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Nama : Zilva Mardadila Ililirugun

Kelas : XI-1


Covid-19 Vaccine for the Elderly

Vaccination for COVID-19 is very important for the elderly because the elderly group is more
susceptible to Corona virus infection. The presence of comorbidities and weakening physical
conditions make it more difficult for the elderly to fight off infections, including COVID-19.
That is why the elderly are a priority to receive this vaccine.
The COVID-19 vaccine that is already available and has begun to be distributed in Indonesia is
the CoronaVac vaccine from Sinovac. The POM has also issued a permit for the Sinovac vaccine
to be used in the elderly.
This permit was issued by the BPOM because the Sinovac vaccine has completed clinical trials
involving ± 400 healthy elderly people (over 60 years of age). The vaccine is given 2 times with
an interval of 28 days.

Healthy elderly in question are elderly people who have never been infected with the Corona
virus, are not in a cold or flu state, do not have vaccine allergies, and have no contact with people
infected with the Corona virus.
The COVID-19 vaccination for the elderly will start with health workers (health workers) over
60 years old, then continue with vaccination for the elderly who are not health workers (non-
health workers).

The following are the stages of the COVID-19 vaccine process:

1) Prospective recipients of the COVID-19 vaccine will receive an SMS to undergo
vaccination from the government through the PEDULI COVID number.
2) Prospective recipients of the COVID-19 vaccine will be directed to re-register
electronically. If the elderly vaccine candidate does not have a cell phone, their data will
be collected by local officials.
3) The elderly will be given the COVID-19 vaccine 2 times with an interval of 28 days. The
provision of two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine is intended so that immunity against the
Corona virus can be maximized.
4) The COVID-19 vaccine is expected to be a solution to stop the chain of spread of the
Corona virus in Indonesia, especially for people who are at high risk of experiencing
serious illness or death from this virus, such as the elderly.
Even though the BPOM has issued a permit to administer the Sinovac vaccine to the elderly, we
all still need to comply with health protocols to prevent transmission of COVID-19, such as
wearing masks, maintaining distance, and washing hands with soap and running water.

Hortatory text structure:

Vaccination for COVID-19 is very important for the elderly because the elderly group is more
susceptible to Corona virus infection. The presence of comorbidities and weakening physical
conditions make it more difficult for the elderly to fight off infections, including COVID-19.

The COVID-19 vaccine that is already available and has begun to be distributed in Indonesia is
the CoronaVac vaccine from Sinovac. The POM has also issued a permit for the Sinovac vaccine
to be used in the elderly.
This permit was issued by the BPOM because the Sinovac vaccine has completed clinical trials
involving ± 400 healthy elderly people (over 60 years of age). The vaccine is given 2 times with
an interval of 28 days.
Healthy elderly in question are elderly people who have never been infected with the Corona
virus, are not in a cold or flu state, do not have vaccine allergies, and have no contact with people
infected with the Corona virus.

The COVID-19 vaccine is expected to be a solution to stop the chain of spread of the Corona
virus in Indonesia, especially for people who are at high risk of experiencing serious illness or
death from this virus, such as the elderly.
Even though the BPOM has issued a permit to administer the Sinovac vaccine to the elderly, we
all still need to comply with health protocols to prevent transmission of COVID-19.

Nama : Zilva Mardadila Ililirugun
Kelas : XI-1

Implementing Health Protocols in the midst of Pandemic
People are starting to abandon the habit of wearing masks and keeping their distance amid the
pandemic that has been going on for nearly nine months. Is it okay to ignore the health
The answer is absolutely no. We should keep obeying the health protocols because the pandemic
is not over yet.
In the early pandemic, most of the people are discipline in obeying the health protocols such as
wearing mask, washing hands, and keeping a distance. These days, there is a pandemic fatigue
where people are tired of being restricted for months in this pandemic. However, this
cannot be a reason for us to ignore the health protocols. It is because there is no cure yet which to
combat the ferocity of the coronavirus. The most important thing that we can do is stick to health
protocols so that we can break the chain of virus spread.
In addition, CDC or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends us to wear mask
since it can prevent us from getting or spreading the virus. Recommendation Therefore, we need
to continue to protect ourselves from exposure to the virus for the good of ourselves and others.
To overcome fatigue in the midst of a pandemic, we can try to keep in touch with the people
to us so that we do not feel bored. We should remember that everyone can be exposed to viruses
and vaccines still cannot be used, so it is important to always implement health protocols,
especially when there is an urgent matter that requires us to leave the house

