 bytes. To make storage
definitions easier to identify, computer users often round a kilobyte down to 1,000 bytes. A
megabyte (MB) is equal to approximately 1 million bytes. A gigabyte (GB) equals approximately
1 billion bytes. A terabyte (TB) is equal to approximately 1 trillion bytes.

The system unit contains two types of memory: volatile and nonvolatile. The contents of
volatile memory are lost when the computer power is turned off. In nonvolatile memory, the
combination of circuit states is fixed, and therefore the contents of nonvolatile memory are not lost
when power is removed from the computer.

Ports and Connectors

Serial port is a type of interface that connects a

device to the system unit by transmitting data
one bit at a time.

Parallel ports allow the parallel transmission of

data; that is, several bits are transmitted

USB (Universal Serial Bus) ports are used in

high-speed device interfaces.

FireWire ports, also called IEEE 1394 port, are

similar to the USB port and can connect multiple
types of devices.

Power Supply Commons.wikimedia.or


The power supply is the component of the system unit that converts
the wall outlet AC power into DC power. Different motherboards and
computers require different wattages on the power supply



Title: Identify the Different Computer Components and Peripherals

Performance Objective In the tool shop, given the supplies, computer components and
peripherals, materials, and equipment, you are required to identify the different computer
components and peripherals and their specifications in 15 Minutes.

Supplies/Materials: Paper and Pen


1. Computer
2. PPE


1. Proceed to the station (with PC Unit) assigned to you

2. Identify the different components and write the specifications of each
component on your paper.
3. Submit output to trainer for evaluation

Assessment Method: Practicum with interview

What I Need To Know?

Read Information Sheet No 1.1-5 and find out how much you can
remember. Do Self-Check 1.1-5 to know how much you have learned.
After reading this Information Sheet, you should be able to:

1. Identify the different tools and equipment used in computer systems and networks
2. Determine the different use and functions of these tools and equipment’s


One important thing to consider before executing a well-planned computer installation is that
one must be knowledgeable in the different tools and equipment’s used in computer systems and
networks. Furthermore, the idea on how these tools and equipment’s are properly used is another
important consideration in installing computer systems.
Hardware Tools/Equipment’s Illustrations
and their Functions

Protective Eyewear

Enclose or protect the eye area in order to

prevent particulates, infectious fluids, or
chemicals from striking the eyes


Multi-tester or Multi-meter

A multi-meter or a multi-tester, also

known as a VOM (Volt-Ohm meter), is an
electronic measuring
instrument that combines several
measurement functions in one unit


Pliers (Assorted)

Pliers is a hand tool used to hold objects

firmly, for bending, or physical



A screwdriver is a tool for driving

screws and often rotating other machine
elements with the mating drive system


Soldering Gun

A soldering gun is
a tool for soldering metals using tin- based
solder to achieve a highly conductive


Desoldering Tool

Desoldering tools are used for removing

the molten solder so that the joint may be


Allen Wrench

A hex key, Allen key, or Allen wrench

(also known by various other synonyms)
is a tool of hexagonal cross-section used
to drive bolts and screws that have a
hexagonal socket in the head (internal-
wrenching hexagon drive)



A flashlight (or torch in British

English) is a hand-held portable electric-
powered light source. Usually the light
source is a small incandescent light bulb or
light-emitting diode (LED) Commons.wikimedia.org

IC Insertion and Extraction Tool

Used for extracting and inserting




In hardware servicing a mirror is used for

inspecting the peripherals


Tweezers are tools used for picking up

objects too small to be easily handled with
the human hands

Antistatic Wrist Strap

An antistatic wrist strap, ESD wrist strap, or

ground bracelet is an antistatic device used
to safely ground a person working on very
sensitive electronic equipment, to prevent
the buildup of static electricity on their body,
which can result in electrostatic discharge
(ESD) Commons.wikimedia.org


A gloves are garments for covering

and protecting the whole hand



a printer is a peripheral which

produces a text or graphics of documents
stored in electronic form, usually on
physical print media such as paper or
transparencies Commons.wikimedia.org


A computer is
a programmable machine designed to
automatically carry out a sequence of
arithmetic or logical operations


Windows Operating System

An operating system is used as an

intermediary between hardware and

Device Driver CD/DVD

An application used to install the device

and peripherals of a computer systems
and networks


RS 232 pin insertion/extraction tool

RS232 and D-Sub Pin Insertion and

Removal Tool


Computer Networking Tools and
Device and their Functions

Crimping Tool

A crimping tool is a tool designed to

crimp or connect a connector to the
end of a cable. For example, network
cables and phone cables are created
using a crimping tool to connect the
RJ-45 and RJ- 11 connectors to the end
of the cable. In the picture to the right,
is an example of what a crimping tool
looks like. This example shows a tool
capable of crimping both RJ-11 and RJ-
45 connectors.


LAN Tester

A Device used for testing network

cable connectivity


UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair Cat 5


A cable used for computer



RJ 45 Connector

A plastic connector used for UTP

Cable to connect computers in a

Ethernet Switch

A network switch or switching

hub is a computer networking
device that connects network
segments or network devices


Direction: Identify the Precautions and Procedures write TRUE if the statement is correct
and FALSE if the statement is wrong.

1. Protective Eyewear enclose or protect the nose area in order to

prevent particulates, infectious fluids, or chemicals

2. Uni-tester is an electronic device for measuring instrument that

combines several measurement and functions

3. Fliers are hand tool used to hold objects firmly for bending or
physical compression

4. A screw is a tool for driving screws and often rotating other machine
elements with the mating drive system

5. A Soldering Gun is a tool for soldering metals using tin-based

solder to achieve a highly conductive contact

B. Direction: Select your answer on the choices below that will correspond on the statement. Write
the letter of your answer on the space provided.

a. Mirror
b. Flash light
c. Gloves
d. Tweezers
e. IC Insertion and Extracting Tool
1. A hand held portable electric light source

2. Used for extracting and inserting BIOS Chip

3. Used for inspecting peripherals

4. Intended for picking up objects too small for human hands

5. Used for hand protection

What I Need To Know?

Read Information Sheet No 1.1-6 and find out how much you can
remember. Do Self-Check 1.1-6 to know how much you have learned.

