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Michel Alhassan Yahaya

T he Grea test Lo ve Stor y


The Contents

COPYRIGHT .......................................................................................................ii

DEDICATION ....................................................................................................iv

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 1

CHAPTER 1 ........................................................................................................ 3

The Muslim ................................................................................................................ 3

The Islamic Apprehension .................................................. 9

How Muslims come to Christ ........................................... 12

CHAPTER 2 ..................................................................................................... 14

Qur’an Verses, and Hadiths that Prove Jesus’ Divinity ........................... 14

CONCLUSION .................................................................................................. 58
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................. 60

The Greatest Love Story

Dedicated to:

The Reverend Dr George Wilfred Arthur —Many a time,

all it takes is the love of God (revealed through a Man)
unto a lost soul, to bring them to the saving knowledge
of Christ; and to keep them grounded in that faith.
Unconditional love is all it takes; you are a rare breed .

Michel Alhassan Yahaya


The Gospel, or the Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ is the
greatest Love story ever told. This story is the heritage of the
Church. But the Love story was meant for the whole world, and not
the Church alone. Therefore, the core mandate of the Church (after
it has been entrusted with this Love Story) is to spread it to the
ends of the earth. To this effect, the church is expected (as the body
of believers to reach out to all peoples—to every tongue, every
race, and creed, as it is written:

“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the

name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:”
Matthew 28:19 KJV

However, fulfilling this mandate requires that we (the church, or

the Body of Christ) understand our neighbours, whether they are
near to us, or far away in distant lands. How are we then going to
achieve this? The Apostle Paul, through God’s divine providence,
has given us the blueprint:

“To those not having the law I became like one not having the
law (though I am not free from God's law but am under Christ's
law), so as to win those not having the law. To the weak I became
The Greatest Love Story

weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so
that by all possible means I might save some.” 1Corinthians 9:22

The key to making inroads into any uncharted territory is to get

yourself acquainted with the area, the people, their culture, their
norms (dos and don’ts), and most importantly, their general
psyche or Worldview. Whenever you fail to acquaint yourself with
the environment of your potential missionary target group
(especially, the people,) you stand the risk of frustration, and even

Michel Alhassan Yahaya


To embark on an evangelistic mission to a predominantly Muslim

community, it is imperative for the missionary to understand their
own Christian faith. The reason is, the Christian Worldview (or the
Judeo-Christian Worldview) is the only one that is unique from
any other. The Judeo-Christian Worldview is the only one where
your salvation is a gift, and that of Grace, not of works, lest any man
should boast (cf. Eph. 2:8–9)

But to the Muslim, salvation is hard work—where the believer

must perform enough good deeds to outweigh their bad deeds else
hellfire or “jahanama” awaits them. One of the few ways available
to a Muslim, to remedy this seemingly difficult and hopeless
situation is to engage in charity and philanthropic work (as much
as one can afford) before they die. Others, per their ideological
inclinations, prefer “jihad” or “holy war,” (fighting in the cause of
Allah); where the martyr is cleared of all sin charges committed
while they were alive; and thereupon given a place in paradise
without question. Consequently, the question now becomes, “how
many Muslims would opt for martyrdom in order to escape
hellfire?” Besides, no amount of philanthropic work can guarantee
The Greatest Love Story

any man entrance to heaven—it is not of works, but Grace through

faith in GOD. This is the grim picture; the reality is, our works are
just not good enough to take us to heaven.

Consequently, when you ask the average Muslim whether they

know their good deeds will be enough to make the cut for the
heavenly residential selection, the response is either “insha Allah”
(i.e., God willing) or “I do not know.” The reality is, a Muslim has
no way of knowing whether he or she will be accepted by Allah
into paradise. Muhammad himself said he did not know what
would happen to him on the day of judgment. An authentic Hadith
talks about Muhammad going to visit a house where the body of a
Muslim who had died still lay. A woman addressed the dead body,

“May Allah have mercy on you. I testify that Allah has

honoured you. Muhammad asked the woman, “How do you
know that Allah has honoured this man? “I know, by Allah,” she
said. Muhammad replied, “This man, death struck him and I
wish him the best in the name of Allah. By Allah, although I am
the Messenger of Allah, I know not what will happen to me, just
like you.” (Sahih Bukhari, vol.9, book 87, no. 145. Narrated by
Kharija bin Zaid bin Thabit)

Michel Alhassan Yahaya

One of Muhammad’s faithful disciples, Abu Bakr (the very first

Caliph after Muhammad) also confessed that he feared the
judgment of Allah. He said, [If one of my feet was in heaven, and
the other outside, I would still would not trust the ingenuity of
Allah.] What Abu Bakr meant was that his eternal future was
mysterious until both his two feet were in Paradise. Abu Bakr was
nicknamed “the weeping” because he was continually crying while
praying. When asked why, he replied:

“Every time I begin to pray, I imagine Allah standing before me

and the king of death behind me, paradise on my right and hell
on my left, and I do not know what my God will do to me.”

It should be noted five times a day in their prayers all Muslims

pray [Peace and salvation be upon Muhammad.] They pray that
God will grant their beloved prophet entrance to heaven.
Ironically a man can only give what he has—and if the leader of
Islam himself does not know where he is going, what about his
disciples? According to Ibn Mas’ud, the Prophet said:

“The people most worthy of my intercession on the Day of

Resurrection will be the ones who have prayed most for me.”
(Narrated by At-Tirmidhi)

The Greatest Love Story

In summary, the assurance of heaven, or paradise as far as the

Muslim is concerned, is not certain, and cannot be guaranteed.
However, the solution to this Islamic dilemma is very simple—
there is a God who is Gracious, there is a God who is merciful, there
is a God who is perfect in every sense of the word, who can offer
any man the assurance of heaven; because this God paid the
ultimate price to give you that assurance in the death of His Son;
therefore, Grace and forgiveness is offered to the sinner.

Note that according to the Hadith above, the collective

intercession of Muslims is needed to help grant peace unto
Muhammad, especially on the day of judgement. On the other
hand, Christians do not need to pray, “Peace and salvation be upon
Him,” for Jesus, neither do they have to engage in intercession on
His behalf. In Christianity it is Christ who sits at the right of the
Father in heaven, constantly making intercessions on our behalf
(cf. Rom. 8:34; Heb. 1:3) Why is it important for the Muslim to
note? Because Jesus is the Lord of all. He is the Prince of Peace
(Isaiah 9: 6), the giver of peace (John 14:27, Colossians 1:20), “For
in him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily” (Colossians 2:
9). Christ is our “peace” (Ephesians 2:14) and He gives us true
spiritual peace. The Christian knows that to be absent from the
body is to be present with the Lord. To prove this very point, Jesus

Michel Alhassan Yahaya

Himself, in the Gospel of John made some startling declarations

concerning His Divinity; His power over death; and His authority
to execute judgement on the day of resurrection:

“Jesus said to them, "Very truly, I tell you, the Son can do nothing
on his own, but only what he sees the Father doing; for
whatever the Father does, the Son does likewise. The Father
loves the Son and shows him all that he himself is doing; and he
will show him greater works than these, so that you will be
astonished. Indeed, just as the Father raises the dead and
gives them life, so also the Son gives life to whomever he
wishes. The Father judges no one but has given all
judgment to the Son, so that all may honour the Son just as
they honour the Father. Anyone who does not honour the
Son does not honour the Father who sent him. Very truly, I
tell you, anyone who hears my word and believes him who
sent me has eternal life, and does not come under judgment,
but has passed from death to life. "Very truly, I tell you, the hour
is coming, and is now here, when the dead will hear the voice of
the Son of God, and those who hear will live. For just as the
Father has life in himself, so he has granted the Son also to
have life in himself; and he has given him authority to
execute judgment, because he is the Son of Man. Do not be

The Greatest Love Story

astonished at this; for the hour is coming when all who are in
their graves will hear his voice; and will come out — those
who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who
have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation.” John 5:19–
29 NRSV (emphasis mine)

It is equally imperative to note in Luke 23:43, as Jesus was dying

on the Cross, He had no doubt where He was going, and a thief next
to Him turned in repentance and faith to trust Him. The Lord Jesus
Christ said these words to that thief:

“Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.”


Jesus had no doubt where He would go the moment He died, and

He reassured the dying thief that they would meet there that very
day. This is the assurance every human has in Christ Jesus; and the
Muslim must know this truth.

Michel Alhassan Yahaya


It is imperative for the Missionary/Evangelist to note almost every

Muslim is brought up to regard the Jew and the Christian with
some degree of contempt; and more so, to see the Bible (especially
the Gospel) as a corrupted book. As far as the typical Muslim is
concerned, the Jews and the Christians have corrupted God’s Word
(over the centuries) by adding to it, and removing from it. Suffice
it to say, this allegation is nothing more than a misconception from
the early stages of Islam, that has been regurgitated over the
centuries; and sadly, repeated in our day. However, the reality is,
Allah claims in the Qur’an that no man can change His Words; and
the following verses are testament to this effect:

ُ‫س ِميعُ ْالعَ ِليم‬ َ ‫ص ْدقًاُ َو‬

َّ ‫ع ْدلُ ال ُمبَ ِ ِّد َلِ ِل َك ِل َماتِ ِِه َوه َُو ال‬ ُْ ‫َوت َ َّم‬
َُ ِ‫ت َك ِل َمةُ َرب‬
ِ ‫ِّك‬
“The word of thy Lord doth find its fulfilment in truth and in
justice: None can change His words: for He is the one who
heareth and knoweth all.” Qur’an 6:115 (emphasis mine)

The Greatest Love Story

ِّ ‫ت‬ ِ ‫لَهمُ ْالب ْش َرى فِي ْال َحيَاةُِ الدُّ ْنيَا َوفِي‬
ِِ ‫اآلخ َرةُِ ال ت َ ْبدِي َِل ِل َك ِل َما‬
ُ‫ك ه َوُ ْالفَ ْوزُ ْالعَ ِظيم‬
َُ ‫ذَ ِل‬
“For them are glad tidings, in the life of the present and in the
Hereafter; no change can there be in the words of Allah. This
is indeed the supreme felicity.” Qur’an 10:64 (emphasis mine)