The advantange of online learning
Why should You Choose to Learn English Online? There are several kinds of learning English.
You can learn English Offline by going to school, private course, or intensive English training. I
personally like learn English Online. Why do I say that Online learning is advantageous? Here
are some reasons.
Firstly, learning English online can save Time and money. Scheduling and implementing online
learning is much less time. You do not need to waste time in commuting. Due to time
defectiveness, it also save money.
Second reason, learning English online has flexibility. You can access online learning
opportunities anytime and any place. What you need is only accessing to the Internet. It can be
done from the comfort of your own home and even during holiday breaks.
Third reason, learning English online brings the skill into the life. What you have done, you can
use it during online activities such as surfing some information, writing a correspondence, or just
chat with foreigner friends.
The last reason, online learning is create excitement. The interactivity and multimedia makes
learning more engaging and fun! Because you feel fun, you will make great progress.

Those are some reason why learning English is a good way to choose. Now how to find the best
online learning service? Here are some recommendations you should thinks before you take it.
1. Just choose Online English courses that work
2. Find Online English courses that are Simple
3. Buy Online English courses from a reliable organization

Read two text above and compare some points here before english class. we wil have
discussion section today
1. Explain the purpose of both text
2. Determine generic structure of both texts
3. Determine main idea for each paragraph
4. Find out the languange features use in both text. You may coloring or underlying.

Answer :
1. Explain the purpose of both text
Text 1:
People are strating to abandon the habit of wearing mask and keep their distance
Text 2:
The advantage of learning english online

2. Determine generic structure of both texts

Text 1:
People are starting to abandon the habit of wearing masks and keeping their distance amid the
pandemic that has been going on for nearly nine months. We should keep obeying the health
protocols because the pandemic is not over yet. In the early pandemic, most of the people are
discipline in obeying the health protocols such as
wearing mask, washing hands, and keeping a distance. These days, there is a pandemic fatigue
where people are tired of being restricted for months in this pandemic.
To overcome fatigue in the midst of a pandemic, we can try to keep in touch with the people
closest to us so that we do not feel bored.

Text 2:

There are several kinds of learning English.

You can learn English Offline by going to school, private course, or intensive English training. I
personally like learn English Online.
Firstly, learning English online can save Time and money. Scheduling and implementing online
learning is much less time.
Learning English online has flexibility. You can access online learning
opportunities anytime and any place. What you need is only accessing to the Internet.
Learning English online brings the skill into the life. What you have done, you can
use it during online activities such as surfing some information, writing a correspondence, or just
chat with foreigner friends. And online learning is create excitement.
3. Determine main idea for each paragraph

Text 1:
Paragraph 1.
We should keep obeying the health protocols because the pandemic is not over yet.
Paragraph 2.
The must important thing that we can do is stick to health protocols so that we can break the
chain og virus spread.
Paragraph 3.
We need to continue to protect ourselve form exposure to the virus for the good of ourselve abd

Text 2:
Paragraph 1.
Why do i say that online learning is advantageous.
Paragraph 2.
Firstly,learning english online can save time and money.
Paragraph 3.
Second,learning english online has flexibility.
Paragraph 4.
Third,learning english online brings the skill into the life.
Paragraph 5.
The last reason,online learning is create excitement.
Paragraph 6.
Those ara some reason why learning online is a good way to choose

