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Unit -3
Eigen Value & Eigen Vector (Sheet 2)
5. Let A be a ( m × n ) matrix and B be a ( n × m )
1 + x 2 7 11  matrix over real numbers with m < n. Then.
  (a)AB is always nonsingular
the matrix A ( x )  3 x
1. Consider= 2 x 4  ; x ∈ ,
(b) AB is always singular
 8x 17 13 
  (c) BA is always nonsingular
then (NET JUNE 2017) (d) BA is always singular (Net june 2018)
6. If A is a ( 2 × 2 ) matrix over  with
(a) A ( x ) has eigen value 0 for some x ∈  Det ( A + I ) =1 + Det ( A ) , then we can conclude
(b) 0 is not an eigen value of A ( x ) for any x ∈ 
(a) Det ( A ) = 0 (b) A = 0
(c) A ( x ) has eigen value 0 for all x ∈ 
(c) Tr ( A ) = 0 (d)A is nonsingular
(d) A ( x ) is invertible for every x ∈  (Net June 2018)

2.Let A be a real symmetric matrix and B= I + iA, 2 1 0 


where i 2 = −1. then,  

7. The trace of the matrix  0 2 0  is.
(a) B is invertible if and only if A is invertible 0 0 3
 
(b) all eigenvalues of B are necessarily real
(c) B- I is necessarily invertible (a) 7 20
(b) 220 + 320
(d) B is necessarily invertible (Net Dec. 2017) (c) 2 ⋅ 220 + 320 (d) 220 + 320 + 1
(Net June 2018)
 a b
3. Let M= = A   a, b, c, d ∈  and the
 c d  8. Let A ∈ M 3 ( R ) be such that A8 = I 3×3 Then
eigenvalues of A are in } . Then (Net June 2018)
(a)M is empty (a)minimal polynomial of A can only be of degree
 a b   2
= (b) M   a , b, c , d ∈   (b)minimal polynomial of A can only be of degree
 c d  
(c)If A ∈ M then the eigenvalues of A are in  (c) either A = I 3×3 or A = − I 3×3
(d) If A, B ∈ M are such that AB = I then det
(d) there are uncountably many A satisfying the
A∈ {+1, −1} (Net Dec.2017) above
4. Let A be a 3X3 matrix with real entries Identify the
correct statements 9. Let A be an n × n matrix (with n>1)satisfying
(a)A is necessarily diagonalizable over  A2 − 7 A + 12 I n×n =0n×n , where I n×n and 0n×n
(b) If A has distinct real eigenvalues then it is denote the identity matrix and zero matrix of order
diagonalizable over  n respectively. They which of the following
(c) If A has distinct eigenvalues then it is statements are true? (Net June 2018)
diagonalizable over  (a) A is invertible
(d) If all eigenvalues of A are non zero then it is
(b) t 2 − 7t + 12n = 0 where t = Tr ( A )
diagonalizable over  . (Net Dec.2017)