ُْ َ‫ِّك ال ُمبَ ِ ِّد َلِ ِل َك ِل َماتِ ِِه َول‬

َ‫ن ت َ ِج ُد‬ ُْ ‫ي ِإلَي َْكُ ِم‬
ُِ ‫ن ِكتَا‬
َُ ‫ب َر ِب‬ َُ ‫وح‬ ِ ‫َواتْلُ َماُ أ‬
ُ‫ن دو ِن ُِه م ْلت َ َحدًا‬
ُْ ‫ِم‬
“And recite (and teach) what has been revealed to thee of the
Book of thy Lord: none can change His Words, and none wilt
thou find as a refuge other than Him.” Qur’an 18:27 (emphasis

From the above verses of scripture, one can safely conclude that,
the Word of Allah (the Torah, and the Gospel) cannot be corrupted
by mortal men; if not it makes Allah a liar, and more seriously,
incompetent; and therefore, unworthy of our worship.
Consequently, to put this matter to rest, Allah claims in the Qur’an

Michel Alhassan Yahaya

َ‫ص ِ ِّدقًا ِل َماُ بَيْنَُ يَدَ ْي ُِه َوأ َ ْن َز َِل الت ّ ْو َرا ِة‬ ِِ ِّ ‫اب ِبا ْل َح‬
َ ‫ق ُم‬ َِ َ ‫علَي َْكُ ا ْل ِكت‬ َُ ‫ن ََّز‬
َ ‫ل‬
ِ‫َواإل ْن ِجي َل‬
It is “He Who sent down to thee (step by step), in truth, the
Book, confirming what went before it; and He sent down the
Law (of Moses) and the Gospel (of Jesus) before this, as a
guide to mankind, and He sent down the criterion (of judgment
between right and wrong)” Qur’an 3:3 (emphasis mine)

ُ‫ن لَ ُْم يَ ْحك ُْم ِب َماُ أ َ ْنزَ َل‬ ِّ ‫َو ْليَ ْح ُك ِْم أ َ ْه ُِل اإل ْن ِجي ِِل ِب َما أ َ ْن َز َِل‬
ُْ ‫َللاُ ِفي ِهِ َو َم‬
َُ‫َللا فَأولَئِ َكُ همُ ْالفَا ِسقون‬ َُّ
“Let the people of the Gospel judge by what Allah hath
revealed therein. If any do fail to judge by (the light of) what
Allah hath revealed, they are (no better than) those who rebel.”
Qur’an 5:47 (emphasis mine)

The foregoing verses of scripture should be enough proof to

remedy the Islamic myth of “Bible corruption”; it should be equally
enough proof to settle any level-headed Muslim, and allay their
fears, and doubts about the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Greatest Love Story


Almost every Muslim whoever comes to the saving knowledge of

Christ, would certainly have to do it through one of these three
principal means:

1. Either through a divinely inspired dream, or some form of a

trans—that normally transports the individual into the
realm of the supernatural or the unexplained (while they are
still awake, and fully conscious of their surroundings.)
During this stage, the individual either witnesses, or hears
incontrovertible evidences that clearly points to the divinity
of Christ Jesus. This kind of phenomenon is most common in
the Islamic nations, especially, in Iran where most of the
Muslim converts have corroborated this phenomenon. The
writer of this publication, himself, is a living testament to the
validity of this phenomenon.
2. Experiencing a miracle through the Holy Spirit (e.g., healing
from an incurable disease, or being raised from the dead)
performed in the very name of Jesus; or witnessing/hearing
of someone else’s testimony, after which verification proved
the authenticity of the testimony. Many a time, the working

Michel Alhassan Yahaya

of miracles through the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus,

settles every argument, and puts every doubt to rest.
3. The Love of Christ shown to a Muslim by a believer, or a
Christian family; and the loving extension of other believers.
This is the love that has no strings attached to it; no ulterior
motives; and no hidden agendas, just pure love showered
unto another of God’s beloved creatures. Sometimes all it
takes is the love of God (revealed through a believer) unto a
Muslim, to bring them to the saving knowledge of Christ.
The Muslim is taught from childhood (via the Qur’an)
to abhor and to reject any form of hypocrisy, double
standard, and inconsistency to commitments. The prophet
Muhammad’s experience with the hypocrites of Medina,
recorded in Qur’an chapter 63, set a precedent for handling
hypocrisy in the future; and many other instances (cf.,
3:166–167; 4:145; 10:107–108, etc.) Against this backdrop,
when a Muslim is showered with the love of Christ from a
Christian, it melts their heart, resolves the misconception of
Christian hypocrisy, and finally opens them up to the Gospel

The Greatest Love Story


There are lots of misconceptions on diverse subjects in Islam—

chief among them is the misconception about the man Jesus.
Majority of Muslims believe that Jesus Christ—the one called, “Isa
Ibn Maryam” in the Qur’an was just a mere prophet. Suffice it to
say, many Muslims are completely unaware that the Qur’an
suggests quite often, that the Jesus of Islam is also God.
After fourteen centuries of opulent and quite entrenched
Islamic history, it is amazing and humbling to note, the Qur’an, the
verified Traditions, the historical records and commentaries of the
most revered of Islamic scholars do concur that the Jesus of Islam
is God. It is no wonder then when the Bible declares:
“without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was
manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels,
preached unto Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up
into glory.” 1Timothy 3:16
Some of the revered Islamic clerics from the various sects of Islam
are still in denial—owing to a few verses in the Qur’an which
attempts to refute Isa’s divinity (like surah 112, and a few other

Michel Alhassan Yahaya

verses.) But on other hand, there are many more verses and
traditions which suggests that Jesus is Lord. A candid observation
of the Qur’an and the numerous traditions reveal a startling
picture of a man—a man who possesses almost every attribute
that should logically be exclusively reserved to Allah. To this effect,
Isa (Jesus) is one of a kind who frankly has no mortal equal.

The Greatest Love Story


If Allah is truly divine, then what literally comes out of Him should
equally be divine and devoid of correction or improvement. To this
effect, let us consider the following verses about Isa (Jesus):

ُ‫ك ِب َك ِل َمةِ ِم ْن ِهُ اسْمهُ ْال َمسِيح‬

ِِ ‫ش ُِّر‬
ِ َ‫َللاَ يُب‬
ِّ ‫ن‬ ِّ ‫ت ْال َمالئِ َكةُ يَا َم ْريَمُ ِإ‬
ُِ َ‫ِإ ُْذ قَال‬
َ ‫ن ا ْل ُمقَ ّر ِب‬
ِ‫ين‬ ِ ‫سى ابْنُ َم ْريَ َُم َو ِجي ًها فِي ال ُّد ْنيَا َو‬
َِ ‫اآلخ َر ِِة َو ِم‬ َ ‫ِعي‬
“Behold! the angels said: "O Mary! Allah giveth thee glad tidings
of a Word from Him: his name will be Christ Jesus, the son of
Mary, held in honour in this world and the Hereafter and of
(the company of) those nearest to Allah;” Qur’an 3:45
(emphasis mine)

َُّ ‫َللاِ إِل ْال َح‬

‫ق‬ َُّ ‫علَى‬ ُِ ‫ل ْال ِكتَا‬
َ ‫ب ل ت َ ْغلوا فِي دِينِك ُْم َول تَقولوا‬ َُ ‫يَا أ َ ْه‬
‫َللاِ َو َك ِل َمت ُ ِهُ أ َ ْلقَا َها ِإلَى‬ َ ‫ِإنَّ َما ْال َمسِيحُ ِعي‬
َُّ ُ‫سى ابْنُ َم ْريَ َُم َرسول‬
‫اَللِ َورس ِل ُِه َول تَقولوا ثَالثَةُ ا ْنتَهوا َخي ًْرا‬ ِ َ‫َم ْريَ َُم َوروحُ ِم ْنهُ ف‬
َُّ ‫آمنوا ِب‬
ِ ‫س َم َاوا‬ ُْ َ ‫احدُ س ْب َحانَهُ أ‬
َّ ‫ن يَكونَُ لَهُ َولَدُ لَهُ َما فِي ال‬ ِ ‫َللاُ ِإلَهُ َو‬
َّ ‫لَك ُْم ِإنَّ َما‬
َُّ ِ‫ض َو َكفَى ب‬
‫اَللِ َو ِكيال‬ ُ ِ ‫األر‬
ْ ‫َو َما فِي‬

Michel Alhassan Yahaya

“O People of the Book! Commit no excesses in your religion: Nor

say of Allah aught but the truth. Christ Jesus the son of Mary was
(no more than) a messenger of Allah, and His Word, which He
bestowed on Mary…” Qur’an 4:171 (emphasis mine)

In the Qur’an, there is a clear distinction between the identity of

Jesus and any other Prophet or Messenger. For instance, in Qur’an
3:39 Allah made a clear distinction between John the Baptist
(Yahya) and Jesus (Isa)—in that, regarding John the Baptist, Allah
simply announced to Zakariya (the Father) the coming birth of his
son, the witness whose pre-ordained duty was to come into this
world and testify of the WORD (Isa) who was soon to come;
whereas in surah 3:45 the angles specifically announced unto
Maryam a “WORD” proceeding from Allah. Note that this title is
completely unique to any man or prophet of Allah. The implication
of this is that if Jesus was indeed the WORD of God, then He would
be eternal. Why should it be so? Firstly (as we discussed earlier),
the Qur’an teaches that the WORD of Allah is forever and can never
change; and secondly it is an established fact—Allah’s WORD is at
par with Him in every sense of the word.

