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You are on page 1of 2 ‘Tosa No.of Questions: 8 (Tote No. of Printed Pages: 4 OWN soe 8-402 (CBGS) B.Tech., 1V Semester Examination, May 2019 Choice Based Grading System (CBGS) Analysis Design of Algorithm Time: Three Hours ‘Maximum Marks: 70 Note: i) Attempt any five questions S le ert er EL 3 ii) Allquestions cary equal marks i sf ea 5 Ti EL g lin case of eny doubt or dispute the English version & ‘question should be treated as final. = eho ae vb arr ee FR te 5 Sener oie ae oem 1, 8) What is an asymptotic notations? Give the different notations to used to represent the complexity of algorithms. 1 asymptoic vert wer &? ete A oft = sae er oe ay we Fry eal RAT A 1b). Give the divide and conquer solution for binary serch and analyze its complexity Binary search 8 f€R divide and conquer went & afk. eee care Peat ai 8.402 (CBGS) (9% ro. utpveww toa’ ounjuondra, ‘woo atnfond aay » » csaneecnas) a Apply quick orto sor the following st. Are ag at tact fe quick sor eT 536,12, 85, 9, 46,18, 92, 30,28 65,72 How cane prove tha Statens mats mukipiaion isadvantagous ove orinarymatx mulpiaion? ee at ae ah 1 her At geT THE 8 sara Aa? What is Knapsack problem? How can we solve using Greedy approach? apsick 5 een 2a? BF realy approach Se arab bet eo ere RE? ‘Wt sgt for single source shortest pth and ind itscomplexiy? Single source shertest path Yr te BT ster a eg ‘Apply Kroskal’s and Prin’s algorith forth following ‘0? Wee theirtime completes Find he minima cost each ease. reer ae Kruskal fe Prin’ eA eT, ‘8S time cmplenities PARI eR AFA misma cost ae | com. utpyioww woo‘atnfond vay » » » 1 ‘What is multistage graph? Write down its properties? seched os ean 8? eee no Re ‘ite down the pseudocode fo Floyd Warshallalgcith, ‘Take one graph and apply this algoxdm to find all pair shortest path on it ahi sree cre 3 fig Ba he AT eT he te ee cet ere PT al pair shortest path 41 Write the recursive equation for O/1 Knapsack problem basod onthe prinsples of optimality. Explain itsexeetion ststegy. tp/hww-xapvoaline com err sre se ON Knapsack FE great eth gah rorgr rH TEAL Write a detailed note on Parallel Algorithms? wrt em eo Fe Ae Fr ‘Whatis backtracking? Explain 8 queen’s problem and how ‘can we solveitusing backtracking? Backtracking #41 €? 8 queen's een Ok A aT the err he ew Bk ee er 8 ‘Whats the meaning of Lower bound theaxy aa bow can ithe sed in solving algebraic problems? whore arse exh a er & te Te TI gaat a get are Be Roar ar eT son crcisy sa PTO. upyivoww toa’ ounjuond ra, ‘woo atnfond aay re by What ereB-ees? Write down its propertics? What isthe need for B ree? Whats the eight of aB ree of order? Bercesaan 8? Saya RB wees AT ST 8? Baa onder met Trg er 8? Weite short notes we ae Ra i) NP-Completeness ii) Tree Taversals iit) Hamiltonian cycle iv) Graph coloring problem @ cs.4o2,cBcs) bupyioww

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