Learning Objectives:

1. Explain what is BIOS

2. Access the BIOS Setup
3. Select proper boot device

BIOS Setting

The BIOS or Basic Input/Output System is the basic controller that allows all of the
components that make up a computer system to talk to one another. But in order for this to happen,
there are a number of things that the BIOS needs to know how to do. This is why the settings within
the BIOS are so critical to the operation of the computer system. For about 95% of the computer
users out there, they will never need to adjust the BIOS settings of their computer. However, those
who have chosen to build their own computer system will need to know how to modify the settings.

Some of the critical things one will need to know are the clock settings, memory timing,
boot order and drive settings. Thankfully the computer BIOS has come a long way in the past ten
years where many of these settings are automatic and very little needs to be adjusted.

How to Access the BIOS

The method for accessing the BIOS is dependent upon the manufacturer of the motherboard and
the BIOS vender they have selected. The actual process to get to the BIOS is identical, just the
key that is needed to be pressed will vary. It is important to have the user manual for the
motherboard handy whenever changes will be made to the BIOS.

1. Power on the computer system.

2. Look up what key needs to be pressed to enter the BIOS. Some of the common keys
used to access the BIOS are F1, F2 and the Del key. Generally, the motherboard will
post this information when the computer first turns on.

3. Press the key to enter the BIOS after the beep for a clean POST (Power-On Self Test)
is signaled. If the procedure has been done correctly, the BIOS screen should be
displayed rather than the typical boot screen.

Because of the wide variety of computer and BIOS manufacturers over the evolution of
computers, there are numerous ways to enter the BIOS or CMOS Setup. Below is a listing of most
of these methods, as well as other recommendations for entering the BIOS setup.

Note: Apple, or Mac, computers do not have a BIOS and instead utilize an EFI, which does not
need to modified based on the hardware in the computer, like a BIOS. The EFI provides better
integration between hardware and software for Apple computers, virtually eliminating the need for

Computers manufactured in the last few years allow you to enter the BIOS setup using one of
the five keys shown below during the boot process.
 F1
 F2 *
 F10 **

* If pressing F2 opens a diagnostics tool, your setup key is likely F10

** F10 is also used for the boot menu. If F10 opens a boot menu, your setup key is likely F2.

Setup keys are to be pressed as the computer is booting up. Most users will see a
message similar to the example below upon startup. Some older computers may also display a
flashing block to indicate when to press the F1 or F2 keys.

Once you have successfully entered the CMOS setup, you should see a screen similar to the
example below. Your CMOS setup may look a little different, depending on the manufacturer, but
should still have most of the same options in the menu on the left or along the bottom of the

Major BIOS manufacturers include:

 American Megatrends Inc. (AMI)
 Phoenix Technologies
 ALi

Boot Order

Boot order determines which device the motherboard will look at for an operating system
or installer. The options typically include Hard Drive, Optical Drive, Floppy Drive, Network and
Other. The standard order at first startup is Floppy, Hard Drive, Optical Drive, etc. This will generally
cause the system to find the hard drive first which will not have a functional operating system on
the computer.

Since we are installing a new operating system on the computer, and our installation files
are stored in a CD-ROM, we need to set the computer to boot from the CD-ROM drive instead.
This allows the computer to boot from the OS installation CD that has a bootable installer
program on it. This is done in the BIOS setup.

1. In the BIOS setup screen, look for the Boot

Options Menu. This is usually found at the top of
the screen. In some computers it is found in the
Advance menu.

2. Select the CD-ROM Drive as the first boot

device. Commons.wikimedia.or

3. Go to the Exit menu and select Save and Exit to save
g your configuration.


Note: You may need to consult the User's Manual on how to set the CD-ROM Drive as first boot

Self Check 1.1-6

I. Identification:
Identify the following acronyms:

1. BIOS -
2. POST –

II. Enumeration
1. What are the 3 common keys used to access the BIOS.
2. Enumerate the steps on how to set-up the CD-ROM as the first boot device.

III. Essay:

1. Why do we need to set the computer to boot from the CD-ROM drive?

What I Need To Know?

Read Information Sheet No. 1.2-1 and find out how much you can
remember. Do Self-Check 1.2-1to know how much you have learned.

Learning Objectives:
1. Install Operating System (OS) in accordance with established installation procedures
and to comply with end-user requirements
2. Install peripherals/ devices in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and/ or OS
installation procedures
3. Configure peripherals/ devices in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions and/ or OS
installation procedures
4. Access OS and drivers updates/ patches in accordance with manufacturer’s
recommendations and requirements
5. Install OS and drivers updates/ patches in accordance with manufacturer’s
recommendations and requirements
6. Check the quality of the work undertaken in accordance with established procedures.

Software Fundamentals

Software consists of computer programs, which are sequences of instructions

for the computer. The process of writing (or coding) programs is called programming, and
individuals who perform this task are called programmers.

1. Systems software - is a set of instructions that serves primarily as an intermediary between

computer hardware and application programs and may also be directly manipulated by
knowledgeable users.
1. Operating System

a. Mobile device operating systems( e.g Embedded Linux, Windows CE Pocket

PC, Windows Embedded NT 4.0, The Palm OS)

b. Desktop and notebook computer operating systems(e.g. Windows, UNIX,

Linux, The Macintosh, Enterprise server OS)

2. System Support Programs The second major category of systems software
3. System utilities-are programs that have been written to accomplish common
tasks such as sorting records, checking the integrity of diskettes (i.e., amount of
storage available and existence of any damage), and creating directories and
4. System performance monitors are programs that monitor the processing of jobs
on a computer system
5. System security monitors are programs that monitor the use of a computer
system to protect it and its resources from unauthorized use, fraud, or destruction.

2. Application software - is a set of computer instructions that provide more specific

functionality to a user. That functionality may be broad, such as general word processing, or
narrow, such as an organization’s payroll program.
1. Proprietary application software addresses a specific or unique
business need for a company
2. Off-The-Shelf Application Software can be purchased, leased, or rented
from a vendor that develops programs and sells them to many

Software Suites and Other Personal Application Software

Software suites are collections of application software packages that integrate many functions in
one package.