The Greatest Love Story


The surah or chapter below is quite interesting in the sense that,

the Spirit of Allah and His functions are both described in detail.
From this surah, we learn that Allah pours out His spirit on his own

َّ َُّ‫ن َحاد‬
َُ‫َللا‬ ُْ ‫اآلخ ِرُ ي َوادُّونَُ َم‬ ِ ‫اَللِ َو ْاليَ ْو ُِم‬ َُّ ‫ل ت َ ِجدُ قَ ْو ًما يؤْ ِمنونَُ ِب‬
‫َو َرسولَهُ َولَ ُْو َكانوا آبَا َءه ُْم أ َ ُْو أ َ ْبنَا َءه ُْم أ َ ْوُ ِإ ْخ َوانَه ُْم أ َ ُْو‬
ِ‫ان َوأَيّ َد ُه ْمِ ِب ُروح‬
َِ ‫ب ِفي قُلُو ِب ِه ُِم اإلي َم‬ َُ ِ‫ِيرتَه ُْم أولَئ‬
َِ َ ‫ك َكت‬ َ ‫عش‬َ
ُْ ‫ِم ْنهُِ َوي ْد ِخله ُْم َجنَّاتُ ت َ ْج ِري ِم‬
‫ن ت َ ْحتِ َها األ ْن َهارُ خَا ِلدِينَُ فِي َها‬
ُ‫ب‬ َُّ ‫َللاِ أَل ِإ‬
َ ‫ن ِح ْز‬ َُّ ُ‫ع ْنهُ أولَئِ َكُ ِح ْزب‬
َ ‫ع ْنه ُْم َو َرضوا‬ َّ ‫ي‬
َ ُ‫َللا‬ َُ ‫ض‬
ِ ‫َر‬
َُ‫َللاِ همُ ْالم ْف ِلحون‬
“Thou wilt not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last
Day, loving those who resist Allah and His Messenger, even
though they were their fathers or their sons, or their brothers, or
their kindred. For such He has written Faith in their hearts,
and strengthened them with a spirit from Himself. And He
will admit them to Gardens beneath which Rivers flow, to dwell
therein (for ever). Allah will be well pleased with them, and they
Michel Alhassan Yahaya

with Him. They are the Party of Allah. Truly it is the Party of
Allah that will achieve Felicity.” Qur’an 58:22 (emphasis mine)

It is imperative to stress, the Spirit (mentioned above) is none

other than Allah himself, because this same spirit displays
omnipresence—as it resides within all the servants of Allah at the
same time according to the Qur’an. Omnipresence is an attribute
which is exclusive to Allah, according to the Qur’an, as suggested
by the Surahs below and in many others (Surah 6:59; Surah

ُ‫ض َماُ يَكون‬

ُ ِ ‫األر‬
ْ ‫ت َو َماُ فِي‬
ُِ ‫س َم َاوا‬ َُّ ُ‫أَلَ ُْم ت َ َُر أ َ َّن‬
َّ ‫َللاَ يَ ْعلَمُ َما فِيُ ال‬
ِ‫س ُه ْم‬
ُ ‫سا ِد‬ َ ‫سةِ ِإال ُه َِو‬ َ ‫ن نَ ْج َوىِ ثَالثَةِ ِإال ُه َِو َرا ِبعُ ُه ِْم َوال َخ ْم‬ ِْ ‫ِم‬
‫ن ذَ ِلكَِ َوال أ َ ْكث َ َِر إِالِ ُه َِو َمعَ ُه ْمِ أ َ ْي َنِ َماِ كَانُواِ ث َُّم‬
ِْ ‫َوال أ َ ْدنَى ِم‬
ُ‫ع ِليم‬ َ ُ‫َللاَ ِبك ِِّل‬
َ ُ‫ش ْيء‬ َُّ ‫ن‬َُّ ‫ع ِملوا يَ ْو َمُ ْال ِقيَا َم ِةُ ِإ‬
َ ‫ينَ ِبِّئه ُْم ِب َما‬
“Seest thou not that Allah doth know (all) that is in the heavens
and on earth? There is not a secret consultation between
three, but He makes the fourth among them, - Nor between
five but He makes the sixth, —nor between fewer nor more,
but He is in their midst, wheresoever they be: In the end will

The Greatest Love Story

He tell them the truth of their conduct, on the Day of Judgment.

For Allah has full knowledge of all things.” Qur’an 58:7
The most interesting thing to note from the subject of Allah’s spirit
is the fact that, most revered Islamic clerics interpret or teach the
subject matter when they examine Surah 58:22 as thus—
according to Yusuf Ali:
[…all good and righteous men are strengthened by God with
the Holy Spirit. If anything, the phrase used here is stronger,
‘a spirit from Himself.’ Whenever anyone offers his heart in
faith and purity to God, God accepts it, engraves that faith on
the seeker’s heart, and further fortifies him with the Divine
Spirit, which we can no more define adequately than we can
define in human language as, “the nature of God.”] (Ali, The
Meaning of the Holy Qur’an, p. 1518, fn. 5365;) (emphasis
If Abdullah Yusuf Ali (the renowned Indian Islamic scholar) and
many others agree that this strengthening Spirit is Allah, then
truly Isa is God as the following verse declare:

َُّ ‫َللاِ ِإل ْال َح‬

‫ق‬ َُّ ‫علَى‬ ُِ ‫ل ْال ِكتَا‬
َ ‫ب ل ت َ ْغلوا ِفي دِي ِنك ُْم َول تَقولوا‬ َُ ‫يَا أ َ ْه‬
‫َللاِ َو َك ِل َمت ُ ِهُ أ َ ْلقَا َها ِإلَى‬ َ ‫ِإنَّ َما ْال َمسِيحُ ِعي‬
َُّ ُ‫سى ابْنُ َم ْريَ َُم َرسول‬
‫اَللِ َورس ِل ُِه َول تَقولوا ثَالثَةُ ا ْنتَهوا َخي ًْرا‬ ِ َ‫َم ْريَ َُم َو ُروحِ ِم ْن ِهُ ف‬
َُّ ‫آمنوا ِب‬
Michel Alhassan Yahaya

ِ ‫س َم َاوا‬ ُْ َ ‫احدُ س ْب َحانَهُ أ‬
َّ ‫ن يَكونَُ لَهُ َولَدُ لَهُ َما ِفي ال‬ ِ ‫َللاُ ِإلَهُ َو‬
َّ ‫لَك ُْم ِإنَّ َما‬
َُّ ‫ض َو َكفَى ِب‬
‫اَللِ َو ِكيال‬ ُ ِ ‫األر‬
ْ ‫َو َما فِي‬
“O People of the Book! Commit no excesses in your religion: Nor
say of Allah aught but the truth. Christ Jesus the son of Mary was
(no more than) a messenger of Allah, and His Word, which He
bestowed on Mary, and a spirit proceeding from Him….”
Qur’an 4:171 (emphasis mine)

A spirit being proceeding from the very presence of another

eternal being is quite a puzzle in itself—and from the above verse,
we learn that Isa is “a spirit proceeding from” Allah. So, Isa is a
spirit. And not only a spirit, but the very same spirit that resides
within all the believers of Allah mentioned in Surah 58:22.
Generally, the assumption about Isa in Islam is that he was a
messenger made in the likeness of Adam and that God breathed
life into Adam and created Adam (cf. 38:71–72)
However, there is a stark difference between surahs 38:72 and
4:171—in that, after creating Adam, Allah simply breathed His
Spirit into him in surah 38:72; however, in surah 4:171 Isa was not
created to begin with, He rather proceeded from Allah. The
difference is obviously clear—Isa proceeding from the very
presence of Allah is simply eternity to say the least.

The Greatest Love Story


The power to create—and for that matter, to bring into existence

a thing out of nothing is exclusively reserved to Allah. Hence the
Qur’an makes it clear in several surahs that, only Allah has the
power to create:

ُِ ‫َللا َربُّك ُْم ل ِإلَ ُهَ ِإل ه َوُ َخا ِل‬

ُ‫ق ُك ِِِّل ش َْيءِ فَاعْبدوهُ َوه َو‬ َُّ ُ‫ذَ ِلكم‬
ُ‫ش ْيءُ َو ِكيل‬ َ ‫ل‬ ُِِّ ‫علَى ك‬ َ
“That is Allah, your Lord! there is no god but He, the Creator of
all things: then worship ye Him: and He hath power to dispose
of all affairs.” Qur’an 6:102 (emphasis mine)

ِ‫ق ا ْلعَ ِلي ُم‬

ُِ ّ‫َّك ُه َِو ا ْل َخال‬ َُّ ِ‫إ‬
َُ ‫ن َرب‬
“For verily it is thy Lord who is the Master-Creator, knowing
all things.” Qur’an 15:86 (emphasis mine)

To the Muslim, Allah is the absolute creator—as a matter of fact,

one of the 99 names of Allah is “Al-Khaliq” which means “The
Creator.” Yet, the Qur’an tells us the Messiah, Jesus, also has the
power to create:

‫‪Michel Alhassan Yahaya‬‬

‫قِ‬ ‫ل أ َ ِنِّي قَ ْدُ ِجئْتك ُْم ِبآيَةُ ِم ُْ‬

‫ن َر ِبِّك ُْم أ َ ِنِّي أ َ ْخلُ ُ‬ ‫َو َرسول ِإلَى بَ ِني ِإس َْرا ِئي َُ‬
‫ن َُّ‬
‫َللاِ‬ ‫ط ْي ِِر فَأ َ ْنفُ ُخِ فِي ِِه فَيَكُونُِ َط ْي ًرا ِبإِ ْذ ُِ‬ ‫ين َك َه ْيئ َ ِِة ال ّ‬ ‫ن ِ ِّ‬
‫الط ِِ‬ ‫لَ ُك ِْم ِم َِ‬
‫ن َُّ‬
‫َللاِ َوأنَ ِبِّئك ُْم ِب َما‬ ‫ص َوأ ُ ْح ِييِ ا ْل َم ْوتَى ِبإِ ْذ ُِ‬ ‫َوأ ُ ْب ِر ُِ‬
‫ئ األ ْك َم ِهَ َواأل ْب َر َِ‬
‫ك آليَ ُةً لَك ُْم إِ ْنُ ك ْنت ُْم‬ ‫ن فِي ذَ ِل َُ‬‫تَأْكلونَُ َو َما تَد َِّخرونَُ فِي بيوتِك ُْم إِ َُّ‬
‫مؤْ ِم ِنينَُ‬
‫‪"And (appoint him) a messenger to the Children of Israel, (with‬‬
‫‪this message): "'I have come to you, with a Sign from your Lord,‬‬
‫‪in that I make for you out of clay, as it were, the figure of a‬‬
‫‪bird, and breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by Allah's‬‬
‫‪leave: And I heal those born blind, and the lepers, and I‬‬
‫‪quicken the dead, by Allah's leave; and I declare to you what ye‬‬
‫‪eat, and what ye store in your houses. Surely therein is a Sign for‬‬
‫)‪you if ye did believe;” Qur’an 3:49 (emphasis mine‬‬

