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APPLICATION FORM www.theblueschoolwells.co.


Your Name: Martha Grist

Date of birth: 03/10/05

Tutor Group or
Strode College
current school:


Telephone: 07535496956 Email: Martha.grist@gmail.com

Suzie and Colin Grist

contact details
(if different from

Please provide a copy of your most recent report and list the grades you feel you will achieve in your final Y11 examinations.

Grade Grade

English Language Other -

English Literature Other -

Mathematics 4 Other -

Other - Other -

Other - Other -

Other - Other -

Please let us know if you have any career or other ambitions that may help to provide you with the best advice at interview.

Option choices: You may select one of two pathways: Single Options or a Full Vocational Course

Sixth Form Application Form. Page 1 of 2.

Pathway 1: single options
Most students study three single subjects. Occasionally, a student may choose a fourth. These subjects can be a combination
of A Level and vocational courses. The Prospectus contains detailed subject information.

Use the table below to circle the subjects you wish to take. You should aim to choose only one subject from each of the
provisional option columns below, but if there is a clash then please let us know.

Biology DT English Geography Art
Business Studies French Health & Social Care Health & Social Care Chemistry
(single) (triple) (single)
Maths Further Maths History Health & Social Care Drama
Maths Core (AS) History Music Maths Health & Social Care
PE (triple) IT PE (single) PE (triple) Psychology
Psychology Spanish PE (triple) Politics Textiles
RP Physics
*vocational courses

Please confirm your subject preferences below in order of preference. E.g. Your first choice in box 1 second in box 2 etc…
1. 2. 3. Reserve choice:

If there is a clash of subjects, please let us know here:

Please tick this box if you are interested in studying the Level 3 Certificate in Maths (Core Maths) in addition to your
choices above (see Prospectus for details).

Pathway 2: Full vocational course

Health & Social Care and PE Sport are each equivalent to 3 A levels and each count as three choices.

Main subject Plus any additional subject (this is optional)

Health & Social Care Any subject from those listed in Option Columns B, E or F
Sport Any subject from those listed in Option Columns A, B or F

Please confirm your choices below:

Main subject: Optional additional subject(s):

Health and Social Care

At the present time, Business Studies is offered only as a single subject. If there is enough interest in the triple course we will
run it. If you wish to study triple Business Studies, please make it clear in the box above.

Please note the courses offered above are provisional at this stage and are subject to change depending on take-up. If a clash
of subjects exists, please let us know so that we may try to resolve it. Your final offer will be confirmed after interview.

Thank you for your interest in our Sixth Form. Please return the completed form to the school’s reception or via email to:

Sixth Form Application Form. Page 2 of 2.

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