Open Source Software- is software made available in source code form at no cost to

Self-Check 1.2-1

Test I. Identification:
1.is the class of programs that control and support the computer
system and its information-processing activities.

2. is a set of computer instructions that provide more specific

functionality to a user.

_3. supervises the overall operation of the computer, including monitoring

the computer’s status and scheduling operations, which include the input
and output processes.

_4. is a form of multitasking that focuses on running multiple tasks

within a single application simultaneously.

_5. means managing the program or programs (also called jobs)

running on the processor at a given time.

What I Need To Know?

Read Information Sheet No. 1.2-2 and find out how much you can
remember. Do Self-Check 1.2-2 to know how much you have learned.

ISO and IMG Files

WHAT IS AN IMG OR ISO FILE? An IMG or ISO file is a complete image of physical media
such as a CD-ROM, DVD, floppy disk, etc. that contains all of the files in a particular

Bootable Installation Packages


a. Installation Package: what you purchase from the WebStore

b. Installation Image: the content of the installation package
c. Installation Disk/Media: what you produce from the installation image through the
burning process


The bootable installation package contains a

disk image that is identical to the boxed
product that you would purchase at any
software retailer. This image may be burned
directly to physical media to produce a
bootable installation DVD. Once copied to
physical media, this package may be used to
install an Operating System on any
compatible hardware, with or without an
existing Operating System installed.


Your installation package contains one of the images identified in the previous section. To install
any software package from an image, the image itself must first be “mounted” by the Operating

This can be accomplished by:

 Burning the image directly to DVD making sure to specify the source type as “image”.
Once the burning of the image is complete, the physical media can be inserted into the
computer and will be recognized like any other DVD. You must have a writable DVD
drive. See the Creating Bootable DVD Media section below.

 Burning the image directly to a USB thumbdrive. This is particularly useful for those
people who have Netbooks or other computers without a writable DVD drive. See the
Creating Bootable USB Media section below.

Note: Burning the file to a disk as a “data disk” will simply end up with an
.img or .iso file on the disk, which cannot be used for the installation.

Preparing physical media from a bootable installation Image REQUIREMENTS

To prepare physical media from a bootable installation image, you require the following:

 Writable DVD drive (DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW)

 Writeable DVD media
 CD/DVD Burning Software (Roxio©, Nero ©, Active@ ISO Burner, CD
BurnerXP Pro, etc.)
 Bootable Installation image
o The image downloaded when selecting the Bootable Installation Package or
that created from the Executable Installation Package using the instructions in
the section entitled “Creating A Bootable Installation Image from the Executable
Installation Package”


The general process for creating bootable DVD media is similar in all CD/DVD burning
If you do not already have an application to burn files onto a DVD, you will need to
download a freeware version. Following are the steps to download Active@ISO Burner
(available through NTFS.com at http://software.lsoft.net/IsoBurner-Setup.exe). If you choose
to use a different application, follow the steps for that application


The instructions below use Windows as an example To

launch the burning software:

1. Double Click to launch the program.

SELECTING THE IMAGE TO BURN To select the image to burn:

1. In the Active@ISO Burner window, click on the

locator box as shown by the red arrow

2. Find and select the IMG file previously




3. Mode: Track-At-Once Speed:2.0x

4. Click Options: Check:

Verify Data & Burn in Test Commons.wikimedia.or

5. Click Burn and wait for the process to Finish , then Exit


Title: Creating a Bootable DVD/CD

Performance Objective In the Computer Lab, given all the software and a computer, the
learner must be able to create a an installation disk for Drivers, Applications and Utilities
15 Minutes.

Supplies/Materials: Software/Flash/USB Drive/Computer


1. Computer
2. Installation Software (Drivers, Application Software and Utilities)
3. PPE


1. Proceed to the station (with PC Unit) assigned to you

2. Create a :Driver Installers and Utilities
1. Submit output to teacher for evaluation

Assessment Method: Practical with interview

What I Need To Know?

Read Information Sheet No. 1.2-3 and find out how much you can
remember. Do Task Sheet 1.2-3 to know how much you have learned.
To create bootable USB Media:

To be able Create a Windows bootable USB from an ISO image we must have a 8GB or
higher USB and a Windows 10 ISO image downloaded on your computer.

Download: Rufus app: https://rufus.akeo.ie/ Download Windows 10: https://goo.gl/Q75Q4d

Steps in Creating a bootable USB Media (Using Rufus)

1. Insert the USB Drive to any USB Port in your PC.
2. Double click the Rufus Application to launch the program.
3. Once its open, make sure the USB Drive you inserted can be seen Rufus, else click the drop down
arrow to select your media.
4. On the Boot Selection Menu, Click Select.
5. Browse for your Windows Image file in your PC.
6. Click Start. When prompted with a Warning: ALL DATA… Click OK.
7. When the status bar reached 100 percent or Ready, click Close .



Title: Creating a Bootable USB Drive

Performance Objective In the Computer Lab, given all the software and a computer,
the trainee must be able to create a bootable Windows in USB Drive in 25 Minutes.

Supplies/Materials: Software/Flash/USB Drive/Computer


1. Computer
2.Installation Software (Windows ISO File, Rufus, ISO Burner)
3. PPE


1. Proceed to the station (with PC Unit) assigned to you

2. Create a :
1. bootable Windows
2. bootable Windows Server
3. Driver Installers and Utilities
1. Submit output to teacher for evaluation

Assessment Method: Practical with interview

What I Need To Know?

Read Information Sheet No. 1.3-1 and find out how much you can
remember. Do Self-Check 1.3-1 to know how much you have learned.
Installing Windows Operating System

Installing Windows 10

In order to install your copy of the Windows 10 operating system please make sure to have
the following items:

-Windows 10 Installation disk / bootable USB Drive

-Drivers CD: * Use after installation process if needed.

*NOTE: Please make sure to back up all of your important data before proceeding with this

Setting up your Computer & BIOS changes ( If required)

Boot your computer after popping in the Windows 10 DVD into the DVD Drive/ bootable USB
Drive. In most cases if you do this you'll automatically boot in to the Windows 10 Installation
DVD. Bootable USB Drive. But in some cases if the Boot device order is changed in the BIOS it
may boot in to your older OS, instead of our DVD/USB Drive. In that case you'll need to change
the BIOS settings to get it done.