‫ك ِإ ُْذ أَيَّ ْدت َُ‬

‫ك‬ ‫على َوا ِلدَتِ َُ‬‫ْك َو َ‬ ‫علَي َُ‬‫سى ابْنَُ َم ُْريَ َُم ا ْذك ُْر نِ ْع َمتِي َ‬ ‫َللا يَُا ِعي َ‬‫ل َُّ‬‫ِإ ُْذ قَا َُ‬
‫َاب َو ْال ِح ْك َم ُةَ‬
‫ك ْال ِكت َُ‬
‫علَّ ْمت َُ‬‫اس فِي ْال َم ْه ُِد َو َك ْهال َو ِإ ُْذ َ‬ ‫وح ْالقد ِ ُ‬
‫س ت َك ِلِّمُ النَّ َُ‬ ‫ِبر ُِ‬
‫ط ْي ِِر ِبإِ ْذنِي فَت َ ْنفخُ فِي َها‬
‫ين َك َه ْيئَ ِِة ال ّ‬ ‫ن ِ ِّ‬
‫الط ِِ‬ ‫ل َوإِ ِْذ تَ ْخلُ ُِ‬
‫ق ِم َِ‬ ‫َوالت َّ ْو َرا ُة َ َواإل ْن ِجي َُ‬
‫ص بِإِ ْذنِي َو ِإ ُْذ ت ْخ ِرجُ ْال َم ْوت َى بِإِ ْذنِي‬
‫طي ًْرا بِإِ ْذنِي َوتب ِْرئُ األ ْك َم ُهَ َواألب َْر َُ‬
‫فَت َكونُ َ‬
‫ل الَّذِينَُ َكفَروا ِم ْنه ُْم ِإ ْنُ‬ ‫ك إِ ُْذ ِجئْت َه ُْم بِ ْالبَيِِّنَا ُِ‬
‫ت فَقَا َُ‬ ‫ع ْن َُ‬
‫ل َ‬ ‫َوإِ ُْذ َكفَ ْف ُ‬
‫ت بَنِي إِس َْرائِي َُ‬
‫َهذَا إِل سِحْ ُر مبِينُ‬

The Greatest Love Story

“Then will Allah say: "O Jesus the son of Mary! Recount My favour
to thee and to thy mother. Behold! I strengthened thee with the
holy spirit, so that thou didst speak to the people in childhood
and in maturity. Behold! I taught thee the Book and Wisdom, the
Law and the Gospel and behold! thou makest out of clay, as it
were, the figure of a bird, by My leave, and thou breathest
into it and it becometh a bird by My leave, and thou healest
those born blind, and the lepers, by My leave. And behold! thou
bringest forth the dead by My leave. And behold! I did restrain
the Children of Israel from (violence to) thee when thou didst
show them the clear Signs, and the unbelievers among them
said: 'This is nothing but evident magic.'” Qur’an 5:110
(emphasis mine)

A lot of Islamic Polemics in their attempt to downplay Isa’s power

of creation conclude that, the Qur’an teaches that Isa creates like
Allah by the Arabic phrase “bi’izinillah” translated here as “by
permission of Allah,” sometimes also translated as “by Allah’s
leave.” The word “Permission” means “the action of officially
allowing someone to do a particular thing; consent or
authorization.” What these polemics fail to realize is that the word
Permission has a totally different meaning as compared to
“Empowerment.” Here it is evident, the Qur’an implies that Jesus
Michel Alhassan Yahaya

already possessed the power to create life on his own, but was
merely allowed to do so by Allah. Another troubling implication
that arises from both Surah 3:49 and Surah 5:110, is that, Jesus is
portrayed as the only character in the entire Qur’an alongside
Allah, who has this unique ability to create life. Ironically,
Muhammad the Seal of all the Prophets, possessed no ability to
create, not even to heal others:
“Indeed, you (Mohammed) will not make the dead hear, nor will
you make the deaf hear the call when they have turned their
backs retreating.” Qur’an 27:80

It is important for the Muslim to note, though Isa is described in

the Qur’an as merely creating a bird out of clay; understand that,
size does not matter here at all, but rather what is important is
that, this shows a principle—if Isa could do this, then he was more
than capable of creating man out of the ground exactly as Allah

The Greatest Love Story


Omniscience is the power, or the ability to always know all things.

Frankly apart from God, there is simply no way any mortal or
earthly being could possess such a quality. And for that matter, the
Qur’an consistently informs the reader that only Allah is all-
knowing or omniscient, as the following Surahs suggest:

‫َللاُ َو َما‬ َِ ‫ضِ ا ْلغَ ْي‬

ِّ ِ‫ب إِال‬ ِ ‫األر‬
ْ ‫تِ َو‬
ِ ‫اوا‬ ّ ‫قُ ْلِ ال يَ ْعلَ ُِم َم ْنِ ِفي ال‬
َ ‫س َم‬
َُ‫يَ ْشعرونَُ أَيَّانَُ ي ْبعَثون‬
“Say: None in the heavens or on earth, except Allah, knows
what is hidden: nor can they perceive when they shall be
raised up (for Judgment).” Qur’an 27:65 (emphasis mine)

ُِ ‫َو ِع ْندَهُ َمفَا ِتحُ ْالغَ ْي‬

‫ب لُ يَ ْعلَم َها ِإل ه َُو َويَ ْعلَ ُِم َما ِفي ا ْلبَ ِِِّر َوا ْلبَ ْح ِِر َو َما‬
‫ض َوال َر ْطبِ َوال‬
ِ ِ ‫األر‬
ْ ‫ت‬ ُ ‫ن َو َرقَةِ ِإال يَ ْعلَ ُم َها َوال َحبّةِ فِي‬
ِِ ‫ظلُ َما‬ ُِ ُ‫سق‬
ِْ ‫ط ِم‬ ْ َ‫ت‬
ِ‫يَا ِبسِ ِإل فِي ِكتَابِ ُم ِبين‬
“With Him are the keys of the unseen, the treasures that none
knoweth but He. He knoweth whatever there is on the earth
and in the sea. Not a leaf doth fall but with His knowledge:
there is not a grain in the darkness (or depths) of the earth, nor
Michel Alhassan Yahaya

anything fresh or dry (green or withered), but is (inscribed) in

a record clear (to those who can read).” Qur’an 6:59
(emphasis mine)

We learn from Surah 27:65, that Allah is all-knowing, an attribute

which is reflected in his name “Al-Basir” and “As-Sami” which
means “The Seer of All” and “The Hearer of All” respectively. With
respect to the second Surah above, we learn that Allah claims to be
both all-knowing and can see the future which is specifically
implied by the phrase “(inscribed) in a record clear” which
implies that these facts were written before they even occur,
hence Allah knows the future. Because this subject matter is of
immense importance to Islam, prophet Muhammad discouraged
anyone who dare claimed that he had the power to know what was

َُ ‫َللاِ َول أ َ ْعلَمُ ْالغَي‬

ُ‫ْب َول أَقولُ لَك ْم‬ َُّ ُ‫ل ل أَقولُ لَك ُْم ِع ْن ِديُ خَزَ ائِن‬ ُْ ‫ق‬
ُْ ‫ل ه‬
‫َل يَ ْست َ ِوي األ ْع َمى‬ َُّ َ‫ن أَتَّبِعُ إِل َما يو َحى إِل‬
ُْ ‫ي ق‬ ُْ ِ‫إِنِِّي َملَكُ إ‬
ِ َ‫َو ْالب‬
َُ‫صيرُ أَفَال تَتَفَ َّكرون‬
“Say: "I tell you not that with me are the treasures of Allah, nor
do I know what is hidden, nor do I tell you I am an angel. I but

The Greatest Love Story

follow what is revealed to me." Say: "can the blind be held equal
to the seeing?" Will ye then consider not?” Qur’an 6:50
It is interesting to note, Isa also has the power of omniscience like
Allah in the Qur’an. And the scripture below is quite revealing in
that regard:

ُ ‫ن َر ِبِّك ُْم أ َ ِنِّي أ َ ْخل‬

‫ق‬ ُْ ‫ل أ َ ِنِّي قَ ْدُ ِجئْتك ُْم ِبآيَةُ ِم‬
َُ ‫َو َرسول ِإلَى بَ ِني ِإس َْرا ِئي‬
َُّ ‫ن‬
ُ‫َللاِ َوأب ِْرئ‬ َ ُ‫ْر فَأ َ ْنفخُ فِي ُِه فَيَكون‬
ُِ ‫طي ًْرا ِبإِ ْذ‬ َّ ‫ين َك َه ْيئ َ ُِة‬
ُِ ‫الطي‬ ِّ ِ َُ‫لَك ُْم ِمن‬
ُِ ‫الط‬
َ ُ‫َللاِ َوأُنَ ِبِّئ ُ ُك ِْم ِب َما تَأ ْ ُكل‬
ِ‫ون‬ َُّ ‫ن‬ُِ ‫ص َوأ ْح ِيي ْال َم ْوتَى ِبإِ ْذ‬
َُ ‫األ ْك َم ُهَ َواألب َْر‬
ُْ ِ‫ك آليَ ُةً لَك ْمُ إ‬
َُ‫ن ك ْنت ُْم مؤْ ِمنِين‬ َُ ‫ن فِي ذَ ِل‬
َُّ ِ‫ون فِي بُيُوتِ ُك ِْم إ‬
َِ ‫َو َما تَد ِّخ ُر‬
"And (appoint him) a messenger to the Children of Israel, (with
this message): "'I have come to you, with a Sign from your Lord,
in that I make for you out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird,
and breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by Allah's leave: And I
heal those born blind, and the lepers, and I quicken the dead, by
Allah's leave; and I declare to you what ye eat, and what ye
store in your houses. Surely therein is a Sign for you if ye did
believe;” Qur’an 3:49 (emphasis mine)