4. Find out the languange features use in both text. You may coloring or underlying.

 Using simple preent tense

 Action verb
 Modal verb
 Passive voice

NAMA : Zilva Mardadila Ililirugun
A. Put the following paragraphs in the correct order to make a good text.
Considering the findings, schools should implement uniforms as their identity. The government
should also publish some kinds of rules which make uniforms compulsory for school.
Secondly, uniforms help create a strong sense of school ethos and a sense of belonging to a
particular community, as such uniforms promote dicipline and help to drive up academic
School uniforms are special clothes worn by all students of a particular school. The uniforms of a
school may differ from the ones of the others. Are school uniforms important? Below are some
reasons about their importance.
Finally, a uniform acts as a social leveler, under whish all students are equal in the eyes of the
school and of each other. In institution without uniforms, students are often competitive and
worry endlessly about their appearance and the clothes they should wear. Pupils without
expensivly designed clothes and trainers may bw singled out as social outcasts, or considered as
being from poor backgrounds. For these reasons, manu parents prefer uniforms as they could
save their money on buying clothes for school wear.
First of all, Notre Dame’s Departement of Sociology produced a study in 1998 concerning
school uniforms. Their findings using 10th grade students showed that uniforms have no direct
effect on “substance abuse, behavior problems or attendance”.


Answer the Following questions!

1. What is relationship between school uniform and academic standards?
2. Why should students wear uniform?
3. What happen to students institution without uniform?
4. What is the writer recommendation?

Answer :
1. Uniforms help create a strong sense of school ethos and a sense of belonging to a
particular community, as such uniforms promote dicipline and help to drive up academic

2. School uniforms are special clothes worn by all students of a particular school. The
uniforms of a school may differ from the ones of the others. a uniform acts as a social

3. In institution without uniforms, students are often competitive and worry endlessly about
their appearance and the clothes they should wear.

4. Pupils without expensivly designed clothes and trainers may bw singled out as social
outcasts, or considered as being from poor backgrounds. For these reasons, manu parents
prefer uniforms as they could save their money on buying clothes for school wear.





Dustbins are needed to improve comfort and cleanliness at school. however, many schools have only
few dustbins.

When you look at classrooms, school coridor, and school yard, there are paper, mineral water bottles,
napkin, straws and tissues everywhere. of course this condition is not good for the enviroment. the litter
can be fill out with water coming from the rain. further, this can be used by mosquitoes to spread out.

Anyway, i notice that most students are also lack of responsibilities for the cleaness of their school
enviroment. they do not litter in the prepared place, not willing to litter in the dustbin. to make it worst,
the number of the dustbin at school is not enough.

Ideally, more dusk been should be put beside the staircases at schools, outside classrooms and some on
the coridors. when your school is equip with the sufficient dustbin, student don't have problem of this
conform anymore. probably, one dustbin should be put in every ten meters. therefore, when students
want to throw away their litter, they can find one easily. so, provide more dustins and your school will
be very clean. your school will become a very nice place to study.


State whether the following statement are true or false based on the text!

1. The text is about providing more dustbins in parks (false)

2. The litters can mean to provide mosquitoes places to spread out (true)

3. It will be better to put more dustbin beside the staircases and along the coridors (true)

4. According to the text, one dustbin should be provided in every five meters (false)

5. Providing more dustbin will make a school discomfortable (false)

Nama : Zilva Mardadila Ililirugun
Kelas : XI-1

Riana is accepted as a student in the university of Indonesia. That's why, she must live in Jakarta.
Living in a big city, like Jakarta, cost much. Therefore, she ... (Had better/had better not)

Bring enough money to survive for the first month. Then, she ... (Should/should to) get a job to
find some extra finance since she comes from a middle-end family. However, her time for
working ... (Should/should not) surpass her time for studying.

As mentioned before, Jakarta is a big city. She ... (Had better/had better not) be careful because
there are many crimes. She ... (Ought to/ought not to) bring a mobile phone too, just in case she
needs to call anyone.

