Livro 2 - 005 - Only Men Pay Taxes

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10/17/2020 Research finds that as a group, only men pay taxes | Motorist oppression

Motorist oppression

Just another Robert Whiston weblog

Research finds that as a group, only men pay taxes

NOVEMBER 3, 2016
by rwhiston

Research finds that as a group, only men are nett tax

payers (something many of us knew 30 years ago)

(Research by Nicolas Kilsdonk-Gervais, October 14, 2016) – fowarded by George Piskor (Canada)

This new article by Nicolas Kilsdonk-Gervais and based on New Zealand findings [1] serves to reiterate the
basic fact that women cost the state far more than men and what they pay in taxes is far less than they claim
back in benefits and subsidies d schemers. Since the 1990s British and American statistics have shown that
women, as a category, cost far more than they contribute, contribute less than men, and need far more subsidies
than men.

The Kilsdonk-Gervais article is a summary of a far larger in depth analysis by both New Zealand Treasury
officials and academics (eg Omar Aziz – Treasury; Norman Gemmell – Victoria University of Wellington),
entitled “ The Distribution of Income and Fiscal Incidence by Age and Gender: Some Evidence from New
Zealand.” Published on April 30, 2013 it utilises data from the New Zealand ‘Household Expenditure Survey’
(HES) for 2010. It also includes a breakdown by age and gender of the dimensions of income distribution and
fiscal incidence (how much each category pays and claims).

Legions of feminists will ferociously advocate ”Smash the patriarchy!” As they cha er among
themselves at feel-good Internet rallies comfortably cocooned by their ‘group think’ they call for the end
of the male supremacy in all spheres of life. Yet, few of them are aware, let alone acknowledge the fact,
that one of these supposed spheres of male supremacy, government (yes, the very institution that grants
them their rights and privileges), is entirely supported by male taxpayers.

Economically, women cost more to the state than they benefit. Put another way, the government (or
men) is literally paying women to be alive. Strong independent women are only that way because the state
is transferring money from men to them. Feminists are not seriously against being dependent on men,
they are just against men having the full control over their money. 1/4
10/17/2020 Research finds that as a group, only men pay taxes | Motorist oppression

If you want to explore the intricacies, click on h p://

(h p:// to see the New Zealand data

The real gender gap: the tax gap

While the 77¢ for a dollar wage gap has been under the spotlight for the past years, the 200¢ for a dollar tax
gap has, to my knowledge never been mentioned, at least not by our supreme feminist leaders Barack
Obama and Justin Trudeau. A quick glimpse at the data (Fig 5 below) reveals a massive difference in
taxes paid by men and women.

(h ps://

The first thing that comes to mind is that half of women might be at home raising kids. However, the
workforce participation rate gap between men and women doesn’t seem to exceed 10% in either age
group. (see figure 4 in source)

The second thing that may come to mind as a confounding factor is that women spend more for children
in education and health. Nope. No support for that either. Men and women spend approximately the
same amount in both education and health (see figure 10 and 11 of the source).

In nearly all age groups, women receive more tax (by way of
subsidy or benefits) than they give.

With the exception of the age group between 45-59 (a 15 year span) years old, women cost more to the
state than the tax they provide. In contrast, men generate more tax revenue than they cost between 23
and 65 (a 43 year span). In the brief period in which women generate more or as much tax money than 2/4
10/17/2020 Research finds that as a group, only men pay taxes | Motorist oppression

they consume, men out-score them by at least 3 times.

.jpg)By the end
of her life, the
average woman
will have a
negative fiscal
impact of
$150,000 (see
Fig 17 below).

By in large, the cumulative tax money given to women outweighs the tax money generated by women.
The short period of positive impact of women between 45 and 59 is countered by 65 other years in which
their allocated tax expenditure is more than what they supply the state

Men, on the other hand, appear to have a positive cumulative net fiscal impact from approximately 40
until 80 years of age (see Fig 17 below). For these particular taxes and public expenditures, the net fiscal
incidence on men is approximately zero when cumulated over all ages. (p. 22)

Overall, the research suggests that male taxpayers are the only ones to ever have a positive contribution
in taxes. Based on Figure 17, the closest that the average woman will come to having a positive fiscal
incidence is when she is at minus $50,000 around 55 years of age. While feminists are demonizing men
for benefiting from all liberties and rights they have constructed, they have oddly remained silent over
the fact that anonymous male tax payers are paying women to exist. Read that sentence again.

(h ps:// fact that feminists want a

stronger government is not a coincidence. While historically, women had to choose a wealthy husband
for resources, they can now stay single, be lesbians, marry a poor man, or use the sperm bank, and the
state will still transfer male taxes to them. Interestingly, within 10 years of women’s suffrage, the
government doubled their tax revenue and expenditure in the USA. The government has somehow
become the new providing husband, by taking money from anonymous men who have no say about
their money. While women are still strongly financially dependent on men, men are simply unable to
use the money they make for their own interests.

These findings show just how simplistic the notion of privilege is. While men make more on average, it
allows women to have access to education, health, and services. The patriarchy is pre y generous after
all. 3/4
10/17/2020 Research finds that as a group, only men pay taxes | Motorist oppression

Postscript; However
with the advent of
Tromp as the next US
President, is rampant
political correctnesss
about to be relegated to
the back seat and will
all this largesse finally
come to an end ?



[1] “The Distribution of Income and Fiscal Incidence by Age and Gender: Some Evidence from New
Zealand.” Published April 30th 2013 h p://
(h p://

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