Before the starting installation make sure what type of PC you are using( 32bit or 64 bit) To do
1. Right Click on This PC and click Properties:
2. You will then get the necessary information you need.

Booting Up and First Installation Steps

The steps are pretty straight forward. Please read the descriptions in each pages carefully before
clicking the Next button.
Step 1. Insert the Windows operating system
disk into your DVD/USB drive, and then restart
your computer
Step 2. You will see a prompt that says ‘Press
any key to continue’. When you see this press
any key immediately. *NOTE:
The following screen shots may differ from
what you may see during your installation.
Step 3: Starting windows with windows
logo will appear

Step 4: Language option , by default is English

will be set along with “time currency “ format and
“keyboard” or input method. Click Next

Step 5. Install Now

You will be prompted to

enter the license key.
You can choose skip at
this time

Step 6. End User License Agreement ( E.U.L.A) check the

box and click “Next”

Step 7: “Which type of installation?” will appear.

Choose Custom(advanced) for clean installation.

Step 8. “Where do you want to install Windows?” Make sure
the partition is highlighted.

Step 9. Delete the partition by clicking on Drive options

(advanced) on the bottom right corner of the field. Make
sure the partition is highlighted and click Delete.

Note: Deleting all the partition will erase all data in the system

Step 10. Disk 0 Unallocated Space should be the only

listing at this point. If it is press next, if not please delete
any additional partitions that are listed. Clicking Next will
automatically reformat the drive and install the Operating

Step 11. The next screen will show “Installing

Windows” This process will take approximately 25-20
minutes after which the system will reboot.

Note: Do not press any key during this boot up

process so as not to disturb the rest of the
installation process.

Step 12. The next screen will show “Installing Windows”

to complete the installation process.

Step 13. “Set=up is staring windows “ will appear, then

you will be asked to create a username and a computer

Step 14. The next screen will prompt you to create a

password for your account (optional)

At this point windows installation will be setting up you

computer for its first run.

The installation is done. You have successfully installed Windows 10.


Title: Installing Windows 10

Performance Objective In the Computer Lab, given all the software and a computer,
the trainee must be able to Install Windows Operating system, Drivers, Applications
and Utilities in 1 hour

Supplies/Materials: Software/Flash/USB Drive/Computer


1. Computer
2.Installation Software (Windows Operating System Installer, Drivers,
Application Software and Utilities)
3. PPE


1. Proceed to the station (with PC Unit) assigned to you

2. Clean Install a Windows 10 Operating System
3. Install all Device Drivers
4. Install windows Update
5. Install third Party Software
a. Antivirus
b. MS Office
c. PDF Reader
d. Web Browser

Assessment Method: Practical with interview

What I Need To Know?

Read Information Sheet No. 1.3-2 and find out how much you can
remember. Do Self-Check 1.3-2 to know how much you have learned.

Installing Device Drivers

Device driver

More commonly known as a driver, a device driver or hardware driver is a group of files that
enable one or more hardware devices to communicate with the computer's operating system.

How do I locate software or drivers for my computer?

Determine the hardware

Before searching for the drivers or software of a device, make sure you know the
manufacturer and model of the device.You can often find the drivers available for download from
the manufacturer's web page or the drivers and utilities CD shipped with your computer. You can
find a listing of computer manufacturers in the internet.

What hardware device drivers should be updated?

Below is a listing of recommended hardware devices that you should make sure are
updated. Updating your computer's drivers and other updates can resolve problems, improve the
performance, and increase the stability of your computer.
 BIOS updates
 CD or DVD drive drivers and firmware
 Controllers
 Display drivers
 Keyboard drivers
 Mouse drivers
 Modem drivers
 Motherboard drivers and updates
 Network card drivers
 Printer drivers
 Removable media drivers
 Scanner drivers
 Sound card drivers
 Video drivers
 BIOS updates

What order should I install my computer drivers in?

After reinstalling Windows or your operating system you may find that you have to reinstall
many if not all of the drivers for your computer components. Microsoft Windows and all other
operating systems will not require you install drivers in order. As long as you are installing the
correct drivers for your computer you should have no issues installing the drivers in any order.

Computer drivers, firmware, and software Click

the following link

follow this link for Tips and Tricks in installing and updating device drivers.


What I Need To Know?

Read Information Sheet No. 1.4-1 and find out how much you can
remember. Do Self-Check 1.4-1 to know how much you have learned.

Installing an Application Software

Application software consists of programs designed to perform specific tasks for users.

How To Start A Software Application?

Both the Microsoft Windows and the Apple Macintosh operating systems use the concept
of a desktop. The desktop is an on-screen work area with common graphical elements such as
icons, buttons, menus, links, windows, and dialog boxes. A software application can be started
by clicking its program name on a menu, or list of commands.

The Widely Used Products and its key features

1. People use productivity software to become more effective and efficient while performing
daily activities. Word processing software allows users to create and manipulate documents that
contain text and graphics. With word processing software, you can insert clip art into a document;
change margins; find and replace text; use a spelling checker to check spelling; place a header
and footer at the top and the bottom of a page; and vary font (character design), font size
(character scale), and font style (character appearance).

2. With spreadsheet software, data is organized in rows and columns, which collectively are
called a worksheet. The intersection of a row and column, called a cell, can contain a label (text),
a value (number), or a formula or function that performs calculations on the data and displays the

3. Database software allows you to create and manage a database. A database is a collection
of data organized to allow access, retrieval, and use of that data. A query is used to retrieve data
according to specified criteria, which are restrictions the data must meet.

4. Presentation graphics software is used to create presentations that communicate ideas,

messages, and other information to a group through a slide show. You can use a clip gallery to
enhance your presentation with clip art images, pictures, video clips, and audio clips.

5. A personal information manager (PIM) is software that includes an appointment calendar to

schedule activities, an address book to maintain names and addresses, and

a notepad to record ideas, reminders, and important information. A software suite is a collection of
individual applications sold as a single package.

6. Project management software allows you to plan, schedule, track, and analyze the progress
of a project. Accounting software helps companies record and report their financial transactions.