Answer :

1. Had better
2. Should
3. Should not
4. Had better
5. Ought to

Riana is accepted as a student in the university of Indonesia. That's why, she must live in Jakarta.
Living in a big city, like Jakarta, cost much. Therefore, she had better
Bring enough money to survive for the first month. Then, she should get a job to find some extra
finance since she comes from a middle-end family. However, her time for working should not
surpass her time for studying.
As mentioned before, Jakarta is a big city. She had better be careful because there are many
crimes. She ought to bring a mobile phone too, just in case she needs to call anyone.

Implementing Health Protocols in the midst of Pandemic
People are starting to abandon the habit of wearing masks and keeping their distance amid the
pandemic that has been going on for nearly nine months. Is it okay to ignore the health
The answer is absolutely no. We should keep obeying the health protocols because the pandemic
is not over yet.
In the early pandemic, most of the people are discipline in obeying the health protocols such as
wearing mask, washing hands, and keeping a distance. These days, there is a pandemic fatigue
where people are tired of being restricted for months in this pandemic. However, this
cannot be a reason for us to ignore the health protocols. It is because there is no cure yet which to
combat the ferocity of the coronavirus. The most important thing that we can do is stick to health
protocols so that we can break the chain of virus spread.
In addition, CDC or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends us to wear mask
since it can prevent us from getting or spreading the virus. Recommendation Therefore, we need
to continue to protect ourselves from exposure to the virus for the good of ourselves and others.
To overcome fatigue in the midst of a pandemic, we can try to keep in touch with the people
to us so that we do not feel bored. We should remember that everyone can be exposed to viruses
and vaccines still cannot be used, so it is important to always implement health protocols,
especially when there is an urgent matter that requires us to leave the house.

The advantange of online learning
Why should You Choose to Learn English Online? There are several kinds of learning English.
You can learn English Offline by going to school, private course, or intensive English training. I
personally like learn English Online. Why do I say that Online learning is advantageous? Here
Firstly, learning English online can save Time and money. Scheduling and implementing online
learning is much less time. You do not need to waste time in commuting. Due to time
defectiveness, it also save money.
Second reason, learning English online has flexibility. You can access online learning
opportunities anytime and any place. What you need is only accessing to the Internet. It can be
done from the comfort of your own home and even during holiday breaks.
Third reason, learning English online brings the skill into the life. What you have done, you can
use it during online activities such as surfing some information, writing a correspondence, or just
chat with foreigner friends.
The last reason, online learning is create excitement. The interactivity and multimedia makes
learning more engaging and fun! Because you feel fun, you will make great progress.
Those are some reason why learning English is a good way to choose. Now how to find the best
online learning service? Here are some recommendations you should thinks before you take it.
1. Just choose Online English courses that work
2. Find Online English courses that are Simple
3. Buy Online English courses from a reliable organization

ENGLISH TASK (Procedure Text Rice Cooker)

Nama: Zilva Mardadila Ililirugun
Kelas : XI-1

1. From the next we know that the water that we pour should be measure by?
2. Why do we need to soak the rice when we want to cook it?
3. How do we be on the rice cooker?
Answer :
1. We know, to measure water when cooking rice in a rice cooker you can use a measuring
cup, you can also use a human finger to measure, and there is also a measure in the rice
cooker container.
And when cooking rice, we can adjust our tastes when cooking rice and add water.

2. Soaking rice will make it absorb more water, speed up cooking time, make it soft when it's
cooked, and make rice easier to digest, and reduce levels of arsenic and phytic acid in rice
which are toxic to the body.

3. Rice cooker can be used to cook rice. the way that is:

 Measure the rice with a measuring cup, and place it in your rice cooker pot.
 Wash the rice until it is completely clean
 Measure enough water
 Soak the rice for thirty minutes if desired, if necessary
 Add flavor (to taste), if necessary
 Put the rice grains stuck to the wall of the pot into the water so that all the rice is
completely submerged, so you don't want to spill it out.
 Check your rice cooker for turning on special options or settings.
 Cook rice in a rice cooker
 Leave the rice for 10-15 minutes before opening the lid of the rice cooker (optional).
 Stir the rice so it doesn't get thick and lumpy, and it's ready to serve.

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