The above portion of scripture is extremely powerful in the sense

that, not only does Isa (Jesus) speak in the first person throughout
Michel Alhassan Yahaya

the verse as one with authority but he even says that He “declare
to you what ye eat, and what ye store in your houses”
Surprisingly, embedded within that statement is the implication
that Jesus knows the past, present and future. He also says that He
knows, “…what you store in your houses,” which proves that He is
all-knowing. Both of which are clear attributes of omniscience.
Naturally, an informed Muslim would object to this conclusion by
arguing that, “Allah told Jesus what people ate and what they had
in their homes.” But in the Qur’an Jesus did not even say that Allah
told him this nor did Allah give him the permission at all. It is quite
clear that Isa claims that he is all-knowing, and the fact that he
speaks in the first person strongly proves that he had the attribute
of omniscience and hence is God.
Incidentally, the Bible (which predates the Qur’an for no less
than six centuries), has passages where Isa (Jesus) demonstrated
this power to strangers; e.g., foreseeing a fish which had a coin
stored up in its mouth, and even knowing what others were
“The woman answered, I have no husband. Jesus said to her, You
have spoken truly in saying, I have no husband. For you have had
five husbands, and the man you are now living with is not your
husband. In this you have spoken truly. The woman said to Him,

The Greatest Love Story

Sir, I see and understand that you are a prophet.” John 4:17–19

“However, we don’t want to offend them, so go down to the lake

and throw in a line. Open the mouth of the first fish you catch,
and you will find a large silver coin. Take it and pay the tax for
both of us.” Matthew 17:27 NLT

“Seeing their faith He said, “Friend,” your sins are forgiven you.
Then the scribes and the Pharisees began: “Who is this man who
speaks blasphemies?
Who can forgive sins, but God alone?
But perceiving their thoughts, Jesus replied to them, “Why are
you reasoning this in your hearts?” Luke 5:20–22 HCSB

From the foregoing verses in the Bible, it is safe to conclude that,

Qur’an 3:49 is simply confirming Jesus’ divinity through His power
of Omniscience.

Michel Alhassan Yahaya


From a social stand point, the life of an earthly judge is extremely

challenging and utterly difficult in the sense that, he or she must
be a person whose life is worthy of emulation— must be a person
who is able to survive intense scrutiny, must be able to stand
criticism, must be fair and just in their dealings, must also be a
person of the highest morals, and of cause he/she must be a godly
If the above qualities are what it takes to be the ideal judge in
our social setting, how much more the judge of the universe. The
judge of this world must be all-powerful, all-knowing, must be
holy, righteous and just, and of cause, He must be faithful and true.
Hence, the Qur’an teaches that Allah is our Judge:

ُ‫ن َربِِّي َو َك ُذَّبْت ُْم بِ ُِه َما ِع ْندِي َما ت َ ْست َ ْع ِجلونَُ بِ ِه‬ ُْ ‫علَى بَيِِّنَةُ ِم‬
َ ‫ل إِنِِّي‬
ُْ ‫ق‬
ِ َ‫ق َو ُه َوِ َخ ْي ُِر ا ْلف‬
َ ‫اص ِل‬
ِ‫ين‬ َُّ ‫صُ ْال َح‬
ُّ ‫َللِ يَق‬َُّ ِ ‫ن ْالح ْكمُ ِإل‬ُِ ‫ِإ‬
“Say: "For me, I (work) on a clear sign from my Lord, but ye
reject Him. What ye would see hastened, is not in my power. The
command rests with none but Allah: He declares the truth, and
He is the best of judges." Qur’an 6:479 (emphasis mine)

The Greatest Love Story

َُ َ ‫ل ِإلَيْكمُ ْال ِكت‬

َّ َ‫اب مف‬
‫صال‬ َُ َ‫َللاِ أ َ ْبت َ ِغي َح َك ًما َوه َُو الَّذِي أ َ ْنز‬ َُ ‫أَفَغَي‬
َُّ ‫ْر‬
ُِ ِّ ‫ِّك ِب ْال َح‬
‫ق فَال‬ َُ َ ‫َوالَّذِينَُ آت َ ْينَاهمُ ْال ِكت‬
ُْ ‫اب يَ ْعلَمونَُ أَنَّهُ من ََّزلُ ِم‬
َُ ‫ن َر ِب‬
َُ‫َن ِمنَُ ْالم ْمت َ ِرين‬
َُّ ‫تَكون‬
Say: "Shall I seek for judge other than Allah? - when He it is Who
hath sent unto you the Book, explained in detail." They know full
well, to whom We have given the Book, that it hath been sent
down from thy Lord in truth. Never be then of those who doubt.”
Qur’an 6:114

َ ‫طائِفَةُ ِم ْنك ْمُ آ َمنوا بِالَّذِي أ ْر ِس ْلتُ بِ ُِه َو‬

‫طائِفَةُ لَ ُْم يؤْ ِمنوا‬ َ َُ‫ن َكان‬
ُْ ِ‫َوإ‬
َُ‫َللا بَ ْينَنَا َوه َُو َخيْرُ ْال َحا ِك ِمين‬
َُّ ‫ص ِبروا َحتَّى يَ ْحك َُم‬
ْ ‫فَا‬
"And if there is a party among you who believes in the message
with which I have been sent, and a party which does not believe,
hold yourselves in patience until Allah doth decide between us:
for He is the best to decide.” Qur’an 7:87.

Some of the 99 names of Allah are directly connected to this role—

He is referred to as “Al-‘Adl” which means “The Just,” “Al-Hakam”
which means “The Judge,” “Al-Fattah” which means “The Just
Ruler,” and “Ad-Dayyan” which means “The Requiter.” Based on all
these assertions, Allah is the only judge and ruler of mankind

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according to the Qur’an. But strangely enough, Isa also shares this
role as a Just Ruler and Judge in both the Qur’an and the verified

ِ‫ل َم ْوتِ ُِه َويَ ْو َِم ا ْل ِقيَا َم ِة‬ ُِ ‫ل ْال ِكتَا‬

َُّ ‫ب ِإل لَيؤْ ِمن‬
َُ ‫َن ِب ُِه قَ ْب‬ ُِ ‫ن أ َ ْه‬
ُْ ‫ن ِم‬
ُْ ‫َو ِإ‬
‫علَ ْي ِه ِْم ش َِهيدًا‬
َ ُِ‫يَكُون‬
“And there is none of the People of the Book but must believe in
him before his death; and on the Day of Judgment, he will be a
witness against them;” Qur’an 4:159

The very power to judge which Islam claims Isa possesses is so

absolute that, Bukhari quotes Mohammed declaring:
[By Him (Jesus) in Whose Hands my soul is, surely (Jesus,) the
Son of Mary will soon descend amongst you and will judge
mankind justly (as a Just Ruler) …] (Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 4,
Book 55, No. 657; Fateh-ul Bari, Vol. 7, P. 302) (emphasis mine)
The most startling thing to take from the above verified Hadith is
that it describes Isa as a “Just Ruler” (i.e., “Al-Fattah”) which
incidentally is one of the 99 names of Allah. The other startling
thing to note is, Mohammed acknowledges Isa as the one who has
his soul, and the one to Judge him and the entire human race.
When you carefully study surah 39:42 which states that, “Allah is

The Greatest Love Story

the one who keeps our souls,” it is shocking to note that Muhammad
claims Isa also does “keep our souls.” What makes this point even
more interesting is that both Allah and Jesus are described as
returning on the clouds on the Last Day:

ُ‫ام َو ْال َمالئِ َكة‬ َُّ ُ‫ن يَأْتِيَهم‬

ُِ ‫َللا فِي ظلَلُ ِمنَُ ْالغَ َم‬ ُْ َ ‫َل يَ ْنظرونَُ ِإل أ‬
ُْ ‫ه‬
َُّ ‫األمرُ َو ِإلَى‬
ُ‫َللاِ ت ْر َجعُ األمور‬ ْ ‫ي‬ َُ ‫ض‬
ِ ‫َوق‬
“Will they wait until Allah comes to them in canopies of clouds,
with angels (in His train) and the question is (thus) settled? but
to Allah do all questions go back (for decision) Qur’an 2:210

“And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was
taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while
they looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold,
two men stood by them in white apparel; Which also said, Ye
men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same
Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in
like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.” Acts 1:9–11

“I am,” said Jesus. “And you will see the Son of man (Messiah)
sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One (God), and coming on
the clouds of heaven.” Mark 14:62 NIV

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“I saw in the night visions, and, behold, on the clouds of the

heavens came One like a Son of man, and He came to the Ancient
of days, and was presented before him. And there was given Him
[the Messiah] dominion, and glory, and kingdom, that all
peoples, nations, and languages, should serve Him. His dominion
is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his
kingdom is one which shall not be destroyed.” Daniel 7:13–14

“Enoch, who lived in the seventh generation after Adam,

prophesied about these people. He said, “Listen! The Lord is
coming with countless thousands of his holy ones to execute
judgement on the people of the world. He will convict every
person of all the ungodly things they have done and for all the
insults that ungodly sinners have spoken against him.” Jude 1:14,
15 NLT

The Greatest Love Story


Healing or the power to heal is the exclusive virtue of Allah. And

for that matter, the Qur’an is not timid nor shy when it comes to
the subject of Allah’s ability to heal. Repeatedly, the Qur’an tells us
that only Allah is the healer:

ِ ‫َو ِإذَا َم ِرضْتُ فَه َوُ يَ ْش ِف‬

"And when I am ill, it is He Who cures me;” Qur’an 26:80

ُ‫ْك ِب َخيْرُ فَه َو‬

َُ ‫سس‬ ُْ ‫ف لَهُ ِإل ه َُو َو ِإ‬
َ ‫ن يَ ْم‬ َُ ‫َللا ِبض ُِّر فَال َكا ِش‬
َُّ ‫ْك‬ َُ ‫سس‬ ُْ ‫َو ِإ‬
َ ‫ن يَ ْم‬
ُ‫ش ْيءُ قَدِير‬ َ ‫ل‬ُِِّ ‫علَى ك‬ َ
"If Allah touch thee with affliction, none can remove it but He; if
He touch thee with happiness, He hath power over all things.”
Qur’an 6:17

The subject of healing is so entrenched in Islam that, even

Muhammad recognized, healing is completely reserved for Allah
alone. To add further credence to this notion, Bukhari claims that:

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[Whenever Allah’s Messenger Muhammad (P.B.H) paid a visit

to a patient, or a patient was brought to him, he used to invoke
Allah, saying, “Take away the disease, O the Lord of the people!
Cure him as You are the One Who cures. There is no cure
but Yours, a cure that leaves no disease.] (Sahih al-Bukhari
5675, Book 75, Hadith 36, English reference Vol. 7, Book 70,
Hadith 579. (emphasis mine))
As striking as Mohammed’s confession might sound, it is equally
striking to note the Qur’an teaches that Isa also has the power to