7. Power users often use software that allows them to work with graphics and multimedia.
Computer-aided design (CAD) software assists in creating engineering, architectural, and
scientific designs. Desktop publishing (DTP) software is used to design and produce sophisticated
documents. DTP is developed specifically to support page layout, which is the process of
arranging text and graphics in a document. Paint software is used to draw graphical images with
various on-screen tools. Image editing software provides the capability to modify existing images.
Video editing software and audio editing software can be used to modify video and audio

8. Multimedia authoring software is used to create electronic interactive presentations that can
include text, images, video, audio, and animation. Web page authoring software is designed to
create Web pages and to organize, manage, and maintain Web sites.

9. Integrated software combines several productivity software applications that share a similar
interface and common features into a single package. Personal finance software is an accounting
program that helps pay bills, balance a checkbook, track income and expenses, follow
investments, and evaluate financial plans. Legal software assists in the creation of legal
documents and provides legal advice. Tax preparation software guides users through the process
of filing federal taxes. Personal DTP software helps develop conventional documents by asking
questions, presenting predefined layouts, and supplying standard text.

10. Photo-editing software is used to edit digital photographs. A clip art/image gallery is a
collection of clip art and photographs that can be used in all types of documents. Home
design/landscaping software assists with planning or remodeling. Educational software teaches
a particular skill and exists for about any subject. Reference software provides valuable and
thorough information for all individuals. Entertainment software includes interactive games,
videos, and other programs designed to support a hobby or provide amusement.

11. One of the main reasons people use computers is to communicate and share information.
E-mail software is used to create, send, receive, forward, store, print, and delete e-mail
(electronic mail). A Web browser is a software application used to access and view Web pages.
A chat client is software that allows you to connect to a chat room, which permits users to chat via
the computer.

12. A newsreader is a software program used to participate in a newsgroup, which is an online
area on the Web where users conduct written discussion about a particular subject. An instant
messenger is a software program installed to use instant messaging (IM), a real-time
communications service that notifies you when one or more people are online and then allows
you to exchange messages or files. Groupware is a software application that helps groups of
people on a network work together and share information. A videoconference is a meeting
between two or more geographically separated people who use a network or the Internet to
transmit audio and video data.

Various Products Available As Web Applications

A Web application is a software application that exists on a Web site. To access the Web
application, you visit the Web site that offers the program.

The Learning Aids Available With Many Software Applications

Many software applications and Web sites provide learning aids. Online Help is the electronic
equivalent of a user manual. Usually integrated into an application software package, online Help
often is context-sensitive, meaning that the Help information is related to the current task being
attempted. Most online Help also provide links to Web sites that have a FAQs page. FAQs
(Frequently Asked Questions) supply answers to common queries. Many books are available to
help you learn to use the features of a personal computer application package. A wizard is an
automated assistant that helps complete a task by asking questions and then performing actions
based on the answers.

Popular types of application software can be categorized by their general use:

 productivity software,
 graphics design/multimedia software,
 home/personal/educational software,
 and communications software.

An application can belong to more than one category. For example, an e-mail program can be
considered both productivity software and communications software.



Anti-virus is a security program you install on your computer or mobile device to protect it from
getting infected by malware. The term “malware” is a catch-all phrase for any type of malicious
software, such as viruses, worms, Trojans and spyware. In fact, the term

malware comes from combining the words malicious and software. If your computer has become
infected by malware, a cyber attacker can capture all of your keystrokes, steal your documents
or use your computer to attack others. Contrary to what some people believe, any operating
system, including Mac OS X and Linux, can be infected.

Types of Computer Viruses

Browser Hijacker

One type of virus is called a browser hijacker. This works in a way that it takes over parts of the
internet browser you are using and redirects it to certain sites. Its purpose is to increase
advertisement revenue by bringing traffic to certain web pages.

Directory Virus

A second type of virus is known as a Directory Virus and are also called File System Virus or Cluster
Virus. This virus works by changing the path that indicates the files location by infecting the
directory of your computer. These infect the entire directory but are usually found in a location in
the disk. An example is Dir-2 virus. These make it difficult to locate your files and may seem that
files have disappeared.


Trojan or Trojan horse is sent to your computer by a program that it is hidden inside . A trojan
disguises itself to make one believe it is an important or useful program. These are often in highly
desirable downloads like games, free software, and even movies or music. Trojans are different
that other viruses, because they don’t multiply or spread. However, they are very dangerous
because they can capture your login information on sites that you input your information.

Memory Resident Virus

Memory Resident Virus are put on your computers memory. When the operating system runs the
virus gets activated and every file that was opened gets infected. Even after execution of the
malicious code the virus stays hidden in the RAM. This virus corrupts programs and files that are
used in any way. Randex, Meve and MrKlunky are some, just to name a few.

Overwrite Virus

Another type is Overwrite Virus. This virus takes a file and infects it and the information in it is
deleted, once that happens the file is partially useless or totally. The file size is not changed even
though the content has been replaced. The file needs to be deleted, and you will lose the content
originally in it.

Anti-Virus Tips

1. Obtain anti-virus software only from known, trusted sources and vendors. It is a common ploy
of cyber attackers to distribute fake anti-virus programs that are really malware.

2. Make sure you have the latest version of your anti-virus software installed, that your annual
subscription is paid for and active and that your anti-virus is configured to update automatically. If
your computer has been offline or powered off for a while, your anti-virus software will need to
update itself when you turn it back on or reconnect it to the Internet. Do not postpone these

3. Make sure your anti-virus automatically scans portable media, such as USB sticks, and ensure
real-time protection is on.

4. Pay attention to the on-screen warnings and alerts generated by your anti-virus software. Most
alerts include the option of getting more information or a recommendation about what to do next. If
you get an alert on a work-supplied computer, be sure to contact the help desk or your supervisor

5. Do not disable or uninstall your anti-virus software because you feel it is slowing down your
computer, blocking a website or preventing you from installing an app or program. Disabling your
anti-virus will expose you to unnecessary risk and could result in a serious security incident. If
problems persist on a work computer, contact your help desk. If the problems persist on your
personal computer, try contacting the anti-virus vendor, visiting their website for more information
or replacing your anti-virus with another product.

