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In the article, “Why You Shouldn't Spank Your Child”, the author, By Adrian in November

25th, 2006 his first addressed about United Nations committees preferences. First, when the author
mention about "hitting people violates their fundamental right to respect dignity" explains that
children are human too they are still growing up. There are lots of way to behave your child such as
try to teach your child what discipline is when they misbehave rather than punishing them. Point out
their mistakes and make them take accountability for their actions. Let them know how to act in
particular circumstances, and constantly nudge them to abstain from those undesirable actions. This
way will make sure our physically and mentally stable to avoid punishing them by hitting them. They
have rights to get treated same as other humans. Corporal punishment as mention in the articles, are
prohibited to do to a child since it willhealthy development and welfare of children and their
societies, and an ineffective form of discipline or control says United Nations committees from a
summary of a UNESCO report dated 15 June 2005, Eliminating Corporal Punishment – The Way
Forward to Constructive Child Discipline.

Furthermore, author determination about spanking child is ineffective way because he stated
the possible consequences not bringing any good but more harm to the child. First, the author
mention the link from wikipedia about corporal punishment. Everyone knows that Wikipedia has
thousands research which everyone refers to, so that is valid that global initiative from wikipedia on
corporal punishment and from private sites such as or is valid about spanking child is irrelevant to do so. Moreover, a source of
study on physical punishment that lends support to the ethical position that emphasises how it
violates children's rights and has unfavourable effects.

Next, Child are the people who are full of emotional, rebellious, curiousness and tantrum.
Parents need to have enough knowledge and they are human that tend to make mistakes to raise
their own child but the article are more focus about the consequences instead of stating the
solutions and no opinion about how to treat your child correctly without corporal punishment.
Claims expressed Corporal punishment also not the only solutions too because

- not a long term solutions and shorter-term obedience

- Small slap, influenced further abused

- Negative relationship with parents

- Ruined physically and mentally growth ( physically - harm at the bodies such as bruises without
intention because spanking not mean to harm but only to feel the pain, doesn’t help them learn self-
control or social skills
(mentally - develop of traumas such as feeling of afraid to face their own parents, feels revenge
about what parents did to them, mental abuse and feelings of unloved.

- when the child started to be an adult they tend to violate their own spouse and child because of
emotional neglect abuse.

From the global initiative site claims that corporal punishments are needed in certain
situations that cannot be avoided but the author from the start of articles until the end emphasizes
that corporal punishment are prohibited even in any circumstances. First, the culture of corporal
punishment done widely even at school because the author mentions the teacher uses the method
for the same misbehaviour by the same child. Author also mentions that are also countries forbid
from corporal punishments justify there is no proof to support the claim that rebellious kids'
disturbance of homes or schools has grown. This verification shows that gentle parenting without
violence are the best ways to educate a child by enlighten them what is wrong instead of scolding
and use hands and other material to spank them.

Author believes a household that have the culture of spanking their own child, it worsen in
the future. The articles also mentioned that children are fragile and small. All of children's abdomen
also soft because they are in the middle of growing up that will cause from minor harm to serious
unanticipated harm. Sometimes parents tend to smack them because to acknowledge what is wrong
and right but for a child's brain which is still developing will get confused even though the parents
are trying to teach them. For instance, a child pursues a ball into the road while a truck is
approaching, completely oblivious to the danger. After running after them, the parent take each of
their arms and hurry to the sidewalk. Just now, the parent prevented your child from suffering an
injury or worse. Maybe the parent alarmed and perhaps even furious. Some adults become so highly
activated that they attack a child. In place of any abusive physical contact. Parents should express
their emotions, use clear language, and speak with a strong tone to convey the importance of the
behaviour. These are the means through which the parent might convey that their child must not run
into the street because they risk suffering serious injuries. There are other alternatives besides
beating them that can be used to handle the situation.

Last but not least, the author strongly support corporal punishments are useless and not bringing
any good to child development because the author questioning the reasons to punish someone. He
stated that punishment just to satisfy our own self out of anger and feel of satisfactions not to
educate them. But in other way, punishments are to punish someone who harm others. The author
strongly explains that corporal punishments only immediate prevention and give long term bad
effect in children's growth.

In conclusion, the author firmly believes that physical punishment is simply a way for adults to vent
their own emotions, and that it is unacceptable for teachers to beat a child with a material simply
because the student did not meet the teacher's expectations. The author final paragraph says that
the punishment only require to people who are deserve to be punish such as people who bring
harms to others until causes death

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