ُ ‫ن َر ِبِّك ُْم أَنِِّي أ َ ْخل‬

‫ق‬ ُْ ‫ل أَنِِّي قَ ْدُ ِجئْتك ُْم ِبآيَةُ ِم‬
َُ ‫َو َرسول ِإلَى بَنِي ِإس َْرائِي‬
ُ ‫َللاِ َوأ ُ ْب ِر‬
ِ‫ئ‬ َُّ ‫ن‬ َ ُ‫ْر فَأ َ ْنفخُ فِي ُِه فَيَكون‬
ُِ ‫طي ًْرا بِإِ ْذ‬ َّ ‫ين َك َه ْيئ َ ُِة‬
ُِ ‫الطي‬ ِّ ِ َُ‫لَك ُْم ِمن‬
ُِ ‫الط‬
َُ‫َللاِ َوأنَبِِّئك ُْم بِ َما تَأْكلون‬
َُّ ‫ن‬ُِ ‫ص َوأ ْحيِي ْال َم ْوتَى بِإِ ْذ‬ َِ ‫األ ْك َم ِهَ َواأل ْب َر‬
ُْ ‫ك آليَ ُةً لَك ُْم ِإ‬
َُ‫ن ك ْنت ُْم مؤْ ِمنِين‬ َُ ‫ن فِي ذَ ِل‬
َُّ ‫َُو َما تَد َِّخرونَُ فِي بيوتِك ُْم ِإ‬
"And (appoint him) a messenger to the Children of Israel, (with
this message): "'I have come to you, with a Sign from your Lord,
in that I make for you out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird,
and breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by Allah's leave: And I
heal those born blind, and the lepers, and I quicken the dead,
by Allah's leave; and I declare to you what ye eat, and what ye

The Greatest Love Story

store in your houses. Surely therein is a Sign for you if ye did

believe; Qur’an 3:49

The Qur’an implies that Isa has the power to heal; and ironically,
concerning Muhammed this is what Allah says about him:

َُ‫عا َُء ِإذَا َولَّ ْوا م ْد ِب ِرين‬ ُّ ‫ك ل تس ِْمعُ ْال َم ْوتَى َول تس ِْمعُ ال‬
َ ُّ‫ص َُّم الد‬ َُ َّ‫ِإن‬
“Truly thou (Muhammad)canst not cause the dead to listen, nor
canst thou cause the deaf to hear the call, (especially) when they
turn back in retreat.” Qur’an 27:80

One of the names of Allah is “As-Salam” which means “The Source

of Peace” and is one of the first names invoked by Muslims the
world-over for healing and peace in all areas of life. Is it not
strange and humbling to note that, Jesus (Isa) was prophesied to
be “The Prince of Peace” and by extension was also Healer?

“For a child will be born for us, a son will be given to us, and the
government will be on His shoulders. He will be named
Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of
Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 HCSB

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The Qur’an teaches that Allah alone has the power to give life, and
to exact death—He is the only one with the power to raise others
from the dead:

َُ‫َوإِنَّاُ لَنَ ْحنُِ نُ ْحيِي َونُ ِميتُِ َون َْحنُ ْال َو ِارثون‬
“And verily, it is We Who give life, and Who give death: it is
We Who remain inheritors (after all else passes away)” Qur’an
15:23 (emphasis mine)

ُ‫ش ْيء‬
َ ‫ل‬ َ َ ‫ِإنَّا نَ ْحنُِ نُ ْح ِيي ا ْل َم ْوتَى َونَ ْكتبُ َما قَدَّموا َوآث‬
َُّ ‫اره ُْم َوك‬
ُ‫ص ْينَاهُ فِي ِإ َمامُ م ِبين‬
َ ‫أح‬
“Indeed, it is We who bring the dead to life and record what
they have put forth and what they left behind, and all things We
have enumerated in a clear register.” Qur’an 36:12

ِ ‫ِإنَّاُ نَ ْحنُِ نُ ْح ِييِ َونُ ِميتُِ َو ِإلَ ْينَاُ ْال َم‬

“Indeed, it is We who give life and cause death, and to Us is the
destination” Qur’an 50:43

The Greatest Love Story

Some of the names of Allah address this attribute “Al-Muhyi,” “Al-

Mumit” and “Al-Baith” which means “The Giver of Life,” “The Taker
of Life” and “The Resurrector” respectively. But in the same Qur’an
Isa also rose others from the dead:

ُ ‫ن َر ِبِّك ُْم أَنِِّي أ َ ْخل‬

‫ق‬ ُْ ‫ل أَنِِّي قَ ْدُ ِجئْتك ُْم ِبآيَةُ ِم‬
َُ ‫َو َرسول ِإلَى بَنِي ِإس َْرائِي‬
َُّ ‫ن‬
ِ‫َللا‬ َ ُ‫ْر فَأ َ ْنفخُ فِي ُِه فَيَكون‬
ُِ ‫طي ًْرا ِبإِ ْذ‬ َّ ‫ين َك َه ْيئ َ ُِة‬
ُِ ‫الطي‬ ِّ ِ َُ‫لَك ُْم ِمن‬
ُِ ‫الط‬
َُّ ‫ن‬
‫َللاِ َوأنَبِِّئك ُْم بِ َما‬ ُِ ‫ص َوأ ُ ْحيِيِ ا ْل َم ْوتَى بِإِ ْذ‬ َُ ‫َوأب ِْرئُ األ ْك َم ُهَ َواألب َْر‬
َُ‫ك آليَ ُةً لَك ُْم ِإ ْنُ ك ْنت ُْم مؤْ ِم ِنين‬ َُّ ‫تَأْكلونَُ َو َما تَد َِّخرونَُ ِفي بيو ِتك ُْم ِإ‬
َُ ‫ن ِفي ذَ ِل‬
"…, and I quicken the dead, by Allah's leave; and I declare to
you what ye eat, and what ye store in your houses. Surely therein
is a Sign for you if ye did believe; Qur’an 3:49

Regarding Isa’s power to raise the dead, Ibn Kathir, (one of the
most respected Islamic Scholars in history,) had this to say:
[It is told that Christ saw a woman crying over her daughter,
who had died long ago. He asked her, “What makes you cry,
woman?” She said, “My daughter died and I have no more
children.” Christ asked her, “Would you like Me to raise her
from the dead?” She said, “Yes, O Spirit of God!” So, Christ
stood by the grave and called the girl three times. On the third

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time, the little girl came out and talked with her mother.
Then the girl asked Christ to let her return. He told her, “Go
back!” The grave closed and she was dead.] (Beginning and
End by Ibn Kathir, part 2, page 84, quoted in “Into the Den of
Infidels,” Chapter 8, pp. 105–115 (emphasis mine))

Frankly, Ibn Kathir has done the world a lot of good by graciously
throwing light on Isa’s power to give life, and decisively, his power
to take it. So, from the above account we see a clear demonstration
of Isa’s power over life and death. A fact echoed in the Bible by the
very words of Jesus Christ:
“The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life-only
to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of
my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to
take it up again. This command I received from my Father.”
John 10:17–18 NIV
“For this is my Father’s will and His purpose, that everyone who
sees the Son and believes in and cleaves to and trusts in and
relies on Him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up
[from the dead] at the last day;
No one is able to come to Me unless the Father Who sent Me
attracts and draws him and gives him the desire to come to Me,

The Greatest Love Story

and (then) I will raise him up (from the dead) at the last day.”
John 6:40; 44 AMP
“I am the living one. I died, but Look-I am alive forever and ever!
And I hold the keys of death and the grave.” Revelation 1:18 NLT

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As far as the Muslim is concerned, Allah’s uniqueness cannot be

overemphasized—time and again the Qur’an tells us Allah is
without equal:

َُ‫ن أ َ ْنفسِك ُْم أ َ ْز َوا ًجا َو ِمن‬

ُْ ‫ل لَك ُْم ِم‬
َُ َ‫ض َجع‬
ُ ِ ‫األر‬
ْ ‫ت َو‬
ُِ ‫س َم َاوا‬ ِ َ‫ف‬
َّ ‫اطرُ ال‬
ُ‫س ِميع‬ َ ‫ْس َك ِمثْ ِل ُِه‬
َّ ‫ش ْيءُ َوه َُو ال‬ َُ ‫ام أ َ ْز َوا ًجا يَ ْذ َرؤك ُْم فِي ُِه لَي‬
ُِ َ‫األ ْنع‬
ِ َ‫ْالب‬
“(He is) the Creator of the heavens and the earth: He has made
for you pairs from among yourselves, and pairs among cattle: by
this means does He multiply you: there is nothing whatever like
unto Him, and He is the One that hears and sees (all things).”
Qur’an 42:11

One of the 99 names of Allah is “Al-Quddus” which means “The Pure

One,” a name which testifies of his matchless and unique nature in
the Qur’an. With respect to Isa, every informed Muslim agrees that
He is likewise unique like Allah. He entered this world through a
virgin birth:

The Greatest Love Story

ِ‫سى‬ ُِ ‫س ُم ِهُ ا ْل َمسِي‬

َ ‫ح ِعي‬ ْ ‫ك ِب َك ِل َمةُ ِم ْنهُ ا‬ ِّ ِ َ‫َللاَ يب‬
ُِ ‫شر‬ َُّ ‫ن‬َُّ ‫ت ْال َمالئِ َكةُ يَا َم ْريَمُ ِإ‬
ُِ َ‫ِإ ُْذ قَال‬
َ ‫ن ا ْل ُمقَ ّر ِب‬
ِ‫ين‬ ِ ‫ابْنُ َم ْريَ َُم َو ِجي ًها فِي ال ُّد ْنيَا َو‬
َِ ‫اآلخ َر ِِة َو ِم‬
“(And mention) when the angels said, “O Mary, indeed Allah
gives you good tidings of a word from Him, whose name will be
the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary–distinguished in this
world and the Hereafter and among those brought near (to
Allah).” Qur’an 3:45 (emphasis mine)