6. Do not install multiple anti-virus programs on your computer at the same time. Doing so will most
likely cause the programs to conflict with each other and may actually reduce the security of your

7. Learn to recognize the warnings that your anti-virus software produces. Cyber attackers can set
up malicious websites that post very realistic but fake anti-virus warnings and offer to help you
“fix” your computer. Clicking on the links or buttons on these websites can actually harm your

Visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZGhDPfSXXA


What I Need To Know?

Read Information Sheet No. 1.5-1 and find out how much you can
remember. Do Self-Check 1.5-1 to know how much you have learned.
Conduct Testing and Documentation


You were introduced with all the necessary knowledge and skills on installation of computer
devices and operating system. Now, after executing the correct procedures I am sure that
installation is a very easy task for you.
Those skills will be very essential for the next lesson.
In the next phase of your learning it will focus in conducting test on the 588 installed computer
components. After reading all the required topics and performing the essential skills you must be
able to:
 Follow OHS policies and procedures in conducting tests;
 Check circuits and systems being isolated using specified testing procedures;
 Test devices, systems and/or installation to determine its conformity with the
 Undertake final inspections on the installed devices, systems to ensure conformity with
the requirements;
 Accomplish technical reports on the tests conducted; and
 Follow procedures in forwarding documentation to appropriate personnel and/or
authority on the test conducted.


As computer technician you will need a good understanding of the health and safety regulations
from early on in your career, so that you understand the good practices demanded by law. In
particular, you need to:
 report any accidents
 take reasonable care of your own health and safety when moving heavy
 not cause any electrical hazards
 make sure that workstations meet safety requirements.

You need to adhere to health and safety regulations as they will help to protect you and others
and will avoid any unnecessary legal action for reckless and unsafe working practices. If you
identify any health and safety problems, you should tell yourline manager or the health and safety
representative immediately.

The most basic test is to switch the system on to check it starts without errors. ICT professionals
are also likely to use tools and utilities to check that all is well with the system after an installation.

The Use of Diagnostic Tools in testing installed hardware components and other

Diagnostic tools are used to test and diagnose equipment. Diagnostic tools include the following:
 Digital multimeter is a device that can take many types of
measurements. It tests the integrity of circuits and the quality of
electricity in computer components. A digital multimeter displays the
information on an LCD or LED.

A loopback adapter, also called a loopback plug, tests the basic

functionality of computer ports. The adapter is specific to Commons.wikimedia.or
the port that
you want to test.

Commons.wikimedia.or  The toner probe, is a two- part

tool. The toner part is connected to a cable at one end
using specific adapters, such as an RJ- 45, coaxial, or
metal clips. The toner generates a tone that travels the
length of the cable. The probe part traces the cable.
When the probe is in near proximity to the cable to
which the toner is attached, the tone can be heard
through a speaker in the probe.

Software Tools
Like hardware tools, there are a variety of software tools that can be used to 643Commons.wikimedia.or
g help

technicians pinpoint and troubleshoot problems. Many of these tools are free and several come
with the Windows operating system.

Disk Management Tools

Software tools help diagnose computer and network problems and determine which
computer device is not functioning correctly. A technician must be able to use

a range of software tools to diagnose problems, maintain hardware, and protect the data
stored on a computer.

You must be able to identify which software to use in different situations. Disk management
tools help detect and correct disk errors, prepare a disk for data storage, and remove
unwanted files.

The following are some disk management tools:

 FDISK: A command-line tool that creates and deletes partitions on a hard drive. The
FDISK tool is not available in Windows XP, Vista, or 7. It has been replaced with the
Disk Management tool.
 Disk Management Tool: Initializes disks, creates partitions, and formats
 Format: Prepares a hard drive to store information.
 ScanDisk or CHKDSK: Checks the integrity of files and folders on a hard drive by
scanning the file system. These tools might also check the disk surface for physical
 Defrag: Optimizes space on a hard drive to allow faster access to programs and
 Disk Cleanup: Clears space on a hard drive by searching for files that can be safely
 System File Checker (SFC): A command-line tool that scans the operating system
critical files and replaces files that are corrupted.

Use the Windows 10 boot disk for troubleshooting and repairing corrupted files. The Windows
10 boot disk repairs Windows system files, restores damaged or lost files, and reinstalls the
operating system.

Test procedures
A test procedure is a set of steps to guide you through what needs to be done to thoroughly
test the installation. It is designed to help you work more effectively and to make sure you test
everything that needs testing.

Test procedures are created in-house and could include these steps:

1. Gathering test information. The first step is to run the tests required by the procedure
and find out what happens. You should record all the results of your tests in a log so that you
know which pass and which fail, thereby requiring further action.

2. Validating the test information. The next step is to check the data you gathered from the
tests to make sure it is correct. This is usually done by running the tests again.

3. Responding to test information. This step is important because you need to be able to
recognize when a test shows problems or is successful. For example, if ping is used to test a
network connection then ‘Request timed out’ shows the test was not successful.

4. Checking specification. The final step is an important end to testing. You need to check
the specification for the installation to make sure that it has been met. For example, if a user
requested an upgrade to make their display run at 1920 x 1200, then the ICT professional
should check that the graphics card and screen can do this.

External Visual Inspection

The external visual inspection consists of a quick inspection of the exterior of the
computer, the monitor, the keyboard, any peripherals, and cables. While performing the visual
inspection, make any necessary corrections. To perform the external visual inspection,
perform the following steps:

1. Turn off the computer, the monitor, and all peripherals.

2. Verify that all power cables are properly connected to the computer, the monitor and
peripherals, and their power sources.
3. Verify that the keyboard and mouse interface cables are firmly attached to the proper
connectors on the back of the computer.
 For a PS/2-compatible mouse, the keyboard and mouse interface cable connectors
are identical except for their labels.
 For a serial mouse, the mouse interface cable must be firmly attached to one of the
serial port connectors, and its captive screws must be secure enough to ensure a firm
4. Verify that network cables (if present) are properly attached.
5. Verify that any devices attached to the serial and parallel port connectors are properly
 Each of the serial and parallel port interface cables must be firmly attached to an
appropriate connector on the back of the computer as well as to the interface connector
on the device. The captive screws that secure these connectors at each end of the interface
cable must be secure enough to ensure a firm connection.