Dr. Ashutosh Sharma 1|Page

Dr. Onkar Singh Bhati
Innovative Institute of Mathematics, Ground Floor Krishna Tower, Gopalpura Mod, Near Big Bazaar, Jaipur (Raj.)
Mob. : 7792988108, 8696149555
0 where d = Det ( A )
(c) d 2 − 7 d + 12 = 3 3 4 3
(a)   (b)  
(d) λ − 7λ + 12 =
0 where λ is an eigenvalue of A 2 4 2 3
10. Let A be an n × m complex matrix. Assume that A
3 2 2 3
is self adjoint and let B denotes the inverse of (c)   (d)  
A + iI n Then all eigen values of ( A − iI n ) B are:- 4 3 3 4
(Net June 2019)
Net Dec. 2018
(a)purely imaginary
(b) of modulus one 14. Let M n (  ) be the ring of n × n matrices over .
(c)real Which of the following are true for every n ≥ 2?
(d) of modulus than one (a)there exist matrices A, B ∈ M n (  ) such that
1 − 1 1 
  AB − BA = I n , where I n denotes the identity
11. Let M = 2 1 4 Given that 1 is an
  n × n matrix.
 −2 1 − 4  (b)If A, B ∈ M n (  ) and AB = BA, then A is
eigenvalue of M then which among the following are diagonalizable over  if and only if B is
correct? diagonalizable over . 
(a)The minimal poly nominal of M is
(c)If A, B ∈ M n (  ) , then AB and BA have the
( X − 1)( X + 4 ) same minimal polynomial .
(b) The minimal poly nominal of M is (d)If A, B ∈∈ M n (  ) , then AB and BA have
( X − 1) ( X + 4 )
the same eigenvalues in . (Net June 2019)
(c) M is not diagonalizable.
1  0 1
(d) =
M −1
( M + 3I ) Net Dec. 2018 15. Consider the matrix A =   over the field 
4 1 0 
12. Let A be a real matrix with characteristic poly of rationals. Which of the following matrices are of
nominal ( X − 1) . Pick the correct statement
the form P t AP for a suitable 2 × 2 invertible
from below:- matrix P over  ? Here P t denotes the transpose
(a)A is necessarily diagonalizable of P.
Net Dec. 2018  2 0  2 0
(a)   (b)  
(b) If the minimal polynomial of A is ( X − 1) then
0 − 2 0 2
A is diagonalizable 1 0  3 4
(c)   (d)  
(c) Characteristic polynomial of A is ( X − 1)
2 3
 0 − 1  4 5
(d) If A has exactly two Jordan blocks, then (Net June 2019)
(A− I) 16. Which of the following matrices is not
. is diagonalizable.
diagonalizable over  ?
2 0 1
13. Let PA ( x ) denote the characteristic polynomial of   1 1
(a)  0 3 0  (b)  
a matrix A. Then for which of the following 0 0 2  1 1
matrices, PA ( x ) − PA−1 ( x ) is a constant?  

Dr. Ashutosh Sharma 2|Page

Dr. Onkar Singh Bhati
Innovative Institute of Mathematics, Ground Floor Krishna Tower, Gopalpura Mod, Near Big Bazaar, Jaipur (Raj.)
Mob. : 7792988108, 8696149555
2 1 0  (NET Dec.2019 (II)
   1 − 1 20. Let A be a 3 × 3 matrix over  . Let w = e 2π i /3
(c)  0 3 0  (d)  
 0 0 3 2 4  which of the following are true?
 
(a)If A3 = I , then the eigenvalues of A are 1, w, w
(Net June 2019)

17. Let A ∈ M 3 (  ) and let (b) If A3 = I then every eigenvalues of A is in the

X { }
C ∈ GL3 (  ) CAC −1is triangular .Then
set 1, w, w
(a) X ≠ φ (c) If the eigenvalues of A are 1, w, w then A3 = I

(b) If X = φ , then A is not diagonalizable over

 {
(d) If every eigenvalue of A is in the set 1, w, w
(c) If X = φ , then A is diagonalizable over  then A3 = I NET Dec. 2019(II)
(d)If X = φ , then A has no real eigenvalues.
(NET Dec, 2019) 21. Which of the following matrices are diagonalizable
18. Which of the following is the Jordan canonical over  ?

1 1 1
  1 0 1  1 0 1 
form of 1 1 1 over  ?    
  (a) 0 1 0 (b) 0 0 1
1 1 1    
0 0 1 0 − 1 1

0 0 0  0 1 0 

(a) 0 0 0
 
(b) 0 0 0
 1 1 0  0 0 1
    
(c) 0 2 0
 
(d) 0 1 0

0 0 3  0 0 3     
0 0 1  1 0 0 

(NET Dec. 2019 (II))

1 0 0  0 1 0 
   
(c) 0 1 0
  (d) 0 0 1
  22. Let A be an n × n matrix such that the set of all its
0 0 1  0 0 3  nonzero eigenvalues has exactly r elements.
Which of the following statements is true?
(NET Dec.2019 (II)

19. Let A and B be invertible n × n matrices with (a) rank A ≤ r

entries in  such that AB is diagonalizable with (b) if r = 0 , then rank A < n − 1
(c) rank A ≥ r
eigenvalues λ1...., λn which of the following is NOT
(d) A2 has r distinct nonzero eigenvalues
always true? (NET Dec. 2020 )
(a) BA is invertible
(b) BA is diagonalizable
(c) BA=AB
(d) Eigenvalues of BA are λ1 ,....λn