An objective study of the Qur’an and the verified Hadith, reveals a

Man (Isa), who is equally as unique as Allah by the following
1. His exclusive sinlessness—while the Qur’an tells us that other
prophets have sinned, there is not a hint in it, or anywhere else
in Islamic literature, of sin in Jesus. The matter is given further
credence by Bukhari who says:
[Every child that is born, is touched (or stung) by Satan (with
sin), and his touch makes it cry, except Mary and her Son.]
(Bukhari-Anbiya, Bab44, tafsir sura 3, b.2 Muslim-Fadail,
tradition 146, 147. (bold, underline emphasis mine))
The Qur’an corroborates the above Hadith by stating—Gabriel
declared unto Mary that, she is to have “a Holy Son,” ‘gulman

Michel Alhassan Yahaya

zakiyyan’ (cf.19:19), which Baidhawi interprets to mean [pure

from sin, and active in goodness.]
2. His unique birth—the virgin birth of Isa as far as Islam is
concerned, is truly a divine act. No other prophet nor character
in the Qur’an has been thus miraculously born into the world.
Adam, it is true, was created without father or mother. Besides,
such an act, was necessary in the beginning of the world; but
here we see (in the case of Isa) God interrupting the course of
nature, and overriding the very Laws of procreation which He
had himself established, in order that Isa might have a virgin
birth. Surely such an act could not have been meaningless;
rather we know that it points to the great fact that Isa held a
special relationship to the Deity which is shared by no other
prophet. Isa’s earthly mother, Maryam—considered to be the
greatest among women according to Qur’an chapter 3:42 is
extremely important to note. The striking thing to note is the
pre-eminence of the woman—Maryam is chosen above all the
women of the nations of the earth. This preference is repeated
in the words of Elizabeth to her cousin as recorded in the Bible,
but here a further exclamation follows which gives the real
meaning behind the greatness of Mary and her superiority over
all women:

The Greatest Love Story

“In a loud voice she exclaimed: ‘Blessed are you among women,
and blessed is the Child you will bear!’” Luke 1:42 NIV
(emphasis mine)
Mary, in both Qur’an and Biblical passages quoted, is declared to
be the greatest among women, but now we discover why—she
mothered the greatest among men, because she was the virgin-
mother of Jesus. Furthermore, the Qur’an itself says that Isa’s
supernatural birth took place through God’s purpose to give men
“a sign” and this is not said of any other prophet’s birth. The
Qur’an therefore presents Jesus’ birth as without a parallel.
3. His second coming—it must come as something of a surprise to
Christians to hear that the return of Jesus to earth is as much a
basic belief of the Muslims as it is ours. Once again, most
Muslims around the world hold to this belief. Frankly, with Isa’s
second coming, the Qur’an does not treat the subject at any
length and as with so much of its teaching about Jesus, it is
somewhat ambiguous. The one passage invariably brought
forth to justify the doctrine is this one:

ُ‫اط م ْست َ ِقيم‬

ُ ‫ص َر‬ ُِ ‫ن ِب َها َوات َّ ِبع‬
ِ ‫ون َهذَا‬ َُّ ‫ع ِِة فَالُ ت َ ْمتَر‬ ّ ‫َو ِإنّ ِهُ لَ ِع ْلمِ ِلل‬
َ ‫سا‬

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“And (Jesus) shall be a Sign (for the coming of) the Hour (of
Judgment): therefore, have no doubt about the (Hour), but
follow ye Me: this is a Straight Way. Qur’an 43:61

Let us then take a forensic look at the verse above—The key words
in the original Arabic are “Wa innahuu la’ilmil li’saa’ati.” The
phrase, “la’ilmil li’saa’ati” which, literary interpreted, mean “And
there is knowledge (ilm) of the Hour (sa’ah).” Arberry thus translate
it, viz. “it is knowledge of the Hour,” as does Pickthall: “Verily there
is knowledge of the Hour.” The pronoun built into the word
“innahuu” clearly refers to Jesus—which of course shows that this
text is intended to allude to his return to earth towards the end of
time. It is also significant to note, Isa’s return is referred to as the
“Hour” in the verse above, which according to Sweetman, [would
appear to be a reference to his second advent (which Muslims
believe) if the pronoun refers to Isa.] It is therefore not surprising,
when the renown Atiyyah declares:
[Muslim theologians are unanimous in holding that Jesus
Christ is physically alive at present in Heavens(sic) and is
destined to return to this world in the same condition towards
the approach of the Last Day.] (Alam, Nuzul-e-Esa: Descension
of Jesus Christ, p.37)

The Greatest Love Story

4. The title Messiah—only Isa has this title in the Qur’an. The full
name according to Qur’an is Al-Maseehu Isa, “The Messiah Jesus”
(cf. 4:157, 4:171, etc) Incidentally when the angels first
appeared to Mary, they referred to Child about to be conceived
as: “Ismuhul Maseehu Isa ibnu Maryam,” “His name shall be The
Messiah Jesus, son of Mary” (3:45) Notice that even before the
conception, the angels gave him the one title which is applied
to him on no less than eleven occasions in the Qur’an, Al-
Maseehu— “The Messiah.” What is more bizarre is that, this title
is never used in the Qur’an without the definite article ‘Al’. This
then rules out any possibility that the title can be applied to
anyone else.
Accordingly, no one else in the Qur’an is, or possibly could
be, The Messiah. Isa is not a messiah or one of the Messiahs, He
is “Al-Maseehu,” The Messiah. One can safely say the Qur’an is
echoing the Bible in this regard—for only Jesus is the Messiah
in the New Testament. The common word used for Messiah in
the New Testament, in the original Greek texts, is “ho Christos.”
Twice it is said to be a translation of the word Messiah (John
1:41, 4:25.) Just as the Qur’an uses the definite article Al to
apply the title to Jesus alone, so in the Christian Scriptures he is
constantly called ho Christos, “The Messiah.” The word Christos
occurs about 350 times in the New Testament. It is often found
Michel Alhassan Yahaya

in the combinations “Jesus Christ” and “Christ Jesus,” and

sometimes functions as a second name. By giving Jesus alone
the title “Christ,” which refers to God’s “Anointed Saviour,” no
Muslim (looking at the evidence) can possibly deny the fact
that, Isa is indeed Al-Quddus, “The Pure and Unique One.”

The Greatest Love Story


This undoubtedly, is a very fascinating and interesting point. The

revelation from this topic is startling and quite humbling. The
verse bellow is talking about Christians and where they stand on
the ladder of preference as it pertains to the now, and the end of
the age:

َُ‫ك ِمن‬ َ ‫ي َوم‬

َُ ‫ط ُِِّهر‬ َُّ َ‫ك ِإل‬ َُ ِِّ‫سى ِإنِِّي مت َ َوف‬
َُ ‫يك َو َرافِع‬ َُّ ‫ل‬
َ ‫َللا يَا ِعي‬ َُ ‫ِإ ُْذ قَا‬
ِ‫ِين َكفَ ُروا ِإلَى يَ ْو ِم‬ َِ ‫ق الّذ‬ َِ ‫ِين اتّبَعُوكَِ فَ ْو‬ َِ ‫الَّذِينَُ َكفَروا َو َجا ِع ُلِ الّذ‬
َُ‫ي َم ْر ِجعك ُْم فَأ َ ْحكمُ بَ ْينَك ُْم فِي َما ك ْنت ُْم فِي ُِه ت َ ْخت َ ِلفون‬
َُّ َ‫ا ْل ِقيَا َم ِِة ث َُّم ِإل‬
“(Mention) when Allah said, “O Jesus, indeed I will take (lift- up,
carry-off, rapture) you and raise you to Myself and purify you
from those who disbelieve and make those who follow you
(Jesus) superior to those who disbelieve until the Day of
Resurrection. Then to Me is your return, and I will judge
between you concerning that in which you used to differ.”

Before we attempt to interpret the real meaning of the above verse

from the Qur’an, it is imperative we hear what the revered
scholars of Islam have to say concerning it:
According to Ibn Kathir;

Michel Alhassan Yahaya

[This is what happened. When Allah raised Isa (Jesus) to

heaven, his followers divided into sects and groups. Some of
them believed in what Allah sent Isa as a servant of Allah—His
Messenger, and the son of His female-servant. However, some
of them went to the extreme over Isa, believing that he was the
son of Allah. Some of them said that Isa was Allah Himself,
while others said that he was one of a Trinity. Allah mentioned
these false creeds in the Qur’an and refuted them.
The Christians remained like this until the third century
CE, when a Greek king called, Constantine, became a Christian
for the purpose of destroying Christianity. Constantine was
either a philosopher, or he was just plain ignorant. Constantine
changed the religion of Isa by adding to it and deleting from it.
He established the rituals of Christianity and the so-called
Great Trust which is in fact the Great Treachery. He also
allowed them to eat the meat of swine, changed the direction
of the prayer that Isa established to the east, built churches for
Isa, and added ten days to the fast as compensation for a sin
that he committed, as claimed.
So, the religion of Isa became the religion of Constantine,
who built more than twelve thousand churches, temples and
monasteries for the Christians as well as the city that bears his
name, Constantinople (Istanbul). Throughout this time, the
The Greatest Love Story

Christians had the upper hand and dominated the Jews. Allah
aided them against them the Jews because they used to be
closer to the truth than the Jews, even though both groups
were and still are disbelievers, may Allah’s curse descend on
them.] (Tafsir Ibn Kathir (Abridged), Volume 2, Parts 3, 4 and 5
(Surat Al-Baqarah, Verse 253, to Surat An-Nisa, Verse 147),
abridged by a group of scholars under the supervision of Shaykh
Safiur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri, Darussalam Publishers and
Distributors Riyadh, Houston, New York, Lahore; First Edition:
March 2000, p. 171.)
Before we explore the interpretation of Surah 3:55, it stands to
reason to clarify certain claims reported by Ibn Kathir which he
himself admits to be “…as claimed.” First and foremost, the Qur’an
teaches that God has no son, but then it turns around and defines
son-ship as Allah taking a wife and bearing a son as the verse
below suggests:

ِ ‫ص‬ ِْ ‫ض أَنّى يَكُونُِ لَ ِهُ َولَدِ َولَ ِْم تَك‬
َ ُِ‫ُن لَه‬ ُ ِ ‫األر‬
ْ ‫ت َو‬
ُِ ‫اوا‬
َ ‫س َم‬
َّ ‫بَدِيعُ ال‬
ُ‫ع ِليم‬
َ ُ‫ش ْيء‬ ُِِّ ‫ش ْيءُ َوه َُو بِك‬
َ ‫ل‬ َُّ ‫َو َخلَقَُ ك‬
َ ‫ل‬
“(He is) Originator of the heavens and the earth. How could He
have a son when He does not have a companion and He
created all things? And He is, of all things, Knowing.” Qur’an

Michel Alhassan Yahaya

Secondly, nowhere does the Bible suggest that God had Jesus in
this way as Surah 6:101 suggests and Christians would agree with
Allah that claim is indeed false. Jesus is the Son of God in the sense
that He reflects God in every way, much like an earthly son
resembles his earthly father (cf. John 1:1–3, 14; Psalms 2) Jesus is
eternal and no Christian believes that Jesus was literally created
by God through sexual reproduction—as the Bible easily refutes
Thirdly, the Qur’an teaches a false trinity which is made up of
Allah, Jesus and Mary (Surah 5:116.) Christians would also agree
that claim is false, we also do not believe that there are three gods
(cf. Surah 4:171). All of those are very common misconceptions of
Muslims. Christians believe in one God existing in three Persons,
and as such, we do not believe that God is the Messiah, it is more
biblically correct to say that, the Messiah is one with God and that
the true Trinity is Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the Father, with them
all being one God (1 John 5:7; Matthew 28:19). Ironically, Allah is
somewhat silent in the Qur’an concerning the true Trinity and
never disproved the belief in the true Trinity.
Fourthly according to the Bible, Jesus had made certain things
lawful (Mark 7:15–23; Acts 10:9–15), furthermore prayer was
never directed towards Mecca (as Mecca appears nowhere in the
Bible), and churches were built for God’s kingdom (Ephesians
The Greatest Love Story

2:19–21; 1 Corinthians 3:9–16). None of these claims were made

by Constantine, as Ibn Kathir said, but were from the Bible.
On the other hand, it is an undeniable historical fact, Jerusalem
was the “Qiblah,” (i.e., the approved direction for facing during
prayers) used by Mohammed and his fledgling followers for 13
years—from 610 CE until 623 CE. Strangely enough, on the noon
of 11th February 624, Muhammad suddenly in the middle of the
noon prayer, turned his face from the direction of Jerusalem to
face the “Cube,” Ka’ba. This incident took place in the mosque
which is now known as “Masjid al-Qiblatayn,” “Mosque of The Two
Fifthly, Ibn Kathir is truly right in his observation in that,
Christians are indeed blessed and, in a sense, “superior” as the
Qur’an puts it, but on the other hand it is important to note,
Christians are not disbelievers in God—we agree with Allah those
statements in the Qur’an are indeed false. But the truth of the
matter is, Surah 3:55 is directed to the Christians not Muslims, as
we see that Allah is emphatically stating, it is those who follow
Jesus who are the very ones who will be made great until the Day
of Judgement. This interpretation is confirmed by the following

Michel Alhassan Yahaya

ُ‫سى ابْنُ َم ْريَ َُم ِل ْل َح َو ِار ِيِّينَُ َم ْن‬ َُ ‫َللاِ َك َما قَا‬
َ ‫ل ِعي‬ َُّ ‫ار‬ َ ‫يَا أَيُّ َها الَّذِينَُ آ َمنوا كونواُ أ َ ْن‬
َُ ‫ص‬
َ ‫َت‬
ُْ ‫طائِفَةُ ِم‬
‫ن بَنِي‬ ُْ ‫َللاِ فَآ َمن‬ َ ‫ل ْال َح َو ِاريُّونَُ نَحْ نُ أ َ ْن‬
َُّ ُ‫صار‬ َُّ ‫اري ِإلَى‬
َُ ‫َللاِ قَا‬ ِ ‫ص‬َ ‫أ َ ْن‬
ْ َ ‫ع ُد ِّ ِو ِه ِْم فَأ‬
‫صبَ ُحوا‬ َ ‫علَى‬ َِ ‫طائِفَةُ فَأَيّ ْدنَا الّذ‬
َ ‫ِين آ َمنُوا‬ َ ‫ت‬
ُْ ‫ل َو َكفَ َر‬
َُ ‫إِس َْرائِي‬
َ ‫ظا ِه ِر‬
“O ye who believe! Be ye helpers of Allah: As said Jesus the son of
Mary to the Disciples, "Who will be my helpers to (the work of)
Allah?" Said the disciples, "We are Allah's helpers!" then a
portion of the Children of Israel believed, and a portion
disbelieved: But We gave power to those who believed,
against their enemies, and they became the ones that
prevailed.” Qur’an 61:14
The above verse of the Qur’an is the final nail in the coffin, or the
piece of evidence that puts every doubt about Isa’s divinity to
sleep—in that, it has been explicitly explained by none other than
Al-Qurtubi himself as thus:
[It was said that this verse was revealed about the apostles of
Jesus, may peace and blessing be upon him. Ibn Ishaq stated
that of the apostles and disciples that Jesus sent (to preach)
they were Peter and Paul who went to Rome; Andrew and
Matthew who went to the land of the cannibals; Thomas who
went to Babel in the eastern lands; Philip who went to Africa;
John went to Dacsos which is the tribe to whom the sleepers of

The Greatest Love Story

the cave belonged; Jacob went to Jerusalem; Bartholomew

went to the lands of Arabia, specifically Al-Hijaz; Simon who
went to the Barbarians; Judas and Barthas who went to
Alexandria and its surrounding regions. Allah supported
them (the apostles) with evidence so that they prevailed
(thahirin) meaning they became the party with the upper
hand. Just as it is said, “An object appeared on the wall”
meaning it is clearly visible (alu-wat) on the wall. Allah, who is
glorified and exalted, knows the truth better and to Him is the
return and retreat.] (Tafsir, surah “As-Saf’at” by Al-Qurtubi:
Translated into English by Dimitrius.)
Notice Al-Hijaz (the Arabian Peninsula, especially present-day
Saudi Arabia) is listed as one of the places the apostles sent the
gospel. Notice also Alexandria (Mit’sra or Masri in Arabic) which
incidentally is the headquarters of learning as far as Islam is
concerned (the Arabic dialect of Mit’sra is the official dialect for
learning in the Arabic world) received the gospel of Isa through
the apostles. Now if these two nations (which are undeniably the
very heartbeat of Islam) first received the gospel message
according to the renowned Al-Qurtubi, then what more is there to
Notice also that, nowhere does the Qur’an point out that it is
the Muslims who would prevail, but rather the Christians, the ones
Michel Alhassan Yahaya

who follow Jesus Christ they are the ones who will prevail at the
end of the age. It is worthy of note, Paul, an apostle who is often
ridiculed as the founder of Christianity instead of Jesus by some
uninformed Muslims, is also included in this list in Al-Qurtubi as
one who prevailed. Some Muslims try to debate that these Surahs
say that Islam would prevail, but no it does not. These Surahs do
not say that from the time of Muhammad the followers of God
would prevail—but rather it clearly states that from the time of
Jesus Christ, Christ’s followers would specifically be the ones to
prevail. Any attempt by Muslims to squeeze Islam into those
Surahs only corrupts that clear message from the Qur’an.


The greatest Love Story ever told is, when GOD left His lofty abode
in heaven and descended to earth, in the Person of His Son, to
redeem Mankind from the penalty of sin, by dying on the Cross.
The title of that story is “The Gospel” others refer to it as the “Good
News.” Certainly, this is News that is too Good to be true—no
wonder the human mind has grappled with it in the last two

This story was first entrusted to the Jew for safe keeping, until
the time was right for it to be handed over to the rest of the world
(through the Church). Ans so, we are living in such a time unlike
any other—where the return of the KING in that story is imminent.
The KING is coming, He is coming to judge both the living and the
dead. And the only way to escape His wrath is to simply believe as
the scripture say:

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that
everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have
eternal life. Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to
condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved
through him. Those who believe in him are not condemned; but

those who do not believe are condemned already, because they
have not believed in the name of the only Son of God.”
John 3:16–18 NRSV
In conclusion, we humbly end as thus, Isa (Jesus) is LORD—
because, His entrance into this world was purely divine to say the
least. His attributes and titles further prove His divinity. We would
humbly at this point entreat you dear reader to consider the
evidence before you with an open mind. Please set aside your
preconceptions and let the evidence minister grace to your heart.
Would you like to know this Isa (Jesus) and enjoy a really fulfilling
and rewarding life with Him? Then say this simple prayer after us:

“Dear Lord Isa (Jesus,)

I know the truth now; you are the truth.

You are the one who came down from heaven to die for me.

You rose from the dead on the third day for my justification.
This day I make you my LORD and my SAVIOUR.

Please come into my heart and stay with me.

Wash me with your PRECIOUS BLOOD and give me your HOLY

SPIRIT. I will serve you all the days of my life.

Thank you for saving me,”


Sahih Bukhari, vol.9, book 87, no. 145. Narrated by Kharija bin Zaid bin Thabit

Yusuf Ali, The Meaning of the Holy Qur’an, p. 1518, fn. 5365;

Sahih al-Bukhari 5675, Book 75, Hadith 36, English reference Vol. 7, Book 70,
Hadith 579.)

Beginning and End by Ibn Kathir, part 2, page 84, quoted in “Into the Den of
Infidels,” Chapter 8, pp. 105-115)

Bukhari-Anbiya, Bab44, tafsir sura 3, b.2 Muslim-Fadail, tradition 146, 147.)

Alam, Nuzul-e-Esa: Descension of Jesus Christ, p.37

Tafsir Ibn Kathir (Abridged), Volume 2, Parts 3, 4 and 5 (Surat Al-Baqarah,

Verse 253, to Surat An-Nisa, Verse 147), abridged by a group of scholars
under the supervision of Shaykh Safiur-Rahman Al-Mubarakpuri, Darussalam
Publishers and Distributors Riyadh, Houston, New York, Lahore; First
Edition: March 2000, p. 171.)

Tafsir, surah “As-Saf’at” by Al-Qurtubi: Translated into English by Dimitrius.


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