6. Verify that the video interface cable is firmly attached to the video connector on the back
panel or to a video expansion card, and also to the connector on the back of the monitor. For
proper connection of the video monitor, see the documentation for the monitor.

7. Inspect all external monitor controls for any obvious damage or improper settings. For
proper settings of the video monitor controls, see the documentation for the monitor.
8. Inspect the keyboard to ensure that no keys are sticking. If one or more keys are sticking,
it may be necessary to replace the keyboard.
9. Inspect the exterior of the computer, including all controls and indicators, and all user-
accessible data storage devices for any signs of physical damage. Does the inspection reveal
any problems?

Yes. Proceed to the appropriate procedure in "Removing and Replacing Parts."

No. Proceed to "Observing the Boot Routine."

Observing the Boot Routine

After you have performed an external visual inspection as described in the previous section,
you should boot the system and, while the boot routine is running, observe the system for any
indications of problems.

NOTE: Most of the steps in this procedure require observation of system functions and
indications, some of which can occur simultaneously. It may be necessary to reboot the
system several times to complete all of these steps.

To observe problem indications during the boot routine, perform the following steps:
1. If the system is off, turn on all peripherals and the computer.
2. Check the power supply fan.

Does the fan run normally? o

Yes. Proceed to step 3.
o No. Troubleshoot the system power supply.

3. Watch the <Num Lock>, <Caps Lock>, and <Scroll Lock> indicators on the upper-right
corner of the keyboard. After all three indicators flash momentarily, and following a long pause
(approximately 30 seconds), the Num Lock indicator should light up and remain on (unless the
Num Lock option is set to Off in the System Setup program). Do these indicators flash on and
off within approximately 10 seconds after the boot routine starts?
o Yes. Proceed to step 4.
o No. Troubleshoot the system power supply. If the troubleshooting

procedure indicates that the system power supply is operational, troubleshoot
the memory.

4. During the boot routine, observe the system for any of the following indications:
o Beep codes — A beep code is a series of beeps that indicates an error condition.

o System error messages — these messages can indicate problems or provide status

o Diskette-drive and hard-disk drive access indicators — These indicators light up in

response to data being transferred to or from the drives. If either of these indicators fails
to light up during the boot
routine, troubleshoot the diskette drive or hard-disk drive subsystem, as appropriate.

5. Observe the monitor screen for the Diagnostics menu.

Internal Visual Inspection

NOTICE: Before you proceed with the internal visual inspection described in this section, ensure
that the user has saved all open files and exited all open application programs if possible.

A simple visual inspection of a computer’s interior hardware can often lead to the source
of a problem, such as a loose expansion card, cable connector, or mounting screw. To perform
the internal visual inspection, perform the following steps:

1. Turn off the system, including any attached peripherals, and disconnect all the 779 AC power
cables from electrical outlets.

CAUTION: Before beginning to work inside the computer, disconnect the power supply
from the power source and the power supply cables from the power supply.

2. Remove the computer’s right side cover.

CAUTION: The heat sink assembly can get extremely hot during system operations. Be sure
that it has had sufficient time to cool before touching it.
CAUTION: When handling the heat sink assembly, take care to avoid sharp edges on the
heat sink.

3. Verify that the chips, expansion cards, and SEC cartridge and heat sink assembly or
assemblies are fully seated in their sockets or connectors.

4. To ensure that the chips are fully seated in their sockets, press firmly on the top of each chip.

5. Verify that all jumpers are set correctly.

6. Check all cable connectors inside the computer to verify that they are firmly 788
attached to their appropriate connectors.

7. Reinstall the computer cover.

8. Reconnect the computer and any attached peripherals to their power sources, 791 and turn
them on.

Testing Computer System

Is your PC healthy? Don't be too sure. Think back to when you heard a kerklunk sound coming
from the hard drive. Or maybe you remember the last time your Internet connection was down.

The best way to find out what's wrong is to take a proactive approach: Check under your PC's
hood with the following mostly free diagnostic tools, and see if anything is amiss-- before disaster

Three Major Components of Computer System:

o Hardware
o Software
o Firmware

Test Your Hardware

Checking your computer hardware and its peripherals
1. Computer Monitor and its peripherals
o Monitor and interface cables
o Video card
o Monitor power cable
2. Keyboard and Mouse
o Keyboard connector
o Mouse Connector

3. I/O port and devices
o Connection between the I/O port and the peripheral device
o A faulty cable between the I/O port and the peripheral device
o A faulty peripheral device
o Incorrect settings in the System Setup program
o Incorrect settings in the system's configuration files
o Faulty I/O port logic on the system board

4. Power supply
o Power cord
o Fuse

Testing Your Software

Check the different software installed in the computer.
1. Operating system
Run live updates for your operating systems to get the latest patches and
protection for your OS.
Run registry scanners to check the OS registry configuration
2. Application Software
Check for live updates
3. Anti-virus software
Run anti-virus program
Check for virus signature updates Check
for spyware updates

Test Your Firmware

Firmware- is a combination of hardware and software integrated on a chip.

To test the firmware

Check for the correct configuration can accomplish this by configuring the BIOS in the

Error Beep codes

When a PC is first switched on or reset it performs a special diagnostic test called a POST (Power-
On Self Test), to check all components in the PC, the POST program sends out a signal to each
device initializing each device's built-in self test procedure.

The POST test is a two stage process:

1. First, it will check all the basic components including among other things the system clock,
the processor, RAM, the keyboard controller and the Video

2. After the video has been tested the BIOS will then indicate any errors encountered by
displaying either a numeric code or a text message on the screen.

When a device fails the first part of the POST, the BIOS will send a series of beeps from the PC's
speaker (internal) to inform the PC user that there is a problem these beeps are coded allowing
the user to diagnose the troublesome component. When the POST has been completed
successfully, the PC will make a short beep to let the user know everything is as it should be.

Three (3) major brands of BIOS chip

2. Phoenix BIOS

Each type of BIOS chip has it own error




Phoenix BIOS beep codes are a

series of beeps separated by a
pause, for example: beep ---
beep beep --- beep --- beep
beep would be 1-2-1-2




I. Identify what computer error is illustrated on the following situations.

_1. The LED indicator of your monitor is in steady orange color.