Dr. Ashutosh Sharma 3|Page

Dr. Onkar Singh Bhati
Innovative Institute of Mathematics, Ground Floor Krishna Tower, Gopalpura Mod, Near Big Bazaar, Jaipur (Raj.)
Mob. : 7792988108, 8696149555
23. Let A and B be n × n real matrices and let (c) One of the eigenvalues of A is 10
 A B (d) None of the real eigenvalues of A exceeds 51
C =  . which of the following statements (NET Dec. 2020 P-2)
 B A
are true ?
(a) if λ is an eigenvalue of A + B then λ is an
27. Let M ∈ M n (  ) with M ≠ 0, I n but M 2 = M .
eigenvalue of C
(b) if λ is an eigenvalue of A − B then λ is an Which of the following statements are true?
eigenvalue of C (a) Null ( M ) is the eigenspace of M
(c) if λ is an eigenvalue of A or B then λ is an
eigenvalue of C corresponding to the eigenvalue 0
(d) all eigenvalues of C are real (NET Dec. 2020) (b) Let x ∈Col ( M ) with x ≠ 0 . Then x is an
eigenvector of M corresponding to the
24. Let P be a square matrix such that P 2 = P . eigenvalue 1
Which of the following statements are true?
(a) Trace of P is an irrational number (c) Let x ∈ Null ( M ) . Then x is an eigenvector
(b) Trace of P = rank of P of M corresponding to the eigenvalue 1
(c) Trace of P is an integer (d)  n Col ( M ) + Null ( M )
(d) Trace of P is an imaginary complex number
(NET Dec. 2020 P-2)
(NET Dec. 2020)
25. Let v ∈ 3 be a non – zero vector. Define a linear 28. Let A be a 3 × 3 nilpotent matrix Which of the
transformation T :  →  by
3 3 following statements are necessarily true?
x⋅v (a) ( I + A ) =
I for some n > 0 where I is the
T ( x )= x − 2 v, where x ⋅ y denotes the
v⋅v identity matrix
standard inner product in 3 . Which of the (b) The column space of A is {0}
following statements are true?
(c) The eigenvalues of A are roots of 1
(a) if λ is an eigenvalue of A + B then λ is an
(d) A3 is diagonalizable
eigenvalue of C
(NET Dec. 2020 P-2)
(b) if λ is an eigenvalue of A − B then λ is an
eigenvalue of C
(c) if λ is an eigenvalue of A or B then λ is an
eigenvalue of C
(d) all eigenvalues of C are real
(NET Dec. 2020)

( )
26. A 100 × 100 matrix A = ai , j is such that ai , j = i

101 and ai , j = 0 otherwise. Which of the

If i + j =
following statements are true about A ?
(a) A is similar to a diagonal matrix over 

(b) A is not similar to a diagonal matrix over 

Dr. Ashutosh Sharma 4|Page

Dr. Onkar Singh Bhati
Innovative Institute of Mathematics, Ground Floor Krishna Tower, Gopalpura Mod, Near Big Bazaar, Jaipur (Raj.)
Mob. : 7792988108, 8696149555


1. A 11. B,C 21. B,C,D

2. D 12. C, D 22. C
3. C,D 13. C 23.A,B,D
4. B,C 14. D 24.B,C
5. D 15. A,C,D 25.B,C,D
6. C 16. A
7. C 17. C
8. D 18. A
9. A,D 19.C
10. B 20.B,C

Dr. Ashutosh Sharma 5|Page

Dr. Onkar Singh Bhati
Innovative Institute of Mathematics, Ground Floor Krishna Tower, Gopalpura Mod, Near Big Bazaar, Jaipur (Raj.)
Mob. : 7792988108, 8696149555

Dr. Ashutosh Sharma 6|Page

Dr. Onkar Singh Bhati
Innovative Institute of Mathematics, Ground Floor Krishna Tower, Gopalpura Mod, Near Big Bazaar, Jaipur (Raj.)
Mob. : 7792988108, 8696149555

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