2. When you open your PC, nothing shows up in your monitor and the
LED indicator of your monitor is flashing in yellow color.
_3. When you open your PC it will show the processor brand and/or the
motherboard brand but doesn't continue. Usually this error will result to
system restart over and over again.
_4.This also happens even if you try disconnecting your computer set
from the internet. This is what we called aftershock virus which will
continue to run even if internet is disconnected.
_5. The computer opens up then boots but when the operating
system loads it doesn't continue and it will take a lifetime if you're going to wait
for it to load.
_6. This happens even if you try installing the hardware. When you
restart your set it will happen again.
_7. When you try going to safe mode all you will see is a list of files in
Command prompt style.
_8. Upon loading he operating system, you will hear a loading sound
and then the sound stops, when you try running an audio file, no sound will be
_9.This will happen only in standby mode, when you move your mouse
or type something, your system will automatically restart and the
worst part is it will delete a file at random.
_10. Just like the mouse problem, when you open a program that
will take the whole screen like for example a game and/or a program
applications, when you close it, it will cause your system to restart.
Test II. List down 5 common computer problems and their solutions
Common Computer Problems Solutions


1. What does BIOS stand for?

a. Basic input output system

b. Basic induct online system
c. Basic industry online standards
d. Basic insulator open source

2. CPU is the of the computer.

a. mother
b. system
c. brain
d. process

3. What cable is used to connect PC to switch hub and router?

a. UTP cable
b. straight thru cable
c. cross over cable
d. copper cable

4. Is the hardware in a computing device where the operating system (OS),

application programs and data in current use are kept so they can be quickly
reached by the device's processor.

a. RAM
b. Operating system
c. CPU
d. HDD

5. What RAM stands for?

a. Random Access Memory

b. Random Autonomous Memory
c. Read Action Memory
d. Rare Ally Memory

6. Identify the malwares.
a. trojan
b. virus
c. spyware
d. all of the choices

7. An example of super computer is :

a. MP3 players
b. Desktop
c. Cell phones
d. Mainframe computers

8. ROM is
a. random access memory - temporary
b. random access memory - permanent
c. read only memory - temporary
d. read only memory – permanent

9. An example of a software :
a. USB
b. Printer
c. Excel
d. Keyboard

10. USB stands for

a. Universal Serial Bus
b. University Serial Bus
c. Universal Serial Body
d. Universal Series Bus

11. What is this?

a. Mouse
b. Speakers
c. Keyboard
d. Monitor

12. What is this?

a. CPU
b. Modem
c. Internet
d. Cable Commons.wikimedia.or

13. What is this?
a. Malware
b. Software
c. Hardware
d. People

14. OS stands for Commons.wikimedia.org

a. Onsite Software
b. Operating System
c. Only Read Software
d. On-demand System

15. What is this?

a. CPU
b. Processor
c. System Unit
d, PC



This module gave you the opportunity to develop your knowledge, hone your skills, behavior
and motivations required in Installing and Configuring Computer Systems that is in line with the
industry standards.
You learned to Assemble computer hardware, Prepare installer, Install operating system
and drivers for peripherals/devices, install application software and conduct testing and
This will prepare you to move on to the next lessons to improve and gain important
knowledge and skills in Setting up Computer Networks.

Glossary of Terms

Soldering - is a term that describes the process of joining two pieces of metal using a filler metal.
Memory - Memory is a temporary storage area that holds data and instructions for an electronic
device to function.
Motherboard -A motherboard is a printed circuit board containing the components of an
electronic device.
Processor -This is the hardware within a computer that executes programs.
Microprocessor-A microprocessor is a central processing unit, or CPU, contained on a single
integrated circuit.
Power Supply -The power supply converts main AC current to low-voltage regulated DC current
used to power an electronic device.
Expansion Card -An expansion card is a circuit board that can be added to the motherboard to
give extra memory for processing data.
RAM-Random Access Memory, or RAM, is the term given to computer data storage used to
store frequently accessed data to increase the speed of the system.

Firmware-Firmware is permanent software programmed into a read-only memory that controls,

monitors, and manipulates the data stored in an electronic device.
Peripherals- are devices used to input or output data to and from the user and an electronic
device. The most widely used peripheral devices include mice, keyboards, monitors, and printers.
I/O stands for input/output. This term refers to the communication between an electronic device
and a person, the internet, or another information processing system.
VGA-Video Graphics Array, or VGA, is the connector typically used to plug a peripheral, most
likely a monitor, to an electronic device.
HDMI-High-Definition Multimedia Interface, or HDMI, is used to transmit data between
components, typically an electronic device and monitor or television.

PS/2 -PS/2 is a six-pin mini-DIN connector used to connect some PC compatible computers with
keyboards and mice.
USB-USB stands for Universal Serial Bus. It is used to connect a computer to devices and
Serial Ports-A serial port is a communication interface that transfers one bit of data in or out to
modems, terminals, and peripherals.
Parallel Ports- A parallel port is a communication interface that transfers several bits of data
simultaneously to peripherals.
Disk Cleanups -Disk cleanups are designed to free up disk space on a computer’s hard drive.
Antivirus Software -Antivirus software detects and destroys computer viruses. A computer virus
is code that is capable of copying itself to corrupt a system or destroy data.
Antimalware-Antimalware is software that protects a computer from infections that are aimed at
stealing data from the user or computer.


Alexis V. Larosa
Teacher II
Alubijid National Comprehensive High School-Senior High School
Division of Misamis Oriental

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Master’s in

Management in Engineering Management
Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Supervision & Admin (CAR)

National TVET Trainer Certificate (NTTC) -VGD NC III

National TVET Trainer Certificate (NTTC)-CSS NC II
Trainers Methodology I
Visual Graphic Design NC III
Computer System Servicing NC II

Key Answers






Self-Check 1.1-6

Self-Check 1.2-1



1. http://www.workcover.nsw.gov.au/OHS/default.htm
2. www.cengageasia.com
3. www.wikipedia.com
4. commons.wikimedia.org

Video clips

5S –

3R –

Effects of contaminants -


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